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نشرة الممارس الصحي | نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية | نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية | صور الدواء | بيانات الدواء |
RAVAC is a vaccine used for the prevention of the development of rabies in an exposed individual. It can be used before or after exposure, as a primary immunization or as a booster dose. Rabies is a 100% fatal disease and is caused by a virus. The rabies virus is transmitted by close contact with saliva of an infected animal such as dogs, cats, etc. mostly, through bites, scratches, licks on broken skin or mucous membrane such as eyes, nose or mouth. Rabies virus affects the nervous system, especially centres of cardiac activity and respiration. There is no treatment for rabies. However, vaccine against rabies virus can prevent the development of rabies in an exposed individual.
RAVAC is one such vaccine which contains the killed rabies virus and is given to people who are at a high risk of being exposed or in those who have already been exposed to rabies.
Since rabies is a life-threatening disease, it is important to receive RAVAC when there is a suspected exposure to rabies.
Since there might be possible allergic reactions to RAVAC, it is important for you to report if you are allergic to any of the ingredients of RAVAC so your healthcare professional can take appropriate precautions.
For preventive vaccination, in case of fever or an acute illness, vaccination should be postponed.
Because of the life-threatening risk of rabies, after exposure to any suspected rabid animal there are no conditions wherein RAVAC is not administered.
If you are receiving long term corticosteroids or other drugs which suppress the immunity or chloroquine for malaria treatment or prevention, or have low immunity, RAVAC should be given in a muscle and not in the skin.
Corticosteroids, chloroquine and other drugs which suppress the immunity can interfere with the immune response of the vaccine and lead to the failure of the vaccination. Rabies immunoglobulins (antibodies against rabies virus) must be administered at a different site from that of the vaccine (the contralateral side).
RAVAC is administered by intramuscular or intradermal route. Intramuscularly, RAVAC is administered in a dose of 1 ml while during intradermal administration the dose is two 0.1 ml injections administered at two different body sites. For preventive vaccination in individuals who have not been exposed to rabies, RAVAC is administered on days 0, 7 and 21 or 28 by either route. In individuals with suspected exposure to rabies, RAVAC is administered on days 0, 3, 7, 14 and 28 by intramuscular route or on days 0, 3, 7 and 28 by intradermal route.
Prevention before exposure to any suspected rabid animal
Route | Dose | Number of doses
| Schedule |
| 1 ml
| 3
| Days 0, 7 and 21 or 28
Intradermal | 0.1 ml | 3 | Days 0, 7 and 21 or 28 |
Prevention after exposure to any suspected rabid animal
Route | Dose | Number of doses
| Schedule |
| 1 ml
| 5 | Days 0, 3, 7, 14 and 28 |
Intradermal | 0.1 ml + 0.1 ml | 4 | Days 0, 3, 7 and 28 |
The recommendations related to the injection scheme must be scrupulously followed.
Like all medicines and vaccines, RAVAC can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.
RAVAC can cause pain, redness, swelling, itching and hardness at the site of injection. Other side effects include fever, shivering, faintness, weakness, headache, dizziness, muscle pain, nausea, abdominal pain and joint pain. Most of these side effects are mild and transient and resolve uneventfully.
Reporting of side effects
If any of the side effects gets serious, or if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet, please tell your <doctor, health care provider> <or> <pharmacist>.
Store the vaccine in a refrigerator (2°C- 8°C).
The diluent should not be frozen but should be kept cool.
Each dose of 1 ml contains:
Purified Rabies Antigen (Rabies virus Pitman-Moore Strain 3218-VERO adapted and
grown on vero cells, inactivated by using b - propiolactone) not less than 2.5 IU
Reconstitute with 1 ml of Sterile Water for Injections.
Excipients: Sucrose, glycine, human serum albumin (HSA).
Marketing Authorization Holder:
Sudair Pharma Company (SPC)
King Fahad Road – King Fahad District, Building no. 7639
P.O. Box 12262 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Tel: +966-11-920001432
Fax: +966-11-4668195
Manufacture By:
212/2, Hadapsar, Pune 411028, INDIA
رافاك هو لقاح يُستخدم للوقاية من الإصابة بداء الكلب (السعار) لدى الأفراد المعرضين له. ويمكن استخدامه قبل التعرض لداء الكلب أو بعده، وذلك كتحصين أولي أو كجرعة معززة. داء الكلب مرض قاتل بنسبة 100% وينتج عن فيروس ينتقل عن طريق الاتصال الوثيق بلعاب حيوان مصاب مثل الكلاب، والقطط وما إلى ذلك ويكون ذلك في الغالب عن طريق اللدغات أو الخدوش أو اللعقات على الجلد المخدوش أو الأغشية المخاطية مثل العين أو الأنف أو الفم. يؤثر فيروس داء الكلب على الجهاز العصبي، وخاصة مراكز النشاط القلبي والتنفس. لا يوجد علاج لداء الكلب. ومع ذلك، فإن لقاح فيروس داء الكلب يمكن أن يمنع الإصابة بداء الكلب لدى الأشخاص المعرضين له.
رافاك هو أحد هذه اللقاحات التي تحتوي على فيروس داء الكلب الذى تم إبطاله ويتم إعطاؤه للأشخاص المعرضين لخطر كبير للإصابة أو لأولئك الذين أصيبوا بالفعل بداء الكلب (السعار).
نظرًا لأن داء الكلب مرض يهدد الحياة، فمن المهم تلقي لقاح رافاك عند الاشتباه في التعرض لداء الكلب.
ونظرًا لأنه قد تكون هناك ردود فعل تحسسية محتملة تجاه لقاح رافاك ، فمن المهم أن تبلغ عما إذا كنت تعاني من حساسية تجاه أي من مكونات لقاح رافاك حتى يتمكن أخصائي الرعاية الصحية من اتخاذ الاحتياطات المناسبة.
فى حالة التطعيم الوقائي، يُنصح بتأجيل التطعيم اذا كان هناك حمى أو مرض حاد.
نظرًا لخطر الإصابة بداء الكلب الذي يهدد الحياة، بعد التعرض لأي حيوان مشتبه في إصابته بداء الكلب، لا توجد ظروف لا يتم فيها استخدام لقاح رافاك .
إذا كنت تتلقى العلاج بالكورتيزونات على المدى الطويل أو أدوية أخرى تثبط المناعة أو الكلوروكين الذى يستخدم لعلاج الملاريا أو الوقاية منها، أو كانت مناعتك منخفضة، فيجب إعطاء لقاح رافاك في العضل وليس فى الجلد.
التفاعلات الدوائية
الكورتيزونات والكلوروكين والأدوية الأخرى التي تثبط المناعة يمكن أن تتداخل مع الاستجابة المناعية للقاح وتؤدي إلى فشل التطعيم. يجب إعطاء الأجسام المضادة لداء الكلب في موضع مختلف عن موضع اللقاح (الجانب المقابل لموضع اللقاح).
يُعطى لقاح رافاك عن طريق الحقن العضلي أو داخل الأدمة. وبالنسبة للإعطاء عن طريق الحقن العضلي، يتم إعطاء لقاح رافاك بجرعة 1 مل بينما تكون الجرعة في حالة الإعطاء داخل الأدمة حقنتين 0.1 مل تُعطى في موضعين مختلفين من الجسم. وللتطعيم الوقائي للأفراد الذين لم يتعرضوا لداء الكلب، يتم إعطاء لقاح رافاك في الأيام 0 و 7 و 21 أو 28 بأى من طريقتى الحقن. وبالنسبة للأفراد الذين يُشتبه في تعرضهم لداء الكلب، يتم إعطاء لقاح رافاك في الأيام 0 و 3 و 7 و 14 و 28 عن طريق الحقن العضلي أو في الأيام 0 و 3 و 7 و 28 في حالة الإعطاء داخل الأدمة.
الوقاية قبل التعرض لأي حيوان يُشتبه في إصابته بداء الكلب
طريق الإعطاء | الجرعة | عدد الجرعات
| الجدول الزمني |
الحقن العضلي
| 1 مل
| 3
| الأيام 0 و 7 و 21 أو 28
داخل الأدمة | 0.1 مل | 3 | الأيام 0 و 7 و 21 أو 28 |
الوقاية بعد التعرض لأي حيوان يُشتبه في إصابته بداء الكلب
طريق الإعطاء | الجرعة | عدد الجرعات
| الجدول الزمني |
الحقن العضلي
| 1 مل
| 5 | الأيام 0 و 3 و 7 و 14 و 28 |
داخل الأدمة | 0.1 مل + 0.1 مل | 4 | الأيام 0 و 3 و 7 و 28 |
يجب اتباع التوصيات المتعلقة بنظام الحقن بدقة.
مثل جميع الأدوية واللقاحات، قد يتسبب رافاك في آثار جانبية، على الرغم من عدم حدوثها لدى الجميع.
يمكن أن يسبب رافاك ألمًا واحمرارًا وتورمًا وحكة جلدية وتيبسًا أو صلابة في موضع الحقن. وتشمل الآثار الجانبية الأخرى حمى، رعشة، إغماء، ضعف، صداع، دوخة، ألم العضلات، غثيان، ألم البطن وألم المفاصل. معظم هذه الآثار الجانبية خفيفة وعابرة وتزول دون أن تتسبب في أية مشكلات.
الإبلاغ عن الآثار الجانبية
إن كان لديك أعراض جانبية أو لاحظت أعراض جانبية غير مذكورة في هذه النشرة، فضلًا ابلغ <الطبيب< >أو< >مقدم الرعاية الصحية> <أو> <الصيدلي>.
يتم تخزين اللقاح في الثلاجة (2 – 8 ) درجات مئوية.
لا ينبغي تجميد المُذيب ولكن ينبغي أن يبقى باردًا.
تحتوي كل جرعة 1 مل على:
المادة الفعالة: مستضد داء الكلب المنقى (فيروس داء الكلب سلالة بيتمان مور 3218-VERO التي تم تعديلها و
إنماؤها على خلايا فيرو، وتعطيلها باستخدام بيتا بروبيولاكتون) بما لا يقل عن 2.5 وحدة دولية
يُخفَّف بـاستخدام 1 مل من الماء المعقم للحقن.
المواد الأخرى: سكروز، وغليسين وألبومين المصل البشري ( HSA)
الشكل الصيدلاني:
مسحوق مُجفَّف بالتجميد للحقن.
طبيعة العبوة ومحتوياتها:
قارورة ذات جرعة واحدة تحتوي على 1 مل من اللقاح
أمبول يحتوي على مُذيب 1 مل (ماء معقم للحقن)
نوع اللقاح وعبوة المُذيب:
القارورة: قارورة زجاجية أنبوبية شفافة (نوع USP I)
الأمبول: أمبول زجاجي أنبوبي شفاف عليه نقطة OPC بيضاء اللون تُستخدم في فتح الأمبول (نوع USP I)
حامل ترخيص التسويق:
شركة سدير للأدوية (SPC)
طريق الملك فهد - حي الملك فهد، المبنى رقم 7639
ص.ب 12262 الرياض، المملكة العربية السعودية
الهاتف 920001432-11-966+
الفاكس: 4668195-11-966+
البريد الإلكتروني:
الجهة المُصنِّعة:
المعهد الهندي للأمصال (SERUM INSTITUTE OF INDIA PVT. LTD)
212/2، هادابسار، بيون 411028، الهند
RAVAC is indicated for the prevention of rabies in children and adults. It can be used before or after exposure, as a primary immunization or as a booster dose.
a) Pre-Exposure prophylaxis
Pre-exposure vaccination should be offered to subjects at high risk of contamination by the rabies virus. This vaccination is particularly recommended for veterinarians, veterinary medicine students, animal keepers, hunters, forestry workers, animal handlers, butchers, personnel in rabies research laboratories etc., children at high risk of exposure or prior to visits to areas in which rabies is endemic.
b) Post-Exposure prophylaxis
RAVAC is indicated in post-exposure prophylaxis of rabies infection, when given to individuals with suspected rabies exposure. RAVAC must always be used as per recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), depending on the type of contact with a suspected rabid animal.
For all categories, immediate washing and flushing of all wounds and scratches is recommended. If indicated tetanus prophylaxis should also be given with tetanus toxoid. Treatment should be started as early as possible after exposure, but in no case should it be denied to exposed persons whatever time interval has elapsed. |
RAVAC should be reconstituted only with the entire contents of the diluent supplied (Sterile Water for injections I.P.) using a sterile syringe and needle, with gentle shaking the dried cake is easily dissolved. After reconstitution the vaccine should be used immediately. The diluent and reconstituted vaccine should be inspected visually for any foreign particulate matter and / or variation of physical aspects prior to administration. In the event of either being observed, discard the diluent or reconstituted vaccine.
For adults and children aged ≥2 years, the vaccine should always be administered in the deltoid area of the arm; for children aged <2 years, the anterolateral area of the thigh is recommended. Rabies vaccine should not be administered in the gluteal area, as the induction of an adequate immune response may be less reliable.
Intradermal regimen may be used for people with category II and III exposures in countries where the Intradermal route has been endorsed by national health authorities.
a) Pre-Exposure prophylaxis
The following schedule should be followed for pre-exposure prophylaxis in high risk populations.
Route | Dose | Number of Doses | Schedule |
Intramuscular | 1 ml | 3 | Day 0, 7 and 21 or 28 |
Intradermal | 0.1 ml | 3 | Day 0, 7 and 21 or 28 |
Periodic booster injections are recommended as an extra precaution only for people whose occupation puts them at continual or frequent risk of exposure. For people who are potentially at risk of laboratory exposure to high concentrations of live rabies virus, antibody testing should be done every 6 months. Those professionals, who are not at continual risk of exposure through their activities, should have serological monitoring every 2 years. Because vaccine-induced immunity persists in most cases for years, a booster should be administered if rabies virus neutralizing antibody titres fall to < 0.5 IU/ml.
b) Post-Exposure prophylaxis
In order to remove as much of the rabies virus as possible, immediately cleanse the wound with soap and wash thoroughly with water. Then treat with alcohol (70%) or an iodine tincture. The following schedule should be followed for post-exposure prophylaxis in previously unimmunized individuals.
Route | Dose | Number of Doses | Schedule |
Intramuscular | 1 ml | 5 | Day 0, 3, 7, 14 and 28 |
Intradermal | 0.1 ml + 0.1 ml | 4 | Day 0, 3, 7 and 28 |
For Intradermal route, four doses should be administered (2 injections of 0.1 ml at 2 different sites).
In those previously immunized by complete vaccination schedule (pre-exposure or post- exposure prophylaxis), 2 doses of 1 ml given by intramuscular route or 2 doses of 0.1 ml by Intradermal route on Day 0 and Day 3 are recommended.
In cases of Category III exposures and of category II exposures in immunodeficient patients,
human rabies immunoglobulin (20 IU/kg) or equine rabies immunoglobulin (40 IU per kg) should be given in conjunction with Rabies Vaccine on Day 0. If anatomically feasible, the full dose of rabies immunoglobulin should be thoroughly infiltrated in the area around and into the wounds. Any remaining volume should be injected intramuscularly at a site distant from vaccine administration. Rabies immunoglobulin may be diluted to a volume sufficient for all wounds to be effectively and safely infiltrated.
If rabies immunoglobulin is not available at the time of the first vaccination, it must be administered no later than 7 days after the first vaccination since later administration would result in interference with immune response of the vaccine.
Do not administer vaccine by intravascular route. Immunoglobulins and rabies vaccine should not be combined in the same syringe or injected at the same site. If anaphylaxis or severe allergic reactions occur, administer appropriate medications (e.g., adrenaline) and provide supportive care as required.
The possibility of allergic reactions in individuals sensitive to components of the product should be evaluated. Adrenaline hydrochloride Solution (1:1000) and other appropriate agents should be readily available for immediate use in case an anaphylactic or acute hypersensitivity reaction occurs as per the current recommendations.
Special care should be taken to ensure that the product is not injected into a blood vessel. Under no circumstances should RAVAC be administered in the same syringe or at the same site as rabies immunoglobulin.
A separate sterile needle and syringe must be used for each individual patient to prevent the transmission of infectious agents. RAVAC must not be administered intravenously. As with all preparations given intramuscularly, bleeding complications may be encountered in patients with bleeding disorders.
Special precautions for the Intradermal route
It is essential that Intradermal administration of RAVAC be carried out only by medical staff trained in this technique in order to ensure that the vaccine is delivered Intradermally and not subcutaneously.
For the Intradermal route, a sterile syringe with fixed needle (insulin type) is preferred. Correct Intradermal injection should result in a raised papule with an "orange peel" (peau d'orange) appearance. If the vaccine is injected too deeply into the skin, and a papule is not seen, the needle should be withdrawn and reinserted nearby. If papule is not seen after 2 successive attempts, the patient should be given the dose intramuscularly.
RAVAC does not contain a preservative; therefore great care must be taken to avoid contamination of reconstituted vaccine. Vaccine may be used up to 6 hours after reconstitution provided it is maintained at 2°C to 8°C. Unused vaccine must be discarded after 6 hours. A new sterile needle and syringe must be used to withdraw and administer each dose of vaccine for each patient to avoid cross infection.
Corticosteroids, chloroquine and other immunosuppressive treatments can interfere with the immune response of the vaccine and lead to the failure of the vaccination. Immunoglobulins must be administered at a different site from that of the vaccine (the contralateral side). The recommended dose of rabies immunoglobulin should not be exceeded nor should repeated doses of the same be administered once the vaccination course has been started since a higher dose could interfere with the immune response to rabies vaccine.
Rabies Vaccine Inactivated (Freeze-Dried) RAVAC was safe, non-teratogenic and did not cause developmental toxicity in a prenatal developmental toxicity study in pregnant rats.
It is not known whether Rabies Vaccine Inactivated (Freeze-Dried) RAVAC can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman or can affect reproductive capacity. It is also not known whether Rabies Vaccine Inactivated (Freeze-Dried) RAVAC is secreted in breast milk.
It is advisable to carefully weigh expected benefits against potential risks prior to pre- exposure prophylaxis with Rabies Vaccine Inactivated (Freeze-Dried) RAVAC during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Because of the life-threatening risk due to rabies, pregnancy and lactation are not contraindications for post-exposure prophylaxis with Rabies Vaccine Inactivated (Freeze-Dried) RAVAC.
Effect of Rabies Vaccine Inactivated (Freeze-Dried) RAVAC on ability to drive and use machines is not known.
Following adverse reactions have been reported during the phase II/III clinical trial of Rabies Vaccine Inactivated (Freeze-Dried) RAVAC administered with or without HRIG as per WHO recommended post-exposure prophylaxis regimen. Within each frequency grouping, undesirable effects are presented in order of decreasing seriousness:
System | Frequency | Adverse reactions |
General disorders and administration site conditions | Very common (> 1/10) | Fever, asthenia, pain, induration, erythema, oedema, pruritus. |
Common (>1/100,< 1/10) | Shivering. | |
Nervous system disorders | Very common (> 1/10) | Headache, dizziness, faintness. |
Musculoskeletal and Connective tissue disorders | Very common (> 1/10) | Arthralgia, myalgia. |
Gastrointestinal disorders | Very common (> 1/10) | Abdominal pain. |
Common (>1/100, < 1/10) | Nausea. |
Most of the events were of mild severity and resolved within 3 days without any sequelae. Incidence was comparable with the comparator licensed rabies vaccine.
To reports any side effect(s):
Saudi Arabia:
· The National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC):
- SFDA Call Center: 19999
- E-mail:
- Website:
Other GCC States:
- Please contact the relevant competent authority.
No case of overdose has been reported.
ATC Code: J07BG01
1.1. Pharmacodynamic properties
RAVAC is a lyophilized, stabilized suspension of inactivated Pitman-Moore rabies virus strain (PM-Vero), adapted and grown on vero cells and inactivated by beta-propiolactone.
a) Pre-exposure Prophylaxis:
In a phase I clinical trial in previously unimmunized healthy adults, all subjects achieved a protective antibody titre (≥ 0.5 IU/ml) by day 21 of a primary series of three injections of RAVAC when given according to the recommended schedule of Day 0, 7 and 21 by the intramuscular and intradermal route.
b) Post-exposure Prophylaxis:
In a phase II/III clinical trial of RAVAC in patients with potential rabies exposure of category II and III, all subjects achieved a protective antibody titre (≥ 0.5 IU/ml) by day 7 (with only 2 doses) of a primary series of five injections of RAVAC when given according to the WHO recommended schedule of Day 0, 3, 7, 14 and 28 by the intramuscular injection of 1 ml each OR a primary series of four injections of RAVAC when given on Day 0, 3, 7, and 28 by the intradermal injection of 0.1 ml on each deltoid. Patients with category II exposure received only vaccine and patients with category III exposure received human rabies immunoglobulin and Day 0 along with vaccine.
Not applicable.
Rabies Vaccine Inactivated (Freeze-Dried) RAVAC had undergone single dose and repeated-dose toxicity studies in rats and mice by intramuscular route and local tolerance by intradermal route in rats. Results of single dose toxicity studies concluded that Rabies Vaccine Inactivated (Freeze-Dried) RAVAC did not cause any observable toxicity in mice at a dose equal to one human dose in absolute terms and in rats at a dose equal to 2 times the human dose in absolute term. Rabies Vaccine Inactivated (Freeze-Dried) RAVAC also was found safe in repeated dose toxicity and local tolerance study by intradermal route.
Rabies Vaccine Inactivated (Freeze-Dried) RAVAC was safe, non-teratogenic and did not cause developmental toxicity in a prenatal developmental toxicity study in pregnant rats. Non-clinical data revealed no special hazard for humans.
Rabies Vaccine Inactivated (Freeze-Dried) RAVAC contains the following Excipients;
S.No | Excipients | Quantity/ Dose | Specification |
1 | Sucrose | 40 mg | BP/ Ph.Eur |
2 | Glycine | 40 mg | IP/ BP/ Ph.Eur |
3 | Human Serum Albumin (HSA) | 10 mg | IP/ BP/ Ph.Eur/ USP/ In-house |
Under no circumstances should Rabies Vaccine Inactivated (Freeze-Dried) RAVAC be administered in the same syringe or at the same site as rabies immunoglobulin or any other medicinal products.
Store the vaccine in a refrigerator (2°C- 8°C).
The diluent should not be frozen but should be kept cool.
Rabies Vaccine Inactivated (Freeze Dried) is filled in 13 mm USP Type 1 clear tubular glass vials of 16.5 mm diameter and 40 mm height and 5.0 mL overflow volume. Vials are stoppered with a 13 mm Bromobutyl Rubber ‘Lyo’ stopper and sealed with 13 mm red coloured plastic Flip top aluminum seal.
No special requirements for disposal are required. Any unused product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.
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