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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Zomidor contains Dorzolamide which belongs to a group of medicines called “carbonic anhydrase inhibitors”. This medicine is prescribed to lower raised pressure in the eye and to treat glaucoma. This medicine can be used alone or in addition to other medicines which lower the pressure in the eye "so-called betablockers"

Do not use Zomidor

  • if you are allergic to Dorzolamide Hydrochloride or any of the other ingredients of this medicine (listed in section 6)
  • if you have severe kidney impairment or problems, or a prior history of kidney stones

Warnings and precautions

  • Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before using Zomidor
  • Tell your doctor or pharmacist about any medical problems you have now or have had in the past, including eye problems and eye surgeries, and about any allergies to any medications
  • If you develop any eye irritation or any new eye problems such as redness of the eye or swelling of the eyelids, contact your doctor immediately
  • If you suspect that Zomidor is causing an allergic reaction (for example, skin rash, severe skin reaction or itching), stop using this medicine and contact your doctor immediately

Use in children

Zomidor has been studied in infants and children less than 6 years of age who have raised pressure in the eye(s) or have been diagnosed with glaucoma. For more information, talk to your doctor

Use in elderly

In studies with Zomidor, the effects of this medicine were similar in both elderly and younger patients

Use in patients with liver impairment

Tell your doctor about any liver problems you now have or have suffered from in the past

Other medicines and Zomidor

Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are using, have recently used or might use any other medicines (including eye drops). This is particularly important if you are taking another carbonic anhydrase inhibitor such as acetazolamide, or a sulpha drug

Pregnancy and breast-feeding

Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking any medicine

Use in pregnancy

You should not use this medicine during pregnancy. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or intend to become pregnant.

Use in breast-feeding

If treatment with this medicine is required, breast-feeding is not recommended. Tell your doctor if you are breast-feeding or intend to breast-feed

Driving and using machines

No studies on the effects on the ability to drive or use machines have been performed. There are side effects associated with Zomidor, such as dizziness and blurred vision, which may affect your ability to drive and/or operate machinery. Do not drive or operate machinery until you feel well or your vision is clear

Zomidor contains benzalkonium chloride

Zomidor contains the preservative benzalkonium chloride. This preservative may be deposited in soft contact lenses and may possibly discolour the lenses. If you wear contact lenses, you should consult your doctor before using this medicine

Always use this medicine exactly as your doctor has told you. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure. The appropriate dosage and duration of treatment will be established by your doctor

When this medicine is used alone, the recommended dose is one drop in the affected eye(s) in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening

If your doctor has recommended you use this medicine with a beta-blocker eye drop to lower eye pressure, then the recommended dose is one drop of Zomidor in the affected eye(s) in the morning and in the evening

If you are using Zomidor with another eye drop, the drops should be instilled at least 10 minutes apart

Do not allow the tip of the container to touch the eye or areas around the eye. It may become contaminated with bacteria that can cause eye infections leading to serious damage of the eye, even loss of vision. To avoid possible contamination, wash your hands before using this medicine and keep the tip of the container away from contact with any surface. If you think your medication may be contaminated, or if you develop an eye infection, contact your doctor immediately concerning continued use of this bottle

Instructions for use

  1. Wash your hands and sit or stand comfortably
  2.  Unscrew the protective cap. The protective cap should be retained
  3. Use your finger to gently pull down the lower eyelid of your affected eye
  4. Place the tip of the bottle close to, but not touching your eye
  5. Squeeze the bottle gently so that only one drop goes into your eye and then release the lower eyelid
  6. Press a finger against the corner of the affected eye by the nose. Hold for 1 minute whilst keeping the eye closed
  7. Repeat in your other eye if your doctor has told you to do this
  8. Put the protective cap back on the bottle

If you use more Zomidor than you should

If you put too many drops in your eye or swallow any of the contents of the container, you should contact your doctor immediately

If you forget to use Zomidor

It is important to take this medicine as prescribed by your doctor. If you miss a dose, take it as soon as possible. However, if it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed dose and go back to your regular dosing schedule. Do not take a double dose to make up for the forgotten dose

If you stop using Zomidor

If you want to stop using this medicine talk to your doctor first. If you have any further questions on the use of this product, ask your doctor or pharmacist



Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them

If you develop allergic reactions including hives, swelling of the face, lips, tongue, and/or throat which may cause difficulty in breathing or swallowing, you should stop using this medicine and seek immediate medical advice

The following side effects have been reported with Zomidor either during clinical trials or during post-marketing experience

Very Common side effects: (affects more than 1 user in 10)

Burning and stinging of the eyes

Common side effects: (affects 1 to 10 users in 100)

Disease of the cornea with sore eye and blurred vision (superficial punctuate keratitis), discharge with itching of the eyes (conjunctivitis), irritation/inflammation of the eyelid, blurred vision, headache, nausea, bitter taste, and fatigue

Uncommon side effects: (affects 1 to 10 users in 1,000)

Inflammation of the iris

Rare side effects: (affects 1 to 10 user in 10,000)

Tingling or numbness of the hands or feet, temporary shortsightedness which may resolve when treatment is stopped, development of fluid under the retina (choroidal detachment, following filtration surgery), eye pain, eyelid crusting, low pressure in the eye, swelling of the cornea (with symptoms of visual disturbances), eye irritation including redness, kidney stones, dizziness, nose bleed, throat irritation, dry mouth, localized skin rash (contact dermatitis), severe skin reactions, allergic type reactions such as rash, hives, itching, in rare cases possible swelling of the lips, eyes and mouth, shortness of breath, and more rarely wheezing

- Keep out of the reach & Sight of children

- Do not use this medicine after the expiry date which is stated on the carton and container

- Zomidor should be used within 30 days after the bottle is opened

- Store below 30°C. Keep in the original pack to protect from light

- Do not throw away any medicines via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to throw away medicines you no longer use. These measures will help protect the environment

The active substance is Dorzolamide, Each 1 ml contains Dorzolamide Hydrochloride(USP) equivalent to Dorzolamide 20 mg

Other ingredients: Mannitol, Sodium Citrate, Benzalkonium Chloride Solution (BP) 0.15 mg, Natrasol, Water for injection

Zomidor Sterile Eye Drops solution is a clear, colourless liquid Each carton contains one bottle of Zomidor. Each bottle contains 5ml of Zomidor Sterile Eye Drops solution

Marketing Authorisation Holder and Manufacturer

Medical and Cosmetic Products Company Ltd. (Riyadh Pharma)

P.O.Box 442, Riyadh 11411

Fax: +966 11 265 0505

Email: contact@riyadhpharma.com

For any information about this medicinal product, please contact the local representative of marketing authorisation holder:

Saudi Arabia

Marketing department


Tel: +966 11 265 0111

Email: marketing@riyadhpharma.com

  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

يحتوي زوميدور علي دورزولمايد الذي ينتمي إلى مجموعة من الأدوية تسمى (مثبطات الكربونيك أنهيدراز).  يوصف هذا الدواء لخفض ارتفاع ضغط العين وعلاج المياه الزرقاء. هذا الدواء يمكن استخدامه منفردا أو بالإضافة إلى الأدوية الأخرى التي تقلل من ضغط العين  (ما يسمى بحاصرات بيتا).

لا تستخدم زوميدور:

  • إذا لديك حساسية من دورزولمايد هيدروكلورايد أو أي من المكونات الأخرى من هذا الدواء)المدرجة في القسم 6)
  • إذا كان لديك مشاكل أو ضعف شديد في الكلى ، أو تاريخ سابق من حصى الكلى

التحذيرات والاحتياطات

  • تحدث إلى طبيبك أو الصيدلي قبل استخدام زوميدور.
  • اخبر طبيبك أو الصيدلي عن أي مشاكل طبية لديك الآن أو في الماضي، بما في ذلك مشاكل العين وجراحات العيون، و أي حساسية من الأدوية.
  • إذا اصبت بتهيج العين أو أي مشاكل مثل احمرار العين أو تورم العين و الأجفان، اتصل بطبيبك فورا.
  • إن كنت تظن أن زوميدور يسبب لك رد فعل تحسسي )على سبيل المثال، طفح جلدي، رد فعل تحسسي شديد للجلد أو الحكة (، توقف عن استخدام الدواء واتصل بطبيبك فورا.

الاستخدام مع الأطفال

تم دراسة زوميدور في الرضع والأطفال أقل من 6 سنوات من العمر الذين يعانون من ارتفاع ضغط العين/الأعين ،أو تم تشخيصهم بالجلوكوما. لمزيد من المعلومات، تحدث الى الطبيب.

الاستخدام مع كبار السن

في دراسات مع زوميدور، فإن تأثير هذا الدواء متماثل في كل من المرضى كبار السن والشباب.

الاستخدام مع المرضى الذين يعانون من ضعف في الكبد

أخبر طبيبك عن أي مشاكل في الكبد لديك الآن أو عانيت منها في الماضي.

الأدوية الأخرى و زوميدور

أخبر طبيبك أو الصيدلي إذا كنت تستخدم، او استخدمت مؤخرا أو قد تستخدم أي أدوية أخرى  بما في ذلك قطرة العين( هذا مهم بشكل خاص إذا كنت تستخدم مثبطات كربونيك أنهيدراز أخرى مثل أسيتازولاميد، أو الادويه التي تحتوي علي السلفا.

الاستخدام اثناء الحمل والرضاعة

اسال طبيبك أو الصيدلي للحصول على المشورة قبل استخدام أي دواء.

الاستخدام اثناء الحمل

يجب عدم استخدام هذا الدواء أثناء الحمل. أخبر طبيبك إذا كنتي حاملا أو تنوين أن تصبحي حاملا.

الاستخدام مع الرضاعة الطبيعية

إذا كان العلاج بهذا الدواء مطلوبا ، لا ينصح بالرضاعة الطبيعية. أخبر طبيبك إذا كنتي تقومين بالرضاعة الطبيعية أو تنوين إلارضاع.

استخدام الآلات و القيادة

لم تجر أية دراسات عن آثار القدرة على القيادة أو استخدام الآلات. هناك آثار جانبية مرتبطة بزوميدور، مثل الدوخة وعدم وضوح الرؤية، مما قد تؤثر على قدرتك على القيادة و/أو تشغيل الآلات. لا تقم بقيادة السيارة أو تشغيل الآلات حتى تشعر بتحسن أو وضوح رؤيتك.

يحتوي زوميدور علي كلوريد البنزالكونيوم

يحتوي زوميدور علي كلوريد البنزالكونيوم كمادة حافظة. قد تترسب هذه المادة الحافظة في العدسات اللاصقة اللينة وربما قد يتغير لون العدسات. إذا كنت ترتدي العدسات اللاصقة، يجب عليك استشارة الطبيب قبل استخدام هذا الدواء.


دائما استخدم هذا الدواء دائما كما اخبرك الطبيب. استشر الطبيبك أو الصيدلي إذا لم تكن متأكدا.

سوف يتم اختيار الجرعة والمدة المناسبة للعلاج من قبل الطبيب.

عند استخدام هذا الدواء وحده، الجرعة الموصي بها هي قطرة واحدة في العين/الأعين المصابة في الصباح، و ما بعد الظهر وفي المساء. إذا كان طبيبك قد أوصى باستخدام هذا الدواء مع قطرة عين اخري من حاصرات بيتا لخفض ضغط العين، في هذه الحالة الجرعة الموصي بها هي قطرة واحدة من زوميدور في العين/الأعين المصابة في الصباح وفي المساء.

إذا كنت تستخدم زوميدور مع قطرة عين آخري، يجب أن تستخدم القطرات بما لا يقل عن 10 دقائق بينهما. لا تسمح لرأس العبوة لمس العين أو المناطق حول العين. قد تصبح ملوثة بالبكتيريا التي يمكن أن تسبب التهابات العين مما يؤدي إلى اضرار خطيرة للعين، وحتى فقدان الرؤية. لتجنب احتمال التلوث، اغسل اليدين قبل استخدام هذا الدواء، والحفاظ على رأس العبوة بعيدا عن الاتصال مع أي سطح. إذا كنت تعتقد أن الدواء قد تلوث، أو إذا اصبت بعدوى في العين، اتصل بطبيبك على الفور بشأن استمرار استخدام هذه الزجاجة.

تعليمات الاستعمال

  1.  إغسل يديك واجلس أو قف بشكل مريح.
  2.  فك الغطاء الواقي واحتفظ به.
  3. استخدم اصبعك لسحب الجفن السفلي للعين المصابة برفق.
  4.  ضع رأس العبوة قريبا من العين ولكن دون لمسها.
  5. اضغط العبوة بلطف لقطرة واحدة فقط للعين، ومن ثم حرر الجفن السفلي للعين.
  6. اضغط بإصبعك على زاوية العين المصابة القريبة من الأنف. انتظر دقيقة واحدة وأنت مغلق عينك.
  7. كرر العملية في العين الآخرى إذا أخبرك الطبيب بذلك.
  8. ضع الغطاء الواقي على العبوة.

إذا استعملت زوميدور أكثر مما يجب

إذا وضعت الكثير من القطرات في عينيك أو ابتلعت أي من محتويات العبوة، يجب عليك الاتصال بطبيبك على الفور.

إذا نسيت استعمال زوميدور

من المهم أن تستخدم هذا الدواء على النحو الذي يحدده الطبيب. إذا فوت جرعة، تناولها في اقرب وقت ممكن. ومع ذلك، إذا كان وقت الجرعة التالية قد حان، تغاضي عن الجرعة المنسية و قم بالعودة إلى الجرعات العادية. لا تتناول جرعة مضاعفة لتعويض الجرعة المنسية.

إذا توقفت عن استخدام زوميدور

إذا كنت ترغب في التوقف عن استخدام هذا الدواء تحدث مع طبيبك أولا. إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة أخرى عن استخدام هذا المنتج، اسأل طبيبك أو الصيدلي.

كما في جميع الأدوية، من الممكن أن يسبب هذا الدواء أعراض جانبية، على الرغم من أنها لا تحدث لجميع المرضى.

إذا حدث لك تفاعلات الحساسية بما في ذلك احمرار، وتورم الوجه والشفتين واللسان، و / أو الحلق مما قد يسبب صعوبة في التنفس أو البلع، فيجب التوقف عن استخدام هذا الدواء، واطلب المشورة الطبية الفورية.

تم الإبلاغ عن الآثار الجانبية التالية مع زوميدور إما أثناء التجارب السريرية أو خلال تجربة ما بعد التسويق:

آثار جانبية شائعة جداً  (تؤثر على أكثر من 1 لكل 10 أشخاص) :

تهيج و لذع العين

آثار جانبية شائعة  (تؤثر على 1الي 10 اشخاص لكل 100 شخص) :

مرض القرنية مع التهاب العين وعدم وضوح الرؤية )التهاب القرنية السطحي النقطي(  و حكة في العينين مع افرازات  (الملتحمة(، تهيج/التهاب الجفن، عدم وضوح الرؤية، والصداع، والغثيان، والطعم المر، والتعب.

آثار جانبية غير شائعة  (تؤثر على 1الي 10 اشخاص لكل 1000 شخص) :

التهاب القزحية.

آثار جانبية نادرة (تؤثر على 1الي 10 اشخاص لكل 10.000 شخص) :

وخز أو خدر في اليدين أو القدمين، قصر النظر المؤقت الذي قد يزول عندما يتم إيقاف العلاج، وتكون السوائل تحت الشبكية )انفصال المشيمية، عقب خضوعه لجراحة الترشيح(، ألم في العين، تقشر الجفن، وانخفاض الضغط في العين وتورم القرنية )مع أعراض الاضطرابات البصرية(، وتهيج العين بما في ذلك الاحمرار، و حصى الكلى، والدوار، ونزيف الأنف وتهيج الحلق، و جفاف الفم، و الطفح الجلدي )أكزيما تماس(، و ردود فعل تحسسية جلدية خطيرة، مثل الطفح الجلدي، والاحمرار، والحكة، في حالات نادرة تورم في الشفتين والعينين والفم، وضيق في التنفس، وأكثر ندرة الصفير.

- يحفظ بعيدا عن متناول ايدي و نظر الأطفال.

- يجب عدم استعمال زوميدور بعد تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية المذكورة على الكرتون و العبوة.

- ينبغي أن تستخدم زوميدور في خلال 30 يوما بعد فتح العبوة.

- يحفظ في درجة حرارة اقل من 30 درجة مئوية ، يحفظ في العبوة الأصلية للحماية من الضوء.

- لا تتخلص من أي أدوية عن طريق مياه الصرف الصحي أو النفايات المنزلية. اسأل الصيدلي عن كيفية التخلص من الأدوية التي لم تعد مطلوبة. هذه التدابير تساعد في حماية البيئة

المادة الفعالة هي دورزولمايد، يحتوي كل 1 مل على دورزولمايد هيدروكلورايد  )دستور الأدوية الأمريكي(  ما يعادل دورزولمايد 20 ملجم.

المكونات الأخرى: مانيتول ، صوديوم ستريت، ، محلول بنزلكونيوم كلورايد  )دستور الأدوية البريطاني(  0.15ملجم )مادة حافظة(، ناتراسول، ماء للحقن

زوميدور قطرة للعين عبارة عن محلول صافي، عديم اللون.

كل كرتونة تحتوي على عبوة واحدة من زوميدور، كل عبوة زوميدور قطرة للعين تحتوي على 5 مل محلول

اسم وعنوان مالك رخصة التسويق والمصنع

شركة المنتجات الطبية والتجميلية المحدودة ( الرياض فارما)

ص.ب. 442 الرياض 11411

فاكس: 966112650505+

البريد الإلكتروني: contact@riyadhpharma.com

لأية معلومات عن هذا المنتج الطبي، يرجى الاتصال على  صاحب الترخيص والتسويق:

المملكة العربية السعودية

قسم التسويق


تلفون: 966112650111+

البريد الإلكتروني: marketing@riyadhpharma.com

 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

ZOMIDOR 2% Sterile Eye Drops 5ml

Active substance: One ml contains 20 mg dorzolamide (as 22.25 mg of dorzolamide hydrochloride) Excipient(s) with known effect: benzalkonium chloride For a full list of excipients, see section 6.1

Eye drops, Clear colorless solution free from visible particles

ZOMIDOR is indicated:

  • as adjunctive therapy to beta-blockers
  • as monotherapy in patients unresponsive to beta-blockers or in whom beta-blockers are contraindicated,in the treatment of elevated intra-ocular pressure in
  • ocular hypertension
  • open-angle glaucoma
  • pseudo-exfoliative glaucoma


When used as monotherapy, the dose is one drop of ZOMIDOR in the conjunctival sac of the affected eye(s), three times daily

When used as adjunctive therapy with an ophthalmic beta-blocker, the dose is one drop of ZOMIDOR in the conjunctival sac of the affected eye(s), two times daily

When substituting ZOMIDOR for another ophthalmic anti-glaucoma agent, discontinue the other agent after proper dosing on one day, and start ZOMIDOR on the next day

Method of administration

If more than one topical ophthalmic drug is being used, the drugs should be administered at least ten minutes apart

Patients should be instructed to avoid allowing the tip of the dispensing container to contact the eye or surrounding structures

Patients should also be instructed that ocular solutions, if handled improperly, can become contaminated by common bacteria known to cause ocular infections. Serious damage to the eye and subsequent loss of vision may result from using contaminated solutions

 Patients should be informed of the correct handling of ZOMIDOR eye drops solution

Usage instructions

Please follow these instructions carefully when using ZOMIDOR eye drops solution. It is recommended that you wash your hands before putting in your eye drops

  1. You must not use the bottle if the tamper-proof seal on the bottle neck is broken before you first use it
  2. To open the bottle unscrew the cap by turning it until the tamper-proof seal breaks
  3. Tilt your head back and pull your lower eyelid down slightly to form a pocket between your eyelid and your eye (Fig. 1)
  4. Invert the container, and press gently as shown (Fig. 2) until a single drop as instructed by your doctor is dispensed into your eye. DO NOT TOUCH YOUR EYE OR EYELID WITH THE TIP OF THE CONTAINER
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 with the other eye if instructed to do so by your doctor
  6. Re-close the bottle by turning the cap firmly immediately after use and return the bottle to the original outer carton
  7. The dispenser tip is designed to provide a pre-measured drop; therefore, do not enlarge the hole of the dispenser tip

Paediatric use

(The experience in children is limited. Limited clinical data in paediatric patients with administration of ZOMIDOR three times a day are available. (For information regarding paediatric dosing see section 5.1

Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1 or to sulphonamides ZOMIDOR has not been studied in patients with severe renal impairment (CrCl < 30 ml/min) or with hyperchloraemic acidosis. Because dorzolamide and its metabolites are excreted predominantly by the kidney, dorzolamide is therefore contraindicated in such patients

ZOMIDOR has not been studied in patients with hepatic impairment and should therefore be used with caution in such patients

The management of patients with acute angle-closure glaucoma requires therapeutic interventions in addition to ocular hypotensive agents. ZOMIDOR has not been studied in patients with acute angle-closure glaucoma

Dorzolamide is a sulphonamide and although administered topically, is absorbed systemically

Therefore the same types of adverse reactions that are attributable to sulphonamides may occur with topical administration, including severe reactions such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis. If signs of serious reactions of hypersensitivity occur, discontinue the use of this preparation

Therapy with oral carbonic anhydrase inhibitors has been associated with urolithiasis as a result of acid-base disturbances, especially in patients with a prior history of renal calculi. Although no acid-base disturbances have been observed with dorzolamide, urolithiasis has been reported infrequently. Because dorzolamide is a topical carbonic anhydrase inhibitor that is absorbed systemically, patients with a prior history of renal calculi may be at increased risk of urolithiasis while using dorzolamide

If allergic reactions (e.g. conjunctivitis and eyelid reactions) are observed, discontinuation of treatment should be considered There is a potential for an additive effect on the known systemic effects of carbonic anhydrase inhibition in patients receiving an oral carbonic anhydrase inhibitor and dorzolamide. The concomitant administration of dorzolamide and oral carbonic anhydrase inhibitors is not recommended. Corneal oedemas and irreversible corneal decompensations have been reported in patients with pre-existing chronic corneal defects and/or a history of intraocular surgery while using dorzolamide. Topical dorzolamide should be used with caution in such patients. Choroidal detachment concomitant with ocular hypotony have been reported after filtration procedures with administration of aqueous suppressant therapies

ZOMIDOR contains the preservative benzalkonium chloride, which may cause eye irritation. Contact lenses should be removed prior to application and wait at least 15 minutes before reinsertion. Benzalkonium chloride is known to discolour soft contact lenses

Paediatric patients

ZOMIDOR has not been studied in patients less than 36 weeks gestational age and less than one week of age

Patients with significant renal tubular immaturity should only receive ZOMIDOR after careful consideration of the risk benefit balance because of the possible risk of metabolic acidosis

Specific drug interaction studies have not been performed with dorzolamide

In clinical studies, dorzolamide was used concomitantly with the following medications without evidence of adverse interactions: timolol ophthalmic solution, betaxolol ophthalmic solution and systemic medications, including ACE-inhibitors, calcium-channel blockers, diuretics, non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs including acetylsalicylic acid, and hormones (e.g. oestrogen, insulin, thyroxine)

Association between dorzolamide and miotics and adrenergic agonists has not been fully evaluated during glaucoma therapy

Dorzolamide is a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor and, although administered topically, it is also absorbed into the systemic circulation. In clinical studies, no acid-base disturbances have been observed in connection with dorzolamide use. However, such effects have been reported with oral carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, and in some cases they have resulted in medicine interactions (e.g. toxic reactions in patients receiving high doses of salicylates). The potential for such interactions should therefore be considered in association with dorzolamide therapy


There are no adequate data from the use of ZOMIDOR in pregnant women. Studies in rabbits have shown teratogenic effect at maternotoxic doses (see section 5.3)

ZOMIDOR should not be used during pregnancy


There are no data showing whether the drug is excreted in human milk. In lactating rats, decreases in the body weight gain of offspring were observed. If treatment with ZOMIDOR is required, then lactation is not recommended

(No studies on the on the ability to drive and use machines have been performed. Possible side effects such as dizziness and visual disturbances may affect the ability to drive and use machines (see also section 4.8

Dorzolamide containing eye drops was evaluated in more than 1400 individuals in controlled and uncontrolled clinical studies. In long term studies of 1108 patients treated with dorzolamide containing eye drops as monotherapy or as adjunctive therapy with an ophthalmic beta-blocker, the most frequent cause of discontinuation (approximately 3 %) from treatment with dorzolamide containing eye drops was drug-related ocular adverse effects, primarily conjunctivitis and lid reactions

The following adverse reactions have been reported either during clinical trials or during post-marketing


Very common (≥ 1/10)

Common (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10)

Uncommon (≥ 1/1.000 to < 1/100)

Rare (≥ 1/10.000 to < 1/1,000)

Very rare (< 1/10.000)

Nervous system and psychiatric disorders

Common: headache

Rare: dizziness, paraesthesia

Eye disorders

Very Common: burning and stinging

Common: superficial punctate keratitis, tearing, conjunctivitis, eyelid inflammation, eye itching, eyelid irritation, blurred vision

Uncommon: iridocyclitis

Rare: irritation including redness, pain, eyelid crusting, transient myopia (which resolved upon discontinuation of therapy), corneal oedema, ocular hypotony, choroidal detachment following filtration surgery

Frequency not known: foreign body sensation in eye

Respiratory, thoracic, and mediastinal disorders

Rare: epistaxis

Frequency not known: dyspnoea

Gastrointestinal disorders

Common: nausea, bitter taste

Rare: throat irritation, dry mouth

Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders

Rare: contact dermatitis, urticaria, pruritus, rash, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis

Renal disorders

Rare: urolithiasis

General disorders and administration site conditions

Common: asthenia/fatigue

Rare: hypersensitivity: signs and symptoms of local reactions (palpebral reactions) and systemic allergic reactions including angioedema, shortness of breath, rarely bronchospasm

Laboratory findings

Dorzolamide was not associated with clinically meaningful electrolyte disturbances.

Paediatric patients: see section 5.1

To report any side effects

 - National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Center (NPC)

  • Fax: +966-11-205-7662
  • To call the executive management of vigilance and crisis management: +966-11-2038222 ext.: 2353 – 2356 – 2317 – 2354 – 2334 – 2340
  • Toll-free: 8002490000
  • E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa
  • Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc

Only limited information is available with regard to human overdosage by accidental or deliberate ingestion of dorzolamide hydrochloride. The following have been reported with

  • oral ingestion: somnolence
  • topical application: nausea, dizziness, headache, fatigue, abnormal dreams, and dysphagia

Treatment should be symptomatic and supportive. Electrolyte imbalance, development of an acidotic state, and possible central nervous system effects may occur. Serum electrolyte levels (particularly potassium) and blood pH levels should be monitored

Pharmacotherapeutic group: antiglaucoma preparations and miotics, carbonic anhydrase inhibitor

ATC code: S01E C03

Mechanism of action

Carbonic anhydrase (CA) is an enzyme found in many tissues of the body including the eye. In humans, carbonic anhydrase exists as a number of isoenzymes, the most active being carbonic anhydrase II (CAII) found primarily in red blood cells (RBCs) but also in other tissues

Inhibition of carbonic anhydrase in the ciliary processes of the eye decreases aqueous humor secretion. The result is a reduction in intra-ocular pressure (IOP)

ZOMIDOR contains dorzolamide hydrochloride, a potent inhibitor of human carbonic anhydrase II

Following topical ocular administration, dorzolamide reduces elevated intra-ocular pressure, whether or not associated with glaucoma. Elevated intra-ocular pressure is a major risk factor in the pathogenesis of optic nerve damage and visual-field loss. Dorzolamide does not cause pupillary constriction and reduces intraocular pressure without side effects such as night blindness, accommodative spasm. Dorzolamide has minimal or no effect on pulse rate or blood pressure

Topically applied beta-adrenergic blocking agents also reduce IOP by decreasing aqueous humor secretion but by a different mechanism of action. Studies have shown that when dorzolamide is added to a topical betablocker, additional reduction in IOP is observed; this finding is consistent with the reported additive effects of beta-blockers and oral carbonic anhydrase inhibitors

Pharmacodynamic effects

Clinical effects

Adult patients

In patients with glaucoma or ocular hypertension, the efficacy of dorzolamide given t.i.d. as monotherapy (baseline IOP ≥ 23 mmHg) or given b.i.d. as adjunctive therapy while receiving ophthalmic beta-blockers (baseline IOP ≥ 22 mmHg) was demonstrated in large scale clinical studies of up to one- year duration. The IOP-lowering effect of dorzolamide as monotherapy and as adjunctive therapy was demonstrated throughout the day and this effect was maintained during long-term administration. Efficacy during long-term monotherapy was similar to betaxolol and slightly less than timolol. When used as adjunctive therapy to ophthalmic beta blockers, dorzolamide demonstrated additional IOP lowering similar to pilocarpine 2% q.i.d. Paediatric patients

A three month, double-masked, active-treatment controlled, multicentre study was undertaken in 184 (122 for dorzolamide) paediatric patients from one week of age to < 6 years of age with glaucoma or elevated intraocular pressure (baseline IOP > 22 mmHg) to assess the safety of dorzolamide when administered topically t.i.d. (three times a day). Approximately half the patients in both treatment groups were diagnosed with congenital glaucoma; other common aetiologies were Sturge Weber syndrome, iridocorneal mesenchymal dysgenesis, aphakic patients. The distribution by age and treatments in the monotherapy phase was as follows


Dorzolamide 2%


Age cohort < 2 years


Age range: 1 to 23 months

Timolol GS* 0.25% n=27

Age range: 0.25 to 22 months

Age cohort ≥ 2 - < 6 years


Age range: 2 to 6 years

Timolol 0.5% n=35

Age range: 2 to 6 year

* gel-forming solution

Across both age cohorts approximately 70 patients received treatment for at least 61 days and approximately 50 patients received 81-100 days of treatment

If IOP was inadequately controlled on dorzolamide or timolol gel-forming solution monotherapy,

a change was made to open-label therapy according to the following: 30 patients < 2 years were switched to concomitant therapy with timolol gel-forming solution 0.25% daily and dorzolamide 2% t.i.d.; 30 patients > 2 years were switched to 2% dorzolamide/0.5% timolol fixed combination b.i.d

Overall, this study did not reveal additional safety concerns in paediatric patients

In a clinical trial, approximately 20% of patients while on dorzolamide monotherapy were observed to experience drug related adverse effects, the majority of which were local, non serious ocular effects such as ocular burning and stinging, injection and eye pain. A small percentage < 4% were observed to have corneal oedema or haze. Local reactions appeared similar in frequency to comparator. In post marketing data, metabolic acidosis in the very young particularly with renal immaturity/impairment has been reported

Efficacy results in paediatric patients suggest that the mean IOP decrease observed in the dorzolamide group was comparable to the mean IOP decrease observed in the timolol group even if a slight numeric disadvantage was observed for timolol

Longer-term efficacy studies (> 12 weeks) are not available

Unlike oral carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, topical administration of dorzolamide hydrochloride allows for the drug to exert its effects directly in the eye at substantially lower doses and therefore with less systemic exposure. In clinical trials, this resulted in a reduction in IOP without the acid-base disturbances or alterations in electrolytes characteristic of oral carbonic anhydrase inhibitors

When topically applied, dorzolamide reaches the systemic circulation. To assess the potential for systemic carbonic anhydrase inhibition following topical administration, drug and metabolite concentrations in RBCs and plasma and carbonic anhydrase inhibition in RBCs were measured

Dorzolamide accumulates in RBCs during chronic dosing as a result of selective binding to CAII while extremely low concentrations of free drug in plasma are maintained. The parent drug forms a single N-desethyl metabolite that inhibits CAII less potently than the parent drug but also inhibits a less active isoenzyme (CAI). The metabolite also accumulates in RBCs where it binds primarily to CAI. Dorzolamide binds moderately to plasma proteins (approximately 33%)

Dorzolamide is primarily excreted unchanged in the urine; the metabolite is also excreted in urine. After dosing ends, dorzolamide washes out of RBCs non linearly, resulting in a rapid decline of drug concentration initially, followed by a slower elimination phase with a half-life of about four months

When dorzolamide was given orally to simulate the maximum systemic exposure after long-term topical ocular administration, steady state was reached within 13 weeks. At steady state, there was virtually no free drug or metabolite in plasma; CA inhibition in RBCs was less than that anticipated to be necessary for a pharmacological effect on renal function or respiration. Similar pharmacokinetic results were observed after chronic, topical administration of dorzolamide

However, some elderly patients with renal impairment (estimated CrCl 30-60 ml/min) had higher metabolite concentrations in RBCs, but no meaningful differences in carbonic anhydrase inhibition, and no clinically significant systemic side effects were directly attributable to this finding

Non-clinical data reveal no special hazard for humans based on conventional studies of safety pharmacology, repeated dose toxicity, genotoxicity and carcinogenic potential

In clinical studies, patients did not develop signs of metabolic acidosis or serum electrolyte changes that are indicative of systemic CA inhibition. Therefore, it is not expected that the effects noted in animal studies would be observed in patients receiving therapeutic doses of dorzolamide

In rabbits, malformations of the vertebral bodies were observed at maternotoxic doses associated with metabolic acidosis

Sodium citrate
Benzalkonium chloride 50%
Water for injections

Not applicable

2 years 30 days from first opening

Store below 30°C

Store in the original pack to protect from light

5ml packed in 10 ml white LDPE bottle with polyethylene dropper insert and white polypropylene cap having polyethylene pilfer proof

No special requirements for disposal

Any unused medicinal product or waste material should disposed of in accordance with local requirements

Medical and Cosmetic Products Company Ltd. (Riyadh Pharma) P.O.Box 442, Riyadh 11411 Fax: +966 11 265 0505 Email: contact@riyadhpharma.com For any information about this medicinal product, please contact the local representative of marketing authorisation holder: Saudi Arabia Marketing department Riyadh Tel: +966 11 265 0111 Email: marketing@riyadhpharma.com


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