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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Pharmacotherapeutic group - Iodinated contrast agent. ATC code: V08AB11.
These medicinal products are used during radiological examinations.
Therapeutic indications
XENETIX is used to improve imaging contrast and delineation of specific parts of the body during these examinations.
This medicinal product is for diagnostic use only.

Do not use XENETIX:
• If you are allergic to the active substance (iobitridol) or any of the other ingredients of XENETIX. The ingredients are listed in section 6. “Further information”.
• If you have already had a reaction after the injection of a medicinal product containing the same active substance (iobitridol) (see also section 4. “Possible side effects”).
• If you have excessive levels of thyroid hormones (thyrotoxicosis).
• If you are pregnant or if you think you are pregnant and need to undergo an examination of the uterus and of the fallopian tubes, which are ducts between the uterus and the ovaries (hysterosalpingography).

Warnings and precautions
Take special care with XENETIX:
Like all iodinated contrast media, regardless of the route of administration and the dose, there is a risk of adverse reactions that can be minor, but that can also be life-threatening. These reactions can occur within the hour or, more rarely, up to 7 days after administration. They are often unpredictable, but the risk of these is higher if you have already experienced a reaction following a previous administration of iodinated contrast medium (see section 4. “Possible side effects”).
Before the examination, tell your doctor if you are in one of the following situations:
• If you have already experienced a reaction after injection of an iodinated contrast agent during an examination.
• If you have poor kidney function (renal failure).
• If you have both poor liver function and poor kidney function (liver failure and renal failure).
• If you have poor heart function (heart failure) or any other heart/vessels disease.
• If you have a high level of sugar in your blood (diabetes).
• If you have a disease of the pancreas (acute pancreatitis).
• If you are asthmatic and if you have had an asthma attack in the eight days prior to the examination.
• If you suffer from epilepsy.
• If you have had a stroke, if you have a recent history of intracranial bleeding (intracranial haemorrhage).
• If you have an increased quantity of fluid in the brain (cerebral oedema).
• If you suffer from an excessive production of hormones causing severe arterial hypertension (phaeochromocytoma).
• If you have a muscle disease (myasthenia).
• If you have a thyroid disease or if you have a history of thyroid disease.
• If you are about to undergo a thyroid examination or treatment with radioactive iodine.
• If you have a bone marrow disease (myeloma, monoclonal gammopathy, multiple myeloma or Waldenström’s disease).
• If you are anxious, nervous or in pain (side effects may be exacerbated under these conditions).
• If you drink regularly large amounts of alcohol or if you use substances.
• If you have any other disease.
Other medicines and XENETIX,
Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or if you have recently taken:
• medicine prescribed for high level of sugar in the blood (metformin),
• medicine prescribed for a heart disease or for high blood pressure (diuretics and beta-blockers),
• medicine prescribed especially to treat certain cancers (interleukin-2).
Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines, including medicines obtained without a prescription.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding
XENETIX should never be administered to you if you are pregnant or if you think you are pregnant and need to undergo an examination of the uterus and of the fallopian tubes (ducts between the uterus and the ovaries).
You must inform the doctor if you are pregnant or if your menstrual cycle is late, before carrying out the radiological examination.
Ask your doctor or your pharmacist for advice before taking any medicine.
XENETIX may be excreted in breast milk.
Breast-feeding should be stopped for 24 hours at least after the administration of XENETIX.
Ask your doctor or your pharmacist for advice before taking any medicine.
XENETIX contains
This medicinal product contains sodium. It contains less than 1 mmol sodium per 100 mL, i.e. essentially “sodium-free”.

The dose injected, which may vary according to the type of examination, the technique used but also your weight, cardiac output and general health status, is determined by the doctor alone.
Method and route of administration
XENETIX 250 (250 mg d’iode / mL), solution for injection: Solution for injection, intravascular route.
XENETIX 300 (300 mg d’iode / mL), solution for injection: Solution for injection, intravascular route or intrauterine or intraarticular route.
XENETIX 350 (350 mg d’iode / mL), solution for injection: Solution for injection, intravascular route.
If you used too much XENETIX than you should
Overdose of XENETIX is very unlikely as it will be administred to you in a medical environment by qualified personnel. In case of overdose, XENETIX can be eliminated by haemodialysis (procedure to clean blood).

Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.
Allergic reactions, sometimes severe, up to shock, may arise and take the form of:
• Immediate reactions (often within the hour) with skin rash, redness of the skin (erythema), itching (localised or extensive urticaria), sudden swelling of the face and neck (Quincke's oedema).
• Delayed skin reactions such as red spots (maculopapular rash) and, in very rare instances, a major disorder of the skin with blister-type lesions (Lyell’s syndrome or Stevens-Johnson syndrome).

• Respiratory effects: cough, nasal inflammation (rhinitis), a feeling of tightness in the throat, breathing difficulties, swelling of the throat (oedema of the larynx), breathing difficulties in association with cough (bronchial spasm), respiratory arrest.
• Cardiovascular effects: low blood pressure (hypotension), temporary discomfort or pain caused by a temporary spasm (constriction) in one or several coronary arteries (coronary arteriospasm), dizziness, malaise, heart rhythm disorders, cardiac arrest.
• Gastrointestinal effects: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain.
If you get any of these side effects during or after the administration of XENETIX, immediately talk to your doctor.
Other side effects may occur, such as:
• Cardiovascular effects
• Neurosensory effects
• Gastrointestinal disorders
• Renal effects
• Respiratory disorders
• At the injection site of XENETIX:
• non-serious, transient pain and swelling,
• forming of a blood clot in a leg vein (thrombophlebitis),
• if the product spreads outside the vessels where XENETIX was injected, local inflammation and even necrosis of the skin may be observed.
If you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet, or if any of the side effects listed gets serious, please tell your doctor or pharmacist.
Reporting of suspected adverse reactions
Saudi Arabia:
• The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC)
Fax: +966-11-205-7662
Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Exts: 2317-2356-2353-2354-2334-2340.
Toll free phone: 8002490000
E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa
Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc
• Other GCC States:
Please contact the relevant competent authority.

Keep this medicine out of the sight and reach of children.
Do not use this medicine after the expiry date which is stated on the vial/bottle or on the bag. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.
Vials/Bottles: Do not store above 30°C, store protected from light.
Bags: Keep the bag in the outer carton in order to protect from light.
Do not throw away any medicines via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to throw away medicines you no longer use. These measures will help protect the environment.

• The active substance is: iobitridol.
Per 100 mL of solution.
XENETIX 250 (250 mg d’iode/mL), solution for injection
Iobitridol ………………………………… 54.84 g (corresponding mass of iodine: 25 g)
XENETIX 300 (300 mg d’iode/mL), solution for injection
Iobitridol ………………………………… 65.81 g (corresponding mass of iodine: 30 g)
XENETIX 350 (350 mg d’iode/mL), solution for injection
Iobitridol ………………………………… 76.78 g (corresponding mass of iodine: 35 g)

• The other ingredients are:
sodium calcium edetate, trometamol, trometamol hydrochloride, sodium hydroxide or hydrochloric acid (for pH adjustment) and water for injection.

XENETIX is a water-soluble nonionic contrast agent with an osmolality of 585 mosm/kg (XENETIX 250), 695 mosm/kg (XENETIX 300), 915 mosm/kg (XENETIX 350). It is packaged in a vial/bottle or bag of solution for injection. (single-dose presentations except for 500 mL presentation) Each vial/bottle contains 20, 50, 60, 75, 100, 150, 200 or 500 mL of solution. Each bag contains 100, 150, 200 or 500 mL of solution. Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

Marketing Authorisation Holder
BP 57400
95943 ROISSY CDG Cedex
BP 57400
95943 ROISSY CDG Cedex

  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

اموعة الدوائية العلاجية – عامل تباين ُ ميودَن. رمز ACT: V08AB11
تستخدم هذه المنتجات الدوائية أثناء الفحوص الإشعاعية.
دواعي الاستخدام العلاجية
يُستخدم زينيتكس لتحسين تباين التصوير وترسيم أجزاء محددة من الجسم أثناء هذه الفحوص.
هذا المنتج الدوائي مخصص للاستخدام التشخيصي فقط.


• إذا كانت لديك حساسية تجاه المادة الفعالة (أيوبيتريدول) أو أي من مكونات زينيتكس الأخرى.
المكونات مدرجة في القسم 6. "المزيد من المعلومات".
• إذا كنت قد أصبت برد فعل سابق بعد الحقن بمنتج دوائي يحتوي على نفس المادة الفعالة
(أيوبيتريدول) (انظر أي ً ضا القسم 4. "الآثار الجانبية المحتملة").
• إذا كانت لديك مستويات مرتفعة من هرمونات الغدة الدرقية (الانسمام الدرقي).
• إذا كنت سيدة حام ً لا أو تعتقدين أنك حامل وتحتاجين إلى الخضوع لفحص الرحم وقنوات فالوب،
وهي القنوات الواصلة بين الرحم والمبايض (تصوير الرحم).

تحذيرات وتدابير وقائية
توخ الحرص بشكل خاص مع زينيتكس:
مثل كل وسائط التباين الميودنة، وبغض النظر عن مسار التعاطي والجرعة، فإن هناك خطر وقوع ردود
فعل معاكسة يمكن أن تكون بسيطة، إلا أنها قد تكون مهددة للحياة أي ً ضا. يمكن أن تحدث ردود الفعل
هذه خلال ساعة، أو حتى بعد 7 ساعات من التعاطي في حالات نادرة. وغال ً با ما تكون غير متوقعة، إلا
أن خطر ردود الفعل هذه يكون أعلى إذا ما اختبرت ساب ً قا رد فعل بعد تعاطيك وسيط تباين ميودن
(انظر القسم 4. "الآثار الجانبية المحتملة").
قبل الفحص، أخبر طبيبك في حال كان أي مما يلي ينطبق عليك:
• إذا سبق لك اختبار رد فعل بعد الحقن بعامل تباين ميودن أثناء فحص.
• إذا كانت وظائف كليتيك ضعيفة (فشل كلوي).
• إذا كانت وظائف كبدك وكليتيك ضعيفتين (قصور كبدي وفشل كلوي).
• إذا كانت وظائف قلبك ضعيفة (قصور القلب) أو كنت مصابًا بأي مرض قلب/أوعية دموية آخر.
• إذا كان لديك مستوى مرتفع من السكر في دمك (السكري).
• إذا كنت مصابًا بمرض في البنكرياس (التهاب البنكرياس المزمن).
• إذا كنت مصابًا بالربو وأصبت بنوبة ربو في الأيام الثمانية السابقة للفحص.
• إذا كنت تعاني من الصرع.
• إذا سبق لك التعرض لسكتة دماغية أو إذا كان لديك تاريخ حديث من الإصابة بالنزف داخل
القحف (النزف داخل الجمجمة).
• إذا كانت لديك كمية مرتفعة من السوائل في الدماغ (الوذمة الدماغية).
• إذا كنت تعاني من فرط إنتاج هرمونات يؤدي إلى ارتفاع ضغط الدم الشرياني الحاد (ورم القواتم).
• إذا كنت مصابًا بمرض في العضلات (الوهن العضلي).
• إذا كنت مصابًا بمرض في الغدة الدرقية أو كان لديك تاريخ من الإصابة بمرض في الغدة الدرقية.
• إذا كنت على وشك الخضوع لفحص للغدة الدرقية أو علاج باليود الم ُ شِّع.
• إذا كنت مصابًا بمرض في نخاع العظم (المايلوما، اعتلال الغدد وحيدة النسيلة، المايلوما المتعددة، أو
مرض والدنستروم).
• إذا كنت تشعر بالقلق أو العصبية أو الألم (يمكن أن تتفاقم الآثار الجانبية تحت هذه الظروف).
• إذا كنت تشرب بانتظام كميات كبيرة من الكحول أو كنت تتعاطى موادًا.
• إذا كنت مصابًا بأي مرض آخر.
الأدوية الأخرى وزينيتكس
أخبر طبيبك أو الصيدل ّ ي في حال كنت تتناول أو قد تناولت مؤخرًا:
• دواء يوصف لارتفاع مستوى السكر في الدم (ميتفورمين)
• دواء يوصف لمرض القلب أو ارتفاع ضغط الدم (مدرات البول وحاصرات البيتا)
(- • دواء يوصف خصي ً صا لعلاج أنواع معينة من السرطان (إنترليوكين 2
يرجى إخبار طبيبك أو الصيدل ّ ي في حال كنت تتناول أو قد تناولت مؤخرًا أي أدوية أخرى، بما فيها الأدوية
التي لا تحتاج إلى وصفة طبية.
الحمل والرضاعة
ينبغي عدم تعاطي زينيتكس على الإطلاق إذا كنت سيدة حام ً لا أو تعتقدين أنك حامل وتحتاجين إلى
الخضوع لفحص الرحم وقنوات فالوب (القنوات الواصلة بين الرحم والمبيضين). ينبغي عليك إبلاغ الطبيب إذا كنت حام ً لا أو إذا كانت دورتك الشهرية قد تأخرت قبل إجراء الفحص الإشعاعي.
اطلبي نصيحة طبيبك أو الصيدل ّ ي قبل تناول أي دواء.
يمكن أن يفرز زينيتكس في حليب الثدي.
ينبغي إيقاف الرضاعة لمدة 24 ساعة على الأقل بعد تعاطي زينيتكس.
اطلبي نصيحة طبيبك أو الصيدل ّ ي قبل تناول أي دواء.
يحتوي زينيتكس على
يحتوي هذا المنتج الدوائي على الصوديوم. ويحتوي على أقل من 1 ملمول من الصوديوم لكل 100
مللتر، ما يجعله "خال ً يا من الصوديوم" تقريبا.


يقوم الطبيب وحده بتحديد الجرعة المحقونة، والتي قد تختلف تب ً عا لنوع الفحص والتقنية
المستخدمة، وبنا ً ء أي ً ضا على وزنك، ناتجك القلبي، وحالتك الصحية العامة.
طريقة ومسار التعاطي
250 ملغم يود/مللتر)، محلول للحقن: محلول للحقن، داخل الأوعية الدموية ) زينيتكس 250
300 ملغم يود/مللتر)، محلول للحقن: محلول للحقن، داخل الأوعية الدموية أو داخل ) زينيتكس 300
الرحم أو داخل المفاصل
350 ملغم يود/مللتر)، محلول للحقن: محلول للحقن، داخل الأوعية الدموية ) زينيتكس 350
إذا استخدمت زينيتكس أكثر من اللازم
من غير المرجح تعاطي جرعة مفرطة من زينيتكس حيث أنك ستتلقاه في بيئة طبية بواسطة موظف مؤهل. في حال فرط الجرعة، يمكن التخلص من زينيتكس عن طريق ديال الدم (إجراء لتنقية الدم).

مثل كل الأدوية، يمكن لهذا الدواء أن يتسبب في آثار جانبية على الرغم من عدم إصابة الجميع بها.
يمكن أن تظهر ردود فعل تحسسية تكون حادة أحيانًا وتصل إلى الصدمة، وقد تتمثل في صورة:
• ردود فعل فورية (خلال ساعة غال ً با) مع طفح جلدي، احمرار في الجلد (حمامية)، حكة (أرتيكاريا موضعية أو موسعة)، تورم مفاجئ في الوجه والرقبة (وذمة كوينكي).
• ردود فعل جلدية متأخرة مثل بقع حمراء (طفح جلدي بقعي)، واضطراب كبير في حالات نادرة ج ً دا في الجلد مع آفات على هيئة فقاعات (متلازمة ليل أو متلازمة ستيفينز جونسون).
• آثار تنفسية: سعال، التهاب الأنف (التهاب مخاطية الأنف)، شعور بضيق الحلق، صعوبات في التنفس، تورم في الحلق (وذمة الحنجرة)، صعوبات في التنفس يصاحبها سعال (تشنج القصبات الهوائية)، توقف التنفس.
• آثار قلبية وعائية: انخفاض ضغط الدم، انزعاج مؤقت أو ألم ناتج عن تشنج مؤقت (انقباض) في شريان تاجي واحد أو عدة شرايين تاجية (تقلص الشرايين التاجية)، دوخة، توعك، اضطرابات نظم القلب، سكتة قلبية.
• آثار معدية معوية: غثيان، قيء، ألم في البطن.

إذا أصبت بأي من هذه الآثار الجانبية أثناء أو بعد تعاطي زينيتكس، تحدث فورًا مع طبيبك.
يمكن أن تحدث آثار جانبية أخرى، مثل:
• آثار قلبية وعائية
• آثار عصبية حسية
• اضطرابات معدية معوية
• آثار كلوية
• اضطرابات تنفسية
• في موقع حقن زينيتكس:
- ألم وتورم عابرين غير خطيرين
- تشكل خثرة دموية في وريد في الساق (التهاب الوريد الخثاري)
- إذا انتشر المنتج خارج الأوعية الدموية التي تم حقن زينيتكس فيها، فقد تتم ملاحظة التهاب
موضعي أو حتى تنخر في الجلد.
إذا لاحظت أي آثار جانبية غير مدرجة في هذه النشرة، أو إذا أصبح أي من الآثار الجانبية المدرجة خطيرًا،
فيرجى إبلاغ طبيبك أو الصيدل ّ ي.
الإبلاغ عن ردود الفعل المعاكسة المشتبه بها
المملكة العربية السعودية:
(NPC) • المركز الوطني للتيقظ والسلامة الدوائية
+966-11-205- فاكس: 7662
.2317-2356-2353-2354-2334- 966 +، التحويلات 2340 -11- على الرقم 2038222 NPC اتصل بمركز
الرقم ااني: 8002490000
npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa : البريد الإلكتروني
www.sfda.gov.sa/npc : الموقع الإلكتروني
• دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي الأخرى:
يرجى الاتصال بالجهة اتصة ذات الصلة

احتفظ بهذا الدواء بعي ً دا عن مرأى ومتناول أيدي الأطفال.
لا تستخدم هذا الدواء بعد تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية المدرج على القارورة/الزجاجة أو على الكيس. يشير
تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية إلى اليوم الأخير من الشهر المدوّن.
القوارير/الزجاجات: لا تحفظها في درجة حرارة تجاوز ° 30 مئوية، واحفظها محمية من الضوء.
الأكياس: احفظ الكيس في الكرتونة الخارجية لحمايته من الضوء.
لا ترم الأدوية في مياه الصرف أو النفايات المنزلية. اسأل الصيدل ّ ي حول كيفية رمي الأدوية التي لم تعد
تستخدمها. تساعد هذه الإجراءات على حماية البيئة.

يحتوي زينيتكس على
• المادة الفعالة هي: أيوبيتريدول.

لكل 100 مللتر من المحلول.
250 ملغم يود/مللتر)، محلول للحقن ) زينيتكس 250
أيوبيتريدول .................................................................... 54.84 غم (كتلة مقابلة من الأيودين: 25 غم)
300 ملغم يود/مللتر)، محلول للحقن ) زينيتكس 300
أيوبيتريدول .................................................................... 65.81 غم (كتلة مقابلة من الأيودين: 30 غم)
350 ملغم يود/مللتر)، محلول للحقن ) زينيتكس 350
أيوبيتريدول .................................................................... 76.78 غم (كتلة مقابلة من الأيودين: 35 غم)
• المكونات الأخرى هي:
إديتات كالسيوم صوديوم، تروميتامول، هيدروكلوريد التروميتامول، هيدروكسيد الصوديوم أو حمض
الهيدروكلوريك (لتعديل الأس الهيدروجيني) والماء للحقن

زينيتكس هو عامل تباين غير أيوني قابل للذوبان في الماء مع أسمولية 585 مل أسمول/كغم
695 مل أسمول/كغم (زينيتكس 300 )، و 915 مل أسمول/كغم (زينيتكس 350 ). وهو ،( (زينيتكس 250
مغلف في قارورة/زجاجة أو كيس محلول للحقن. (تقديمات جرعة واحدة باستثناء التقديم سعة 500
تحتوي كل قارورة/زجاجة على 20 أو 50 أو 60 أو 75 أو 100 أو 150 أو 200 أو 500 مللتر من المحلول.
يحتوي كل كيس على 100 أو 150 أو 200 أو 500 مللتر من المحلول.
قد لا تكون كل أحجام الأغلفة مطروحة للتسويق.

حامل إذن التسويق
BP 57400
Roissy Charles De Gaulle Cedex 95943
BP 57400

 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

XENETIX 300 (300 mg Iodine/mL), solution for injection

Per 100 mL of solution: Iobitridol ..............................................................................................................................65.81 g (658.1 mg/mL) corresponding mass of iodine ..................................................................................................... 30 g (300 mg/mL) • Iodine content per mL: 300 mg • Iodine quantity per 20 mL vial: 6 g • Viscosity at 20°C: 11 mPa.s • Iodine quantity per 50 mL vial: 15 g • Viscosity at 37°C: 6 mPa.s • Iodine quantity per 60 mL vial: 18 g • Osmolality: 695 mOsm/kg H2O • Iodine quantity per 75 mL vial: 22.5 g • Iodine quantity per 100 mL vial: 30 g • Iodine quantity per 150 mL bottle: 45 g • Iodine quantity per 200 mL bottle: 60 g • Iodine quantity per 500 mL bottle: 150 g Excipient with known effect: sodium (up to 3.5 mg per 100 mL). For the full list of excipients, see Section 6.1.

Solution for injection.

This medicinal product is for diagnostic use only.
Contrast agent for use in:
• Intravenous urography
• computed tomography
• intravenous digital subtraction angiography
• arteriography
• angiocardiography
• endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
• arthrography
• hysterosalpingography.

The doses must be adapted to the examination and the regions to be opacified, as well as to the body weight and renal function of the subject, especially in children.

Recommended mean dosages for intravascular routes:


Mean dose


Total volume range


Urography with:

- rapid i.v. injection



- slow i.v. injection




- cranial



- whole body



Intravenous digital subtraction angiography




- cerebral



- lower limbs






Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography


< 50 mL


Recommended mean dosages for intracavitary routes:


Mean volume




5 to 20

Volume adapted to the joint


5 to 20

Adapted to the uterine volume



• Hypersensitivity to iobitridol or any of the excipients. • History of a major immediate reaction or delayed skin reaction (see Section 4.8) to a Xenetix 300 injection. • Manifest thyrotoxicosis • Hysterosalpingography during pregnancy.

• There is a risk of allergic reactions regardless of the route of administration or the dose.
• The risk of allergic reactions associated with products administered locally for opacification of body cavities is not clear-cut:
a) Administration via certain specific routes (articular, biliary, intrathecal, intra-uterine, etc.) results in varying degrees of systemic diffusion, i.e. systemic effects may be observed.
b) Oral or rectal administration normally results in very limited systemic diffusion. If the intestinal mucosa is normal, not more than 5% of the administered dose is found in urine and the rest is eliminated in faeces. Conversely, absorption is increased if the mucosa is damaged. In the event of perforation, this absorption is rapid and total with diffusion into the peritoneal cavity and the product is eliminated in urine. The occurrence of dose-dependent systemic effects is therefore dependent on the status of the intestinal mucosa.
c) However, the allergic immune mechanism is not dose-dependent and immuno-allergic reactions may occur at any time, regardless of the administration route.
Thus, in terms of the frequency and intensity of undesirable effects, there is a difference between:
• products administered via the vascular route and certain local routes, and
• products administered via the GI tract which are only slightly absorbed under normal conditions.

4.4.1. General particulars corresponding to all iodinated contrast agents Warnings
In the absence of specific studies, myelography is not an indication for Xenetix.
All iodinated contrast agents can cause minor or major reactions that can be life-threatening. They may occur immediately (within 60 minutes) or be delayed (up to 7 days). They are often unpredictable.
Because of the risk of major reactions, emergency resuscitation equipment should be available for immediate use.
Several mechanisms have been evoked to explain the occurrence of these reactions:
• direct toxicity affecting the vascular endothelium and tissue proteins.
• pharmacological action modifying the concentration of certain endogenous factors (histamine, complement factors, inflammation mediators), observed more frequently with hyperosmolar contrast media.
• immediate IgE-mediated allergic reactions to the contrast agent Xenetix (anaphylaxis)
• allergic reactions due to a cellular-type mechanism (delayed cutaneous reactions)
Patients who have already experienced a reaction during administration of an iodinated contrast agent are at higher risk of experiencing another reaction following administration of the same or possibly a different iodinated contrast agent, and are thus considered to be at-risk patients.
Iodinated contrast agents and the thyroid (see also Section
Before administering an iodinated contrast agent, it is important to ensure that the patient is not scheduled to undergo a scintigraphic examination or laboratory tests related to the thyroid or to receive radioactive iodine for therapeutic purposes.
Administration of contrast agents via any route disrupts hormone concentrations and iodine uptake by the thyroid or by metastases of thyroid cancer, until urine iodine levels have returned to normal.
Other warnings
Extravasation is an unfrequent complication (0.04% to 0.9%) of intravenous injections of contrast media. More frequent with the high osmolar products, most of the injuries are minor, however severe injuries such as skin ulceration, tissue necrosis, and compartment syndrome may occur with any iodinated contrast medium. The risk and/or severity factors are patient-related (poor or fragile vascular conditions), and technique-related (use of a power injector, large volume). It is important to identify these factors, optimize the injection site and technique accordingly, and monitor the injection prior to, during and after the injection of Xenetix. Precautions for use Intolerance to iodinated contrast agents:
Prior to the examination:
• identify at-risk patients by a precise screening of histories.
Corticosteroids and H1-type antihistamines have been suggested as premedication in patients presenting with the highest risk for intolerance reactions (history of intolerance to an iodinated contrast agent). However, they do not prevent the occurrence of serious or fatal anaphylactic shock. During the procedure, the following measures must be maintained:
• medical surveillance
• permanent venous access.
After the examination:
• After administration of the contrast agent, the patient must be monitored for at least 30 minutes, since most serious adverse reactions occur within this time period.
• The patient must be informed of the possibility of delayed reactions (for up to seven days) (see Section 4.8. Undesirable effects) Renal insufficiency
Iodinated contrast agents can induce a transient alteration in renal function or worsen pre-existing renal insufficiency. Preventive measures include:
• Identify at-risk patients, i.e. with dehydration or renal insufficiency, diabetes, severe heart failure, monoclonal gammapathy (multiple myeloma, Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia), a history of renal failure after iodinated contrast agent administration, children under one year of age and elderly subjects with atheroma.
• Hydrate when necessary using a saline solution.
• Avoid combinations with nephrotoxic medicines. If this cannot be avoided, laboratory monitoring of renal function must be intensified. The medicines concerned include aminoglycosides, organoplatinum compounds, high doses of methotrexate, pentamidine, foscarnet and certain antiviral agents [aciclovir, ganciclovir, valaciclovir, adefovir, cidofovir, tenofovir], vancomycin, amphotericin B, immunosuppressants such as cyclosporine or tacrolimus, ifosfamide)
• Allow at least 48 hours between two radiological examinations with injection of contrast agents, or postpone any new examination until renal function returns to baseline.
• Prevent lactic acidosis in diabetics treated with metformin, by monitoring serum creatinine levels. Normal renal function: treatment with metformin must be suspended before contrast agent injection and for at least 48 hours after or until normal renal function is restored. Abnormal renal function: metformin is contraindicated. In case of emergency: if the examination is mandatory, precautions must be taken, i.e. metformin discontinuation, hydration, monitoring of renal function and checking for signs of lactic acidosis.
Iodinated contrast agents can be used in haemodialysed patients as the agents are removed by dialysis. Prior approval should be obtained from the haemodialysis department. Hepatic insufficiency
Particular attention is required when a patient presents with both hepatic and renal insufficiency since, in this situation, the risk of contrast agent retention is increased.
Care should be taken in case of renal or hepatic impairment, diabetes or in patients with sickle cell disease.
Adequate hydration should be ensured in all patients before and after contrast media administration and particularly in patients with renal impairment or diabetes where it is important to maintain hydration to minimise deterioration in renal function. Asthma
Stabilisation of asthma is recommended before the injection of an iodinated contrast agent.
Due to an increased risk of bronchospasm, special caution should be taken in patients who suffered an asthmatic attack within eight days prior to the examination. Dysthyroidism
After iodinated contrast agent injection, particularly in patients with a goitre or a history of dysthyroidism, there is a risk either of a flare-up of hyperthyroidism or development of hypothyroidism. There is also a risk of hypothyroidism in neonates who have received, or whose mother has received, an iodinated contrast agent. Cardiovascular disorders (see Section 4.8. Undesirable effects)
In patients with cardiovascular disease (such as early or patent heart failure, coronaropathy, pulmonary hypertension, valvulopathy, cardiac arrhythmias), the risk of cardiovascular reactions is increased after administration of an iodinated contrast agent. Intravascular injection of the contrast medium may cause pulmonary oedema in patients with manifest or incipient heart failure, whereas administration in pulmonary hypertension and heart valve disorders may result in marked changes in haemodynamics. The frequency and degree of severity appear related to the severity of the cardiac disorders. In case of severe and chronic hypertension, the risk of renal damage due to administration of the contrast medium and also due to the catheterisation itself may be increased. Careful weighing up of the risk-benefit ratio is necessary in these patients. Central nervous system disorders

The benefit-to-risk ratio must be evaluated for each case:
• due to the risk of aggravation of neurological symptoms in patients with a transient ischaemic attack, acute cerebral infarct, recent intracranial haemorrhage, cerebral oedema, or idiopathic or secondary (tumour, scar) epilepsy.
• if the intra-arterial route is used in an alcoholic patient (acute or chronic alcoholism) and other drug-addicted subject. Phaeochromocytoma
Patients with phaeochromocytoma may develop a hypertensive crisis after intravascular administration of a contrast agent, and must be monitored prior to the examination. Myasthenia.
Administration of a contrast agent may worsen the symptoms of myasthenia gravis. Intensification of side effects
Adverse reactions related to iodinated contrast agent administration may be intensified in patients showing pronounced agitation, anxiety and pain. Appropriate management such as sedation may be necessary. Excipients
This medicinal product contains sodium. It contains less than 1 mmol sodium per 100 mL, i.e. essentially “sodium-free”.
4.4.2. Warnings and precautions for use specific to certain administration routes with appreciable systemic diffusion Products administered via the intra-uterine route
Pregnancy for hysterosalpingography.
Special precautions for use
In the interview and with appropriate tests, systematically check for possible pregnancy in women of childbearing age. Exposure of the female genital routes to x-rays must be subject to careful evaluation of the benefit-to-risk ratio.
In the event of inflammation or acute pelvic infection, hysterosalpingography can only be performed after a careful assessment of the benefit-to-risk ratio. Acute pancreatitis for endoscopic retrograde pancreatography (ERP)

4.5.1. Medicinal products
+ Metformin in diabetics (see Section 4.4 Precautions for use — renal insufficiency).
+ Radiopharmaceuticals (see Section 4.4 Warnings)
Iodinated contrast agents alter the uptake of radioactive iodine by the thyroid for several weeks, which may on the one hand result in diminished uptake in thyroid scintigraphy and on the other hand decrease the efficacy of iodine 131 treatment.
In patients scheduled to undergo renal scintigraphy with injection of a radiopharmaceutical excreted by the renal tubules, it is preferable to carry out this examination before injecting the iodinated contrast agent.
+ Beta blockers, vasoactive substances, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor antagonists.
These medicinal products reduce the efficacy of the cardiovascular compensation mechanisms that occur in haemodynamic disorders. The physician must be aware of this before injecting the iodinated contrast agent and appropriate intensive care equipment must be available.
+ Diuretics

Due to the risk of dehydration provoked by diuretics, rehydration with water and electrolytes must be carried out prior to the examination in order to limit the risk of acute renal failure.
+ Interleukin 2
The risk of developing a reaction to the contrast agents is increased if the patient has recently been treated with interleukin 2 (intravenous route), i.e. rash or, more rarely, hypotension, oliguria, or even renal failure.
4.5.2. Other forms of interaction
High concentrations of iodinated contrast agents in plasma and urine may interfere with the in vitro determination of bilirubin, proteins and inorganic substances (iron, copper, calcium and phosphate). It is recommended that these determinations should not be carried out within 24 hours following the examination.

Animal studies have not shown any teratogenic effects.
In the absence of any teratogenic effects in animal species, no malformative effect is expected in humans. To date, substances causing malformations in humans have always proved to be teratogenic in animals during studies properly conducted in two species.
The transient iodine overload following administration to the mother may induce foetal dysthyroidism if the examination takes place after more than 14 weeks of amenorrhoea. However, in view of the reversibility of the effect and expected benefit to the mother, the isolated administration of an iodinated contrast agent is justifiable if the indication for the radiological examination in a pregnant woman has been carefully evaluated.
Mutagenicity and fertility
The product was not found to be mutagenic under the test conditions used.
No data on reproductive function are available.
Iodinated contrast agents are only excreted in breast milk in very small amounts. Isolated administration to the mother consequently involves a minor risk of adverse reactions in the infant. It is advisable to stop breastfeeding for 24 hours after administration of the iodinated contrast agent.

Not applicable.

During clinical studies on 905 patients, 11% of patients experienced an adverse reaction related to administration of Xenetix (apart from feeling of warmth), the most common being pain, injection site pain, bad taste and nausea.
Undesirable effects related to the use of Xenetix are generally mild to moderate, and transient.
The adverse reactions most commonly reported during administration of Xenetix since marketing are feeling of warmth, and pain and oedema at the injection site.
The hypersensitivity reactions are usually immediate (during the injection or over the hour following the start of the injection) or sometimes delayed (one hour to several days after the injection), and then appear in the form of adverse skin reactions.
Immediate reactions comprise one or several, successive or concomitant effects, usually including skin reactions, respiratory and/or cardiovascular disorders, which may be the first signs of shock, which can rarely be fatal.

Severe rhythm disorders including ventricular fibrillation have been very rarely reported in heart disease patients, in as well as out of a context of hypersensitivity (see Section 4.4 Precaution for use).
The adverse reactions are listed in the table below by SOC (System Organ Class) and by frequency with the following guidelines: very common (≥1/10), common (≥1/100 to <1/10), uncommon (≥1/1000 to <1/100), rare (≥1/10 000 to <1/1 000), very rare (<1/10 000), not known (cannot be estimated from the available data). The frequencies presented are derived from the data of an observational study on 352,255 patients.

System Organ Class

Frequency: adverse reaction

Immune system disorders

Rare: hypersensitivity

Very rare: anaphylactoid reaction, anaphylactic reaction

Endocrine disorders

Very rare: thyroid disorder

Nervous system disorders

Rare: presyncope (vasovagal reaction), tremor*, paresthesia*

Very rare: coma*, convulsions*, confusion*, visual disorders*, amnesia*, photophobia*, transient blindness*, somnolence*, agitation*, headache

Ear and labyrinth disorders

Rare: vertigo

Very rare: hearing impaired

Cardiac disorders

Rare: tachycardia

Very rare: cardiac arrest, myocardial infarction (more frequent after intracoronary injection), arrhythmia, ventricular fibrillation, angina pectoris

Vascular disorders

Rare: hypotension

Very rare: circulatory collapse

Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders

Rare: dyspnoea, cough, tightness in the throat, sneezing

Very rare: respiratory arrest, pulmonary oedema, bronchospasm, laryngospasm, laryngeal oedema

Gastrointestinal disorders

Uncommon: nausea

Rare: vomiting

Very rare: abdominal pain

Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders

Rare: angioedema, urticaria (localised or extensive), erythema, pruritus

Very rare: Acute Generalised Exanthematous Pustulosis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, Lyell's syndrome, eczema, maculopapulous exanthema (all as delayed hypersensitivity reactions)

Renal and urinary disorders

Very rare: acute renal failure, anuria

General disorders and administration site conditions

Uncommon: feeling hot

Rare: facial oedema, malaise, chills, injection site pain

Very rare: injection site necrosis following extravasation, injection site oedema, injection site inflammation following extravasation


Very rare: blood creatinine increased

*Examinations during which the iodinated contrast agent concentration in arterial blood is high

The following adverse reactions were reported for other water-soluble iodinated contrast agents:

System Organ Class

Frequency: adverse reaction

Nervous system disorders

Paralysis, paresis, hallucinations, speech disorders

Gastrointestinal disorders

Acute pancreatitis (after ERCP), abdominal pain, diarrhoea, parotid gland enlargement, salivary hypersecretion, dysgeusia

Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders

Erythema multiforme

Vascular disorders



Electroencephalogram abnormal, blood amylase increased


Cardiovascular collapse of variable severity may occur immediately with no warning signs, or may complicate the cardiovascular manifestations mentioned in the above table.
Abdominal pain and diarrhoea, not reported for Xenetix, are linked mainly to administration via the oral or rectal route.
Local pain and oedema may occur at the injection site without extravasation of the injected product and are benign and transient.
During intra-arterial administration, the sensation of pain at the injection site depends on the osmolality of the product injected.
Undesirable effects related to specific examinations:
Arthrography: arthralgias were frequently reported during clinical studies (4%). Hysterosalpingography: pelvic pain was frequently reported during clinical studies (3%).
Paediatric population
The expected nature of the undesirable effects connected with Xenetix is the same as that of the effects reported in adults. Their frequency cannot be estimated from the available data.
To reports any side effect(s) :
Saudi Arabia:
• The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC)
Fax: +966-11-205-7662
Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Exts: 2317-2356-2353-2354-2334-2340.
Toll free phone: 8002490000
E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa
Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc
• Other GCC States:
Please contact the relevant competent authority.

If a very high dose of contrast agent is administered, the water and electrolyte loss must be compensated by suitable rehydration. Renal function must be monitored for at least three days. Haemodialysis may be performed if necessary.

(V: other) ATC code: V08AB11
Xenetix 300 is a urographic and angiographic water-soluble nonionic contrast agent with an osmolality of 695 mOsm/kg.

After intravascular injection, iobitridol is distributed in the intravascular system and interstitial compartment. In humans, the elimination half-life is 1.8 h, the volume of distribution is 200 mL/kg and the total clearance is 93 mL/min (mean values). Binding to plasma proteins is negligible (< 2%). It is mainly eliminated via the kidneys (glomerular filtration without tubular reabsorption or secretion) in unchanged form. The osmotic diuresis induced by Xenetix 300 is dependent on the osmolality and the volume injected.
In patients with renal insufficiency, elimination occurs mainly via the biliary route. The substance can be dialysed.

Toxicological results for intravenous use show an absence of effects, or effects occurring under conditions much more extreme than those recommended for clinical use (dosage, repeated doses). Following the single administration of high doses (9 to 18 gI/kg), Xenetix caused transient signs of hypothermia, respiratory depression and dose-dependent histological lesions that occurred in the target organs (liver, kidney) and included hepatocellular vacuolisation, and tubular vacuolisation and dilation. Following repeated administration of high doses (2.8 gI/kg) for 28 days in dogs, granular vacuolar degeneration that was reversible after discontinuation of treatment was observed.
Local irritation could be observed in the event of extravasation.
Animal studies did not demonstrate any teratogenic effects.

Sodium calcium edetate, trometamol, trometamol hydrochloride, sodium hydroxide or hydrochloric acid, water for injection.

In the absence of incompatibility studies, this medicinal product must not be mixed with other medicinal products.

3 Years

Vials/bottles: Do not store above 30°C, store protected from light.
Bags: Keep the bag in the outer carton in order to protect from light.

20 mL, 50 mL, 60 mL, 75 mL, 100 mL, 150 mL, 200 mL or 500 mL type II glass vials/bottles with chlorobutyl rubber stoppers.
100 mL, 150 mL, 200 mL or 500 mL polypropylene bags.
Polypropylene-based plastic syringes.
Polyvinyl chloride-based plastic catheters.
Polyvinyl chloride-based plastic connectors.
Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

No special requirements



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