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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

STAQUIS is a prescription medicine used on the skin (topical) to treat mild to moderate eczema (atopic dermatitis) in adults and children 3 months of age and older.


It is not known if STAQUIS is safe and effective in children under 3 months of age.

Do not use STAQUIS:

-        if you are allergic to Crisaborole or any of the other ingredients of this medicine (listed in section 6).


Warnings and precautions

Talk to your doctor or pharmacist or nurse before taking Staquis about all f your medical conditions, including if you:

·      are pregnant or plan to become pregnant.  It is not known if STAQUIS will harm your unborn baby.

·      are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed.  It is not known if STAQUIS passes into your breast milk.


Do not use STAQUIS in your eyes, mouth, or vagina.



The safety and effectiveness of STAQUIS in pediatric patients below the age of 3 months have not been established



Clinical studies of STAQUIS did not include sufficient numbers of subjects age 65 and over to determine whether they respond differently from younger subjects.


Other medicines and Staquis

Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken  or might take use any other medicines.


Pregnancy and, breast-feeding and fertility


If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, think you may be pregnant or are planning to have a baby, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking this medicine.


Driving and using machines

Staquis effect on your ability to drive and use machines has not been established.

·      Use STAQUIS exactly as your healthcare provider tells you to use it.

·      Apply a thin layer of STAQUIS to the affected areas 2 times each day or as directed by your healthcare provider.

·      Wash your hands after applying STAQUIS, unless hands are being treated. If someone else applies STAQUIS for you, they should wash their hands after applying STAQUIS.

Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.


If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse. This includes any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet.


Allergic reactions: STAQUIS may cause allergic reactions at or near the application site or at a distant site which may be serious.  Stop using STAQUIS and get medical help right away if you have any symptoms of an allergic reaction including:

-          trouble breathing or throat tightness

-          chest tightness

-          feeling faint

-          swelling of your face, eyelids, lips, mouth, tongue or throat

-          hives

-          itching

-          redness


The most common side effect of STAQUIS is application site pain, such as burning or stinging.

This is not the only possible side effect of STAQUIS


Reporting side effects:

If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist. This includes any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet. You can also report side effects directly to National Pharmacovigilance & Drug Safety Centre (NPC). By reporting side effects you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine.


To report side effects:


·         Saudi Arabia


The National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC):

·         SFDA Call Center: 19999

·         E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa

·         Website: www.ade.sfda.gov.sa


·         Other GCC States


-    Please contact the relevant competent authority.

Store below 30 °C.


Keep this medicine out of the reach and sight of children


Keep tube tightly closed.


Do not use this Staquis after the expiry date which is stated on the tube and carton after “EXP”. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.


Do not use this medicine if you notice visible signs of deterioration.


Do not throw away any medicines via wastewater. Ask your pharmacist how to throw away medicines you no longer use. These measures will help protect the environment.

-                 The active substance is crisaborole.

One g of ointment contains 20 mg of crisaborole.


-                 The other ingredients are white petrolatum USP, propylene glycol USP, mono- and di-glycerides NF, paraffin NF, butylated hydroxytoluene NF, and edetate calcium disodium USP.

STAQUIS is a white to off-white ointment containing 2% crisaborole and is supplied in 60 g laminate tubes.

Marketing Authorisation Holder


Pfizer Inc., USA


Manufactured by:


Pharmacia & Upjohn Company

Kalamazoo, USA



April 2023
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

ستاكيوس هو دواء يؤخذ بوصفة طبية يستخدم على الجلد (استخدام موضعي) لعلاج الإكزيما الخفيفة إلى المتوسطة (التهاب الجلد التأتبي) في البالغين والأطفال الذين يبلغون من العمر 3 أشهر فأكثر.


من غير المعروف ما إذا كان ستاكيوس آمنًا وفعالًا مع الأطفال الأقل عمرًا من 3 أشهر أم لا.


موانع استعمال ستاكيوس

-        إذا كنت مصابًا بالحساسية تجاه كريزابرول أو أي من المكونات الأخرى لهذا الدواء (المدرجة في القسم ٦).


الاحتياطات عند استعمال ستاكيوس

أخبر طبيبك أو الصيدلي أو الممرضة قبل تناول ستاكيوس بكل حالاتك الطبية، بما في ذلك إذا:

·     كنتِ حاملًا أو تخططين للحمل.  من غير المعروف إذا ما كان ستاكيوس سيضر بجنينكِ أم لا.

•   كنتِ تُرضعين رضاعة طبيعية أو تخططين لذلك.  من غير المعروف إذا ما كان ستاكيوس يمر إلى لبن الثدي لديكِ أم لا.


يُمنع وضع ستاكيوس على العينين أو الفم أو المهبل.



لم يتم إثبات سلامة وفعالية ستاكيوس مع المرضى من الأطفال الذين يقل عمرهم عن ٣ أشهر



لم تتضمن الدراسات الإكلينيكية على ستاكيوس عددًا كافيًا من الأشخاص الخاضعين للدراسة البالغين من العمر ٦٥ عامًا فأكثر لتحديد ما إذا كانوا سيستجيبون بشكل مختلف عن الأشخاص الخاضعين للدراسة الأصغر عمرًا أم لا.


التداخلات الدوائية من أخذ هذا المستحضر مع أي أدوية أخرى أو أعشاب أو مكملات غذائية

أخبر طبيبك أو الصيدلي إذا كنت تتناول أو تناولت مؤخرًا أو قد تتناول أي أدوية أخرى.


الحمل والرضاعة


إذا كنتِ حاملًا أو تُرضعين رضاعة طبيعية، أو تعتقدين أنكِ ربما تكونين حاملًا، أو تخططين للإنجاب، فاستشيري طبيبكِ أو الصيدلي قبل تناول هذا الدواء.


تأثير ستاكيوس في القيادة واستخدام الآلات



لم يثبت تأثير ستاكيوس في قدرتك على القيادة واستخدام الآلات.



·      استخدم ستاكيوس تمامًا كما يخبرك مُقدم الرعاية الصحية الخاص بك.

·      ضع طبقة رقيقة من ستاكيوس على المناطق المصابة مرتين كل يوم أو كما يوجهك مقدم الرعاية الصحية.

·      اغسل يديك بعد وضع ستاكيوس، إلا إذا كان يستخدم لعلاج اليدين. إذا قام شخص آخر بوضع ستاكويس لك، ينبغي له غسل يديه بعد وضعه.

كما هو الحال بالنسبة لجميع الأدوية، يمكن أن يسبب هذا الدواء أعراضًا جانبية، غير أنها لا تصيب الجميع.


إذا أصبت بأي أعراض جانبية، فتحدث إلى طبيبك أو الصيدلي أو الممرضة. يتضمن هذا أي أعراض جانبية محتملة غير مدرجة في هذه النشرة.


تفاعلات الحساسية: قد يسبب ستاكيوس تفاعلات حساسية في موضع الاستخدام أو بجانبه أو في موضع بعيد عنه، وقد تكون هذه التفاعلات خطيرة. توقف عن استخدام ستاكيوس واحصل على مساعدة طبية فورًا إذا ظهرت عليك أي من أعراض تفاعل الحساسية، بما في ذلك:

-          صعوبة التنفس أو تضيق الحلق

-          ضيق الصدر

-          الشعور بالدوار

-          تورم وجهك أو جفنيك أو شفتيك أو فمك أو لسانك أو حلقك

-          الشرى

-          الحكة

-          الاحمرار


العرض الجانبي الأكثر شيوعًا لستاكيوس هو الألم في موضع الاستخدام، مثل الشعور بحرقة أو وخز.

هذا ليس العرض الجانبي الوحيد المحتمل لستاكيوس


الإبلاغ عن الأعراض الجانبية:

إذا أصبت بأي أعراض جانبية، فتحدث إلى طبيبك أو الصيدلي. يتضمن هذا أي أعراض جانبية لم يتم ذكرها في هذه النشرة. يمكنك أيضًا الإبلاغ عن الأعراض الجانبية مباشرةً إلى المركز الوطني للتيقظ والسلامة الدوائية. بالإبلاغ عن الأعراض الجانبية، يمكنك المساعدة في توفير مزيد من المعلومات حول سلامة هذا الدواء.


للإبلاغ عن الأعراض الجانبية:


·         المملكة العربية السعودية


-          المركز الوطني للتيقظ الدوائيمركز الاتصال الموحد: ١٩٩٩٩

-          البريد الإلكتروني: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa

-          الموقع الإلكتروني: https://ade.sfda.gov.sa


·         دول الخليج الأخرى


-          الرجاء الاتصال بالمؤسسات والهيئات الوطنية في كل دولة.


يحفظ في درجة حرارة أقل من ٣٠ درجة مئوية


احتفظ بهذا الدواء بعيدًا عن متناول ومرأى الأطفال


احفظ الأنبوب وهو محكم الإغلاق.


لا تستخدم ستاكيوس بعد تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية المدون على الأنبوب والعبوة الكرتونية بعد كلمة "EXP". يشير تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية إلى آخر يوم من الشهر المذكور.



لا تستخدم هذا الدواء إذا لاحظت وجود علامات تلف ظاهرة.


لا تتخلص من أي أدوية عبر مياه الصرف. اسأل الصيدلي عن كيفية التخلص من الأدوية التي لم تعد تستخدمها. ستساعد هذه التدابير في حماية البيئة.

-          المادة الفعالة هي كريزابرول.

يحتوي جم واحد من المرهم على ٢٠ ملجم من كريزابرول.

-          المكونات الأخرى هي فازلين أبيض وفقًا لدستور الأدوية الأمريكي (USP)، وبروبيلين جليكول وفقًا لدستور الأدوية الأمريكي، وجليسيريدات أحادية وثنائية وفقًا لكتيب الوصفات الوطني (NF)، وبارافين وفقًا لكتيب الوصفات الوطني، وهيدروكسي تولوين البوتيلي وفقًا لكتيب الوصفات الوطني، وإيديتات كالسيوم ثنائي الصوديوم وفقًا لدستور الأدوية الأمريكي.


ستاكيوس هو مرهم لونه أبيض إلى أبيض مائل إلى الصفرة يحتوي على كريزابرول بنسبة 2 % ويتم توفيره في أنابيب من طبقات رقيقة سعة 60 جم.

اسم وعنوان مالك رخصة التسويق والمصنع


مالك رخصة التسويق

Pfizer Inc., USA، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية


الجهة المصنعة:

Pharmacia & Upjohn Company

Kalamazoo, USA، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

أبريل 2023
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

STAQUIS 2% Ointment

STAQUIS contains 2% crisaborole (w/w) in a petrolatum-based, white to off-white ointment and is for topical use. The active ingredient, crisaborole, is a phosphodiesterase-4 (PDE-4) inhibitor. Crisaborole is described chemically as 5-(4-cyanophenoxy)-1,3-dihydro-1-hydroxy-[2,1]-benzoxaborole. The empirical formula is C14H10BNO3 and the molecular weight is 251.1 g/mol. The structural formula is represented below: Crisaborole drug substance is freely soluble in common organic solvents such as isopropyl alcohol and propylene glycol, and insoluble in water. Each gram of STAQUIS contains 20 mg of crisaborole in an ointment containing white petrolatum, propylene glycol, mono- and di-glycerides, paraffin, butylated hydroxytoluene, and edetate calcium disodium. One gram of ointment contains 20 mg of crisaborole. For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Ointment: 20 mg of crisaborole per gram (2%) of white to off-white ointment.

STAQUIS is indicated for topical treatment of mild to moderate atopic dermatitis in adult and pediatric patients 3 months of age and older.


Apply a thin layer of STAQUIS twice daily to affected areas. Once clinical effect is achieved, consider reducing application to once daily [see section 5.1].


Special populations


Pediatric Use

The safety and effectiveness of STAQUIS have been established in pediatric patients ages 3 months and older for topical treatment of mild to moderate atopic dermatitis. Use of STAQUIS administered twice daily in this age group is supported by data from two 28-day adequate, vehicle controlled safety and efficacy trials (1,313 pediatric subjects ages 2 years to 17 years of whom 874 received STAQUIS), a 28 -day open -label, safety and pharmacokinetics (PK) trial (137 subjects ages 3 months to less than 2 years who received STAQUIS), and another trial with an open label period of up to 8 weeks (327 pediatric subjects ages 5 months to less than 18 years who received STAQUIS) [see section 5.2 and section 5.1].


The safety and effectiveness of STAQUIS in pediatric patients below the age of 3 months have not been established.


Geriatric Use

Clinical studies of STAQUIS did not include sufficient numbers of subjects age 65 and over to determine whether they respond differently from younger subjects.


Method of administration

STAQUIS is for topical use only and not for ophthalmic, oral, or intravaginal use.

STAQUIS is contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity to crisaborole or any component of the formulation. [see section 4.4]

Hypersensitivity Reactions

Hypersensitivity reactions, including contact urticaria, have occurred in patients treated with STAQUIS. Hypersensitivity should be suspected in the event of severe pruritus, swelling and erythema at the application site or at a distant site.  If signs and symptoms of hypersensitivity occur, discontinue STAQUIS immediately and initiate appropriate therapy.



Patient Counseling Information

Advise the patient or caregivers to read the FDA-approved patient labeling (Patient Information).


Hypersensitivity Reactions:

Advise patients to discontinue STAQUIS and seek medical attention immediately if signs or symptoms of hypersensitivity occur.

Administration Instructions:

Advise patients or caregivers that STAQUIS is for external use only and is not for ophthalmic, oral, or intravaginal use.

Drug Interaction Studies

In vitro studies using human liver microsomes indicated that under the conditions of clinical use, crisaborole and metabolite 1 are not expected to inhibit cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A2, 2B6, 2C8, 2C9, 2C19, 2D6, and 3A4.

In vitro human liver microsomes studies for metabolite 2 showed that it did not inhibit activities of CYP2C19, 2D6, and 3A4; was a weak inhibitor of CYP1A2 and 2B6; and a moderate inhibitor of CYP2C8 and 2C9.  The most sensitive enzyme, CYP2C9, was further investigated in a clinical trial using warfarin as a CYP2C9 substrate.  The results of this study showed no drug interaction potential. 

In vitro studies in human hepatocytes showed that under the conditions of clinical use, crisaborole and metabolites 1 and 2 are not expected to induce CYP enzymes. 

In vitro studies showed that crisaborole and metabolite 1 did not inhibit the activities of uridine diphosphate (UDP)‑glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) 1A1, 1A4, 1A6, 1A9, 2B7, and 2B15.  Metabolite 2 did not inhibit UGT1A4, 1A6, 2B7, and 2B15. Metabolite 2 showed weak inhibition of UGT1A1, however, no clinically significant drug interactions are expected between crisaborole (and its metabolites) and UGT1A1 substrates at therapeutic concentrations.  Metabolite 2 showed moderate inhibition of UGT1A9 and may result in a moderate increase of the concentrations of sensitive UGT1A9 substrates.


In vitro studies indicate that under the condition of clinical use, crisaborole and metabolites 1 and 2 are not expected to cause clinically significant interactions with substrates of P-glycoprotein and organic anionic or cationic transporters.  Crisaborole and metabolite 1 are not expected to inhibit breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP); metabolite 2 is expected to inhibit BCRP at therapeutic concentrations.


Risk Summary

Available data from case reports with STAQUIS use in pregnant women are insufficient to inform a drug-associated risk for major birth defects, miscarriage, or other adverse maternal or fetal outcomes. In animal reproduction studies, there were no adverse developmental effects observed with oral administration of crisaborole in pregnant rats and rabbits during organogenesis at doses up to 3 and 2 times, respectively, the maximum recommended human dose (MRHD) (see Data).


The background risk of major birth defects and miscarriage for the indicated population is unknown. All pregnancies carry some risk of birth defect, loss, or other adverse outcomes. The background risk of major birth defects in the U.S. general population is 2% to 4% and of miscarriage is 15% to 20% of clinically recognized pregnancies.



Animal Data

Rat and rabbit embryo-fetal development was assessed after oral administration of crisaborole. Crisaborole did not cause adverse effects to the fetus at oral doses up to 300 mg/kg/day in pregnant rats during the period of organogenesis (3 times the MRHD on an area under the curve (AUC) comparison basis). No crisaborole-related fetal malformations were noted after oral treatment with crisaborole in pregnant rats at doses up to 600 mg/kg/day (13 times the MRHD on an AUC comparison basis) during the period of organogenesis.  Maternal toxicity was produced at this high dose of 600 mg/kg/day in pregnant rats and was associated with decreased fetal body weight and delayed skeletal ossification. Crisaborole did not cause adverse effects to the fetus at oral doses up to the highest dose tested of 100 mg/kg/day in pregnant rabbits during the period of organogenesis (2 times the MRHD on an AUC comparison basis).


In a prenatal/postnatal development study, pregnant rats were treated with crisaborole at doses of 150, 300, or 600 mg/kg/day by oral gavage during gestation and lactation (from gestation day 7 through day 20 of lactation).  Crisaborole did not have any adverse effects on fetal development at doses up to 300 mg/kg/day (3times the MRHD on an AUC comparison basis).  Maternal toxicity was produced at the high dose of 600 mg/kg/day in pregnant rats and was associated with stillbirths, pup mortality, and reduced pup weights.



Risk Summary

There is no information available on the presence of STAQUIS in human milk, the effects of the drug on the breastfed infant or the effects of the drug on milk production after topical application of STAQUIS to women who are breastfeeding.  STAQUIS is systemically absorbed.  The lack of clinical data during lactation precludes a clear determination of the risk of STAQUIS to a breastfed infant.  Therefore, the developmental and health benefits of breastfeeding should be considered along with the mother’s clinical need for STAQUIS and any potential adverse effects on the breastfed infant from STAQUIS or from the underlying maternal condition.



No effects on fertility were observed in male or female rats that were administered oral doses up to 600 mg/kg/day crisaborole (13 times the MRHD on an AUC comparison basis) prior to and during early pregnancy

Not Applicable.

Clinical Trials Experience

Because clinical trials are conducted under widely varying conditions, adverse reaction rates observed in the clinical trials of a drug cannot be directly compared to rates in the clinical trials of another drug and may not reflect the rates observed in practice.


In two double-blind, vehicle-controlled clinical trials (Trial 1 and Trial 2), 1012 subjects 2 to 79 years of age with mild to moderate atopic dermatitis were treated with STAQUIS twice daily for 4 weeks.  The adverse reaction reported by ≥1% of STAQUIS-treated subjects is listed in Table 1.


Table 1: Adverse Reaction Occurring in ≥1% of Subjects in Atopic Dermatitis Trials through Week 4

Adverse Reaction


Twice Daily


n (%)


Twice Daily


n (%)

Application site paina

45 (4)

6 (1)

a    Refers to skin sensations such as burning or stinging.


Less common (<1%) adverse reactions in subjects treated with STAQUIS included contact urticaria [see section 4.4].


In one double-blind, vehicle-controlled trial including an initial open label period (Trial 3), 497 subjects 3 months of age and older with mild to moderate atopic dermatitis received STAQUIS twice daily for up to 8 weeks. This was followed by a double-blind period, during which 135 subjects out of 270 randomized subjects received STAQUIS and 135 subjects received vehicle once daily for 52 weeks or until they developed a flare. The adverse reactions observed in the open-label period were similar to the known safety profile of twice daily treatment with STAQUIS. The adverse reactions observed with once daily treatment were similar to vehicle [see section 5.1].   


Tabulated list of adverse reactions


Adverse reactions are ranked under headings of frequency, with the most frequent first, using the following convention: very common (≥ 1/10); common (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10); uncommon (≥ 1/1,000 to < 1/100); rare (≥ 1/10,000 to < 1/1,000); very rare (< 1/10,000); not known (cannot be estimated from the available data).


Table 2: Adverse reactions


System Organ Class

Very Common

 ≥ 1/10



≥ 1/100 to < 1/10



≥ 1/1,000 to

< 1/100



≥ 1/10,000 to

< 1/1,000


Very Rare

< 1/10,000



not known

(cannot be


from the available



General disorders and administration site conditions


Application site reactions (e.g., application site pain*, application site pruritus)





* Refers to skin sensations such as burning or stinging


Postmarketing Experience

The following adverse reactions have been identified during postapproval use of STAQUIS. Because these reactions are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal relationship to drug exposure:


Skin and Subcutaneous: allergic contact dermatitis


Reporting of adverse reactions

Reporting suspected adverse reactions after marketing authorisation of the medicinal product is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product. Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions to National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC).


To Report side effects


·         Saudi Arabia


National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC)

·         SFDA Call center: 19999

·         E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa

·         Website: https://ade.sfda.gov.sa/  


·         Other GCC States


-    Please contact the relevant competent authority.

Not Applicable.

Mechanism of Action

Crisaborole is a phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE-4) inhibitor. PDE-4 inhibition results in increased intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels. The specific mechanism(s) by which crisaborole exerts its therapeutic action for the treatment of atopic dermatitis is not well defined.


Cardiac Electrophysiology

At therapeutic doses, STAQUIS ointment is not expected to prolong QTc to any clinically relevant extent.


Clinical efficacy and safety

Two multicenter, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group, vehicle-controlled trials (Trials 1 and 2) treated a total of 1522 subjects 2 to 79 years of age (86.3% of subjects were 2 to 17 years of age) with a 5% to 95% treatable BSA.  At baseline, 38.5% of the subjects had an Investigator’s Static Global Assessment [ISGA] of mild (2), and 61.5% had an ISGA of moderate (3), in the overall assessment of atopic dermatitis (erythema, induration/papulation, and oozing/crusting) on a severity scale of 0 to 4. 


In both trials, subjects were randomized 2:1 to receive STAQUIS or vehicle applied twice daily for 28 days.  The primary efficacy endpoint was the proportion of subjects at Day 29 who achieved success, defined as an ISGA grade of clear (0) or almost clear (1) with a 2-grade or greater improvement from baseline, comparing STAQUIS-treated subjects to vehicle-treated subjects.


Efficacy results from the two trials are summarized in Table 3.


Table 3: Primary Efficacy Outcomes in Subjects with Mild to Moderate Atopic Dermatitis at Day 29


Trial 1

Trial 2

Twice Daily


Twice Daily (N=256)

Twice Daily


Twice Daily (N=250)

Success in ISGAa





a   Defined as an ISGA of clear (0) or almost clear (1) with a 2-grade or greater improvement from baseline.


The success rates over time are presented in Figure 1.


Figure 1: Success in ISGAa Over Time in Subjects with Mild to Moderate Atopic Dermatitis

Trial 1

Trial 2





a  Success is defined as an ISGA of clear (0) or almost clear (1) with a 2-grade or greater improvement from baseline.


One randomized, double-blind, vehicle-controlled trial (Trial 3) assessed the efficacy and safety of  STAQUIS once daily over 52 weeks in pediatric (3 months to less than 18 years of age) and adult subjects with mild to moderate atopic dermatitis, who achieved success on STAQUIS twice daily during open-label treatment of up to 8 weeks.


A total of 497 subjects 3 months of age and older with a 2% to 90% treatable BSA, entered into an open‑label period to receive STAQUIS twice daily for up to 8 weeks. At baseline, 327 (66%) of subjects were 3 months to less than 18 years of age, 66% of the subjects had an ISGA of moderate (3), and 34% had an ISGA of mild (2), in the overall assessment of atopic dermatitis (erythema, induration/papulation, and oozing/crusting) on a severity scale of 0 to 4.


Of the 497, a total of 254 subjects 3 months of age and older, who achieved both ISGA success (score of clear [0] or almost clear [1] with a ≥2 grade improvement from baseline) and EASI50 response (at least 50% improvement from baseline in EASI scores) were randomized 1:1 into a double-blind period to receive STAQUIS once daily or vehicle for 52 weeks or until they developed a flare. At the beginning of the double‑blind period, 59% of the subjects had an ISGA of almost clear (1) and 41% had an ISGA of clear (0).


Figure 2 presents the percentage of subjects maintaining an ISGA of clear or almost clear through Week 52.


Figure 2: Percentage of Subjects Maintaining ISGA of Clear or Almost Clear Through Week 52



The PK of STAQUIS were investigated in 33 pediatric subjects 2 to 17 years of age with mild to moderate atopic dermatitis and a mean ± SD body surface area (BSA) involvement of 49 ± 20% (range 27% to 92%).  In this study, subjects applied approximately 3 mg/cm2 of STAQUIS ointment (dose range was approximately 6 g to 30 g per application) twice daily for 8 days.

Plasma concentrations were quantifiable in all the subjects.  The mean ± SD maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) and area under the concentration time curve from 0 to 12 hours post dose (AUC0-12) for crisaborole on Day 8 were 127 ± 196 ng/mL and 949 ± 1240 ngh/mL, respectively.  Systemic concentrations of crisaborole were at steady state by Day 8.  Based on the ratios of AUC0-12 between Day 8 and Day 1, the mean accumulation factor for crisaborole was 1.9.

The PK of STAQUIS were investigated in 13 subjects 4 months to less than 24 months of age.  The mean ± SD Cmax and AUC0-12 for crisaborole were 188 ± 100 ng/mL and 1164 ± 550 ng∙h/mL, respectively.



Based on an in vitro study, crisaborole is 97% bound to human plasma proteins.



Crisaborole is substantially metabolized into inactive metabolites.  The major metabolite 5-(4-cyanophenoxy)-2-hydroxyl benzylalcohol (metabolite 1), is formed via hydrolysis; this metabolite is further metabolized into downstream metabolites, among which 5-(4-cyanophenoxy)-2-hydroxyl benzoic acid (metabolite 2), formed via oxidation, is also a major metabolite.

PK of metabolites 1 and 2 were assessed in the PK study described above and the systemic concentrations were at or near steady state by Day 8.  Based on the ratios of AUC0-12 between Day 8 and Day 1, the mean accumulation factors for metabolites 1 and 2 were 1.7 and 6.3, respectively.


Renal excretion of metabolites is the major route of elimination.

In an oral carcinogenicity study in Sprague-Dawley rats, oral doses of 30, 100, or 300 mg/kg/day crisaborole were administered to rats once daily.  A crisaborole-related increased incidence of benign granular cell tumors in the uterus with cervix and vagina (combined) was noted in 300 mg/kg/day crisaborole treated female rats (2 times the MRHD on an AUC comparison basis).  The clinical relevance of this finding is unknown.


In a dermal carcinogenicity study in CD-1 mice, topical doses of 2%, 5% or 7% crisaborole ointment were administered once daily.  No crisaborole-related neoplastic findings were noted at topical doses up to 7% crisaborole ointment (1 times the MRHD on an AUC comparison basis).


Crisaborole revealed no evidence of mutagenic or clastogenic potential based on the results of two in vitro genotoxicity tests (Ames assay and human lymphocyte chromosomal aberration assay) and one in vivo genotoxicity test (rat micronucleus assay).

Each gram contains: 20 mg of crisaborole in an ointment containing white petrolatum USP, propylene glycol USP, mono- and

di-glycerides NF, paraffin NF, butylated hydroxytoluene NF, and edetate calcium disodium USP.


Not applicable

2 years. Do not use Staquis after the expiry date which is stated on the tube and carton after EXP:. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.

Store below 30 °C

STAQUIS is a white to off-white ointment containing 2% crisaborole and is supplied in 60 g laminate tubes.

Keep out of the sight and reach of children.


Keep tube tightly closed.


Medicines should not be disposed of via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines no longer required. These measures will help to protect the environment.



April 2023

صورة المنتج على الرف

الصورة الاساسية