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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Ribavin contains the active substance ribavirin. This medicine stops the multiplication of hepatitis C virus. Ribavin must not be used alone.

Depending on the genotype of the hepatitis C virus that you have, your doctor may choose to treat you with a combination of this medicine with other medicines. There may be some further treatment limitations if you have or have not been previously treated for chronic hepatitis C infection.

Your doctor will recommend the best course of therapy.

The combination of Ribavin and other medicines is used to treat adult patients who have chronic hepatitis C (HCV).

Ribavin may be used in paediatric patients (children 3 years of age and older and adolescents) who are not previously treated and without severe liver disease.

For paediatric patients (children and adolescents) weighing less than 47 kg a solution formulation is available.

If you have any further questions on the use of this medicine, ask your doctor or pharmacist.


Do not take Ribavin

Do not take Ribavin if any of the following apply to you or the child you are caring for.

If you are not sure, talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking Ribavin.

  • Are allergic to ribavirin or any of the other ingredients of this medicine (listed in section 6).
  • Are pregnant or planning to become pregnant (see section “Pregnancy and breast-feeding”).
  • Are breast-feeding.
  • Had a serious heart problem during the past 6 months.
  • Have any blood disorders, such as anaemia (low blood count), thalassemia, sickle-cell anaemia.

Reminder: Please read the “Do not take” section of the Package Leaflet for the other medicines used in combination with this medicine.

Warnings and Precautions

There are several serious adverse reactions associated with the combination therapy of ribavirin with (peg)interferon alfa. These include:

  • Psychiatric and central nervous system effects (such as depression, suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide and aggressive behaviour, etc.). Be sure to seek emergency care if you notice that you are becoming depressed or have suicidal thoughts or change in your behaviour. You may want to consider asking a family member or close friend to help you stay alert to signs of depression or changes in your behaviour
  • Severe eye disorders
  • Dental and periodontal disorders: Dental and gum disorders have been reported in patients receiving ribavirin in combination with (peg)interferon alfa-2b. You should brush your teeth thoroughly twice daily and have regular dental examinations. In addition some patients may experience vomiting. If you have this reaction, be sure to rinse your mouth thoroughly afterwards
  • Inability to achieve full adult height may occur in some children and adolescents
  • Increased hormone related to your thyroid (TSH) in children and adolescents

Paediatric population

If you are caring for a child and your doctor decides not to defer combination treatment with peginterferon alfa-2b or interferon alfa-2b until adulthood, it is important to understand that this combination therapy induces a growth inhibition that may be irreversible in some patients.

In addition these events have occurred in patients taking ribavirin:

  • Haemolysis: ribavirin can cause a break down in red blood cells causing anaemia which may impair your heart function or worsen symptoms of heart disease.
  • Pancytopenia: ribavirin can cause a decrease in your platelet and red and white blood cell count when used in combination with peginterferon.

Standard blood tests will be taken to check your blood, kidney and liver function.

  • Blood tests will be done regularly to help your doctor to know if this treatment is working.
  • Depending upon the results of these tests, your doctor may change/adjust the number of hard capsules you or the child you are caring for take, prescribe a different pack size of this medicine, and/or change the length of time to take this treatment.
  • If you have or develop severe kidney or liver problems, this treatment will be stopped.

Seek medical help immediately if you develop symptoms of a severe allergic reaction (such as difficulty in breathing, wheezing or hives) while taking this treatment.

Talk to your doctor if you or the child you are caring for:

  • Are a woman of childbearing age (see section “Pregnancy and breast-feeding”).
  • Are a male and your female partner is of childbearing age (see section “Pregnancy and breast-feeding”).
  • Had a previous heart condition or have heart disease.
  • Have another liver problem in addition to hepatitis C infection.
  • Have problems with your kidneys.
  • Have HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) or have ever had any other problems with your immune system.

Please refer to the Package Leaflet of (peg)interferon alfa for more detailed information on these safety issues.

Reminder: Please read the “Warnings and precautions” section of the Package Leaflet for the other medicines used in combination with this medicine.

Use in children and adolescents

If the child is weighing less than 47 kg or unable to swallow an oral solution of ribavirin is available.

Other medicines and Ribavin

Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you or the child you are caring for are taking, have recently taken or might take:

  • Azathioprine is a medicine that suppresses your immune system, using this medicine in combination with Ribavin may increase your risk of developing severe blood disorders.  
  • Anti-Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) medicines - [nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI), and/or combined anti-retroviral therapy (cART)]:

-    Taking this medicine in combination with an alpha interferon and an anti-HIV medicine may increase the risk of lactic acidosis, liver failure, and blood abnormalities development (reduction in number of red blood cells which carry oxygen, certain white blood cells that fight infection, and blood clotting cells called platelets).

-    With zidovudine or stavudine, it is not certain if this medicine will change the way these medicines work. Therefore, your blood will be checked regularly to be sure that the HIV infection is not getting worse. If it gets worse, your doctor will decide whether or not your Ribavin treatment needs to be changed. Additionally, patients receiving zidovudine with ribavirin in combination with alpha interferons could be at increased risk of developing anaemia (low number of red blood cells). Therefore the use of zidovudine and ribavirin in combination with alpha interferons is not recommended.

-        Due to the risk of lactic acidosis (a build-up of lactic acid in the body) and pancreatitis, the use of ribavirin and didanosine is not recommended and the use of ribavirin and stavudine should be avoided.

-        Co-infected patients with advanced liver disease receiving cART may be at increased risk of worsening liver function. Adding treatment with an alpha interferon alone or in combination with ribavirin may increase the risk in this patient subset.

Reminder: Please read the “Other medicines and Ribavin" section of the Package Leaflet for the other medicines used in combination with Ribavin before you begin combination treatment with this medicine.

Pregnancy and breast feeding

If you are pregnant, you must not take this medicine. This medicine can be very damaging to your unborn baby (embryo).

Both female and male patients must take special precautions in their sexual activity if there is any possibility for pregnancy to occur:

  • Girl or woman of childbearing age:

You must have a negative pregnancy test before treatment, each month during treatment, and for the 4 months after treatment is stopped. This should be discussed with your doctor.

  • Men:

Do not have sex with a pregnant woman unless you use a condom. This will lessen the possibility for ribavirin to be left in the woman’s body.

If your female partner is not pregnant now but is of childbearing age, she must be tested for pregnancy each month during treatment and for the 7 months after treatment has stopped.

You or your female partner must use an effective contraceptive during the time you are taking Ribavin and for 7 months after stopping treatment. This should be discussed with your doctor (see section “Do not take Ribavin”).

If you are a woman who is breast-feeding, you must not take this medicine. Discontinue breast-feeding before starting to take this medicine.

Driving and using machines

This medicine does not affect your ability to drive or use machines; however, other medicines used in combination with Ribavin may affect your ability to drive or use machines. Therefore, do not drive or use machines if you become tired, sleepy, or confused from this treatment.

General information about taking this medicine:

Always take this medicine exactly as your doctor has told you. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.

Do not take more than the recommended dosage and take the medicine for as long as prescribed.

Your doctor has determined the correct dose of this medicine based on how much you or the child you are caring for weighs.


The recommended dose and duration of Ribavin depends on how much the patient weighs and the medicines that are used in combination.

Use in children and adolescents

Dosing for children above 3 years of age and adolescents depends on how much the person weighs and the medicines that are used in combination. The recommended dose of Ribavin combined with interferon alfa-2b or peginterferon alfa-2b, is shown in the below table.

Ribavin dose based on body weight when used in combination with interferon alfa-2b or peginterferon alfa-2b in children above 3 years of age and adolescents

If the child/adolescent weighs (kg)

Usual daily Ribavin dose

Number of 200 mg capsules

47 - 49


600 mg


1 capsule in the morning and 2 capsules in the evening


50 - 65


800 mg


2 capsules in the morning and 2 capsules in the evening


> 65


See adult dose

Take your prescribed dose by mouth with water and during your meal. Do not chew the hard capsules. For children or adolescents who cannot swallow a hard capsule, an oral solution of ribavirin is available.

Reminder: This medicine is used in combination with other medicines for hepatitis C virus infection. For complete information be sure to read the “How to use” section of the Package Leaflet for the other medicines used in combination with Ribavin.

If you take more Ribavin than you should

Tell your doctor or pharmacist as soon as possible.

If you forget to take Ribavin

Take/administer the missed dose as soon as possible during the same day. If an entire day has gone by, check with your doctor. Do not take a double dose to make up for a forgotten dose.

If you have any further questions on the use of this product, ask your doctor, healthcare provider or pharmacist.


Please read the “Possible side effects” section of the Package Leaflet for the other medicines used in combination with Ribavin.

Like all medicines, this medicine used in combination with other medicines can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them. Although not all of these unwanted effects may occur, they may need medical attention if they do occur.

Contact your doctor immediately if you notice any of the following side effects occurring during combination treatment with other medicines:

-    chest pain or persistent cough; changes in the way your heart beats, fainting,

-    confusion, feeling depressed; suicidal thoughts or aggressive behaviour, attempt suicide, thoughts about threatening the life of others,

-    feelings of numbness or tingling,

-    trouble sleeping, thinking or concentrating,

-    severe stomach pain, black or tar-like stools, blood in stool or urine, lower back or side pain,

-    painful or difficult urination,

-    severe bleeding from your nose,

-    fever or chills beginning after a few weeks of treatment,

-    problems with your eyesight or hearing,

-    severe skin rash or redness.

The following side effects have been reported with the combination of ribavirin hard capsules and an alpha interferon product in adults:

Very commonly reported side effects (may affect more than 1 in 10 people):

-    decreases in the number of red blood cells (that may cause fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness), decrease in neutrophils (that make you more susceptible to different infections),

-    difficulty concentrating, feeling anxious or nervous, mood swings, feeling depressed or irritable, tired feeling, trouble falling asleep or staying asleep,

-    cough, dry mouth, pharyngitis (sore throat),

-    diarrhoea, dizziness, fever, flu-like symptoms, headache, nausea, shaking chills, virus infection, vomiting, weakness,

-    loss of appetite, loss of weight, stomach pain,

-    dry skin, irritation, hair loss, itching, muscle pain, muscle aches, pain in joints and muscles, rash.

Commonly reported side effects (may affect up to 1 in 10 people):

-    decrease in blood clotting cells called platelets that may result in easy bruising and spontaneous bleeding, decrease in certain white blood cells called lymphocytes that help fight infection, decrease in thyroid gland activity (which may make you feel tired, depressed, increase your sensitivity to cold and other symptoms), excess of sugar or uric acid (as in gout) in the blood, low calcium level in the blood, severe anaemia,

-    fungal or bacterial infections, crying, agitation, amnesia, memory impaired, nervousness, abnormal behaviour, aggressive behaviour, anger, feeling confused, lack of interest, mental disorder, mood changes, unusual dreams, wanting to harm yourself, feeling sleepy, trouble sleeping, lack of interest in sex or inability to perform, vertigo (spinning feeling),

-    blurred or abnormal vision, eye irritation or pain or infection, dry or teary eyes, changes in your hearing or voice, ringing in ears, ear infection, earache, cold sores (herpes simplex), change in taste, taste loss, bleeding gums or sores in mouth, burning sensation on tongue, sore tongue, inflamed gums, tooth problem, migraine, respiratory infections, sinusitis, nose bleed, nonproductive cough, rapid or difficult breathing, stuffy or runny nose, thirst, tooth disorder,

-    cardiac murmur (abnormal heart beat sounds), chest pain or discomfort, feeling faint, feeling unwell, flushing, increased sweating, heat intolerance and excessive sweating, low or high blood pressure, palpitations (pounding heart beat), rapid heart rate,

-    bloating, constipation, indigestion, intestinal gas (flatus), increased appetite, irritated colon, irritation of prostate gland, jaundice (yellow skin), loose stools, pain on the right side around your ribs, enlarged liver, stomach upset, frequent need to urinate, passing more urine than usual, urinary tract infection, abnormal urine,

-    difficult, irregular, or no menstrual period, abnormally heavy and prolonged menstrual periods, painful menstruation, disorder of ovary or vagina, breast pain, erectile problem,

-    abnormal hair texture, acne, arthritis, bruising, eczema (inflamed, red, itchy and dryness of the skin with possible oozing lesions), hives, increased or decreased sensitivity to touch, nail disorder, muscle spasms, numbness or tingling feeling, limb pain, pain in joints, shaky hands, psoriasis, puffy or swollen hands and ankles, sensitivity to sunlight, rash with raised spotted lesions, redness of skin or skin disorder, swollen face, swollen glands (swollen lymph nodes), tense muscles, tumour (unspecified), unsteady when walking, water impairment.

Uncommonly reported side effects (may affect up to 1 in 100 people):

-    hearing or seeing images that are not present,

-    heart attack, panic attack,

-    hypersensitivity reaction to the medication,

-    inflammation of pancreas, pain in bone, diabetes mellitus,

-    muscle weakness.

Rarely reported side effects (may affect up to 1 in 1,000 people):

-    seizure (convulsions)

-    pneumonia,

-    rheumatoid arthritis, kidney problems,

-    dark or bloody stools, intense abdominal pain,

-    sarcoidosis (a disease characterised by persistent fever, weight loss, joint pain and swelling, skin lesions and swollen glands),

-    vasculitis.

Very rarely reported side effects (may affect up to 1 in 10,000 people):

-    suicide,

-    stroke (cerebrovascular events).

Not known side effects (frequency cannot be estimated from the available data):

-    thoughts about threatening the life of others,

-    mania (excessive or unreasonable enthusiasm),

-    pericarditis (inflammation of the lining of the heart), pericardial effusion [a fluid collection that develops between the pericardium (the lining of the heart) and the heart itself],

-    change in colour of the tongue.

Side effects in children and adolescents

The following side effects have been reported with the combination of this medicine and an interferon alfa-2b product in children and adolescents:

Very commonly reported side effects (may affect more than 1 in 10 people):

-    decreases in the number of red blood cells (that may cause fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness), decrease in neutrophils (that make you more susceptible to different infections),

-    decrease in thyroid gland activity (which may make you feel tired, depressed, increase your sensitivity to cold and other symptoms),

-    feeling depressed or irritable, feeling sick to stomach, feeling unwell, mood swings, tired feeling, trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, virus infection, weakness,

-    diarrhoea, dizziness, fever, flu-like symptoms, headache, loss of or increase in appetite, loss of weight, decrease in the rate of growth (height and weight), pain on right side of ribs, pharyngitis (sore throat), shaking chills, stomach pain, vomiting,

-    dry skin, hair loss, irritation, itching, muscle pain, muscle aches, pain in joints and muscles, rash.

Commonly reported side effects (may affect up to 1 in 10 people):

-    decrease in blood clotting cells called platelets (that may result in easy bruising and spontaneous bleeding),

-    excess of triglycerides in the blood, excess of uric acid (as in gout) in the blood, increase in thyroid gland activity (which may cause nervousness, heat intolerance and excessive sweating, weight loss, palpitation, tremors),

-    agitation, anger, aggressive behaviour, behaviour disorder, difficulty concentrating, emotional instability, fainting, feeling anxious or nervous, feeling cold, feeling confused, feeling of restlessness, feeling sleepy, lack of interest or attention, mood changes, pain, poor quality sleep, sleepwalking, suicide attempt, trouble sleeping, unusual dreams, wanting to harm yourself,

-    bacterial infections, common cold, fungal infections, abnormal vision, dry or teary eyes, ear infection, eye irritation or pain or infection, change in taste, changes in your voice, cold sores, coughing, inflamed gums, nose bleed, nose irritation, oral pain, pharyngitis (sore throat), rapid breathing, respiratory infections, scaling lips and clefts in the corners of the mouth, shortness of breath, sinusitis, sneezing, sores in mouth, sore tongue, stuffy or runny nose, throat pain, toothache, tooth abscess, tooth disorder, vertigo (spinning feeling), weakness,

-    chest pain, flushing, palpitations (pounding heart beat), rapid heart rate,

-    abnormal liver function,

-    acid reflux, back pain, bedwetting, constipation, gastroesophageal or rectal disorder, incontinence, increased appetite, inflammation of the membrane of the stomach and intestine, stomach upset, loose stools,

-    urination disorders, urinary tract infection,

-    difficult, irregular, or no menstrual period, abnormally heavy and prolonged menstrual periods, disorder of vagina, inflammation of the vagina, testis pain, development of male body traits,

-    acne, bruising, eczema (inflamed, red, itchy and dryness of the skin with possible oozing lesions), increased or decreased sensitivity to touch, increased sweating, increase in muscle movement, tense muscle, limb pain, nail disorder, numbness or tingling feeling, pale skin, rash with raised spotted lesions, shaky hands, redness of skin or skin disorder, skin discolouration, skin sensitive to sunlight, skin wound, swelling due to a build-up of excess water, swollen glands (swollen lymph nodes), tremor, tumour (unspecified).

Uncommonly reported side effects (may affect up to 1 in 100 people):

-    abnormal behaviour, emotional disorder, fear, nightmare,

-    bleeding of the mucous membrane that lines the inner surface of the eyelids, blurred vision, drowsiness, intolerance to light, itchy eyes, facial pain, inflamed gums,

-    chest discomfort, difficult breathing, lung infection, nasal discomfort, pneumonia, wheezing,

-    low blood pressure,

-    enlarged liver,

-    painful menstruation,

-    itchy anal area (pinworms or ascarids), blistering rash (shingles), decreased sensitivity to touch, muscle twitching, pain in skin, paleness, peeling of skin, redness, swelling.

The attempt to self-harm has also been reported in adults, children, and adolescents.

This medicine in combination with an alpha interferon product may also cause:

-    aplastic anaemia, pure red cell aplasia (a condition where the body stopped or reduced the production of red blood cells); this causes severe anaemia, symptoms of which would include unusual tiredness and a lack of energy,

-    delusions,

-    upper and lower respiratory tract infection,

-    inflammation of the pancreas,

-    severe rashes which may be associated with blisters in the mouth, nose, eyes and other mucosal membranes (erythema multiforme, Stevens Johnson syndrome), toxic epidermal necrolysis (blistering and peeling of the top layer of skin).

The following other side effects have also been reported with the combination of this medicine and an alpha interferon product:

-    abnormal thoughts, hearing or seeing images that are not present, altered mental status, disorientation,

-    angioedema (swelling of the hands, feet, ankles, face, lips, mouth, or throat which may cause difficulty in swallowing or breathing),

-    Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome (an autoimmune inflammatory disorder affecting the eyes, skin and the membranes of the ears, brain and spinal cord),

-    bronchoconstriction and anaphylaxis (a severe, whole-body allergic reaction), constant cough,

-    eye problems including damage to the retina, obstruction of the retinal artery, inflammation of the optic nerve, swelling of the eye and cotton wool spots (white deposits on the retina),

-    enlarged abdominal area, heartburn, trouble having bowel movement or painful bowel movement,

-    acute hypersensitivity reactions including urticaria (hives), bruises, intense pain in a limb, leg or thigh pain, loss of range of motion, stiffness, sarcoidosis (a disease characterised by persistent fever, weight loss, joint pain and swelling, skin lesions and swollen glands).

This medicine in combination with peginterferon alfa-2b or interferon alfa-2b may also cause:

-    dark, cloudy or abnormally coloured urine,

-    difficulty breathing, changes in the way your heart beats, chest pain, pain down left arm, jaw pain,

-    loss of consciousness,

-    loss of use, drooping or loss of power of facial muscles, loss of feeling sensation,

-    loss of vision.

You or your caregiver should call your doctor immediately if you have any of these side effects.

If you are a HCV/HIV co-infected adult patient receiving anti-HIV treatment, the addition of this medicine and peginterferon alfa may increase your risk of worsening liver function (combined anti-retroviral therapy (cART)) and increase your risk of lactic acidosis, liver failure, and blood abnormalities development (reduction in number of red blood cells which carry oxygen, certain white blood cells that fight infection, and blood clotting cells called platelets) (NRTI).

In HCV/HIV co-infected patients receiving cART, the following other side effects have occurred with the combination of ribavirin hard capsules and peginterferon alfa-2b (not listed above in adults side effects):

-    appetite decreased,

-    back pain,

-    CD4 lymphocytes decreased,

-    defective metabolism of fat,

-    hepatitis,

-    limb pain,

-    oral candidiasis (oral thrush),

-    various laboratory blood values abnormalities.


Keep this medicine out of the sight and reach of children.

Store in a dry place below 30°C.

Store in the original package.

Do not use this medicine after the expiry date which is stated on the package after “EXP”. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.

Do not use this medicine if you notice any visible signs of deterioration.

Medicines should not be disposed of via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist on how to dispose of medicines no longer required. These measures will help protect the environment.

The active substance is ribavirin.

Each hard capsule of Ribavin 200 mg Hard Capsules contain 200 mg ribavirin.

The other ingredients are microcrystalline cellulose, colloidal silicon dioxide and magnesium stearate.

Ribavin 200 mg Hard Capsules are polished white to off-white size 0 capsules printed with a blue logo “AP” on cap and “200” on body, and a blue ring on both cap and body, filled with white to off-white powder in aluminum/PVC/PVDC blisters. Pack size: 60 capsules.

Marketing Authorization Holder

The Arab Pharmaceutical Manufacturing PSC


Industrial City

P.O. Box 41

Amman 11512, Jordan

Tel: + (962-6) 4023916

Fax: + (962-6) 4023917


The Arab Pharmaceutical Manufacturing PSC


Industrial City

P.O. Box 41

Amman 11512, Jordan

Tel: + (962-6) 4023916

Fax: + (962-6) 4023917

This leaflet was last revised in 06/2019; version number SA2.0.
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

يحتوي ريبافين على المادة الفعالة ريبافيرين. يعمل ريبافيرين على وقف تكاثر فيروس التهاب الكبد سي. يجب ألا يستخدم ريبافين لوحده.

بالاعتماد على النمط الجيني لفيروس التهاب الكبد الذي لديك، فإن طبيبك سيحدد المزيج العلاجي المناسب من هذا الدواء مع الأدوية الأخرى لعلاجك. قد يكون هناك بعض المحددات لاختيار العلاج بما فيها علاجك السابق أو عدمه لعدوى التهاب الكبد سي المزمن. سيحدد الطبيب أفضل طريقة لعلاجك.

يستخدم المزيج العلاجي من ريبافين مع أدوية أخرى لعلاج المرضى البالغين المصابين بالتهاب الكبد سي المزمن.

يمكن استخدام ريبافين للمرضى الأطفال (بعمر 3 سنوات وأكثر والمراهقين) الذين لم يعالجوا من قبل، والذين لا يعانون من مرض شديد في الكبد.

يتوفر ريبافيرين على شكل محلول لاستخدامه لدى المرضى الأطفال والمراهقين الذين يزنون أقل من 47 كلغم.
اسأل طبيبك أو الصيدلي إذا كان لديك أية أسئلة أخرى حول استخدام هذا الدواء.

لا تتناول ريبافين

لا تستخدم ريبافين إذا انطبق عليك أو على طفلك أي مما يلي. تحدث إلى الطبيب أو الصيدلي قبل أخذ ريبافين إذا لم تكن متاكداَ.

  • إذا كنت تعاني من حساسية لريبافيرين أو لأي من المكونات الأخرى لهذا الدواء (المدرجة في قسم 6 ).
  • إذا كنت حاملاً أو تخططين للحمل (انظري القسم "الحمل والرضاعة").
  • إذا كنت ترضعين رضاعة طبيعية.
  • إذا كنت تعاني من مشكلة خطيرة في القلب خلال الست شهور الماضية.
  • إذا كنت تعاني من أي اضطرابات في الدم مثل فقر الدم (تعداد الدم المنخفض)، الثلاسيميا، أو فقر الدم المنجلي.

تذكير: يرجى قراءة قسم "موانع الاستعمال" من نشرات الأدوية الأخرى المستخدمة كمزيج علاجي مع هذا الدواء.

الاحتياطات والتحذيرات

هناك العديد من ردود الفعل السلبية الخطيرة المرتبطة بالمزيج العلاجي لريبافيرين مع (بيغ)إنترفيرون ألفا وتشمل:

  • تأثيرات الجهاز العصبي المركزي والنفسي (مثل الاكتئاب، الأفكار الانتحارية، محاولة الانتحار ،السلوك العدواني، وغيرها). تأكد من الحصول على الرعاية الصحية الطارئة إذا لاحظت أنك تشعر بالاكتئاب، تخطر لك أفكار انتحارية أو هناك تغير في سلوكك. قد ترغب في الطلب من أحد أفراد العائلة أو من صديق مقرب التنبه لحدوث علامات الاكتئاب أو التغييرات في سلوكك.
  • اضطرابات العين الشديدة
  • اضطرابات اللثة والأسنان: تم الإبلاغ عن حدوث إاضطرابات في الأسنان واللثة لدى المرضى الذين يتناولون ريبافين بالترافق مع (بيغ)إنترفيرون ألفا-2ب. يجب عليك تنظيف أسنانك بشكل جيد مرتين يومياً وإجراء فحوصات الأسنان العادية. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، قد يعاني بعض المرضى من القيء. إذا تقيأت، تأكد من غسل الفم بعناية بعد ذلك.
  • قد لا يصل بعض الأطفال والمراهقين إلى الطول الكامل للبالغين.
  • زيادة هرمون الغدة الدرقية لدى الأطفال والمراهقين.

المرضى الأطفال

إذا كنت تعتني بطفل وقرر الطبيب عدم تأجيل العلاج بريبافيرين مع بيغنترفيرون ألفا-2ب أو إنترفيرون ألفا-2ب حتى سن البلوغ، فمن المهم معرفة أن هذا المزيج من العلاجات يؤدي الى تثبيط النمو والذي قد لا يمكن عكسه لاحقاً.
بالإضافة إلى ذلك، حصلت الأعراض الجانبية التالية لدى مستخدمي ريبافيرين:

  • انحلال الدم: يمكن أن يسبب ريبافين تكسر في خلايا الدم الحمراء مما يسبب فقر الدم الذي قد يضعف وظائف القلب أو قد يسبب تفاقم أعراض مرض القلب.
  • قلة الكريات الشاملة: يمكن أن يسبب ريبافين انخفاض في الصفائح الدموية لديك وفي عدد خلايا الدم الحمراء والبيضاء عندما يستخدم كمزيج علاجي مع بيغنترفيرون.

سيتم إجراء فحوصات الدم الأساسية لك للتأكد من الدم ووظائف الكلى والكبد.

  • سيتم إجراء فحوصات الدم بشكل منتظم لمساعدة الطبيب  لمعرفة ما إذا كان هذا العلاج فعال.
  • بناءُ على نتائج هذه الفحوصات، قد يعدل الطبيب عدد الكبسولات الصلبة التي تتناولها أنت أو الطفل الذي ترعاه، يصف لك حجم عبوة مختلف من هذا الدواء، و/أو قد يعدل مدة العلاج.
  • سيتم وقف هذا العلاج إذا كان لديك أو تطور لديك اضطرابات شديدة في الكلى أو الكبد.

اطلب المساعدة الطبية على الفور إذا تطورت لديك أعراض تفاعل تحسسي شديد (مثل صعوبة التنفس، أزيز، أو الشرى) أثناء تناول هذا العلاج.

تحدث مع طبيبك إذا كنت أنت أو الطفل الذي ترعاه:

  • امرأة في سن الإنجاب (انظري القسم "الحمل والرضاعة").
  • رجل و زوجتك في سن الإنجاب (انظري القسم "الحمل والرضاعة")
  • مصاب بمرض قلبي سابق أو تعاني منه حالياً.
  • تعاني من اضطراب آخر في الكبد بالإضافة إلى الإصابة بعدوى التهاب الكبد سي.
  • تعاني من اضطرابات في الكليتين.
  • تعاني من الإصابة بفيروس نقص المناعة البشرية أو عانيت في أي وقت مضى من أي مشاكل أخرى في الجهاز المناعي.

يرجى الرجوع إلى نشرة (بيغ)إنترفيرون ألفا الداخلية للحصول على معلومات أكثر تفصيلاً عن سلامة ومأمونية ذلك العلاج.

تذكير: يرجى قراءة قسم "التحذيرات والاحتياطات" من نشرات الأدوية الأخرى المستخدمة كمزيج علاجي مع هذا الدواء.

الاستخدام من قبل الأطفال والمراهقين

يتوفر ريبافيرين على شكل محلول لاستخدامه لدى المرضى الأطفال والمراهقين الذين يزنون أقل من 47 كلغم أو ممن يصعب عليهم الابتلاع.

الأدوية الأخرى وريبافين

يجب استشارة طبيبك أو الصيدلي قبل استخدام ريبافين لك أو لطفلك إذا كنت تأخذ، أخذت مؤخراً أو كنت ستأخذ:

  • أزاثيوبرين وهو دواء يعمل على تثبيط جهاز المناعة لديك. إن استخدام هذا الدواء بالترافق مع ريبافين قد يزيد من خطر الإصابة باضطرابات شديدة في الدم.
  • الأدوية المضادة لفيروس نقص المناعة البشري.

-    تناول هذا الدواء بالترافق مع إنترفيرون ألفا والأدوية المضادة لفيروس نقص المناعة البشرية قد يزيد من خطر حدوث الحماض اللبني، فشل الكبد، واضطرابات الدم (انخفاض في عدد خلايا الدم الحمراء التي تحمل الأكسجين، في بعض خلايا الدم البيضاء التي تحارب العدوى، وفي عدد الصفائح الدموية).

-    مع زيدوفودين أو ستافودين، فإنه ليس من المؤكد ما إذا كان هذا الدواء سوف يؤثر على طريقة عمل هذه الأدوية. ولذا، سيتم فحص دمك بانتظام للتأكد من أن العدوى بفيروس نقص المناعة البشرية لا تتفاقم لديك. إذا تفاقمت العدوى لديك، فإن طبيبك سوف يقرر ما إذا كان يحتاج علاجك بريبافين إلى تغيير. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، فإنه يكون المرضى الذين يتلقون زيدوفودين مع ريبافيرين بالترافق مع إنترفيرون ألفا عرضةً لخطر متزايد للإصابه بفقر الدم (انخفاض عدد خلايا الدم الحمراء). لذلك لا ينصح باستخدام زيدوفودين مع ريبافيرين بالترافق مع إنترفيرون ألفا.

-    نظرا لخطر حصول الحماض اللبني (تراكم حامض اللبنيك في الجسم)، والتهاب البنكرياس، فإنه لا ينصح باستخدام ريبافيرين مع ديدانوزين،  كما يجب تجنب استخدام ريبافيرين مع ستافودين.

-    قد يكون المرضى المصابين بفيروس نقص المناعة وفيروس الالتهاب الكبدي معاً والذين يتلقون الأدوية المضادة للفيروسات القهقرية في خطر متزايد لتدهور وظائف الكبد. إن إضافة العلاج مع الإنترفيرون ألفا وحده أو بالاشتراك مع ريبافيرين لهذه المجموعة قد يزيد أكثر من خطر حدوث هذه المشكلات لديهم.
تذكير: يرجى قراءة قسم "الأدوية الأخرى وريبافين" من نشرات الأدوية الأخرى المستخدمة كمزيج علاجي مع هذا الدواء.

 الحمل والرضاعة

إذا كنت حاملاً، يجب ألا تتناولي هذا الدواء. إن هذا الدواء يمكن أن يكون مدمرا للجنين.

يجب على كل من المرضى الذكور والإناث اتخاذ الاحتياطات اللازمة في ما يتعلق بنشاطهم الجنسي في حال كان هناك أية احتمال لحدوث الحمل:

  • الفتاة أو المرأة في سن الإنجاب

يجب أن يكون فحص الحمل سلبي قبل البدء بالعلاج، في كل شهر خلال فترة العلاج، وخلال الأربعة شهور اللاحقة لوقف العلاج. يجب مناقشة ذلك مع طبيبك.

  • الرجال

لا تقم بممارسة الجنس مع امرأة حامل إلا إذا كنت تستخدم الواقي الذكري. سوف يقلل هذا من إمكانية بقاء أثار من ريبافيرين في جسم المرأة.

إذا لم تكن زوجتك حاملاً الآن، ولكنها في سن الإنجاب، فإنه يجب أن تقوم بعمل فحص الحمل كل شهر خلال فترة علاجك ولمدة 7 أشهر بعد وقف العلاج.

يتوجب عليك أنت وزوجتك استعمال وسائل فعالة لمنع الحمل خلال فترة تناولك ريبافين وخلال 7 أشهر بعد وقف العلاج. ينبغي مناقشة ذلك مع طبيبك (انظر الى القسم "لا تتناول ريبافين").

يجب ألا تتناولي هذا الدواء إذا كنت ترضعين رضاعة طبيعية، توقفي عن الرضاعة الطبيعية قبل البدء بتناول هذا الدواء.

تأثير ريبافين على القيادة واستخدام الآلات

لا يؤثر هذا الدواء على قدرتك على القيادة أو استخدام الآلات. إلا أنه قد تؤثر الأدوية الأخرى المستخدمة بالترافق مع ريبافين على قدرتك على القيادة أو استخدام الآلات. ولذا، لا تقم بالقيادة أو استخدام الآلات إذا شعرت بالتعب، النعاس، أو التشوش بسبب هذه العلاجات.



معلومات عامة عن تناول هذا الدواء

تناول هذا الدواء تماما كما أخبرك الطبيب. استشر الطبيب أو الصيدلي إذا لم تكن متأكداً.

لا تأخذ أكثر من الجرعة الموصى بها وقم بتناول هذا الدواء طالما تم وصفه لك.

لقد حدد لك الطبيب الجرعة المناسبة من هذا الدواء على أساس وزنك أو وزن الطفل الذي ترعاه.


تعتمد الجرعة الموصى بها ومدة تناول ريبافين على وزن المريض وعلى الأدوية التي يستخدمها بالترافق معه.

الاستخدام من قبل الأطفال والمراهقين

تعتمد الجرعة للأطفال فوق 3 سنوات من العمر والمراهقين على الوزن وعلى الأدوية التي يتم استخدامها بشكل مترافق مع ريبافين. تكون الجرعة الموصى بها من ريبافين عندما يتم إعطائه كمزيج علاجي مع الإنترفيرون ألفا-2ب أو بيغنترفيرون ألفا-2ب كما هو موضح في الجدول أدناه.

تعتمد جرعة ريبافين على وزن الجسم عندما يستخدم بالترافق مع الإنترفيرون ألفا-2ب أو بيغنترفيرون ألفا-2ب للأطفال فوق 3 سنوات من العمر والمراهقين

إذا كان وزن الطفل/المراهق (كلغم)


الجرعة اليومية المعتادة من ريبافيرين

عدد كبسولات 200 ملغم


600 ملغم

كبسولة واحدة في الصباح وكبسولتان في المساء


800 ملغم

كبسولتان في الصباح وكبسولتان في المساء


انظر جرعة البالغين

تناول الجرعة الموصوفة عن طريق الفم مع الماء وأثناء الوجبات. لا تمضغ الكبسولات الصلبة. يتوفر ريبافيرين على شكل محلول لاستخدامه لدى المرضى الأطفال والمراهقين الذين لا يستطيعون بلع الكبسولات الصلبة.
تذكير: يستخدم هذا الدواء كمزيج علاجي مع أدوية أخرى لعدوى لالتهاب الكبد سي. للحصول على معلومات كاملة، تأكد من قراءة قسم "طريقة الاستخدام" في نشرات الأدوية الأخرى المستخدمة بالترافق مع ريبافين.

إذا تناولت جرعة زائدة من ريبافين

إذا تناولت جرعة أكبر من تلك الموصوفة لك، قم بإخبار الطبيب أو الصيدلي في أسرع وقت ممكن.

إذا نسيت تناول جرعة ريبافين

إذا نسيت تناول جرعة من ريبافين، قم بتناول الجرعة المنسية في أقرب وقت ممكن خلال نفس اليوم. إذا مر يوم كامل، قم بالتحدث مع الطبيب. لا تتناول جرعة مضاعفة لتعويض الجرعة المنسية.

للاستفسار أو المزيد من المعلومات عن استخدام هذا الدواء، يرجى استشارة الطبيب أو الصيدلي.

يرجى قراءة قسم "االآثار الجانبية المحتملة" من نشرات الأدوية الأخرى المستخدمة بالترافق مع ريبافين.

مثل جميع الأدوية، فإن هذا الدواء والذي يستخدم بالترافق مع أدوية أخرى يمكن أن يتسبب بحدوث أعراض جانبية، على الرغم من أنه قد لا تحدث لدى جميع مستخدمي هذا العلاج. بالرغم من أنه قد لا تحدث جميع هذه الآثار غير المرغوب فيها أيضاً، إلا أنها قد تحتاج إلى عناية طبية إذا ظهرت.

اتصل بطبيبك على الفور إذا لاحظت ظهور أي من الآثار الجانبية التالية أثناء العلاج بالترافق مع أدوية أخرى:

-    ألم في الصدر أو السعال المستمر؛ تغييرات في نبض القلب، الاغماء.

-    التشوش، الشعور بالاكتئاب؛ ورود أفكار انتحارية أو تطور سلوك عدواني، محاولة الانتحار، وورود الأفكار التي تهدد حياة الآخرين.

-    الشعور بالخدر أو النخز.

-    صعوبة النوم، التفكير أو التركيز.

-    آلام شديدة في المعدة، براز أسود أو بلون القطران، وجود دم في البراز أو البول، وألم أسفل الظهر أو على الجانب.

-    ألم وصعوبة أثناء التبول.

-    نزيف شديد من الأنف.

-    حمى أو قشعريرة تبدأ بعد بضعة أسابيع من العلاج.

-    اضطرابات في البصر أو السمع.

-    طفح جلدي شديد أو احمرار.

تم الإبلاغ عن الآثار الجانبية التالية مع استخدام كبسولات ريبافيرين الصلبة بالترافق مع ألفا إنترفيرون لدى البالغين:

الآثار الجانبية الشائعة جدًا (قد تؤثر على أكثر من شخص من كل 10 أشخاص):

-    انخفاض في عدد خلايا الدم الحمراء (الذي قد يسبب التعب، ضيق في التنفس، الدوخة)، انخفاض في عدد العدلات (الذي يجعلك أكثر عرضة للإصابة بالعدوى المختلفة).

-    صعوبة التركيز، الشعور بالقلق أو العصبية، تقلب المزاج، الشعور بالاكتئاب أو القلق، التعب، صعوبة الدخول في النوم أو الاستمرار في النوم.

-    السعال، جفاف الفم، التهاب البلعوم (التهاب الحلق).

-    الإسهال، الدوخة، الحمى، أعراض تشبه الانفلونزا، الصداع،     الغثيان، قشعريرة، العدوى الفيروسية، تقيؤ، ضعف.

-    فقدان الشهية، فقدان الوزن، آلام في المعدة.

-    جفاف الجلد، هيجان، فقدان الشعر، الحكة، ألم عضلي، آلام في العضلات، آلام في المفاصل والعضلات، الطفح الجلدي.

الآثار الجانبية الشائعة (تؤثر على ما يصل إلى شخص واحد من كل 10 أشخاص):

-    انخفاض في الصفائح الدموية المسؤولة عن تخثر الدم، مما يؤدي إلى التكدمات والنزيف التلقائي، انخفاض في عدد نوع معين من خلايا الدم البيضاء التي تسمى الخلايا الليمفاوية والمسؤولة عن محاربة العدوى، انخفاض في نشاط الغدة الدرقية (والذي قد يجعلك تشعر بالتعب، الاكتئاب، زيادة حساسيتك للبرد وأعراض أخرى)، ارتفاع السكر أو حمض اليوريك (كما هو الحال في مرض النقرس) في الدم، مستوى كالسيوم منخفض في الدم، فقر الدم الشديد.

-    العدوى الفطرية أو البكتيرية، البكاء، الهياج، فقدان الذاكرة، ضعف الذاكرة، العصبية، السلوك غير الطبيعي ،السلوك العدواني، الغضب، الشعور بالتشوش، فقدان الاهتمام، الاضطراب العقلي، تغيرات في المزاج، أحلام غير عادية، الرغبة في إيذاء نفسك، الشعور بالنعاس، النوم المضطرب، ضعف الرغبة الجنسية أو عدم القدرة، الدوار (الشعور بالدوخة).

-    تغُيم الرؤية أو الرؤية غير الطبيعية، تهيج العين أو ألم أو عدوى في العينين، جفاف أو تدمع العينين، تغيرات في السمع أو الصوت، طنين في الأذنين، عدوى الأذن، ألم في الأذن، التقرحات، وتغير في حاسة التذوق، فقدان حاسة التذوق، نزيف اللثة أو قروح في الفم، حرقان في اللسان، ألم اللسان، التهاب اللثة، مشاكل في الأسنان، الصداع النصفي، عدوى الجهاز التنفسي، التهاب الجيوب الأنفية، نزف الأنف، السعال الجاف، سرعة أو صعوبة التنفس، احتقان أو سيلان الأنف، العطش، مشاكل في الأسنان.

-    صوت ضربات القلب غير الطبيعية، ألم  أو الشعور بعدم الراحة في الصدر، الشعور بالإغماء، الشعور بالإعياء، بيغ، زيادة التعرق، عدم تحمل الحرارة والتعرق الزائد، انخفاض أو ارتفاع ضغط الدم، الخفقان (شدة ضربات القلب)، وسرعة نبض القلب.

-    النفخة، الإمساك، عسر الهضم، الغازات المعوية (ريح البطن)، زيادة الشهية، تهيج القولون، تهيج غدة البروستات، اليرقان (اصفرار الجلد)، براز رخو، آلام في الجانب الأيمن حول الأضلاع، تضخم الكبد، توعك المعدة، الحاجة المتكررة للتبول، التبول أكثر من المعتاد، عدوى المسالك البولية، والبول غير الطبيعي.

-    الحيض الصعب، غير المنتظم، أو انقطاع الحيض،  حيض ثقيل وطويل بصورة غير طبيعية، طمث مؤلم، اضطراب في المهبل أو المبيض، ألم في الثدي، اضطراب الانتصاب.

-    نسيج الشعر غير الطبيعي، حب الشباب، التهاب المفاصل، كدمات، أكزيما (التهاب الجلد، الاحمرار، حكة وجفاف مع آفات نازة)، طفح ،زيادة أو نقصان الحساسية للمس، اضطراب الأظافر،  تشنجات العضلات، خدر أو نخز، ألم الأطراف، ألم المفاصل،  رجفه في اليدين،  الصدفية، انتفاخ أو تورم اليدين والكاحلين، الحساسية لأشعة الشمس، طفح جلدي مع بقع (آفات) بارزة على الجلد،  احمرار الجلد أو اضطراب الجلد، تورم الوجه، تورم الغدد (تضخم الغدد الليمفاوية)، توتر العضلات، ورم (غير محدد)، عدم الثبات عند المشي، واضطراب تميه الجسم (اضطراب السوائل في الجسم).

الآثار الجانبية غير الشائعة (تؤثر على ما يصل إلى شخص من كل 100 شخص):

-    سماع أو رؤية أشياء ليست موجودة.

-    أزمة قلبية، الذعر.

-    فرط الحساسية للدواء.

-    التهاب البنكرياس، ألم في العظام، مرض السكري.

-    ضعف عضلي.

الآثار الجانبية النادرة (تؤثر على ما يصل إلى شخص من كل 1000 شخص):

-    نوبات (تشنجات).

-    الالتهاب الرئوي.

-    التهاب المفاصل، اضطرابات الكلى.

-    براز أسود أو دموي، آلام شديدة في البطن.

-    الساركويد (وهو مرض يتميز بالحمى المستمرة، فقدان الوزن، آلام المفاصل وتورمها، آفات الجلد، وتورم الغدد).

-    التهاب الأوعية الدموية.

الآثار الجانبية النادرة جداً (تؤثر على ما يصل إلى شخص من كل 10000 شخص):

-    الانتحار

-    السكتة الدماغية (اضطرابات الاوعية الدموية الدماغية).

آثار جانبية غير معروفة (لا يمكن تقدير شيوعها من البيانات المتاحة):

-    أفكار تتعلق بتهديد حياة الآخرين.

-    الهوس (حماس مفرط أو غير معقول).

-    التهاب التامور (التهاب بطانة القلب)، انصباب التامور (تجمع للسائل يحدث بين التامور (بطانة القلب) والقلب نفسه)

-    تغير في لون اللسان.

الآثار الجانبية لدى الأطفال والمراهقين

تم الإبلاغ عن الآثار الجانبية التالية مع استخدام هذا الدواء بالترافق مع إنترفيرون ألفا-2 ب لدى الأطفال والمراهقين:

الآثار الجانبية الشائعة جداً (تؤثر على أكثر من شخص واحد من كل 10 أشخاص):

-    انخفاض عدد خلايا الدم الحمراء (الذي قد يسبب التعب، ضيق في التنفس، الدوخة)، انخفاض في عدد العدلات (الذي يجعلك أكثر عرضة للإصابة بالعدوى المختلفة).

-    انخفاض في نشاط الغدة الدرقية (الذي قد يجعلك تشعر بالتعب، الاكتئاب، زيادة حساسيتك للبرد وأعراض أخرى).

-    الشعور بالاكتئاب أو الهياج، الشعور بالغثيان في المعدة، الشعور بالإعياء، تقلب المزاج، الشعور بالتعب، صعوبة في الدخول في النوم أو الاستمرار في النوم، العدوى الفيروسية، وضعف.

-    الإسهال، الدوخة، الحمى، أعراض تشبه الانفلونزا، الصداع، فقدان أو زيادة في الشهية، فقدان الوزن، انخفاض في معدل النمو (الطول والوزن)، ألم في الجانب الأيمن من الأضلاع، التهاب البلعوم (التهاب في الحلق)، قشعريرة ،آلام في المعدة،  التقيؤ.

-    جفاف الجلد، تساقط الشعر، تهيج، حكة، آلام وأوجاع في العضلات، آلام في المفاصل والعضلات، الطفح الجلدي.

 الآثار الجانبية الشائعة (تؤثر على ما يصل إلى شخص واحد من كل 10 أشخاص):

-    انخفاض في عدد الصفائح الدموية المسؤولة عن تخثر الدم (الذي قد يسبب التكدمات والنزيف التلقائي).

-    ارتفاع مستوى الدهون الثلاثية في الدم، ارتفاع مستوى حمض اليوريك (كما هو الحال في مرض النقرس) في الدم، زيادة في نشاط الغدة الدرقية (والذي قد يسبب العصبية، عدم تحمل الحرارة،  التعرق الزائد، فقدان الوزن، الخفقان، الرعاشات).

-    الإثارة ،الغضب، السلوك العدواني، اضطراب السلوك،  صعوبة التركيز، عدم الاستقرار العاطفي، الاغماء، الشعور بالقلق أو العصبية،  الشعور بالبرد، الشعور بالتشوش، الشعور بالأرق،  الشعور بالنعاس،  فقدان الاهتمام أو القدرة على التنبه، تغيرات في المزاج، الألم، قلة النوم، المشي أثناء النوم، محاولة الانتحار، اضطرابات النوم، الأحلام غير العادية، والرغبة في إيذاء نفسك.

-    العدوى البكتيرية، نزلات البرد، العدوى الفطرية، الرؤية غير الطبيعية، جفاف أو تدمع العينين، عدوى الأذن،  تهيج العينين أو الألم أو العدوى، تغير في التذوق، تغيرات في الصوت، القروح، السعال،  التهاب اللثة، نزيف الأنف، تهيج الأنف، ألم في الفم،  التهاب البلعوم (التهاب في الحلق)،  سرعة التنفس، عدوى الجهاز التنفسي، تشقق الشفاه وزوايا الفم، ضيق في التنفس، التهاب الجيوب الأنفية، العطس، تقرحات في الفم، ألم في اللسان، احتقان أو سيلان الأنف، ألم في الحلق، ألم الاسنان، خراج الأسنان، مشاكل في الأسنان، الدوار، الضعف.

-    ألم في الصدر، احمرار الوجه، الخفقان (شدة ضربات القلب)، وسرعة دقات القلب.

-    وظائف الكبد غير الطبيعية.

-    ارتداد الحمض، آلام الظهر، التبول اللاإرادي، الإمساك، اضطراب المريء أو المستقيم، سلس البول، زيادة الشهية، التهاب غشاء المعدة والأمعاء، اضطراب المعدة، البراز الرخو.

-    اضطراب التبول، عدوى المسالك البولية.

-    الحيض الصعب، غير المنتظم، أو انقطاع الحيض،  حيض ثقيل وطويل بصورة غير طبيعية، اضطراب أو التهاب في المهبل، ألم الخصية، تطور سمات الجسم الذكورية.

-    حب الشباب، الكدمات، الأكزيما (التهاب، احمرار، حكة وجفاف في الجلد مع الآفات النازة)، زيادة أو نقصان الحساسية للمس، زيادة التعرق، زيادة في حركة العضلات، توتر العضلات، ألم في الأطراف، اضطراب الأظافر، الشعور بالخدر أو النخز، شحوب الجلد، طفح جلدي مع آفات بارزة، ارتعاش اليدين، احمرار الجلد أو مشاكل جلدية، تغير لون الجلد، زيادة حساسية البشرة لأشعة الشمس، الجروح ، التورم بسبب تراكم المياه الزائدة، تورم الغدد (تضخم الغدد الليمفاوية)، الرعشة، ورم (غير محدد).

الآثار الجانبية غير الشائعة (تؤثر على ما يصل إلى شخص واحد من كل 100 شخص):

-    سلوك غير طبيعي، اضطراب عاطفي، خوف، كوابيس.

-    نزيف في الغشاء المخاطي المبطن للجفن، تغيُم الرؤية، النعاس، عدم تحمل الضوء، حكة في العيون، آلام في الوجه، التهاب اللثة.

-    عدم الراحة في الصدر، صعوبة في التنفس، عدوى الرئة، عدم الراحة في الأنف، الالتهاب الرئوي، وأزيز.

-    انخفاض ضغط الدم.

-    تضخم الكبد.

-    ألم الحيض.

-    حكة في منطقة الشرج (الدودة الدبوسيه أو دودة الأسكارس)، الطفح الجلدي (هربس نطاقي)، انخفاض حساسية الجلد للمس، ارتعاش العضلات، ألم في الجلد، شحوب، تقشر الجلد، احمرار وتورم.

كما تم الإبلاغ عن محاولة إيذاء النفس لدى البالغين والأطفال والمراهقين.

إن تناول هذا الدواء بالترافق مع ألفا إنترفيرون قد يسبب أيضاً:

-    فقر الدم اللاتنسجي، نقية عدم تنسج الخلايا الحمراء (وهي حالة يتوقف عندها الجسم أو يقلل من إنتاج خلايا الدم الحمراء)؛ وهذا يسبب فقر الدم الشديد، والتي تشمل أعراضه التعب غير الاعتيادي، ونقص الطاقة.

-    الأوهام

-    عدوى الجهاز التنفسي العلوي والسفلي

-    التهاب البنكرياس

-    الطفح الجلدي الشديد الذي قد يترافق مع ظهور نطف في الفم، الأنف ،العينين والأغشية المخاطية الأخرى (الحمامى متعددة الأشكال، متلازمة ستيفنز جونسون)، انحلال البشرة المتموتة التسممي (تنطف وتقشر الطبقة العليا من الجلد).

كما تم الإبلاغ عن الآثار الجانبية الأخرى التالية عند تناول هذا الدواء بالترافق مع ألفا إنترفيرون:

-    الأفكار الشاذة، سماع أو رؤية أشياء ليست موجودة، تغير الحالة العقلية، والتوهان.

-    الوذمة الوعائية (تورم في اليدين، القدمين، الكاحلين، الوجه، الشفتين، الفم أو الحلق مما قد يسبب صعوبة في البلع أو التنفس).

-    متلازمة فوكت كوياناجي هارادا (اضطراب في جهاز المناعة يؤثر على العينين، الجلد و أغشية الأذنين، الدماغ، والحبل الشوكي).

-    تضيق الشعب الهوائية والتأق (رد فعل تحسسي شديد في كامل الجسم)، السعال المستمر.

-    اضطرابات في العينين بما في ذلك الأضرار التي تلحق بشبكية العين، انسداد الشريان الشبكي، التهاب العصب البصري،  تورم في العينين ، رؤية بقع تشبه القطن الأبيض (بقع بيضاء على شبكية العين)

-    توسع منطقة البطن، حرقة، صعوبة في حركة الامعاء أو حركة الامعاء المؤلمة.

-    تفاعلات فرط الحساسية الحادة بما في ذلك الشرى، كدمات، الألم الشديد في الأطراف، ألم في الساق أو الفخذ، فقدان مجموعة من القدرات الحركية، تصلب، الساركويد (وهو مرض يتميز بالحمى المستمرة، فقدان الوزن، آلام المفاصل وتورمها، آفات الجلد، وتورم الغدد).

أخذ هذا الدواء بالترافق مع بيغنترفيرون ألفا-2ب أو إنترفيرون ألفا-2ب قد يسبب أيضا:

-    بول داكن، عكر أو ذو لون غير طبيعي.

-    صعوبة في التنفس، تغيرات في ضربات القلب، ألم في الصدر، ألم أسفل الذراع الأيسر، ألم الفك.

-    فقدان الوعي

-    فقدان القدرة على استخدام أو فقدان قوة عضلات الوجه، فقدان الشعور والإحساس.

-    فقدان الرؤية.

يجب عليك أو على مقدم الرعاية الخاص بك الاتصال بطبيبك على الفور إذا عانيت من أي من هذه الآثار الجانبية.

إذا كنت مصاباً بفيروسي نقص المناعة البشرية وفيروس التهاب الكبد سي، وتتلقى العلاج لمكافحة فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية، فإن إضافة هذا الدواء مع بيغنترفيرون ألفا قد يزيد من خطر تدهور وظائف الكبد (يحدث هذا مع استخدام الأدوية المضادة للفيروسات القهقرية)، ومن خطر تراكم حمض اللبنيك، فشل الكبد، واضطرابات الدم (انخفاض في عدد خلايا الدم الحمراء التي تحمل الأكسجين، انخفاض في عدد أنواع معينة من خلايا الدم البيضاء التي تحارب العدوى، وخلايا تخثر الدم التي تسمى الصفائح الدموية).

لدى هؤلاء المرضى المصابين بفيروسي نقص المناعة البشرية وفيروس التهاب الكبد سي ، حدثت الآثار الجانبية التالية مع المزيج العلاجي للكبسولات الصلبة ريبافيرين و بيغنترفيرون ألفا-2ب (غير الآثار الجانبية المذكورة لدى البالغين أعلاه):

-    فقدان الشهية

-    ألم في الظهر

-    نقص لمفاويات CD4

-    اضطراب التمثيل الغذائي للدهون

-    التهاب الكبد

-    ألم في الأطراف

-    داء المبيضات الفموي (القلاع الفموي)

-    اضطراب نتائج فحوصات الدم المخبرية في عدة جوانب

احفظ هذا الدواء بعيدآ عن مرأى ومتناول الأطفال.

يحفظ عند درجة حرارة أقل من 30˚ مئوية في مكان جاف.

يحفظ داخل العبوة الأصلية.

لا تستخدم هذا الدواء بعد تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية المذكور على العبوة بعد “EXP”. يشير تاريخ الانتهاء إلى اليوم الأخير من ذلك الشهر.

لا تستخدم هذا الدواء إذا لاحظت علامات تلف واضحة عليه.

لا تتخلص من الأدوية عن طريق مياه الصرف الصحي أو النفايات المنزلية. اسأل الصيدلي عن كيفية التخلص من الأدوية التي لم تعد بحاجة اليها.


المادة الفعالة هي ريبافيرين.

تحتوي كل كبسولة صلبة من ريبافين 200 ملغم كبسولات صلبة على 200 ملغم ريبافيرين.

المواد الأخرى المستخدمة في التركيبة التصنيعية هي السليلوز البلوري المكروي، ثاني أكسيد السيليكون الغروي وستيرات المغنيسيوم.


ريبافين 200 ملغم كبسولات صلبة هي كبسولات بلون أبيض إلى أبيض عاجي مطبوع عليها "AP" بلون أزرق على الغلاف و "200" على الجسم، ويوجد حلقة زرقاء على كل من الغلاف والجسم، وهي مملوءة بمسحوق بلون أبيض إلى أبيض عاجي في أشرطة ألمنيوم من كلوريد متعدد الفينيل/ كلوريد متعدد الفينيلدين.

حجم العبوة: 60 كبسولة.


اسم وعنوان مالك رخصة التسويق والمصنع

الشركة العربية لصناعة الأدوية المساهمة الخاصة


المدينة الصناعية

صندوق بريد 41

عمان 11512، الأردن

هاتف:  4023916(6-962)+

فاكس:  4023917(6-962)+

الشركة المصنعة

الشركة العربية لصناعة الأدوية المساهمة الخاصة


المدينة الصناعية

صندوق بريد 41

عمان 11512، الأردن

هاتف: 4023916 (6-962)+

فاكس: 4023917(6-962)+


تمت مراجعة هذه النشرة بتاريخ 06/2019، رقم النسخة: SA2.0.
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Ribavin 200 mg Hard Capsules.

Each hard capsule contains 200 mg of ribavirin. For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Hard Capsules. Polished white to off-white size 0 capsules printed with a blue logo “AP” on cap and “200” on body, and a blue ring on both cap and body, filled with white to off-white powder.

Ribavin  is  indicated  in  combination  with  other  medicinal  products  for  the  treatment  of  chronic hepatitis C (CHC) in adults (see sections 4.2, 4.4, and 5.1).


Ribavin  is  indicated  in  combination  with  other  medicinal  products  for  the  treatment  of  chronic hepatitis C (CHC) for paediatric patients (children 3 years of age and older and adolescents) not previously treated and without liver decompensation (see sections 4.2, 4.4 and 5.1).


Treatment should be initiated, and monitored, by a physician experienced in the management of chronic hepatitis C.



Ribavin must be used in combination therapy as described in section 4.1.

Please refer to the corresponding Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) of medicinal products used in combination with ribavirin for additional prescribing information particular to that product and for further dosage recommendations on co-administration with ribavirin.


Ribavin capsules are to be administered orally each day in two divided doses (morning and evening) with food.



The recommended dose and duration of Ribavin depends on patient's weight and on the medicinal product that is used in combination. Please refer to the corresponding SmPC of medicinal products used in combination with ribavirin.


In the cases in which no specific dose recommendation is made, the following dose should be used: Patient weight: < 75 kg =1,000 mg and > 75 kg = 1,200 mg.


Paediatric population

No data are available in children below 3 years of age.


Note: For patients who weigh < 47 kg, or are unable to swallow capsules, please refer to the SmPC for ribavirin 40 mg/mL oral solution.


Dosing of Ribavin for children and adolescent patients is determined by the patient body weight. For example, the body weight dosing used in conjunction with interferon alfa-2b or peginterferon alfa-2b is  shown  in  Table  1.  Please  refer  to  the  corresponding  SmPC  of  medicinal  products  used  in combination with ribavirin  as  some combination regimens do not  adhere  to  the  ribavirin  dosing guidance provided in Table 1.


Table 1 Ribavin dose based on body weight when used in combination with interferon alfa-2b or peginterferon alfa-2b in paediatric patients

Patient weight (kg)

Daily Ribavin dose

Number of 200 mg capsules

47 - 49

600 mg

3 capsules a

50 - 65

800 mg

4 capsules b

> 65

Refer to adult dose recommendations

a1 morning, 2 evening

b2 morning, 2 evening


Dose modification for adverse reactions

Dose modification for adults

Dose reduction of Ribavin depends on the initial Ribavin posology which depends on the medicinal product that is used in combination with ribavirin.


If a patient has a serious adverse reaction potentially related to Ribavin, the Ribavin dose should be modified or discontinued, if appropriate, until the adverse reaction abates or decreases in severity.


Table  2  provides  guidelines  for  dose  modifications  and  discontinuation  based  on  the  patient's haemoglobin concentration, cardiac status and indirect bilirubin concentration.

Table 2 Management of Adverse Reactions

Laboratory values

Reduce Ribavin dose* if:

Discontinue Ribavin if:

Haemoglobin  in  patients  with

No Cardiac Disease

< 10 g/dL

< 8.5 g/dL

Haemoglobin: Patients with History  of  Stable  Cardiac Disease

≥ 2 g/dL decrease in haemoglobin during any 4 week period during treatment (permanent dose reduction)

<  12  g/dL  despite  4  weeks  at reduced dose

Bilirubin – Indirect

> 5 mg/dL

> 4 mg/dL (adults)

* For patients receiving a 1,000 mg (< 75 kg) or 1,200 mg (> 75 kg) dose, ribavirin dose should be reduced to 600 mg/day (administered as one 200 mg capsule in the morning and two 200 mg capsules in the evening). If the abnormality is reversed, ribavirin may be restarted at 600 mg daily, and further increased to 800 mg daily at the discretion of the treating physician. However, a return to higher doses is not recommended.


For patients receiving a 800 mg (< 65 kg)-1,000 mg (65-80 kg)-1,200 mg (81-105 kg) or 1,400 mg (> 105 kg) dose, 1st  dose reduction of Ribavin is by 200 mg/day (except in patients receiving the 1,400 mg, dose reduction should be by 400 mg/day). If needed, 2nd dose reduction of Ribavin is by an additional 200 mg/day. Patients whose dose of Ribavin is reduced to 600 mg daily receive one 200 mg capsule in the morning and two 200 mg capsules in the evening.


In case of serious adverse reaction potentially related to medicinal products used in combination with ribavirin, refer to the corresponding SmPC of these medicinal products as some combination regimens do not adhere to the ribavirin dose modification and/or discontinuation guidelines as described in Table 2.


Dose modification for paediatric patients

Dose reduction in paediatric patients without cardiac disease follows the same guidelines as adult patients without cardiac disease regarding haemoglobin levels (Table 2).


There are no data for paediatric patients with cardiac disease (see section 4.4).


Table 3 provides guidelines for discontinuation based on the patient's indirect bilirubin concentration.

Table 3 Management of Adverse Reactions

Laboratory values

Discontinue Ribavin if:

Bilirubin – Indirect

> 5 mg/dL (for > 4 weeks)

(children and adolescents treated with interferon alfa-2b),


> 4 mg/dL (for > 4 weeks)

(children and adolescents treated with peginterferon alfa-2b)


Special populations

Elderly (≥ 65 years of age)

There does not appear to be a significant age-related effect on the pharmacokinetics of ribavirin. However, as in younger patients, renal function must be determined prior to administration of Ribavin (see section 5.2).


Paediatric patients (children 3 years of age and older and adolescents)

Ribavin may be used in combination with peginterferon alfa-2b or interferon alfa-2b (see section 4.4). The selection of ribavirin formulation is based on individual characteristics of the patient.


The safety and efficacy of ribavirin used together with direct-acting-anti-virals in these patients has not been established. No data are available.


Please refer to the corresponding SmPC of medicinal products used in combination with ribavirin for further dosage recommendations on co-administration.


Renal impairment

The pharmacokinetics of ribavirin is altered in patients with renal dysfunction due to reduction of apparent creatinine clearance in these patients (see section 5.2). Therefore, it is recommended that renal function be evaluated in all patients prior to initiation of ribavirin. Adult patients with moderate renal impairment (creatinine clearance of 30-50 mL/minute) should be administered alternating daily doses of 200 mg and 400 mg. Adult patients with severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance of <30 mL/minute) and patients with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) or on haemodialysis should be administered ribavirin 200 mg/day. Table 4 provides guidelines for dose modification for patients with renal dysfunction. Patients with impaired renal function should be more carefully monitored with respect to the development of anaemia. No data are available regarding dose modification for paediatric patients with renal impairment.


Table 4 Dosage Modification for Renal Impairment in Adult Patients

Creatinine  Clearance                 

Ribavin Dose (daily)

30 to 50 mL/min

Alternating doses, 200 mg and 400 mg every other day

Less than 30 mL/min

200 mg daily

Haemodialysis (ESRD)

200 mg daily


Hepatic impairment

No pharmacokinetic interaction appears between ribavirin and hepatic function (see section 5.2). For use in patients with decompensated cirrhosis, see the corresponding SmPC of the medicinal products used in combination with ribavirin.


Method of administration

Ribavin should be administered orally with food.

• Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1. • Pregnancy (see sections 4.4, 4.6 and 5.3). In females of childbearing potential, Ribavin must not be initiated until a report of a negative pregnancy test has been obtained immediately prior to initiation of therapy. • Breast-feeding. • History of severe pre-existing cardiac disease, including unstable or uncontrolled cardiac disease, in the previous six months (see section 4.4). • Haemoglobinopathies (e.g., thalassemia, sickle-cell anaemia). Please refer to the corresponding SmPC of medicinal products used in combination with ribavirin for contraindications specific to these products.

Ribavin must be used in combination with other medicinal products (see section 5.1).


Please refer to the SmPC of (peg)interferon alfa for details on the recommendations of monitoring and management regarding the adverse reactions listed below before initiating therapy and other precautions associated with (peg)interferon alfa.


There are several serious adverse reactions associated with the combination therapy of ribavirin with (peg)interferon alfa. These include:

-      Severe  psychiatric  and  central  nervous  system  effects  (such  as  depression,  suicidal  ideation, attempted suicide and aggressive behaviour, etc.)

-     Growth inhibition in children and adolescents that may be irreversible in some patients

-     Increased thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) in children and adolescents

-     Severe ocular disorders

-     Dental and periodontal disorders.


Paediatric population

When deciding not to defer combination treatment with peginterferon alfa-2b or interferon alfa-2b until adulthood, it is important to consider that this combination therapy induced a growth inhibition that may be irreversible in some patients. The decision to treat should be made on a case by case.



A decrease in haemoglobin levels to < 10 g/dL was observed in up to 14 % of adult patients and 7 % of children and adolescents treated with ribavirin in combination with peginterferon alfa-2b or interferon alfa-2b in clinical trials. Although ribavirin has no direct cardiovascular effects, anaemia associated with ribavirin may result in deterioration of cardiac function, or exacerbation of the symptoms of coronary disease, or both. Thus, ribavirin must be administered with caution to patients with pre- existing cardiac disease (see section 4.3). Cardiac status must be assessed before start of therapy and monitored clinically during therapy; if any deterioration occurs, therapy must be stopped (see section 4.2).



Adult patients with a history of congestive heart failure, myocardial infarction and/or previous or current arrhythmic disorders must be closely monitored. It is recommended that those patients who have pre-existing cardiac abnormalities have electrocardiograms taken prior to and during the course of  treatment.  Cardiac  arrhythmias  (primarily  supraventricular)  usually  respond  to  conventional therapy but may require discontinuation of therapy. There are no data in children or adolescents with a history of cardiac disease.


Teratogenic risk

Prior to initiation of treatment with ribavirin the physician must comprehensively inform both male and female patients of the teratogenic risk of ribavirin, the necessity of effective and continuous contraception, the possibility that contraceptive methods may fail and the possible consequences of pregnancy should it occur during or following treatment with ribavirin (see section 4.6). For laboratory monitoring of pregnancy, please refer to Laboratory tests.


Acute hypersensitivity

If an acute hypersensitivity reaction (e.g., urticaria, angioedema, bronchoconstriction, anaphylaxis) develops, ribavirin must be discontinued immediately, and appropriate medical therapy instituted. Transient rashes do not necessitate interruption of treatment.


Liver function

Any patient developing significant liver function abnormalities during treatment must be monitored closely. Please refer to the corresponding SmPC of medicinal products used in combination with ribavirin for discontinuation or dose modification recommendations.


Renal impairment

The pharmacokinetics of ribavirin is altered in patients with renal dysfunction due to reduction of apparent clearance in these patients. Therefore, it is recommended that renal function be evaluated in  all  patients  prior  to  initiation  of  ribavirin.  Due  to  substantial  increases  in  ribavirin  plasma concentrations in patients with moderate and severe renal impairment, ribavirin dose adjustments are recommended in adult patients with creatinine clearance < 50 mL/minute. No data are available regarding dose modification for paediatric patients with renal impairment (see sections 4.2 and 5.2). Haemoglobin concentrations should be monitored closely during treatment and corrective action taken as necessary (see section 4.2).


Potential to exacerbate immunosuppression

Pancytopenia and bone marrow suppression have been reported in the literature to occur within 3 to 7 weeks after the administration of a peginterferon and ribavirin concomitantly with azathioprine. This myelotoxicity was reversible within 4 to 6 weeks upon withdrawal of HCV antiviral therapy and concomitant  azathioprine  and  did  not  recur  upon  reintroduction  of  either  treatment  alone  (see section 4.5).


HCV/HIV Co-infection

Mitochondrial toxicity and lactic acidosis:

Caution should be taken in HIV-positive subjects co-infected with HCV who receive nucleoside reverse  transcriptase   inhibitor   (NRTI)   treatment   (especially   ddI   and   d4T)   and   associated   interferon alfa/ribavirin treatment. In the HIV-positive population receiving an NRTI regimen, physicians should carefully monitor markers of mitochondrial toxicity and lactic acidosis when ribavirin is administered. For additional details see section 4.5.


Hepatic decompensation in HCV/HIV co-infected patients with advanced cirrhosis

Co-infected patients with advanced cirrhosis receiving combined anti-retroviral therapy (cART) may be at increased risk of hepatic decompensation and death. Other baseline factors in co-infected patients that  may  be  associated  with  a  higher  risk  of  hepatic  decompensation  include  treatment  with didanosine and elevated bilirubin serum concentrations.


Co-infected patients receiving both antiretroviral (ARV) and anti-hepatitis treatment should be closely monitored, assessing their Child-Pugh score during treatment. Please refer to the corresponding SmPC of medicinal products used in combination with ribavirin for discontinuation or dose modification recommendations. Patients progressing to hepatic decompensation should have their anti-hepatitis treatment immediately discontinued and the ARV treatment reassessed.


Haematological abnormalities in HCV/HIV co-infected patients

HCV/HIV co-infected patients receiving peginterferon alfa-2b/ribavirin treatment and cART may be at increased risk to develop haematological abnormalities (as neutropenia, thrombocytopenia and anaemia)  compared  to  HCV  mono-infected  patients.  Although,  the  majority  of  them  could  be managed by dose reduction, close monitoring of haematological parameters should be undertaken in this population of patients (see section 4.2 and below “Laboratory tests” and section 4.8).


Patients treated with ribavirin and zidovudine are at increased risk of developing anaemia; therefore, the concomitant use of ribavirin with zidovudine is not recommended (see section 4.5).


Patients with low CD4 counts

In patients co-infected with HCV/HIV, limited efficacy and safety data (N = 25) are available in subjects with CD4 counts less than 200 cells/µL. Caution is therefore warranted in the treatment of patients with low CD4 counts.


Please refer to the corresponding SmPC of the antiretroviral medicinal products that are to be taken concurrently with HCV therapy for awareness and management of toxicities specific for each product and the potential for overlapping toxicities with ribavirin.


Laboratory tests

Standard haematologic tests, blood chemistries (complete blood count [CBC] and differential, platelet count, electrolytes, serum creatinine, liver function tests, uric acid) and pregnancy tests must be conducted in all patients prior to initiating therapy. Acceptable baseline values that may be considered as a guideline prior to initiation of ribavirin therapy:

  • Haemoglobin                        Adult: ≥ 12 g/dL (females); ≥ 13 g/dL (males)

                                                          Children and adolescents: ≥ 11 g/dL (females); ≥ 12 g/dL (males)

Laboratory evaluations are to be conducted at weeks 2 and 4 of therapy, and periodically thereafter as clinically appropriate. HCV-RNA should be measured periodically during treatment (see section 4.2). Uric acid may increase with ribavirin due to haemolysis; therefore, the potential for development of gout must be carefully monitored in pre-disposed patients.

Interaction studies have only been performed in adults.


Results of in vitro studies using both human and rat liver microsome preparations indicated no cytochrome P450 enzyme mediated metabolism of ribavirin. ribavirin does not inhibit cytochrome P450 enzymes. There is no evidence from toxicity studies that ribavirin induces liver enzymes. Therefore, there is a minimal potential for P450 enzyme-based interactions.


Ribavirin, by having an inhibitory effect on inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase, may interfere with azathioprine metabolism possibly leading to an accumulation of 6-methylthioinosine monophosphate (6-MTIMP), which has been associated with myelotoxicity in patients treated with azathioprine. The use of pegylated alpha interferons and ribavirin concomitantly with azathioprine should be avoided. In individual cases where the benefit of administering ribavirin concomitantly with azathioprine warrants the potential risk, it is recommended that close hematologic monitoring be done during concomitant azathioprine use to identify signs of myelotoxicity, at which time treatment with these medicines should be stopped (see section 4.4).


No interaction studies have been conducted with ribavirin and other medicinal products, except for peginterferon alfa-2b, interferon alfa-2b and antacids.


No  pharmacokinetic  interactions  were  noted  between  ribavirin  and  peginterferon  alfa-2b  or interferon alfa-2b in a multiple-dose pharmacokinetic study.



The bioavailability of ribavirin 600 mg was decreased by co-administration with an antacid containing magnesium aluminium and simethicone; AUCtf decreased 14 %. It is possible that the decreased bioavailability in this study was due to delayed transit of ribavirin or modified pH. This interaction is not considered to be clinically relevant.


Nucleoside analogues

Use of nucleoside analogs, alone or in combination with other nucleosides, has resulted in lactic acidosis. Pharmacologically, ribavirin increases phosphorylated metabolites of purine nucleosides in vitro. This activity could potentiate the risk of lactic acidosis induced by purine nucleoside analogs (e.g. didanosine or abacavir). Co-administration of ribavirin and didanosine is not recommended. Reports of mitochondrial toxicity, in particular lactic acidosis and pancreatitis, of which some fatal, have been reported (see section 4.4).


The exacerbation of anaemia due to ribavirin has been reported when zidovudine is part of the regimen used to treat HIV although the exact mechanism remains to be elucidated. The concomitant use of ribavirin with zidovudine is not recommended due to an increased risk of anaemia (see section 4.4). Consideration should be given to replacing zidovudine in a combination anti-retroviral treatment (ART) regimen if this is already established. This would be particularly important in patients with a known history of zidovudine induced anaemia.


Any potential for interactions may persist for up to two months (five half-lives for ribavirin) after cessation of ribavirin therapy due to the long half-life (see section 5.2).


There is no evidence that ribavirin interacts with non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors or protease inhibitors.


Conflicting findings are reported in literature on co-administration between abacavir and ribavirin. Some data suggest that HIV/HCV co-infected patients receiving abacavir-containing ART may be at risk of a lower response rate to pegylated interferon/ribavirin therapy. Caution should be exercised when both medicines are co-administered.

Women of childbearing potential/contraception in males and females

Female patients

Ribavin must not be used by females who are pregnant (see sections 4.3 and 5.3). Extreme care must be taken to avoid pregnancy in female patients (see section 5.3). Ribavin therapy must not be initiated until a report of a negative pregnancy test has been obtained immediately prior to initiation of therapy. Females of childbearing potential must use an effective contraceptive during treatment and for four months after treatment has been concluded; routine monthly pregnancy tests must be performed during this time. If pregnancy does occur during treatment or within four months from stopping treatment, the patient must be advised of the significant teratogenic risk of ribavirin to the foetus (see section 4.4).


Male patients and their female partners

Extreme care must be taken to avoid pregnancy in partners of male patients taking Ribavin (see sections 4.3, 4.4 and 5.3). Ribavirin accumulates intracellularly and is cleared from the body very slowly.  It  is  unknown  whether  the  ribavirin  that  is  contained  in  sperm  will  exert  its  potential teratogenic or genotoxic effects on the human embryo/foetus. Although data on approximately 300 prospectively followed pregnancies with paternal exposure to ribavirin have not shown an increased risk of malformation compared to the general population, nor any specific pattern of malformation, either male patients or their female partners of childbearing age must be advised to use an effective contraceptive during treatment with ribavirin and for seven months after treatment. Routine monthly pregnancy tests must be performed during this time. Men whose partners are pregnant must be instructed to use a condom to minimise delivery of ribavirin to the partner.



Pregnancy category X.

The use of Ribavin is contraindicated during pregnancy. Ribavirin has been shown in preclinical studies to be teratogenic and genotoxic (see section 4.4 and 5.3).



It is not known whether ribavirin is excreted in human milk. Because of the potential for adverse reactions in breast-fed infants, breast-feeding must be discontinued prior to initiation of treatment.



Preclinical data

-     Fertility: In animal studies, ribavirin produced reversible effects on spermatogenesis (see section 5.3).

-      Teratogenicity: Significant teratogenic and/or embryocidal potential have been demonstrated for ribavirin in all animal species in which adequate studies have been conducted, occurring at doses as low as one twentieth of the recommended human dose (see section 5.3).

-     Genotoxicity: ribavirin induces genotoxicity (see section 5.3).

Ribavin has no or negligible influence on the ability to drive and use machines; however, other medicinal products used in combination may have an effect. Thus, patients who develop fatigue, somnolence,  or  confusion  during  treatment  must  be  cautioned  to  avoid  driving  or  operating machinery.

Summary of the safety profile

The salient safety issue of ribavirin is haemolytic anaemia occurring within the first weeks of therapy. The haemolytic anaemia associated with ribavirin therapy may result in deterioration of cardiac function and/or worsening of pre-existing cardiac disease. An increase in uric acid and indirect bilirubin values associated with haemolysis were also observed in some patients.


The adverse reactions listed in this section are primarily derived from clinical trials and/or as adverse drug reactions from spontaneous reports when ribavirin was used in combination with interferon alfa-2b or peginterferon alfa-2b.


Please refer to the corresponding SmPC of medicinal products that are used in combination with ribavirin for additional undesirable effects reported with these products.



Bitherapy with peginterferon alfa-2b or interferon alfa-2b

The safety of ribavirin capsules is evaluated from data from four clinical trials in patients with no previous   exposure   to   interferon   (interferon-naïve   patients):   two   trials   studied   ribavirin   in combination with interferon alfa-2b, two trials studied ribavirin in combination with peginterferon alfa-2b.


Patients who are treated with interferon alfa-2b and ribavirin after previous relapse from interferon therapy or who are treated for a shorter period are likely to have an improved safety profile than that described below.


Tabulated list of adverse reactions for adults

The adverse reactions listed in Table 5 are based on experience from clinical trials in adult naïve patients treated for 1 year and post-marketing use. A certain number of adverse reactions generally attributed to interferon therapy but that have been reported in the context of hepatitis C therapy (in combination with ribavirin) are also listed for reference in Table 5. Also, refer to peginterferon alfa- 2b  and  interferon  alfa-2b  SmPC  for  adverse  reactions  that  may  be  attributable  to  interferons monotherapy. Within the organ system classes, adverse reactions are listed under headings of frequency using the following categories: very common (≥ 1/10); common (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10); uncommon (≥ 1/1,000 to < 1/100); rare (≥ 1/10,000 to < 1/1,000); very rare (< 1/10,000); not known.


Within  each  frequency  grouping,  undesirable  effects  are  presented  in  order  of  decreasing seriousness.

Table 5 Adverse reactions reported during clinical trials or following the marketing use ofribavirin with pegylated interferon alfa-2b or interferon alfa-2b

System Organ Class

Adverse Reactions

Infections and infestations

Very common:

Viral infection, pharyngitis


Bacterial  infection  (including  sepsis),  fungal  infection, influenza, respiratory tract infection, bronchitis, herpes simplex, sinusitis, otitis media, rhinitis, urinary tract infection


Lower respiratory tract infection



Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (including cysts and polyps)


Neoplasm unspecified

Blood and lymphatic system disorders

Very common:

Anaemia, neutropenia


Haemolitic anaemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, lymphadenopathy, lymphopenia

Very rare:

Aplastic anaemia*

Not known:

Pure red cell aplasia, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura

Immune system disorders


Drug hypersensitivity


Sarcoidosis*, rheumatoid arthritis (new or aggravated)

Not known:

Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, vasculitis, acute hypersensitivity reactions including urticaria, angioedema, bronchoconstriction, anaphylaxis

Endocrine disorders


Hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism

Metabolism and nutrition disorders

Very common:



Hyperglycaemia,  hyperuricaemia, hypocalcaemia, dehydration, increased appetite


Diabetes mellitus, hypertriglyceridemia*

Psychiatric disorders

Very common:

Depression, anxiety, emotional lability, insomnia


Suicidal ideation, psychosis, aggressive behaviour, confusion, agitation, anger, mood altered, abnormal behaviour, nervousness,  sleep  disorder,  decreased  libido  apathy, abnormal dreams, crying


Suicide attempts, panic attack, hallucination


Bipolar disorder*

Very rare:


Not known:

Homicidal ideation*, mania*, mental status change

Nervous system disorders

Very common:

Headache, dizziness, dry mouth, concentration impaired


Amnesia, memory impairment, syncope, migraine, ataxia, paraesthaesia, dysphonia, taste loss, hypoaesthesia, hyperaesthesia, hypertonia, somnolence, disturbance in attention, tremor, dysgeusia


Neuropathy, peripheral neuropathy


Seizure (convulsion)*

Very rare:

Cerebrovascular haemorrhage*, cerebrovascular ischaemia*, encephalopathy*, polyneuropathy*

Not known:

Facial palsy, mononeuropathies

Eye disorders


Visual disturbance, blurred vision, conjunctivitis, eye irritation, eye pain, abnormal vision, lacrimal gland disorder, dry eye


Retinal haemorrhages*, retinopathies (including macular oedema)*, retinal artery occlusion*, retinal vein occlusion*, optic neuritis*, papilloedema*, loss of visual acuity or visual field*, retinal exudates

Ear and labyrinth disorders


Vertigo, hearing impaired/loss, tinnitus, ear pain

Cardiac disorders


Palpitation, tachycardia


Myocardial infarction


Cardiomyopathy, arrhythmia*

Very rare:

Cardiac ischaemia*

Not known:

Pericardial effusion*, pericarditis*

Vascular disorders


Hypotension, hypertension, flushing



Very rare:

Peripheral ischaemia*

Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders

Very common:

Dyspnoea, coughing


Epistaxis, respiratory disorder, respiratory tract congestion, sinus  congestion,  nasal  congestion,  rhinorrhea,  increased upper  airway  secretion,  pharyngolaryngeal  pain, nonproductive cough

Very rare:

Pulmonary  infiltrates*, pneumonitis*, interstitial pneumonitis*

Gastro-intestinal disorders

Very common:

Diarrhoea, vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain


Ulcerative stomatitis, stomatitis, mouth ulceration, colitis, upper right quadrant pain, dyspepsia, gastroesophoageal reflux*, glossitis, cheilitis, abdominal distension, gingival bleeding, gingivitis, loose stools, tooth disorder, constipation, flatulence


Pancreatitis, oral pain


Ischaemic colitis

Very rare:

Ulcerative colitis*

Not known:

Periodontal disorder, dental disorder, tongue pigmentation

Hepatobiliary disorders


Hepatomegaly, jaundice, hyperbilirubinemia*

Very rare:

Hepatotoxicity (including fatalities)*

Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders

Very common:

Alopecia, pruritus, skin dry, rash



Psoriasis, aggravated psoriasis, eczema, photosensitivity reaction,   maculopapular   rash,   erythematous   rash,   night sweats, hyperhidrosis, dermatitis, acne, furuncule, erythema, urticaria, skin disorder, bruise, sweating increased, abnormal hair texture, nail disorder*



Cutaneous sarcoidosis

Very rare:

Stevens  Johnson  syndrome*,  toxic  epidermal  necrolysis*, erythema multiforme*

Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders

Very common:

Arthralgia, myalgia, musculoskeletal pain


Arthritis, back pain, muscle spasms, pain in extremity


Bone pain, muscle weakness


Rhabdomyolysis*, myositis*

Renal and urinary disorders


Micturition frequency, polyuria, urine abnormality


Renal failure, renal insufficiency*

Very rare:

Nephrotic syndrome*

Reproductive system and breast disorders


Female: amenorrhea, menorrhagia, menstrual disorder, dysmenorrhea, breast pain, ovarian disorder, vaginal disorder.

Male: impotence, prostatitis, erectile dysfunction.

Sexual dysfunction (not specified)*

General disorders and administration site conditions

Very common:

Fatigue,   rigors,   pyrexia,   influenza   like   illness,   asthenia, irritability


Chest  pain,  chest  discomfort,  peripheral  oedema,  malaise, feeling abnormal, thirst


Face oedema


Very common:

Weight decrease


Cardiac murmur

* Since ribavirin has always been prescribed with an alpha interferon product, and the listed adverse drug reactions included reflecting post-marketing experience do not allow precise quantification of frequency, the frequency reported above is from clinical trials using ribavirin in combination with interferon alfa-2b (pegylated or non-pegylated).


Description of selected adverse reactions

A reduction in haemoglobin concentrations by > 4 g/dL was observed in 30 % of patients treated with ribavirin and peginterferon alfa-2b and 37 % of patients treated with ribavirin and interferon alfa-2b. Haemoglobin levels dropped below 10 g/dL in up to 14 % of adult patients and 7 % of children and adolescents treated with ribavirin in combination with either peginterferon alfa-2b or interferon alfa-2b.


Most cases of anaemia, neutropenia, and thrombocytopenia were mild (WHO grades 1 or 2). There were some cases of more severe neutropenia in patients treated with ribavirin in combination with peginterferon alfa-2b (WHO grade 3: 39 of 186 [21 %]; and WHO grade 4: 13 of 186 [7 %]); WHO grade 3 leukopenia was also reported in 7 % of this treatment group.


An increase in uric acid and indirect bilirubin values associated with haemolysis was observed in some patients treated with ribavirin used in combination with peginterferon alfa-2b or interferon alfa-2b in clinical trials, but values returned to baseline levels by four weeks after the end of therapy. Among those patients with elevated uric acid levels, very few patients treated with the combination developed clinical gout, none of which required treatment modification or discontinuation from the clinical trials.


HCV/HIV co-infected patients

For HCV/HIV co-infected patients receiving ribavirin in combination with peginterferon alfa-2b, other adverse reactions (that were not reported in mono-infected patients) which have been reported in the studies with a frequency > 5 % were: oral candidiasis (14 %), lipodystrophy acquired (13 %), CD4 lymphocytes decreased (8 %), appetite decreased (8 %), gamma-glutamyl transferase increased (9%), back pain (5 %), blood amylase increased (6 %), blood lactic acid increased (5 %), cytolytic hepatitis (6 %), lipase increased (6 %) and pain in limb (6 %).


Mitochondrial toxicity

Mitochondrial toxicity and lactic acidosis have been reported in HIV-positive patients receiving NRTI regimen and associated-Ribavirin for co-HCV infection (see section 4.4).


Laboratory values for HCV/HIV co-infected patients

Although haematological toxicities of neutropenia, thrombocytopenia and anaemia occurred more frequently in HCV/HIV co-infected patients, the majority could be managed by dose modification and rarely required premature discontinuation of treatment (see section 4.4). Haematological abnormalities were more frequently reported in patients receiving ribavirin in combination with peginterferon alfa-2b when compared to patients receiving ribavirin in combination with interferon alfa-2b.  In  Study  1  (see  section  5.1),  decrease  in  absolute  neutrophil  count  levels  below  500 cells/mm3 was observed in 4 % (8/194) of patients and decrease in platelets below 50,000/mmwas observed in 4 % (8/194) of patients receiving ribavirin in combination with peginterferon alfa-2b. Anaemia (haemoglobin < 9.4 g/dL) was reported in 12 % (23/194) of patients treated with ribavirin in combination with peginterferon alfa-2b.


CD4 lymphocytes decrease

Treatment with ribavirin in combination with peginterferon alfa-2b was associated with decreases in absolute CD4+ cell counts within the first 4 weeks without a reduction in CD4+ cell percentage. The decrease in CD4+ cell counts was reversible upon dose reduction or cessation of therapy. The use of ribavirin in combination with peginterferon alfa-2b had no observable negative impact on the control of HIV viraemia during therapy or follow-up. Limited safety data (N = 25) are available in co-infected patients with CD4+ cell counts < 200/µL (see section 4.4).


Please refer to the corresponding SmPC of the antiretroviral medicinal products that are to be taken concurrently with HCV therapy for awareness and management of toxicities specific for each product and the potential for overlapping toxicities with ribavirin in combination with other medicinal products.


Paediatric population

In combination with peginterferon alfa-2b

In a clinical trial with 107 children and adolescent patients (3 to 17 years of age) treated with combination therapy of peginterferon alfa-2b and ribavirin, dose modifications were required in 25 % of patients, most commonly for anaemia, neutropenia and weight loss. In general, the adverse reactions profile in children and adolescents was similar to that observed in adults, although there is a paediatric-specific concern regarding growth inhibition. During combination therapy for up to 48 weeks with pegylated interferon alfa-2b and ribavirin, growth inhibition was observed that resulted in reduced height in some patients (see section 4.4). Weight loss and growth inhibition were very common during the treatment (at the end of treatment, mean decrease from baseline in weight and in height percentiles were of 15 percentiles and 8 percentiles, respectively) and growth velocity was inhibited (< 3rd percentile in 70 % of the patients).


At the end of 24 weeks post-treatment follow-up, mean decrease from baseline in weight and height percentiles were still 3 percentiles and 7 percentiles, respectively, and 20% of the children continued to have inhibited growth (growth velocity < 3rd percentile). Ninety-four of 107 children enrolled in the 5 year long-term follow-up trial. The effects on growth were less in those children treated for 24 weeks than those treated for 48 weeks. From pre-treatment to end of long-term follow-up among children treated for 24 or 48 weeks, height-for-age percentiles decreased 1.3 and 9.0 percentiles, respectively. Twenty-four percent of children (11/46) treated for 24 weeks and 40 % of children (19/48) treated for 48 weeks had a > 15 percentile height-for-age decrease from pre-treatment to the  end  of  5  year  long-term  follow-up  compared  to  pre-treatment  baseline  percentiles.  Eleven percent of children (5/46) treated for 24 weeks and 13 % of children (6/48) treated for 48 weeks were observed to have a decrease from pre-treatment baseline > 30 height-for-age percentiles to the end of the 5 year long-term follow-up. For weight, pre-treatment to end of long-term follow-up, weight-for-age percentiles decreased 1.3 and 5.5 percentiles among children treated for 24 weeks or  48  weeks,  respectively.  For  BMI,  pre-treatment  to  end  of  long-term  follow-up,  BMI-for-age percentiles decreased 1.8 and 7.5 percentiles among children treated for 24 weeks or 48 weeks, respectively.  Decrease  in  mean  height  percentile  at  year  1  of  long  term  follow-up  was  most prominent in prepubertal age children. The decline of height, weight and BMI Z scores observed during the treatment phase in comparison to a normative population did not fully recover at the end of long-term follow-up period for children treated with 48 weeks of therapy (see section 4.4).


In the treatment phase of this study, the most prevalent adverse reactions in all subjects were pyrexia (80 %), headache (62 %), neutropenia (33 %), fatigue (30 %), anorexia (29 %) and injection- site erythema (29 %). Only 1 subject discontinued therapy as the result of an adverse reaction (thrombocytopenia). The majority of adverse reactions reported in the study were mild or moderate in severity. Severe adverse reactions were reported in 7 % (8/107) of all subjects and included injection site pain (1 %), pain in extremity (1 %), headache (1 %), neutropenia (1 %), and pyrexia (4 %). Important treatment-emergent adverse reactions that occurred in this patient population were nervousness (8 %), aggression (3 %), anger (2 %), depression/depressed mood (4 %) and hypothyroidism (3 %) and 5 subjects received levothyroxine treatment for hypothyroidism/elevated TSH.


In combination with interferon alfa-2b

In clinical trials of 118 children and adolescents 3 to 16 years of age treated with combination therapy of interferon alfa-2b and ribavirin, 6 % discontinued therapy due to adverse reactions. In general, the adverse reaction profile in the limited children and adolescent population studied was similar to that observed in adults, although there is a paediatric-specific concern regarding growth inhibition, as decrease in height percentile (mean percentile decrease of 9 percentile) and weight percentile (mean percentile decrease of 13 percentile) were observed during treatment. Within the 5 years follow-up post-treatment period, the children had a mean height of 44th percentile, which was below the median of the normative population and less than their mean baseline height (48th percentile). Twenty (21 %) of 97 children had a > 15 percentile decrease in height percentile, of whom 10 of the 20 children had a > 30 percentile decrease in their height percentile from the start of treatment to the end of long-term follow-up (up to 5 years). Final adult height was available for 14 of those children and demonstrated that 12 continued to show height deficits > 15 percentiles, 10 to 12 years after the end of treatment. During combination therapy for up to 48 weeks with interferon alfa-2b and ribavirin, growth inhibition was observed that resulted in reduced final adult height in some patients. In particular, decrease in mean height percentile from baseline to the end of the long- term follow-up was most prominent in prepubertal age children (see section 4.4).


Furthermore,  suicidal  ideation  or  attempts  were  reported  more  frequently  compared  to  adult patients (2.4 % vs. 1 %) during treatment and during the 6 month follow-up after treatment. As in adult patients, children and adolescents also experienced other psychiatric adverse reactions (e.g., depression, emotional lability, and somnolence) (see section 4.4). In addition, injection site disorders, pyrexia, anorexia, vomiting and emotional lability occurred more frequently in children and adolescents compared to adult patients. Dose modifications were required in 30 % of patients, most commonly for anaemia and neutropenia.


Tabulated list of adverse reactions in paediatric population

Reported adverse reactions listed in Table 6 are based on experience from the two multicentre children and adolescents clinical trials using ribavirin with interferon alfa-2b or peginterferon alfa-2b. Within the organ system classes, adverse reactions are listed under headings of frequency using the following categories: very common (≥ 1/10); common (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10), and uncommon (≥ 1/1,000 to  <  1/100).  Within  each  frequency  grouping,  undesirable  effects  are  presented  in  order  of decreasing seriousness.

Table 6 Adverse reactions very commonly, commonly and uncommonly reported during clinical trials in children and adolescents with ribavirin in combination with interferon alfa-2b or peginterferon alfa-2b

System Organ Class

Adverse Reactions

Infections and infestations

Very common:

Viral infection, pharyngitis


Fungal infection, bacterial infection, pulmonary infection, nasopharyngitis, pharyngitis streptococcal, otitis media, sinusitis, tooth abscess, influenza, oral herpes,  herpes  simplex,  urinary  tract  infection, vaginitis, gastroenteritis


Pneumonia,   ascariasis,  enterobiasis,  herpes   zoster, cellulitis

Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (including cysts and polyps)


Neoplasm unspecified

Blood and lymphatic system disorders

Very common:

Anaemia, neutropenia


Thrombocytopenia, lymphadenopathy

Endocrine disorders

Very common:



Hyperthyroidism, virilism

Metabolism and nutrition disorders

Very common:

Anorexia, increased appetite, decreased appetite


Hypertriglyceridemia, hyperuricemia

Psychiatric disorders

Very common:

Depression, insomnia, emotional lability


Suicidal ideation, aggression, confusion, affect liability, behaviour disorder, agitation, somnambulism, anxiety, mood  altered,  restlessness,  nervousness,  sleep disorder, abnormal dreaming, apathy


Abnormal   behaviour,   depressed   mood,   emotional disorder, fear, nightmare

Nervous system disorders

Very common:

Headache, dizziness


Hyperkinesia, tremor, dysphonia, paresthaesia, hypoaesthesia,  hyperaesthesia,  concentration impaired, somnolence, disturbance in attention, poor quality of sleep


Neuralgia, lethargy, psychomotor hyperactivity

Eye disorders


Conjunctivitis,   eye   pain,   abnormal   vision,   lacrimal gland disorder


Conjunctival   haemorrhage,   eye   pruritus,   keratitis, vision blurred, photophobia

Ear and labyrinth disorders



Cardiac disorders


Tachycardia, palpitations

Vascular disorders


Pallor, flushing



Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders


Dyspnoea, tachypnea, epistaxis, coughing, nasal congestion, nasal irritation, rhinorrhoea, sneezing, pharyngolaryngeal pain


Wheezing, nasal discomfort

Gastro-intestinal disorders

Very common:

Abdominal pain, abdominal pain upper, vomiting, diarrhoea, nausea


Mouth ulceration, stomatitis ulcerative, stomatitis, aphthous stomatitis, dyspepsia, cheilosis, glossitis, gastroesophoageal reflux, rectal disorder, gastrointestinal disorder, constipation, loose stools, toothache, tooth disorder, stomach discomfort, oral pain



Hepatobiliary disorders


Hepatic function abnormal



Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders

Very common:

Alopecia, rash


Pruritus,  photosensitivity  reaction,  maculopapular rash, eczema, hyperhidrosis, acne, skin disorder, nail disorder,   skin   discolouration, dry   skin,   erythema, bruise


Pigmentation disorder,  dermatitis atopic, skin exfoliation

Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders

Very common:

Arthralgia, myalgia, musculoskeletal pain


Pain in extremity, back pain, muscle contracture

Renal and urinary disorders


Enuresis,  micturition  disorder,  urinary  incontinence, proteinuria

Reproductive system and breast disorders


Female: amenorrhea, menorrhagia, menstrual disorder, vaginal disorder,

Male: testicular pain


Female: dysmenorrhoea

General disorders and administration site conditions

Very common:

Fatigue, rigors, pyrexia, influenza-like illness, asthenia, malaise, irritability


Chest pain, oedema, pain, feeling cold


Chest discomfort, facial pain


Very common:

Growth rate decrease (height and/or weight decrease for age)


Blood thyroid stimulating hormone increased, thyroglobulin increased


Anti-thyroid antibody positive

Injury, poisoning and procedural complications


Skin laceration




Most of the changes in laboratory values in the ribavirin/peginterferon alfa-2b clinical trial were mild or moderate. Decreases in haemoglobin, white blood cells, platelets, neutrophils and increase in bilirubin may require dose reduction or permanent discontinuation from therapy (see section 4.2). While changes in laboratory values were observed in some patients treated with ribavirin used in combination with peginterferon alfa-2b in the clinical trial, values returned to baseline levels within a few weeks after the end of therapy.


Reporting of suspected adverse reactions

Reporting suspected adverse reactions after authorisation of the medicinal product is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product. Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions via the national reporting systems applied at their countries:

  • Saudi Arabia

The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC)

Fax: +966-11-205-7662

Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Ext: 2317-2356-2340.

Reporting hotline: 19999

E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa

Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc


  • Other GCC States

Please contact the relevant competent authority



In clinical trials with ribavirin used in combination with peginterferon alfa-2b or interferon alfa-2b, the maximum overdose reported was a total dose of 10 g of ribavirin (50 x 200 mg capsules) and 39 MIU of interferon alfa-2b (13 subcutaneous injections of 3 MIU each) taken in one day by a patient in an attempt at suicide. The patient was observed for two days in the emergency room, during which time no adverse reaction from the overdose was noted.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: antivirals for systemic use, antivirals for treatment of HCV infections, ATC code: J05AP01.


Mechanism of action

Ribavirin is a synthetic nucleoside analogue which has shown in vitro activity against some RNA and DNA viruses. The mechanism by which ribavirin in combination with other medicinal products exerts its effects against HCV is unknown. Oral formulations of ribavirin monotherapy have been investigated as therapy for chronic hepatitis C in several clinical trials. Results of these investigations showed thatribavirin  monotherapy  had  no  effect  on  eliminating  hepatitis  virus  (HCV-RNA)  or  improving hepatic histology after 6 to 12 months of therapy and 6 months of follow-up.


Clinical efficacy and safety

Ribavirin in combination with Direct Antiviral Agent (DAA):

Please refer to the SmPC of the corresponding DAA for a full description of the clinical data with such combination.


Only the description of the use of ribavirin from the original development with (peg)interferon alfa-2b is detailed in the current SmPC:

Bitherapy with peginterferon alfa-2b or interferon alfa-2b:

The use of ribavirin in combination treatment with peginterferon alfa-2b or interferon alfa-2b was evaluated in a number of clinical trials. Eligible patients for these trials had chronic hepatitis C confirmed by a positive HCV-RNA polymerase chain reaction assay (PCR) (> 30 IU/mL), a liver biopsy consistent with a histological diagnosis of chronic hepatitis with no other cause for the chronic hepatitis, and abnormal serum ALT.


Naïve patients

Three trials examined the use of interferon in naïve patients, two with ribavirin + interferon alfa-2b (C95-132 and I95-143) and one with ribavirin + peginterferon alfa-2b (C/I98-580). In all cases the treatment was for one year with a follow-up of six months. The sustained response at the end of follow-up was significantly increased by the addition of ribavirin to interferon alfa-2b (41 % vs 16 %, p < 0.001).


In clinical trials C95-132 and I95-143, ribavirin + interferon alfa-2b combination therapy proved to be significantly more effective than interferon alfa-2b monotherapy (a doubling in sustained response). Combination therapy also decreased the relapse rate. This was true for all HCV genotypes, particularly Genotype 1, in which the relapse rate was reduced by 30 % compared with interferon alfa-2b monotherapy.


In clinical trial C/I98-580, 1,530 naïve patients were treated for one year with one of the following combination regimens:

  • Ribavirin (800 mg/day) + peginterferon alfa-2b (1.5 micrograms/kg/week) (n = 511).
  • Ribavirin (1,000/1,200 mg/day) + peginterferon alfa-2b (1.5 micrograms/kg/week for one month followed by 0.5 microgram/kg/week for 11 months) (n = 514).
  • Ribavirin (1,000/1,200 mg/day) + interferon alfa-2b (3 MIU three times a week) (n = 505).


In this trial, the combination of ribavirin and peginterferon alfa-2b (1.5 micrograms/kg/week) was significantly more effective than the combination of ribavirin and interferon alfa-2b, particularly in patients infected with Genotype 1. Sustained response was assessed by the response rate six months after the cessation of treatment.


HCV genotype and baseline virus load are prognostic factors which are known to affect response rates. However, response rates in this trial were shown to be dependent also on the dose of  ribavirin administered in combination with peginterferon alfa-2b or interferon alfa-2b. In those patients that received > 10.6 mg/kg ribavirin (800 mg dose in typical 75 kg patient), regardless of genotype or viral load, response rates were significantly higher than in those patients that received ≤ 10.6 mg/kg ribavirin (Table 7), while response rates in patients that received > 13.2 mg/kg ribavirin were even higher.

Table 7 Sustained response rates with ribavirin + peginterferon alfa-2b

(by ribavirin dose [mg/kg], genotype and viral load)

HCV Genotype

Ribavirin dose


P 1.5/R

P 0.5/R


All Genotypes


≤ 10.6

> 10.6

54 %

50 %

61 %

47 %

41 %

48 %

47 %

27 %

47 %

Genotype 1


≤ 10.6

> 10.6

42 %

38 %

48 %

34 %

25 %

34 %

33 %

20 %

34 %

Genotype 1

≤ 600,000 IU/mL


≤ 10.6

> 10.6

73 %

74 %

71 %

51 %

25 %

52 %

45 %

33 %

45 %

Genotype 1

> 600,000 IU/mL


≤ 10.6

> 10.6

30 %

27 %

37 %

27 %

25 %

27 %

29 %

17 %

29 %

Genotype 2/3


≤ 10.6

> 10.6

82 %

79 %

88 %

80 %

73 %

80 %

79 %

50 %

80 %

P1.5/ Rribavirin (800 mg) + peginterferon alfa-2b (1.5 micrograms/kg)

P0.5/ Rribavirin (1,000/1,200 mg) + peginterferon alfa-2b (1.5 to 0.5 microgram/kg) I/ Rribavirin (1,000/1,200 mg) + interferon alfa-2b (3 MIU)

In a separate trial, 224 patients with genotype 2 or 3 received peginterferon alfa-2b, 1.5 microgram/kg subcutaneously, once weekly, in combination with ribavirin 800 mg –1,400 mg p.o. for 6 months (based on body weight, only three patients weighing > 105 kg, received the 1,400 mg dose) (Table 8). Twenty-four % had bridging fibrosis or cirrhosis (Knodell 3/4).

Table 8 Virologic Response at End of Treatment, Sustained Virologic Response and Relapse by HCV Genotype and Viral Load*


Ribavirin 800-1,400 mg/day plus peginterferon alfa-2b 1.5 μg/kg once weekly

End of  Treatment


Sustained Virologic Response


All Subjects

94 % (211/224)

81 % (182/224)

12 % (27/224)


100 % (42/42)

93 % (39/42)

7 % (3/42)

≤ 600,000 IU/mL

100 % (20/20)

95 % (19/20)

5 % (1/20)

> 600,000 IU/mL

100 % (22/22)

91 % (20/22)

9 % (2/22)


93 % (169/182)

79 % (143/182)

14 % (24/166)

≤ 600,000 IU/mL

93 % (92/99)

86 % (85/99)

8 % (7/91)

> 600,000 IU/mL

93 % (77/83)

70 % (58/83)

23 % (17/75)

* Any subject with an undetectable HCV-RNA level at the follow-up week 12 visit and missing data at the follow-up week 24 visit was considered a sustained responder. Any subject with missing data in and after the follow-up week 12 window was considered to be a non-responder at week 24 of follow- up.


The 6 month treatment duration in this trial was better tolerated than one year of treatment in the pivotal combination trial; for discontinuation 5 % vs. 14 %, for dose modification 18 % vs. 49 %.


In a non-comparative trial, 235 patients with genotype 1 and low viral load (< 600,000 IU/mL) received peginterferon alfa-2b, 1.5 microgram/kg subcutaneously, once weekly, in combination with weight adjusted ribavirin. The overall sustained response rate after a 24-week treatment duration was 50 %. Forty-one percent of subjects (97/235) had nondetectable plasma HCV-RNA levels at week 4 and week 24 of therapy. In this subgroup, there was a 92 % (89/97) sustained virological response rate. The high sustained response rate in this subgroup of patients was identified in an interim analysis (n=49) and prospectively confirmed (n=48).


Limited  historical  data  indicate  that  treatment  for  48  weeks  might  be  associated  with  a  higher sustained response rate (11/11) and with a lower risk of relapse (0/11 as compared to 7/96 following 24 weeks of treatment).


A large randomized trial compared the safety and efficacy of treatment for 48 weeks with two peginterferon alfa-2b/ribavirin regimens [peginterferon alfa-2b 1.5 µg/kg and 1 µg/kg subcutaneously once weekly both in combination with ribavirin 800 to 1,400 mg p.o. daily (in two divided doses)] and peginterferon alfa-2a 180 µg subcutaneously once weekly with ribavirin 1,000 to 1,200 mg p.o. daily (in two divided doses) in 3,070 treatment-naïve adults with chronic hepatitis C genotype 1. Response to  the  treatment  was  measured  by  Sustained  Virologic  Response  (SVR)  which  is  defined  as undetectable HCV-RNA at 24 weeks post-treatment (see Table 9).


Table 9 Virologic response at treatment week 12, end of treatment response, relapse rate* and Sustained Virologic Response (SVR)

Treatment group

% (number) of patients


peginterferon alfa-2b 1.5

µg/kg + ribavirin

peginterferon alfa-2b

1 µg/kg + ribavirin

peginterferon alfa-2a    

180 µg  + ribavirin

Undetectable     HCV-RNA  at treatment week 12

40 (407/1,019)

36 (366/1,016)

45 (466/1,035)

End of treatment response*

53 (542/1,019)

49 (500/1,016)

64 (667/1,035)


24 (123/523)

20 (95/475)

32 (193/612)


40 (406/1,019)

38 (386/1,016)

41 (423/1,035)

SVR in patients with undetectable HCV-RNA at treatment week 12

81 (328/407)

83 (303/366)

74 (344/466)

*HCV-RNA PCR assay, with a lower limit of quantitation of 27 IU/mL


Lack of early virologic response by treatment week 12 (detectable HCV-RNA with a < 2 log10 reduction from baseline) was a criterion for discontinuation of treatment.


In all three treatment groups, sustained virologic response rates were similar. In patients of African American origin (which is known to be a poor prognostic factor for HCV eradication), treatment with peginterferon alfa-2b (1.5 µg/kg)/ribavirin combination therapy resulted in a higher sustained virologic response rate compared to peginterferon alfa-2b 1 µg/kg dose. At the peginterferon alfa-2b 1.5 µg/kg plus ribavirin dose, sustained virologic response rates were lower in patients with cirrhosis, in patients with normal ALT levels, in patients with a baseline viral load > 600,000 IU/mL and in patients > 40 years old. Caucasian patients had a higher sustained virologic response rate compared to the African Americans. Among patients with undetectable HCV-RNA at the end of treatment, the relapse rate was 24 %.


Predictability of sustained virological response in naïve patients

Virological response by week 12 is defined as at least 2-log viral load decrease or undetectable levels of HCV-RNA. Virological response by week 4 is defined as at least 1-log viral load decrease or undetectable levels of HCV-RNA. These time points (treatment week 4 and treatment week 12) have been shown to be predictive for sustained response (Table 10).


Table 10 Predictive  Value of In-Treatment  Virologic Response while on peginterferon alfa-2b 1.5 µg/kg/ribavirin 800-1,400 mg Combination Therapy





No response at



No sustained Response



Response  at Treatment Week





Genotype 1*

By Week 4***(n= 950)


HCV-RNA negative



65 %




92 %


HCV-RNA negative or

≥   1   log   decrease   in

viral load



95 %




54 %


By Week 12***

(n= 915)







HCV-RNA negative



85 %




81 %


HCV-RNA negative or

≥   2   log   decrease   in

viral load






57 %


Genotype 2, 3**

By Week 12 (n=215)







HCV-RNA negative or

≥   2   log   decrease   in

viral load



50 %




83 %


*Genotype 1 receive 48 weeks treatment

**Genotype 2, 3 receive 24 weeks treatment

***The presented results are from a single point of time. A patient may be missing or have had a different result for week 4 or week 12.

 These criteria were used in the protocol: If week 12 HCV-RNA is positive and < 2 log10 decrease from baseline, patients to stop therapy. If week 12 HCV-RNA is positive and decreased ≥ 2 log10 from baseline, then retest HCV-RNA at week 24 and if positive, patients to stop therapy.


HCV/HIV Co-infected patients

Two trials have been conducted in patients co-infected with HIV and HCV. The response to treatment in both of these trials is presented in Table 11. Study 1 (RIBAVIC; P01017) was a randomized, multicentre study which enrolled 412 previously untreated adult patients with chronic hepatitis C who were co-infected with HIV. Patients were randomized to receive either ribavirin (800 mg/day) plus peginterferon alfa-2b (1.5 µg/kg/week) or ribavirin (800 mg/day) plus interferon alfa-2b (3 MIU TIW) for 48 weeks with a follow-up period of 6 months. Study 2 (P02080) was a randomized, single centre study that enrolled 95 previously untreated adult patients with chronic hepatitis C who were co- infected with HIV. Patients were randomized to receive either ribavirin (800-1,200 mg/day based on weight) plus peginterferon alfa-2b (100 or 150 µg/week based on weight) or ribavirin (800-1,200 mg/day based on weight) plus interferon alfa-2b (3 MIU TIW). The duration of therapy was 48 weeks with a follow-up period of 6 months except for patients infected with genotypes 2 or 3 and viral load < 800,000 IU/mL (Amplicor) who were treated for 24 weeks with a 6 month follow-up period.


Table  11  Sustained  virological  response  based  on  genotype  after  ribavirin  in  combination  with peginterferon alfa-2b in HCV/HIV co-infected patients


Study 11

Study 22


Ribavirin   (800 mg/day)           + peginterferon alfa-2b        (1.5

µg/kg/ week)

Ribavirin (800 mg/day) + interferon alfa-

2b (3 MIU TIW)

p valuea

Ribavirin  (800-

1,200 mg/day)d

+ peginterferon alfa-2b (100 or

150c µg/week)

Ribavirin  (800-

1,200 mg/day)d

+ interferon alfa-2b (3 MIU TIW)

p valueb


27 % (56/205)

20 % (41/205)


44 % (23/52)

21 % (9/43)


Genotype 1, 4

17 % (21/125)

6 % (8/129)


38 % (12/32)

7 % (2/27)


Genotype 2, 3

44 % (35/80)

43 % (33/76)


53 % (10/19)

47 % (7/15)


MIU = million international units; TIW = three times a week.

a: p value based on Cochran-Mantel Haenszel Chi square test.

b: p value based on chi-square test.

c: subjects < 75 kg received 100 µg/week peginterferon alfa-2b and subjects ≥ 75 kg received 150

µg/week peginterferon alfa-2b .

d:ribavirin dosing was 800 mg for patients < 60 kg, 1,000 mg for patients 60-75 kg, and 1,200 mg for patients > 75 kg.

1Carrat F, Bani-Sadr F, Pol S et al. JAMA 2004; 292(23): 2839-2848.

2Laguno M, Murillas J, Blanco J.L et al. AIDS 2004; 18(13): F27-F36.


Histological response

Liver biopsies were obtained before and after treatment in Study 1 and were available for 210 of the 412 subjects (51 %). Both the Metavir score and Ishak grade decreased among subjects treated with ribavirin in combination with peginterferon alfa-2b. This decline was significant among responders (- 0.3 for Metavir and -1.2 for Ishak) and stable (-0.1 for Metavir and -0.2 for Ishak) among non- responders. In terms of activity, about one-third of sustained responders showed improvement and none showed worsening. There was no improvement in terms of fibrosis observed in this study. Steatosis was significantly improved in patients infected with HCV Genotype 3.


Previously treated patients

-      Retreatment of prior treatment failures (relapse and non-responder patients) with peginterferon alfa-2b in combination with ribavirin:


In a non-comparative trial, 2,293 patients with moderate to severe fibrosis who failed previous treatment with combination alpha interferon/ribavirin were retreated with peginterferon alfa-2b, 1.5 microgram/kg subcutaneously, once weekly, in combination with weight adjusted ribavirin. Failure to prior therapy was defined as relapse or non-response (HCV-RNA positive at the end of a minimum of 12 weeks of treatment).


Patients who were HCV-RNA negative at Treatment week 12 continued treatment for 48 weeks and were followed for 24 weeks post-treatment. Response week 12 was defined as undetectable HCV-RNA after 12 weeks of treatment. Sustained Virologic Response (SVR) is defined as undetectable HCV-RNA at 24 weeks post-treatment (Table 12).

Table 12 Rates of Response to retreatment in prior treatment failures


Patients with undetectable HCV–RNA at treatment week 12 and SVR upon retreatement


interferon alpha/ribavirin

peginterferon alpha/ribavirin

Overall Population*



Response      week

12 % (n/N)

SVR % (n/N)

99% CI

Response week

12 % (n/N)

SVR % (n/N)

99% CI

SVR % (n/N)

99 % CI



38.6 (549/1,423)

59.4 (326/549)


31.5 (272/863)

50.4 (137/272)

42.6, 58.2

21.7 (497/2,293)

19.5, 23.9

Prior Response



67.7 (203/300)

59.6 (121/203)

50.7, 68.5

58.1 (200/344)

52.5 (105/200)

43.4, 61.6

37.7 (243/645)

32.8, 42.6

Genotype 1/4


59.7 (129/216)


51.2 (66/129)

39.8, 62.5

48.6 (122/251)

44.3 (54/122)

32.7, 55.8

28.6 (134/468)

23.3, 34.0

Genotype 2/3

88.9 (72/81)

73.6 (53/72) (60.2,

83.7 (77/92)

64.9 (50/77)

50.9, 78.9

61.3 (106/173)

51.7, 70.8


28.6 (258/903)

57.0 (147/258)

49.0, 64.9

12.4 (59/476)

44.1 (26/59)

27.4, 60.7


13.6 (188/1,385)

11.2, 15.9

Genotype 1/4

23.0 (182/790)


51.6 (94/182)

42.1, 61.2

9.9 (44/446)

38.6 (17/44)

19.7, 57.5

9.9 (123/1,242)

7.7, 12.1

Genotype 2/3

67.9 (74/109)

70.3 (52/74)

56.6, 84.0

53.6 (15/28)

60.0 (9/15)

27.4, 92.6



35.0, 57.0








30.2 (343/1,135)

51.3 (176/343)

44.4, 58.3

23.0 (162/704)

42.6 (69/162)

32.6, 52.6

14.6 (270/1,846)

12.5, 16.7


77.1 (185/240)

73.0 (135/185)

64.6, 81.4

75.6 (96/127)

63.5 (61/96)

50.9, 76.2

55.3 (203/367)

48.6, 62.0


42.5 (17/40)

70.6 (12/17)

42.1, 99.1

44.4 (12/27)

50.0 (6/12)

12.8, 87.2

28.4 (19/67)

14.2, 42.5

METAVIR   Fibrosis score







46.0 (193/420)

66.8 (129/193)

58.1, 75.6

33.6 (78/232)

57.7 (45/78)

43.3, 72.1

29.2 (191/653)

24.7, 33.8


38.0 (163/429)

62.6 (102/163)

52.8, 72.3

32.4 (78/241)

51.3 (40/78)

36.7, 65.9

21.9 (147/672)

17.8, 26.0


33.6 (192/572)

49.5 (95/192)

40.2, 58.8

29.7 (116/390)

44.8 (52/116)

32.9, 56.7

16.5 (159/966)

13.4, 19.5

Baseline Viral Load






HVL                 (>600,000


32.4 (280/864)

56.1 (157/280)

48.4, 63.7

26.5 (152/573)

41.4 (63/152)

31.2, 51.7

16.6 (239/1,441)

14.1, 19.1

LVL                 (≤600,000


48.3 (269/557)

62.8 (169/269)

55.2, 70.4

41.0 (118/288)

61.0 (72/118)

49.5, 72.6

30.2 (256/848)

26.1, 34.2

NR: Non-responder defined as serum/plasma HCV-RNA positive at the end of a minimum of 12 weeks of treatment.

Plasma HCV-RNA is measured with a research-based quantitative polymerase chain reaction assay by a central laboratory

*Intent to treat population includes 7 patients for whom at least 12 weeks of prior therapy could not be confirmed.


Overall, approximately 36 % (821/2,286) of patients had undetectable plasma HCV-RNA levels at week 12 of therapy measured using a research-based test (limit of detection 125 IU/mL). In this subgroup, there was a 56 % (463/823) sustained virological response rate. For patients with prior failure on therapy with non-pegylated interferon or pegylated interferon and negative at week 12, the sustained response rates were 59 % and 50 %, respectively. Among 480 patients with > 2 log viral reduction but detectable virus at week 12, altogether 188 patients continued therapy. In those patients the SVR was 12 %.

Non-responders to prior therapy with pegylated interferon alpha/ribavirin were less likely to achieve a week 12 response to retreatment than non-responders to non-pegylated interferon alpha/ribavirin (12.4 % vs. 28.6 %). However, if a week 12 response was achieved, there was little difference in SVR regardless of prior treatment or prior response.


-     Retreatment of relapse patients with ribavirin and interferon alfa-2b combination treatment

Two trials examined the use of ribavirin and interferon alfa-2b combination treatment in relapse patients (C95-144 and I95-145); 345 chronic hepatitis patients who had relapsed after previous interferon treatment were treated for six months with a six month follow-up. Combination therapy with ribavirin and interferon alfa-2b resulted in a sustained virological response that was ten-fold higher than that with interferon alfa-2b alone (49 % vs 5 %, p < 0.0001). This benefit was maintained irrespective of standard predictors of response to interferon alfa-2b such as virus level, HCV genotype and histological staging.


Long-term efficacy data –  Adults

Two large long-term follow-up studies enrolled 1,071 patients and 567 patients after treatment in prior  studies  with  non-pegylated  interferon  alfa-2b  (with  or  without  ribavirin)  and  pegylated interferon alfa-2b (with or without ribavirin), respectively. The purpose of the studies was to evaluate the durability of sustained virologic response (SVR) and assess the impact of continued viral negativity on clinical outcomes. At least 5 years of long-term follow-up was completed after treatment in 462 patients and 327 patients, respectively. Twelve out of 492 sustained responders and only 3 out of 366 sustained responders relapsed, respectively, in the studies.


The Kaplan-Meier estimate for continued sustained response over 5 years is 97 % (95 % CI: 95-99 %) for patients receiving non-pegylated interferon alfa-2b (with or without ribavirin) and is 99 % (95 % CI: 98-100 %) for patients receiving pegylated interferon alfa-2b (with or withoutribavirin).


SVR after treatment of chronic HCV with interferon alfa-2b (pegylated and non-pegylated, with or without ribavirin) results in long-term clearance of the virus providing resolution of the hepatic infection and clinical 'cure' from chronic HCV. However, this does not preclude the occurrence of hepatic events in patients with cirrhosis (including hepatocarcinoma).


Paediatric population

Clinical efficacy and safety

Ribavirin in combination with peginterferon alfa-2b


Children and adolescents 3 to 17 years of age with compensated chronic hepatitis C and detectable HCV-RNA were enrolled in a multicentre trial and treated with ribavirin 15 mg/kg per day plus pegylated interferon alfa-2b 60 µg/m2  once weekly for 24 or 48 weeks, based on HCV genotype and baseline viral load. All patients were to be followed for 24 weeks post-treatment. A total of 107 patients received treatment of whom 52 % were female, 89 % Caucasian, 67 % with HCV Genotype 1 and  63  % <  12  years of age.  The  population enrolled  mainly consisted of children  with  mild to moderate hepatitis C. Due to the lack of data in children with severe progression of the disease, and the potential for undesirable effects, the benefit/risk of the combination of ribavirin and pegylated interferon alfa-2b needs to be carefully considered in this population (see sections 4.1, 4.4 and 4.8).

The study results are summarized in Table 13.

Table  13  Sustained  virological  response  rates  (na,b    (%))  in  previously  untreated  children  and adolescents by genotype and treatment duration – All subjects

n = 107


24 weeks

48 weeks

All Genotypes

26/27 (96 %)

44/80 (55 %)

Genotype 1


38/72 (53 %)

Genotype 2

14/15 (93 %)


Genotype 3c  

12/12 (100 %)

2/3 (67 %)

Genotype 4


4/5 (80 %)

a: Response to treatment was defined as undetectable HCV-RNA at 24 weeks post-treatment, lower limit of detection = 125 IU/mL.

b:  n  =  number  of  responders/number  of  subjects  with  given  genotype,  and  assigned  treatment duration.

c: Patients with genotype 3 low viral load (< 600,000 IU/mL) were to receive 24 weeks of treatment while those with genotype 3 and high viral load (≥ 600,000 IU/mL) were to receive 48 weeks of treatment.


Ribavirin in combination with interferon alfa-2b

Children and adolescents 3 to 16 years of age with compensated chronic hepatitis C and detectable HCV-RNA (assessed by a central laboratory using a research-based RT-PCR assay) were enrolled in two multicentre trials and received ribavirin 15 mg/kg per day plus interferon alfa-2b 3 MIU/m2 3 times a week  for  1  year  followed  by  6  months  follow-up after  treatment.  A  total  of  118  patients  were enrolled: 57 % male, 80 % Caucasian, and 78 % genotype 1, 64 % ≤ 12 years of age. The population enrolled mainly consisted in children with mild to moderate hepatitis C. In the two multicentre trials, sustained virological response rates in children and adolescents were similar to those in adults. Due to the lack of data in these two multicentre trials for children with severe progression of the disease, and the potential for undesirable effects, the benefit/risk of the combination of ribavirin and interferon alfa-2b needs to be carefully considered in this population (see sections 4.1, 4.4 and 4.8).The study results are summarized in Table 14.


Table 14 Sustained virological response in previously untreated children and adolescents


Ribavirin 15 mg/kg/day


interferon alfa-2b 3 MIU/m2 3 times a week

Overall Responsea   (n = 118)

54 (46 %)*

Genotype 1 (n = 92)

33 (36 %)*

Genotype 2/3/4 (n = 26)

21 (81 %)*

* Number (%) of patients

a. Defined as HCV-RNA below limit of detection using a research based RT-PCR assay at end of treatment and during follow-up period.


Long-term efficacy data

Ribavirin in combination with peginterferon alfa-2b

A  five-year  long-term,  observational,  follow-up  study  enrolled  94  paediatric  chronic  hepatitis  C patients after treatment in a multicentre trial. Of these, sixty-three were sustained responders. The purpose of the study was to annually evaluate the durability of sustained virologic response (SVR) and assess the impact of continued viral negativity on clinical outcomes for patients who were sustained responders 24 weeks post-treatment with 24 or 48 weeks of peginterferon alfa-2b and ribavirin treatment. At the end of 5 years, 85 % (80/94) of all enrolled subjects and 86 % (54/63) of sustained responders completed the study. No paediatric subjects with SVR relapsed during the 5 years of follow-up.


Ribavirin in combination with interferon alfa-2b

A  five-year  long-term,  observational,  follow-up  study  enrolled  97  paediatric  chronic  hepatitis  C patients after treatment in two previously mentioned multicentre trials. Seventy percent (68/97) of all enrolled subjects completed this study of which 75 % (42/56) were sustained responders. The purpose of the study was to annually evaluate the durability of sustained virologic response (SVR) and assess the impact of continued viral negativity on clinical outcomes for patients who were sustained responders 24 weeks post-treatment of the 48-week interferon alfa-2b and ribavirin treatment. All but one of the paediatric subjects remained sustained virologic responders during long-term follow-up after completion of treatment with interferon alfa-2b plus ribavirin. The Kaplan-Meier estimate for continued sustained response over 5 years is 98 % [95 % CI: 95 %, 100 %] for paediatric patients treated with interferon alfa-2b and ribavirin. Additionally, 98 % (51/52) with normal ALT levels at follow-up week 24 maintained normal ALT levels at their last visit.


SVR after treatment of chronic HCV with non-pegylated interferon alfa-2b with ribavirin results in long-term clearance of the virus providing resolution of the hepatic infection and clinical 'cure' from chronic HCV. However, this does not preclude the occurrence of hepatic events in patients with cirrhosis (including hepatocarcinoma).

In a single dose, crossover study of ribavirin in healthy adult subjects, the capsule and oral solution formulations were found to be bioequivalent.



Ribavirin is absorbed rapidly following oral administration of a single dose (mean Tmax= 1.5 hours), followed by rapid distribution and prolonged elimination phases (single dose half-lives of absorption, distribution and elimination are 0.05, 3.73 and 79 hours, respectively). Absorption is extensive with approximately 10 % of a radio labelled dose excreted in the faeces. However, absolute bioavailability is approximately 45 %-65 %, which appears to be due to first pass metabolism. There is a linear relationship between dose and AUCtf following single doses of 200-1,200 mg ribavirin. Volume of distribution is approximately 5,000 l. Ribavirin does not bind to plasma proteins.



Ribavirin transport in non-plasma compartments has been most extensively studied in red cells, and has been identified to be primarily via an es-type equilibrative nucleoside transporter. This type of transporter is present on virtually all cell types and may account for the high volume of distribution of ribavirin. The ratio of whole blood: plasma ribavirin concentrations is approximately 60:1; the excess of ribavirin in whole blood exists as ribavirin nucleotides sequestered in erythrocytes.



Ribavirin has two pathways of metabolism: 1) a reversible phosphorylation pathway; 2) a degradative pathway involving deribosylation and amide hydrolysis to yield a triazole carboxy acid metabolite. Both ribavirin and its triazole carboxamide and triazole carboxylic acid metabolites are also excreted renally.


Ribavirin  has  been  shown  to  produce  high  inter-  and  intra-subject  pharmacokinetic  variability following single oral doses (intrasubject variability of approximately 30 % for both AUC and Cmax), which may be due to extensive first pass metabolism and transfer within and beyond the blood compartment.



Upon multiple dosing, ribavirin accumulates extensively in plasma with a six-fold ratio of multiple-dose to single-dose AUC12h. Following oral dosing with 600 mg BID, steady-state was reached by approximately four weeks, with mean steady state plasma concentrations approximately 2,200 ng/mL. Upon discontinuation of dosing the half-life was approximately 298 hours, which probably reflects slow elimination from non-plasma compartments.


Transfer into seminal fluid

Seminal   transfer   of   ribavirin   has   been   studied.   Ribavirin   concentration   in   seminal   fluid   is approximately two-fold higher compared to serum. However, ribavirin systemic exposure of a female partner after sexual intercourse with a treated patient has been estimated and remains extremely limited compared to therapeutic plasma concentration of ribavirin.


Food effect

The bioavailability of a single oral dose of ribavirin was increased by co-administration of a high fat meal (AUCtf  and Cmax  both increased by 70 %). It is possible that the increased bioavailability in this study was due to delayed transit of ribavirin or modified pH. The clinical relevance of results from this single dose study is unknown. In the pivotal clinical efficacy trial, patients were instructed to take ribavirin with food to achieve the maximal plasma concentration of ribavirin.


Renal function

Based on published data, single-dose ribavirin pharmacokinetics was altered (increased AUCtf  and Cmax) in patients with renal dysfunction compared with control subjects (creatinine clearance > 90 mL/minute). The mean AUCtf  was threefold greater in subjects with creatinine clearance between 10 and 30 mL/min compared with control subjects. In subjects with creatinine clearance between 30 and 50 mL/min, AUCtf  was twofold greater compared with control subjects. This appears to be due to reduction of apparent clearance in these patients. Ribavirin concentrations are essentially unchanged by haemodialysis.


Hepatic function

Single-dose  pharmacokinetics  of  ribavirin  in  patients  with  mild,  moderate  or  severe  hepatic dysfunction (Child-Pugh Classification A, B or C) is similar to those of normal controls.


Elderly patients (≥ 65 years of age)

Specific pharmacokinetic evaluations for elderly subjects have not been performed. However, in a population pharmacokinetic study, age was not a key factor in the kinetics of ribavirin; renal function is the determining factor.


Population pharmacokinetic analysis was performed using sparsely sampled serum concentration values from four controlled clinical trials. The clearance model developed showed that body weight, gender, age, and serum creatinine were the main covariates. For males, clearance was approximately 20 % higher than for females. Clearance increased as a function of body weight and was reduced at ages greater than 40 years. Effects of these covariates on ribavirin clearance appear to be of limited clinical significance due to the substantial residual variability not accounted for by the model.


Paediatric population

Ribavirin in combination with peginterferon alfa-2b


Multiple-dose pharmacokinetic properties for ribavirin and peginterferon alfa-2b in children and adolescent patients with chronic hepatitis C have been evaluated during a clinical study. In children and adolescent patients receiving body surface area-adjusted dosing of peginterferon alfa-2b at 60 µg/m2/week, the log transformed ratio estimate of exposure during the dosing interval is predicted to be 58 % (90 % CI: 141-177 %) higher than observed in adults receiving 1.5 µg/kg/week. The pharmacokinetics of ribavirin (dose-normalized) in this trial was similar to those reported in a prior study of ribavirin in combination with interferon alfa-2b in children and adolescent patients and in adult patients.


Ribavirin in combination with interferon alfa-2b

Multiple-dose pharmacokinetic properties for ribavirin capsules and interferon alfa-2b in children and adolescents with chronic hepatitis C between 5 and 16 years of age are summarized in Table 15. The pharmacokinetics of ribavirin and interferon alfa-2b (dose-normalized) is similar in adults and children or adolescents.

Table 15 Mean (% CV) multiple-dose pharmacokinetic parameters for interferon alfa-2b and ribavirin capsules when administered to paediatric patients with chronic hepatitis C



15 mg/kg/day as 2 divided doses

(n = 17)

Interferon alfa-2b

3 MIU/m2 3 times a week

(n = 54)

Tmax (hr)

1.9 (83)

5.9 (36)

Cmax (ng/mL)

3,275 (25)

51 (48)


29,774 (26)

622 (48)

Apparent clearance L/hr/kg

0.27 (27)

Not done

*AUC12 (ng.hr/mL) for ribavirin; AUC0-24 (IU.hr/mL) for interferon alfa-2b



Ribavirin is embryotoxic or teratogenic, or both, at doses well below the recommended human dose in all animal species in which studies have been conducted. Malformations of the skull, palate, eye, jaw, limbs, skeleton and gastrointestinal tract were noted. The incidence and severity of teratogenic effects increased with escalation of the dose. Survival of foetuses and offspring was reduced.


In a juvenile rat toxicity study, pups dosed from postnatal day 7 to 63 with 10, 25 and 50 mg/kg of ribavirin demonstrated a dose-related decrease in overall growth, which was subsequently manifested as slight decreases in body weight, crown-rump length and bone length. At the end of the recovery period, tibial and femoral changes were minimal although generally statistically significant compared to controls in males at all dose levels and in females dosed with the two highest doses compared to controls. No histopathological effects on bone were observed. No ribavirin effects were observed regarding neuro behavioural or reproductive development. Plasma concentrations achieved in rat pups were below human plasma concentrations at the therapeutic dose.


Erythrocytes are a primary target of toxicity for ribavirin in animal studies. Anaemia occurs shortly after initiation of dosing, but is rapidly reversible upon cessation of treatment.

In  3-  and  6-month  studies  in  mice  to  investigate  ribavirin-induced  testicular  and  sperm  effects, abnormalities in sperm, occurred at doses of 15 mg/kg and above. These doses in animals produce systemic exposures well below those achieved in humans at therapeutic doses. Upon cessation of treatment, essentially total recovery from ribavirin-induced testicular toxicity occurred within one or two spermatogenic cycles (see section 4.6).


Genotoxicity studies have demonstrated that ribavirin does exert some genotoxic activity. Ribavirin was active in the Balb/3T3 in vitro transformation assay. Genotoxic activity was observed in the mouse lymphoma assay, and at doses of 20-200 mg/kg in a mouse micronucleus assay. A dominant lethal assay in rats was negative, indicating that if mutations occurred in rats they were not transmitted through male gametes.


Conventional carcinogenicity rodent studies with low exposures compared to human exposure under therapeutic conditions (factor 0.1 in rats and 1 in mice) did not reveal tumorigenicity of ribavirin. In addition, in a 26 week carcinogenicity study using the heterozygous p53(+/-) mouse model, ribavirin did not produce tumours at the maximally tolerated dose of 300 mg/kg (plasma exposure factor approximately 2.5 compared to human exposure). These studies suggest that a carcinogenic potential of ribavirin in humans is unlikely.


Ribavirin plus interferon

When used in combination with peginterferon alfa-2b or interferon alfa-2b, ribavirin did not cause any effects not previously seen with either active substance alone. The major treatment-related change was a reversible mild to moderate anaemia, the severity of which was greater than that produced by either active substance alone.


-     Microcrystalline cellulose

-     Colloidal silicon dioxide

-     Magnesium stearate


Not applicable.

2 years.

Store in a dry place below 30°C.


Store in the original package.

Aluminum PVC/PVDC blisters.


Packs size: 60 capsules.

Any unused medicinal product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.


The Arab Pharmaceutical Manufacturing PSC Sahab Industrial City P.O. Box 41 Amman 11512, Jordan Tel: + (962-6) 4023916 Fax: + (962-6) 4023917

26 June 2019

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