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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Apeto contains the active substance thiotepa, which belongs to a group of medicines called alkylating agents. 

Apeto is used to prepare patients for bone marrow transplantation. It works by destroying bone marrow cells. This enables the transplantation of new bone marrow cells (haematopoietic progenitor cells), which in turn enable the body to produce healthy blood cells. 

Apeto can be used in adults and children and adolescents. 

Do not take Apeto 

  • if you are allergic to thiotepa, 

  • if you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant, 

  • if you are breast-feeding, 

  • if you are receiving yellow fever vaccination, live virus and bacterial vaccines. 

Warnings and precautions 

You should tell your doctor if you have: 

  • liver or kidney problems, 

  • heart or lung problems, 

  • seizures/fits (epilepsy) or have had them in the past (if treated with phenytoin or fosphenytoin). 

Because Thiotepa destroys bone marrow cells responsible for producing blood cells, regular blood tests will be taken during treatment to check your blood cell counts. 

In order to prevent and manage infections, you will be given anti-infectives. 

Thiotepa may cause another type of cancer in the future. Your doctor will discuss this risk with you.  

Other medicines and Apeto 

Tell your doctor if you are taking, have recently taken or might take any other medicines. 

Pregnancy and breast-feeding 

You must tell your doctor if you are pregnant or you think you may be pregnant before you receive Apeto. You must not use Apeto during pregnancy. 

Both women and men using Thiotepa must use effective contraceptive methods during treatment. 

It is not known whether this medicinal product is excreted in breast milk. As a precautionary measure, women must not breast-feed during treatment with Thiotepa. 

Thiotepa can impair male and female fertility. Male patients should seek for sperm preservation before therapy is started and should not father a child while treated and during the year after cessation of treatment. 

Driving and using machines 

It is likely that certain adverse reactions of thiotepa like dizziness, headache and blurred vision could affect your ability to drive and use machines.  

Your doctor will calculate the dose according to your body surface or weight and your disease. 

How Apeto is given 

Apeto is administered by a qualified healthcare professional as an intravenous infusion (drip in a vein) after dilution of the individual vial. Each infusion will last 2-4 hours. 

Frequency of administration 

You will receive your infusions every 12 or 24 hours. The duration of treatment can last up to 5 days. Frequency of administration and duration of treatment depend on your disease. 

Like all medicines, Thiotepa can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them. 

The most serious side effects of Thiotepa therapy or the transplant procedure may include  

  • decrease in circulating blood cell counts (intended effect of the medicine to prepare you for your transplant infusion)  

  • infection  

  • liver disorders including blocking of a liver vein  

  • the graft attacks your body (graft versus host disease)  

  • respiratory complications  

Your doctor will monitor your blood counts and liver enzymes regularly to detect and manage these events. 

Side effects of Thiotepa may occur with certain frequencies, which are defined as follows: 


Very common side effects (may affect more than 1 in 10 people) 

  • increased susceptibility to infection 

  • whole-body inflammatory state (sepsis) 

  • decreased counts of white blood cells, platelets and red blood cells (anaemia) 

  • the transplanted cells attack your body (graft versus host disease) 

  • dizziness, headache, blurred vision 

  • uncontrolled shaking of the body (convulsion) 

  • sensation of tingling, pricking or numbness (paraesthesia) 

  • partial loss of movement 

  • cardiac arrest 

  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea 

  • inflammation of the mucosa of the mouth (mucositis) 

  • irritated stomach, gullet, intestine 

  • inflammation of the colon 

  • anorexia, decreased appetite 

  • high glucose in the blood 

  • skin rash, itching, shedding 

  • skin colour disorder (do not confuse with jaundice - see below) 

  • redness of the skin (erythema) 

  • hair loss 

  • back and abdominal pain, pain 

  • muscle and joint pain 

  • abnormal electrical activity in the heart (arrhythmia) 

  • inflammation of lung tissue 

  • enlarged liver 

  • altered organ function 

  • blocking of a liver vein (Veno-Occlusive Disease, VOD) 

  • yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice) 

  • hearing impaired 

  • lymphatic obstruction 

  • high blood pressure 

  • increased liver, renal and digestive enzymes 

  • abnormal blood electrolytes 

  • weight gain 

  • fever, general weakness, chills 

  • bleeding (haemorrhage) 

  • nasal bleeding 

  • general swelling due to fluid retention (oedema) 

  • pain or inflammation at the injection site 

  • eye infection (conjunctivitis) 

  • decreased sperm cell count 

  • vaginal bleeding 

  • absence of menstrual periods (amenorrhea) 

  • memory loss 

  • delaying in weight and height increase 

  • bladder disfunction 

  • underproduction of testosterone 

  • insufficient production of thyroid hormone 

  • deficient activity of the pituitary gland 

  • confusional state 


Common side effects (may affect up to 1 in 10 people) 

  • anxiety, confusion 

  • abnormal bulging outward of one of the arteries in the brain (intracranial aneurysm) 

  • creatinine elevated 

  • allergic reactions 

  • occlusion of a blood vessel (embolism) 

  • heart rhythm disorder 

  • heart inability 

  • cardiovascular inability 

  • oxygen deficiency 

  • fluid accumulation in the lungs (pulmonary oedema) 

  • pulmonary bleeding 

  • respiratory arrest 

  • blood in the urine (haematuria) and moderate renal insufficiency 

  • inflammation of the urinary bladder 

  • discomfort in urination and decrease in urine output (disuria and oliguria) 

  • increase in the amount of nitrogen components in the blood stream (BUN increase) 

  • cataract 

  • inability of the liver 

  • cerebral haemorrhage 

  • cough 

  • constipation and upset stomach 

  • obstruction of the bowel 

  • perforation of stomach 

  • changes in muscle tone 

  • gross lack of coordination of muscle movements 

  • bruises due to a low platelet count 

  • menopausal symptoms 

  • cancer (second primary malignancies) 

  • abnormal brain function 

  • male and female infertility 


Uncommon side effects (may affect up to 1 in 100 people) 

  • inflammation and exfoliation of the skin (erythrodermic psoriasis) 

  • delirium, nervousness, hallucination, agitation 

  • gastrointestinal ulcer 

  • inflammation of the muscular tissue of the heart (myocarditis) 

  • abnormal heart condition (cardiomyopathy) 


Not known: frequency cannot be estimated from the available data 

  • increased blood pressure in the arteries (blood vessels) of the lungs (pulmonary arterial hypertension) 

  • severe skin damage (e.g. severe lesions, bullae, etc.) potentially involving the full body surface which can be even life-threatening 

  • damage to a component of the brain (the so called white matter) which can be even life-threatening (leukoencephalopathy).

Keep out of the sight and reach of children. 

Do not use Apeto after the expiry date which is stated on the vial label, after EXP. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month. 

Store in a refrigerator (2°C-8°C). Do not freeze. 

After reconstitution the product is stable for 8 hours when stored at 2°C -8°C (36°- 46°F). 

After dilution the product is stable for 24 hours when stored at 2°C -8°C (36°- 46°F) and for 4 hours when stored at 25°C (77°F). From a microbiological point of view, the product should be used immediately. 

Any unused product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements. 

The active substance is Thiotepa.  

  • Thiotepa for Injection USP 15mg/vial: Each vial contains 15 mg of Thiotepa USP. After reconstitution, each ml contains 10 mg of Thiotepa USP (10 mg/ml). 

  • Thiotepa for Injection USP 100mg/vial: Each vial contains 100 mg of Thiotepa USP. After reconstitution, each ml contains 10 mg of Thiotepa USP (10 mg/ml). 

  • Apeto does not contain any other ingredients. 

Before Reconstitution: Apeto is a white lyophilized powder. After Reconstitution: Clear to hazy solution free from visible particulate matter is obtained. Thiotepa for Injection USP 15mg/vial: Apeto is contained in a 3 mL USP Type-I clear lyo glass vial stoppered with 13 mm grey bromobutyl rubber closure and sealed with 13 mm aluminium flip-off seal with red color plastic polypropylene disc. Thiotepa for Injection USP 100mg/vial: Apeto is contained in a 10 mL USP Type-I clear lyo glass vial stoppered with 20 mm igloo grey bromobutyl rubber closure and sealed with 20 mm aluminium flip-off seal with orange color plastic polypropylene disc.

MAH and Secondary packaging: 

Boston Oncology Arabia 

Sudair Industrial City, 

Sudair, Saudi Arabia 


Full Manufacturing and Primary Packaging: 

MSN Laboratories Private Limited, 


To report any side effect(s):

·  Saudi Arabia:

·         The National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC)

-          SFDA Call Centre: 19999

-          E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa

-          Website: https://ade.sfda.gov.sa/

·  Other GCC States:

- Please contact the relevant competent authority.


Council of Arab Health Ministers

This is a Medicament

•          Medicament is a product which affects your health and its consumption contrary to instructions is dangerous for you.

•          Follow strictly the doctor’s prescription, the method of use and the instructions of the pharmacist who sold the medicament.

•          The doctor and the pharmacist are the experts in medicines, their benefits and risks.

•          Do not by yourself interrupt the period of treatment prescribed for you.

•          Do not repeat the same prescription without consulting your doctor.

•          Keep all medicaments out of reach of children.

Council of Arab Health Ministers

Union of Arab Pharmacists

  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

يحتوي مستحضر أبيتو المكوّن الفعال ثيوتيبا thiotepa، الذي ينتمي لمجموعة من الأدوية تُدعى بالعوامل المؤلكلة alkylating agents.  

يُستخدم أبيتو من أجل تحضير المرضى لعملية زرع نقي العظام، وهو يعمل على تحطيم خلايا نقي العظام مما يمكِّن من زرع خلايا نقي عظام جديدة (خلايا جذعية مكونة للدم)، وبالتالي تمكين الجسم من إنتاج خلايا دم سليمة.  

يمكن استخدام أبيتو عند البالغين والأطفال والمراهقين.  

لا تستخدم أبيتو  

  • إذا كنت تتحسس من thiotepa.  

  • إذا كنتِ حاملاً أو تظنين أنكِ حامل.  

  •  إذا كنتِ مرضعاً. 

  • إذا كنت تتلقى لقاح الحمى الصفراء، أو لقاحات الفيروسات والجراثيم الحية.  

التحذيرات والاحتياطات 

يجب عليك إخبار طبيبك في حال كان لديك:  

  • مشاكل كبدية أو كلوية، 

  • مشاكل قلبية أو رئوية، 

  • اختلاجات/نوبات صرع أو كنت تعاني منها سابقاً (في حال كنت تُعالج بأدوية phenytoin أو fosphenytoin).  

سوف تقوم طيلة فترة علاجك بهذا المستحضر بإجراء فحوصات دموية اعتيادية للتحري عن تعداد الخلايا الدموية، وذلك بسبب تحطيم مادة thiotepa لخلايا نقي العظام المسؤولة عن إنتاج خلايا الدم.  

سوف تتلقى مضادات حيوية، لمنع وتدبير الأخماج والإنتانات.  

يمكن أن تسبب مادة thiotepa نوعاً آخر من السرطان مستقبلاً. وسوف يقوم طبيبك بمناقشتك حول هذا الخطر.  

أبيتو مع الأدوية الأخرى  

أخبر طبيبك عن أي أدوية تتناولها أو الأدوية التي تناولتها مؤخراً.  

الحمل والإرضاع الوالدي 

يجب عليكِ إخبار طبيبك إذا كنتِ حاملاً أو تظنين أنكِ حامل قبل تلقيكِ مستحضر أبيتو. يجب عدم استخدام أبيتو خلال فترة الحمل.  

يجب على الرجال والنساء الذين يتلقون مستحضر أبيتو استخدام طرق منع حمل فعالة خلال فترة العلاج.  

من غير المعروف إن كان هذا المستحضر يفرز مع حليب الإرضاع. لذلك يجب على الأمهات عدم الإرضاع خلال فترة العلاج بمادة thiotepa كإجراء وقائي.  

يمكن لدواء thiotepa أن يضعف خصوبة الذكور والإناث. لذلك يجب على المرضى الذكور أن يعملوا على حفظ نطافهم قبل بدء المعالجة، ويتوجب عليهم عدم التفكير بالإنجاب أثناء فترة العلاج وخلال العام الأول بعد إيقاف العلاج.  

القيادة واستخدام المركبات 

من المحتمل أن تؤدي بعض التأثيرات الضارة لدواء thiotepa كالدوار، والصداع، وتشوش الرؤية، في القدرة على قيادة واستخدام الآليات.  


سوف يقوم طبيبك بحساب الجرعة تبعاً لمساحة جسمك أو وزنك وحالتك المرضيّة.  

ما هي طريقة إعطاء أبيتو؟ 

يُعطى أبيتو من قبل أحد أفراد الرعاية الطبية المؤهلين والمحترفين تسريباً وريدياً (نقط في الوريد) بعد تمديد محتويات الزجاجة. تستمر عملية التسريب حوالي 2-4 ساعات.   

عدد مرات الإعطاء  

ستتلقى الجرعة تسريباً كل 12 أو 24 ساعة. يمكن أن تصل فترة العلاج إلى 5 أيام. ويعتمد تواتر الإعطاء ومدة العلاج على حالتك المرضية.  

يمكن لدواء  thiotepa أن يكون له تأثيرات جانبية كما يحدث مع بقية الأدوية، لكن هذه التأثيرات لا تحدث عند جميع الأشخاص الذين يتلقونه على أية حال. 

تتضمن التأثيرات الجانبية الأشيع عند العلاج بدواء thiotepa أو عند إجراء عملية الزراعة ما يلي:  

  • انخفاض في تعداد الخلايا الدموية الموجودة في الدوران (وهو التأثير المقصود للدواء لتحضيرك لعملية زرع النقي) 

  • الإنتانات  

  • اضطرابات كبدية تشمل إغلاق الوريد الكبدي  

  • مهاجمة الطعم للجسم (داء الطعم إزاء الثوي graft versus host disease)  

  • اختلاطات تنفسية  

سيقوم طبيبك بمراقبة تعداد الخلايا الدموية لديك والأنزيمات الكبدية بانتظام من أجل التحري عن تلك التأثيرات وتدبيرها.  

يمكن أن تحدث التأثيرات الجانبية لدواء thiotepa بتكراريات متفاوتة، وذلك بالشكل التالي:  


التأثيرات الجانبية الشائعة جداً (ربما تُؤثر على أكثر من شخص من كل 10 أشخاص): 

  • زيادة الأهبة لحدوث الإنتانات 

  • حالة التهابية معممة في الجسم (إنتان sepsis)  

  • انخفاض تعداد الكريات البيضاء والصفيحات وكريات الدم الحمراء (فقر دم) 

  • مهاجمة خلايا الطعم لجسمك (داء الطعم إزاء الثوي graft versus host disease)  

  • الدوار، والصداع، وتشوش الرؤية  

  • رجفانات غير مسيطر عليها للجسم (اختلاجات) 

  • الشعور بوخز الدبابيس والإبر أو الخدر (المذل paraesthesia)  

  • فقدان جزئي للحركة  

  • توقف القلب  

  • الغثيان، والإقياء، والإسهال 

  • التهاب الأغشية المخاطية للفم (التهاب الأغشية المخاطية mucositis)  

  • تهيج المعدة، والمريء، والأمعاء 

  • التهاب الكولون  

  • القهم وفقدان الشهية 

  • ارتفاع سكر الدم  

  • الطفح الجلدي، والحكة، وانسلاخ الجلد 

  • اضطراب في لون الجلد (لا تلخط بينه وبين اليرقان – انظر في الأسفل)  

  • احمرار الجلد (الحمامى erythema)  

  • فقدان الشعر  

  • ألم في الظهر والبطن  

  • ألم في العضلات والمفاصل  

  • اضطراب في كهربائية القلب (لانظميات arrhythmia) 

  • التهاب أنسجة الرئتين 

  • تضخم الكبد  

  • تبدل في وظائف الأعضاء  

  • انسداد الوريد الكبدي (داء الانسداد الوريدي الكبدي VOD)  

  • اصفرار الجلد والعينين (اليرقان)  

  • اعتلال السمع  

  • انسداد اللمف 

  • ارتفاع ضغط الدم  

  • ارتفاع في الأنزيمات الكبدية والكلوية والهضمية  

  • اختلال في شوارد الدم  

  • السمنة  

  • الحمى، والضعف العام، والقشعريرة  

  • النزف (haemorrhage) 

  • الرعاف  

  • وذمة معممة بسبب احتباس السوائل  

  • الألم أو الالتهاب في موقع الحقن  

  • خمج العين (التهاب الملتحمة)  

  • انخفاض في تعداد النطاف  

  • نزف مهبلي  

  • انقطاع الدورات الطمثية (انقطاع الطمث) 

  • فقدان الذاكرة  

  • تأخر في زيادة الوزن والطول  

  • خلل وظيفة المثانة  

  • انخفاض في إنتاج التستوستيرون  

  • نقص في إنتاج هرمونات الدرق  

  • نقصان فعالية الغدة النخامية  

  • حالة تخليط confusional state 


التأثيرات الجانبية الشائعة (ربما تُؤثر على شخص واحد من كل 10 أشخاص) 

  • القلق، والتخليط 

  • توزم وانتفاخ ظاهري غير طبيعي لأحد شرايين الدماغ (أم دم داخل القحف intracranial aneurysm)  

  • ارتفاع الكرياتينين  

  • تفاعلات أرجية  

  • انسداد الأوعية الدموية (انصمام embolism)  

  • اضطراب نظم القلب 

  • قصور القلب  

  • قصور قلبي وعائي  

  • نقص الأوكسجين  

  • تراكم السوائل في الرئة (وذمة رئوية)  

  • نزف رئوي  

  • توقف تنفس  

  • دم في البول (بيلة دموية haematuria) وقصور معتدل في الوظيفة الكلوية  

  • التهاب المثانة  

  • عدم ارتياح أثناء التبول ونقص كمية البول (عسر التبول disuria وقلة البول oliguria) 

  • ارتفاع في كمية مركبات النتروجين في الدوران الدموي (ارتفاع BUN)  

  • الساد cataract 

  • قصور الكبد  

  • النزيف الدماغي  

  • السعال 

  • الإمساك وانزعاج في المعدة  

  • انسداد الأمعاء  

  • انثقاب المعدة  

  • تغير في توتر العضلة  

  • انخفاض ملاحظ في تناسق الحركات العضلية  

  • كدمات بسبب انخفاض تعداد الصفيحات  

  • أعراض الإياس  

  • سرطان (خباثات ثانوية بدئية)  

  • خلل في وظيفة الدماغ  

  • عقم عند الذكور والإناث  


تأثيرات جانبية غير شائعة (ربما تُؤثر على شخص واحد من كل 100 شخص): 

  • التهاب وتقشر الجلد (صدفية محمرة للجلد erythrodermic psoriasis)  

  • الهذيان، والعصبية أو النزق، والهلوسة، والهياج  

  • قرحات معدية معوية  

  • التهاب الأنسجة العضلية للقلب (التهاب عضل القلب myocarditis)  

  • شذوذ في حالة القلب (اعتلال عضلة القلب cardiomyopathy)  


غير معروفة: لم يتم تحديد تكرارية حدوثها من خلال البيانات المتوفرة  

  • ارتفاع ضغط الدم في شرايين (الأوعية الدموية) الرئتين (ارتفاع الضغط الشرياني الرئوي)  

  • أذية شديدة في الجلد (على سبيل المثال: آفات شديدة، وفقاعات، إلخ) يمكن أن تشمل كامل سطح الجسم وبذلك تكون مهددة للحياة  

  • أذية في مكونات الدماغ (ما يدعى بالمادة البيضاء) والتي تكون مهددة للحياة (اعتلال المادة البيضاء للدماغ leukoencephalopathy)  


حافظ على الدواء بعيداً عن مرأى ومتناول الأطفال. 

لا تستخدم هذا الدواء بعد انتهاء تاريخ الصلاحية المسجل على لصاقة الزجاجة، يشير تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية إلى اليوم الأخير من نفس الشهر.  

قم بتخزينه في البراد بحرارة 2-8ºم. لا تقم بتجميده.  

يبقى المستحضر بعد تحضيره ثابتاً لمدة 8 ساعات عند حفظه بدرجة حرارة 2-8ºمئوية (36-46º فهرنهايت). 

يبقى المستحضر بعد تمديده ثابتاً لمدة 24 ساعة عند حفظه بدرجة حرارة 2-8ºمئوية (36-46º فهرنهايت) ولمدة 4 ساعات عند حفظه بدرجة حرارة 25º مئوية.ويتوجب استخدام المستحضر فوراً من وجهة نظر ميكروبيولوجية.  

ينبغي التخلص من أي مستحضر غير مستخدم أو أي نفايات طبقاً للمتطلبات المحلية.  

ماذا يحتوي أبيتو؟ 

  • المادة الفعالة هي Thiotepa.  

  • Thiotepa معد للحقن USP بتركيز 15 ملغ/زجاجة: تحوي كل زجاجة على 15ملغ من Thiotepa USP. يحوي كل مل بعد التحضير على 10 ملغ من Thiotepa USP (10 ملغ/مل).  

  • Thiotepa معد للحقن USP بتركيز 100 ملغ/زجاجة: تحوي كل زجاجة على 100ملغ من Thiotepa USP. يحوي كل مل بعد التحضير على 10 ملغ من Thiotepa USP (10 ملغ/مل). 

  • لا يحوي أبيتو أي مكونات أخرى.  

قبل التحضير: يكون أبيتو بشكل مسحوق مجفّد أبيض اللون 

بعد التحضير: يتم الحصول على محلول رائق إلى ضبابي خالٍ من أي جسيمات أو مواد مرئية.  


Thiotepa معد للحقن USP بتركيز 15 ملغ/زجاجة: يعبأ أبيتو في زجاجة شفافة من النمط الأول USP مخصصة للإذابة بسعة 3 مل، مع سدَّادة رمادية من مطاط بروموبوتيل تقيس 13 ملم، وتختم بغطاء من الألمنيوم يقيس 13 ملم له قرص بلاستيكي أحمر اللون من البولي بروبيلين.  


Thiotepa معد للحقن USP بتركيز 100 ملغ/فيال: يعبأ أبيتو في زجاجة شفافة من النمط الأول USP مخصصة للإذابة بسعة 10 مل، مع سدَّادة رمادية مقببة من مطاط بروموبوتيل تقيس 20 ملم، وتختم بغطاء من الألمنيوم يقيس 20 ملم له قرص بلاستيكي برتقالي اللون من البولي بروبيلين. 

حامل ترخيص التسويق والشركة المصنعة 

مالك حقوق التسويق والتغليف الثانوي:  

شركة بوستن اونكولجي العربية  

منطقة سدير الصناعية، سدير، المملكة العربية السعودية 

 التصنيع الكامل والتغليف الأولي

مختبرات أم أس أن الخاصة المحدودة  


لإبلاغنا عن أي تأثيرات جانبية عبر:

·         المملكة العربية السعودية:

·         مركز التيقظ الدوائي الوطني The National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC)

-          رقم هيئة الغذاء والدواء السعودية: 19999

-          البريد الالكتروني  npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa

-          موقع الشبكة  https://ade.sfda.gov.sa/

·         دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي الأخرى:

-          تواصل رجاءً مع الجهات المختصة ذات الصلة.


مجلس وزراء الصحة العرب

هذا الدواء

·         الدواء هو منتج يُؤثر على صحتك، واستخدامه خلافاً للتعليمات يعرضك للخطر.

·         اتبع وصفة الطبيب بدقة، وطريقة الاستخدام وتعليمات الصيدلاني الذي باعك الدواء.

·         الأطباء والصيادلة هم الخبراء في منافع الأدوية ومضارّها.

·         لا توقف الدواء من تلقاء نفسك قبل انتهاء مدة العلاج الموصوفة لك.

·         لا تعاود استخدام نفس الوصفة دون استشارة طبيبك.

·         حافظ على جميع الأدوية بعيداً عن متناول الأطفال.

مجلس وزراء الصحة العرب

اتحاد الصيادلة العرب

 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Apeto Thiotepa for Injection USP 15mg/vial Thiotepa for Injection USP 100mg/vial

Thiotepa for Injection USP 15mg/vial Each vial contains 15 mg of Thiotepa USP. Thiotepa for Injection USP 100mg/vial Each vial contains 100 mg of Thiotepa USP. After reconstitution, each ml contains 10 mg of Thiotepa USP (10 mg/ml) For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Before Reconstitution: White lyophilized powder. After reconstitution: Clear to hazy solution free from visible particulate matter.

Apeto is indicated, in combination with other chemotherapy medicinal products: 

- with or without total body irradiation (TBI), as conditioning treatment prior to allogeneic or  autologous haematopoietic progenitor cell transplantation (HPCT) in haematological  diseases in adult and paediatric patients; 

- when high dose chemotherapy with HPCT support is appropriate for the treatment of solid  tumours in adult and paediatric patients.

Apeto administration must be supervised by a physician experienced in conditioning treatment prior to haematopoietic progenitor cell transplantation. 


Apeto is administered at different doses, in combination with other chemotherapeutic medicinal products, in patients with haematological diseases or solid tumours prior to HPCT. Thiotepa posology is reported, in adult and paediatric patients, according to the type of HPCT  (autologous or allogeneic) and disease.



Haematological diseases 

The recommended dose in haematological diseases ranges from 125 mg/m2/day  (3.38 mg/kg/day) to 300 mg/m2/day (8.10 mg/kg/day) as a single daily infusion, administered from 2 up to 4 consecutive days before autologous HPCT depending on the combination with other chemotherapeutic medicinal products, without exceeding the total maximum cumulative dose of 900 mg/m2(24.32 mg/kg), during the time of the entire conditioning treatment. 


The recommended dose ranges from 125 mg/m2/day (3.38 mg/kg/day) to 300 mg/m2/day (8.10 mg/kg/day) as a single daily infusion, administered from 2 up to 4 consecutive days before autologous HPCT depending on the combination with other chemotherapeutic medicinal products, without exceeding the total maximum cumulative dose of 900 mg/m2(24.32 mg/kg),  during the time of the entire conditioning treatment. 


The recommended dose is 185 mg/m2/day (5 mg/kg/day) as a single daily infusion,  administered for 2 consecutive days before autologous HPCT, without exceeding the total maximum cumulative dose of 370 mg/m2(10 mg/kg), during the time of the entire conditioning treatment.


The recommended dose ranges from 150 mg/m2/day (4.05 mg/kg/day) to 250 mg/m2/day (6.76 mg/kg/day) as a single daily infusion, administered for 3 consecutive days before autologous HPCT depending on the combination with other chemotherapeutic medicinal products, without exceeding the total maximum cumulative dose of 750 mg/m2(20.27 mg/kg),  during the time of the entire conditioning treatment. 

Solid tumours 

The recommended dose in solid tumours ranges from 120 mg/m2/day (3.24 mg/kg/day) to 250 mg/m2/day (6.76 mg/kg/day) divided in one or two daily infusions, administered from 2 up to 5 consecutive days before autologous HPCT depending on the combination with other chemotherapeutic medicinal products, without exceeding the total maximum cumulative dose of 800 mg/m2(21.62 mg/kg), during the time of the entire conditioning treatment. 


The recommended dose ranges from 120 mg/m2/day (3.24 mg/kg/day) to 250 mg/m2/day (6.76 mg/kg/day) as a single daily infusion, administered from 3 up to 5 consecutive days before autologous HPCT depending on the combination with other chemotherapeutic medicinal products, without exceeding the total maximum cumulative dose of 800 mg/m2(21.62 mg/kg),  during the time of the entire conditioning treatment. 


The recommended dose ranges from 125 mg/m2/day (3.38 mg/kg/day) to 250 mg/m2/day (6.76 mg/kg/day) divided in one or two daily infusions, administered from 3 up to 4  consecutive days before autologous HPCT depending on the combination with other chemotherapeutic medicinal products, without exceeding the total maximum cumulative dose of 750 mg/m2(20.27 mg/kg), during the time of the entire conditioning treatment. 


The recommended dose is 250 mg/m2/day (6.76 mg/kg/day) as a single daily infusion,  administered in 2 consecutive days before autologous HPCT, without exceeding the total maximum cumulative dose of 500 mg/m2(13.51 mg/kg), during the time of the entire conditioning treatment. 


The recommended dose ranges from 150 mg/m2/day (4.05 mg/kg/day) to 250 mg/m2/day (6.76 mg/kg/day) as a single daily infusion, administered for 3 consecutive days before autologous HPCT depending on the combination with other chemotherapeutic medicinal products, without exceeding the total maximum cumulative dose of 750 mg/m2(20.27 mg/kg),  during the time of the entire conditioning treatment. 


Haematological diseases 

The recommended dose in haematological diseases ranges from 185 mg/m2/day (5 mg/kg/day)  to 481 mg/m2/day (13 mg/kg/day) divided in one or two daily infusions, administered from 1 up to 3 consecutive days before allogeneic HPCT depending on the combination with other chemotherapeutic medicinal products, without exceeding the total maximum cumulative dose of 555 mg/m2(15 mg/kg), during the time of the entire conditioning treatment. 


The recommended dose in lymphoma is 370 mg/m2/day (10 mg/kg/day) divided into two daily infusions before allogeneic HPCT, without exceeding the total maximum cumulative dose of  370 mg/m2(10 mg/kg), during the time of the entire conditioning treatment. 


The recommended dose is 185 mg/m2/day (5 mg/kg/day) as a single daily infusion before allogeneic HPCT, without exceeding the total maximum cumulative dose of 185 mg/m2 (5 mg/kg), during the time of the entire conditioning treatment. 


The recommended dose ranges from 185 mg/m2/day (5 mg/kg/day) to 481 mg/m2/day  (13 mg/kg/day) divided in one or two daily infusions, administered from 1 up to 2 consecutive days before allogeneic HPCT depending on the combination with other chemotherapeutic medicinal products, without exceeding the total maximum cumulative dose of 555 mg/m2 (15 mg/kg), during the time of the entire conditioning treatment. 


The recommended dose is 370 mg/m2/day (10 mg/kg/day) divided into two daily infusions,  administered before allogeneic HPCT, without exceeding the total maximum cumulative dose of 370 mg/m2(10 mg/kg), during the time of the entire conditioning treatment. 

Paediatric population 


Solid tumours 

The recommended dose in solid tumours ranges from 150 mg/m2/day (6 mg/kg/day) to  350 mg/m2/day (14 mg/kg/day) as a single daily infusion, administered from 2 up to  3 consecutive days before autologous HPCT depending on the combination with other chemotherapeutic medicinal products, without exceeding the total maximum cumulative dose of 1050 mg/m2(42 mg/kg), during the time of the entire conditioning treatment. 


The recommended dose ranges from 250 mg/m2/day (10 mg/kg/day) to 350 mg/m2/day  (14 mg/kg/day) as a single daily infusion, administered for 3 consecutive days before autologous HPCT depending on the combination with other chemotherapeutic medicinal products, without exceeding the total maximum cumulative dose of 1050 mg/m2(42 mg/kg),  during the time of the entire conditioning treatment. 


Haematological diseases 

The recommended dose in haematological diseases ranges from 125 mg/m2/day (5 mg/kg/day)  to 250 mg/m2/day (10 mg/kg/day) divided in one or two daily infusions, administered from 1 up to 3 consecutive days before allogeneic HPCT depending on the combination with other chemotherapeutic medicinal products, without exceeding the total maximum cumulative dose of 375 mg/m2(15 mg/kg), during the time of the entire conditioning treatment. 


The recommended dose is 250 mg/m2/day (10 mg/kg/day) divided into two daily infusions,  administered before allogeneic HPCT, without exceeding the total maximum cumulative dose of 250 mg/m2(10 mg/kg), during the time of the entire conditioning treatment. 


The recommended dose ranges from 200 mg/m2/day (8 mg/kg/day) to 250 mg/m2/day  (10 mg/kg/day) divided into two daily infusions, administered before allogeneic HPCT without exceeding the total maximum cumulative dose of 250 mg/m2(10 mg/kg), during the time of the entire conditioning treatment. 


The recommended dose is 125 mg/m2/day (5 mg/kg/day) as a single daily infusion,  administered for 3 consecutive days before allogeneic HPCT, without exceeding the total maximum cumulative dose of 375 mg/m2(15 mg/kg), during the time of the entire conditioning treatment. 


The recommended dose is 125 mg/m2/day (5 mg/kg/day) as a single daily infusion,  administered for 2 consecutive days before allogeneic HPCT, without exceeding the total maximum cumulative dose of 250 mg/m2(10 mg/kg), during the time of the entire conditioning treatment. 


The recommended dose is 250 mg/m2/day (10 mg/kg/day) divided into two daily infusions,  administered before allogeneic HPCT, without exceeding the total maximum cumulative dose of 250 mg/m2(10 mg/kg), during the time of the entire conditioning treatment.

Special populations 

Renal impairment 

Studies in renally impaired patients have not been conducted. As thiotepa and its metabolites are poorly excreted in the urine, dose modification is not recommended in patients with mild or moderate renal insufficiency. However, caution is recommended (see sections 4.4 and 5.2). 

Hepatic impairment 

Thiotepa has not been studied in patients with hepatic impairment. Since thiotepa is mainly metabolized through the liver, caution needs to be exercised when thiotepa is used in patients with pre-existing impairment of liver function, especially in those with severe hepatic impairment. Dose modification is not recommended for transient alterations of hepatic parameters (see section 4.4). 


The administration of thiotepa has not been specifically investigated in elderly patients.  However, in clinical studies, a proportion of patients over the age of 65 received the same cumulative dose as the other patients. No dose adjustment was deemed necessary. 

Method of administration 

Apeto must be administered by a qualified healthcare professional as a 2-4 hours intravenous infusion via a central venous catheter. 

Thiotepa for Injection USP 15mg/vial  

Each Apeto vial must be reconstituted with 1.5 ml of sterile water for injection USP. The total volume of reconstituted vials to be administered should be further diluted in 500 ml of sodium chloride 9 mg/ml (0.9%) solution for injection prior to administration (1,000 ml if the dose is higher than 500 mg). In children, if the dose is lower than 250 mg, an appropriate volume of sodium chloride 9 mg/ml (0.9%) solution for injection may be used in order to obtain a final Apeto concentration between 0.5 and 1 mg/ml. For instructions on reconstitution and further dilution prior to administration, see section 6.6. 

Thiotepa for Injection USP 100mg/vial 

Each Apeto vial must be reconstituted with 10 ml of sterile water for injection USP. The total volume of reconstituted vials to be administered should be further diluted in 500 ml of sodium chloride 9 mg/ml (0.9%) solution for injection prior to administration (1,000 ml if the dose is higher than 500 mg). In children, if the dose is lower than 250 mg, an appropriate volume of sodium chloride 9 mg/ml (0.9%) solution for injection may be used in order to obtain a final  Apeto concentration between 0.5 and 1 mg/ml. For instructions on reconstitution and further dilution prior to administration, see section 6.6. 

Precautions to be taken before handling or administering the medicinal product 

Topical reactions associated with accidental exposure to thiotepa may occur. Therefore, the use of gloves is recommended in preparing the solution for infusion. If the thiotepa solution accidentally contacts the skin, the skin must be immediately thoroughly washed with soap and water. If thiotepa accidentally contacts mucous membranes, they must be flushed thoroughly with water (see section 6.6).

Hypersensitivity to the active substance. Pregnancy and lactation (see section 4.6). Concomitant use with yellow fever vaccine and with live virus and bacterial vaccines (see section 4.5).

The consequence of treatment with thiotepa at the recommended dose and schedule is profound myelosuppression, occurring in all patients. Severe granulocytopenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia, or any combination thereof may develop. Frequent complete blood counts, including differential white blood cell counts, and platelet counts need to be performed during the treatment and until recovery is achieved. Platelet and red blood cell support, as well as the use of growth factors such as Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF), should be employed as medically indicated. Daily white blood cell counts and platelet counts are recommended during therapy with thiotepa and after transplant for at least 30 days. 

Prophylactic or empiric use of anti-infectives (bacterial, fungal, viral) should be considered for the prevention and management of infections during the neutropenic period. 

Thiotepa has not been studied in patients with hepatic impairment. Since thiotepa is mainly metabolized through the liver, caution needs to be observed when thiotepa is used in patients with pre-existing impairment of liver function, especially in those with severe hepatic impairment. When treating such patients it is recommended that serum transaminase, alkaline phosphatase, and bilirubin are monitored regularly following transplant, for early detection of hepatotoxicity. 

Patients who have received prior radiation therapy, greater than or equal to three cycles of chemotherapy, or prior progenitor cell transplant may be at an increased risk of hepatic veno occlusive disease (see section 4.8). 

Caution must be used in patients with a history of cardiac diseases, and cardiac function must be monitored regularly in patients receiving thiotepa. 

Caution must be used in patients with a history of renal diseases and periodic monitoring of renal function should be considered during therapy with thiotepa. 

Thiotepa might induce pulmonary toxicity that may be additive to the effects produced by other cytotoxic agents (busulfan, fludarabine, and cyclophosphamide) (see section 4.8). 

Previous brain irradiation or craniospinal irradiation may contribute to severe toxic reactions  (e.g. encephalopathy). 

The increased risk of a secondary malignancy with thiotepa, a known carcinogen in humans,  must be explained to the patient. 

Concomitant use with live attenuated vaccines (except yellow fever vaccines), phenytoin, and fosphenytoin is not recommended (see section 4.5). 

Thiotepa must not be concurrently administered with cyclophosphamide when both medicinal products are present in the same conditioning treatment. Thiotepa must be delivered after the completion of any cyclophosphamide infusion (see section 4.5). 

During the concomitant use of thiotepa and inhibitors of CYP2B6 or CYP3A4, patients should be carefully monitored clinically (see section 4.5). 

As with most alkylating agents, thiotepa might impair male or female fertility. Male patients should seek sperm cryopreservation before therapy is started and should not father a child while treated and during the year after cessation of treatment (see section 4.6). 


Specific interactions with thiotepa 

Live virus and bacterial vaccines must not be administered to a patient receiving an immunosuppressive chemotherapeutic agent and at least three months must elapse between discontinuation of therapy and vaccination. 

Thiotepa appears to be metabolized via CYP2B6 and CYP3A4. Co-administration with inhibitors of CYP2B6 (for example clopidogrel and ticlopidine) or CYP3A4 (for example azole antifungals, macrolides like erythromycin, clarithromycin, telithromycin, and protease inhibitors) may increase the plasma concentrations of thiotepa and potentially decrease the concentrations of the active metabolite triethylenephosphoramide (TEPA). Co-administration of inducers of cytochrome P450 (such as rifampicin, carbamazepine, and phenobarbital) may increase the metabolism of thiotepa leading to increased plasma concentrations of the active metabolite. Therefore, during the concomitant use of thiotepa and these medicinal products,  patients should be carefully monitored clinically. 

Thiotepa is a weak inhibitor of CYP2B6, and may thereby potentially increase plasma concentrations of substances metabolized via CYP2B6, such as ifosfamide, tamoxifen,  bupropion, efavirenz, and cyclophosphamide. CYP2B6 catalyzes the metabolic conversion of cyclophosphamide to its active form 4-hydroxy cyclophosphamide (4-OHCP) and co-administration of thiotepa may therefore lead to decreased concentrations of the active 4- OHCP. Therefore, clinical monitoring should be exercised during the concomitant use of thiotepa and these medicinal products. 

Contraindications of concomitant use 

Yellow fever vaccine: risk of fatal generalized vaccine-induced disease. 

More generally, live virus and bacterial vaccines must not be administered to a patient receiving an immunosuppressive chemotherapeutic agent and at least three months must elapse between discontinuation of therapy and vaccination. 

Concomitant use not recommended 

Live attenuated vaccines (except yellow fever): risk of a systemic, possibly fatal disease. This risk is increased in subjects who are already immunosuppressed by their underlying disease. 

An inactivated virus vaccine should be used instead, whenever possible (poliomyelitis). 

Phenytoin: risk of exacerbation of convulsions resulting from the decrease of phenytoin digestive absorption by cytotoxic medicinal product or risk of toxicity enhancement and loss of efficacy of the cytotoxic medicinal product due to increased hepatic metabolism by phenytoin. 

Concomitant use to take into consideration 

Cyclosporine, tacrolimus: excessive immunosuppression with risk of lymphoproliferation. 

Alkylating chemotherapeutic agents, including thiotepa, inhibit plasma pseudocholinesterase by  35% to 70%. The action of succinyl-choline can be prolonged by 5 to 15 minutes. 

Thiotepa must not be concurrently administered with cyclophosphamide when both medicinal products are present in the same conditioning treatment. Thiotepa must be delivered after the completion of any cyclophosphamide infusion. 

The concomitant use of thiotepa and other myelosuppressive or myelotoxic agents (i.e. cyclophosphamide, melphalan, busulfan, fludarabine, treosulfan) may potentiate the risk of haematologic adverse reactions due to overlapping toxicity profiles of these medicinal products. 

Interaction common to all cytotoxics 

Due to the increase of thrombotic risk in case of malignancy, the use of anticoagulative treatment is frequent. The high intra-individual variability of the coagulation state during malignancy, and the potential interaction between oral anticoagulants and anticancer  chemotherapy require, if it is decided to treat the patient with oral anticoagulants, to increase the frequency of the INR (International Normalised Ratio) monitoring. 

Women of childbearing potential 

Women of childbearing potential have to use effective contraception during treatment and a  pregnancy test should be performed before treatment is started. 


There are no data on the use of thiotepa during pregnancy. In preclinical studies, thiotepa, like most alkylating agents, has been shown to cause embryofoetal lethality and teratogenicity (see section 5.3). Therefore, thiotepa is contraindicated during pregnancy. 


It is unknown whether thiotepa is excreted in human milk. Due to its pharmacological properties and its potential toxicity for breastfed newborns/infants, breastfeeding is contraindicated during treatment with thiotepa.


As with most alkylating agents, thiotepa might impair male and female fertility. Male patients should seek sperm cryopreservation before therapy is started and should not father a child while treated and during the year after cessation of treatment (see section 5.3). 

Thiotepa may have a major influence on the ability to drive and use machines. It is likely that certain adverse reactions of thiotepa like dizziness, headache, and blurred vision could affect these functions. 

Summary of the safety profile 

The safety of thiotepa has been examined through a review of adverse events reported in published data from clinical trials. In these studies, a total of 6,588 adult patients and 902  paediatric patients received thiotepa for conditioning treatment prior to haematopoietic progenitor cell transplantation. 

Serious toxicities involving the haematologic, hepatic and respiratory systems were considered as expected consequences of the conditioning regimen and transplant process. These include infection and Graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) which, although not directly related, were the major causes of morbidity and mortality, especially in allogeneic HPCT. 

The most frequent adverse reactions reported in the different conditioning treatments including thiotepa are infections, cytopenia, acute GvHD and chronic GvHD, gastrointestinal disorders, haemorrhagic cystitis, and mucosal inflammation. 


Cases of leukoencephalopathy have been observed following treatment with thiotepa in adult and paediatric patients with multiple previous chemotherapies, including methotrexate and radiotherapy. Some cases had fatal outcomes.

Tabulated list of adverse reactions 


The adverse reactions considered at least possibly related to conditioning treatment including thiotepa, reported in adult patients as more than an isolated case, are listed below by system organ class and by frequency. Within each frequency grouping, undesirable effects are presented in order of decreasing seriousness. Frequencies are defined as: very common (≥1/10),  common (≥1/100 to <1/10), uncommon (≥1/1,000 to <1/100), rare (≥1/10,000 to <1/1,000) very rare (<1/10,000), not known (cannot be estimated from the available data). 




Very common



Not known


Infections and infestations






Toxic shock




benign, malignant and unspecified

(incl cysts and polyps)


Treatment related

second malignancy



Blood and

lymphatic system




Febrile neutropenia







Immune system


Acute graft versus

host disease

Chronic graft versus host disease










Metabolism and

nutrition disorders


Decreased appetite







Confusional state

Mental status








Nervous system




Vision blurred




Intracranial aneurysm



Cognitive disorder





Eye disorders





Ear and labyrinth


Hearing impaired






Cardiac disorders



Cardiac failure




Vascular disorders








thoracic and



Idiopathic pneumonia syndrome


Pulmonary oedema













Abdominal pain






Gastrointestinal ulcer




Venoocclusive liver







Skin and


tissue disorders









Severe toxic

skin reactions

including cases

of Stevens-


syndrome and

toxic epidermal


Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders

Back pain






Renal and urinary






Renal failure






system and breast




Vaginal haemorrhage

Menopausal symptoms Infertility female

Infertility male



General disorders and

Administratin site conditions




Generalised oedema

Injection site


Injection site pain



Multi-organ failure





Weight increased

Blood bilirubin




Blood amylase


Blood creatinine


Blood urea increased






Blood alkaline








Paediatric population 

The adverse reactions considered at least possibly related to conditioning treatment including thiotepa, reported in paediatric patients as more than an isolated case, are listed below by system organ class and by frequency. Within each frequency grouping, undesirable effects are presented in order of decreasing seriousness. Frequencies are defined as: very common (≥1/10),  common ((≥1/100 to <1/10), uncommon (≥1/1,000 to <1/100), rare (≥1/10,000 to <1/1,000)  very rare (<1/10,000), not known (cannot be estimated from the available data). 




Very common



Infections and


Infection susceptibility






Neoplasms benign,

malignant and

unspecified (incl cysts

and polyps)


Treatment related second



Blood and lymphatic




Febrile neutropenia






Immune system


Acute graft versus host disease Chronic graft versus host disease



Endocrine disorders






Metabolism and

nutrition disorders





Psychiatric disorders

Mental status changes

Mental disorder due to a

general medical



Nervous system





Cerebral hemorrhage

Memory impairment




Ear and labyrinth


Hearing impaired



Cardiac disorders

Cardiac arrest



Cardiac failure


Vascular disorders




Respiratory, thoracic

and mediastinal



Idiopathic pneumonia


Pulmonary haemorrage

Pulmonary oedema



Respiratory arrest

Pulmonary arterial








Abdominal pain


Intestinal obstruction




Venoocclusive liver


Liver failure


Skin and subcutaneous

tissue disorders




Pigmentation disorder


Severe toxic skin

reactions including

cases of Stevens-

Johnson syndrome

and toxic epidermal


Musculoskeletal and

connective tissue


Growth retardation



Renal and urinary


Bladder disorders

Renal failure




General disorders and

administration site



Mucosal inflammation


Multi-organ failure




Blood bilirubin increased

Transaminases increased

Blood creatinine





Alanine aminotransferase


Blood urea increased

Blood electrolytes


Prothrombin time ratio



To report any side effect(s):

Reporting suspected adverse reactions after authorisation of the medicinal product is important.  It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product. Healthcare  professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions to the competent authority in  Saudi Arabia as per the details below: 

·         Saudi Arabia

The National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC)

·         - SFDA Call Centre: 19999

·         - E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa

·         - Website: https://ade.sfda.gov.sa/


·         Other GCC States

·         Please contact the relevant competent authority.

There is no experience with overdoses of thiotepa. The most important adverse reactions expected in case of overdose are myeloablation and pancytopenia. 

There is no known antidote for thiotepa. 

The hematological status needs to be closely monitored and vigorous supportive measures instituted as medically indicated.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Antineoplastic agents, Alkylating Agents, ATC code: L01AC01 

Mechanism of action 

Thiotepa is a polyfunctional cytotoxic agent related chemically and pharmacologically to nitrogen mustard. The radiomimetic action of thiotepa is believed to occur through the release of ethylene imine radicals that, as in the case of irradiation therapy, disrupt the bonds of DNA,  e.g. by alkylation of guanine at the N-7, breaking the linkage between the purine base and the sugar and liberating alkylated guanine. 

Clinical Safety and efficacy 

The conditioning treatment must provide cytoreduction and ideally disease eradication.  Thiotepa has marrow ablation as its dose-limiting toxicity, allowing significant dose escalation with the infusion of autologous HPCT. In allogeneic HPCT, the conditioning treatment must be sufficiently immunosuppressive and myeloablative to overcome host rejection of the graft. Due to its highly myeloablative characteristics, thiotepa enhances recipient immunosuppression and myeloablation, thus strengthening engraftment; this compensates for the loss of the GvHD-related GvL effects. As an alkylating agent, thiotepa produces the most profound inhibition of tumour cell growth in vitro with the smallest increase in medicinal product concentration. Due to its lack of extramedullary toxicity despite dose escalation beyond myelotoxic doses, thiotepa has been used for decades in combination with other chemotherapy medicinal products prior to autologous and allogeneic HPCT. 

The results of published clinical studies supporting the efficacy of thiotepa are summarised: Autologous HPCT 

Haematological diseases 

Engraftment: Conditioning treatments including thiotepa have proved to be myeloablative. 

Disease-Free Survival (DFS): An estimated 43% at five years has been reported, confirming that conditioning treatments containing thiotepa following autologous HPCT are effective therapeutic strategies for treating patients with haematological diseases. 

Relapse: In all conditioning treatments containing thiotepa, relapse rates at more than 1 year have been reported as being 60% or lower, which was considered by the physicians as the threshold to prove efficacy. In some of the conditioning treatments evaluated, relapse rates lower than 60% have also been reported at 5 years. 

Overall Survival (OS): OS ranged from 29% to 87% with a follow-up ranging from 22 up to 63  months.

Regimen Related Mortality (RRM) and Transplant Related Mortality (TRM): RRM values ranging from 2.5% to 29% have been reported. TRM values ranged from 0% to 21% at 1 year,  confirming the safety of the conditioning treatment including thiotepa for autologous HPCT in adult patients with haematological diseases. 

Solid tumours 

Engraftment: Conditioning treatments including thiotepa have proved to be myeloablative. 

Disease-Free Survival (DFS): Percentages reported with follow-up periods of more than 1 year confirm that conditioning treatments containing thiotepa following autologous HPCT are effective choices for treating patients with solid tumours. 

Relapse: In all conditioning treatments containing thiotepa, relapse rates at more than 1 year have been reported as being lower than 60%, which was considered by the physicians as the threshold to prove efficacy. In some cases, relapse rates of 35% and 45% have been reported at 5 years and 6 years respectively. 

Overall Survival: OS ranged from 30% to 87% with a follow-up ranging from 11.7 up to 87  months. 

Regimen Related Mortality (RRM) and Transplant Related Mortality (TRM): RRM values ranging from 0% to 2% have been reported. TRM values ranged from 0% to 7.4% confirming the safety of the conditioning treatment including thiotepa for autologous HPCT in adult patients with solid tumours. 

Allogeneic HPCT 

Haematological diseases 

Engraftment: Engraftment has been achieved (92%-100%) in all reported conditioning treatments and it was considered to occur at the expected time. Therefore it can be concluded that conditioning treatments including thiotepa are myeloablative. 

GvHD (graft versus host disease): all conditioning treatments evaluated assured a low incidence of acute GvHD grade III-IV (from 4% to 24%). 

Disease-Free Survival (DFS): Percentages reported with follow-up periods of more than 1 year and up to 5 years confirm that conditioning treatments containing thiotepa following allogeneic  HPCT are effective choices for treating patients with haematological diseases. 

Relapse: In all conditioning treatments containing thiotepa, relapse rates at more than 1 year have been reported as being lower than 40% (which was considered by the physicians as the threshold to prove efficacy). In some cases, relapse rates lower than 40% have also been reported at 5 years and 10 years. 

Overall Survival: OS ranged from 31% to 81% with a follow-up ranging from 7.3 up to 120  months. 

Regimen Related Mortality (RRM) and Transplant Related Mortality (TRM): low values have been reported, confirming the safety of the conditioning treatments including thiotepa for allogeneic HPCT in adult patients with haematological diseases. 

Paediatric population 

Autologous HPCT 

Solid tumours 

Engraftment: It has been achieved with all reported conditioning regimens including thiotepa. Disease-Free Survival (DFS): With a follow-up of 36 to 57 months, DFS ranged from 46% to  70% in the reported studies. Considering that all patients were treated for high-risk solid tumours, DFS results confirm that conditioning treatments containing thiotepa following autologous HPCT are effective therapeutic strategies for treating paediatric patients with solid tumours. 

Relapse: In all the reported conditioning regimens containing thiotepa, relapse rates at 12 to 57  months ranged from 33% to 57%. Considering that all patients suffer from recurrence or poor prognosis solid tumours, these rates support the efficacy of conditioning regimens based on thiotepa. 

Overall Survival (OS): OS ranged from 17% to 84% with a follow-up ranging from 12.3 up to  99.6 months.

Regimen Related Mortality (RRM) and Transplant Related Mortality (TRM): RRM values ranging from 0% to 26.7% have been reported. TRM values ranged from 0% to 18%  confirming the safety of the conditioning treatments including thiotepa for autologous HPCT in paediatric patients with solid tumours. 

Allogeneic HPCT 

Haematological diseases 

Engraftment: It has been achieved with all evaluated conditioning regimens including thiotepa with a success rate of 96% - 100%. The haematological recovery is in the expected time. 

Disease-Free Survival (DFS): Percentages of 40% - 75% with follow-up of more than 1 year have been reported. DFS results confirm that conditioning treatment containing thiotepa following allogeneic HPCT is an effective therapeutic strategy for treating paediatric patients with haematological diseases. 

Relapse: In all the reported conditioning regimens containing thiotepa, the relapse rate was in the range of 15% - 44%. These data support the efficacy of conditioning regimens based on thiotepa in all haematological diseases. 

Overall Survival (OS): OS ranged from 50% to 100% with a follow-up ranging from 9.4 up to  121 months. 

Regimen Related Mortality (RRM) and Transplant Related Mortality (TRM): RRM values ranging from 0% to 2.5% have been reported. TRM values ranged from 0% to 30% confirming the safety of the conditioning treatment including thiotepa for allogeneic HPCT in paediatric patients with haematological diseases.


Thiotepa is unreliably absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract: acid instability prevents thiotepa from being administered orally. 


Thiotepa is a highly lipophilic compound. After intravenous administration, plasma concentrations of the active substance fit a two-compartment model with a rapid distribution phase. The volume of distribution of thiotepa is large and it has been reported as ranging from  40.8 l/m2 to 75 l/m2, indicating distribution to total body water. The apparent volume of distribution of thiotepa appears independent of the administered dose. The fraction unbound to proteins in plasma is 70-90%; insignificant binding of thiotepa to gamma globulin and minimal albumin binding (10-30%) has been reported. 

After intravenous administration, CSF medicinal product exposure is nearly equivalent to that achieved in plasma; the mean ratio of AUC in CSF to plasma for thiotepa is 0.93. CSF and plasma concentrations of triethylenephosphoramide (TEPA), the first reported active metabolite of thiotepa, exceed the concentrations of the parent compound. 


Thiotepa undergoes rapid and extensive hepatic metabolism and metabolites could be detected in urine within 1 hour after infusion. The metabolites are active alkylating agents but the role they play in the antitumor activity of thiotepa remains to be elucidated. Thiotepa undergoes oxidative desulphuration via the cytochrome P450 CYP2B and CYP3A isoenzyme families to the major and active metabolite TEPA (triethylenephosphoramide). The total excreted amount of thiotepa and its identified metabolites accounts for 54-100% of the total alkylating activity,  indicating the presence of other alkylating metabolites. During the conversion of GSH conjugates to N-acetylcysteine conjugates, GSH, cysteinyl glycine, and cysteine conjugates are formed.  These metabolites are not found in urine, and, if formed, are probably excreted in bile or as intermediate metabolites rapidly converted into thiotepa-mercapturic. 


The total clearance of thiotepa ranged from 11.4 to 23.2 l/h/m2. The elimination half-life varied from 1.5 to 4.1 hours. The identified metabolites TEPA, monochlorotepa, and thiotepa are mercapturic and are all excreted in the urine. Urinary excretion of thiotepa and TEPA is nearly complete after 6 and 8 hours respectively. The mean urinary recovery of thiotepa and its metabolites is 0.5% for the unchanged medicinal product and monochlorotepa, and 11% for  TEPA and thiotepa-mercapturate. 


There is no clear evidence of saturation of metabolic clearance mechanisms at high doses of thiotepa. 

Special populations 

Pediatric population 

The pharmacokinetics of high-dose thiotepa in children between 2 and 12 years of age do not appear to vary from those reported in children receiving 75 mg/m2 or adults receiving similar doses. 

Renal impairment 

The effects of renal impairment on thiotepa elimination have not been assessed. 

Hepatic impairment 

The effects of hepatic impairment on thiotepa metabolism and elimination have not been assessed.

No conventional acute and repeat dose toxicity studies were performed. 

Thiotepa was shown to be genotoxic in vitro and in vivo, and carcinogenic in mice and rats. Thiotepa was shown to impair fertility and interfere with spermatogenesis in male mice, and to impair ovarian function in female mice. It was teratogenic in mice and in rats, and foeto-lethal in rabbits. These effects were seen at doses lower than those used in humans. 


Thiotepa is unstable in acid medium.  

This medicinal product must not be mixed with other medicinal products except those  mentioned in section 6.6. 

24 months After reconstitution Chemical and physical in-use stability after reconstitution has been demonstrated for 8 hours when stored at 2°C-8°C (36°-46°F) After dilution Chemical and physical in-use stability after dilution has been demonstrated for 24 hours when stored at 2°C -8°C (36°-46°F) and for 4 hours when stored at 25°C (77°F). From a microbiological point of view, the product should be used immediately after dilution. If not used immediately, in-use storage times and conditions prior to use are the responsibility of the user and would normally not be longer than the above-mentioned conditions when dilution has taken place in controlled and validated aseptic conditions.

Store in a refrigerator (2°C-8°C).Do not freeze. 

After reconstitution and dilution  

For storage conditions of the reconstituted and diluted medicinal product, see section 6.3. 

Thiotepa for Injection USP 15mg/vial: Apeto is contained in a 3 mL USP Type-I clear lyo glass vial stoppered with 13 mm grey bromobutyl rubber closure and sealed with 13 mm aluminum flip-off seal with red color plastic polypropylene disc. 

Thiotepa for Injection USP 100mg/vial: Apeto is contained in a 10 mL USP Type-I clear lyo glass vial stoppered with 20 mm igloo grey bromobutyl rubber closure and sealed with 20 mm aluminum flip-off seal with orange color plastic polypropylene disc. 

Preparation of Apeto 

Procedures for proper handling and disposal of anticancer medicinal products must be considered. All transfer procedures require strict adherence to aseptic techniques, preferably employing a vertical laminar flow safety hood. 

As with other cytotoxic compounds, caution needs to be exercised in the handling and preparation of Apeto solutions to avoid accidental contact with skin or mucous membranes. Topical reactions associated with accidental exposure to thiotepa may occur. In fact, the use of gloves is recommended in preparing the solution for infusion. If the thiotepa solution accidentally contacts the skin, the skin must be immediately and thoroughly washed with soap and water. If thiotepa accidentally contacts mucous membranes, they must be flushed thoroughly with water. 


Thiotepa for Injection USP 15mg/vial  

Thiotepa for Injection USP 15mg/vial must be reconstituted with 1.5 ml of sterile water for injection USP. 

Using a syringe fitted with a needle, aseptically withdraw 1.5 ml of sterile water for injection USP. 

Inject the content of the syringe into the vial through the rubber stopper. 

Remove the syringe and the needle and mix manually by repeated inversions. 

Only colorless solutions, without any particulate matter, must be used. Reconstituted solutions may occasionally show opalescence; such solutions can still be administered. 

Further dilution in the infusion bag 

The reconstituted solution is hypotonic and must be further diluted prior to administration with  500 ml sodium chloride 9 mg/ml (0.9%) solution for injection (1000 ml if the dose is higher than 500 mg) or with an appropriate volume of sodium chloride 9 mg/ml (0.9%) in order to obtain a final Apeto concentration between 0.5 and 1 mg/ml. 

Thiotepa for Injection USP 100mg/vial 

Thiotepa for Injection USP 100mg/vial must be reconstituted with 10 ml of sterile water for injection USP.  

Using a syringe fitted with a needle, aseptically withdraw 10 ml of sterile water for injection  USP.  

Inject the content of the syringe into the vial through the rubber stopper.  

Remove the syringe and the needle and mix manually by repeated inversions.  

Only colorless solutions, without any particulate matter, must be used. Reconstituted solutions may occasionally show opalescence; such solutions can still be administered. 

Further dilution in the infusion bag  

The reconstituted solution is hypotonic and must be further diluted prior to administration with  500 ml sodium chloride 9 mg/ml (0.9%) solution for injection (1000 ml if the dose is higher than 500 mg) or with an appropriate volume of sodium chloride 9 mg/ml (0.9%) in order to obtain a final Apeto concentration between 0.5 and 1 mg/ml.  


Apeto should be inspected visually for particulate matter prior to administration. Solutions containing a precipitate should be discarded. 

Prior to and following each infusion, the indwelling catheter line should be flushed with approximately 5 ml sodium chloride 9 mg/ml (0.9%) solution for injection. 

The infusion solution must be administered to patients using an infusion set equipped with a  0.2 μm in-line filter. Filtering does not alter solution potency. 


Apeto is for single use only. 

Any unused product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements. 

Boston Oncology Arabia Sudair Industrial City, Sudair, Saudi Arabia


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