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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Wetzo® contains the active substance ‘apremilast’. This belongs to a group of medicines called phosphodiesterase 4 inhibitors, which help to reduce inflammation.

What Wetzo® is used for

Wetzo® is used to treat adults with the following conditions:

Active psoriatic arthritis - if you cannot use another type of medicine called ‘Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs’ (DMARDs) or when you have tried one of these medicines and it did not work.

Moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis - if you cannot use one of the following treatments or when you have tried one of these treatments and it did not work:

Phototherapy - a treatment where certain areas of skin are exposed to ultraviolet light.

Systemic therapy - a treatment that affects the entire body rather than just one local area, such as ‘ciclosporin’, ‘methotrexate’ or ‘psoralen ’.

What psoriatic arthritis is

Psoriatic arthritis is an inflammatory disease of the joints, usually accompanied by psoriasis, an inflammatory disease of the skin.

What plaque psoriasis is

Psoriasis is an inflammatory disease of the skin, which can cause red, scaly, thick, itchy, painful patches on your skin and can also affect your scalp and nails.

How Wetzo® works

Psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis are usually lifelong conditions and there is currently no cure. Wetzo® works by reducing the activity of an enzyme in the body called ‘phosphodiesterase 4’, which is involved in the process of inflammation. By reducing the activity of this enzyme, Wetzo® can help to control the inflammation associated with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis and thereby reduce the signs and symptoms of these conditions.

In psoriatic arthritis, treatment with Wetzo® results in an improvement in swollen and painful joints, and can improve your general physical function.

In psoriasis, treatment with Wetzo® results in a reduction in psoriatic skin plaques and other signs and symptoms of the disease.

Apremilast has also been shown to improve the quality of life in patients with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. This means that the impact of your condition on daily activities, relationships and other factors should be less than it was before.

Do not take Wetzo®:

If you are allergic to apremilast or any of the other ingredients of this medicine.

If you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant.

Warnings and precautions

Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking Wetzo®.

Depression and suicidal thoughts

Tell your doctor before starting Wetzo® if you have depression which is getting worse with thoughts of suicide.

You or your caregiver should also tell your doctor straight away of any changes in behaviour or mood, feelings of depression and of any suicidal thoughts you may have after taking Wetzo®.

Severe kidney problems

If you have severe kidney problems, your dose will be different.

If you are underweight

Talk to your doctor while taking Wetzo® if you lose weight without meaning to.

Gut problems

If you experience severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting, you should talk to your doctor.

Children and adolescents

Wetzo® has not been studied in children and adolescents, therefore it is not recommended for use in children and adolescents aged 17 years and under.

Other medicines and Wetzo®

Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken or might take any other medicines. This includes medicines obtained without a prescription and herbal medicines. This is because Wetzo® can affect the way some other medicines work. Also some other medicines can affect the way Wetzo® works.

In particular, tell your doctor or pharmacist before taking Wetzo® if you are taking any of the following medicines:

Rifampicin – an antibiotic used for tuberculosis

Phenytoin, phenobarbital and carbamazepine - medicines used in the treatment of seizures or epilepsy

St John’s Wort – a herbal medicine for mild anxiety and depression.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding

If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, think you may be pregnant or are planning to have a baby, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking this medicine.

There is little information about the effects of apremilast in pregnancy. You should not become pregnant while taking this medicine and should use an effective method of contraception during treatment with Wetzo®.

It is not known if this medicine passes into human milk. You should not use Wetzo® while breast-feeding. 

Driving and using machines

Wetzo® has no effect on the ability to drive and use machines.

Wetzo® contains lactose

Wetzo® contains lactose (a type of sugar). If you have been told by your doctor that you have an intolerance to some sugars, contact your doctor before taking this medicine.

Always take this medicine exactly as your doctor has told you. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.

How much to take

When you first start taking Wetzo®, you will receive a ‘treatment initiation pack’ which contains all the doses as listed in the table below.

The ‘treatment initiation pack’ is clearly labelled to make sure you take the correct tablet at the correct time.

Your treatment will start at a lower dose and will gradually be increased over the first 6 days of treatment.

The ‘treatment initiation pack’ will also contain enough tablets for another 8 days at the recommended dose (days 7 to 14).

The recommended dose of Wetzo® is 30 mg twice a day after the titration phase is complete - one 30 mg dose in the morning and one 30 mg dose in the evening, approximately 12 hours apart, with or without food.

This is a total daily dose of 60 mg. By the end of day 6 you will have reached this recommended dose.

Once the recommended dose has been reached, you will only get the 30 mg tablet strength in your prescribed packs. You will only ever need to go through this stage of gradually increasing your dose once even if you re-start treatment.


Morning Dose

Evening Dose

Total Daily Dose

Day 1

10 mg (pink)

Do not take a dose

10 mg

Day 2

10 mg (pink)

10 mg (pink)

20 mg

Day 3

10 mg (pink)

20 mg (brown)

30 mg

Day 4

20 mg (brown)

20 mg (brown)

40 mg

Day 5

20 mg (brown)

30 mg (beige)

50 mg

Day 6 onwards

30 mg (beige)

30 mg (beige)

60 mg

People with severe kidney problems

If you have severe kidney problems then the recommended dose of Wetzo® is 30 mg once a day (morning dose). Your doctor will talk to you about how to increase your dose when you first start taking Wetzo®.

How and when to take Wetzo®

Wetzo® is for oral use.

Swallow the tablets whole, preferably with water.

You can take the tablets either with or without food.

Take Wetzo® at about the same time each day, one tablet in the morning and one tablet in the evening.

If your condition has not improved after six months of treatment, you should talk to your doctor.

If you take more Wetzo® than you should

If you take more Wetzo® than you should, talk to a doctor or go to a hospital straight away. Take the medicine pack and this leaflet with you.

If you forget to take Wetzo®

If you miss a dose of Wetzo®, take it as soon as you remember. If it is close to the time for your next dose, just skip the missed dose. Take the next dose at your regular time.

Do not take a double dose to make up for a forgotten dose.

If you stop taking Wetzo®

You should continue taking Wetzo® until your doctor tells you to stop.

Do not stop taking Wetzo® without talking to your doctor first.

If you have any further questions on the use of this medicine, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.

Serious side effects – depression and suicidal thoughts

Tell your doctor straight away about any changes in behaviour or mood, feelings of depression, thoughts of suicide or suicidal behaviour (this is uncommon).

Very common side effects (may affect more than 1 in 10 people)




Upper respiratory tract infections such as cold, runny nose, sinus infection.

Common side effects (may affect up to 1 in 10 people)


Back pain.


Feeling tired.

Stomach pain.

Loss of appetite.

Frequent bowel movements.

Difficulty sleeping (insomnia).

Indigestion or heartburn.

Inflammation and swelling of the tubes in your lungs (bronchitis).

Common cold (nasopharyngitis).



Tension headache.

Uncommon side effects (may affect up to 1 in 100 people)


Hives (urticaria).

Weight loss.

Allergic reaction.

Bleeding in the bowel or in the stomach.

Suicidal ideation or behaviour.

Not known side effects (frequency cannot be estimated from the available data):

Severe allergic reaction (may include swelling of the face, lips, mouth, tongue, or throat that may lead to difficulty breathing or swallowing).

If you are 65 years of age or older, you might have a higher risk of complications of severe diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. If your gut problems become severe, you should talk to your doctor.

If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse. This includes any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet.


Keep out of the reach and sight of children.

Do not use Wetzo® tablets after the expiry date (EXP) which is stated on the blister and the carton.

The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.

Wetzo® tablets: Store below 30°C.

Medicines should not be disposed of via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines no longer required. These measures will help to protect the environment.

The active substance is apremilast.

The other ingredients are Lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stearate, polyvinyl alcohol, polyethylene glycol 6000, talc, titanium dioxide, yellow iron oxide, red iron oxide, black iron oxide

Wetzo® Tablets 10 mg: Pink coloured, circular, biconvex, film coated tablets debossed with “U 47” on one side and plain on the other side, presented in PVC/Alu. blisters, intended for oral use. Wetzo® Tablets 20 mg: Brown coloured, circular, biconvex, film coated tablets debossed with “U 48” on one side and plain on the other side, presented in PVC/Alu blisters, intended for oral use. Wetzo® Tablets 30 mg Beige coloured, circular, biconvex, film coated tablets debossed with “U 49” on one side and plain on the other side, presented in PVC/Alu blisters, intended for oral use. Pack Size: The treatment starter pack contains 28 Film Coated Tablets (4 tablets of 10mg, 4 tablets of 20mg and 20 tablets of 30mg). The one-month standard pack contains 56 x 30mg Film Coated Tablets.

Marketing Authorization Holder:

Med City Pharma- KSA

Tel: 00966920003288

Fax: 00966126358138

Mobile: 00966555786968

P.O .Box: 42512 - Jeddah 21551

E-mail: MD.admin@Axantia.com

Manufactured by:

Macleods Pharmaceuticals Limited – India.

  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

يستعمل ويتزو® لعلاج البالغين الذين يعانون من الحالات التالية:

التهاب المفاصل الصدفي النشط - إذا كنت لا تستطيع استخدام نوع آخر من الأدوية والتي تسمى «الأدوية المضادة للروماتيزم المعدلة للأمراض”أو إذا جربت إحدى هذه الأدوية ولم تنجح.

صدفية اللويحات المزمنة المعتدلة إلى الشديدة - إذا لم تتمكن من استخدام أحد العلاجات التالية أو إذا جربت إحدى هذه العلاجات ولم تنجح:

العلاج بالضوء – يكون علاج بحيث تتعرض مناطق معينة من الجلد للأشعة فوق البنفسجية.

العلاج الجهازي - علاج يؤثر على الجسم كله بدلاً من منطقة موضعية واحدة، مثل «سيكلوسبورين» أو «ميثوتريكسات» أو «سورالين”.

ما هو التهاب المفاصل الصدفي

التهاب المفاصل الصدفي هو مرض التهابي يصيب المفاصل، وعادة ما يكون مصحوبًا بالصدفية، وهو مرض التهابي يصيب الجلد.

ما هي الصدفية اللويحية

الصدفية مرض التهابي يصيب الجلد، ويمكن أن يتسبب في ظهور بقع حمراء متقشرة وسميكة ومسببة للحكة ومؤلمة على جلدك ويمكن أن تؤثر أيضًا على فروة رأسك وأظافرك.

كيف يعمل ويتزو®

عادة ما تكون حالات التهاب المفاصل الصدفي والصدفية مدى الحياة ولا يوجد علاج نهائي حاليًا. يعمل ويتزو® عن طريق الحد من نشاط إنزيم في الجسم يسمى “ فوسفوديستراز 4”، والذي يشارك في عملية الالتهاب. من خلال تقليل نشاط هذا الإنزيم، يمكن أن يساعد ويتزو® في السيطرة على الالتهاب المرتبط بالتهاب المفاصل الصدفي والصدفية، وبالتالي تقليل علامات وأعراض هذه الحالات.

في التهاب المفاصل الصدفي، يؤدي العلاج باستخدام ويتزو® إلى تحسن في المفاصل المتورمة والمؤلمة، ويمكن أن يحسن الوظيفة البدنية العامة.

في الصدفية، ينتج عن العلاج باستخدام ويتزو® انخفاض في لويحات الجلد الصدفية وعلامات وأعراض أخرى للمرض.

كما ثبت أن أبريميلاست يحسن نوعية الحياة في المرضى الذين يعانون من الصدفية والتهاب المفاصل الصدفي هذا يعني أن تأثير حالتك على الأنشطة اليومية والعلاقات والعوامل الأخرى يجب أن يكون أقل مما كان عليه من قبل.

إذا كان لديك حساسية تجاه أبريميلاست أو لأي من المكونات الأخرى لهذا الدواء.

إذا كنت حاملاً أو تعتقدين بأنك حامل.

المحاذير والإحتياطات

تحدث إلى طبيبك أو الصيدلي قبل تناول ويتزو®.

الاكتئاب والأفكار الانتحارية

أخبر طبيبك قبل البدء في ويتزو® إذا كنت تعاني من الاكتئاب الذي يزداد سوءًا مع أفكار انتحارية.

يجب عليك أنت أو مقدم الرعاية الخاص بك أيضًا إخبار طبيبك على الفور بأي تغييرات في السلوك أو الحالة المزاجية، ومشاعر الاكتئاب وأي أفكار انتحارية قد تعاني منها بعد تناول ويتزو®.

مشاكل الكلى الحادة

إذا كنت تعاني من مشاكل حادة في الكلى، فستختلف جرعتك.

إذا كنت تعاني من نقص الوزن

تحدث إلى طبيبك أثناء تناول ويتزو® إذا فقدت الوزن دون قصد.

مشاكل الأمعاء

إذا كنت تعاني من الإسهال الشديد أو الغثيان أو القيء، فيجب عليك التحدث مع طبيبك.

الأطفال والمراهقون

لم يتم دراسة ويتزو® لدى الأطفال والمراهقين، لذلك لا ينصح باستخدامه للأطفال والمراهقين الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين 17 عامًا وما دون.

الأدوية الأخرى مع ويتزو®

أخبر طبيبك أو الصيدلي إذا كنت تتناول أو تناولت مؤخرًا أو قد تتناول أي أدوية أخرى. ويشمل ذلك الأدوية التي يتم الحصول عليها بدون وصفة طبية والأدوية العشبية. وذلك لأن ويتزو® يمكن أن يؤثر على طريقة عمل بعض الأدوية الأخرى. يمكن أيضًا أن تؤثر بعض الأدوية الأخرى على طريقة عمل ويتزو®.

على وجه الخصوص، أخبر طبيبك أو الصيدلي قبل تناول ويتزو® إذا كنت تتناول أيًا من الأدوية التالية:

ريفامبيسين - مضاد حيوي يستخدم لمرض السل

الفينيتوين والفينوباربيتال وكاربامازيبين - الأدوية المستخدمة في علاج النوبات أو الصرع

نبتة سانت جون - دواء عشبي للقلق والاكتئاب الخفيف.

الحمل والرضاعة

إذا كنت حاملاً أو مرضعة، تعتقدين بأنك حامل أو تخططين لإنجاب طفل، استشيري طبيبك أو الصيدلي قبل تناول هذا الدواء.

هناك القليل من المعلومات حول تأثيرات أبريميلاست في الحمل. يجب عدم الحمل أثناء تناول هذا الدواء ويجب استخدام وسيلة فعالة لمنع الحمل أثناء العلاج بـ ويتزو®

من غير المعروف ما إذا كان هذا الدواء ينتقل إلى حليب الأم. يجب عدم استخدام ويتزو® أثناء الرضاعة الطبيعية.

القيادة واستعمال الآلات

لا يؤثر ويتزو® على القدرة على القيادة واستخدام الآلات.

يحتوي ويتزو® على اللاكتوز

يحتوي ويتزو® على اللاكتوز (نوع من السكر). إذا أخبرك طبيبك بأنك لا تتحمل بعض السكريات، فاتصل بطبيبك قبل تناول هذا الدواء.


احرص دائمًا على تناول هذا الدواء تمامًا كما أخبرك طبيبك. استشر طبيبك أو الصيدلي إذا لم تكن متأكدًا.


عند بدء تناول ويتزو® لأول مرة، ستتلقى «حزمة بدء العلاج» التي تحتوي على جميع الجرعات كما هو موضح في الجدول أدناه.

تم وضع علامة واضحة على «حزمة بدء العلاج» للتأكد من تناول القرص الصحيح في الوقت الصحيح.

سيبدأ علاجك بجرعة أقل وسيزداد تدريجيًا خلال الأيام الستة الأولى من العلاج.

ستحتوي «حزمة بدء العلاج» أيضًا على أقراص كافية لمدة 8 أيام أخرى بالجرعة الموصى بها (الأيام من 7 إلى 14).

الجرعة الموصى بها من ويتزو® هي 30 ملغم مرتين في اليوم بعد اكتمال مرحلة المعايرة - جرعة واحدة 30 ملغم في الصباح وجرعة 30 ملغم في المساء، بفارق 12 ساعة تقريبًا مع الطعام أو بدونه.

الجرعة اليومية الإجمالية والتي قدرها 60 ملغم. بحلول نهاية اليوم السادس ستكون قد وصلت إلى الجرعة الموصى بها.

بمجرد الوصول إلى الجرعة الموصى بها، ستحصل فقط على تركيز الأقراص 30 ملغم في العبوات الموصوفة لك. لن تحتاج أبدًا إلى المرور بهذه المرحلة من زيادة جرعتك التدريجي مرة واحدة حتى إذا أعدت بدء العلاج.



جرعة الصباح

جرعة المساء


الجرعة اليومية

اليوم الاول

10 ملغم (وردي)

لا تأخذ جرعة

10 ملغم

اليوم الثاني

10 ملغم (وردي)

10 ملغم (وردي)

20 ملغم

يوم الثالث

10 ملغم (وردي)

20 ملغم (بني)

30 ملغم

اليوم الرابع

20 ملغم (بني)

20 ملغم (بني)

40 ملغم

يوم الخامس

20 ملغم (بني)

30 ملغم (بيج)

50 ملغم

اليوم السادس وما بعده

30 ملغم (بيج)

30 ملغم (بيج)

60 ملغم


الأشخاص الذين يعانون من مشاكل حادة في الكلى

إذا كنت تعاني من مشاكل حادة في الكلى، فإن الجرعة الموصى بها من ويتزو® هي 30 ملغم مرة في اليوم (جرعة الصباح). سيتحدث معك طبيبك حول كيفية زيادة جرعتك عندما تبدأ بتناول ويتزو®.

كيف ومتى تتناول ويتزو®

ويتزو® للاستخدام الفموي.

ابتلع الأقراص كاملة ويفضل مع الماء.

يمكنك تناول الأقراص مع الطعام أو بدونه.

تناول ويتزو® في نفس الوقت تقريبًا كل يوم، قرصًا واحدًا في الصباح وقرصًا واحدًا في المساء.

إذا لم تتحسن حالتك بعد ستة أشهر من العلاج، يجب عليك التحدث مع طبيبك.

إذا تناولت ويتزو® أكثر مما يجب

إذا تناولت ويتزو® أكثر مما يجب، تحدث إلى الطبيب أو اذهب إلى المستشفى على الفور. خذ علبة الدواء وهذه النشرة معك.

إذا نسيت تناول جرعة ويتزو®

إذا نسيت تناول جرعة ويتزو®، تناولها حالما تتذكرها. إذا كان قريبًا من وقت الجرعة التالية، فتخط الجرعة الفائتة. تناول الجرعة التالية في وقتك العادي.

لا تتناول جرعة مضاعفة لتعويض الجرعة المنسية.

إذا توقفت عن تناول ويتزو®

يجب أن تستمر في تناول ويتزو® حتى يخبرك طبيبك بالتوقف.

لا تتوقف عن تناول ويتزو® دون التحدث إلى طبيبك أولاً.

إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة أخرى حول استخدام هذا الدواء، اسأل طبيبك أو الصيدلي.

مثل جميع الأدوية، يمكن أن يسبب هذا الدواء آثارًا جانبية، على الرغم من عدم حدوثها لدى الجميع.

آثار جانبية خطيرة - الاكتئاب والأفكار الانتحارية

أخبر طبيبك على الفور عن أي تغييرات في السلوك أو الحالة المزاجية، ومشاعر الاكتئاب، وأفكار الانتحار أو السلوك الانتحاري (هذا غير شائع).

آثار جانبية شائعة جدًا (قد تؤثر على أكثر من 1 من كل 10 أشخاص)




التهابات الجهاز التنفسي العلوي مثل البرد وسيلان الأنف والتهاب الجيوب الأنفية.

آثار جانبية شائعة (قد تؤثر على 1 أو أقل من كل 10 أشخاص)


ألم في الظهر.


الشعور بالتعب.

آلام في المعدة.

فقدان الشهية.

كثرة التبرز.

صعوبة النوم (الأرق).

عسر الهضم أو الحموضة المعوية.

التهاب وتورم الشعب في رئتيك (التهاب الشعب الهوائية).

نزلات البرد (التهاب البلعوم الأنفي).


صداع نصفي.

صداع التوتر.

آثار جانبية غير شائعة (قد تؤثر على 1 أو أقل من كل 100 شخص)

طفح جلدي.

خلايا النحل (الشرى).

فقدان الوزن.

رد فعل تحسسي.

نزيف في الأمعاء أو المعدة.

التفكير أو السلوك الانتحاري.

أعراض جانبية غير معروفة (لا يمكن تقدير تكرار حدوثها من المعلومات المتوفرة):

رد فعل تحسسي شديد (قد يشمل تورم الوجه، أو الشفتين، أو الفم، أو اللسان، أو الحلق الذي قد يؤدي إلى صعوبة في التنفس أو البلع).

إذا كان عمرك 65 عامًا أو أكثر، فقد تكون أكثر عرضة للإصابة بمضاعفات الإسهال الشديد والغثيان والقيء. إذا أصبحت مشاكل أمعائك شديدة، يجب عليك التحدث مع طبيبك.

إذا عانيت من أي آثار جانبية، تحدث إلى طبيبك أو الصيدلي أو الممرض. يتضمن ذلك أي آثار جانبية محتملة غير مذكورة في هذه النشرة.

 يحفظ بعيدا عن متناول ونظر الأطفال.

لا تستخدم أقراص ويتزو® بعد تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية (EXP) المدون على الشريط والعلبة.

يشير تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية إلى اليوم الأخير من نفس الشهر.

أقراص ويتزو®: يحفظ في درجة حرارة دون 30 °م.

يجب عدم التخلص من الأدوية في مياه الصرف الصحي أو النفايات المنزلية. اسأل الصيدلي عن كيفية التخلص من الأدوية التي لم تعد مطلوبة. ومن شأن هذه التدابير أن تساعد على حماية البيئة.

المادة الفعالة هي أبريميلاست.

المكونات الأخرى هي لاكتوز أحادي الهيدرات، ميكروكريستالين سليلوز، كروسكارميلوز صوديوم، ستيرات المغنيسيوم، بولي فينيل الكحول، بولي إيثيلين جلايكول 6000، تلك، ثاني أكسيد التيتانيوم، أكسيد الحديد الأصفر، أكسيد الحديد الأحمر، أكسيد الحديد الأسود.


أقراص ويتزو® 10 ملغم: أقراص مغلفة ذات لون وردي، دائرية الشكل، محدبة الوجهين، محفور على أحد الأوجه “U 47”، معبأة في أشرطة بي ڤي سي/ألومنيوم، معدة للاستعمال عن طريق الفم.

أقراص ويتزو® 20 ملغم: أقراص مغلفة ذات لون بني، دائرية الشكل، محدبة الوجهين، محفور على أحد الأوجه “U 48” ، معبأة في أشرطة بي ڤي سي/ألومنيوم، معدة للاستعمال عن طريق الفم.

أقراص ويتزو® 30 ملغم: أقراص مغلفة ذات لون بيج، دائرية الشكل، محدبة الوجهين، محفور على أحد الأوجه  “U 49” ، معبأة في أشرطة بي ڤي سي/ألومنيوم، معدة للاستعمال عن طريق الفم.


حجم العبوة:

عبوة بدء العلاج تحتوي على 28 قرص مغلف (4 أقراص 10 ملغم، 4 أقراص 20 ملغم و 20 قرص 30 ملغم).

العبوة القياسية لمدة شهر واحد تحتوي على 56 × 30 ملغم من الأقراص المغلفة.

مدينة الدواء للصناعات الدوائية- المملكة العربية السعودية.

هاتف: 00966920003288

فاكس: 00966126358138

جوال: 00966555786968

ص.ب:42512 - جدة 21551

بريد الكتروني: MD.admin@Axantia.com


شركة ماكلويد الدوائية المحدودة - الهند.

 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Wetzo® 10 mg Film Coated Tablets. Wetzo® 20 mg Film Coated Tablets. Wetzo® 30 mg Film Coated Tablets.

Wetzo® 10 mg: Each film coated tablet contains 10 mg of apremilast. Wetzo® 20 mg: Each film coated tablet contains 20 mg of apremilast. Wetzo® 30 mg: Each film coated tablet contains 30 mg of apremilast. For a full list of excipients: see section 6.1

Film Coated Tablets. Wetzo® Tablets 10 mg: Pink coloured, circular, biconvex, film coated tablets debossed with “U 47” on one side and plain on the other side, presented in PVC/Alu. blisters, intended for oral use. Wetzo® Tablets 20 mg: Brown coloured, circular, biconvex, film coated tablets debossed with “U 48” on one side and plain on the other side, presented in PVC/Alu blisters, intended for oral use. Wetzo® Tablets 30 mg: Beige coloured, circular, biconvex, film coated tablets debossed with “U 49” on one side and plain on the other side, presented in PVC/Alu blisters, intended for oral use.

Psoriatic arthritis

Wetzo®, alone or in combination with Disease Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs (DMARDs), is indicated for the treatment of active psoriatic arthritis (PsA) in adult patients who have had an inadequate response or who have been intolerant to a prior DMARD therapy. 


Wetzo® is indicated for the treatment of moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis in adult patients who failed to respond to or who have a contraindication to, or are intolerant to other systemic therapy including cyclosporine, methotrexate or psoralen and ultraviolet-A light (PUVA). 

Treatment with Wetzo® should be initiated by specialists experienced in the diagnosis and treatment of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.


The recommended dose of apremilast is 30 mg taken orally twice daily, approximately 12 hours apart (morning and evening), with no food restrictions. An initial titration schedule is required as shown below in Table 1. No re-titration is required after initial titration.

Table 1. Dose titration schedule

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6 & thereafter












10 mg

10 mg

10 mg

10 mg

20 mg

20 mg

20 mg

20 mg

30 mg

30 mg

30 mg

Special populations

Elderly patients

No dose adjustment is required for this patient population (see sections 4.8 and 5.2).

Patients with renal impairment

No dose adjustment is needed in patients with mild and moderate renal impairment. The dose of apremilast should be reduced to 30 mg once daily in patients with severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance of less than 30 mL per minute estimated by the Cockcroft-Gault equation). For initial dose titration in this group, it is recommended that apremilast be titrated using only the AM schedule listed in Table 1 and the PM doses be skipped (see section 5.2).

Patients with hepatic impairment

No dose adjustment is necessary for patients with hepatic impairment (see section 5.2). 

Paediatric population

The safety and efficacy of apremilast in children aged 0 to 17 years have not been established. No data are available.

Method of administration 

Wetzo® is for oral use. The film-coated tablets should be swallowed whole, and can be taken either with or without food. 

Hypersensitivity to the active substance(s) or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1. Pregnancy (see section 4.6).

Diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting

There have been post-marketing reports of severe diarrhoea, nausea, and vomiting associated with the use of apremilast. Most events occurred within the first few weeks of treatment. In some cases, patients were hospitalised. Patients 65 years of age or older may be at a higher risk of complications. If patients develop severe diarrhoea, nausea, or vomiting, discontinuation of treatment with apremilast may be necessary.

Psychiatric disorders

Apremilast is associated with an increased risk of psychiatric disorders such as insomnia and depression. Instances of suicidal ideation and behaviour, including suicide, have been observed in patients with or without history of depression (see section 4.8). The risks and benefits of starting or continuing treatment with apremilast should be carefully assessed if patients report previous or existing psychiatric symptoms or if concomitant treatment with other medicinal products likely to cause psychiatric events is intended. Patients and caregivers should be instructed to notify the prescriber of any changes in behaviour or mood and of any suicidal ideation. If patients suffered from new or worsening psychiatric symptoms, or suicidal ideation or suicidal attempt is identified, it is recommended to discontinue treatment with apremilast.

Severe renal impairment

Wetzo® should be dose reduced to 30 mg once daily in patients with severe renal impairment (see sections 4.2 and 5.2).

Underweight patients

Patients who are underweight at the start of treatment should have their body weight monitored regularly. In the event of unexplained and clinically significant weight loss, these patients should be evaluated by a medical practitioner and discontinuation of treatment should be considered.

Lactose content

Patients with rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, total lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption should not take this medicinal product. 

Co-administration of strong cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) enzyme inducer, rifampicin, resulted in a reduction of systemic exposure of apremilast, which may result in a loss of efficacy of apremilast. Therefore, the use of strong CYP3A4 enzyme inducers (e.g. rifampicin, phenobarbital, carbamazepine, phenytoin and St. John's Wort) with apremilast is not recommended. Co-administration of apremilast with multiple doses of rifampicin resulted in a decrease in apremilast area-under-the-concentration time curve (AUC) and maximum serum concentration (Cmax) by approximately 72% and 43%, respectively. Apremilast exposure is decreased when administered concomitantly with strong inducers of CYP3A4 (e.g. rifampicin) and may result in reduced clinical response. 

In clinical studies, apremilast has been administered concomitantly with topical therapy (including corticosteroids, coal tar shampoo and salicylic acid scalp preparations) and UVB phototherapy.

There was no clinically meaningful interaction between ketoconazole and apremilast. Apremilast can be co-administered with a potent CYP3A4 inhibitor such as ketoconazole. 

There was no pharmacokinetic interaction between apremilast and methotrexate in psoriatic arthritis patients. Apremilast can be co-administered with methotrexate.

There was no pharmacokinetic interaction between apremilast and oral contraceptives containing ethinyl estradiol and norgestimate. Apremilast can be co-administered with oral contraceptives.

Women of childbearing potential

Pregnancy should be excluded before treatment can be initiated. Women of childbearing potential should use an effective method of contraception to prevent pregnancy during treatment.


There are limited data about the use of apremilast in pregnant women.

Apremilast is contraindicated during pregnancy (see section 4.3). Effects of apremilast on pregnancy included embryofoetal loss in mice and monkeys, and reduced foetal weights and delayed ossification in mice at doses higher than the currently recommended highest human dose. No such effects were observed when exposure in animals was at 1.3-fold the clinical exposure (see section 5.3).


Apremilast was detected in milk of lactating mice (see section 5.3). It is not known whether apremilast, or its metabolites, are excreted in human milk. A risk to the breastfed infant cannot be excluded, therefore apremilast should not be used during breast-feeding.


No fertility data is available in humans. In animal studies in mice, no adverse effects on fertility were observed in males at exposure levels 3-fold clinical exposure and in females at exposure levels 1-fold clinical exposure. For pre-clinical fertility data, see section 5.3.

Apremilast has no or negligible influence on the ability to drive and use machines.

Summary of the safety profile 

The most commonly reported adverse reactions with apremilast in PsA and PSOR are gastrointestinal (GI) disorders including diarrhoea (15.7%) and nausea (13.9%). The other most commonly reported adverse reactions include upper respiratory tract infections (8.4%), headache (7.9%), and tension headache (7.2%) and are mostly mild to moderate in severity. 

The most commonly reported adverse drug reactions with apremilast in BD are diarrhoea (41.3%), nausea (19.2%), headache (14.4%), upper respiratory tract infection (11.5%), upper abdominal pain (8.7%), vomiting (8.7%) and back pain (7.7%) and are mostly mild to moderate in severity.

The gastrointestinal adverse reactions generally occurred within the first 2 weeks of treatment and usually resolved within 4 weeks. 

Hypersensitivity reactions are uncommonly observed (see section 4.3).

Tabulated list of adverse reactions

The adverse reactions observed in patients treated with apremilast are listed below by system organ class (SOC) and frequency for all adverse reactions. Within each SOC and frequency grouping, adverse reactions are presented in order of decreasing seriousness.

The adverse drug reactions were determined based on data from the apremilast clinical development programme and post-marketing experience. The frequencies of adverse drug reactions are those reported in the apremilast arms of the four Phase III studies in PsA (n = 1,945) or the two Phase III studies in PSOR (n = 1184), and in the phase III study in BD (n = 207) the highest frequency from either data pool is represented in table 2). 

Frequencies are defined as: very common (≥ 1/10); common (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10); uncommon (≥ 1/1,000 to < 1/100); rare (≥ 1/10,000 to < 1/1,000); not known (cannot be estimated from the available data).

Table 2. Summary of adverse reactions in psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and psoriasis (PSOR)

System Organ Class


Adverse reaction


Infections and infestations

Very common

Upper respiratory tract infectiona







Immune system disorders




Metabolism and nutrition disorders


Decreased appetite*


Psychiatric disorders







Suicidal ideation and behaviour


Nervous system disorders

Very common

Headache*, a





Tension headache*


Respiratory, thoracic, and mediastinal disorders




Gastrointestinal disorders

Very Common










Frequent bowel movements


Upper abdominal pain*


Gastroesophageal reflux disease 



Gastrointestinal haemorrhage


Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders






Not known



Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders


Back pain*


General disorders and administration site conditions






Weight decrease













































*At least one of these adverse reactions was reported as serious

a Frequency reported as common in PSA and PSOR 

Description of selected adverse reactions

Psychiatric disorders

In clinical studies and post-marketing experience, uncommon cases of suicidal ideation and behaviour, were reported, while completed suicide was reported post-marketing. Patients and caregivers should be instructed to notify the prescriber of any suicidal ideation (see section 4.4).

Body weight loss

Patient weight was measured routinely in clinical studies. The mean observed weight loss in PsA and PSOR patients treated for up to 52 weeks with apremilast was 1.99 kg. A total of 14.3% of patients receiving apremilast had observed weight loss between 5-10% while 5.7% of the patients receiving apremilast had observed weight loss greater than 10%. None of these patients had overt clinical consequences resulting from weight loss. A total of 0.1% of patients treated with apremilast discontinued due to adverse reaction of weight decreased. The mean observed weight loss in BD patients treated with apremilast for 52 weeks was 0.52 kg. A total of 11.8% of patients receiving apremilast had observed weight loss between 5-10% while 3.8% of the patients receiving apremilast had observed weight loss greater than 10%. None of these patients had overt clinical consequences from weight loss. None of the patients discontinued the study due to adverse reaction of weight decreased.

Please see additional warning in section 4.4 for patients who are underweight at beginning of treatment. 

Special populations

Elderly patients

From post-marketing experience, elderly patients ≥ 65 years of age may be at a higher risk of complications of severe diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting (see section 4.4).

Patients with hepatic impairment

The safety of apremilast was not evaluated in PsA, PSOR or BD patients with hepatic impairment.

Patients with renal impairment 

In the PsA, PSOR or BD clinical studies, the safety profile observed in patients with mild renal impairment was comparable to patients with normal renal function. The safety of apremilast was not evaluated in PsA, PSOR or BD patients with moderate or severe renal impairment in the clinical studies.


Apremilast was studied in healthy subjects at a maximum total daily dose of 100 mg (given as 50 mg twice daily) for 4.5 days without evidence of dose limiting toxicities. In case of an overdose, it is recommended that the patient is monitored for any signs or symptoms of adverse effects and appropriate symptomatic treatment is instituted. In the event of overdose, symptomatic and supportive care is advised.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Immunosupressants, selective immunosuppressants, ATC code: L04AA32

Mechanism of action

Apremilast, an oral small-molecule inhibitor of phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4), works intracellularly to modulate a network of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory mediators. PDE4 is a cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)-specific PDE and the dominant PDE in inflammatory cells. PDE4 inhibition elevates intracellular cAMP levels, which in turn down-regulates the inflammatory response by modulating the expression of TNF-α, IL-23, IL-17 and other inflammatory cytokines. Cyclic AMP also modulates levels of anti-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-10. These pro- and anti-inflammatory mediators have been implicated in psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis.

Pharmacodynamic effects

In clinical studies in patients with psoriatic arthritis, Apremilast significantly modulated, but did not fully inhibit, plasma protein levels of IL-1α, IL-6, IL-8, MCP-1, MIP-1β, MMP-3, and TNF-α. After 40 weeks of treatment with Apremilast, there was a decrease in plasma protein levels of IL-17 and IL-23, and an increase in IL-10. In clinical trials in patients with psoriasis, Apremilast decreased lesional skin epidermal thickness, inflammatory cell infiltration, and expression of pro-inflammatory genes, including those for inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), IL-12/IL-23p40, IL-17A, IL-22 and IL-8. Apremilast administered at doses of up to 50 mg twice daily did not prolong the QT interval in healthy subjects.



Apremilast is well absorbed with an absolute oral bioavailability of approximately 73%, with peak plasma concentrations (Cmax) occurring at a median time (tmax) of approximately 2.5 hours. Apremilast pharmacokinetics are linear, with a dose-proportional increase in systemic exposure in the dose range of 10 to 100 mg daily. Accumulation is minimal when Apremilast is administered once daily and approximately 53% in healthy subjects and 68% in patients with psoriasis when administered twice daily. Co-administration with food does not alter the bioavailability therefore; Apremilast can be administered with or without food.


Human plasma protein binding of Apremilast is approximately 68%. The mean apparent volume of distribution (Vd) is 87 L, indicative of extravascular distribution.


Apremilast is extensively metabolised by both CYP and non-CYP mediated pathways including oxidation, hydrolysis, and conjugation, suggesting inhibition of a single clearance pathway is not likely to cause a marked drug-drug interaction. Oxidative metabolism of Apremilast is primarily mediated by CYP3A4, with minor contributions from CYP1A2 and CYP2A6. Apremilast is the major circulating component following oral administration. Apremilast undergoes extensive metabolism with only 3% and 7% of the administered parent compound recovered in urine and faeces, respectively. The major circulating inactive metabolite is the glucuronide conjugates of O-demethylated Apremilast (M12). Consistent with Apremilast being a substrate of CYP3A4, Apremilast exposure is decreased when administered concomitantly with rifampicin, a strong inducer of CYP3A4.

In vitro, Apremilast is not an inhibitor or inducer of cytochrome P450 enzymes. Hence, Apremilast co-administered with substrates of CYP enzymes is unlikely to affect the clearance and exposure of active substances that are metabolised by CYP enzymes.

In vitro, Apremilast is a substrate, and a weak inhibitor of P-glycoprotein (IC50>50μM), however clinically relevant drug interactions mediated via P-gp are not expected to occur.

In vitro, Apremilast has little to no inhibitory effect (IC50>10μM) on Organic Anion Transporter (OAT)1 and OAT3, Organic Cation Transporter (OCT)2, Organic Anion Transporting Polypeptide (OATP)1B1 and OATP1B3, or breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP) and is not a substrate for these transporters. Hence, clinically relevant drug-drug interactions are unlikely when Apremilast is co-administered with drugs that are substrates or inhibitors of these transporters.


The plasma clearance of Apremilast is on average about 10 L/hr in healthy subjects, with a terminal elimination half-life of approximately 9 hours. Following oral administration of radiolabelled Apremilast, about 58% and 39% of the radioactivity is recovered in urine and faeces, respectively, with about 3% and 7% of the radioactive dose recovered as Apremilast in urine and faeces, respectively.

Elderly patients

Apremilast was studied in young and elderly healthy subjects. The exposure in elderly subjects (65 to 85 years of age) is about 13% higher in AUC and about 6% higher in Cmax for Apremilast than that in young subjects (18 to 55 years of age). There is limited pharmacokinetic data in subjects over 75 years of age in clinical trials. No dosage adjustment is necessary for elderly patients.

Renal impairment

There is no meaningful difference in the PK of Apremilast between mild or moderate renally impaired subjects and matched healthy subjects (N=8 each). The results support that no dose adjustment is needed in patients with mild and moderate renal impairment. Apremilast dose should be reduced to 30 mg once daily in patients with severe renal impairment (eGFR less than 30 mL/min/1.73 m2 or CLcr < 30 mL/min). In 8 subjects with severe renal impairment to whom a single dose of 30 mg Apremilast was administered, the AUC and Cmax of Apremilast increased by approximately 89% and 42%, respectively.

Hepatic impairment

The pharmacokinetics of Apremilast and its major metabolite M12 are not affected by moderate or severe hepatic impairment. No dose adjustment is necessary for patients with hepatic impairment.

Long-term studies were conducted in mice and rats with Apremilast to evaluate its carcinogenic potential. No evidence of Apremilast-induced tumors was observed in mice at oral doses up to 8.8-times the Maximum Recommended Human Dose (MRHD) on an AUC basis (1000 mg/kg/day) or in rats at oral doses up to approximately 0.08- and 1.1-times the MRHD, (20 mg/kg/day in males and 3 mg/kg/day in females, respectively).

Apremilast tested negative in the Ames assay, in vitro chromosome aberration assay of human peripheral blood lymphocytes, and the in vivo mouse micronucleus assay. In a fertility study of male mice, Apremilast at oral doses up to approximately 3-times the MRHD based on AUC (up to 50 mg/kg/day) produced no effects on male fertility. In a fertility study of female mice, Apremilast was administered at oral doses of 10, 20, 40, or 80 mg/kg/day. At doses ≥1.8-times the MRHD (≥20 mg/kg/day), estrous cycles were prolonged, due to lengthening of diestrus which resulted in a longer interval until mating. Mice that became pregnant at doses of 20 mg/kg/day and greater also had increased incidences of early post implantation losses. There was no effect of Apremilast approximately 1.0-times the MRHD (10 mg/kg/day).


No fertility data is available in humans. In animal studies in mice, no adverse effects on fertility were observed in males at exposure levels 3-fold clinical exposure and in females at exposure levels 1-fold clinical exposure.

Lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stearate, polyvinyl alcohol, polyethylene glycol 6000, talc, titanium dioxide, yellow iron oxide, red iron oxide, black iron oxide.


24 months.

Store below 30°C.

As with all medicines, keep this product out of the reach of children.

Wetzo® Tablets 10 mg: Pink coloured, circular, biconvex, film coated tablets debossed with “U 47” on one side and plain on the other side, presented in PVC/Alu blisters, intended for oral use.

Wetzo® Tablets 20 mg: Brown coloured, circular, biconvex, film coated tablets debossed with “U 48” on one side and plain on the other side, presented in PVC/Alu blisters, intended for oral use.

Wetzo® Tablets 30 mg Beige coloured, circular, biconvex, film coated tablets debossed with “U 49” on one side and plain on the other side, presented in PVC/Alu blisters, intended for oral use.

Pack Size:

• The treatment starter pack contains 28 Film Coated Tablets (4 tablets of 10mg, 4 tablets of 20mg and 20 tablets of 30mg).

• The one-month standard pack contains 56 x 30mg Film Coated Tablets.

No special requirements.

Med City Pharma – KSA. Tel: 00966920003288 Fax: 00966126358138 Mobile: 00966555786968 P.O .Box: 42512 - Jeddah 21551 E-mail: MD.admin@axantia.com Manufactured by: Macleods Pharmaceuticals Limited – India.


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