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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)


Each gram of Zynovate Cream, Ointment 0.1% contains 1 mg Mometasone Furoate.



Mometasone furoate, a synthetic Corticosteroid, exhibits anti inflammatory, antipruritic and vasoconstrictive properties.



Zynovate Cream, Ointment 0.1% are indicated for the relief of the inflammatory and pruritic manifestations of corticosteroid responsive dermatoses, such as psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.



Zynovate Cream, Ointment 0.1 % is contraindicated in patients who are sensitive to Mometasone Furoate, to other corticosteroids or to any component of these preparations.

Contraindicated in facial roscecae, acne vulgaris, perioral dermatitis, perianal and genital pruritis, napkin eruption, bacterial e.g.(impetigo), viral e.g. Herpes simplex, Herpes zoster and chickenpox and fungal e.g. candida, T.B., syphilis or post vaccine reactions.



Zynovate products are not for ophthalmic use.



If irritation or sensitization develops with the use of Zynovate products, treatment should be discontinued and appropriate therapy instituted. In the presence of an infection, use of an appropriate antifungal or antibacterial agent should be instituted. If a favorable response does not occur promptly, the corticosteroid should be discontinued until the infection is controlled adequately.

Any of the side effects that have been reported following systemic use of corticosteroids, including adrenal suppression, may also occur with topical corticosteroids especially in infants and children.

Systemic absorption of topical corticosteroids will be increased if extensive body surface areas are treated or if the occlusive technique is used. Suitable precautions should be taken under these conditions or when long-term use is anticipated, particularly in infants and children. Pediatric patients may demonstrate greater susceptibility to topical corticosteroid-induced hypothalamic-pituitary axis suppression and Cushing’s syndrome than mature patients because of a larger skin surface area to body weight ratio. Use of topical corticosteroids in children should be limited to the least amount compatible with an effective therapeutic regimen. Chronic corticosteroid therapy may interfere with growth and development of children. Since safe use of Zynovate products in pregnant women has not been established, topical corticosteroids should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies potential risk to the fetus. Drugs of this class should not be used on pregnant patients in large amounts or for prolonged periods of time. It is not known whether topical administration of corticosteroids could result in sufficient systemic absorption to produce detectable quantities in breast milk. Systemically administered corticosteroids are secreted into breast milk in quantities not likely to have a deleterious effect on the infant.


Use in children or on the face should be limited for no longer than 5 days.


A thin film of Zynovate Cream or Ointment 0.1% should be applied to the affected skin areas once daily. Massage gently and thoroughly until the medicine disappears.


Local adverse reactions reported very rarely with Zynovate Cream 0.1% include paresthesia, pruritus and signs of skin atrophy.

Local adverse reactions rarely reported with Zynovate Ointment 0.1% include burning, Pruritus, tingling/stinging and signs of skin atrophy.

The following local adverse reactions have been reported infrequently with the use of other topical corticosteroids; irritation, hypertrichosis, hypopig-mentation, perioral dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, maceration of the skin, secondary infection, striae and miliaria.


Store below 30ºC.


Each gram of Zynovate Cream, Ointment 0.1% contains 1 mg Mometasone Furoate.

Zynovate Ointment, 30 gm tube


June 2010
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)


كل جرام من زينوفيت كريم/ مرهم ١, ٠% يحتوي على ١ ملجم فيروات الموميتازون.


التأثير الدوائي:

فيروات الموميتازون هي ستيروئيد قشري مخلق له خصائص مضادة للإلتهاب والحكة وقابضة للأوعية الدموية.


دواعي الاستعمال:

زينوفيت كريم/ مرهم ١, ٠% يوصى باستخدامها لمداواة ظواهر الإلتهاب والحكة ولأمراض الجلد المستجيبة للستيروئيدات القشرية كالصدفية والتهاب الجلد التحسسي .

موانع الاستعمال:

زينوفيت كريم/ مرهم ١, ٠% يمنع استخدامها للمرضى الذين لديهم تاريخ  تحسسي لمادة فيروات الموميتازون أو أي ستيروئيدات قشرية أو لأي من مكونات هذه المستحضرات.

يمنع استعماله في وردية الوجه ، حب الشباب الشائع (acne vulgaris) التهاب الجلد حول الفم والحكة حول الشرج والأعضاء التناسلية ، طفح الحفاض ، العدوى بالجراثيم مثل ( القوباء) أو العدوى الفيروسية (مثل الهربيس "العقبولة" البسيط ، الهربيس "العقبولة" المنطقية والجدري ، العدوى بالفطريات (مثل المبيضات (الكانديدا) ، السل ، داء الزهري أو التفاعلات التي تحدث بعد التطعيم .



مستحضرات زينزفيت غير مخصصة للاستخدام داخل العين .


الإحتياطات :

في حالة حدوث تهيج أو تحسس عند استخدام أي من مستحضرات زينوفيت ، يجب إيقاف استخدامه واستبداله بعلاج آخر مناسب .

في حالة وجود عدوى ميكروبية يجب استخدام عامل مضاد للفطريات أو البكتيريا وفي حال عدم الحصول على استجابة جيدة وسريعة يجب إيقاف استخدام السيتروئيد القشري حتى تتم السيطرة الكافية على العدوى الميكروبية. أي من الآثار الجانبية التي سجلت عقب الاستعمال العام للسيتروئيدات القشرية ، بما فيها تثبيط الغدة الكظرية ، قد تحدث أيضا عند استخدام الستيروئيدات القشرية الموضعية خاصة عند الرضع والأطفال .

يزيد الامتصاص العام للستيروئيدات القشرية الموضعية عند علاج مساحات واسعة من الجلد أو إذا استخدمت الضمادات المغلقة . يجب اتخاذ الإحتياطات الملائمة في تلك الحالات أو لدى توقع الاستخدام طويل المدى ، خاصة لدى الرضع والأطفال الذين قد يظهرون قابلية أكثر من البالغين لحدوث تثبيط محور الغدد تحت المخية-النخامية- وكذلك تناذر كوشنج نتيجة لاستخدام الستيروئيدات القشرية الموضعية بسبب كبر نسبة مساحة الجلد إلي وزن الجسم .

استخدام الستيروئيدات القشرية الموضعية في الأطفال يجب أن يحدد إلى أقل مقدار يتناسب مع نظام علاجي فعّال. العلاج المزمن بالستيروئيدات القشرية  قد يتداخل مع نمو وتطور الأطفال .

بما أن استخدام مستحضرات زينوفيت للسيدات الحوامل لم يؤكد بعد فإنه يجب استخدام الستيروئيدات القشرية الموضعية أثناء الحمل فقط إذا كانت الفائدة المرجوة تعادل احتمال الخطر الذي يتعرض له الجنين .

يجب عدم استعمال الأدوية من هذه النوعية لدى المريضات الحوامل بكميات كبيرة أو لفترات طويلة . ليس معروفا إذا كان الامتصاص الجهازي للستيروئيدات القشرية الموضعية يكفي لافراز كميات يمكن اقتفاء أثرها في حليب الأم .الستيروئيدات القشرية المستعملة جهازيا تفرز بكميات من غير المرجح أن يكون لها أثر سلبي على الرضّع.


إن استعماله للأطفال أو على الوجه يجب أن يكون محددا ولايزيد عن ٥  أيام .



الجرعة وتعليمات الإستعمال:

توضع طبقة رقيقة من زينوفيت كريم ، أو مرهم ١, ٠% على منطقة الجلد المصابة مرة واحدة يوميا . يدلك بخفة وإمعان حتى يختفي أو يتلاشى الدواء .

الآثار الجانبية :

نادرا جدا ما سجلت تأثيرات جانبية موضعية مع زينوفيت كريم  ١, ٠% وتتضمن :

تشوش الحس ، الحكة وعلامات ضمور الجلد .

نادرا ماسجلت تأثيرات جانبية موضعية مع زينوفيت مرهم  ١, ٠% وتتضمن حرقان ، حكة ، لسعة ، توخز ، وعلامات ضمور الجلد .

التأثيرات الجانبية التالية : نادرا ما سجلت عند استخدام ستيروئيدات قشرية موضعية أخرى : تهيج ، فرط نمو الشعر ، نقص تصبغ الجلد ، التهاب حول الفم ، التهاب الجلد التحسسي بالتماس ، تعطن الجلد ،الالتهاب الثانوي ، الأثلام الجلدية وخلل وظائف العرق .

تعليمات التخزين:

يحفظ في درجة حرارة لا تزيد عن ٣٠ درجة مئوية .

يحفظ بعيدا عن متناول يد الأطفال.

كل جرام من زينوفيت كريم/ مرهم ١, ٠% يحتوي على ١ ملجم فيروات الموميتازون

زينوفيت مرهم٣٠ جم في أنابيب

إنتاج الشركة العمانية لمستحضرات الصيدلة ش.م.م. صلاله- سلطنة عمان

 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Zynovate Ointment

Mometasone furoate USP 0.1% w/w For a full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Ointment Smooth, uniform, translucent ointment

Zynovate Ointment is indicated for the treatment of inflammatory and pruritic manifestations of psoriasis (excluding widespread plaque psoriasis) and atopic dermatitis.

Adults, including elderly patients and children: A thin film of Zynovate Ointment should be applied to the affected areas of skin once daily.


Use of topical corticosteroids in children or on the face should be limited to the least amount compatible with an effective therapeutic regimen and duration of treatment should be no more than 5 days.

Zynovate is contraindicated in facial rosacea, acne vulgaris, skin atrophy, perioral dermatitis, perianal and genital pruritis, napkin eruptions, bacterial (e.g. impetigo, pyodermas), viral (e.g. herpes simplex, herpes zoster and chickenpox, verrucae vulgares, condylomata acuminata, molluscum contagiosum), parasitical and fungal (e.g. candida or dermatophyte) infections, varicella, tuberculosis, syphilis or post-vaccine reactions. Zynovate should not be used on wounds or skin which is ulcerated. Zynovate should not be used in patients who are sensitive to mometasone furoate or to other corticosteroids or to any of the ingredients in this medicine.

If irritation or sensitisation develop with the use of Zynovate, treatment should be withdrawn and appropriate therapy instituted.

Should an infection develop, use of an appropriate antifungal or antibacterial agent should be instituted. If a favourable response does not occur promptly, the corticosteroid should be discontinued until the infection is adequately controlled.

Systemic absorption of topical corticosteriods can produce reversible hypothalamic- pituitaryadrenal (HPA) axis suppression with the potential for glucocorticosteroid insufficiency after withdrawal of treatment. Manifestations of Cushing's syndrome, hyperglycemia, and glucosuria can also be produced in some patients by systemic absorption of topical corticosteroids while on treatment. Patients applying a topical steroid to a large surface area or areas under occlusion should be evaluated periodically for evidence of HPA axis suppression.

Pediatric patients may be more susceptible to systemic toxicity from equivalent doses due to their larger skin surface to body mass ratios. As the safety and efficacy of Zynovate in paediatric patients below 2 years of age have not been established, its use in this age group is not recommended.

Local and systemic toxicity is common especially following long continued use on large areas of damaged skin, in flexures and with polythene occlusion. If used in childhood, or on the face, occlusion should not be used. If used on the face, courses should be limited to 5 days and occlusion should not be used. Long term continuous therapy should be avoided in all patients irrespective of age.

Topical steroids may be hazardous in psoriasis for a number of reasons including rebound relapses following development of tolerance, risk of centralised pustular psoriasis and development of local or systemic toxicity due to impaired barrier function of the skin. If used in psoriasis careful patient supervision is important.

As with all potent topical glucocorticoids, avoid sudden discontinuation of treatment. When long term topical treatment with potent glucocorticoids is stopped, a rebound phenomenon can develop which takes the form of a dermatitis with intense redness, stinging and burning. This can be prevented by slow reduction of the treatment, for instance continue treatment on an intermittent basis before discontinuing treatment.

Glucocorticoids can change the appearance of some lesions and make it difficult to establish an adequate diagnosis and can also delay the healing.

Zynovate topical preparations are not for ophthalmic use, including the eyelids, because of the very rare risk of glaucoma simplex or subcapsular cataract.

None stated

During pregnancy and lactation treatment with Zynovate should be performed only on the physician's order. Then however, the application on large body surface areas or over a prolonged period should be avoided. There is inadequate evidence of safety in human pregnancy. Topical administration of corticosteroids to pregnant animals can cause abnormalities of foetal development including cleft palate and intra-uterine growth retardation. There are no adequate and well-controlled studies with Zynovate in pregnant women and therefore the risk of such effects to the human foetus is unknown. However as with all topically applied glucocorticoids, the possibility that foetal growth may be affected by glucocorticoid passage through the placental barrier should be considered. There may therefore be a very small risk of such effects in the human foetus. Like other topically applied glucocorticoids, Zynovate should be used in pregnant women only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the mother or the foetus.


It is not known whether topical administration of corticosteroids could result in sufficient systemic absorption to produce detectable quantities in breast milk. Zynovate should be administered to nursing mothers only after careful consideration of the benefit/risk relationship. If treatment with higher doses or long term application is indicated, breast- feeding should be discontinued.

None stated

Table 1: Treatment-related adverse reactions reported with Zynovate by body

system and frequency

Very common (≥1/10); common (≥1/100, <1/10); uncommon (≥1/1,000, <1/100); rare (≥1/10,000, <1/1,000); very rare (<1/10 000,); not known (cannot be estimated from available data)

Infections and infestations


Not known

Infection, furuncle

Very rare


Nervous system disorders


Not known


Very rare

burning sensation

Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders


Not known

Dermatitis contact, skin

hypopigmentation, hypertrichosis, skin striae, dermatitis acneiform, skin atrophy

Very rare


General disorders and administration

site conditions


Not known

Application site pain, application site


Local adverse reactions reported infrequently with topical dermatalogic corticosteroids include: skin dryness irritation, dermatitis, perioral dermatitis, maceration of the skin, miliaria and telangiectasiae.


Paediatric patients may demonstrate greater susceptibility to topical corticosteroid- induced hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis suppression and Cushing's syndrome than mature patients because of a larger skin surface area to body weight ratio. Chronic corticosteroids therapy may interfere with the growth and development of children.


Excessive, prolonged use of topical corticosteroids can suppress hypothalamic-pituitary- adrenal function resulting in secondary adrenal insufficiency which is usually reversible.


If HPA axis suppression is noted, an attempt should be made to withdraw the drug, to reduce the frequency of application or to substitute a less potent steroid.


The steroid content of each container is so low as to have little or no toxic effect in the unlikely event of accidental oral ingestion.

Mometasone furoate exhibits marked anti-inflammatory activity and marked anti- psoriatic activity in standard animal predictive models.


In the croton oil assay in mice, mometasone was equipotent to betamethasone valerate after single application and about 8 times as potent after five applications.


In guinea pigs, mometasone was approximately twice as potent as betamethasone valerate in reducing m.ovalis-induced epidermal acanthosis (i.e. anti-psoriatic activity) after 14 applications.

Pharmacokinetic studies have indicated that systemic absorption following topical application of mometasone furoate ointment 0.1% is minimal, approximately 0.4% of the applied dose in man, the majority of which is excreted within 72 hours following


application. Characterisation of metabolites was not feasible owing to the small amounts present in plasma and excreta.

There are no pre-clinical data of relevance to the prescriber which are additional to that already included in other sections of the SPC.

White Soft Paraffin, Light Liquid Paraffin & Chlorocresol

None known

3 years

Store below 30°C.


Aluminium collapsible tubes 15gm & 30gm

Not applicable


Jun 2010

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