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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Clenil Forte is a medicine that contains beclometasone dipropionate, an active substance belonging to the cortisone group, that reduces swelling and inflammation in the airways.Clenil Forte is used to prevent breathing difficulties due to narrowing of the bronchi (bronchostenosis) and asthma, but does not act immediately and is not used to stop an asthma attack that has already started. In this case, it necessary to use a fast-acting bronchodilator, your “reliever inhaler”, which you must carry with you at all times. Be careful not to confuse the two medicines.

Do not take Clenil Forte if:if you are allergic (hypersensitive) to beclometasone dipropionate or any of the other ingredients of this medicine (listed in section 6) or to any other medicines containing cortisone;are having an asthma attack.Take special care with Clenil Forteand tell your doctor:Clenil Forte :if you are being treated with cortisone medicines; if you have lung disease such as those caused by dust inhalation and irreversible dilation of the bronchi, because in these cases fungal (mycotic) infections are facilitated.if you have lung disease. Treatment with cortisone medicines can mask some symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis and other conditions of the respiratory tract due to bacteria, viruses or fungi. Pulmonary tuberculosis can also be reactivated following (re)introduction of inhaled cortisone medicines

if during therapy with Clenil Forte your asthma does not improve or gets worse or you have more difficulty breathing. For example, if you need to use your “reliever inhaler” more frequently orthis does not improve your symptoms;if you are changing from treatment with cortisone medicines by systemic therapy (for example, tablets) to inhalation therapy. Initially, your doctor will tell you to take both therapies and, after a week, he will start to gradually reduce the systemic cortisone medicine; if you are going through periods of stress (because of lung infections, serious diseases, surgery, traumas, etc.) or if a serious asthma attack arises, because additional treatment with a systemic cortisone medicine may be necessary; this is particularly important if you have stopped treatment with oral cortisone medicines or if you have a change in adrenal gland function;if during discontinuation of treatment with a systemic cortisone medicine, youdo not feel very well even if your breathing condition is improving: DO NOT STOP treatment with Clenil Forte if during replacement of treatment based on systemic cortisone medicines with inhalation therapy you notice allergies such as inflammation of thenose (rhinitis) or eczema


Children and adolescentsThis medicine is not suitable for paediatric use. Clenil Forte Taking other medicinesTell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines, including medicines obtained without a prescription.This is particularly important if you are using systemic (for example, tablets) or nasal medicines that contain cortisone, because thiscould increase the risk of a change in adrenal gland function (adrenal suppression).Since Clenil Forte contains a small amount of alcohol, it is particularly important that you tell your doctor if you are taking:disulfiram (used in alcoholism);metronidazole (used in infections).Pregnancy and breast-feedingIf you are pregnant or breast-feeding, think you may be pregnant or are planning to have a baby, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking this medicine.In pregnant and/or breast-feeding women, the product should be given only if really necessary and under the direct supervision of a doctor.Driving and using machinesClenil Forte does not affect the ability to drive or use machines.Clenil Forte Important information about some of the ingredients of Clenil ForteThis medicine contains small amounts of ethanol (alcohol) below 100 mg per dose.For those who play sports: the use of medicines containing ethyl alcohol may cause a positive reaction to anti-doping tests in relation to the blood alcohol limits indicated by some sports federations.

Always take this medicine exactly as your doctor has told you. Your doctor will tell you the correct dose, according to the seriousness of your disease, and the duration of the treatment, which you may have to continue even during asymptomatic periods. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure. The recommended dose is 2 inhalations twice a day. This dosage can be divided into 1 inhalation 4 times daily.The maximum dose is 2 inhalations 3 to 4 times daily.Use in children This medicine is not suitable for paediatric use.Method of administrationTake Clenil Forte Forte by inhaling it through your mouth; breathe in deeply to make sure the medicine gets into your lungs. To use this medicine correctly, consult the “How to use your inhaler” section at the end of this leaflet.Straight after using Clenil Forte, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water; this will reduce the risk of infections caused byfungi. Do not swallow the rinsing liquid.If you take more Clenil Forte than you shouldIf you accidentally take too much Clenil Forte, the risk of having side effects is increased. If this happens, tell your doctor immediately, because appropriate measures may be necessary.If you forget to take Clenil ForteContinue normally with the therapy. Do not double the next dose.If you stop taking Clenil ForteThis medicine must be used regularly, even if you feel well. Do not stop the treatment without consulting your doctor.

Like all medicines, Clenil Fortecan cause side effects,although not everybody gets them. The risk of side effects can be reduced by following the instructions in this leaflet.Stop taking Clenil Forte and consult your doctor immediately ifthe following symptoms appear associated with serious allergic reactions: swelling of your face, eyes, lips or throat with difficulty breathing. These side effects occur very rarely.As with other inhaled medicines, breathlessness, cough, shortness of breath and gasping (paradoxical bronchospasm)can appear immediately after taking a dose. This side effect is very rare, but if it happens:stop taking Clenil Forte immediately;use your fast-acting “reliever inhaler” promptly;contact your doctor.

Other side effectsIf you use Clenil Forteespecially at high doses and/or over extended periods of time, you may have other side effects. Possible side effect are listed below:Very common (affectingmore than 1 in 10people)Fungal infections (candida) in the oral cavity (mouth and throat). If this happens, your doctor will prescribe a therapy against fungi (with antimycotics).Common (affecting up to 1 in 10people) Loss of voice (hoarseness) that disappears after stopping the treatment and/or resting the voice; irritation of the throat.Uncommon (affectingup to 1 in 100people) Sudden or less sudden appearance of skin lesions such as, for example, patchy or widespread colour changes (rashes), hives, itching. Very rare side effects (affectingup to 1 in 10,000people) Adrenal suppression (with symptoms such as loss of appetite, low blood pressure, abdominal pain, weight loss, tiredness, headache, nausea, vomiting).Cataract, increased eye pressure (glaucoma).Wheezing, difficulty breathing (dyspnoea), cough, dry mouth.Decrease in bone mineral density.Not know(frequency cannot be estimated from theavailable data)Headache, nausea, peptic ulcer.Mainly in children and in adolescents who take cortisone medicines forinhalation use, some typical side effects have been reported, such as growth retardation, psychomotor hyperactivity, sleep disorders, anxiety, depression, aggression and behavioural disorders

Keep out of the reach and sight of children.Do not store above 30°C.The pressurised container should not be pierced, placed near heat sources, even if empty, and it should not be frozen or exposed to direct sunlight. Do not use Clenil Forteafter the expiry date which is stated on the carton after EXP. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month. This date refers to the product correctly stored in its unopened packaging.Do not throw away any medicines via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines no longer required. These measures will help to protect the environment.

What Clenil Forte containsThe active substance is beclometasone-17,21-dipropionate.


Each container contains 50 mg beclometasone-17,21-dipropionate (each actuation contains 250 micrograms).The other ingredients are HFA 134a (norflurane), ethanol, glycerol.What Clenil Forte looks like and contents of the packThis medicine is a pressurised inhalation solution, available in a pressurised aluminium container, fitted with metering valve, actuator button and protective cap. Clenil Forte is sufficient for 200 inhalations of 250 micrograms of beclometasone.

What Clenil Forte containsThe active substance is beclometasone-17,21-dipropionate. Each container contains 50 mg beclometasone-17,21-dipropionate (each actuation contains 250 micrograms).The other ingredients are HFA 134a (norflurane), ethanol, glycerol.What Clenil Forte looks like and contents of the packThis medicine is a pressurised inhalation solution, available in a pressurised aluminium container, fitted with metering valve, actuator button and protective cap. Clenil Forte is sufficient for 200 inhalations of 250 micrograms of beclometasone.

CHIESI FARMACEUTICI S.p.A., Via Palermo 26/A Parma (Italy)

  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)


هودواءيحتوي علىديبروبيوناتبيكلوميتازون،وهيالمادةالفعالةالتيتنتميإلىمجموعةالكورتيزون،الذييقللمنالتورموالاتهابفيالشعبالهوائية.يستخدمClenil Forteلمنعحدوث صعوباتفيالتنفسبسببضيقالشعبالهوائية(تضيققصبي)،والربو،ولكنه لا يكون فعالافورا، ولا يستخدملوقفنوبةالربوالتيبدأتبالفعل .فيهذهالحالة،منالضرورياستخداممستنشق موسع للقصبة، يتفاعلبسرعة،"المستنشقالمخلص"،والذييجبأنتحملهمعكفيجميعالأوقات .يجبالحرصعلىعدمالخلطبينهذين الدوائين



.قبلأنتتخذClenil ForteلاتأخذClenil Forte: •إذاكنتتعانيمنحساسية(الحساسيةالمفرطة )لبيكلوميثازونديبروبايونيتأوأيمنالمكوناتالأخرىمنهذاالدواء(المدرجةفيالقسم6 )أوأيأدويةأخرىتحتويعلىالكورتيزون. •اذا كنت تعانيمننوبةالربو.اولي عنايةخاصةلتناولClenil Forteوأخبرطبيبك: •إذاكنتتعالجبأدويةالكورتيزون. •إذاكانتلديكأمراضفيالرئةمثلتلكالناجمةعناستنشاقالغباروتمددلارجعةفيهللقصبة الهوائية،لأنهفيهذهالحالاتتسهل العدوىالفطرية


إذاكانتلديكأمراضفيالرئة؛ فانالعلاجبأدويةالكورتيزونيمكنأنيخفيبعضأعراضمرضالسلالرئويوغيرهامنالحالاتفيالجهازالتنفسيبسببالبكتيرياأوالفيروساتأوالفطريات .كمايمكنتنشيطالسلالرئويفي اعقاب اعادةإدخالالأدويةالكورتيزون، التي تستنشق. •إذالم تشعر بتحسن الربو، الذي تعاني منهأثناءالعلاجبـ Clenil Forte، بل ساءت حالتك ، او شعرت بالمزيدمنالصعوبةفيالتنفس .علىسبيلالمثال،إذاكنتبحاجةإلىاستخدام"المستنشقالمخلص"الخاص بك أوعلىنحوأكثرتواترا، او انالأعراضالخاصةبكلم تتحسن

•إذاكنتتقومبتغييرالعلاجبأدويةالكورتيزونبعلاج نمطي(علىسبيلالمثال،أقراص )الى العلاجالاستنشاقي .فيالبداية،طبيبكسوفيخبركأنتأخذكلالعلاجين،وسوف يبدأ بعدأسبوعفي تخفيضأدويةالكورتيزونالنمطيةتدريجيا. •إذاكنتتمربفتراتمنالتوتر(بسببالتهاباتالرئة،وأمراضخطيرة،والجراحة،و الصدمات،الخ )أوإذاحدثت لكنوبةربوخطيرة،لأنالعلاجالاضافيمعدواءالكورتيزونالنظاميقديكونضروريا .هذامهمبشكلخاصإذاكنتقدتوقفتعنالعلاجبأدويةالكورتيزونعنطريقالفمأوإذاكانلديكتغيرفيوظيفةالغدةالكظرية. •إذالم تشعر بتحسن كبير اثناءتوقفالعلاجبدواءالكورتيزونالنظامي،حتىلوتحسن تنفسك؛لاتتوقفعنالعلاجبـة


إذالاحظتظهور حساسيةمثلالتهابالأنف(التهابالأنف )أوالأكزيماخلالاستبدالالعلاجالقائمعلىأدويةالكورتيزونالنمطيةبعلاجالاستنشاق.وفيجميعهذهالحالات،استشرطبيبك، الذيسوفيصفالعلاجالمناسبلك.الأطفالوالمراهقونهذاالدواءغيرمناسبللاستخدامللأطفال



تناولأدويةأخرى معClenil Forte أخبرطبيبكأوالصيدلي، الذي تتعامل معهإذاكنتتتناولأوتناولتفيالآونةالأخيرةأيةأدويةأخرىبمافيذلكالأدويةالتيتمالحصولعليهادونوصفةطبية.هذامهمبشكلخاصإذاكنتتستخدمعلاجا نمطيا(علىسبيلالمثال،أقراص )أوالأدويةالتيتحتويعلىالكورتيزونالأنفي،لأنهذاقديزيدمنخطرحدوثتغيرفيوظيفةالغدةالكظرية(قمعالكظرية.)نظرا لان Clenil Forteيحتويعلىكميةصغيرةمنالكحول،منالمهمبصفةخاصةأنتخبرطبيبكإذاكنتتأخذ: •ديسفلفرام(المستخدمفيإدمانالكحول)؛ •ميترونيدازول(المستخدمفيالالتهابات


لقيادةواستخدام الآلات Clenil Forteلايؤثرعلىالقدرةعلىالقيادةأواستخدامالآلات.معلوماتمهمة عن بعض مكوناتClenil Forteهذاالدواءيحتويعلىكمياتصغيرةمنالإيثانول(الكحول )أقلمن111ملغفيالجرعةالواحدة


بالنسبةلأولئكالذينيمارسونالرياضة:استخدامالأدويةالتيتحتويعلىالكحولالإيثيليقديسببردفعلإيجابيلاختباراتمكافحةالمنشطاتفيمايتعلقبحدودالكحولفيالدمكما تحددهابعضالاتحاداتالرياضية

دائماتناولهذاالدواءتماماكميصفلك طبيبك ذلك.طبيبكسيخبركبالجرعةالصحيحة،وفقالخطورةالمرضالخاصبك،ومدةالعلاج،التيقدتضطرإلىالاستمرارفيهاحتىخلالانعدام اعراض المرض .تاكد من ذلكمنطبيبكأوالصيدلي، الذي تتعامل معهإذالمتكنمتأكدا.الجرعةالموصىبهاهياستنشاقمرتين فياليوم .ويمكنتقسيمهذهالجرعةإلىاستنشاقواحد4مراتيوميا.الجرعةالقصوىهي2إلى 3استنشاق4مراتيوميا.الاستخداممن قبلالأطفالهذاالدواءغيرمناسبللاستخدامللأطفال.طريقة 


يتم تناولClenil Forteعنطريقالاستنشاقمنخلالفمك.عليكالتنفسبعمقللتأكدمنأنالدواءوصلالىرئتيك


لاستخدامهذاالدواءبشكلصحيح،راجعقسم"كيفيةاستخدامجهازالاستنشاقالخاصبك "فينهايةهذهالنشرة.قم مباشرةبعداستخدامClenil Forte،بشطففمكجيدابالماء .هذاسوفيقللمنخطرالعدوىالتيتسببهاالفطريات .لاتبتلعسائلالشطف

ذاتناولتClenil ForteأكثرممايجبإذاتناولتالكثيرمنClenil Forteعن غير قصد؛ قد يزيد ذلك من تفاقمظهورآثارجانبية .إذاحدثهذا،عليك اخبارطبيبكفورا،لأناتخاذالتدابيرالمناسبةقدتكونضرورية.إذاكنتقدنسيتأنتأخذClenil Forteاستمر في العلاج بصورةعادية .لاتضاعفالجرعةالقادمة.إذاتوقفتعنتناولClenil Forteيجباستخدامهذاالدواءبانتظام،حتىاذاشعرت بتحسن .لاتتوقفعنالعلاجدوناستشارةالطبيب


مثل جميعالأدوية،يمكنلهذاالدواءأنيسببآثار اجانبيةعلىالرغممنأنذلك لا يحدث بالضرورةللجميع .اتباعالإرشاداتالموجودةفيهذهالنشرة، يمكن ان يخفضخطرالآثارالجانبية.توقفعنتناولClenil Forteواستشرالطبيبفوراإذاظهرتالأعراضالتاليةالمرتبطةبالحساسيةالخطيرة :تورموجهك،العيون،الشفاهأوالحلقمعصعوبةفيالتنفس .تحدثهذهالآثارالجانبيةفيحالاتنادرةجدا.كماهوالحالمعغيرهامنالأدويةالمستنشقة،يمكنأنيظهرمباشرةبعدتناولالجرعة ضيقالتنفس،والسعال،وضيقفيالتنفسواللهاث(تشنجقصبيمتناقض .)هذهالآثارالجانبيةهينادرةجدا،ولكناذاحدثذلك: •توقففورا عنتناولClenil Forte؛ •استخدم"الاستنشاقالمخلص "الخاص بكسريعالمفعولعلىالفور


اتصلبطبيبك.الآثارالجانبيةالأخرىإذاكنتتستخدمClenil Forteوخاصةبجرعاتكبيرةو /أولفتراتطويلةمنالوقت،قديكونلذلكآثارجانبيةأخرى.الآثارالجانبيةالمحتملةمذكورةأدناه:شائعجدا(يؤثرعلىأكثرمن1منكل11شخصا)الالتهاباتالفطرية(المبيضات )فيتجويفالفم(الفموالحلق .)إذاحدثهذا،سوفيصفالطبيبالعلاجضدالفطريات(معantimycotics.)شائع(التيتؤثرعلىمايصلإلى1في11شخصا)فقدانالصوت(بحة )تختفيبعدالتوقفعنالعلاجو /أواراحةالصوت،تهيجالحلق.منغيرالمألوف(التيتؤثرعلىمايصلإلى1في111شخص)الظهورالمفاجئأوأقلمفاجأةللآفاتالجلديةمثل،علىسبيلالمثال،التغييراتغيرالمكتملةأوتغيرات اللونالواسع النطاق(الطفحالجلدي)،وخلاياالنحل،والحكة.آثارجانبيةنادرةجدا(يؤثرتصلإلى1في11111نسمة


قمعالكظرية(معأعراضمثلفقدانالشهية،انخفاضضغطالدم،آلامفيالبطن،وفقدانالوزن،والتعب،والصداع،والغثيان،والتقيؤ.)إعتامعدسةالعين،وزيادةضغطالعين(الجلوكوما.)صفير،صعوبةفيالتنفس(بحةفيالصوت)،والسعال،وجفافالفم.انخفاضفيكثافةالمعادنفيالعظام.غير معروفة(لا يمكن تقدير التواترمنالبياناتالمتاحة



حفظبعيداعنمتناولوبصرالأطفال.لايخزنفوق30درجةمئوية.لاينبغيعمل ثقب في الوعاءالمضغوظ،و لا وضعهبالقربمنمصادرالحرارة،حتىلوكانفارغا،وأنهلاينبغيتجميدهأوتعرضهلأشعةالشمسالمباشرة.لاتستخدمClenil Forteبعدتاريخانتهاءالصلاحيةالمنصوصعلىالكرتون .تاريخانتهاءالصلاحيةيشيرإلىاليومالأخيرمنالشهرالمعني .هذاالتاريخيشيرإلىالمنتجاتالمخزنةبشكلصحيحفيعبوتها التي لم تفتح.لاتتخلصمنأيأدويةعنطريقمياهالصرفالصحيأو فيالنفاياتالمنزلية .اسألالصيدلي، الذي تتعامل معه عنكيفيةالتخلصمنالأدويةالتيلمتعدمطلوبة .سوفتساعدهذهالتدابيرفي حمايةالبيئة


المادةالفعالةهيبكلوميتاسون-17,21 ديبروبيونات.تحتويكلحاويةعلى51ملغبكلوميتاسون-17,21 ديبروبيونات-ديبروبيونات(كلاستخداميحتويعلى251ميكروغرام.)المكوناتالأخرىهيHFA 134 a(نورفلوران)،الإيثانول،والجلسرين


المادةالفعالةهيبكلوميتاسون-17,21 ديبروبيونات.تحتويكلحاويةعلى51ملغبكلوميتاسون-17,21 ديبروبيونات-ديبروبيونات(كلاستخداميحتويعلى251ميكروغرام.)المكوناتالأخرىهيHFA 134 a(نورفلوران)،الإيثانول،والجلسرين


S p.A.CHIESI FARMACEUTIC–26/A ،Via Palermo /Parma -43122(إيطاليا

 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

CLENIL FORTE250 mcg pressurised inhalation solution

Each canister contains:Active ingredient:beclometasone-17,21-dipropionate 50 mg (each actuation delivers 250 micrograms)For a full list of excipients, see section 6.1

Pressurised inhalation solution (containing HFA 134a-norflurane as propellant).The product does not contain any substance damaging the ozonosphere.

Control of asthmatic disease development and of bronchostenotic conditions in those patients who do not obtain a satisfactory control of symptoms with the usual inhaled doses of beclometasone dipropionate.

Adults: usually, 2 inhalations twice a day. Should it be deemed as more suitable, posology can be fractioned even into 1 inhalation 4 times daily. In case of need, therapy can be increased up to 2 inhalations 3-4 times a day.Therapy with Clenil Forteshould not be abruptly interruptedChildren: Clenil Forte250mcg is not suitable for paediatric use.

Instructions for useThe successful result of treatment depends on a correct use of the inhaler.Inhaler’sworking test: before using the inhaler for the first time, or if it has not been used for three days or more, remove the mouthpiece protective closure by softly pressing it on its sides and press once in the air to release an actuation, so as to verify the correct working of the inhaler.For use, carefully follow the following instructions:1)hold the actuator between thumb and index, with the mouthpiece downwards;2)remove the protecting cap;3)place the mouthpiece firmly between the lips and make a complete expiration;4)make a long and deep inspiration with the mouth only and, at the same time press once only with the index.Once the inspiration is complete, hold breath as long as possible.When inhalations are completed, close the mouthpiece again with the protecting cap. The mouthpiece should always be kept clean. Cleaning should be made with lukewarm water, after having extracted the pressurised canister.

Tubercular (active or quiescent) and local viral infections. Asthmaticattack.Hypersensitivity to beclometasone dipropionate or to any of the excipents.

The patient should be instructed on how to use inhaler, in order to be sure that the medicine reaches the target area in thelungs.Clenil Forteis not efficacious in asthma attacks in progress; on the contrary, it represents a fundamental treatment of the asthmatic disease: it should be regularly taken at the prescribed doses and as long as the physician deems it as suitableeven if the patient is asymptomatic. In these cases a rapid-acting broncodilatator (administered by inhalation) is necessary for this. The patient must therefore have access to this relief medication.Severe asthma requires regular medical check-ups that include lung function tests, because there is a risk of severe attacks or even death. The patient should be instructed to seek medical help if rapid-acting, bronchodilator treatment becomes less effective (or if they need more inhalations than usual) becausethis can indicate a deterioration of asthma control. If this happens, then the patient must be assessed and the need for increased anti-inflammatory therapy considered (for example, a higher dose of inhaled corticosteroid or an oral corticosteroid). Severe worsening of asthma must be treated in the usual way (i.e. by increasing the dose of inhaled beclometasone dipropionate, by giving a systemic steroid [if necessary], and/or an appropriate antibiotic if there is an infection, along with a β-agonist therapy).

Treatment with Beclometasone dipropionate should not be stopped abruptly.Systemic reactions to inhaled corticosteroids may occur, especially when they are used for long periods and have been prescribed at high doses. These effects are much less likelyto occur than with oral corticosteroids.Possible systemic effectsinclude Cushing syndrome, Cushingoid appearance,adrenal suppression, growth retardation in children and adolescents, decrease inbone mineral density, cataract and glaucomaand more rarely, a range of psychological or behavioural effects including psychomotor hyperactivity, sleep disorders, anxiety, depression or aggression (particularly in children).It is therefore important that the inhaled dose of corticosteroid is the lowest possible one allowing effective control of asthma.It is recommended that the height of children receiving prolonged treatment with inhaled corticosteroids is regularly monitored. If growth is slowed, the therapy should be adjusted with the aim of reducing the doseof inhaled corticosteroids, if possible, to the lowest dose at which effective control of asthma is maintained. In addition, consideration should be given to referring the patient to a paediatric respiratory specialist.Very rare cases of acute adrenal crisis have occurred in paediatric patients exposed to higher doses than what recommended (about 1000 mcg/day) for prolonged periods (several months or years). Symptoms of adrenal insufficiency are initially aspecific and include anorexia, abdominal pain, weight loss, tiredness, nausea, vomiting; specific symptoms occurring after inhaled corticosteroid treatment include hypoglycaemia with reduced state of consciousness and/or seizures. Adrenal crisis can potentially be determined by traumas, surgery, infections and sudden reduction of posology. Patients receiving high doses should be closely followed and their dose gradually reduced. Monitoring of adrenal reserve may also be necessary.Treatment management in patients already under treatment with systemic corticosteroids requires special attention and a close monitoring, since recovery of the adrenal function, suppressed by prolonged treatment with systemic corticosteroids, is slow. In any case the disease should be relatively “stabilised” with systemic steroids. Initially, Clenil Forteshould be administered concomitantly with the systemic steroidsandafter approximately one week

this should be progressively reduced and the patient regularly monitored (in particular, adrenocortical function tests should be periodically performed), by adjusting Clenil Forteposology according to the attained results. The reductions of the dose must not be greater than 1 mg for patients receiving a maintenance dose of 10 mg per day, or less, of prednisolone (or its equivalent).Larger reductions may be appropriate with higher maintenance doses. The reduction of the oral dose should be implemented with intervals of not less than one week.Some patients feel unwell during withdrawal of systemic steroids, despite maintenance or evenimprovement of the respiratory function. They should be encouraged to persevere with inhaled beclometasone dipropionate and to continue withdrawal of systemic steroids, unless there are objective indications of adrenal insufficiency. Patients weaned off oral steroids, whose adrenocortical function is impaired may need supplementary systemic steroids in crisis situations (for example with worsening asthma attacks, chest infections, major intercurrent illness, surgery, trauma, etc.).Replacement of systemic steroids with inhaled medicines can sometimes unmask allergies (such as allergic rhinitis or eczema) that were previously suppressed by the systemic medicine. These allergies should be properly treated with antihistamines and/ortopical preparations, including topical steroids. Treatment with corticosteroids can mask some symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis and other bacterial airway conditions, as well as fungal and viral airway infections. Pulmonary tuberculosis can also be reactivated by the (re)introduction of inhaled corticosteroids. Consideration should be given to this when treating asthma patients with airway infections, where both the asthma as well as the airway infection must be properly treated. Restraint must be exercised in the treatment of patients with lung anomalies such as bronchiectasis and pneumoconiosis, in connection with the possibility of fungal infections. Patients should be advised to thoroughly rinse their mouths with water after using the product in order to reduce the risk of Candida infection.Patients should be advisedthat the product contains small amounts of ethanoland glycerol. With normal doses, the amounts of ethanol and glycerol are negligible and do not pose a risk to the patient. However, due to the presence of alcohol, the product should be cautiously used in patients suffering from hepatic pathologies, alcoholism (see also section 4.5), epilepsy, cerebral pathologies.Keep the medicine out ofthe reach and sight of children.

CLENIL FORTEcontains a small amount of ethanol. There is the theoretical potential for interaction in particularly sensitive patients taking disulfiram or metronidazole..

In pregnant women the product should be administered in case of real need and under direct medical control. There is inadequate evidence of safety of beclometasone dipropionate or HFA 134a propellant in humans.. Product administration during pregnancy and lactation should be only taken into consideration if the envisaged benefit for the mother outweighs the potential risks for the foetus. It is reasonable to assume that, at the used inhaled doses, there are no important levels of beclometasone in the mother milk.Children born from mothers having received considerable doses of inhaled corticosteroids during pregnancy, should be carefully monitored in order to detect a possible hypoadrenalism.

Studies on the effects of the propellant HFA 134a on reproductive function and embryofoetal development in animals did not point out clinically important adverse events. Therefore, the occurrence of adverse events in humans is unlikely.

Clenil Fortehas no influence on the ability to drive and use machines

Adverse events are listed below by system class and frequency. Frequencies are defined as: very common (1/10), common (1/100 and <1/10), uncommon (1/1,000 and <1/100), rare (1/10,000 and < 1/1,000), very rare (≤1/10,000), unknown (frequency cannot be estimated from the available data).

Systemic organ ClassAdverse ReactionFrequencyInfections & Infestations Oral candidiasis (of the mouth and throat) Very Common Immune System Disorders Hypersensitivity reaction with the following manifestations: Rash, urticaria, pruritus, erythema UncommonOedema of the eyes, face, lips and throat Very RareEndocrine disorders Adrenal suppression*, growth retardation* (in children and adolescents), bone density decreased* Very RarePsychiatric disorders (see section 4.4 “Special warning and precautions for use”) Psychomotor hyperactivity, sleep disorders, anxiety, depression, aggression, behavioural disorders (predominantly in children) Unknown Eye disorders Cataract*, glaucoma* Very Rare Respiratory, Thoracic & Mediastinal Disorders Hoarseness, throat irritation Common Paradoxical bronchospasm, wheezing, dyspnoea, cough

* Systemic reactions are a possible response to inhaled corticosteroids, especially when a high dose is prescribed for a prolonged time (section 4.4 “Special Warning and precaution for use”). As with other inhalation therapies, paradoxical bronchospasm may occur, with an immediate increase in wheezing,shortness of breath and cough after intake. This should be immediately treated with a fast-acting inhaled bronchodilator and Beclometasone dipropionate should be immediately discontinued. The incidence of candidiasis of the mouth and throat increases with doses of more than 400 micrograms beclometasone dipropionate per day. Patients with high blood levels of Candida precipitins, indicating a previous infection, are most likely to develop this complication. Patients may benefit from thoroughly rinsing their mouths with water after inhalation. Symptomatic candidiasis in the mouth can be treated with a topical antifungal therapy while continuing treatment with Beclometasone dipropionate.

The hoarseness is reversible and disappears after stopping treatment and/or resting the voice. These patients must be advised to rinse their mouths with water immediately after inhalation.To report any side effect(s):The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Center (NPC)Fax +966-11-205-7662Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Exts 2317-2356-2353-2354-2334-2340Tool Free Phone: 8002490000E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.saWebsite: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc

Systemic corticosteroid effects (such as hypercorticism and adrenal suppression) can occur if beclometasone dipropionate is used at excessive dose. If these symptoms occur the treatment should be immediatelydiscontinued and the patients protected against the effects of the adrenal suppression, by a suitable systemic therapy

CLENIL FORTEcontains as its active ingredient beclometasone 17,21-dipropionate, a cortisone derivative with a marked topical antiinflammatory and antiallergic activity on the airways mucosa. In particular, beclometasone dipropionate exerts a marked anti-reactive action at bronchial level, by reducing oedema, hypersecretion and by inhibiting bronchospasm onset. Beclometasone dipropionate administered by inhalation have effects on the airways only and is therefore devoid, at the recommended dosage, of any systemic effects and inhibiting actions on the adrenocortical function. Beclometasone dipropionate (BDP) is a synthetic corticosteroid for topical use only, with potent antiinflammatory activity, reduced mineral-corticoid activity and absence of systemic effects In the cutaneous vasoconstriction test, according to McKenzie, BDP is 5000 times more active than hydrocortisone, 625 times more active than betametasone alcohol, 5 times more active than fluocinolone acetonide and 1.39 times more active than betametasone valerate. It has an intense and prolonged antiinflammatory activity towards croton oil-, carrageenan-, formaldehyde-, egg white-and dextrane-induced oedema, and towards the granulomatous reaction by foreign bodies, with effectiveness higher than that of other corticosteroids. CLENIL FORTEhas no thymolytic, splenolytic or mineralcorticoid activity, if administered at the advised doses, and does not inhibit the hypophysis-adrenal function even after repeated administrations.CLENIL FORTEis indicated particularly in patients who do not obtain a satisfactory control of symptoms with standard doses of inhaled beclometasone dipropionate. To achieve complete therapeutic success, it is necessarythat the patient carefully adheres to the prescribed instructions for inhalatory use.

Kinetic studies on labelled beclometasone dipropionate showed that after inhalation of a high dose, only 20-25% of the drug is absorbed.A part of the administered dose is swallowed and eliminated in the feaces. The fraction absorbed in circulation is metabolized by hepatic route to mono-propionate and to beclometasone alcohol, then it is excreted in the form of inactive metabolites in bile and urine.

Preclinical Safety DataAcute Toxicity: oral LD50values in rats and mice exceed 3000 mg/kg. When given by nebulisation, concentrations of 100 mcg/l for 30 minutes are well tolerated in rats and mice.Chronic Toxicity: administration by inhalation of doses far exceeding those recommended for therapy, in dogs over 27 weeks does not induce any alterations .Foetal Toxicity: studies performed in rats and rabbits caused no negative findings of reproduction toxicity.The propellant HFA 134a didnot show any toxic effects at concentrations far higher than those envisaged for human use, administered by nebulisation in different animal species exposed daily for a period of two years.

HFA 134a (norflurane), ethanol, glycerol.

Not known

36 months.This period refers to the medicinal product stored correctly in its unopened package.

The pressurised canister must not be broken, punctured or burnteven when apparentlyempty.Do not freeze, protect against frost, direct sunlightand heat. Do not store above30°C.

Primary package: pressurised aluminium canister, with metering valve, actuator and protecting cap. Outer package: overprinted cardboard box.Pressurised canister providing 200 inhalations.

No special requirements

Chiesi Farmaceutici SpA, Via Palermo, 26/A, 43122 Parma (Italy)

December 2012

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