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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

NeoRecormon is a clear, colourless solution for injection under the skin (subcutaneously) or into a vein (intravenously). It contains a hormone called epoetin beta, which stimulates the production of red blood cells. Epoetin beta is produced by a specialised genetic technology and works in exactly the same way as the natural hormone erythropoietin. You must talk to your doctor if you do not feel better or if you feel worse. 
NeoRecormon is indicated for: 
• Treating symptomatic anaemia caused by chronic kidney disease (renal anaemia) in patients on dialysis, or not yet on dialysis. • Preventing anaemia in premature infants (weighing 750 to 1500 g and born at less than 34 weeks). • Treating anaemia with related symptoms in adult cancer patients receiving chemotherapy • Treating people donating their own blood before surgery. The injections of epoetin beta will increase the amount of blood that can be taken from your body before surgery and given back during or after the operation (this is an autologous transfusion). 

Do not use NeoRecormon • if you are allergic to epoetin beta or any of the other ingredients of this medicine (listed in section 6) • if you have blood pressure problems that cannot be controlled  • if you are donating your own blood before surgery, and: • you had a heart attack or stroke in the month before your treatment • you have unstable angina pectoris – new or increasing chest pain • you are at risk of blood clots in the veins (deep venous thrombosis) – for example, if you have had clots before. If any of these apply to you, or might apply, tell your doctor at once. 
Warning and precautions Talk to your doctor before taking NeoRecormon • if your baby needs treatment with NeoRecormon, your baby will be carefully monitored for any potential effects on the eye. • if your anaemia does not improve with epoetin treatment • if you are low in certain B vitamins (folic acid or vitamin B12) • if you have very high levels of aluminium in your blood • if your blood platelet count is high • if you have chronic liver disease • if you have epilepsy • if you have developed anti-erythropoietin antibodies and pure red cell aplasia (reduced or stopped production of red blood cells) during prior exposure to any erythropoietic substance. In this case you should not be switched to NeoRecormon. 
Take special care with other products that stimulate red blood cell production:  NeoRecormon is one of a group of products that stimulate the production of red blood cells like the human protein erythropoietin does. Your doctor will always record the exact product you are using. 
Serious skin reaction including Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) have been reported in association with epoetin treatment. 
SJS/TEN can appear initially as reddish target-like spots or circular patches often with central blisters on the trunk.Also, ulcers of  mouth, throat, nose, genitals and eyes (red and swollen eyes) ca occur. These serious skin rashes are often preceded by feverand/or flu-likes symptoms. The rashes may progress to widespread peeling of the skin and life-threatening complications. 
If you develop a serious rash or anther of these skin symptoms, stop taking NeoRecormon and contact your doctor or seek medical attention immediately. 
Special Warning: During treatment with NeoRecormon 
If you are a patient with chronic kidney disease, and particularly if you do not respond properly to NeoRecormon, your doctor will check your dose of NeoRecormon because repeatedly increasing your dose of NeoRecormon if you are not responding to treatment may increase the risk of having a problem of the heart or the blood vessels and could increase risk of myocardial infarction, stroke and death. 
If you are a cancer patient you should be aware that NeoRecormon may act as a blood cell growth factor and in some circumstances may have a negative impact on your cancer. Depending on your individual situation a blood transfusion may be preferable. Please discuss this with your doctor. If you are a nephrosclerotic patient and you are not on dialysis, your doctor will decide whether treatment is right for you. This is because one cannot rule out a possible acceleration of progression of kidney disease with absolute certainty. 
Your doctor may do regular blood tests to check:  • your potassium level. If you have high or rising potassium levels your doctor may reconsider your treatment  • your blood platelet count. The number of platelets can rise slightly to moderately during epoetin treatment, and this can cause changes in blood clotting. 
If you are a kidney patient under haemodialysis, your doctor may adjust your dose of heparin. This should avoid a blockage in the tubing of the dialysis system. 
If you are a kidney patient under haemodialysis and at risk of shunt thrombosis, blood clots (thromboses) may form in your shunt (vessel used for connection to the dialysis system). Your doctor might prescribe acetylsalicylic acid or modify the shunt.  
If you are donating your own blood before surgery, your doctor will need to: • check that you are capable of giving blood, especially if you weigh less than 50 kg • check that you have a sufficient level of red blood cells (haemoglobin of at least 11 g/dL) • make sure that only 12 % of your blood will be donated at once. 
Do not misuse NeoRecormon: Misuse of NeoRecormon by healthy people may lead to an increase in blood cells and consequently thicken the blood. This can in turn lead to life-threatening complications of the heart or blood vessels. 
Other medicines and NeoRecormon Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken or might take any other medicines, including medicines obtained without a prescription.  
Pregnancy, breast-feeding and fertility  There is not much experience with NeoRecormon in pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking any medicine. NeoRecormon has not shown evidence of impaired fertility in animals. The potential risk for humans is unknown. 
Driving and using machines No effects on ability to drive or use machines have been observed. 
NeoRecormon contains phenylalanine and sodium This medicine contains phenylalanine. May be harmful for people with phenylketonuria.    If you have phenylketonuria, talk to your doctor about your treatment with NeoRecormon. 
This medicine contains less than 1 mmol sodium (23 mg) per dose, i.e. essentially ‘sodium- free’ 

Always use this medicine exactly as your doctor has told you. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.   Your doctor will use the lowest effective dose to control the symptoms of your anaemia.   If you do not respond adequately to NeoRecormon, your doctor will check your dose and will inform you if you need to change doses. Treatment must be started under the supervision of your doctor. Further injections are given by your doctor or, after you have been trained, you can inject NeoRecormon yourself (see instructions at the end of this leaflet.)   NeoRecormon can be injected under the skin in the abdomen, arm or thigh; or into a vein. Your doctor will decide which is best for you.   Your doctor will carry out regular blood tests to monitor how your anaemia is responding to treatment by measuring your haemoglobin level. 
NeoRecormon dosing The dose of NeoRecormon depends on your disease condition, the way the injection is given (under the skin or into a vein) and your body weight. Your doctor will work out the right dose for you. Your doctor will use the lowest effective dose to control the symptoms of your anaemia. 
If you do not respond adequately to NeoRecormon, your doctor will check your dose and will inform you if you need to change doses of NeoRecormon. 
• Symptomatic anaemia caused by chronic kidney disease 
Your injections are given under the skin or into a vein. If the solution is given into your vein it should be injected over about 2 minutes, eg people on haemodialysis will receive the injection via the arterio-venous fistula at the end of dialysis. People who are not on haemodialysis will usually have injections under the skin.  
Treatment with NeoRecormon is divided into two stages: 
a) Correcting the anaemia The initial dose for injections under the skin is 20 IU per injection for every 1 kg of your body weight, given three times per week. After 4 weeks, the doctor will do tests and, if the treatment response is not sufficient, your dose may be raised to 40 IU/kg per injection, given three times per week. The doctor may continue to increase your dose at monthly intervals if necessary. The weekly dose can also be divided into daily doses. The initial dose for injections into veins is 40 IU per injection for every 1 kg of your body weight, given three times per week. After 4 weeks, the doctor will do tests and, if the treatment response is not sufficient, your dose may be raised to 80 IU/kg per injection, given three times per week. The doctor may continue to increase your dose at monthly intervals if necessary. For both types of injection, the maximum dose should not exceed 720 IU for every 1 kg of your body weight per week. 
b) Maintaining sufficient red blood cell levels The maintenance dose: Once your red blood cells reach an acceptable level, the dose is reduced to half of the dose used to correct the anaemia. The weekly dose can be given once per week, or divided into three or seven doses per week. If your red blood cell level is stable on a once weekly dosing regimen, your dose may be switched to once every two weeks administration. In this case dose increases may be necessary. Every one or two weeks, the doctor may adjust your dose to find your individual maintenance dose. Children will start by following the same guidelines. In trials, children usually needed higher doses of NeoRecormon (the younger the child, the higher the dose). Treatment with NeoRecormon is normally a long-term therapy. However, it can be interrupted at any time, if necessary. • Anaemia in premature infants 
Injections are given under the skin. 
The initial dose is 250 IU per injection for every 1 kg the infant weighs, three times a week. 
Premature infants who have been transfused before the start of treatment with NeoRecormon are not likely to benefit as much as untransfused infants. 
The recommended treatment duration is 6 weeks. 
• Adults with symptomatic anaemia receiving chemotherapy for cancer  
Injections are given under the skin. 
Your doctor may initiate treatment with NeoRecormon if your haemoglobin level is 10 g/dL or less. After initiation of therapy, your doctor will maintain your haemoglobin level between 10 and 12 g/dL. 
The initial weekly dose is 30,000 IU. This may be given as one injection per week, or in divided doses as 3 to 7 injections per week. Your doctor will take regular blood samples. He or she may raise or lower your dose, or interrupt your treatment according to the test results. The haemoglobin values should not exceed a value of 12 g/dL. 
The therapy should be continued for up to 4 weeks after the end of chemotherapy. 
The maximum dose should not exceed 60,000 IU per week. 
• People donating their own blood before surgery 
Injections are given into a vein over 2 minutes, or under the skin. 
The dose of NeoRecormon depends on your condition, red blood cell levels and how much blood will be donated before surgery. 
The dose worked out by your doctor will be given twice per week for 4 weeks. When you donate blood, NeoRecormon will be given to you at the end of a donation session. 
The maximum dose should not exceed • for injections into veins: 1600 IU for every 1 kg of your body weight per week • for injections under the skin: 1200 IU for every 1 kg of your body weight per week. 
If you inject too much NeoRecormon Do not increase the dose your doctor has given you. If you think you have injected more NeoRecormon than you should, contact your doctor. It is unlikely to be serious. Even at very high blood levels, no symptoms of poisoning have been observed. 
If you forget to use NeoRecormon If you have missed an injection, or injected too little, talk to your doctor.  
Do not take a double dose to make up for any forgotten doses. 
If you have any further questions on the use of this medicine, as your doctor or pharmacist. 

Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.  
Side effects which can affect any patient • Most people (very common may affect more than 1 in 10 people) get lower levels of iron in their blood. Almost all patients have to be treated with iron supplements during their NeoRecormon therapy. • Rarely (may affect up to 1 in 1,000 people), allergies or skin reactions, such as rash or hives, itching or reactions around the injection site have occurred.  • Very rarely (may affect up to 1 in 10,000 people) a severe form of allergic reaction has occurred, especially just after an injection. It needs to be treated at once. If you get unusual wheezing or difficulty breathing; swollen tongue, face or throat, or swelling around the injection site; if you feel lightheaded or faint or if you collapse, call your doctor at once. • Very rarely (may affect up to 1 in 10,000 people) people experienced flu-like symptoms, especially when they just started treatment. These include fever, chills, headaches, pain in the limbs, bone pain and/or feeling generally unwell. These reactions were usually mild to moderate and went away within a few hours or days. • Serious skin rashes including Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis have been reported in association with epoetin treatment. These can appear as reddish target-like macules or circular patches often with central blisters on the trunk, skin peeling, ulcers of mouth, throat, nose, genitals and eyes and can be preceded by fever and flu-like symptoms. Stop using NeoRecormon if you develop these symptoms and contact your doctor or seek medical attention immediately. See also section 2.  
Additional side effects in people with chronic kidney disease (renal anaemia) • Increase in blood pressure, worsening of existing high blood pressure and headache are the most common side effects (very common may affect more than 1 in 10 people). Your doctor will regularly check your blood pressure, particularly at the beginning of therapy. Your doctor may treat the high blood pressure with drugs or temporarily interrupt your NeoRecormon therapy. • Call a doctor at once if you get headaches, especially sudden, stabbing, migraine-like headaches, confusion, speech disturbance, unsteady walking, fits or convulsions. These may be signs of severely elevated blood pressure (hypertensive crisis), even if your blood pressure is usually normal or low. It needs to be treated at once. • If you have low blood pressure or shunt complications you may be at risk of shunt thrombosis (a blood clot in the vessel used for connection to the dialysis system).  • Very rarely (may affect up to 1 in 10,000 people), patients have had rising levels of potassium or phosphates in the blood. This can be treated by your doctor.  • Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) caused by neutralising antibodies has been observed during erythropoietin therapy, including in isolated cases during therapy with NeoRecormon. PRCA means that the body stopped or reduced the production of red blood cells. This causes severe anaemia, symptoms of which would include unusual tiredness and a lack of energy. If your body produces neutralising antibodies, your doctor will discontinue therapy with NeoRecormon, and determine the best course of action to treat your anaemia. 
Additional side effects in adults receiving chemotherapy for cancer • Increase in blood pressure and headache may occasionally occur. Your doctor may treat the high blood pressure with drugs. • An increase in the occurrence of blood clots has been observed. 
Additional side effects in people donating their own blood before surgery • A slight increase in the occurrence of blood clots has been observed. 

Reporting of side effects If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. This includes any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet. By reporting side effects you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine. 

• Keep this medicine out of the sight and reach of children. • Do not use NeoRecormon after the expiry date which is stated on the carton and label. • Store in a refrigerator (2°C – 8°C). • The syringe can be removed from the refrigerator and left at room temperature for a single period of maximum 3 days (but not above 25°C). • Keep the pre-filled syringe in the outer carton, in order to protect from light. • Medicines should not be disposed of via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines no longer required. These measures will help to protect the environment. 

• The active substance is epoetin beta. One pre-filled syringe contains either 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 10,000, 20,000 or 30,000 IU (international units) epoetin beta in 0.3 ml or 0.6 ml  solution . • The other ingredients are: urea, sodium chloride, polysorbate 20, sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate, disodium phosphate dodecahydrate, calcium chloride dihydrate, glycine, L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Threonine, L-Glutamic acid, and L-Phenylalanine and water for injections

NeoRecormon is a solution in a pre-filled syringe for injection The solution is colourless, clear to slightly opalescent. NeoRecormon 2000 IU, 3000 IU, 4000 IU, 5000 IU and 6000 IU: Each pre-filled syringe contains 0.3 ml solution. NeoRecormon 10,000 IU, 20,000 IU and 30,000 IU: Each pre-filled syringe contains 0.6 ml solution. NeoRecormon is provided in the following pack-sizes: NeoRecormon 2000 IU, 3000 IU, 4000 IU,5000 IU, 6000 IU, 10,000 IU and 20,000IU 1 prefilled syringe with one needle (27G1/2) or 6 pre-filled syringes with 6 needles (27G1/2). NeoRecormon 30,000 IU 1 prefilled syringe with one needle (27G1/2) or 4 pre-filled syringes with 4 needles (27G1/2). Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

SPIMACO AlQassim pharmaceutical plant Saudi Pharmaceutical Industries & Medical Appliance Corporation P.O. Box 2597 Al-Qassim First Industrial City, King AbdulAzziz Road, BURAYDAH 51461, Al-Qassim, Saudi Arabia

This leaflet was last revised in August 2018
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

نيوريكورمن محلول شفاف عديم الون معد للحقن تحت الجلد أو في الوريد (وريديا). ويحتوي على هرمون يطلق عليه ايبويتينبيتا يقوم بتحفيز انتاج كريات الدم الحمراء. ينتج ايبويتينبيتا عن طريق تقنية جينية متخصصة تعمل تماما بنفس طريقة عمل هرمون إرﺛروبويتين الطبيعي.

عليك الرجوع لطبيبك أو الصيدلي ان لم تشعر بالتحسن أو ان ساءت حالتك.


يوصف نيوريكورمون لما يلي:

علاج فقر الدم العرضي الذي يسببه مرض الكلى المزمن (فقر الدم الكلوي) لدى المرضى الذين يخضعون لغسيل الكلى أو للذين

لم يخضعون له بعد.

الوقاية مر فقر الدم لدى الأطفال الخدج (الذين يزنون من750 إلى 1500 كجم. والمولودين بعد أقل من34 أسوع).

علاج فقر الدم ذو الأعراض المتعلقة بالسرطان لدى المرضى البالغين الذين يتلقون العلاج الكيماوي

علاج الأشخاص المتبرعين لأنفسهم بالدم قبل الجراحات. ستساعد حقنة ايبويتينبيتا على زيادة كمية الدم التي يمكن

استخراجها من الجسم قبل الجراحات والتي تسترد خلال الجراحة أو بعدها( وهو ما يسعى نقل الدم الذاتي).


ماذا تحتاج أن تعرف قبل استخدامنيوريكورمون؟

لا تستخدم نيوريكورمن  مع الحالات التالية:

إن كنت تعاني من حساسية تجاه ايبويتينبيتا أو أي من المكونات الأخرى لهذا الدواء ( مذكوره في القسم 6).

إن كنت تعاني من مشاكل متعلقة بضغط الدم لا يمكن التحكم بها

عند تبرعك لنفسك بالدم قبل إجراء جراحة في الحالات التالية:

كنت قد تعرضت لاأزمه قلبية أو ذبحة قبل شهر من بدء العلاج الخاص بك

إن كنت تعاني من ذبحة صدرية غير مستقرة- ألم حديث أو متزايد في الصدر

إن كنت معرضا للإصابة بالجلطات (تخثر الدم) في الأوردة ( التخثر الوريدي العميق)- على سبيل المثال, ان كنت قد اصبت بجلطات فيما سبق.

إن انطبق عليك أي مما سبق أخبر طبيبك فورا.

التحذيرات والاحتياطات

تحدث مع طبيبك قبل استخدام نيوريكورمون في الحالات التالية:

إن احتاج طفلك للعلاج باستخدام نيوريكورمون. سيخضع طفلك لملاحظة دقيقة لتجنب الإصابة

إن لم تتحسن حالة فقر الدم لديك مع العلاج باستخدام الايبويتين

‎٠.‏ إن كنت تَعاني من نقص معين في فيتامين ب (حمض الفوليك أو فيتامين ب12)

إن كان دمك يحتوي على نسب عالية من الألومنيوم

‏ إن كان تعداد الصفائح الدمويه في دمك عاليا.

‏ إن كنت تعاني من مرض مزمن في الكبد

إن كنت تعاني من الصرع


إذا قمت بتطوير الأجسام المضادة لمضادات الإريثروبويتين ونضج الخلايا الحمراء النقية (انخفاض أو توقف إنتاج خلايا الدم

الحمراء)أثناء التعرض المسبق لأي مادة لتكون الكريات الحمراء. م هذه الحالة. يجب عدم تبديلك إلى نيوريكورمون.



تعامل بحرص مع المنتجات الأخرى التي تحفزانتاج كريات الدم الحمراء:

نموريكورمون هو واحد من مجموعة المنتجات التي تحفز انتاج كريات الدم الحمراء مثل جرعة البروتين البشري المسمى الإرثروبويتين. سيقوم طبيبك دائما بتسجيل المنتج الذي تنستخدمه بالضيط


تم الابلاغ عن الاصابة بتفاعلات جلدية خطيرة تشمل متلازمة ستيفنزجونسون (SJS) وانحلالا لبشرة السي (TEN) خلال العلاج باستخدام الابةتين

تظهر كل من متلازمه ستيفنزجونسون (SJS) وانحلالا لبشرة السي (TEN)  في البداية كطفح جلدي دائري ذو لون مائل للحمرة يحتوي في منتصفه على بثرة على الانف و وقد تحدث أيضا في هيئة تقرحات بالفم أو الحلق أو الأنف أو الأعضاء التناسليه أو العيون ( احمرار وتورم في العين ) منتصفه على بثرة على الأنف. وقد تحدث أيضارة هيئة تقرحات بالفم أو العلق أو الأنف أو الأعضاء التناسلية أو العيون (احمرار وتورمية


ويتبع هذا الطفح الجلديه الغالب أعراض شبيية بالعمى أو الانفلونزا وقد يتطور هذا الطفح الجلدي لتقشررة مساحة واسعة من الجلد

أن أصبت بطفح جلدي خطير أو لاحظت أية أعراض متعلقة بالجلد. توقف عن استخدامنيوريكورمون واتصل بطبيبك أو اطلب المساعدة

الطبية العاجلة

تحذير خاص

أثناء العلاج باستخدام نيوريكورمون


ان كنت تعاني من داء الكلى المزمن  وخصوصا إن كنت لا تستجيب بشكل جيد للعلاج باستخدام نيوريكورمون. سيقوم طببيك بفحص

جرعة نموريكورمون الخاصة بك. حيث أن الزيادة المتكررة لجرعة نيوريكورمن في حالة عدم الاستجابة قد تزيد من خطر التعرض لمشاكل القلب أو الأوعية الدموية. وقد تزيد من خطر الإصابة باحنشاءعضلةالقلب أو الذبحة الصدرية أو الوفاة


ان كنت مريض سرطان عليك أن تدرك أن نبوريكورمون قديكون بمثابة عامل نموخلايا الدم و بعض الظروف الممينة قد يكون لذلك تأثيرا


سلبما على السرطان لديك وقد ينصع بنقل الدم بناه على التحفيز الفردي الخاص بك. يرى منافشة ذلك الأمر مع طبيبك.


ان كنت مريضا بتصلب الكلى ولا تجري الغسيل الكلوي. سيقرر طبببك أي العلاجات أفضل بالنسبة لك. وهذا لأنه لا يمكن الحكم على

التسارع المحتمل لتطور مرض الكلى ببقين تام

قد  يخضعك طبيبك لفحوص دم دورية لفحص ما يلي:

مستوى البوتاسيوم لديك و ان كنت تعاني من مستوى بوتاسيوم عالي او مرتفع قد يعيد طبيبك النظر في العلاج الخاص بكز

تعداد الصفائح الدمويه لديك و قد يزيد عدد الصفائح الدموية بدرجة طفيفة الى معتدلة اثناء العلاج باستخدام الابويتين و ةقد يتسبب ذلك في حدوث تغيرات في تجلط الدم .


ان كنت تعاني من مرض الكلى وتخضع للغسيل الكلوي , قد يعدل طبيبك جرعة الهيبارين الخاصه بك. سيساعد ذلك في تجنب حدوث الانسداد في انابيب نظام الغسيل الكلوي.


إن كنت تعاني من مرض الكلى وتخضع للغسيل الكلوي ومعرضا لخطر تجلط النحويلة. قد تتكون بعض الجلطات الدموية في التحويلة

الخاصة بك( الوعاء المستخدم للنوصيل بتغلام غسيل الكلى). قد يصف لك الطبيب حمض أسيتيلالسالبسيليك أو يعدل التحويله الخاصة



إن كنت تنبرع بالدم ذاتيا قبل إجراء جراحة. سيحتاج طبببك إلى ما ي:

التأكد من قدرتك على التبرع بالدم. وخصوصا إن كان وزنك أفل من50 كجم.

التأكد من ان لديك مستوى كاف من كربات الدم الحمراء (نسبة هيموجلوبين لا تقل عن11 جم/ديسيلتر)

التأكد من أن12%  فقط من دمك يتم التبرع يهمرة المرة الواحدة


لاتسيءاستخدام نبوريكورمون

اساءة استخدام نيوريكورمون من قبل الأشخاص الأصحاء قد يؤدي إلى زيادة الخلايا الدموية وبالتالي زيادة كثافة الدم. ويقد يؤدي ذلك إلى الإصابة بمضافات خطيرة للقلب والأوعية الدموبة مما يبدد الحياة

نيوريكورمون والأدوية الأخرى

 أخبر طيببك أو الصيلا ان كنث تتثناول. أو تناولت مؤخرا أو قد تنناول أية أدوية أخرى. بمارة ذلك الأدوية

الني يمكن الحصول علها دون وصفة طبية


الحمل والرضاعة الطبيعية والخصوبة

لم نجر تجارب كافية على نيوريكورمون لدى السيدات الحوامل أو اللاتي بقمن بالرضاعة الطبيعية. اسالي طبيبك أو الصيدلي النصيحة قبل

تعاطي أية أدوية

لم يظهر نبوريكورمون أية علامات على نقص الخصوبة لدى الحيوانات. وأثر نيوريكورمون على الخصوية لدى البشر غير معروف.


القيادة واستخدام الألات

لم تتم ملاحظة أية تأثيرات على القدرة على القيادة واستخدام الآلات.




يحتوي نيوريكورمون على فينيلألانين والصوديوم

يحتوي هذا الدواء على فينهلألاتين؛ وقد يكون ذلك ضارا على الأشخاص الذين يعاثون من بيلة الفينيلكيثون (فينيل كيثون بوريا).

إن كنث تع من بيلةالفيتيلكيئون (فهنيل كيثون بوريا) تحدث مع طبيبك قبل العلاج باستخدام نيوريكورمون.


يحتوي هذا الدواء على نسية أقل من 1 مني مول من الصوديوم (23 مج) رأ الجرعة الواحدة. أي أته تشريها "خال من الصوديوم



استخدم هذا الدواء دائما حسب إرشادات الطبيب؛ ارجع للطبيب أو الصيدلي إن كنت غير متأكدا.

سيستخدم طييبك أصغر جرعة فعالة للتحكم في أعراض فقر الدم لديك.


إن لم تستجب بالشكل الكافي للعلاج باستخدام نيوريكورمون. سيقحص طيببك الجرعة الخاصة بك وسيخيرك إن كنت في حاجة لتغيير



يجب أن يبدأ العلاج تحث اشراف طبيبك.

تعض الحقن التالية بواسطة طبيبك. ويمكنك حقن نفسك بعد تدريبك على ذلك ( انظر التعليمات نهاية هذه النشرة).


يمكن حقن تيوريكورمون تحت الجلد في البطن أو الذراع أو الفخذء أو وريدها. سيقرر طبيبك ايهما افضل بالنسية لك.


سيجري طبيبك فحوص دم دورية لمراقية استجاية قفر الدم الخاص بك للعلاج عن طريق قياس مستوى البيموجلوبون لديك,


جرعات تبوريكورمون

تعتمد جرعة تيوريكورمون على حالة مرضك وطريقة الحقن (تحث الجلد أو وريده)ووزن جسمك. سيحدد طبييك الجرعة الأفضل بالنسبة لك, وسيستخدم اقل جرعة فعاله للتحكم في اعراض فقر الدم لديك.



في  حال عدم استجايتك بشكل كاف للعلاج باستخدام نيوريكورمون. سيفحص طبيبك الجرعة الخاصة بك وسيخبرك إن كنشرة حاجة إلى



فقر الدم العرضي المرتبط بمرض الكلى المزمن

يتم إعطاء الحقنة الخاص بك نحت الجلد أو في الوريد. عند إعطاء المحلولية الوريد. يجب حقنه على مدار دقيقتين كاملتين على الأقل.

فمثلا. سيتعاطى الأشخاص الذين يخضعون لفسيل الكلى حقنهم عن طريق ناسور شرية وريدي في  نهاية الفسيل الكلوي.

أما الأشخاص غير الخاضمين للفسيل الكلوي فيتعاطون جرعتهم في الغالب كحقنة تحت الجلد.


ينقسم العلاج باستخدام نيوريكورمون إلى مرحلتين:


أ) علاج فر الدم

الجرعة المبدئية للحقن تحت الجلد هي 20 وحدة دولية لكل كيلو جرام واحد من وزن جسمك. تعطى ثلاثة مراسيا الأسبوع.

بعد4 أسابيع سيقوم طبيبك بإجراء فحص. وإن كانت استجابتك غير كافية. قد يتم زبادة جرعتك إلي40 وحدة دولية لكل كيلو جرام من

الوزنية في الحقنه الواحدة ونعطى ثلائة مرات أسبوعيا وقد يستمر طبيبك في زيادة الجرعة على فترات شهرية عند اللزوم

ويمكن تقسيم الجرعة الأسبوعية إلى جرعات يومية

الجرعة المبدئية للحقن في الوريد هي 40 وحدة دولية لكل كيلو جرام من وزن جسمك. وتعطى ثلاثة مرات أسبوعيا.

بعد4 أسابيع سيقوم طبيبك بإجراء فحص. وإن كانت استجابتك غير كافية. قد يتم زيادة جرعتك الى 80 وحدة دولية لكل كيلو جرام من

الوزنية في الحقنه الواحدة ونعطى ثلاثة مرات أسبوعيا قد يستمر طبيبك في زيادة الجرعة على فترات شهرية عند اللزوم

ولكلا النوعين (وريديا أو تحث الجلد) لا تتعدى الجرعة القصوى720وحدة دولية لكل كيلو جرام من وزن الجسم كل أسبوع,


ب) الحفاظ على مستويات كافية من كريات الدم الحمراء


جرعة المداومة: حالما يصل مستوى كريات الدم الحمراء لديك إلى مستوى مقبول؛ يتم خفض الجرعة إلى نصف الجرعة المستخدمة لتعديل

فقر الدم ويمكن  أن تعطى الجرعة الأسبوعية مرة واحدة يوميا أو أن تقسم على ثلاثة أو سيعة جرعاث على مدار الأسبوع. إن كلن مستوى

كريا الدم الحمراء  لديك مستقرا أثناء تعاطي الجرعة مرة واحدة اسبوعها؛ قد بثم التبديل إلى جرعة واحدة كل أسبوعين في هذه الحالة

قد يكون من الضروري زيادة الجرعة.


كل أسبوع أو اثنين قد يقوم طبيبك بتعديل جرعتك ليتعرف على جرعة المداومة الخاصة بك.


الأطفال سيبدؤون باتباع  نفس الإرشاداث السابق في التجارب؛ يحناج الأطفال عادة جرعات أكبر من نهوريكورمون (كلما كان الطفل أصفر,

كلما ارتفعت الجرعة).


العلاج باستخدام نيوريكورمون هو علاج طويل الأمد في العادة. ومع ذلك؛ فيمكن إيقافه في أي وقت عند اللزوم.


* فقر الدم لدى الاطفال الخدج

تعطى الحقن تحت الجلد.

الجرعة الميدئية هي 250 وحدة دولية في الحقنة الواحدة لكل كيلو جرام من وزن الطفل ثلائة مراث أسبوعها.

من غير المحتمل أن يستفيد الأطفال الخدج الذين قد أجرو تقلا للدم قبل البدء في  العلاج باستخدام نيرريكورمون بنفس قدر الاستقادة

الخامة بالأطفال الذين لم يجروا نقل الدم.

فثرة العلاج الموصى بها هي 6  أسابيع.


*فقر الدم العرضي لدى البائغين الذين يتلقون العلاج الكيماوي لعلاج السرطان

تعطى الحقن تحث الجلد.

قد يبدأ الطييب علاجك ياستخدام نيوريكورمون إن كان مستوى الهيموجلوبين لديك 10 جم\ ديسيلتر او أقل. وبعد بدء العلاج؛ سيحافظ

طبيبك على مسترى هيموجلوبين ما يين10 و12 جم\ ديسيلتر


الجرعة الأسبوعبة المبدتية هي 30.000   وحدة دوية. ويمكن إعطاؤها كحقئة واحده في  الأسبوع أو تقسيمها على 3 إل7ى  جرعات كل أسبوع,

سيقوم طبببك بسحب عينات دم بانتظام وقد يرفع أو يخفض جرعتك؛ أو يقطع العلاج وفنا لنتائج الفحوص الخاصة بك. .يجب ألا تزيد

نسبة الهيموجلوبين عن 12 جم\ ديسيلتر.

يجب أن يستمر العلاج لفترة تصل إلى4 اسابيع  بعد انتهاء العلاج الكيماوي.

يجب ألا تتخطى الجرعة القصوى 60.000 وحده دولية في الأسبوع.


‎٠‏ الأشخاس المتبرعون بالدم ذاتيا قبيل الجراحات

تعطى الحقن عبر الوريد  على مدار دقيقتين كاملتين على الاقل؛ أو تحت الجلد.

تعتمد جرعة  نيوريكورمون على حالتك ومستوى كريات الدم الحمراء لديك وكمية الدم التي تحتاج للتبرع بها قبل الجراحة

ستعطى الجرعة التي يحددها طبيبك مرتين في الاسبوع لمدة 4 اسابيع و عند تبرعك بالدم و ستتعاطى نيوريكورمون عند انتهاء جلسة التبرع


يجب ألا تتجاوز الجرعة القصوى ما يلي:

للحقن في الوريد : 1600 وحده دولية لكل كيلو واحد من وزن الجسم أسبوعيا

للحقن تحت الجلد: 1200 وحده دولية لكل كيلو جرام واحد من وزن الجسم أسبوعيا.


إن قمت بحقن جرعة زائدة من نيوريكورمون

لا تزيد الجرعة عما حدده لك الطبيبز  إذ كنث تعتقد أنك حقنت كميه زائدة من نيوريكورمون,  اتصل بطبيبك. من غير المحتمل أن يكون

الأمر خطيرا؛ فلم  تتم ملاحظة أية أعراض تسمم حتى مع نسب الدم المرئفعة.


إن نسيت استخدام نيوريكورمون


إن نسيت تعاطي الجرعة:؛ او ان كات الجرعة التي تعاطيها قليلة جدا تحدث في الامر مع طبيبك لا تضاعف جرعتك من نيوريكورمون لتعويض اي جرعات فائتة


إن كانت لديك أية اسئلة  إضافية حول ستخدام هذا الدواء. تحدث مع الطبيب أآو الصيدلي


مثل جميع الأدوية. قد يتسبب هذ الدواء في أثار جانبية؛ على الرغم من عدم حدوثها لكل الأشخاص.


الأثار الجانبيه اللي قد تؤثر على أي مريض

يتعرض معظم الأشخاص شاع للغاية وقد يؤثر على 1 من كل 10 اشخاص) لانخفاض مستويات الحديد في الدمز ويجب علاج جميع المرضى تقريبا باستخدام مكملات الحديد اثناء علاجهم بواسطة نيوريكورمون

نادرا ( قد يؤثر على 1 من كل 100 شخص) قد تحدث تفاعلات جلدية أو حساسيةو مثل الطفح الجلدي أو البثور أو الحكة أو التحسس حول موضع الحقن

نادرا للغاية ( يؤثر على 1 من كل 10.000 شخص) قد يحدث شكل حاد من التفاعلات التحسسيه وخصوصا بعد الحقن مباشره و يجب علاجها فورا ان شعرت بصفير غير معتاد او صعوبه في التنفس أو تورم في اللسان أو الوجه أو الحلق أو بتورم حول موضع الحقن , أو ان شعرت بخفة الراس او الدواء او بالاغماء و اتصل بطبيبك فورا




* نادرا للغالية( يؤثر على 1 من كل 10.000 شخص ) يتعرض الاشخاص لاعراض شببة بالأتقلرئرا. وخصوصا عند بداية العلاج ويشمل ذلك الحمى والقشعريره والصداع والالم في الاطراف والم العظام و\أو الشعور بالاعياء بشكل عامز وتكون هذه الاعراض في الغالب طفيفة الى معتدلة وتزول خلال ساعات أو أيام قليلة.

تم لإبلاغ عن تفاعلات تحسسيه جلدية خطيرة تشمل متلازمه ستيفنزجونسون (SJS) وانحلالا لبشرة السمي (TEN) أثناء العلاج باستخدام الابويتين تظهر كل من متلازمة ستيفنزجونسون (SJS) وانحلالا لبشرة السمي (TEN) في البداية كطفح جلدي دائري ذو لون مائل للحمره يحتوي في منتصفه  على بثرة , وقد تحدث ايضا في هيئة تقرحات بالفم أو الحلق أو الانف أو الاعضاء التناسليه أو العيون ( احمرار و تورم بالعين ) . ويتبع هذا الطفح الجلدي في الغالب اعراض شبيهة بالحمى أو الانفلونزا.

توقف عن استخدام منيوريكورمون واتصل على طبيبك واطلب المساعدة الطبية العاجلة اذا لاحظت حدوث اي من الاعراض السابقة, انظر للقسم 2.


أثار جانبيه اضافيه لدى الاشخاص المصابين بمرض الكلى المزمن ( فقر الدم الكلوي)

ارتفاع في ضغط الدم وسوء في حاله ارتفاع ضغط الدم الحالية والصداع هي اكثر الاثار الجانبية شيوعا ( شائعة للغاية وقد تؤثر على 1 من كل 10 أشخاص). سيقوم طبيبك باجراء فحوص دم دوريهو خصوصا في بداية العلاج. قد يعالج طبيبك ارتفاع ضغط الدم لديك باستخدام عقاقير أو يقطع علاجك باستخدام نيوريكورمون مؤقتا.


* اتصل يطبيبك فورا إن شعرت  بالصداع. وخصوصا الصداع المفاجئ الحاد الشبيه بالصداع النصفي أو بالارتباك أو

بصعوبة في الكلام أو بعدم الثبات اثناء المشي أو ينشنجات . قد تكون ثلك علامات على الارتفاع الخطير في  ضغط الدم (أزمة

ارتفاع الضغط)؛ حتى إن كان ضغط دمك طبيعي أو منخفض:؛ فيجب علاجه على الفور..


* إن أصبت بانخفاض في ضغط الدم أو بمضاعفات متعلقة بالتحويلة فقد تكون معرضا للإصابة يجلطلة التحويلة( تخثر دموي


في الوعاء المستخدم للربط بنظام الغسيل الكلوي).


* نادر للغاية (يؤثر على1 من كل 10.000 شخص) كان لدى المرضى مستويات مرئقعة من البوئاسيوم أو الفوسفات في الدم.

هذا يمكن معالجته من قبل الطييب.


* تمت ملاحظة عدمتتسج الخلايا تالحمراء النقية (PRCA)والذي يسببه الأجسام المضادة المتعادلة أثناء العلاج باستخدام

إرثرويويتين. بما في ذلك الحالاث المعزولة أثناء العلاج باستخدام نيوريكورمون. ويعني عدمتتسج الخلايا تالحمراء النقية (PRCA)

توقف الجسم عن انتاج كريات الدم الحمراء.وينسبب ذلك في الإصابة بفقر دم شديد؛ وتشمل الأعراض التعب غير المعتاد ونقص


الطاقة إن قام جسمك بإنناج أجسام مناعية متعادلة. سيوقف طبيبك العلاج باستخدام نيوريكورمون ويحدد أفضل دواء لعلاج

فقر الدم لديك.


الآثار الجانبية الإضافية لدي البالفين الذين بتلقون علاجا كيماويا لعلاج السرطان

قد يحدث أحيانا ارتفاع في ضفط الدم والصداع , سقوم طبيبك بعلاج ارتفاع ضغط الدم باستخدام الادويه

تمت ملاحظة زيادة في حدوث الجلطات الدموية



الأثار الجاتبية الإضافية لدي البالغين الذين يتبرعون بدمهم قبل الجراحة

تمث ملاحظة زيادة طفيفه فيحدوث الجلطاث الدموية.


التبليغ عن الأثار الجانبية

في حال تعرضك لأية اثار جانبية, تحدث مع طبيبك او الصيدلي , ويشمل ذلك اية اثار جانبيه محتمله غير مذكوره في هذه النشرهز من خلال الابلاغ عن الاثار الجانبيه ز يمكننا المساعده في تقديم المزيد من المعلومات حول سلامة هذا الدواء



احتفظ بهذا الدواء يعيدا عن متناول الأطفال.

لا نستخدم نيوريكورمون بعد تاريخ انتباء الصلاحية المدون على الكرتون والملصق,

يخزن في  الثلاجه في درجة حرارة بين (2-8درجة مئوية)

يمكن اخراج المحقنه من الثلاجه وتركها في درجة حراره الغرفة لفترة لا تزيد عن ثلاثة ايام في درجة حرارة لا تزيد عن 25 درجه مؤية

احتفظ في المحاقن المعبئه مسبقا في الكرتون الخارجي لحمايتها من الضوء

لا يجب التخلص من الادوية عبر مياه الصرف او النفايات المنزلية

اسال الصيدلي الخاص بك عن كيفية التخلص من الادوية التي لم تعد تستخدمها

تساعد هذه الاجراءات على حماية البيئة

الماده الفعاله هي الايبويتينبيتا , وتحتوي المحقنه المملوءة مسبقا الواحده على 2000 او 3000 او 4000 او 5000 او 6000 او 10.000 او 20.000 او 30.000 وحدة دوليه ( وحدة دوليه) من الايبويتينبيتا في محلول 0.3 مل او 0.6 مل

المكونات الاخرى هي :

اليوريا, كلوريد الصوديوم, بوليسوربات 20 , هيدروجين فوسفات ثنائي هيدروجين الصوديوم, ثنائي فوسفاتدوديكاهيدرات , كلوريد الكالسيوم ثنائي هيدرات, جلايسين, ال-ليوسين, ال-ايزوليوسين, ال-ثيرونين,ال-حمض الجلوتيمين, وال-فينيلين وماء للحقن.

نيوريكورمون هو محلول في محاقن معبئة مسبقا للحقن المحلول عديم اللون وصافي مائل الى البريق الطفيف. نيوريكورمون 2000 او 3000 او 5000 او 6000 او 10.000 او 20.000 او 30.000 وحده دوليه: تحتوي كل محقنه معبئة مسبقا على 0.3 مل من المحلولز نيوريكورمون 10.000 او 20.000 او 30.000 وحده دوليه : تحتوي كل محقنه معبئه مسبقا على 0.6 مل من المحلول يتوفر نيوريكورمون في الاحجام التالية: نيوريكورمون 2000 و 3000 و 5000 و 6000 و 10.000 و 20.000 و 30.000 وحده دوليه 1 محقنة معبئة مسبقا مع ابرة واحده (27 G 1\2) او 6 محاقن معبئه مسبقا مع 4 ابره (27G1\2) قد لايمكن تسويق جميع احجام العبوات


مصنع الأدوية بالقصيم

الشركة السعودية للصناعات الدوائية والمستلزمات الطبية

صندوق بريدي 2597 المنطقه الصناعيه الاولى بالقصيم

طريق الملك عبالعزيز , بريده 51461

القصيم, المملكة العربية السعوديه

اغسطس 2018
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

NeoRecormon 2000 IU solution for injection in pre-filled syringe NeoRecormon 3000 IU solution for injection in pre-filled syringe NeoRecormon 4000 IU solution for injection in pre-filled syringe NeoRecormon 5000 IU solution for injection in pre-filled syringe NeoRecormon 6000 IU solution for injection in pre-filled syringe NeoRecormon 10,000 IU solution for injection in pre-filled syringe NeoRecormon 20,000 IU solution for injection in pre-filled syringe NeoRecormon 30,000 IU solution for injection in pre-filled syringe

NeoRecormon 2000 IU solution for injection in pre-filled syringe One pre-filled syringe with 0.3 ml solution for injection contains 2000 international units (IU) corresponding to 16.6 micrograms epoetin beta* (recombinant human erythropoietin). One ml solution for injection contains 6667 IU epoetin beta. NeoRecormon 3000 IU solution for injection in pre-filled syringe One pre-filled syringe with 0.3 ml solution for injection contains 3000 international units (IU) corresponding to 24.9 micrograms epoetin beta* (recombinant human erythropoietin). One ml solution for injection contains 10,000 IU epoetin beta. NeoRecormon 4000 IU solution for injection in pre-filled syringe One pre-filled syringe with 0.3 ml solution for injection contains 4000 international units (IU) corresponding to 33.2 micrograms epoetin beta* (recombinant human erythropoietin). One ml solution for injection contains 13,333 IU epoetin beta. NeoRecormon 5000 IU solution for injection in pre-filled syringe One pre-filled syringe with 0.3 ml solution for injection contains 5000 international units (IU) corresponding to 41.5 micrograms epoetin beta* (recombinant human erythropoietin). One ml solution for injection contains 16,667 IU epoetin beta. NeoRecormon 6000 IU solution for injection in pre-filled syringe One pre-filled syringe with 0.3 ml solution for injection contains 6000 international units (IU) corresponding to 49.8 micrograms epoetin beta* (recombinant human erythropoietin). One ml solution for injection contains 20,000 IU epoetin beta. NeoRecormon 10,000 IU solution for injection in pre-filled syringe One pre-filled syringe with 0.6 ml solution for injection contains 10,000 international units (IU) corresponding to 83 micrograms epoetin beta* (recombinant human erythropoietin). One ml solution for injection contains 16,667 IU epoetin beta. NeoRecormon 20,000 IU solution for injection in pre-filled syringe One pre-filled syringe with 0.6 ml solution for injection contains 20,000 international units (IU) corresponding to 166 micrograms epoetin beta* (recombinant human erythropoietin). One ml solution for injection contains 33,333 IU epoetin beta. NeoRecormon 30,000 IU solution for injection in pre-filled syringe One pre-filled syringe with 0.6 ml solution for injection contains 30,000 international units (IU) corresponding to 250 micrograms epoetin beta* (recombinant human erythropoietin). One ml solution for injection contains 50,000 IU epoetin beta. *produced in Chinese Hamster Ovary cells (CHO) by recombinant DNA technology Excipient(s) with known effect Phenylalanine (up to 0.3 mg/syringe) Sodium (less than 1 mmol/syringe) For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Solution for injection. Colourless, clear to slightly opalescent solution

NeoRecormon is indicated for: - Treatment of symptomatic anaemia associated with chronic renal failure in adult and paediatric patients. - Prevention of anaemia of prematurity in infants with a birth weight of 750 to 1500 g and a gestational age of less than 34 weeks. - Treatment of symptomatic anaemia in adult patients with non-myeloid malignancies receiving chemotherapy. - Increasing the yield of autologous blood from patients in a pre-donation programme. Its use in this indication must be balanced against the reported increased risk of thromboembolic events. Treatment should only be given to patients with moderate anaemia (Hb 10 - 13 g/dl [6.21 - 8.07 mmol/l], no iron deficiency) if blood conserving procedures are not available or insufficient when the scheduled major elective surgery requires a large volume of blood (4 or more units of blood for females or 5 or more units for males). See section 5.1 

Therapy with NeoRecormon should be initiated by physicians experienced in the above mentioned indications. As anaphylactoid reactions were observed in isolated cases, it is recommended that the first dose be administered under medical supervision. 
Treatment of symptomatic anaemia in adult and paediatric chronic renal failure patients Anaemia symptoms and sequelae may vary with age, gender, and overall burden of disease; a physician’s evaluation of the individual patient’s clinical course and condition is necessary. NeoRecormon should be administered either subcutaneously or intravenously in order to increase haemoglobin to not greater than 12 g/dl (7.5 mmol/l). Subcutaneous use is preferable in patients who are not receiving haemodialysis to avoid puncture of peripheral veins. In case of intravenous administration, the solution should be injected over approx. 2 minutes, e.g. in haemodialysis patients via the arterio-venous fistula at the end of dialysis. 
Due to intra-patient variability, occasional individual haemoglobin values for a patient above and below the desired haemoglobin level may be observed. Haemoglobin variability should be addressed through dose management, with consideration for the haemoglobin target range of 10 g/dl  (6.2 mmol/l) to 12 g/dl (7.5 mmol/l). A sustained haemoglobin level of greater than 12 g/dl  (7.5 mmol/l) should be avoided; guidance for appropriate dose adjustment for when haemoglobin values exceeding 12 g/dl (7.5 mmol/l) are observed are described below. 
A rise in haemoglobin of greater than 2 g/dl (1.25 mmol/l) over a four week period should be avoided. If it occurs, appropriate dose adjustment should be made as provided. If the rate of rise in haemoglobin is greater than 2 g/dl (1.25 mmol/l) in one month or if the haemoglobin level is increasing and approaching 12 g/dl (7.45 mmol/l), the dose is to be reduced by approximately 25%. If the haemoglobin level continues to increase, therapy should be interrupted until the hemoglobin level begins to decrease, at which point therapy should be restarted at a dose approximately 25% below the previously administered dose. 
Patients should be monitored closely to ensure that the lowest approved effective dose of NeoRecormon is used to provide adequate control of the symptoms of anaemia whilst maintaining a haemoglobin concentration below to 12g/dl (7.45mmol/l). 
Caution should be exercised with escalation of NeoRecormon doses in patients with chronic renal failure. In patients with a poor haemoglobin response to NeoRecormon, alternative explanations for the poor response should be considered (see sections 4.4 and 5.1). 
In the presence of hypertension or existing cardiovascular, cerebrovascular or peripheral vascular diseases, the weekly increase in Hb and the target Hb should be determined individually taking into account the clinical picture. 
 Treatment with NeoRecormon is divided into two stages. 
1. Correction phase 
- Subcutaneous administration:  The initial dosage is 3 x 20 IU/kg body weight per week. The dosage may be increased every 4 weeks by 3 x 20 IU/kg and week if the increase of Hb is not adequate (< 0.25 g/dl per week).  The weekly dose can also be divided into daily doses. - Intravenous administration:  The initial dosage is 3 x 40 IU/kg per week. The dosage may be raised after 4 weeks to 80 IU/kg - three times per week - and by further increments of 20 IU/kg if needed, three times per week, at monthly intervals. For both routes of administration, the maximum dose should not exceed 720 IU/kg per week. 
2. Maintenance phase 
To maintain an Hb of between 10 and 12 g/dl, the dosage is initially reduced to half of the previously administered amount. Subsequently, the dose is adjusted at intervals of one or two weeks individually for the patient (maintenance dose). In the case of subcutaneous administration, the weekly dose can be given as one injection per week or in divided doses three or seven times per week. Patients who are stable on a once weekly dosing regimen may be switched to once every two weeks administration. In this case dose increases may be necessary. 
Results of clinical studies in children have shown that, on average, the younger the patients, the higher the NeoRecormon doses required. Nevertheless, the recommended dosing schedule should be followed as the individual response cannot be predicted. 
Treatment with NeoRecormon is normally a long-term therapy. It can, however, be interrupted, if necessary, at any time. Data on the once weekly dosing schedule are based on clinical studies with a treatment duration of 24 weeks. 
Prevention of anaemia of prematurity The solution is administered subcutaneously at a dose of 3 x 250 IU/kg b.w. per week. Premature infants who have already been transfused by the start of treatment with NeoRecormon are not likely to benefit as much as untransfused infants. The recommended treatment duration is 6 weeks. 
Treatment of symptomatic chemotherapy-induced anaemia in cancer patients NeoRecormon should be administered by the subcutaneous route to patients with anaemia (e.g. haemoglobin concentration ≤ 10g/dl (6.2 mmol/l). Anaemia symptoms and sequelae may vary with age, gender, and overall burden of disease; a physician’s evaluation of the individual patient’s clinical course and condition is necessary. 
The weekly dose can be given as one injection per week or in divided doses 3 to 7 times per week. 
The recommended initial dose is 30,000 IU per week (corresponding to approximately 450 IU/kg body weight per week, based on an average weighted patient). Due to intra-patient variability, occasional individual haemoglobin values for a patient above and below the desired haemoglobin level may be observed. Haemoglobin variability should be addressed through dose management, with consideration for the haemoglobin target range of 10 g/dl (6.2 mmol/l) to 12 g/dl (7.5 mmol/l). A sustained haemoglobin level of greater than 12 g/dl (7.5 mmol/l) should be avoided; guidance for appropriate dose adjustment for when haemoglobin values exceeding 12 g/dl (7.5 mmol/l) are observed are described below. 
If, after 4 weeks of therapy, the haemoglobin value has increased by at least 1 g/dl (0.62 mmol/l), the current dose should be continued. If the haemoglobin value has not increased by at least 1 g/dl (0.62 mmol/l), a doubling of the weekly dose should be considered. If, after 8 weeks of therapy, the haemoglobin value has not increased by at least 1 g/dl (0.62 mmol/l), response is unlikely and treatment should be discontinued. The therapy should be continued up to 4 weeks after the end of chemotherapy. 
The maximum dose should not exceed 60,000 IU per week. 
Once the therapeutic objective for an individual patient has been achieved, the dose should be reduced by 25 to 50 % in order to maintain haemoglobin at that level. Appropriate dose titration should be considered. 
If the haemoglobin exceeds 12 g/dl (7.5 mmol/l), the dose should be reduced by approximately 25 to 50 %. Treatment with NeoRecormon should be temporarily discontinued if haemoglobin levels exceed 13 g/dl (8.1 mmol/l). Therapy should be reinitiated at approximately 25 % lower than the previous dose after haemoglobin levels fall to 12 g/dl (7.5 mmol/l) or below. 
If the rise in haemoglobin is greater than 2 g/dl (1.3 mmol/l) in 4 weeks, the dose should be reduced by 25 to 50 %. 
Patients should be monitored closely to ensure that the lowest approved dose of NeoRecormon is used to provide adequate control of the symptoms of anaemia. 
Treatment for increasing the amount of autologous blood The solution is administered intravenously over approx. 2 minutes or subcutaneously. NeoRecormon is administered twice weekly over 4 weeks. On those occasions where the patient's PCV allows blood donation, i.e. PCV ≥ 33 %, NeoRecormon is administered at the end of blood donation. During the entire treatment period, a PCV of 48 % should not be exceeded. 
The dosage must be determined by the surgical team individually for each patient as a function of the required amount of pre-donated blood and the endogenous red cell reserve: 1. The required amount of pre-donated blood depends on the anticipated blood loss, use of blood conserving procedures and the physical condition of the patient.  This amount should be that quantity which is expected to be sufficient to avoid homologous blood transfusions.  The required amount of pre-donated blood is expressed in units whereby one unit in the nomogram is equivalent to 180 ml red cells 2. The ability to donate blood depends predominantly on the patient's blood volume and baseline PCV. Both variables determine the endogenous red cell reserve, which can be calculated according to the following formula. 
 Endogenous red cell reserve = blood volume [ml] x (PCV - 33) ÷ 100  Women: blood volume [ml] = 41 [ml/kg] x body weight [kg] + 1200 [ml]  Men: blood volume [ml] = 44 [ml/kg] x body weight [kg] + 1600 [ml]  (body weight ≥ 45 kg) 
The indication for treatment with NeoRecormon and, if given, the single dose should be determined from the required amount of pre-donated blood and the endogenous red cell reserve according to the following graphs.  


The single dose thus determined is administered twice weekly over 4 weeks. The maximum dose should not exceed 1600 IU/kg body weight per week for intravenous or 1200 IU/kg per week for subcutaneous administration. 
Method of administration 
The NeoRecormon pre-filled syringe is ready for use. Only solutions which are clear or slightly opalescent, colourless and practically free of visible particles may be injected. NeoRecormon in pre-filled syringe is a sterile but unpreserved product. Under no circumstances should more than one dose be administered per syringe; the medicinal product is for single use only. 

Hypersensitivity to the active substance or any of the excipients listed in section 6.1. Poorly controlled hypertension. In the indication "increasing the yield of autologous blood": myocardial infarction or stroke in the month preceding treatment, unstable angina pectoris, increased risk of deep venous thrombosis such as history of venous thromboembolic disease.

NeoRecormon should be used with caution in the presence of refractory anaemia with excess blasts in transformation, epilepsy, thrombocytosis, and chronic liver failure. Folic acid and vitamin B12 deficiencies should be ruled out as they reduce the effectiveness of NeoRecormon. 
Caution should be exercised with escalation of NeoRecormon doses in patients with chronic renal failure since high cumulative epoetin doses may be associated with an increased risk of mortality, serious cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events. In patients with a poor haemoglobin response to epoetins, alternative explanations for the poor response should be considered (see sections 4.2 and 5.1). 
In order to ensure effective erythropoiesis, iron status should be evaluated for all patients prior to and during treatment and supplementary iron therapy may be necessary and conducted in accordance with therapeutic guidelines. 
Severe aluminium overload due to treatment of renal failure may compromise the effectiveness of NeoRecormon. 
The indication for treatment with NeoRecormon of nephrosclerotic patients not yet undergoing dialysis should be defined individually, as a possible acceleration of progression of renal failure cannot be ruled out with certainty. 
Pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) 
PRCA caused by neutralising anti-erythropoietin antibodies has been reported in association with erythropoietin therapy, including NeoRecormon. These antibodies have been shown to cross-react with all erythropoietic proteins, and patients suspected or confirmed to have neutralising antibodies to erythropoietin should not be switched to NeoRecormon (see section 4.8). 
PRCA in patients with Hepatitis C 
A paradoxical decrease in haemoglobin and development of severe anaemia associated with low reticulocyte counts should prompt to discontinue treatment with epoetin and perform antierythropoietin antibody testing. Cases have been reported in patients with hepatitis C treated with interferon and ribavirin, when epoetins are used concomitantly. Epoetins are not approved in the management of anaemia associated with hepatitis C. 
Blood pressure monitoring 
An increase in blood pressure or aggravation of existing hypertension, especially in cases of rapid PCV increase can occur. These increases in blood pressure can be treated with medicinal products. If blood pressure rises cannot be controlled by drug therapy, a transient interruption of NeoRecormon therapy is recommended. Particularly at beginning of therapy, regular monitoring of the blood pressure is recommended, including between dialyses. Hypertensive crisis with encephalopathy-like symptoms may occur and require the immediate attention of a physician and intensive medical care. Particular attention should be paid to sudden stabbing migraine like headaches as a possible warning sign. 
Severe cutaneous adverse reactions (SCARs) including Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), which can be life-threatening or fatal, have been reported in association with epoetin treatment (see section 4.8). More severe cases have been observed with long-acting epoetins.At the time of prescription patients should be advised of the signs and symptoms and monitored closely for skin reactions. If signs and symptoms suggestive of these reactions appear, NeoRecormon should be withdrawn immediately and an alternative treatement considered.If the patient has developed a severe cutaneous skin reaction such as SJS orTEN due to the use of NeoRecormon, treatment with ESA must not be restarted in this patient at any time. 
Chronic renal failure 
In chronic renal failure patients there may be a moderate dose-dependent rise in the platelet count within the normal range during treatment with NeoRecormon, especially after intravenous administration. This regresses during the course of continued therapy. It is recommended that the platelet count be monitored regularly during the first 8 weeks of therapy. 
Haemoglobin concentration 
In patients with chronic renal failure, maintenance haemoglobin concentration should not exceed the upper limit of the target haemoglobin concentration recommended in section 4.2. In clinical trials, an increased risk of death and serious cardiovascular events or cerebrovascular events including stroke was observed when erythropoiesis stimulating agents (ESAs) were administered to target a haemoglobin of greater than 12 g/dl (7.5 mmol/l).  Controlled clinical trials have not shown significant benefits attributable to the administration of epoetins when haemoglobin concentration is increased beyond the level necessary to control symptoms of anaemia and to avoid blood transfusion. 
In premature infants there may be a slight rise in platelet counts, particularly up to day 12 - 14 of life, therefore platelets should be monitored regularly. 
Effect on tumour growth 
Epoetins are growth factors that primarily stimulate red blood cell production. Erythropoietin receptors may be expressed on the surface of a variety of tumour cells. As with all growth factors, there is a concern that epoetins could stimulate the growth of tumours. In several controlled studies, epoetins have not been shown to improve overall survival or decrease the risk of tumour progression in patients with anaemia associated with cancer.  In controlled clinical studies, use of NeoRecormon and other erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs) have shown: - shortened time to tumour progression in patients with advanced head and neck cancer receiving radiation therapy when administered to target a haemoglobin of greater than 14 g/dl (8.7 mmol/l), - shortened overall survival and increased deaths attributed to disease progression at 4 months in patients with metastatic breast cancer receiving chemotherapy when administered to target a haemoglobin of 12-14 g/dl (7.5-8.7 mmol/l), - increased risk of death when administered to target a haemoglobin of 12 g/dl (7.5 mmol/l) in patients with active malignant disease receiving neither chemotherapy nor radiation therapy. ESAs are not indicated for use in this patient population. 
In view of the above, in some clinical situations blood transfusion should be the preferred treatment for the management of anaemia in patients with cancer. The decision to administer recombinant erythropoietins should be based on a benefit-risk assessment with the participation of the individual patient, which should take into account the specific clinical context. Factors that should be considered in this assessment should include the type of tumour and its stage; the degree of anaemia; life-expectancy; the environment in which the patient is being treated; and patient preference (see section 5.1) 
There may be an increase in blood pressure which can be treated with drugs. It is therefore recommended to monitor blood pressure, in particular in the initial treatment phase in cancer patients. 
Platelet counts and haemoglobin level should also be monitored at regular intervals in cancer patients. 
In patients in an autologous blood predonation programme there may be an increase in platelet count, mostly within the normal range. Therefore, it is recommended that the platelet count be determined at least once a week in these patients. If there is an increase in platelets of more than 150 x 109/l or if platelets rise above the normal range, treatment with NeoRecormon should be discontinued. 
In preterm infants a potential risk of erythropoietin to cause retinopathy could not be excluded, therefore caution should be exercised and the decision to treat a preterm infant should be balanced against the potential benefit and risk of this treatment and available alternative options. 
In chronic renal failure patients an increase in heparin dose during haemodialysis is frequently required during the course of therapy with NeoRecormon as a result of the increased packed cell volume. Occlusion of the dialysis system is possible if heparinisation is not optimum. 
Early shunt revision and thrombosis prophylaxis by administration of acetylsalicylic acid, for example, should be considered in chronic renal failure patients at risk of shunt thrombosis. 
Serum potassium and phosphate levels should be monitored regularly during therapy with NeoRecormon. Potassium elevation has been reported in a few uraemic patients receiving NeoRecormon, though causality has not been established. If an elevated or rising potassium level is observed then consideration should be given to ceasing administration of NeoRecormon until the level has been corrected. 
 For use of NeoRecormon in an autologous predonation programme, the official guidelines on principles of blood donation must be considered, in particular: - only patients with a PCV ≥ 33 % (haemoglobin ≥ 11 g/dl [6.83 mmol/l]) should donate; - special care should be taken with patients below 50 kg weight; - the single volume drawn should not exceed approx. 12 % of the patient's estimated blood volume. Treatment should be reserved for patients in whom it is considered of particular importance to avoid homologous blood transfusion taking into consideration the risk/benefit assessment for homologous transfusions. 
Misuse by healthy persons may lead to an excessive increase in packed cell volume. This may be associated with life-threatening complications of the cardiovascular system. 
NeoRecormon in pre-filled syringe contains up to 0.3 mg phenylalanine/syringe as an excipient. Therefore this should be taken into consideration in patients affected with severe forms of phenylketonuria. 
This medicinal product contains less than 1 mmol sodium (23 mg) per syringe, i.e. essentially “sodium-free”. 
Traceability of NeoRecormon 
In order to improve the traceability of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs), the trade name of the administered ESA should be clearly recorded (or stated) in the patient file. 

The clinical results obtained so far do not indicate any interaction of NeoRecormon with other medicinal products. Animal experiments revealed that epoetin beta does not increase the myelotoxicity of cytostatic medicinal products like etoposide, cisplatin, cyclophosphamide, and fluorouracil. 

Animal studies do not indicate direct or indirect harmful effects with respect to pregnancy, embryonal/foetal development, parturition or postnatal development (see section 5.3). Pregnancy 
For epoetin beta no clinical data on exposed pregnancies are available.  Caution should be exercised when prescribing to pregnant women. Breast-feeding 
It is unknown whether epoetin beta is excreted in human milk. A decision on whether to continue/discontinue breast-feeding or to continue/discontinue therapy with epoetin beta should be made taking into account the benefit of breast-feeding to the child and the benefit of epoetin beta therapy to the woman. 

NeoRecormon has no influence on the ability to drive and use machines. 

Summary of the safety profile 
Based on results from clinical trials including 1725 patients approximately 8 % of patients treated with NeoRecormon are expected to experience adverse reactions.  
Anaemic patients with chronic renal failure The most frequent adverse reaction during treatment with NeoRecormon is an increase in blood pressure or aggravation of existing hypertension, especially in cases of rapid PCV increase (see section 4.4). Hypertensive crisis with encephalopathy-like symptoms (e.g. headaches and confused state, sensorimotor disorders - such as speech disturbance or impaired gait - up to tonoclonic seizures) may also occur in individual patients with otherwise normal or low blood pressure (see section 4.4).  
Shunt thromboses may occur, especially in patients who have a tendency to hypotension or whose arteriovenous fistulae exhibit complications (e.g. stenoses, aneurisms), see section 4.4. In most cases, a fall in serum ferritin values simultaneous with a rise in packed cell volume is observed (see section 4.4). In addition, transient increases in serum potassium and phosphate levels have been observed in isolated cases (see section 4.4).  
In isolated cases, neutralising anti erythropoietin antibody-mediated pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) associated with NeoRecormon therapy has been reported. In case anti-erythropoietin  antibody-mediated PRCA is diagnosed, therapy with NeoRecormon must be discontinued and patients should not be switched to another erythropoietic protein (see section 4.4). Adverse reactions are listed in Table 1 below. 
Patients with cancer Epoetin beta treatment-related headache and hypertension which can be treated with drugs are common (see section 4.4).  
In some patients, a fall in serum iron parameters is observed (see section 4.4).  
Clinical studies have shown a higher frequency of thromboembolic events in cancer patients treated with NeoRecormon compared to untreated controls or placebo. In patients treated with NeoRecormon, this incidence is 7 % compared to 4 % in controls; this is not associated with any increase in thromboembolic mortality compared with controls. Adverse reactions are listed in Table 2 below. Patients in an autologous blood predonation programme Patients in an autologous blood predonation programme have been reported to show a slightly higher frequency of thromboembolic events. However, a causal relationship with treatment with NeoRecormon could not be established. 
In placebo controlled trials temporary iron deficiency was more pronounced in patients treated with NeoRecormon than in controls (see section 4.4). Adverse reactions are listed in Table 3 below. 
Severe cutaneous adverse reactions (SCARs) including Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), which can be life-threatening or fatal, have been reported in association with epoetin treatment (see section 4.4) 
Tabulated list of adverse reactions  
Adverse reactions are listed according to MedDRA system organ class and frequency category. Frequency categories are defined using the following convention:  very common (≥1/10); common (≥1/100 to <1/10); uncommon (≥1/1,000 to <1/100); rare (≥1/10,000 to <1/1,000); very rare (<1/10,000); not known (cannot be estimated from the available data). 
Table 1: Adverse reactions attributed to the treatment with NeoRecormon in controlled clinical trials in CKD patients 

System organ class

Adverse reaction


Vascular disorders


Hypertensive crisis



Nervous                   system




Blood and the lymphatic

system disorders

Shunt                 thrombosis



Very rare


Table 2: Adverse reactions attributed to the treatment with NeoRecormon in controlled clinical trials in cancer patients 

System organ class

Adverse reaction


Vascular disorders



Blood and the lymphatic

system disorders

Thromboembolic event


Nervous                   system





Table 3: Adverse reactions attributed to the treatment with NeoRecormon  in controlled clinical trials in patients in an autologous blood predonation programme 

System organ class

Adverse reaction


Nervous                   system





Premature infants A fall in serum ferritin values is very common (see section 4.4). 

Description of selected adverse reactions 
Rarely, epoetin beta treatment-related skin reactions such as rash, pruritus, urticaria or injection site reactions may occur. In very rare cases, epoetin beta treatment-related anaphylactoid reactions have been reported. However, in controlled clinical studies no increased incidence of hypersensitivity reactions was found. In very rare cases, particularly when starting treatment, epoetin beta treatment-related flu-like symptoms such as fever, chills, headaches, pain in the limbs, malaise and/or bone pain have been reported. These reactions were mild or moderate in nature and subsided after a couple of hours or days. Data from a controlled clinical trial with epoetin alfa or darbepoetin alfa, reported an incidence of stroke as common. 
Reporting of suspected adverse reactions 
Reporting suspected adverse reactions after authorisation of the medicinal product is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product. Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions. 
To report any side effect(s): • Saudi Arabia: 

− The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC) • Fax: +966-11-205-7662 • Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Exts: 2317-2356-2340. • SFDA call center: 19999 • E-mail:  npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa • Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc 

• Other GCC States: 

Please contact the relevant competent authority. 


The therapeutic margin of NeoRecormon is very wide. Even at very high serum levels no symptoms of poisoning have been observed. 

Pharmacotherapeutic group: antianemic, ATC code: B03XA01 

Mechanism of action  
Erythropoietin is a glycoprotein that stimulates the formation of erythrocytes from its committed progenitors. It acts as a mitosis stimulating factor and differentiation hormone Epoetin beta, the active substance of NeoRecormon, is identical in its amino acid and carbohydrate composition to erythropoietin that has been isolated from the urine of anaemic patients. 
The biological efficacy of epoetin beta has been demonstrated after intravenous and subcutaneous administration in various animal models in vivo (normal and uraemic rats, polycythaemic mice, dogs). After administration of epoetin beta, the number of erythrocytes, the Hb values and reticulocyte counts increase as well as the 59Fe-incorporation rate. 
 An increased 3H-thymidine incorporation in the erythroid nucleated spleen cells has been found in vitro (mouse spleen cell culture) after incubation with epoetin beta. Investigations in cell cultures of human bone marrow cells showed that epoetin beta stimulates erythropoiesis specifically and does not affect leucopoiesis. Cytotoxic actions of epoetin beta on bone marrow or on human skin cells were not detected. 
After single dose administration of epoetin beta no effects on behaviour or locomotor activity of mice and circulatory or respiratory function of dogs were observed. 
Clinical efficacy and safety In a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 4,038 chronic renal failure patients not on dialysis with type 2 diabetes and haemoglobin levels ≤ 11 g/dL, patients received either treatment with darbepoetin alfa to target haemoglobin levels of 13 g/dL or placebo (see section 4.4). The study did not meet either primary objective of demonstrating a reduction in risk for all-cause mortality, cardiovascular morbidity, or end stage renal disease (ESRD). Analysis of the individual components of the composite endpoints showed the following HR (95% CI): death 1.05 (0.92, 1.21), stroke 1.92 (1.38, 2.68), congestive heart failure (CHF) 0.89 (0.74, 1.08), myocardial infarction (MI) 0.96 (0.75, 1.23), hospitalisation for myocardial ischaemia 0.84 (0.55, 1.27), ESRD 1.02 (0.87, 1.18). 
Pooled post-hoc analyses of clinical studies with ESAs have been performed in CRF patients (on dialysis, not on dialysis, with or without diabetes). A tendency towards increased risk estimates for all-cause mortality, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events associated with higher cumulative ESA doses independent of the diabetes or dialysis status was observed (see sections 4.2 and 4.4). 
Erythropoietin is a growth factor that primarily stimulates red cell production. Erythropoietin receptors may be expressed on the surface of a variety of tumour cells.  
Survival and tumour progression have been examined in five large controlled studies involving a total of 2833 patients, of which four were double-blind placebo-controlled studies and one was an open-label study. Two of the studies recruited patients who were being treated with chemotherapy. The target haemoglobin concentration in two studies was >13 g/dl; in the remaining three studies it was 12 -14 g/dl. In the open-label study there was no difference in overall survival between patients treated with recombinant human erythropoietin and controls. In the four placebo-controlled studies the hazard ratios for overall survival ranged between 1.25 and 2.47 in favour of controls. These studies have shown a consistent unexplained statistically significant excess mortality in patients who have anaemia associated with various common cancers who received recombinant human erythropoietin compared to controls. Overall survival outcome in the trials could not be satisfactorily explained by differences in the incidence of thrombosis and related complications between those given recombinant human erythropoietin and those in the control group. 
An individual patient data based meta-analysis, which included data from all 12 controlled clinical studies in anaemic cancer patients conducted with NeoRecormon (n=2301), showed an overall hazard ratio point estimate for survival of 1.13 in favour of controls (95 % CI 0.87, 1.46). In patients with baseline haemoglobin ≤ 10 g/dl (n=899), the hazard ratio point estimate for survival was 0.98 (95 % CI 0.68 to 1.40). An increased relative risk for thromboembolic events was observed in the overall population (RR 1.62, 95 % CI: 1.13, 2.31). 
A patient-level data analysis has also been performed on more than 13,900 cancer patients (chemo-, radio-, chemoradio- or no therapy) participating in 53 controlled clinical trials involving several epoetins. Meta-analysis of overall survival data produced a hazard ratio point estimate of 1.06 in favour of controls (95% CI: 1.00, 1.12; 53 trials and 13,933 patients) and for cancer patients receiving chemotherapy, the overall survival hazard ratio was 1.04 (95% CI: 0.97, 1.11; 38 trials and  10,441 patients). Meta-analyses also indicate consistently a significantly increased relative risk of thromboembolic events in cancer patients receiving recombinant human erythropoietin (see section 4.4). 
In very rare cases, neutralising anti-erythropoietin antibodies with or without pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) occurred during rHuEPO therapy. 

Pharmacokinetic investigations in healthy volunteers and uraemic patients show that the half-life of intravenously administered epoetin beta is between 4 and 12 hours and that the distribution volume corresponds to one to two times the plasma volume. Analogous results have been found in animal experiments in uraemic and normal rats. 
After subcutaneous administration of epoetin beta to uraemic patients, the protracted absorption results in a serum concentration plateau, whereby the maximum concentration is reached after an average of 12 - 28 hours. The terminal half-life is higher than after intravenous administration, with an average of 13 - 28 hours. 
Bioavailability of epoetin beta after subcutaneous administration is between 23 and 42 % as compared with intravenous administration. 

Non-clinical data reveal no special hazard for humans based on conventional studies of safety pharmacology, repeated dose toxicity, genotoxicity, and toxicity to reproduction.  A carcinogenicity study with homologous erythropoietin in mice did not reveal any signs of proliferative or tumourigenic potential. 

 Urea, Sodium chloride, Polysorbate 20, Sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate, Disodium phosphate dodecahyrate,  Calcium chloride dihydrate,  Glycine,  L-Leucine,  L-Isoleucine,  L-Threonine,  L-Glutamic acid,  L-Phenylalanine, Water for injections. 

In the absence of compatibility studies, this medicinal product should not be mixed with other medicinal products

2 years

Store in a refrigerator (2°C – 8°C). 
Keep the pre-filled syringe in the outer carton, in order to protect from light. 
For the purpose of ambulatory use, the patient may remove the medicinal product from the refrigerator and store it at room temperature (not above 25°C) for one single period of up to 3 days. 

 Pre-filled syringe (Type I glass) with a tip cap and a plunger stopper (teflonised rubber).  NeoRecormon 2000 IU,NeoRecormon 3000 IU,NeoRecormon 4000 IU, NeoRecormon 5000 IU and NeoRecormon 6000 IU solution for injection in pre-filled syringe 
Each pre-filled syringe contains 0.3 ml solution. 
NeoRecormon 10,000 IU, NeoRecormon 20,000 IU and NeoRecormon 30,000 IU solution for injection in pre-filled syringe 
Each pre-filled syringe contains 0.6 ml solution. 
 NeoRecormon is provided in the following pack-sizes: 
NeoRecormon 2000 IU, NeoRecormon 3000 IU, NeoRecormon 4000 IU, NeoRecormon 5000 IU, NeoRecormon 6000 IU, NeoRecormon 10,000 IU and NeoRecormon 20,000 IU solution for injection in pre-filled syringe 
1 prefilled syringe with one needle (27G1/2) or 6 pre-filled syringes with 6 needles (27G1/2). 
NeoRecormon 30,000 IU solution for injection in pre-filled syringe 
1 prefilled syringe with one needle (27G1/2) or 4 pre-filled syringes with 4 needles (27G1/2). 
Not all pack sizes may be marketed. 

First wash your hands! 1. Remove one syringe from the pack and check that the solution is clear, colourless and practically free from visible particles. Remove the cap from the syringe. 2. Remove one needle from the pack, fix it on the syringe and remove the protective cap from the needle. 3. Expel air from the syringe and needle by holding the syringe vertically and gently pressing the plunger upwards. Keep pressing the plunger until the amount of NeoRecormon in the syringe is as prescribed. 4. Clean the skin at the site of injection using an alcohol wipe. Form a skin fold by pinching the skin between thumb and forefinger. Hold the syringe barrel near to the needle, and insert the needle into the skin fold with a quick, firm action. Inject the NeoRecormon solution. Withdraw the needle quickly and apply pressure over the injection site with a dry, sterile pad. 
This medicinal product is for single use only. Any unused product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements. 

F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Grenzacherstrasse 124 CH-4070 Basel Switzerland.

15 March 2018

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