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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

This medicine is used to treat low blood pressure that can occur during spinal or epidural anaesthesia.

Do not use Ephedrine Injection if:
- you are allergic to ephedrine hydrochloride or to any of the other ingredients of this medicine (listed in section 6).
- you are taking another indirect sympathomimetic agent such as phenylpropanolamine, phenylephrine, pseudoephedrine (medicines used to relieve blocked nose) or methylphenidate (medicine used to treat “attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)”),
- you are taking an alpha sympathomimetic agent (medicines used to treat low blood pressure),
- you are taking or have taken in the last 14 days a non-selective monoamine oxidase inhibitor (medicines used to treat depression).
Warnings and precautions
Talk to your doctor before using Ephedrine Injection if:
- you are a diabetic;
- you suffer from heart disease or any other heart condition, including angina;
- you suffer from weakness in a blood vessel wall leading to a bulge developing (aneurysm);
- you have a high blood pressure

- you have a narrowing and/or blockage of blood vessels (occlusive vascular disorders) - you have an overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism);
- you know or suspect that you suffer from glaucoma (increased pressure in your eyes) or prostatic hypertrophy (enlarged prostate gland);
- you are about to have an operation which requires that you are given an anaesthetic;
- you are currently taking or have taken within the last 14 days any monoamine oxidase inhibitor medicine used to treat depression.
Other medicines and Ephedrine Injection
Tell your doctor if you are using, have recently used or might use any other medicines. This is especially important for the following medicines:
- methylphenidate, used to treat “attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)”;
- indirect stimulators of the sympathetic nervous system such as phenylpropanolamine or pseudoephedrine (medicines used in nasal decongestant), phenylephrine (a medicine used to treat hypotension);
- direct stimulators of alpha receptors of the sympathetic nervous system (oral and/or nasal use) that are used to treat hypotension or nasal congestion, among others;
- medicines used to treat depression;
- Ergot alkaloids, a type of medicines used as vasoconstrictors (narrowing blood vessels) or for their dopaminergic action (increasing the dopamine-related activity in the brain).
- linezolid, used to treat infections;
- guanethidine and related medicines, used to treat high blood pressure;
- sibutramine, a medicine used as an appetite suppressant;
- anaesthetics that are inhaled such as halothane;
- medicines used to treat asthma such as theophylline;
- corticosteroids, a type of medicines used to relieve swelling in a variety of different conditions;
- medicines for epilepsy;
- doxapram, a medicine used to treat breathing problems;
- oxytocin, a medicine used during labour;
- reserpine and methyldopa and related medicines, used to treat high blood pressure
Pregnancy and breast-feeding
Ephedrine should be avoided or used with caution, and only if necessary, during pregnancy.
Depending on your condition, and following your doctor recommendation, breast-feeding could be suspended for several days following ephedrine administration.
If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, think you may be pregnant or are planning to have a baby, ask your doctor, pharmacist or nurse for advice before being given this medicine.
Laboratory Testing
This medicinal product contains an active ingredient that can induce positive results in anti-doping controls.
Ephedrine Injection contains sodium
This medicine contains 3.39 mg sodium (main component of cooking/table salt) in each 10 ml pre-filled syringe. This is equivalent to 1.7% of the recommended maximum daily dietary intake of sodium for an adult.

Your doctor or nurse will administer Ephedrine Injection to you into a vein (intravenous). Your doctor will decide the correct dosage for you and when and how the injection should be administered.
The recommended doses are:
Adults and elderly
You will be given a slow injection of 3 to 6 mg (maximum 9 mg) into a vein, repeated, if necessary, every 3-4 minutes to a maximum of 30 mg.
The total dose must be lower than 150 mg/24 hours.
Use in children and adolescents
• Children under 12 years
Ephedrine Hydrochloride 3 mg/ml solution for Injection in Prefilled Syringe is not recommended for use in children under 12 years old due to insufficient data on efficacy, safety and dosage recommendations.
• Children over 12 years
The posology and method of administration is the same as for adults.
Patients with kidney or liver disease:
There are no dose adjustment recommended for patients with kidney or liver disease.
If you have any further questions on the use of this medicine, ask your doctor, pharmacist or nurse.

Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.
The most serious side effects that will require immediate medical attention from your doctor are:
- abnormal heart rhythm;
- palpitations, high blood pressure, fast heartbeat;
- pain over the heart, slow heartbeat, low blood pressure;
- heart failure (cardiac arrest),
- bleeding in the brain;
- build up of a fluid within the lungs (pulmonary oedema).
- increased pressure in the eye (glaucoma);
- difficulty in passing urine.
Other side effects that you may experience while taking this medicine are listed below.
Common (may affect up to 1 in 10 people):
- confusion, feeling worried, depression;
- nervousness, irritability, restlessness, weakness, sleeping problems, headache, sweating;
- shortness of breath.
- nausea, vomiting.
Not known (frequency cannot be estimated from the available data):
- affects blood clotting;
- allergy;
- change in your personality or the way you feel or think, fear;
- tremor, excessive saliva production;
- reduced appetite;
- a decrease in blood potassium levels, changes in blood glucose levels;

Store below 30°C.
Keep this medicine out of the sight and reach of children.
You should not be given this medicine if it has passed the expiry date shown on the carton and syringe label. Your doctor or nurse will check this.
Store the blister in the outer carton in order to protect from light.
Any unused product or waste material should be thrown away in accordance with local requirements.

• The active ingredient is ephedrine hydrochloride. Each ml of solution for injection contains 3 mg ephedrine hydrochloride. Each 10 ml prefilled syringe contains 30 mg ephedrine hydrochloride.
• The other ingredients are sodium chloride, citric acid monohydrate, sodium citrate and water for injections and may contain hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide (for pH adjustments).

Ephedrine Injection is a clear and colourless liquid. It is supplied in a 10 ml polypropylene prefilled syringe with a polypropylene tip cap and tamper proof seal, individually packaged in a transparent blister pack. The prefilled syringes are available in box of 10 syringes.

1, rue Alexander Fleming
69007 LYON

  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

يستخدم هذا الدواء لعلاج انخفاض ضغط الدم الذي يمكن ان يحدث أثناء التخدیر النخاعي (داخل العمود الفقري) أو فوق الجافية.

لا تستخدم إفيدرين محلول للحقن إذا:

- إذا  كنت تعاني من حساسیة لإفدرين أو أيّ من المكونا ت الأخرى لهذا الدواء المُدرجة في القسم 6.

- كنت تتناول أحد المحفزات غير المباشرة للجهاز العصبي الودي مثل فينيل بروبانولامين أو فينيليفرين أو سودوافيدرين (أدوية تستخدم لتخفيف انسداد الأنف) أو ميثيل فينيدات (دواء يستخدم لعلاج "اضطراب نقص الانتباه وفرط النشاط (ADHD)"), 

- كنت تتناول أحد المحفزات المباشرة لمستقبلات ألفا للجهاز العصبي الودي (أدوية تستخدم لعلاج انخفاض ضغط الدم), 

- كنت تتناول حاليا أو تناولت في غضون الأيام ال 14 الماضية أي دواء من مثبطات أكسيداز أحادي الأمين المستخدمة لعلاج الاكتئاب.

تحذيرات واحتياطات
تحدث الى طبيبك قبل استخدام حقن الإفيدرين إذا:
- كنت مريضا بالسكري
- كنت تعاني من أمراض القلب أو أي حالة قلبية أخرى, بما في ذلك الذببحة الصدرية ؛
-  كنت تعاني من ضعف في جدار الأوعية الدموية مما يؤدي الى ظهور انتفاخ (تمدد في الأوعيد الدموية)؛
- لديك ارتفاع في ضغط الدم؛
- لديك تضيَق و/أو انسداد في الأوعية الدموية (اضطرابات الأوعية الدموية الانسدادية)
-  لديك فرط نشاط الغدة الدرقية؛
- كنت تعرف أو تشك في أنك تعاني من الزَرق (زيادة الضغط في عينيك) أو تضخك غدة البروستاتا ؛ 
- كنت على وشك إجراء عملية تتطلّب إعطائك مُخدر؛
- كنت تتناول حاليا أو تناولت في غضون الأيام ال 14 الماضية أي دواء من مثبطات أكسيداز أحادي الأمين المستخدمة لعلاج الإكتئاب
أدوية أخرى و إيفيدرين  محلول للحقن:

أخبر طبيبك إذا كنت تسـتخدم أو اسـتخدمت مؤخرا أو قد تسـتخدم أي أدوية أخرى. وهذا مهم بشـكل خاص للأدوية التالية:

-  ميثيل فينيدات: يستخدم لعلاج "اضطراب نقص الانتباه وفرط النشاط (ADHD)"

- المحفزات غير المباشرة للجهاز العصبي الودي مثل فينيل برومانولامين أو سودوافيدرين (أدوية مستخدمه لإزالة احتقان الأنف), فينيليفرين (دواء يستخدم انخفاض ضغط الدم )؛

- المحفزات المباشرة لمستقبلات ألفا للجهاز العصبي الودي (للاستخدام الفموي و/أو الأنفي) التي تستخدم لعلاج انخفاض ضغط الدم أو احتقان الأنف؛

- الأدوية المستخدمة لعلاج الاكتئاب؛

- قلويدات الإرغوت, وهي نوع من الأدوية المستخدمة كمضيق للأوعية أو لتأثيرها الدوباميني (زيادة النشاط المرتبط بالدوماين في الدماغ)؛

- لينيزوليد المستخدم لعلاج العدوى ؛

- جوانيثيدين والأدوية ذات الصلة المستخدمه لعلاج ارتفاع ضغط الدم؛

- سيبوترامين, دواء يستخدم كمثبَط للشَهية.

- أدوية التخدير التي يتم استنشاقها مثل الهالوثان؛

- الأدوية المستخدمه لعلاج الربو مثل الثيوفيلين؛

- الكورتيكوستيرويدات (الستيرويدات القشرية), وهي نوع من الأدوية تستخدم لتخفيف الانتفاخ في عدد من الحالات المختلفه؛

- دوكسابرام وهو دواء يستخدم لعلاج مشاكل التنفس؛

-  أوكسيتوسين وهو دواء يستخدم أثناء الولادة؛

- ريسيربين وميثيل دوبا والأدوية ذات الصلة, والتي تستخدم لعلاج ارتفاع ضغط الدم.

الحمل والرضاعة الطبيعية


يجب تجنًب الإفيدرين أو استخدامه بحذر , وفقط عند الضرورة, أثناء الحمل.

يمكن إيقاف الرضاعه الطبيعية لعدة أيام بعد تناول الإفيدرين وذلك اعتمادا على حالتك, ووفقا لتوجيهات طبيبك.

إذا كنت حاملا أو مرضعة أو تعتقدين أنك حامل أو تخططين لإنجاب طفل, فاستشيري طبيبك أو الصيدلي أو الممرضة قبل إعطائك هذا الدواءز

الفحوصات المخبرية

يحتوي هذا المنتج الطبي على عنصر نشط يمكن أن يؤدي إلى نتائج إيجابية في ضوابط مكافحة المنشطاتز

يحتوي إفيدرين محلول للحقن على الصوديوم

يحتوي هذا الدواء على 3,39 مجم صوديوم (المكون الرئيسي لملح الطعام) في كل محقنة مملوءة مسبقا سعة 10ملز وهذا يعادل 1,7% من الحد الأقصى الموصى به من الحصة الغذائية اليومية للشخص البالغ.



سيقوم طبيبك أو ممرضتك بإعطاء حقنة الإفيدرين لك من الوريدز سيحدد طبيبك الجرعة الصحيحة لك ومتى وكيف ينبغي إعطاء الحقنة.

الجرعات الموصى بها:

البالغين وكبار السن:

سوف يتم حقنك بمعدل بطيء يتراوح من 3 إلى 6 مجم (9 مجم كحد أقصى) في أحد الأوردة, ويتم تكراراه, إذا لزم الأمر, كل 3 إلى 4 دقائق بحد أقصى قدره 30مجم.

يجب أن تكون الجرعة الإجمالية أقل من 150مجم/24 ساعة.

الاستخدام في الأطفال والمراهقين
• الأطفال أقل من 12 سنة

لا ينصح باستخدام إفيدرين هيدروكلورايد 3مجم/مل للمحلول للحقن في حقنة مملوءة مسبقًا في الأطفال االذين تقل أعمارهم عن 12 سنة بسبب عدم كفاية البيانات المتعلقة بالفعالية والسلامة والجرعة الموصى بها.

• الأطفال فوق 12 سنة

الجرعة وطريقة الإعطاء هي نفسها التي للبالغین.
المرضى المصابون بأمراض الكلى أو الكبد:
لا يوجد تعديل للجرعة الموصى بها للمرضى المصابون بأمراض الكلى أو الكبد
إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة أخرى حول استخدام هذا الدواء، فاسأل طبيبك أو الصبدلي أو الممرضة.

مثل جميع الأدوية, ممكن أن يسبِّب هذا الدواء أعراضا جانبية، ومع ذلك فإنها لا تحدّث لدى الجميع.

الأعراض الجانبية الأكثر خطورة التي سوف تتطلب عناية طبية فورية من طبيبك هي:

- اضطراب نظْم القلب؛
-  خفقان، ارتفاع ضغط الدم، سرعة ضربات القلب.
- ألم في الصدر، بطءضربات القلب. انخفاض ضغط الدم؛
- قصور القلب (سكتة قلبية)؛
- نزيف في الدماغ؛
 - تراكم سائل داخل الرئتين (وذمة رئويه)
- زيادة الضغط في العين (الزرق)؛ 

- صعوبة في التبول.

الأعراض الجانبة الأخرى التي قد تواجهها أثناء تناول هذا الدواء مدرجة أدناه.

شائع ((قد تؤثر على مايصل إلى 1 من 10 أشخاص):

- الارتباك، الشعور بالقلق، الاكتئاب؛ 
- العصبیة والتهيج والأرق والضّعف ومشاكل في النوم والصداع وال تّعرق.
- ضيق في التّنفس؛
- غثيان، قيء.

غير معروف (لا يمكن تقدير التكرار من البيانات المتاحة):

- تغيرا ت في تخثّر الدم؛
- حساسية؛
- تغير في شخصيتك أو الطريقة التي تشعر بها أو تفكر بها, خوف؛
- ارتعاش، إنتاج مُفرِط للعا ب ؛
- انخفاض الشهية؛

- انخفاض في مستويات البوتاسيوم في الدم, تغيرات في مستويات السكر في الدم.

احفظه في درجة حرارة أقل من 30 درجة مئوية.
احفظ هذا الدواء بعيدا عن مرأى ومتناول الأطفال.

جب عدم إعطائك هذا الدواء إذا كان قد تجاوز تاريخخ انتهاء الصلاحية الموضّح على مُلصَق الكرتون والمِحقنة.

سوف يقةم طبيبك أو ممرضتك بفحص ذلك.

قم بتخزين الغلاف الفقاعي الذي يحتوي على المحقنة في الكرتون الخارجي لحمايته من الضوء.

يجب التخلص من أي منتج غير مستخدم أو مواد نفايات وفقا للمتطلبات المحلية.


• المادة الفعالة هو الايفيدرين هيدروكلوريد. يحتوي كل مل من محلول الحقن على 3 ملغ من الايفيدرين هيدروكلوريد.  تحتوي كل محقنة معبأة مسبقا سعة 10 مل- على 30 ملغ من الايفيدرين هيدروكلوريد. • المكونات الأخرى هي كلوريد الصوديوم ، وحمض الستريك أحادي الهيدرات ، وسيترات الصوديوم والماء مخصص للحقن ويمكن أن  تحتوي على حمض الهيدروكلوريك أو هيدروكسيد الصوديوم (لتعديلات درجة الحموضة)

إيفيدرين محلول للحقن هو سائل صافٍ وعديم اللون. يتوفر في محقنة سعة 10 مل كم عديد البروبيلين معبأ مسبقا  مع غطاء للفوهه من عديد البروبيلين وختم لمنع العبث ، ويتم تعبئتها بشكل فردي في غلاف فقاعي شفاف 


المحاقن المعبأة مسبقا متوفرة في صندوق من 10 محاقن.

لابوراتوري أغيتان

1 شارع الكسندر فليمنغ 

69007 ليون


 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

EPHEDRINE 3 mg/ml, solution for injection in pre-filled syringe

Each ml of Solution for Injection contains 3 mg ephedrine hydrochloride, corresponding to 2.46 mg ephedrine. Each 10 ml pre-filled syringe contains 30 mg ephedrine hydrochloride, corresponding to 24.6 mg ephedrine. Excipient with known effect: This medicinal product contains sodium. Each ml of Solution for Injection contains 3.39 mg equivalent to 0.15 mmol of sodium. Each 10 ml pre-filled syringe contains 33.9 mg equivalent to 1.5 mmol of sodium. For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Solution for injection (Injection). Clear, colourless liquid pH = 4.5 to 5.5 Osmolality: between 270 – 300 mOsm/kg.

Treatment of hypotension from spinal or epidural anaesthesia

Slow intravenous injection of 3 to 6 mg (maximum 9 mg), repeated as needed every 3-4 min to a maximum of 30 mg. A lack of efficacy after 30 mg should lead to reconsideration of the choice of the therapeutic agent.
The dose administered for 24 hours must not exceed 150 mg.
Paediatric population
Ephedrine Hydrochloride 3 mg/ml solution for Injection in Prefilled Syringe is generally not recommended for use in children due to insufficient data on efficacy, safety and dosage recommendations.
• Children under 12 years
The safety and efficacy of ephedrine in paediatric patients under 12 years have not been established. No data are available.
• Children over 12 years
The posology and method of administration is the same as for adults.
Patients with renal or hepatic impairment
There are no dose adjustment recommended for patients with renal or hepatic impairment.

As for adults.
Method of administration
Ephedrine must be used solely by or under the supervision of the anaesthetist as an injection via intravenous route.
For intravenous use.

Ephedrine should not be used in case of: • Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1. • In combination with other indirect sympathomimetic agents such as phenylpropanolamine, phenylephrine, pseudoephedrine and methylphenidate. • In combination with alpha sympathomimetic agents. • In combination with non-selective MAO inhibitors or within 14 days of their withdrawal.

Ephedrine should be used with caution in patients who may be particularly susceptible to their effects, particularly those with hyperthyroidism. Great care is also needed in patients with cardiovascular disease such as ischaemic heart disease, arrhythmia or tachycardia, occlusive vascular disorders including arteriosclerosis, hypertension, or aneurysms. Anginal pain may be precipitated in patients with angina pectoris.
Care is also required when ephedrine is given to patients with diabetes mellitus, closed-angle glaucoma or prostatic hypertrophy.
Ephedrine should be avoided or used with caution in patients undergoing anaesthesia with cyclopropane, halothane, or other halogenated anaesthetics, as they may induce ventricular fibrillation. An increased risk of arrhythmia may also occur if ephedrine is given to patients receiving cardiac glycosides, quinidine, or tricyclic antidepressants.
Many sympathomimetics interact with monoamine oxidase inhibitors, and should not be given to patients receiving such treatment or within 14 days of its termination. It is advisable to avoid sympathomimetics when taking selective MAO inhibitors.
Ephedrine increases blood pressure and therefore special care is advisable in patients receiving antihypertensive therapy. Interactions of ephedrine with alpha- and beta-blocking drugs may be complex. Propranolol and other beta-adrenoceptor blocking agents antagonise the effects of beta2 adrenoceptor stimulants (beta2 agonists) such as salbutamol.

Adverse metabolic effects of high doses of beta2 agonists may be exacerbated by concomitant administration of high doses of corticosteroids; patients should therefore be monitored carefully when the 2 forms of therapy are used together although this precaution is not so applicable to inhaled corticotherapy. Hypokalaemia associated with high doses of beta2 agonists may result in increased susceptibility to digitalis-induced cardiac arrhythmia. Hypokalaemia may be enhanced by concomitant administration of aminophylline or other xanthines, corticosteroids, or by diuretic therapy.
Precautions for use
Ephedrine should be used with caution in patients with a history of cardiac disease.

Athletes should be informed that this preparation contains an active substance which might give a positive reaction in anti-doping tests.
Check that the solution is clear and contains no visible particles before infusion.
This medicinal product contains sodium:
This medicinal product contains 33.9 mg of sodium per 10 ml pre-filled syringe, equivalent to 1.7% of the WHO recommended maximum daily intake of 2 g sodium for an adult..

Contraindicated combinations:
Indirect sympathomimetic agents (phenylpropanolamine, pseudoephedrine, phenylephrine, methylphenidate)
Risk of vasoconstriction and/or of acute episodes of hypertension.
Alpha sympathomimetics (oral and/or nasal route of administration)
Risk of vasoconstriction and/or episodes of hypertension.
Non-selective MAO inhibitors
Paroxysmal hypertension, hyperthermia possibly fatal.
Combinations not recommended:
Ergot alkaloids (dopaminergic action)
Risk of vasoconstriction and/or episodes of hypertension.
Ergot alkaloids (vasoconstrictors)
Risk of vasoconstriction and/or episodes of hypertension.
Selective MAO-A inhibitors (administered concomitantly or within the last 2 weeks):
Risk of vasoconstriction and/or episodes of hypertension.
Risk of vasoconstriction and/or episodes of hypertension.

Tricyclic antidepressants (e.g. imipramine)
Paroxysmal hypertension with possibility of arrhythmia (inhibition of adrenaline or noradrenaline entry in sympathetic fibres).
Noradrenergic-serotoninergic antidepressants (minalcipran, venlafaxine)
Paroxysmal hypertension with possibility of arrhythmia (inhibition of adrenaline or noradrenaline entry in sympathetic fibres).
Guanethidine and related products
Substantial increase in blood pressure (hyperreactivity linked to the reduction in sympathetic tone and/or to the inhibition of adrenaline or noradrenaline entry in sympathetic fibres).
If the combination cannot be avoided, use with caution lower doses of sympathomimetic agents.
Paroxysmal hypertension with possibility of arrhythmia (inhibition of adrenaline or noradrenaline entry in sympathetic fibres).
Halogenated volatile anaesthetics
Risk of perioperative hypertensive crisis and serious ventricular arrhythmias.

Combinations requiring precautions for use:
Concomitant administration of ephedrine and theophylline may result in insomnia, nervousness and gastrointestinal complaints.
Ephedrine has been shown to increase the clearance of dexamethasone.
increased plasma concentration of phenytoin and possibly of phenobarbitone and primidone.
Risk of hypertension.
Hypertension with vasoconstrictor sympathomimetics.
Hypotensive agents
Reserpine and methyldopa may reduce the vasopressor action of ephedrine.

Studies in animals have shown a teratogenic effect.
Clinical data from epidemiological studies on a limited number of women appear to indicate no particular effects of ephedrine with respect to malformation.
Isolated cases of maternal hypertension have been described after abuse or prolonged use of vasoconstrictor amines.
Ephedrine crosses the placenta and this has been associated with an increase in foetal heart rate and beat-to-beat variability.
Therefore, ephedrine should be avoided or used with caution, and only if necessary, during pregnancy.
Ephedrine is excreted in breast milk. Irritability and disturbed sleep patterns have been reported in breast-fed infants. There is evidence that ephedrine is eliminated within 21 to 42 hours after administration, therefore a decision needs to be made on whether to avoid ephedrine therapy or lactation should be suspended for 2 days following its administration taking into account the benefit of breastfeeding for the child and the benefit of therapy for the woman.

No data available.

Not relevant.

Very common: ≥1/10; Common: ≥1/100, <1/10; Uncommon: ≥1/1,000, <1/100; Rare: ≥1/10,000, <1/1,000; Very rare: <1/10,000; Not known: cannot be estimated from the available data
Blood and lymphatic system disorders:
Not known: primary haemostasis modifications.

Immune system disorders:
Not known: hypersensitivity
Psychiatric disorders:
Common: confusion, anxiety, depression
Not known: psychotic states, fear
Nervous system disorders:
Common: nervousness, irritability, restlessness, weakness, insomnia, headache, sweating
Not known: tremor, hypersalivation
Eye disorders:
Not known: episodes of angle-closure glaucoma
Cardiac disorders:
Common: palpitations, hypertension, tachycardia
Rare: cardiac arrhythmia
Not known: anginal pain, reflex bradycardia, cardiac arrest, hypotension
Vascular disorders:
Not known: cerebral haemorrhage
Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders:
Common: dyspnoea
Not known: pulmonary oedema

Gastrointestinal disorders:
Common: nausea, vomiting
Not known: reduced appetite
Renal and urinary disorders:
Rare: acute urinary retention
Not known: hypokalaemia, changes in blood glucose levels

In the event of overdose, the occurrence of nausea, vomiting, fever, paranoid psychosis, ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmia, hypertension, respiratory depression, convulsions and coma is observed.
The lethal dose in humans is approximately 2 g corresponding to blood concentrations of approximately 3.5 to 20 mg/l.
The management of ephedrine overdose with this product may require intensive supportive treatment. Slow intravenous injection of labetalol 50-200mg may be given with electrocardiograph monitoring for the treatment of supraventricular tachycardia. Marked hypokalaemia (<2.8mmol.l-1) due to compartmental shift of potassium predisposes to cardiac arrhythmia and may be corrected by infusing potassium chloride in addition to propranolol and correcting respiratory alkalosis, when present.
A benzodiazepine and/or a neuroleptic agent may be required to control CNS stimulant effects.
For severe hypertension, parenteral antihypertensive options include intravenous nitrates, calcium channel blockers, sodium nitroprusside, labetalol or phentolamine. The choice of antihypertensive drug is dependent on availability, concomitant conditions and the clinical status of the patient.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Adrenergic and Dopaminergic Agent, ATC code: C01CA26
Ephedrine is a sympathomimetic amine acting directly on the alpha and beta receptors and indirectly by increasing the release of noradrenaline by the sympathetic nerve endings. As with any sympathomimetic agent, ephedrine stimulates the central nervous system, the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system, and the sphincters of the digestive and urinary systems. Ephedrine is also a monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor.

After intravenous administration, ephedrine is completely biologically available, and after oral administration, the bioavailability of ephedrine has been reported to be above 90%.
Excretion depends on urine pH:
From 73 to 99% (mean: 88%) in acidic urine,
From 22 to 35% (mean: 27%) in alkaline urine.
After oral or parenteral administration, 77% of ephedrine is excreted in unchanged form in the urine.
The half-life depends on urine pH. When the urine is acidified at pH = 5, the half-life is 3 hours; when the urine is rendered alkaline at pH = 6.3, the half-life is approximately 6 hours.

There is no pre-clinical data of relevance to the prescriber which is additional to that already included in other sections of the SPC.

Sodium chloride
Citric acid monohydrate
Sodium citrate
Hydrochloric acid (for pH adjustment)
Sodium hydroxide (for pH adjustment)
Water for injections

In the absence of compatibility studies, this medicinal product must not be mixed with other medicinal products.

3 years. After opening: the product must be used immediately.

Store the blister in the outer carton in order to protect from light.
Store below 30°C.

10 ml polypropylene pre-filled syringe with a polypropylene tip cap and tamper proof seal, individually packaged in a transparent blister pack. The prefilled syringes are available in box of 10.

Instructions for use:
Please prepare the syringe carefully as follows
The pre-filled syringe is for single patient only.
Discard syringe after use. DO NOT REUSE.
The content of un-opened and un-damaged blister is sterile, and must not be opened until use.
The product should be inspected visually for particles and discoloration prior to administration. Only clear colourless solution free from particles or precipitates should be used.
The product should not be used if the tamper evident seal on syringe is broken.
The external surface of syringe is sterile until blister is opened.
1) Withdraw the pre-filled syringe from the sterile blister.

2) Push on the plunger to free the bung.

3) Twist off the end cap to break the seals

4) Check the syringe seal has been completely removed. If not, replace the cap and twist again.

5) Expel the air by gently pushing the plunger.
6) Connect the syringe to the IV access. Push the plunger slowly to inject the required volume.
Any unused medicinal product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements


Laboratoire AGUETTANT 1, rue Alexander Fleming 69007 Lyon FRANCE

November 2021

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