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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

What Pluvicto is

Pluvicto contains lutetium (177Lu) vipivotide tetraxetan. This medicine is a radiopharmaceutical product for therapy only.


What Pluvicto is used for

Pluvicto is used to treat adults with progressive castration‑resistant prostate cancer that has spread to other parts of the body (metastatic) and has already been treated with other cancer treatments. Castration‑resistant prostate cancer is a cancer of the prostate (a gland of the male reproductive system) that does not respond to treatment that reduces male hormones. Pluvicto is used if the prostate cancer cells have a protein on their surface called prostate‑specific membrane antigen (PSMA).

How Pluvicto works

Pluvicto binds to PSMA found on the surface of the prostate cancer cells. Once bound, the radioactive substance in Pluvicto, lutetium‑177, gives off radiation that causes the prostate cancer cells to die.

Your doctor will carry out tests to see if PSMA is present on the surface of the cancer cells. Your cancer is more likely to respond to treatment with Pluvicto if the test result is positive.

The use of Pluvicto involves exposure to amounts of radioactivity. Your doctor and the nuclear medicine doctor have considered that the clinical benefit that you will obtain from the procedure with the radiopharmaceutical outweighs the risk due to radiation.

If you have any questions about how Pluvicto works or why this medicine has been prescribed for you, ask your nuclear medicine doctor.

Follow all instructions given by your nuclear medicine doctor carefully. They may differ from the general information contained in this leaflet.

a. Do not use Pluvicto

- if you are allergic to lutetium (177Lu) vipivotide tetraxetan or any of the other ingredients of this medicine (listed in section 6).

b. Take special care with Pluvicto

If any of these apply to you, tell your nuclear medicine doctor before receiving Pluvicto:

-                 if you have low levels of certain types of cells in the blood (red blood cells, white blood cells, neutrophils, platelets)

-                 if you have or have had tiredness, weakness, pale skin, shortness of breath, bleeding or bruising more easily than normal or bleeding for longer than normal, or frequent infections with signs such as fever, chills, sore throat or mouth ulcers (possible signs of myelosuppression [a condition in which the bone marrow cannot make enough blood cells])

-                 if you have or have had kidney problems

-                 if you have or have had any other type of cancer or treatment for cancer, as Pluvicto contributes to your overall long‑term cumulative radiation exposure

Before administration of Pluvicto you should:

-                 drink plenty of water so that you remain hydrated and urinate as often as possible during the first hours after administration


c. Children and adolescents

The safety and efficacy of this medicine have not been established in children and adolescents under 18 years of age. This medicine should not be given to children or adolescents aged under 18 years because no data are available in this age group.


d. Pregnancy and breast-feeding


Pluvicto is not intended for use in women.

Before you receive Pluvicto, tell your nuclear medicine doctor if you are sexually active as all radiopharmaceuticals, including Pluvicto, have the potential to cause harm to an unborn baby.


Pluvicto may cause infertility. Please ask your nuclear medicine doctor how this may affect you, especially if you are planning to have children in the future. You may wish to seek advice on preservation of sperm before treatment starts.

Contraception in males

-                 You should avoid sexual activity for 7 days after administration of Pluvicto.

-                 You should not father a child and should use a condom during intercourse throughout treatment with Pluvicto and for 14 weeks after your last dose.

-                 Tell your nuclear medicine doctor immediately if you father a child at any time during this time period.



e. Driving and using machines

It is considered unlikely that Pluvicto will affect your ability to drive or use machines.


f. Important information about some of the ingredients of Pluvicto

Pluvicto contains sodium

This medicine contains up to 88.75 mg sodium (main component of cooking/table salt) in each vial. This is equivalent to 4.4% of the recommended maximum daily dietary intake of sodium for an adult.

There are strict laws on the use, handling and disposal of radiopharmaceutical products. Pluvicto will only be used in special controlled areas. This radiopharmaceutical product will only be handled and given to you by people who are trained and qualified to use it safely. These persons will take special care for the safe use of this radiopharmaceutical product and will keep you informed of their actions.

How much Pluvicto is given

The recommended treatment regimen of Pluvicto is 7 400 MBq (megabecquerel, the unit used to express radioactivity), which is given approximately every 6 weeks for up to a total of 6 doses.     


Administration of Pluvicto and conduct of the procedure

Pluvicto is administered directly into a vein.


Duration of the procedure

Your nuclear medicine doctor will inform you about the usual duration of the procedure.


If you have questions about how long you will receive Pluvicto, talk to your nuclear medicine doctor.


Treatment monitoring

Your nuclear medicine doctor will do blood tests before and during treatment to check your condition and to detect any side effects as early as possible. Based on the results, your nuclear medicine doctor may decide to delay, change or stop your treatment with Pluvicto if necessary.


After administration of Pluvicto, you should:

-                 drink plenty of water for 2 days so that you remain hydrated and urinate as often as possible to eliminate the radiopharmaceutical product from your body


Because this medicine is radioactive, you will have to follow the instructions described below to minimise radiation exposure to others unless otherwise instructed by your nuclear medicine doctor.


Contact with others in your household, children, and/or pregnant women

-                 Limit close contact (less than 1 metre) with:

-                 others in your household for 2 days

-                 children and pregnant women for 7 days

-                 Sleep in a separate bedroom from:

-                 others in your household for 3 days

-                 children for 7 days

-                 pregnant women for 15 days

-                 Avoid sexual activity for 7 days

-                 Do not father a child and do use a condom during intercourse throughout treatment with Pluvicto and for 14 weeks after your last dose


Use of toilets

Take special precautions to avoid contamination for 2 days after administration:

-                 You must always sit when using the toilet.

-                 It is essential that you use toilet paper every time you use the toilet.

-                 Always wash your hands well after using the toilet.

-                 Flush all wipes and/or toilet paper down the toilet immediately after use.

-                 Flush any tissues or any other items that contain bodily waste, such as blood, urine and faeces down the toilet. Items that cannot be flushed down the toilet, such as bandages, must be placed in separate plastic waste disposal bags (according to “Waste disposal recommendations” below).

-                 Any special medical equipment that could be contaminated by your bodily fluids (e.g. catheter bags, colostomy bags, bedpans, water nozzles) must be emptied immediately into the toilet and then cleaned.


Showering and laundry

-          Take a shower every day for at least 7 days after administration.

-          Wash your underwear, pyjamas, sheets and any clothes that contain sweat, blood or urine separately from the laundry of others in your household, using a standard washing cycle. You do not need to use bleach and you do not need extra rinses.


Care givers

For 2‑3 days after administration:

-          People who are confined to bed or have reduced mobility will preferably receive assistance from a care giver. It is recommended that when providing assistance in the bathroom, the care giver wears disposable gloves.

-          Care givers who clean up vomit, blood, urine or faeces should wear plastic gloves, which should be disposed of in a separate plastic waste disposal bag (see “Waste disposal recommendations” below).


Waste disposal recommendations

-                 All items to be thrown away should be discarded in a separate plastic waste disposal bag to be used only for this purpose.

-                 Keep the plastic waste disposal bags separate from the other household waste and away from children and animals.

-                 A member of the hospital staff will tell you how and when to get rid of these waste disposal bags.


Hospitalisation and emergency care

-                 If for any reason you require emergency medical assistance or are unexpectedly admitted to the hospital during the first 7 days after administration, you should inform the healthcare professionals about the name, date and dose of your radioactive treatment.


Other precautions

-                 The nuclear medicine doctor will inform you if you need to take any other special precautions after receiving this medicine. Contact your nuclear medicine doctor if you have any questions.


a.If you have been given more Pluvicto than you should

An overdose is unlikely because you will only receive Pluvicto in doses that are precisely controlled by the nuclear medicine doctor supervising the procedure. However, in the event of an overdose, you will receive the appropriate treatment.

b.If you forget to receive Pluvicto

If you miss an appointment to receive Pluvicto, contact your nuclear medicine doctor as soon as possible to reschedule.

Should you have any further questions on the use of Pluvicto, please ask the nuclear medicine doctor who supervises the procedure.

Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.

Some side effects could be serious

If you experience any of the following serious side effects, tell your nuclear medicine doctor right away.

Very common (may affect more than 1 in 10 people)

-                 tiredness, weakness, pale skin or shortness of breath (possible signs of low levels of red blood cells [anaemia])

-                 bleeding or bruising more easily than normal or bleeding for longer than normal (possible signs of low levels of platelets [thrombocytopenia])

-                 frequent infections with signs such as fever, sore throat or mouth ulcers (possible signs of low levels of white blood cells [leukopenia, lymphopenia])


Common: may affect up to 1 in every 10 people

-                 passing urine less often or in much smaller amounts than usual (possible sign of kidney problems [acute kidney injury])

-                 tiredness, weakness, pale skin, shortness of breath, bleeding or bruising more easily than normal or bleeding for longer than normal or frequent infections with signs such as fever, chills, sore throat or mouth ulcers (possible signs of low levels of blood cells [pancytopenia])


Other possible side effects

Other side effects include the following listed below. If these side effects become severe, please tell your nuclear medicine doctor.


Very common: may affect more than 1 in 10 people

-                 tiredness (fatigue)

-                 dry mouth

-                 nausea

-                 loss of appetite

-                 changes in bowel movements (constipation or diarrhoea)

-                 vomiting

-                 frequent urination with pain or burning sensation (urinary tract infection)

-                 abdominal pain

-                 weight loss


Common: may affect up to 1 in every 10 people

-                 swollen hands, ankles or feet (peripheral oedema)

-                 dizziness

-                 headache

-                 disturbed sense of taste (dysgeusia)

-                 fever (pyrexia)

-                 dry eyes

-                 dizziness, with a spinning sensation (vertigo)



Reporting of side effects

If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. This includes any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet. By reporting side effects, you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine.

You will not have to store this medicine. This medicine is stored under the responsibility of the specialist in appropriate premises. Storage of radiopharmaceuticals will be in accordance with national regulations on radioactive materials.

The following information is intended for the specialist only:

-                 Keep this medicine out of the sight and reach of children.

-                 Do not freeze.

-                 Store in the original package in order to protect from ionising radiation (lead shielding).

-                 Pluvicto must not be used after the expiry date and time which are stated on the lead shielding container and vial labels after EXP.

-                 Any unused medicine or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.

a. What Pluvicto contains

-                 The active substance is lutetium (177Lu) vipivotide tetraxetan. One mL of solution contains 1 000 MBq lutetium (177Lu) vipivotide tetraxetan at the date and time of calibration.

-                 The other ingredients are: acetic acid, sodium acetate, gentisic acid, sodium ascorbate, pentetic acid, water for injections (see “Pluvicto contains sodium” in section 2).

Pluvicto is a clear, colourless to slightly yellow solution supplied in a clear, colourless type I glass vial, closed with a bromobutyl rubber stopper and aluminium seal. Each vial contains a volume of solution that can range from 7.5 mL to 12.5 mL corresponding to a radioactivity of 7 400 MBq ±10% at the date and time of administration. The vial is enclosed within a lead container for protective shielding.

The marketing Authorization holder for this product is Novartis Europharm Limited,Ireland


This leaflet was last approved / revised by EMA in 12/2022
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

ما هو بلوفيكتو

يحتوي بلوفيكتو على اللوتيشيوم (177Lu) فيبيفوتايد تتراكسيتان. هذا الدواء هو منتج دوائي إشعاعي مخصص للعلاج فقط.


دواعي استعمال بلوفيكتو

يُستخدم بلوفيكتو لعلاج البالغين المصابين بسرطان البروستاتا المتقدم المقاوم للإخصاء، والذي انتشر إلى أجزاء أخرى من الجسم (نقيلي)، وعُولج بالفعل بعلاجات أخرى للسرطان. سرطان البروستاتا المقاوم للإخصاء هو سرطان في البروستاتا (غدة في الجهاز التناسلي الذكري) لا يستجيب للعلاج الذي يقلل الهرمونات الذكورية. يُستخدم بلوفيكتو إذا كانت خلايا سرطان البروستاتا تحتوي على بروتين على سطحها يُسمى مستضد غشاء البروستات النوعي (PSMA).

آلية عمل بلوفيكتو

يلتصق بلوفيكتو بمستضد غشاء البروستات النوعي الموجود على سطح خلايا سرطان البروستاتا. بمجرد التصاق بلوفيكتو بهذا المستضد، تُطلق المادة المشعة الموجودة في بلوفيكتو، وهي عنصر اللوتيشيوم 177، إشعاعًا يتسبب في موت خلايا سرطان البروستاتا.

سيُجري طبيبك اختبارات لمعرفة ما إذا كان مستضد غشاء البروستات النوعي موجودًا على سطح الخلايا السرطانية. من المرجح أن يستجيب السرطان لديك للعلاج بعقار بلوفيكتو إذا كانت نتيجة الاختبار إيجابية.

ينطوي استخدام بلوفيكتو على التعرّض لكميات من النشاط الإشعاعي. لقد اعتبر طبيبك وطبيب الطب النووي المتابع لك أن الفائدة السريرية التي ستحصل عليها من الإجراء الذي يتم باستخدام الدواء المُشع تفوق المخاطر الناجمة عن الإشعاع.

إذا كانت لديك أي أسئلة حول آلية عمل بلوفيكتو أو سبب وصف هذا الدواء لك، فاطرحها على طبيب الطب النووي المتابع لك.

اتبع جميع التعليمات التي يعطيها لك طبيب الطب النووي المتابع لك بدقة. فقد تختلف عن المعلومات العامة الواردة في هذه النشرة.

أ. موانع استعمال بلوفيكتو

- إذا كانت لديك حساسية تجاه مادة اللوتيشيوم (177Lu) فيبيفوتايد تتراكسيتان أو أي من المكونات الأخرى لهذا الدواء (المذكورة في القسم 6).

ب. احتياطات استخدام بلوفيكتو

إذا انطبق عليك أي مما يلي، فأخبر طبيب الطب النووي المتابع لك قبل استخدام بلوفيكتو:

-                 إذا كانت لديك مستويات منخفضة من أنواع معينة من الخلايا في الدم (خلايا الدم الحمراء، وخلايا الدم البيضاء، والعدلات، والصفائح الدموية)

-                 إذا كنت تعاني أو قد عانيت من تعب أو ضعف أو شحوب الجلد أو ضيق في التنفس أو النزف أو التكدم بسهولة تفوق المعتاد أو النزف لفترة أطول من المعتاد أو حالات عدوى متكررة مصحوبة بعلامات مثل الحمّى أو القشعريرة أو التهاب الحلق أو قرح الفم (علامات محتملة على الإصابة بكبت النقي [حالة لا يستطيع فيها نخاع العظم إنتاج كميات كافية من خلايا الدم])

-                 إذا كنت تعاني أو قد عانيت من مشكلات في الكلى

-                 إذا كنت تعاني أو قد عانيت من أي نوع آخر من السرطان أو كنت تخضع أو قد خضعت لعلاج للسرطان، حيث إن بلوفيكتو يساهم في تعرضك للإشعاع التراكمي الكلي طويل الأجل


قبل إعطاء بلوفيكتو، يجب عليك:

-                 شرب الكثير من الماء للحفاظ على ترطيب جسمك والتبول قدر الإمكان خلال الساعات الأولى بعد تلقي بلوفيكتو


ج. الأطفال والمراهقون

لم تثبت سلامة هذا الدواء وفعاليته لدى الأطفال والمراهقين الذين تقل أعمارهم عن 18 عامًا. يجب عدم إعطاء هذا الدواء للأطفال أو المراهقين الذين تقل أعمارهم عن 18 عامًا لأنه لا تتوفر بيانات من هذه الفئة العمرية.


د. الحمل والرضاعة الطبيعية


بلوفيكتو غير مخصص للاستخدام مع النساء.

قبل استخدام بلوفيكتو، أخبري طبيب الطب النووي المتابع لكِ بما إذا كنتِ نشطة جنسيًا لأن جميع الأدوية المُشعة، بما في ذلك بلوفيكتو، من المحتمل أن تسبب ضررًا للأجنة.


قد يسبب بلوفيكتو العقم. يُرجى الاستفسار من طبيب الطب النووي المتابع لك عن مدى تأثير بلوفيكتو عليك في هذا السياق، خاصةً إذا كنت تخطط للإنجاب في المستقبل. فقد ترغب في طلب المشورة بشأن حفظ الحيوانات المنوية قبل بدء العلاج.

وسائل منع الحمل لدى الذكور

-                 يجب عليك تجنب النشاط الجنسي لمدة 7 أيام بعد تلقي بلوفيكتو.

-                 يجب عليك عدم الإنجاب كما يجب عليك استخدام واقي ذكري أثناء الجماع طوال فترة العلاج باستخدام عقار بلوفيكتو ولمدة 14 أسبوعًا بعد تلقي جرعتك الأخيرة منه.

-                 أخبر طبيب الطب النووي المتابع لك على الفور بما إذا أنجبت في أي وقت خلال هذه الفترة الزمنية.


هـ. قيادة السيارة واستعمال الآلات

من غير المحتمل أن يؤثر بلوفيكتو على قدرتك في قيادة السيارة أو استعمال الآلات.


و. معلومات مهمة حول بعض مكونات بلوفيكتو

يحتوي بلوفيكتو على الصوديوم

يحتوي هذا الدواء على 88.75 ملغ من الصوديوم (المكون الرئيسي لملح الطهي/الطعام) في كل قنينة. ويعادل ذلك 4.4% من الحد الأقصى المُوصى به للحصة الغذائية اليومية من الصوديوم لشخص بالغ.


هناك قوانين صارمة بشأن استخدام المنتجات الصيدلانية المشعة والتعامل معها والتخلص منها. سيُستخدم بلوفيكتو فقط في المناطق الخاصة الخاضعة للمراقبة. سيتم التعامل مع منتج الدواء المشع هذا، وإعطاؤه لك فقط من قِبل أشخاص مدربين ومؤهلين لاستخدامه بأمان. سيتخذ هؤلاء الأشخاص احتياطات خاصة للاستخدام الآمن لمنتج الدواء المشع هذا، وسيطلعونك على ما ينفذونه من إجراءات في هذا الصدد.

كمية بلوفيكتو المُعطاة

تبلغ جرعة نظام العلاج المُوصى بها من بلوفيكتو 400 7 ميغا بيكريل (ميغا بيكريل هي الوحدة المستخدمة للتعبير عن النشاط الإشعاعي)، والتي تُعطى كل 6 أسابيع تقريبًا بعدد يصل إلى 6 جرعات إجمالاً.

إعطاء بلوفيكتو وتنفيذ الإجراء

يُعطى بلوفيكتو مباشرةً في الوريد.


مدة الإجراء

سيخبرك طبيب الطب النووي المتابع لك بالمدة المعتادة للإجراء.


إذا كانت لديك أسئلة حول المدة التي ستستخدم فيها بلوفيكتو، فتحدث إلى طبيب الطب النووي المتابع لك.


مراقبة العلاج

سيُجري طبيب الطب النووي المتابع لك اختبارات دم قبل العلاج وخلاله لفحص حالتك والكشف عن أي آثار جانبية في أقرب وقت ممكن. استنادًا إلى النتائج، قد يقرر طبيب الطب النووي المتابع لك تأجيل علاجك بعقار بلوفيكتو أو تغييره أو إيقافه إذا لزم الأمر.


مواعيد استخدام بلوفيكتو

استخدم بلوفيكتو:

-           بعد ساعتين على الأقل من تناول أي طعام

-           ثم انتظر ساعة واحدة على الأقل قبل تناول أي طعام مرة أخرى.

سيساعدك تناول هذا الدواء في نفس الوقت كل يوم على تذكر موعد تناوله.

يعد إعطاء بلوفيكتو، يجب عليك:

-                 شرب الكثير من الماء لمدة يومين حتى تحافظ على ترطيب جسمك والتبول قدر الإمكان لإخراج منتج الدواء المشع من جسمك


نظرًا لأن هذا الدواء مشع، فسيتعين عليك اتباع التعليمات الموضحة أدناه للحد من تعرض الآخرين للإشعاع ما لم يطلب منك طبيب الطب النووي المتابع لك خلاف ذلك.


مخالطة الآخرين في منزلك و/أو الأطفال و/أو النساء الحوامل

-                 احرص على الحد من المخالطة عن قُرب (أقل من متر) مع:

-                 الآخرين في منزلك لمدة يومين

-                 الأطفال والنساء الحوامل لمدة 7 أيام

-                 احرص على النوم في غرفة نوم منفصلة عن:

-                 الآخرين في منزلك لمدة 3 أيام

-                 الأطفال لمدة 7 أيام

-                 النساء الحوامل لمدة 15 يومًا

-                 تجنب ممارسة النشاط الجنسي لمدة 7 أيام

-                 يجب عليك عدم الإنجاب كما يجب عليك استخدام واقي ذكري أثناء الجماع طوال فترة العلاج باستخدام عقار بلوفيكتو ولمدة 14 أسبوعًا بعد تلقي جرعتك الأخيرة منه


استخدام المراحيض

يجب عليك اتخاذ احتياطات خاصة لتجنب التلوث لمدة يومين بعد إعطاء بلوفيكتو:

-                 يجب أن تجلس دائمًا عند استخدام المرحاض.

-                 من الضروري أن تستخدم ورق المرحاض في كل مرة تستعمل فيها المرحاض.

-                 اغسل يديك دائمًا جيدًا بعد استخدام المرحاض.

-                 اشطف جميع المناديل و/أو ورق المرحاض في المرحاض مباشرةً بعد الاستخدام.

-                 اشطف أي أنسجة أو أي عناصر أخرى تحتوي على نفايات جسدية، مثل الدم والبول والبراز، في المرحاض. يجب وضع الأشياء التي لا يمكن شطفها في المرحاض، مثل الضمادات، في أكياس بلاستيكية منفصلة مصممة للتخلص من النفايات (وفقًا لـ "توصيات التخلص من النفايات" أدناه).

-                 يجب تفريغ أي معدات طبية خاصة قد تكون ملوثة بسوائل جسمك (مثل أكياس القسطرة، وأكياس فغر القولون، وأوعية التّبوّل بالفراش، وفوهات الماء) على الفور في المرحاض ثم تنظيفها.


الاستحمام والغسيل

-          استحم كل يوم لمدة 7 أيام على الأقل بعد إعطاء بلوفيكتو.

-          اغسل ملابسك الداخلية والبيجامات والملاءات وأي ملابس تحتوي على العرق أو الدم أو البول بشكل منفصل عن غسيل الآخرين في منزلك، باستخدام دورة غسيل قياسية. لستَ بحاجة إلى استخدام مبيض أو شطف إضافي.


مقدمو الرعاية

لمدة يومين إلى 3 أيام بعد إعطاء بلوفيكتو:

-          يُفضل أن يتلقى الأشخاص ملازمو الفراش أو الذين يعانون من ضعف الحركة المساعدة من مقدم رعاية. يوصى بأن يرتدي مقدم الرعاية قفازات صالحة للاستعمال مرة واحدة فقط عند تقديم المساعدة في الحمام.

-          يجب على مقدمي الرعاية الذين ينظفون القيء أو الدم أو البول أو البراز ارتداء قفازات بلاستيكية، والتي يجب التخلص منها في كيس بلاستيكي منفصل مصمم للتخلص من النفايات (انظر "توصيات التخلص من النفايات" أدناه).


توصيات التخلص من النفايات

-                 يجب التخلص من جميع العناصر المطلوب التخلص منها في كيس بلاستيكي منفصل مصمم للتخلص من النفايات ومُستخدم فقط لهذا الغرض.

-                 احتفظ بأكياس التخلص من النفايات البلاستيكية بشكل منفصل عن النفايات المنزلية الأخرى، وبعيدًا عن متناول الأطفال والحيوانات.

-                 سيخبرك أحد طاقم عمل المستشفى بكيفية التخلص من أكياس التخلص من النفايات هذه وتوقيت ذلك.


دخول المستشفى والرعاية الطارئة

-                 إذا احتجت لأي سبب من الأسباب إلى مساعدة طبية طارئة أو دخلت المستشفى بشكل غير متوقع خلال الأيام السبعة الأولى بعد إعطاء بلوفيكتو، فيجب عليك إبلاغ اختصاصيي الرعاية الصحية باسم علاجك الإشعاعي وتاريخ تلقيه والجرعة التي تلقيتها.


احتياطات أخرى

-                 سيخبرك طبيب الطب النووي بما إذا كنت بحاجة إلى اتخاذ أي احتياطات خاصة أخرى بعد تلقي هذا الدواء. اتصل بطبيب الطب النووي المتابع لك إذا كانت لديك أي أسئلة.


أ. إذا أُعطيت جرعة زائدة من بلوفيكتو

من غير المحتمل أن تتلقى جرعة زائدة لأنك لن تتلق بلوفيكتو إلا بجرعات خاضعة للمراقبة الدقيقة من قِبل طبيب الطب النووي المشرف على الإجراء. ومع ذلك، في حالة تلقي جرعة زائدة، ستتلقى العلاج المناسب.

ب. إذا نسيتَ تلقي بلوفيكتو

إذا فاتك موعد تلقي بلوفيكتو، فاتصل بطبيب الطب النووي المتابع لك في أقرب وقت ممكن لتحديد موعد جديد.

إذا كانت لديك أي أسئلة أخرى حول استخدام بلوفيكتو، فيُرجى طرحها على طبيب الطب النووي الذي يشرف على الإجراء.

مثل كل الأدوية، يمكن أن يسبب هذا الدواء آثارًا جانبية، بالرغم من أن هذه الآثار لا تصيب كل من يتلقاه.

قد تكون بعض الآثار الجانبية خطيرة

إذا عانيت من أي من الآثار الجانبية الخطيرة التالية، فأخبر طبيب الطب النووي المتابع لك فورًا.

شائعة جدًا (قد تصيب أكثر من شخص واحد من كل 10 أشخاص)

-                 تعب أو ضعف أو شحوب الجلد أو ضيق في التنفس (علامات محتملة على انخفاض مستويات خلايا الدم الحمراء [فقر الدم])

-                 النزف أو التكدم بسهولة تفوق المعتاد أو النزف لفترة أطول من المعتاد (علامات محتملة على انخفاض مستويات الصفائح الدموية [قلة الصفيحات])

-                 حالات عدوى متكررة مصحوبة بعلامات مثل الحمى أو التهاب الحلق أو قرح الفم (علامات محتملة على انخفاض مستويات خلايا الدم البيضاء [قلة الكريات البيض، قلة اللمفاويات])


شائعة: قد تصيب شخصًا واحدًا على الأكثر من بين كل 10 أشخاص

-                 التبول بوتيرة أقل أو بكميات أقل بكثير من المعتاد (علامة محتملة على وجود مشكلات في الكلى [قصور كلوي حاد])

-                 تعب أو ضعف أو شحوب الجلد أو ضيق في التنفس أو النزف أو التكدم بسهولة تفوق المعتاد أو النزف لفترة أطول من المعتاد أو حالات عدوى متكررة مصحوبة بعلامات مثل الحمى أو القشعريرة أو التهاب الحلق أو قرح الفم (علامات محتملة على انخفاض مستويات خلايا الدم [قلة الكريات الشاملة])


الآثار الجانبية المحتملة الأخرى

تشمل الآثار الجانبية الأخرى ما هو مذكور أذناه. إذا أصبحت هذه الآثار الجانبية خطيرة، فيُرجى إخبار طبيب الطب النووي المتابع لك فورًا.


شائعة جدًا: قد تصيب أكثر من شخص واحد من كل 10 أشخاص

-                 تعب (إرهاق)

-                 جفاف الفم

-                 الغثيان

-                 فقدان الشهية

-                 تغيرات في التبرز (إمساك أو إسهال)

-                 التقيؤ

-                 تبول متكرر مصحوب بألم أو إحساس بالحرقان (عدوى بالمسالك البولية)

-                 ألم البطن

-                 فقدان الوزن

شائعة: قد تصيب شخصًا واحدًا على الأكثر من بين كل 10 أشخاص

-                 تورم اليدين أو الكاحلين أو القدمين (وذمة طرفية)

-                 الدوخة

-                 الصداع

-                 اضطراب حاسة التذوق (خلل الذوق)

-                 حمى (سخونة)

-                 جفاف العينين

-                 دوخة، مصحوبة بإحساس بالدوران (دوار)



الإبلاغ عن الآثار الجانبية

إذا تعرّضت لأي آثار جانبية، فتحدّث إلى طبيبك أو الصيدلي. يشمل هذا أيّ آثار جانبية محتملة غير مذكورة في هذه النشرة. بإبلاغك عن الآثار الجانبية، فإنّك تساعد في توفير المزيد من المعلومات حول مدى سلامة هذا الدواء.

لن تضطر إلى تخزين هذا الدواء. يُخزن هذا الدواء تحت مسؤولية الاختصاصي في الأماكن المناسبة. ستُخزن الأدوية المشعة وفقًا للوائح الوطنية الخاصة بالمواد المشعة.

إن المعلومات التالية مخصصة للاختصاصي فقط:

-                 احفظ هذا الدواء بعيدًا عن رؤية ومتناول الأطفال.

-                 لا تجمّده.

-                 يُحفظ في العبوة الأصلية لحمايته من الإشعاع المؤين (التدريع بالرصاص).

-                 يجب عدم استخدام بلوفيكتو بعد تاريخ ووقت انتهاء الصلاحية الموضحين على حاوية التدريع بالرصاص وملصقات القنينة بعد كلمة EXP.

-                 يجب التخلص من أي منتج دوائي أو نفايات غير مستخدمة وفقًا للمتطلبات المحلية.


أ. محتويات بلوفيكتو

-                 المادة الفعالة هي اللوتيشيوم (177Lu) فيبيفوتايد تتراكسيتان. يحتوي كل مل من المحلول على 1000 ميغا بيكريل من اللوتيشيوم (177Lu) فيبيفوتايد تتراكسيتان في تاريخ ووقت المعايرة.

-                 المكونات الأخرى هي: حمض الأسيتيك، أسيتات الصوديوم، حمض الجنتيسيك، أسكوربات الصوديوم، حمض البنتيتيك، ماء للحقن (انظر "يحتوي بلوفيكتو على الصوديوم" في القسم 2).

بلوفيكتو هو محلول شفاف عديم اللون مائل إلى الأصفر قليلاً يتم توفيره في قنينة زجاجية شفافة عديمة اللون من النوع الأول، مغلقة بسدادة مطاطية مصنوعة من البروموبوتيل ومانع تسرب مصنوع من الألومنيوم.

تحتوي كل قنينة على كمية من المحلول يمكن أن تتراوح من 7.5 مل إلى 12.5 مل بما يماثل نشاط إشعاعي يبلغ 7 400 ميغا بيكريل ±10% في تاريخ ووقت إعطاء بلوفيكتو.

القنينة مغلقة بحاوية رصاصية للحماية الواقية.

حامل ترخيص التسويق لهذا المنتج هو شركة Novartis Europharm Limited، أيرلندا


تمت آخر موافقة/مراجعة على هذه النشرة في 12/2022 من قِبل وكالة الأدوية الأوروبية (EMA)
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Pluvicto 1 000 MBq/mL solution for injection/infusion

One mL of solution contains 1 000 MBq of lutetium (177Lu) vipivotide tetraxetan at the date and time of calibration. The total amount of radioactivity per single dose vial is 7 400 MBq ± 10% at the date and time of administration. Given the fixed volumetric activity of 1 000 MBq/mL at the date and time of calibration, the volume of the solution in the vial can range from 7.5 mL to 12.5 mL in order to provide the required amount of radioactivity at the date and time of administration. Physical characteristics Lutetium 177 decays to a stable hafnium 177 with a physical half life of 6.647 days by emitting beta minus radiation with a maximum energy of 0.498 MeV (79%) and photon radiation (γ) of 0.208 MeV (11%) and 0.113 MeV (6.4%). Excipient with known effect Each mL of solution contains up to 0.312 mmol (7.1 mg) of sodium. Each vial contains up to 88.75 mg of sodium. For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Solution for injection/infusion. Clear, colourless to slightly yellow solution, pH: 4.5 to 7.0.

4.1     Therapeutic indications


Pluvicto in combination with androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) with or without androgen receptor (AR) pathway inhibition is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with progressive prostate‑specific membrane antigen (PSMA)‑positive metastatic castration‑resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) who have been treated with AR pathway inhibition and taxane‑based chemotherapy (see section 5.1).

Important safety instructions


Pluvicto should be administered only by persons authorised to handle radiopharmaceuticals in designated clinical settings (see section 6.6) and after evaluation of the patient by a qualified physician.


Radiopharmaceuticals, including Pluvicto, should be used by or under the control of healthcare professionals who are qualified by specific training and experience in the safe use and handling of radiopharmaceuticals, and whose experience and training have been approved by the appropriate governmental agency authorised to license the use of radiopharmaceuticals.


Patient identification


Patients should be identified for treatment by PSMA imaging.




The recommended treatment regimen of Pluvicto is 7 400 MBq intravenously every 6 weeks (±1 week) for up to a total of 6 doses, unless there is disease progression or unacceptable toxicity.


Medical castration with a gonadotropin‑releasing hormone (GnRH) analogue should be continued during treatment in patients not surgically castrated.


Treatment monitoring

Laboratory tests should be performed before and during treatment with Pluvicto. Dosing may need to be modified based on the test results (see Table 1).

·                Haematology (haemoglobin, white blood cell count, absolute neutrophil count, platelet count)

·                Kidney function (serum creatinine, calculated creatinine clearance [CLcr])

·                Liver function (alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, blood serum albumin, total blood bilirubin)


Dose modifications for adverse reactions

Recommended dose modifications of Pluvicto for adverse reactions are provided in Table 1. Management of severe or intolerable adverse reactions may require temporary dose interruption (extending the dosing interval by 4 weeks from 6 weeks up to 10 weeks), dose reduction or permanent discontinuation of treatment with Pluvicto. If a treatment delay due to an adverse reaction persists for >4 weeks, treatment with Pluvicto must be discontinued. The dose of Pluvicto may be reduced by 20% once; the dose should not be re‑escalated. If a patient has further adverse reactions that would require an additional dose reduction, treatment with Pluvicto must be discontinued.


Table 1 Recommended dose modifications of Pluvicto for adverse reactions


Adverse reaction


Dose modification

Dry mouth

Grade 3

Reduce Pluvicto dose by 20%.

Gastrointestinal toxicity

Grade ≥3 (not amenable to medical intervention)

Withhold Pluvicto until improvement to grade 2 or baseline.

Reduce Pluvicto dose by 20%.

Anaemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, neutropenia, pancytopenia

Grade 2

Withhold Pluvicto until improvement to grade 1 or baseline.

Manage as deemed appropriate. The use of growth factors is permitted but should be discontinued once improved to grade 1 or baseline. Checking haematinic levels (iron, B12 and folate) and providing supplementation is advocated. Transfusions may be given as clinically indicated.

Grade ≥3

Withhold Pluvicto until improvement to grade 1 or baseline.

Reduce Pluvicto dose by 20%.

Renal toxicity

Defined as:

·         Confirmed serum creatinine increase (grade ≥2)

·         Confirmed CLcr <50 mL/min; calculate using Cockcroft‑Gault with actual body weight

Withhold Pluvicto until improvement.

Defined as:

·         Confirmed ≥40% increase from baseline serum creatinine


·         Confirmed >40% decrease from baseline CLcr; calculate using Cockcroft‑Gault with actual body weight

Withhold Pluvicto until improvement or return to baseline.

Reduce Pluvicto dose by 20%.

Recurrent renal toxicity (grade ≥3)

Permanently discontinue Pluvicto.

Spinal cord compression


Withhold Pluvicto until the compression has been adequately treated and any neurological sequela have stabilised and ECOG performance status has stabilised.

Fracture in weight‑bearing bones


Withhold Pluvicto until the fracture has been adequately stabilised/treated and ECOG performance status has stabilised.


Grade ≥3

Withhold Pluvicto until improvement to Grade 2 or baseline.

Electrolyte or metabolic abnormalities

Grade ≥2

Withhold Pluvicto until improvement to Grade 1 or baseline.

Non‑haematological toxicity (clinically significant, not otherwise stated)

Grade ≥2

Withhold Pluvicto until improvement to Grade 1 or baseline.

AST or ALT elevation

AST or ALT >5 times ULN in the absence of liver metastases

Permanently discontinue Pluvicto.

Abbreviations: CLcr, creatinine clearance; ECOG, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; ULN, upper limit of normal.

Grading according to most current Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE).

a     The same thresholds are also applicable to baseline values at the time of treatment initiation with Pluvicto.


Special populations


No dose adjustment is recommended in patients aged 65 years or older.


Renal impairment

No dose adjustment is recommended for patients with mild to moderate renal impairment with baseline CLcr ≥50 mL/min by Cockcroft‑Gault. Treatment with Pluvicto is not recommended in patients with moderate to severe renal impairment with baseline CLcr <50 mL/min or end‑stage renal disease as the pharmacokinetic profile and safety of Pluvicto have not been studied in these patients (see sections 4.4 and 5.2).


Hepatic impairment

No dose adjustment is recommended for patients with hepatic impairment. Pluvicto has not been studied in patients with moderate or severe hepatic impairment (see section 5.2).


Paediatric population

There is no relevant use of Pluvicto in the paediatric population in the indication of treatment of PSMA‑expressing prostate cancer.


Method of administration


Pluvicto is a ready‑to‑use solution for injection/infusion for single use only.


Administration instructions

The recommended dose of Pluvicto may be administered intravenously as an injection using a disposable syringe fitted with a syringe shield (with or without a syringe pump), as an infusion using the gravity method (with or without an infusion pump), or as an infusion using the vial (with a peristaltic infusion pump).


A reduced dose of Pluvicto should be administered using the syringe method (with or without a syringe pump) or the vial method (with a peristaltic infusion pump). Using the gravity method to administer a reduced dose of Pluvicto is not recommended since it may result in delivery of the incorrect volume of Pluvicto if the dose is not adjusted prior to administration.


Prior to administration, flush the intravenous catheter used exclusively for Pluvicto administration with ≥10 mL of sterile sodium chloride 9 mg/mL (0.9%) solution for injection to ensure patency and to minimise the risk of extravasation. Cases of extravasation should be managed as per institutional guidelines. Patients should be advised to remain well hydrated and to urinate frequently before and after administration of Pluvicto (see section 4.4).


For instructions on the method of preparation and intravenous methods of administration, see section 12.


For patient preparation, see section 4.4.

Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1.

Individual benefit/risk justification


For each patient, the radiation exposure must be justifiable by the likely benefit. The activity administered should in every case be as low as reasonably achievable to obtain the required therapeutic effect.


Risk from radiation exposure


Pluvicto contributes to a patient’s overall long‑term cumulative radiation exposure. Long‑term cumulative radiation exposure is associated with an increased risk for cancer.


Radiation exposure to patients, medical personnel, and household contacts should be minimised during and after treatment with Pluvicto consistent with institutional good radiation safety practices, patient management procedures, and instructions to the patient for follow‑up radiation protection at home.


Patient preparation

Patients should be encouraged to increase oral fluids and urged to void as often as possible to reduce bladder radiation, especially after high activities, e.g. for radionuclide therapy.


After the procedure

Before the patient is released, the nuclear medicine physician or healthcare professional should explain the necessary radioprotection precautions that the patient should follow to minimise radiation exposure to others.


After each administration of Pluvicto, the following general recommendations for patients can be considered along with national, local and institutional procedures and regulations.

·                Limit close contact (less than 1 metre) with others in their household for 2 days or with children and pregnant women for 7 days.

·                Refrain from sexual activity for 7 days.

·                Sleep in a separate bedroom from others in their household for 3 days, from children for 7 days, or from pregnant women for 15 days.




In the VISION study, myelosuppression, including fatal cases, occurred more frequently in patients who received Pluvicto plus best standard of care (BSoC) compared to patients who received BSoC alone (see section 4.8).


Haematology laboratory tests, including haemoglobin, white blood cell count, absolute neutrophil count and platelet count, should be performed before and during treatment with Pluvicto. Pluvicto should be withheld, dose reduced or permanently discontinued and patients should be clinically managed as deemed appropriate based on the severity of myelosuppression (see section 4.2).


Renal toxicity


In the VISION study, renal toxicity occurred more frequently in patients who received Pluvicto plus BSoC compared to patients who received BSoC alone (see section 4.8).


Before and after administration of Pluvicto, patients should be encouraged to increase oral fluids and urged to void as often as possible, especially after high activities, e.g. for radionuclide therapy. Kidney function laboratory tests, including serum creatinine and calculated CLcr, should be performed before and during treatment with Pluvicto. Pluvicto should be withheld, dose reduced or permanently discontinued based on the severity of renal toxicity (see section 4.2).


Renal/Hepatic impairment


Careful consideration of the benefit risk ratio in these patients is required since an increased radiation exposure is possible.


Exposure (AUC) of lutetium (177Lu) vipivotide tetraxetan is expected to increase with the degree of renal impairment (see section 5.2). Patients with mild or moderate renal impairment may be at greater risk of toxicity. Renal function and adverse reactions should be frequently monitored in patients with mild to moderate renal impairment (see section 4.2). Treatment with Pluvicto is not recommended in patients with moderate to severe renal impairment with baseline CLcr <50 mL/min or end‑stage renal disease.




Radiations of lutetium (177Lu) vipivotide tetraxetan may potentially have toxic effects on male gonads and spermatogenesis. The recommended cumulative dose of 44 400 MBq of Pluvicto results in a radiation absorbed dose to the testes within the range where Pluvicto may cause infertility. Genetic consultation is recommended if the patient wishes to have children after treatment. Cryopreservation of sperm can be discussed as an option for male patients before treatment (see section 4.6).


Contraception in males


Male patients are advised not to father a child and to use a condom for intercourse during treatment with Pluvicto and for 14 weeks after the last dose (see section 4.6).


Specific warnings


Sodium content

This medicinal product contains up to 3.9 mmol (88.75 mg) sodium per vial, equivalent to 4.4% of the WHO recommended maximum daily intake of 2 g sodium for an adult.


Precautions with respect to environmental hazard see section 6.6.

No clinical drug interaction studies were performed.

Contraception in males


Because of potential effects on spermatogenesis associated with radiations of lutetium (177Lu) vipivotide tetraxetan, male patients are advised not to father a child and to use a condom for intercourse during treatment with Pluvicto and for 14 weeks after the last dose (see section 4.4).




Pluvicto is not indicated for use in females. No animal studies using lutetium (177Lu) vipivotide tetraxetan have been conducted to evaluate its effect on female reproduction and embryo‑foetal development. However, all radiopharmaceuticals, including Pluvicto, have the potential to cause foetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman.




Pluvicto is not indicated for use in females. There are no data on the presence of lutetium (177Lu) vipivotide tetraxetan in human milk or its effects on the breast‑fed newborn/infant or on milk production.




No studies were conducted to determine the effects of lutetium (177Lu) vipivotide tetraxetan on fertility. Radiations of lutetium (177Lu) vipivotide tetraxetan may potentially have toxic effects on male gonads and spermatogenesis. The recommended cumulative dose of 44 400 MBq of Pluvicto results in a radiation absorbed dose to the testes within the range where Pluvicto may cause infertility. Genetic consultation is recommended if the patient wishes to have children after treatment. Cryopreservation of sperm can be discussed as an option for male patients before treatment (see section 4.4).

Pluvicto may have a minor influence on the ability to drive and use machines.

Summary of safety profile


Unless otherwise stated, the frequency of listed adverse reactions is based on data from the VISION study in which 529 patients received at least one dose of 7 400 MBq (median number of doses was five).


The most common adverse reactions include: fatigue (43.1%), dry mouth (39.3%), nausea (35.3%), anaemia (31.8%), decreased appetite (21.2%) and constipation (20.2%). The most common grade 3 to 4 adverse reactions include: anaemia (12.9%), thrombocytopenia (7.9%), lymphopenia (7.8%) and fatigue (5.9%).


Tabulated list of adverse reactions


Adverse reactions (Table 2) are listed by MedDRA system organ class. Within each system organ class, the adverse reactions are ranked by frequency, with the most frequent reactions first. In addition, the corresponding frequency category for each adverse reaction is based on the following convention (CIOMS III): very common (≥1/10); common (≥1/100 to <1/10); uncommon (≥1/1 000 to <1/100); rare (≥1/10 000 to <1/1 000); very rare (<1/10 000).




Table 2       Adverse reactions occurring at a higher incidence in patients who received Pluvicto plus BSoC compared to BSoC alone in VISIONa


System organ class

Adverse reaction

Frequency category

All grades
n (%)

3 to 4b
n (%)

Blood and lymphatic system disorders


Very common

168 (31.8)

68 (12.9)


Very common

91 (17.2)

42 (7.9)


Very common

83 (15.7)

22 (4.2)


Very common

75 (14.2)

41 (7.8)



9 (1.7)

7 (1.3)b

Nervous system disorders



44 (8.3)

5 (0.9)



37 (7.0)

4 (0.8)



37 (7.0)

0 (0.0)

Eye disorders

Dry eye


16 (3.0)

0 (0.0)

Ear and labyrinth disorders



11 (2.1)

0 (0.0)

Gastrointestinal disorders

Dry mouthf

Very common

208 (39.3)

0 (0.0)


Very common

187 (35.3)

7 (1.3)


Very common

107 (20.2)

6 (1.1)


Very common

101 (19.1)

5 (0.9)


Very common

100 (18.9)

4 (0.8)

Abdominal painh

Very common

59 (11.2)

6 (1.1)

Renal and urinary disorders

Urinary tract infectioni

Very common

61 (11.5)

20 (3.8)

Acute kidney injuryj


45 (8.5)

17 (3.2)

General disorders and administration site conditions


Very common

228 (43.1)

31 (5.9)

Decreased appetite

Very common

112 (21.2)

10 (1.9)

Weight decreased

Very common

57 (10.8)

2 (0.4)

Oedema peripheralk


52 (9.8)

2 (0.4)



36 (6.8)

2 (0.4)

Abbreviation: BSoC, best standard of care.

a     National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (NCI CTCAE) Version 5.0.

b     Only includes grades 3 to 4 adverse reactions, with the exception of pancytopenia. Grade 5 (fatal) pancytopenia was reported in 2 patients who received Pluvicto plus BSoC.

c     Leukopenia includes leukopenia and neutropenia.

d     Pancytopenia includes pancytopenia and bicytopenia.

e     Dysgeusia includes dysgeusia and taste disorder.

f     Dry mouth includes dry mouth, aptyalism and dry throat.

g     Vomiting includes vomiting and retching.

h     Abdominal pain includes abdominal pain, abdominal pain upper, abdominal discomfort, abdominal pain lower, abdominal tenderness and gastrointestinal pain.

i     Urinary tract infection includes urinary tract infection, cystitis and cystitis bacterial.

j     Acute kidney injury includes blood creatinine increased, acute kidney injury, renal failure and blood urea increased.

k     Oedema peripheral includes oedema peripheral, fluid retention and fluid overload.


Description of selected adverse reactions



In the VISION study, myelosuppression occurred more frequently in patients who received Pluvicto plus BSoC compared to patients who received BSoC alone (all grades/grade ≥3): anaemia (31.8%/12.9%) versus (13.2%/4.9%); thrombocytopenia (17.2%/7.9%) versus (4.4%/1.0%); leukopenia (12.5%/2.5%) versus (2.0%/0.5%); lymphopenia (14.2%/7.8%) versus (3.9%/0.5%); neutropenia (8.5%/3.4%) versus (1.5%/0.5%); pancytopenia (1.5%/1.1%) versus (0%/0%) including two fatal events of pancytopenia in patients who received Pluvicto plus BSoC; and bicytopenia (0.2%/0.2%) versus (0%/0%).


Myelosuppression adverse reactions that led to permanent discontinuation in ≥0.5% of patients who received Pluvicto plus BSoC included: anaemia (2.8%), thrombocytopenia (2.8%), leukopenia (1.3%), neutropenia (0.8%) and pancytopenia (0.6%). Myelosuppression adverse reactions that led to dose interruptions/dose reductions in ≥0.5% of patients who received Pluvicto plus BSoC included: anaemia (5.1%/1.3%), thrombocytopenia (3.6%/1.9%), leukopenia (1.5%/0.6%) and neutropenia (0.8%/0.6%).


Renal toxicity

In the VISION study, renal toxicity occurred more frequently in patients who received Pluvicto plus BSoC compared to patients who received BSoC alone (all grades/grades 3 to 4): blood creatinine increased (5.3%/0.2%) versus (2.4%/0.5%); acute kidney injury (3.6%/3.0%) versus (3.9%/2.4%); renal failure (0.2%/0%) versus (0%/0%); and blood urea increased (0.2%/0%) versus (0%/0%).


Renal adverse reactions that led to permanent discontinuation in ≥0.2% of patients who received Pluvicto plus BSoC included: blood creatinine increased (0.2%). Renal adverse reactions that led to dose interruptions/dose reductions in ≥0.2% of patients who received Pluvicto plus BSoC included: blood creatinine increased (0.2%/0.4%) and acute kidney injury (0.2%/0%).


Second primary malignancies

Exposure to ionising radiation is linked with cancer induction and a potential for development of hereditary defects. The radiation dose resulting from therapeutic exposure may result in higher incidence of cancer and mutations. In all cases it is necessary to ensure that the risks of the radiation are less than from the disease itself. As Pluvicto contributes to a patient’s overall long‑term radiation exposure, which is associated with an increased risk for cancer (see section 4.4), a potential risk of second primary malignancies cannot be ruled out for radiopharmaceuticals such as Pluvicto. At the time of the VISION primary analysis (cut‑off date 27‑Jan‑2021), cases of squamous cell carcinoma (4 patients; 0.8%) and basal cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin (1 patient each; 0.2% each) were reported in patients who received Pluvicto plus BSoC.


Reporting of suspected adverse reactions


Reporting suspected adverse reactions after authorisation of the medicinal product is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product. Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions.


To report any side effect(s):

·         Saudi Arabia


-          The National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC):


o Fax: +966-11-205-7662

o SFDA call center: 19999

o E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa

o Website: https://ade.sfda.gov.sa


-          Patient Safety Department Novartis Consulting AG - Saudi Arabia:


o Toll Free Number: 8001240078

o Phone: +966112658100

o Fax: +966112658107

o Email: adverse.events@novartis.com


•    Other GCC States:

-  Please contact the relevant competent authority.

In the event of administration of a radiation overdose with Pluvicto, the absorbed dose to the patient should be reduced where possible by increasing the elimination of the radionuclide from the body by frequent micturition or by forced diuresis and frequent bladder voiding. It might be helpful to estimate the effective dose that was applied.

5.1     Pharmacodynamic properties


Pharmacotherapeutic group: Therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals, Other therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals, ATC code: V10XX05


Mechanism of action


The active moiety of Pluvicto is the radionuclide lutetium‑177 which is linked to a small‑molecule ligand that targets and binds with high affinity to PSMA, a transmembrane protein that is highly expressed in prostate cancer, including mCRPC. Upon the binding of Pluvicto to PSMA‑expressing cancer cells, the beta‑minus emission from lutetium‑177 delivers therapeutic radiation to the targeted cell, as well as to surrounding cells, and induces DNA damage which can lead to cell death.


Pharmacodynamic effects


Unlabelled vipivotide tetraxetan does not have any pharmacodynamic activity.


Clinical efficacy and safety



The efficacy of Pluvicto in patients with progressive, PSMA‑positive mCRPC was evaluated in VISION, a randomised, multicentre, open‑label phase III study. Eight hundred and thirty‑one (N=831) adult patients were randomised (2:1) to receive either Pluvicto 7 400 MBq every 6 weeks for up to a total of 6 doses plus best standard of care (BSoC) (N=551) or BSoC alone (N=280). Patients who received 4 doses of Pluvicto were reassessed for evidence of response, signs of residual disease, and tolerability and could receive up to 2 additional doses per physician’s discretion.


To maintain castration status, all patients continued to receive a GnRH analogue or had prior bilateral orchiectomy. Eligible patients were required to have progressive, PSMA‑positive mCRPC, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status (PS) of 0 to 2, at least one metastatic lesion present on computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or bone scan imaging, and adequate renal, hepatic and haematological function.


Eligible patients were also required to have received at least one AR pathway inhibitor, such as abiraterone acetate or enzalutamide, and 1 or 2 prior taxane‑based chemotherapy regimens (with a regimen defined as a minimum exposure of 2 cycles of a taxane). Patients treated with only 1 prior taxane‑based chemotherapy regimen were eligible if the patient was unwilling or the physician deemed the patient unsuitable to receive a second regimen. Patients with unstable symptomatic central nervous system metastases or symptomatic or clinically/radiologically impending spinal cord compression were not eligible for the study. Patients underwent a gallium (68Ga) gozetotide positron emission tomography (PET) scan to evaluate PSMA expression in lesions defined by central read criteria. Eligible patients were required to have PSMA‑positive mCRPC defined as having at least one tumour lesion with gallium (68Ga) gozetotide uptake greater than in normal liver. Patients were excluded if any lesions exceeding size criteria in short axis (organs ≥1 cm, lymph nodes ≥2.5 cm, bones [soft‑tissue component] ≥1 cm) had uptake less than or equal to uptake in normal liver.


BSoC administered at the physician’s discretion included: supportive measures including pain management, hydration, blood transfusions, etc.; ketoconazole; radiation therapy (including seeded form or any external beam radiotherapy [including stereotactic body radiotherapy and palliative external beam]) to localised prostate cancer targets; bone‑targeted agents including zoledronic acid, denosumab and any bisphosphonates; androgen‑reducing agents including GnRH analogues, any corticosteroid, and 5‑alpha reductases; AR pathway inhibitors. BSoC excluded investigational agents, cytotoxic chemotherapy, immunotherapy, other systemic radioisotopes and hemi‑body radiotherapy treatment.


Patients continued randomised treatment until evidence of tumour progression (based on investigator assessment per Prostate Cancer Working Group 3 [PCWG3] criteria), unacceptable toxicity, use of prohibited treatment, non‑compliance or withdrawal, or lack of clinical benefit.


The primary efficacy endpoints were overall survival (OS) and radiographic progression‑free survival (rPFS) as determined by blinded independent central review (BICR) per PCWG3 criteria. Among the secondary efficacy endpoints were overall response rate (ORR) as determined by BICR per Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST) v1.1 and time to first symptomatic skeletal event (SSE) defined as first new symptomatic pathological bone fracture, spinal cord compression, tumour‑related orthopaedic surgical intervention, requirement for radiation therapy to relieve bone pain, or death from any cause, whichever occurred first. Radiographic imaging for tumour assessment (CT with contrast/MRI imaging and bone scan) was done every 8 weeks (±4 days) after the first dose for the first 24 weeks (independent of dose delays), then every 12 weeks (±4 days).


Demographic and baseline disease characteristics were balanced between the treatment arms. The median age was 71 years (range: 40 to 94 years); 86.8% White; 6.6% Black or African American; 2.4% Asian; 92.4% had ECOG PS0‑1; 7.6% had ECOG PS2. Randomisation was stratified by baseline lactate dehydrogenase (LDH ≤260 IU/L vs. >260 IU/L), presence of liver metastases (yes vs. no), ECOG PS score (0 or 1 vs. 2), and inclusion of an AR pathway inhibitor as part of BSoC at the time of randomisation (yes vs. no). At randomisation, all patients (100.0%) had received at least one prior taxane‑based chemotherapy regimen and 41.2% of patients had received two; 97.1% of patients had received docetaxel and 38.0% of patients had received cabazitaxel. At randomisation, 51.3% of patients had received one prior AR pathway inhibitor, 41.0% of patients had received 2, and 7.7% of patients had received 3 or more. During the randomised treatment period, 52.6% of patients in the Pluvicto plus BSoC arm and 67.8% of patients in the BSoC alone arm received at least one AR pathway inhibitor.


Efficacy results for VISION are presented in Table 3 and Figures 1 and 2. The final analyses of OS and rPFS were event‑driven and conducted after the occurrence of 530 deaths and 347 events, respectively.


Table 3 Efficacy results in VISION


Efficacy parameters

Pluvicto plus BsoC


Alternate primary efficacy endpoints

Overall survival (OS)a



Deaths, n (%)

343 (62.3%)

187 (66.8%)

Median, months (95% CI)b

15.3 (14.2; 16.9)

11.3 (9.8; 13.5)

Hazard ratio (95% CI)c

0.62 (0.52; 0.74)



Radiographic progression‑free survival (rPFS)e,f



Events (progression or death), n (%)

254 (66.0%)

93 (47.4%)

Radiographic progressions, n (%)

171 (44.4%)

59 (30.1%)

Deaths, n (%)

83 (21.6%)

34 (17.3%)

Median, months (99.2% CI)b

8.7 (7.9; 10.8)

3.4 (2.4; 4.0)

Hazard ratio (99.2% CI)c

0.40 (0.29; 0.57)



Secondary efficacy endpoints

Time to first symptomatic skeletal event (SSE)f



Events (SSE or death), n (%)

256 (66.5%)

137 (69.9%)

SSEs, n (%)

60 (15.6%)

34 (17.3%)

Deaths, n (%)

196 (50.9%)

103 (52.6%)

Median, months (95% CI)b

11.5 (10.3; 13.2)

6.8 (5.2; 8.5)

Hazard ratio (95% CI)c

0.50 (0.40; 0.62)



Best overall response (BOR)



Patients with evaluable disease at baseline



Complete response (CR), n (%)

18 (5.6%)

0 (0%)

Partial response (PR), n (%)

77 (24.1%)

2 (1.7%)

Overall response rate (ORR)h,i

95 (29.8%)

2 (1.7%)



Duration of response (DOR)h



Median, months (95% CI)b

9.8 (9.1; 11.7)

10.6 (NE; NE)k

BSoC: Best standard of care; CI: Confidence interval; NE: Not evaluable; BICR: Blinded independent central review; PCWG3: Prostate Cancer Working Group 3; RECIST: Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors.

a     Analysed on an intent‑to‑treat (ITT) basis in all randomised patients.

b     Based on Kaplan‑Meier estimate.

c     Hazard ratio based on the stratified Cox PH model. Hazard ratio <1 favours Pluvicto plus BSoC.

d     Stratified log‑rank test one‑sided p‑value.

e     By BICR per PCWG3 criteria. The primary analysis of rPFS included censoring of patients who had ≥2 consecutive missed tumour assessments immediately prior to progression or death. Results for rPFS with and without censoring for missed assessments were consistent.

f     Analysed on an ITT basis in all patients randomised on or after 05-Mar-2019, when actions were implemented to mitigate early drop‑out from BSoC arm.

g     Stratified log‑rank test two‑sided p‑value.

h     By BICR per RECIST v1.1.

i     ORR: CR+PR. Confirmed response for CR and PR.

j     Stratified Wald’s Chi‑square test two‑sided p‑value.

k     Median DOR in the BSoC only arm was not reliable since only 1 of the 2 patients who responded had RECIST v1.1 radiographic progression or death.


Figure 1      Kaplan‑Meier plot of OS in VISION


Text Box: Event-free probability (%)

Time from randomisation (months)

No. patients still at risk

Censoring times

(a) Lu‑PSMA‑617+BSoC

(b) BSoC only



Stratified log‑rank test and stratified Cox model using strata per Interactive Response Technology (IRT) defined by LDH level, presence of liver metastases, ECOG score and inclusion of an AR pathway inhibitor in BSoC at time of randomisation.

n/N: Number of events/number of patients in treatment arm.


Figure 2      Kaplan‑Meier plot of BICR‑assessed rPFS in VISION


Time from randomisation (months)

No. patients still at risk

Censoring times

(a) Lu‑PSMA‑617+BSoC

(b) BSoC only

Text Box: Event-free probability (%)



Stratified log‑rank test and stratified Cox model using strata per IRT defined by LDH level, presence of liver metastases, ECOG score and inclusion of an AR pathway inhibitor in BSoC at time of randomisation.

n/N: Number of events/number of patients in treatment arm.


Paediatric population


The European Medicines Agency has waived the obligation to submit the results of studies with Pluvicto in all subsets of the paediatric population in the treatment of PSMA‑expressing prostate cancer (see section 4.2 for information on paediatric use).

The pharmacokinetics of lutetium (177Lu) vipivotide tetraxetan have been characterised in 30 patients in the phase III VISION sub‑study.




Pluvicto is administered intravenously and is immediately and completely bioavailable.


The geometric mean blood exposure (area under the curve [AUCinf]) for lutetium (177Lu) vipivotide tetraxetan at the recommended dose is 52.3 ng.h/mL (geometric mean coefficient of variation [CV] 31.4%). The geometric mean maximum blood concentration (Cmax) for lutetium (177Lu) vipivotide tetraxetan is 6.58 ng/mL (CV 43.5%).




The geometric mean volume of distribution (Vz) for lutetium (177Lu) vipivotide tetraxetan is 123 L (CV 78.1%).


Unlabelled vipivotide tetraxetan and non‑radioactive lutetium (175Lu) vipivotide tetraxetan are each 60% to 70% bound to human plasma proteins.


Organ uptake


The biodistribution of lutetium (177Lu) vipivotide tetraxetan shows primary uptake in lacrimal glands, salivary glands, kidneys, urinary bladder wall, liver, small intestine and large intestine (left and right colon).




The geometric mean clearance (CL) for lutetium (177Lu) vipivotide tetraxetan is 2.04 L/h (CV 31.5%).


Lutetium (177Lu) vipivotide tetraxetan is primarily eliminated renally.




Pluvicto shows a bi‑exponential elimination with a geometric mean terminal elimination half‑life (t½) of 41.6 hours (CV 68.8%).




Lutetium (177Lu) vipivotide tetraxetan does not undergo hepatic or renal metabolism.


In vitro evaluation of drug interaction potential


CYP450 enzymes

Vipivotide tetraxetan is not a substrate of cytochrome P450 (CYP450) enzymes. It does not induce cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A2, 2B6 or 3A4, and it does not inhibit cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A2, 2B6, 2C8, 2C9, 2C19, 2D6 or 3A4/5 in vitro.



Vipivotide tetraxetan is not a substrate of BCRP, P‑gp, MATE1, MATE2‑K, OAT1, OAT3 or OCT2, and it is not an inhibitor of BCRP, P‑gp, BSEP, MATE1, MATE2‑K, OAT1, OAT3, OATP1B1, OATP1B3, OCT1 or OCT2 in vitro.


Special populations


Effects of age and body weight

No clinically significant effects on the pharmacokinetic parameters of lutetium (177Lu) vipivotide tetraxetan were identified for the following covariates assessed in 30 patients in the phase III VISION sub‑study: age (median: 67 years; range: 52 to 80 years) and body weight (median: 88.8 kg; range: 63.8 to 143.0 kg).


Renal impairment

Exposure (AUC) of lutetium (177Lu) vipivotide tetraxetan increased by 20% in patients with mild renal impairment compared to normal renal function. Kidney dosimetry half‑life also increased in patients with mild renal impairment compared to normal renal function, 51 hours vs. 37 hours, respectively. Patients with mild or moderate renal impairment may be at greater risk of toxicity (see section 4.4). No pharmacokinetic data are available for patients with moderate to severe renal impairment with baseline CLcr <50 mL/min or end‑stage renal disease.

No toxicological effects were observed in safety pharmacology or single‑dose toxicity studies in rats and minipigs administered a non‑radioactive formulation containing unlabelled vipivotide tetraxetan and lutetium (175Lu) vipivotide tetraxetan, or in repeat‑dose toxicity studies in rats administered unlabelled vipivotide tetraxetan.


Carcinogenicity and mutagenicity


Mutagenicity and long‑term carcinogenicity studies have not been carried out with lutetium (177Lu) vipivotide tetraxetan; however, radiation is a carcinogen and mutagen.

6.1     List of excipients


Acetic acid

Sodium acetate

Gentisic acid

Sodium ascorbate

Pentetic acid

Water for injections


This medicinal product must not be mixed with other medicinal products except those mentioned in sections 4.2 and 12.

120 hours (5 days) from the date and time of calibration.

Do not freeze.

Store in the original package in order to protect from ionising radiation (lead shielding).


Storage of radiopharmaceuticals should be in accordance with national regulations on radioactive materials.

Clear, colourless type I glass vial, closed with a bromobutyl rubber stopper and aluminium seal.


Each vial contains a volume of solution that can range from 7.5 mL to 12.5 mL corresponding to a radioactivity of 7 400 MBq ±10% at the date and time of administration.


The vial is enclosed within a lead container for protective shielding.


Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

General warning


Radiopharmaceuticals should be received, used and administered only by authorised persons in designated clinical settings. Their receipt, storage, use, transfer and disposal are subject to the regulations and/or appropriate licences of the competent official organisation.


Radiopharmaceuticals should be prepared in a manner which satisfies both radiation safety and pharmaceutical quality requirements. Appropriate aseptic precautions should be taken.


For instructions on preparation of the medicinal product before administration, see section 12.


If at any time in the preparation of this medicinal product the integrity of the lead container or the vial is compromised it should not be used.


Administration procedures should be carried out in a way to minimise risk of contamination of the medicinal product and irradiation of the operators. Adequate shielding is mandatory.


The administration of radiopharmaceuticals creates risks for other persons from external radiation or contamination from spill of urine, vomiting, etc. Radiation protection precautions in accordance with national regulations must therefore be taken.


This preparation is likely to result in a relatively high radiation dose to most patients. The administration of Pluvicto may result in significant environmental hazard. This may be of concern to the immediate family of those individuals undergoing treatment or the general public depending on the level of activity administered. Suitable precautions in accordance with national regulations should be taken concerning the activity eliminated by the patients in order to avoid any contaminations.


Lutetium‑177 for Pluvicto may be prepared using two different sources of stable isotopes (either lutetium‑176 or ytterbium‑176). Lutetium‑177 for Pluvicto prepared using the stable isotope lutetium‑176 (“carrier added”) requires special attention with regard to waste management due to the presence of the long‑lived metastable lutetium‑177 (177mLu) impurity with a half‑life of 160.4 days. Lutetium‑177 for Pluvicto is prepared using ytterbium‑176 (“non‑carrier added”) unless otherwise communicated on the product batch release certificate. The user must consult the product batch release certificate provided before using Pluvicto to ensure appropriate waste management.


Any unused medicinal product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.

The Marketing Authorization Holder for this Product is Novartis Europharm Limited. www.Novartis.com

Approved by EMA in Dec/2022

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