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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

A topical corticosteroid with a broad spectrum antimycotic activity.

In the treatment of superficial skin fungal infections, lsoconazole nitrate
is effective against dermatophytes, yeast, yeast like fungi (including the
causative organism of pityriasis versicolor) and moulds. Isoconazole nitrate
is active against the causative organism Of erythrasma.
In inflammatory and allergic skin conditions Diflucortolone valerate
suppresses inflammation and alleviates subjective complaints such as
itching, burning and pain
Vocort• is used in the initial or interim treatment of superficial fungal skin
infections accompained by highly inflammatory or eczematous skin
conditions in the regions of the hands, the interdigital spaces of the feet and
inguinal and genital regions for example. It is not suitable for the treatment
of perioral dennatitis and rosacea

Vocort • is contraindicated in tuberculosis or syphilic processes in the area to
be treated. Topical preparations containing corticoids should not be
applied during the first trimester of pregnancy.
Application to large areas of the body or for prolonged periods must be
avoided with Vocort•
Specific therapy may be required in mixed bacterial infections.
Vocort• should not be allowed to come in contact with the eyes when
applied to the face.
Vocort• must not be applied to the face if rosacea or perioral dermatitis is

Vocort• should be applied twice daily to the affected areas of skin unless
otherwise instructed by the doctor. In case of interdigital spaces infections,
a strip of gauze smeared with Vocort should be placed between the toes or

Generally. Vocort • is very well tolerated. In rare cases, signs of irritation or
allergic skin reactions can occur.
Reactions such as local concomitant symptoms such as atrophy of the skin
telangiectasia, striae, acneform changes of the skin, perioral

dermatitis, increased growth of body hair (hypertrichosis), and systemic
effects of the corticoid due to absorption may occur when Vocort • is
applied to large areas of body and I or for long periods of time.
Side effects cannot be excluded in neonates whose mothers have been
treated extensively or for a prolonged period of time during pregnancy or
while lactating (e.g. reduced adrenocortical function, when applied during
the last weeks of pregnancy).

Keep at room temperature not exceeding JOT.

Each gram of Vocort •Cream contains I 0 mg Isoconazole nitrate and I mg
Diflucortolone valerate in a cream base.

I 5 g Aluminum Tube.

Philadelphia Pharmaceuticals

10. St. King Abdullah II Industrial City / Amman – Jordan

 P.O.Box    : 276 – Amman 11512 Jordan

 Tel             :  + 962 6 402 9181

 Fax            :  + 962 6 402 9182

  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

مضاد للفطريات واسع الطيف مع مع كورتيكو ستيرويد


يستعمل نترات الايزوكونازول في علاج الالتهابات الفطرية لسطح الجلد وهو فعال ضد فطريات الجلد (الدرماتوفيت)، الخميرة والفطريات  شبيهة الخميرة بما في ذلك الكائنات المسببة للبيترياسيس فيرسكلور وعفن الجلد وكذلك ضذ الكائنات المسببة للاريثرازما

يحبط دايفلو كورتولون فاليرات التهابات وحساسية الجلد ويخفف من شكوى المريض من الهرش والحرقان والألم



كعلاج مبدئي أو تتبعي للإصابات الفطرية لسطح الجلد المصحوبة أما بالالتهابات أو اكزيما مثل منطقة اليدين وبين أصابع القدم وبين الفخذين ومواضع الأعضاء التناسلية

لا يستعمل فوكورت على البشرة في حالة الوردية  والتهابات الجلد حول الفم

لا يستعمل فوكورت على البشرة في حالة الوردية  والتهابات الجلد حول الفم

فوكورت شأنه شأن أي دواء يحتوي على كورتيكوستيرويد يجب أن لا يستعمل أثناء فترة الثلاثة أشهر الأولى من الحمل

لا ينصح باستعمالة لفترات طويلة وعلى مساحات كبيرة من الجسم



يوضع علة منطفة الاصابة مرتين يوميا أو حسب ما ينصح به الطبيب، في حالة اصابة المنطقة بين الأصابع يوصى بوضع ضمادة مغموسة بفوكورت بين الأصابع

بشكل عام لا يحدث فوكورت اي اثارا جانبية

تحدث في حالات نادرة دلائل تهيج او حساسية جلد


يحفظ فوكورت بدرجة حرارة الغرفة اقل من 30 م

كل غرام فوكورت يحتوي على 10 ملغم نترات ايزوكونازول و 1 ملغم دايفلوكورتلون فاليرات في قاعدة كريم

انبوب 15 غم

شركة فیلادلفیا لصناعة الأدویة

شارع ۱۰ مدینة الملك عبدلله الثاني الصناعیة - عمان / الاردن

ص.ب ۲۷٦ – عمان ( ۱۱٥۱۲ ) الأردن

 الھاتف : 96264029181+

فاكس   : 96264029182+

 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Vocort Cream

Each 1 gm contains: Isoconazole nitrate 10 mg Diflucortolone valerate 1 mg Excipient: Cetostearyl alcohol BP For a full list of excipients, see section 6.1

A white to creamy white smooth cream.

Vocort is used in the initial or interim treatment of superficial fungal skin infections accompanied by highly inflammatory or eczematous skin conditions in the regions of the hands, the interdigital spaces of the feet and inguinal and genital regions for example. It is not suitable for the treatment of perioral dermatitis and rosacea

Vocort should be applied twice daily to the affected areas of skin unless otherwise instructed by the doctor. In case of interdigital spaces infections, a strip of gauze smeared with Vocort should ce placed between the toes or fingers.

Vocort is contraindicated in tuberculosis or syphilic processes in the area to be treated. Vocort must not be applied to the face if rosacra or perioral dermatitis is present.

Application to large areas of the body or for prolonged periods must be avoided with Vocort.
Specific therapy may be required in mixed bacterial infections.
Vocort should not be allowed to come in contact with eyes when applied to the face.

None known.

Pregnancy and lactation
Topical preparations containing corticoids should not be applied during the first trimester of pregnancy

Not applicable.

Generally Vocort is very well tolerated. In rare cases, signs of irritation or allergic skin reactions can occur.
Reactions such as local concomitant symptoms such as atrophy of the skin telangiectasia, striae, acneform changes of the skin, perioral dermatitis , increased growth of body hair (hypertrichosis), and systemic effects of the corticoids due to absorption my occur when Vocort is applied to large areas of body and/ or for long periods of time.
Side effects cannot be excluded in neonates whose mothers have been treated extensively or for a prolonged period of time during pregnancy or while lactating (e.g. reduced adrenocortical function, when applied during the last weeks of pregnancy).

Not applicable

I Pharmacotherapeutic group: Imidazole and triazole derivatives, combinations
ATC Code: D01AC20
Isoconazole nitrate is for use in the treatment of superficial fungal diseases of the skin. It displays a very broad spectrum of antimicrobial action. It is effective against dermatophytes and yeasts, yeast-like fungi (including the causative organism of pityriasis versicolor) and molds, as well against gram-positive bacteria in-vitro and against the causative organism of erythrasma.
Diflucortolone valerate suppresses inflammation in inflammatory and allergic skin conditions and alleviates the subjective complaints such aspruritus, burning and pain

Not applicable.

There are no pre-clinical data

Cetostearyl Alcohol BP White Petroleum BP Liquid Paraffin BP Isopropyl Myristate BP Poly -40- Stearate NF Methyl Hydroxybenzoate EDTA disodium NaOH (1N) Ph=4.2 Water

None known.

3 years

Store below 30 °C.

15 gm Aluminum tubes

No special requirements

Philadelphia Pharmaceuticals 10. St. King Abdullah II Industrial City / Amman – Jordan P.O.Box : 276 – Amman 11512 Jordan Tel : + 962 6 402 9181 Fax : + 962 6 402 9182


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