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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Ondansetron belongs to a group of medicines called anti-emetics. Ondansetron inhibits the effect of the neuron-transmitter serotonin in the brain. Serotonin causes nausea and vomiting.


EMEDAN is used for

·       preventing and treating nausea and vomiting induced by cytotoxic chemotherapy (CINV) and radiotherapy (adults and children aged ≥ 6 months)

·       preventing and treating nausea and vomiting in patients following an operation (PONV) (in adults and children aged ≥ 1 month)


Your doctor may have prescribed EMEDAN for another use. Always follow your doctor's advice.


Do not use EMEDAN:

·  if you are allergic to ondansetron or any of the other ingredients of this medicine (listed in section 6)

·  if you are taking apomorphine (used to treat Parkinson’s disease)

·  if you have previously experienced allergy to other medicines belonging to the group of serotonin antagonists (e.g. granisetron, dolasetron). If this is the case it is possible that you are also allergic to EMEDAN.


Warnings and precautions

Talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse before using EMEDAN:

·  if you have a blockage of your intestines or constipation, as you will need to be closely monitored by your doctor.

·  if you are going to have or recently had your tonsils removed, as treatment with EMEDAN may hide symptoms of internal bleeding.

·  if you have heart problems (with arrhythmias or conduction disorders) and are being treated with other medicines such as anaesthetics, anti-arrhythmics or beta-blockers at the same time.

·  if you need to pay attention to your sodium intake. However, EMEDAN has a low sodium content (less than 1 mmol per ampoule).

·  if it is for children below the age of 6 months or with a body surface of less than 0.6 m2.

·  if you have liver problems.

·  if children or adolescents receive ondansetron together with medicines, that may have a harmful effect on the liver. Careful monitoring of the liver function is recommended.

·  if you have problems with the levels of salts in your blood, such as potassium and magnesium.


Always tell the laboratory if you are having blood or urine tests, that you are being treated with EMEDAN.


Other medicines and EMEDAN

Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken or might take any other medicines.

EMEDAN may have an effect on other medicines or other medicines may have an effect on EMEDAN.


You must tell your doctor that you are being given EMEDAN, if he/she starts treating you with any of the following medicine:

· Medicines for epilepsy (phenytoin, carbamazepine)

· Antibiotics and antifungal medicines (e.g. rifampicin, erythromycin or ketoconazole)

· Pain-relieving medicine (tramadol)

· Medicines inducing heart damage (e.g. anthracyclines or trastuzumab)

· Anti-arrhythmic medicines used to treat an uneven heart beat (e.g. amiodarone)

· Drugs which may result in QT prolongation (heart rhythm disorder)

·  Beta-blocker medicines used to treat certain heart or eye problems, anxiety or prevent migraines (e.g. atenolol or timolol)

· Serotonergic medicines (medicines of the type SSRI or SNRI used in the treatment of depressions)

· Apomorphine (used to treat Parkinson’s disease)


Contact your doctor. It may be necessary to adjust the dose.


EMEDAN with food and drink

EMEDAN may be given independently of food and drink.


Pregnancy, breast-feeding and fertility

If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, think you may be pregnant or are planning to have a baby, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking this medicine.



Use in pregnancy has not been established and is not recommended.

If it is absolutely necessary that ondansetron be given, caution should be exercised when prescribing to pregnant women especially in the first trimester. Your doctor should evaluate the risk/benefit balance.



Do not take EMEDAN if you are breast-feeding, because it is excreted into the milk.


Driving and using machines

EMEDAN does not affect the ability to use any tools or machines or the ability to drive safely in traffic.


EMEDAN contains sodium

This medicine contains less than 1 mmol sodium (23 mg) per ampoule, that is to say essentially ‘sodium- free’.

Always use this medicine exactly as your doctor or nurse has told you. Check with your doctor or nurse if you are not sure.



Your doctor or hospital may give you ondansetron as an injection, an infusion (drip) or tablets. The dose is individual to each patient.


Paediatric population

CINV in children aged ≥ 6 months and adolescents:

Ondansetron injection should be mixed with 5% dextrose or 0.9% sodium chloride or other compatible infusion fluid and infused into a vein over not less than 15 minutes. Ondansetron should be administered immediately before chemotherapy as a single dose of 5 mg/m2 or 0.15 mg/kg given into a vein. Oral dosing can commence 12 hours later and may be continued for up to 5 days. The maximum daily dose is 32 mg.


PONV in children aged ≥ 1 month and adolescents:

For prevention of PONV in paediatric patients having surgery performed under general anaesthesia, a single dose of ondansetron may be given by slow injection into a vein (not less than 30 seconds) at a dose of 0.1mg/kg up to a maximum of 4mg either before or after the anaesthesia.

For the treatment of PONV in paediatric patients having surgery performed under general anaesthesia, a single dose of ondansetron may be given by slow injection into a vein (not less than 30 seconds) at a dose of 0.1mg/kg up to a maximum of 4mg.

There are no data on the use of ondansetron in the treatment of PONV in children below 2 years of age.


If you receive more EMEDAN than you should

Your doctor or nurse will give you or your child EMEDAN so it is unlikely that you or your child will receive too much. If you think you or your child have been given too much or have missed a dose, tell your doctor or nurse. The symptoms of overdose are disturbances of vision, severe constipation, low blood pressure and disturbances in heartbeat rhythm.


If you have any further questions on the use of this medicine, ask your doctor, pharmacist or nurse

Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.


Serious, rare side effects (may affect up to 1 in 1,000 people).

Tell your doctor or nurse immediately if you experience any of the following:

· Swollen tongue and throat

· Difficulty breathing

· Collapse.


Other side effects include:


Very common side effects (may affect more than 1 in 10 people):

· Headache.


Common side effects (may affect up to 1 in 10 people):

· A sensation of reddening and warmth

· Constipation

· Hypersensitivity reactions at the injection site (local swelling, pain, redness, tissue hardening).


Uncommon side effects (may affect up to 1 in 100 people):

· Hiccups

· Low blood pressure

· Irregular heartbeats, heart pain and slow pulse

· Seizures

· Involuntary movements

· Changes in liver function

· Upward rolling of the eye.


Rare side effects (may affect up to 1 in 1,000 people):

· Dizziness during injection

· Temporary blurred vision

· Abnormally rapid heart rhythm called “Torsade des pointes”.


Very rare side effects (may affect up to 1 in 10,000 people):

· Temporary blindness. Most of these blindness cases were resolved within 20 minutes.


If any of these side effects occur, immediately seek medical attention.


Other less severe side effects may occur rarely or very rarely. If you need more information on these side effects ask your doctor or nurse for advice.


Reporting of side effects

If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse. This includes any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet. By reporting side effects you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine.

-      The National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC)

o  Fax: +966-11-205-7662

o  SFDA Call Center: 19999

o  E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa

o  Website: https://ade.sfda.gov.sa

·  Keep this medicine out of the sight and reach of children.

·  Do not use this medicine after the expiry date which is stated on the ampoule and the carton after “EXP”. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.

·  Before opening: Do Not Store Above 30oC.

·  After opening/dilution: Use within 24 hours and store in a refrigerator (2 °C – 8 °C).

·  Do not throw away any medicines via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how tothrow away medicines you no longer use. These measures will help protect the environment.

·      The active substance is ondansetron.

Each mL of solution contains 2 mg ondansetron (as hydrochloride dihydrate).

Each 2 mL ampoule contains 4 mg ondansetron (as hydrochloride dihydrate).

Each 4 mL ampoule contains 8 mg ondansetron (as hydrochloride dihydrate).


·      The other ingredients are: Sodium chloride; Citric acid monohydrate; Sodium citrate; Water for injections.

EMEDAN 2 mg/mL solution for injection/infusion is a clear liquid in brown glass ampoules. Every ampoule contains 2 mL or 4 mL solution. They are marketed in packs of 5 ampoules or 25 (5 packs of 5) ampoules. Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

Marketing Authorisation Holder

AJA Pharmaceutical Industries Co. Ltd

Hail industrial cty MODON, Street No 32 

P.O Box 6979, Hail 55414

Tel: +966 11 268 7900



Pharmathen S.A.

Dervenakion 6

Pallini 15351

Attikis Greece


12. 2020
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

ينتمي أوندانسيترون للعائلة الدوائية التي تسمى أدوية مضادة للقيء. حيث يمنع أوندانسيترون تأثير الناقلات العصبية المسماة بالسيرتونين بالمخ. يسبب السيرتونين القيء والغثيان.

يستخدم إميدان في الحالات التالية:

-       منع وعلاج القيء والغثيان بعد علاج الكيماوي والعلاج الإشعاعي (للبالغين والأطفال أكبر من 6 أشهر).

-       منع وعلاج القيء والغثيان لدى المرضى بعد العمليات الجراحية (للبالغين والأطفال أكبر من شهر).

قد يكون طبيبك المعالج قد وصف إميدان لاستخدام آخر. اتبع نصائح الطبيب دائمًا.

لا تستخدم إميدان:

·        إذا كانت لديك حساسية ضد أوندانسيترون أو أي من مكوناته (الموضحة في الجزء 6).

·        إذا كنت تتناول أبومورفين (المستخدم لعلاج مرض باركينسون).

·        إذا سبق ومررت بحساسية سابقة لعلاج آخر ينتمي لنفس العائلة الدوائية مضادة للسيروتونين (مثل جرانيسترون, دولاسيترون) . إذا كانت هذه هي الحالة ، فمن الممكن أن تكون لديك حساسية ضد أوندانسيترون .


التحذيرات والاحتياطات:

تحدث إلى طبيبك أو الصيدلي أو الممرضة قبل استخدام إميدان :

·        إذا كان لديك انسداد في الأمعاء أو إمساك عندها سيكون من الضروري مراقبتك بدقة من جانب الطبيب.

·        إذا كنت مقبل على استئصال اللوزتين أو تم استئصالها حديثًا ؛ لأن العلاج باستخدام أوندانسيترون قد يخفي أعراض النزيف الداخلي.

·        إذا كانت لديك مشكلات بالقلب (اضطرابات في نظم القلب أو اضطرابات ضربات القلب) ويتم علاجها بأدوية مثل مواد التخدير أو مضادة لاضطرابات ضربات القلب أو مثبطات مستقبلات بيتا في نفس الوقت.

·        إذا كنت في حاجة للانتباه لمدخول الصوديوم . ومع ذلك فإن إميدان به محتوى منخفض من الصوديوم (أقل من 1 مل لكل أمبول).

·        إذا كان إميدان للأطفال أقل من 6 أشهر أو لجسم مساحة سطحه أقل من 0.6 متر مربع.

·        إذا كانت لديك مشكلات في الكبد.

·        إذا كان الأطفال أو المراهقون يتلقون إميدان مع أدوية مما قد يسبب لهم تأثير ضار على الكبد . يوصى بالمراقبة الجيدة لوظائف الكبد.

·        إذا كانت لديك مشكلات مع نسبة الأملاح في الدم كالبوتاسيوم والمنجنيز.

إذا كانت لديك تحاليل دم أو بولدائما قم بإخبار المعمل أنك تتعالج باستخدام إميدان .


أدوية أخرى مع إميدان:

أخبر طبيبك أو الصيدلي إذا كنت تتناول أو تناولت حديثًا أو قد تتناول أي أدوية أخرى.

فقد يكون لإميدان تأثير على الأدوية الأخرى أو قد تؤثر الأدوية الأخرى على إميدان.

يجب عليك إخبار طبيبك المعالج أنك تتناول إميدان إذا كان سيبدأ في علاجك بأحد الأدوية التالية:

·        أدوية علاج الصرع (فينيتوين, كاربامازيبين).

·        المضادات الحيوية ومضادات الفطريات (مثل ريفامبسين, ايريثرومايسين أو كيتوكونازول).

·        أدوية مسكنة للآلام (ترامادول).

·        الأدوية التي تسبب أضرار بالقلب (مثل انثراسيكلين أو تراستوزوماب).

·        أدوية مضادة لاضطراب نبضات القلب.

·         التي تستخدم لعلاج نبضات القلب غير المنتظمة (أميودارون).

·        الأدوية التي قد ينتج عنها تطاول النظم القلبية (اضطراب نبضات القلب).

·        أدوية مثبطات مستقبلات بيتا المستخدمة في علاج مشكلات معينة بالقلب أو العين أو القلق أو التي تمنع الصداع النصفي (مثل أتينولول أو تيمولول).

·        أدوية هرمونات السيروتونين (أدوية مثبطات السيوتونين الانتقائية ومثبطات النيروبرافرين الانتقائية المستخدم لعلاج الاكتئاب).

·        أبومورفين (المستخدم في علاج مرض باركنسون- مرض الشلل الرعاش).

قم بالتواصل مع طبيبك المعالج فقد يكون من الضروري ضبط الجرعة.


استخدام إميدان مع الطعام والشراب.

قد يعُطى إميدان بدون طعام وشراب.


الحمل والرضاعة والخصوبة.

   إذا كنتِ في فترة الحمل أو الرضاعة أو تعتقدين أنكِ حامل أو تخططين للإنجاب ؛ اسألِ طبيبك المعالج أو الصيدلي للنصيحة قبل تناول هذا الدواء.



لم يثبت سلامة الاستخدام أثناء الحمل وغير موصى به.

إذا كان من الضروري تناوله ، يجب توخي الحذر عند وصفه للسيدات الحوامل خاصة في الشهور الثلاثة الأولى . يجب على الطبيب تقييم لتوازن المخاطر/ الفوائد.



لا تتناولي إميدان أثناء الرضاعة إذ أنه يظهر في لبن الأم.


القيادة واستخدام الآلات.

لا يؤثر إميدان على القدرة على استخدام أي من الآلات أو القدرة على قيادة السيارات بأمان.

إميدان يحتوي على الصوديوم.

يحتوي هذا الدواء على أقل من 1 ملي مول (23 ملجم) صوديوم لكل أمبول لذلك يمكن القول أنه خالي من الصوديوم.


استخدم هذا الدواء تمامًا كما أوصى الصيدلي أو الطبيب. راجع مع الطبيب المعالج أو الصيدلي إن لم تكن متأكد.



قد يعطيك الطبيب أو المستشفى إميدان كحقن (تقطير وريدي) أو أقراص . الجرعة تخصص حسب كل مريض.


فئة الأطفال.

لعلاج القيء والغثيان بعد العلاج الكيماوي للأطفال أكبر من 6 أشهر والمراهقين :

حقنة إميدان يجب أن تُخلط مع 5% ديكستروز أو 0.9% كلوريد صوديوم أو أي سائل تقطير وريدي مناسب ويتم حقنه وريديًا فيما لا يزيد أو يقل عن 15 دقيقة . يتم إعطاء إميدان فورًا قبل جلسات العلاج الكيميائي كجرعة واحدة قدرها 5 ملجم/ مللي مربع أو 0.15 ملجم/ كجم تحقن في الوريد . تبدأ الجرعة عن طريق الفم بعد 12 ساعة وقد تستمر لمدة 5 أيام. الحد الأقصى للجرعة 32 ملجم.


لعلاج القيء والغثيان بعد العمليات الجراحية للأطفال أكبر من شهر والمراهقين.

   لمنع القيء والغثيان بعد العمليات الجراحية التي تم إجرائها تحت التخدير العام يتم إعطاء جرعة واحدة من إميدان عن طريق الحقن الوريدي البطيء لا يقل عن 30 ثانية بجرعة 0.1 ملجم/ كجم بحد أقصى 4 ملجم سواء قبل أو بعد التخدير.

   لمنع القيء والغثيان بعد العمليات الجراحية التي تم إجرائها تحت التخدير العام يتم إعطاء جرعة واحدة من إميدان عن طريق الحقن الوريدي البطيء لا يقل عن 30 ثانية بجرعة 0.1 ملجم/ كجم بحد أقصى 4 ملجم.

   لا توجد بيانات حول استخدام إميدان في علاج القيء والغثيان بعد العمليات الجراحية تحت سن عامين.


إذا زادت جرعة إميدان عن الحد المسموح به.

   إذا أعطاك الطبيب أو الممرض لك أو لطفلك إميدان ، فمن غير المحتمل أن تزيد الجرعة عن الممسوح به . لكن إذا اعتقدت أنك أو طفلك قد أخذ جرعة أكثر من المسموح به أو فاتتك أو فاتته جرعة ؛ أعلم طبيبك أو الممرض.

   تتمثل أعراض الجرعة الزائدة في اضطراب الرؤية والإمساك الشديد وانخفاض ضغط الدم واضطراب في ضربات القلب.

   إذا كانت لديك أسئلة أكثر حول استخدام الدواء اسأل الطبيب أو الصيدلي أو الممرضة.

كسائر الأدوية ؛ قد يسبب هذا الدواء آثارًا جانبية على الرغم من أنها لا تظهر على الجميع.

آثار جانبية خطيرة ونادرة (قد تصيب شخص واحد من بين 1000 شخص).

أخبر طبيبك أو الممرض فورًا إذا ظهرت لديك أي من الآثار التالية:

·        تورم في اللسان أو الحلق.

·        صعوبة في التنفس.

·        إعياء.

آثار جانبية أخرى تشمل:

آثار جانبية منتشرة جدًا (قد تصيب شخص من بين 10 أشخاص):

·        الصداع.

آثار جانبية منتشرة جدًا (قد تصيب شخص من بين 10 أشخاص):

·        إحساس بالدفء والاحمرار.

·        إمساك.

·        ردود أفعال عالية الحساسية عند موضع الحقن (تورم موضعي, ألم, احمرار, تقسي الأنسجة).

آثار جانبية غير شائعة (قد تصيب شخص من بين 100 شخص).

·        السعال.

·        انخفاض ضغط الدم.

·        عدم انتظام ضربات القلب.

·        ألم في القلب.

·        تباطؤ النبض.

·        نوبات.

·        حركات لاإرادية.

·        تغيرات في وظائف الكبد.

·        حركة العينين لأعلى.

آثار جانبية غير شائعة (قد تصيب شخص من بين 1000 شخص).

·        الدوار خلال الحقن.

·        تشوش مؤقت في الرؤية.

·        اضطراب سريع وغير طبيعي في نظم القلب يسمى تورساد دي بوينتس (ضفيرة النتؤات).

آثار جانبية شديدة الندرة (قد تصيب شخص ما بين 10000 شخص).

·        العمى المؤقت . معظم هذه الحالات من العمى تنتهي خلال 20 دقيقة.

إذا ظهرت عليك أي من هذه الآثار الجانبية ، تفضل فورًا لاستشارة الطبيب.

هناك بعض الآثار الجانبية الأقل حدة التي قد تحدث بندرة أو ندرة شديدة.

إذا أردت معرفة المزيد عن هذه الآثار السلبية ، توجه لطبيبك أو الممرضة للاستشارة الطبية.


الإبلاغ عن الآثار الجانبية.

إذا ظهرت عليك أي من الآثار الجانبية تحدث إلى الطبيب المعالج أو الصيدلي أو الممرضة . ويتضمن ذلك أي آثار جانبية محتملة غير واردة في هذه النشرة . من خلال الإبلاغ عن هذه الآثار ، سيمكنك المساعدة في توفير المزيد من المعلومات حول الآمان لهذا الدواء.

للإبلاغ عن الآثار الجانبية:



المملكة العربية السعودية

-       المركز الوطني للتيقظ الدوائي

o        فاكس 7662-205-11-966+

o        الهاتف الموحد: 19999

o        البريد الالكتروني: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa

الموقع الإلكتروني: https://ade.sfda.gov.sa  


•         دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي الأخرى:

الرجاء الاتصال بالمؤسسات والهيئات الوطنية لكل دولة.

·        يحفظ هذا الدواء بعيدًا عن متناول الأطفال.

·        لا يستخدم هذا الدواء بعد انتهاء تاريخ الصلاحية المدون على الأمبولة أو العبوة بعد كلمة تاريخ الصلاحية . تاريخ الصلاحية يشير إلى آخر اليوم من الشهر.

·        قبل الفتح : يخزن بدرجة حرارة لا تزيد على 30درجة مئوية.

·        بعد الفتح والتخفيف : يتم استخدامه خلال 24 ساعة ويتم تخزينه في مبرد (2°- 8°).

·        عدم إلقاء أي بقايا من الدواء في مياه الفضلات أو فضلات المنزل . قم بسؤال الصيدلي عن كيفية التخلص من الأدوية التي لم تعد تُستخدم.

هذه الإجراءات ستسهم في الحفاظ على البيئة.

·        المادة الفعالة هي أوندانسيترون.

كل مللي من المحلول يحتوي على 2 ملجم من أوندانسيترون (مثل هيدروكلوريد ديهيدرات).

كل 2 مللي من المحلول يحتوي على 4 ملجم من أوندانسيترون (مثل هيدروكلوريد ديهيدرات).

كل 4 مللي من المحلول يحتوي على 8 ملجم من أوندانسيترون (مثل هيدروكلوريد ديهيدرات).

·        المكونات الأخرى هي: كلوريد الصوديوم ؛ مونوهيدرات حمض الستريك ؛ سترات الصوديوم ؛ ماء للحقن.

إميدان 2ملجم/ مللي محلول للحقن الوريدي هو سائل شفاف في أمبولا بنية زجاجية . كل أمبول يحتوي على 2 مللي أو 4 مللي من المحلول . يتم بيعها في عبوات مكونة من 5 أمبولات أو 25 (5 عبوات مكونة من 5) أمبولات . لا يمكن تسويق كل أحجام العبوات.

شركة أجا للصناعات الدوائية

المدينة الصناعية، مدن بحائل، شارع رقم 32

حائل 55414، ص.ب 6979

المملكة العربية السعودية


فارماثين اس. ايه.

ديرفيناكيون 6

بيلني 15351

اتيكيس اليونان


2020 .12
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

EMEDAN 2 mg/mL solution for injection/infusion

Each mL of solution contains 2 mg ondansetron (as hydrochloride dihydrate). Each 2 mL ampoule contains 4 mg ondansetron (as hydrochloride dihydrate). Each 4 mL ampoule contains 8 mg ondansetron (as hydrochloride dihydrate). Excipient with known effect Each mL of solution contains 0.15 mmol (3.5 mg) of sodium. 4 mg/2 mL: Each ampoule contains 0.31 mmol (7.21 mg) of sodium. 8 mg/4 mL: Each ampoule contains 0.63 mmol (14.42 mg) of sodium. For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Solution for injection/infusion Clear solution. Osmolarity: 290 mOsmol/L ± 5% pH: 3.3 – 4.0


Management of nausea and vomiting induced by cytotoxic chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Prevention and treatment of post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV).

Paediatric population

Management of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting in children aged ≥ 6 months.

Prevention and treatment of post-operative nausea and vomiting in children aged ≥ 1 month.


Chemotherapy and radiotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting


The emetogenic potential of cancer treatment varies according to the doses and combinations of chemotherapy and radiotherapy regimens used. The route of administration and dose of EMEDAN should be flexible and selected as shown below.

Emetogenic chemotherapy and radiotherapy

For patients receiving emetogenic chemotherapy or radiotherapy ondansetron can be given either by oral or intravenous administration.

For most patients receiving emetogenic chemotherapy or radiotherapy, ondansetron should initially be administered intravenously immediately before treatment, followed by 8 mg orally twelve hourly.

For oral administration: 8 mg 1-2 hours before treatment, followed by 8 mg 12 hours later.

To protect against delayed or prolonged emesis after the first 24 hours, oral treatment with ondansetron should be continued for up to 5 days after a course of treatment. The recommended dose for oral administration is 8 mg twice daily.

Highly emetogenic chemotherapy

Either 8 mg as a slow intravenous bolus injection or as a short-term infusion lasting 15 minutes immediately before chemotherapy. If this initial dose has insufficient effect it can be supplemented by either 8 mg (intravenous bolus or 15 minutes' infusion) every 4th hour, at most twice, or continuous infusion of 1 mg/hour for 24 hours.

A single intravenous dose of 16mg diluted in 50- 100 mL of sodium chloride 9 mg/mL (0.9 %) solution for injection or other compatible infusion fluid and infused over not less than 15 minutes immediately before chemotherapy. A single dose greater than 16 mg must not be given due to dose dependent increase of QT- prolongation risk (see sections 4.4, 4.8 and 5.1).

After 24 hours treatment is changed to the oral route.

The effect of ondansetron may be enhanced by the simultaneous administration of 20 mg dexamethasone intravenously or an equally potent dose of other glucocorticoids for intravenous use.

Paediatric population

Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting in children aged ≥ 6 months and adolescents

The dose for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting can be calculated based on body surface area (BSA) or weight – see below.

Weight-based dosing results in higher total daily doses compared to BSA-based dosing - see sections 4.4 and 5.1.

There are no data from controlled clinical trials on the use of ondansetron in the prevention of chemotherapy-induced delayed or prolonged nausea and vomiting. There are no data from controlled clinical trials on the use of ondansetron for radiotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting in children.

Dosing by BSA:

Ondansetron should be administered immediately before chemotherapy as a single intravenous dose of 5 mg/m2. The intravenous dose must not exceed 8 mg.

Oral dosing can commence twelve hours later and may be continued for up to 5 days (see Table 1 below). The total daily dose must not exceed adult dose of 32 mg.

Table 1: BSA-based dosing for Chemotherapy - Children aged ≥ 6 months and adolescents


Day 1 a,b

Day 2-6b

< 0.6 m2

5 mg/m2 i.v.

2 mg syrup after 12 hours

2 mg syrup or tablet every 12


≥ 0.6 m2

5 mg/m2 i.v.

4 mg syrup or tablet after 12 hours

4 mg syrup or tablet every 12


a The intravenous dose must not exceed 8 mg.

b The total daily dose must not exceed adult dose of 32 mg.

Dosing by bodyweight:

Weight-based dosing results in higher total daily doses compared to BSA-based dosing (see sections 4.4. and 5.1).


Ondansetron should be administered immediately before chemotherapy as a single intravenous dose of 0.15 mg/kg. The intravenous dose must not exceed 8 mg.

Two further intravenous doses may be given in 4-hourly intervals. The total daily dose must not exceed adult dose of 32 mg.

Oral dosing can commence twelve hours later and may be continued for up to 5 days (see Table 2 below).

Table 2: Weight-based dosing for Chemotherapy - Children aged ≥ 6 months and adolescents


Day 1 a,b

Day 2-6b

≤ 10 kg

Up to 3 doses of 0.15 mg/kg at 4-hourly intervals

2 mg syrup or tablet every 12


> 10 kg

Up to 3 doses of 0.15 mg/kg at 4-hourly intervals

4 mg syrup or tablet every 12


aThe intravenous dose must not exceed 8 mg.

b The total daily dose must not exceed adult dose of 32 mg.


Ondansetron is well tolerated by patients over 65 years and no alteration of dose, dosing frequency or route of administration is required.

Patients with renal impairment

No alteration of daily dose or frequency of dosing or route of administration is required.

Patients with hepatic impairment

Clearance of ondansetron is significantly reduced and serum half-life significantly prolonged in subjects with moderate or severe impairment of hepatic function. In such patients a total daily dose of 8 mg should not be exceeded and therefore parenteral or oral administration is recommended.

Patients with poor sparteine / debrisoquine metabolism

The elimination half-life of ondansetron is not altered in subjects classified as poor metabolisers of sparteine and debrisoquine. Consequently, in such patients repeat dosing will give medicinal product exposure levels no different from those of the general population. No alteration of daily dose or frequency of dosing is required.

Post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV)


For the prevention of PONV ondansetron can be administered orally or by intravenous injection. Ondansetron may be administered as a single dose of 4 mg given by intramuscular or slow intravenous injection at induction of anaesthesia.

For the treatment of established PONV a single dose of 4 mg given by intramuscular or slow intravenous injection is recommended.

Paediatric population

Post-operative nausea and vomiting in children aged ≥ 1 month and adolescents

For prevention of PONV in paediatric patients having surgery performed under general anaesthesia, a single dose of ondansetron may be administered by slow intravenous injection (not less than 30 seconds) at a dose of 0.1 mg/kg up to a maximum of 4 mg either prior to, at or after induction of anaesthesia.

For the treatment of PONV after surgery in paediatric patients having surgery performed under general anaesthesia, a single dose of ondansetron may be administered by slow intravenous injection (not less than 30 seconds) at a dose of 0.1mg/kg up to a maximum of 4mg.


There are no data on the use of ondansetron in the treatment of post-operative nausea and vomiting in children under 2 years of age.


There is limited experience in the use of ondansetron in the prevention and treatment of post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV) in the elderly. However, ondansetron is well tolerated in patients over 65 years receiving chemotherapy.

Patients with renal impairment

No alteration of daily dose or frequency of dosing or route of administration is required.

Patients with hepatic impairment

Clearance of ondansetron is significantly reduced and serum half-life significantly prolonged in subjects with moderate or severe impairment of hepatic function. In such patients a total daily dose of 8 mg should not be exceeded and therefore parenteral or oral administration is recommended.

Patients with poor sparteine/debrisoquine metabolism

The elimination half-life of ondansetron is not altered in subjects classified as poor metabolisers of sparteine and debrisoquine. Consequently, in such patients, repeat dosing will give medicinal product exposure levels no different from those of the general population. No alteration of daily dose or frequency of dosing is required.

Method of administration

For intravenous or intramuscular use.

Concomitant use with apomorphine (see section 4.5). Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1. Hypersensitivity to other selective 5-HT3 receptor antagonists (e.g. granisetron, dolasetron).

Hypersensitivity reactions have been reported in patients who have exhibited hypersensitivity to other selective 5-HT3 receptor antagonists. Respiratory events should be treated symptomatically and clinicians should pay particular attention to them as precursors of hypersensitivity reactions.

Rarely transient ECG changes including QT interval prolongation have been reported in patients receiving ondansetron. Ondansetron prolongs the QT interval in a dose-dependent manner (see Pharmacodynamic properties). In addition, post-marketing cases of Torsade de Pointes have been reported in patients using ondansetron. Avoid ondansetron in patients with congenital long QT syndrome. Ondansetron should be administered with caution to patients who have or may develop prolongation of QTc. These conditions include patients with electrolyte abnormalities, congestive heart failure, brady arrhythmias or patients taking other medicinal products that lead to QT prolongation or electrolyte abnormalities. Therefore, caution should be exercised in patients with cardiac rhythm or conduction disturbances, in patients treated with anti-arrhythmic agents or beta-adrenergic blocking agents and in patients with significant electrolyte disturbances.

Hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia should be corrected prior to ondansetron administration.

There have been post-marketing reports describing patients with serotonin syndrome (including altered mental status, autonomic instability and neuromuscular abnormalities) following the concomitant use of ondansetron and other serotonergic medicinal products (including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and serotonin noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)). If concomitant treatment with


ondansetron and other serotonergic medicinal products is clinically warranted, appropriate observation of the patient is advised.

As ondansetron is known to increase large bowel transit time, patients with signs of subacute intestinal obstruction should be monitored following administration.

In patients with adenotonsillar surgery prevention of nausea and vomiting with ondansetron may mask occult bleeding. Therefore, such patients should be followed carefully after ondansetron.

Since there is little experience to date of the use of ondansetron in cardiac patients, caution should be exercised if ondansetron is coadministered with anaesthetics to patients with arrhythmias or cardiac conduction disorders or to patients who are being treated with antiarrhythmic agents or beta-blockers.

This medicinal product contains less than 1 mmol sodium (23 mg) per ampoule, that is to say essentially ‘sodium- free’.

Paediatric population

Paediatric patients receiving ondansetron with hepatotoxic chemotherapeutic agents should be monitored closely for impaired hepatic function.

Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV)

When calculating the dose on an mg/kg basis and administering three doses at 4-hour intervals, the total daily dose will be higher than if one single dose of 5 mg/m2 followed by an oral dose is given. The comparative efficacy of these two different dosing regimens has not been investigated in clinical trials. Cross-trial comparison indicates similar efficacy for both regimens (see section 5.1).


There is no evidence that ondansetron either induces or inhibits the metabolism of other medicinal products commonly coadministered with it. Specific studies have shown that ondansetron does not interact with alcohol, temazepam, furosemide, alfentanil, tramadol, morphine, lidocaine, propofol and thiopental.

Ondansetron is metabolised by multiple hepatic cytochrome P-450 enzymes: CYP3A4, CYP2D6 and CYP1A2. Due to the multiplicity of metabolic enzymes capable of metabolising ondansetron, enzyme inhibition or reduced activity of one enzyme (e.g. CYP2D6 genetic deficiency) is normally compensated by other enzymes and should result in little or no significant change in overall ondansetron clearance or dose requirement.

Use of ondansetron with QT prolonging medicinal products may result in additional QT prolongation. Concomitant use of ondansetron with cardiotoxic medicinal products (e.g. anthracyclines (such as doxorubicin, daunorubicin) or trastuzumab)), antibiotics (such as erythromycin or ketoconazole), antiarrhythmics (such as amiodarone) and beta-blockers (such as atenolol or timolol) may increase the risk of arrhythmias (see section 4.4).

There have been post-marketing reports describing patients with serotonin syndrome (including altered mental status, autonomic instability and neuromuscular abnormalities) following the concomitant use of ondansetron and other serotonergic medicinal products (including SSRIs and SNRIs). (See section 4.4).


Based on reports of profound hypotension and loss of consciousness when ondansetron was administered with apomorphine hydrochloride, concomitant use with apomorphine is contraindicated.

Phenytoin, Carbamazepine and Rifampicin

In patients treated with potent inducers of CYP3A4 (i.e. phenytoin, carbamazepine and rifampicin), the oral clearance of ondansetron was increased and ondansetron blood concentrations were decreased.



Data from small studies indicate that ondansetron may reduce the analgesic effect of tramadol.



The safety of ondansetron for use in human pregnancy has not been established. Evaluation of experimental animal studies does not indicate direct or indirect harmful effects with respect to the development of the embryo or foetus, the course of gestation and peri- and post-natal development. However, as animal studies are not always predictive of human response, the use of ondansetron in pregnancy is not recommended. If it is absolutely necessary that ondansetron be given, caution should be exercised when prescribing to pregnant women especially in the first trimester. A careful risk/benefit assessment should be performed.


Tests have shown that ondansetron passes into the milk of lactating animals. It is therefore recommended that mothers receiving ondansetron should not breast-feed their babies.


Ondansetron has no or negligible influence on the ability to drive and use machines.


Adverse  events  are listed below by system organ class  and frequency. Frequencies  are  defined as: very

common (≥ 1/10), common (≥ 1/100 to <1/10), uncommon (≥ 1/1,000 to <1/100), rare (≥ 1/10,000 to

<1/1,000) and very rare (<1/10,000) including isolated reports. Very common, common and uncommon events were generally determined from clinical trial data. The incidence in placebo was taken into account. Rare and very rare events were generally determined from post-marketing spontaneous data.

The following frequencies are estimated at the standard recommended doses of ondansetron according to indication and formulation.

Immune system disorders

Rare: Immediate hypersensitivity reactions sometimes severe, including anaphylaxis.

Nervous system disorders

Very common: Headache.

Uncommon: Seizures, movement disorders (including extrapyramidal reactions such as dystonic reactions, oculogyric crisis and dyskinesia)1.

Rare: Dizziness during rapid intravenous administration.

Eye disorders

Rare: Transient visual disturbances (e.g. blurred vision) predominantly during rapid intravenous administration.

Very rare: Transient blindness predominantly during intravenous administration2.

Cardiac disorders

Uncommon: Arrhythmias, chest pain with or without ST segment depression, bradycardia.

Rare: Transient ECG changes including QT interval prolongation (including Torsade de Pointes).

Vascular disorders

Common: Sensation of warmth or flushing.

Uncommon: Hypotension.

Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders


Uncommon: Hiccups.

Gastrointestinal disorders

Common: Constipation.

Hepatobiliary disorders

Uncommon: Asymptomatic increases in liver function tests3.

General disorders and administration site conditions

Common: Local intravenous injection site reactions.

1.  Observed without definitive evidence of persistent clinical sequelae.

2.   The majority of the blindness cases reported resolved within 20 minutes. Most patients had received chemotherapeutic agents, which included cisplatin. Some cases of transient blindness were reported as cortical in origin.

3.  These events were observed commonly in patients receiving chemotherapy with cisplatin.

Paediatric population

The adverse event profile in children and adolescents was comparable to that seen in adults.

Reporting of suspected adverse reactions

Reporting suspected adverse reactions after authorisation of the medicinal product is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product. listed in Appendix V.


Symptoms and signs

Little is known at present about overdose with ondansetron, however, a limited number of patients received overdoses. In the majority of cases, symptoms were similar to those already reported in patients receiving recommended doses (see section 4.8). Manifestations that have been reported include visual disturbances, severe constipation, hypotension and a vasovagal episode with transient second-degree AV block. In all instances, the events resolved completely.

Ondansetron prolongs the QT interval in a dose-dependent manner. ECG monitoring is recommended in cases of overdose.


There is no specific antidote for ondansetron, therefore in all cases of suspected overdose, symptomatic and supportive therapy should be given as appropriate.

The use of ipecacuanha to treat overdose with ondansetron is not recommended, as patients are unlikely to respond due to the anti-emetic action of ondansetron itself.

Paediatric population

Paediatric cases consistent with serotonin syndrome have been reported after inadvertent oral overdoses of ondansetron (exceeded estimated ingestion of 4 mg/kg) in infants and children aged 12 months to 2 years.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Antiemetics and antinauseants, Serotonin (5-HT3) antagonists ATC code: A04AA01

Mechanism of action

Ondansetron is a potent, highly selective 5-HT3 receptor-antagonist. Its precise antiemetic and antinauseal mechanism of action is not known.


Chemotherapeutic agents and radiotherapy may cause release of 5-HT in the small intestine initiating a vomiting reflex by activating vagal afferents via 5-HT3 receptors. Ondansetron blocks the initiation of this reflex.

Activation of vagal afferents may also cause a release of 5-HT in the area postrema, located on the floor of the fourth ventricle, and this may also promote emesis through a central mechanism. Thus, the effect of ondansetron in the management of the nausea and vomiting induced by cytotoxic chemotherapy and radiotherapy is probably due to antagonism of 5-HT3 receptors on neurons located both in the peripheral and central nervous system.

The mechanisms of action in post-operative nausea and vomiting are not known but there may be common pathways with cytotoxic induced nausea and vomiting.

In a pharmaco-psychological study in volunteers ondansetron has not shown a sedative effect. Ondansetron does not alter plasma prolactin concentrations.

The role of ondansetron in opiate-induced emesis is not yet established.


The effect of ondansetron on the QTc interval was evaluated in a double-blind, randomised, placebo and positive (moxifloxacin) controlled, crossover study in 58 healthy adult men and women.

Ondansetron doses included 8 mg and 32 mg infused intravenously over 15 minutes. At the highest tested dose of 32 mg, the maximum mean (upper limit of 90% CI) difference in QTcF from placebo after baseline- correction was 19.6 (21.5) msec. At the lower tested dose of 8 mg, the maximum mean (upper limit of 90% CI) difference in QTcF from placebo after baseline-correction was 5.8 (7.8) msec.

In this study, there were no QTcF measurements greater than 480 msec and no QTcF prolongation was greater than 60 msec. No significant changes were seen in the measured electrocardiographic PR or QRS intervals.

Clinical studies

Paediatric population

Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting

The efficacy of ondansetron in the control of emesis and nausea induced by cancer chemotherapy was assessed in a double-blind randomised trial in 415 patients aged 1 to 18 years. On the days of chemotherapy, patients received either ondansetron 5 mg/m2 i.v. + after 8-12 hrs ondansetron 4 mg p.o. or ondansetron

0.45 mg/kg i.v. + after 8-12 hrs placebo. Post-chemotherapy both groups received 4 mg ondansetron syrup twice daily for 3 days. Complete control of emesis on worst day of chemotherapy was 49% (5 mg/m2 i.v. + ondansetron 4 mg p.o.) and 41% (0.45 mg/kg i.v. + placebo p.o.). Post-chemotherapy both groups received 4 mg ondansetron syrup twice daily for 3 days.

A double-blind randomised placebo-controlled trial in 438 patients aged 1 to 17 years demonstrated complete control of emesis on worst day of chemotherapy in 73% of patients when ondansetron was administered intravenously at a dose of 5 mg/m2 i.v. together with 2 - 4 mg dexamethasone p.o. and in 71% of patients when ondansetron was administered as syrup at a dose of 8 mg + 2-4 mg dexamethasone p.o. on the days of chemotherapy.

Post-chemotherapy both groups received 4 mg ondansetron syrup twice daily for 2 days.

The efficacy of ondansetron in 75 children aged 6 to 48 months was investigated in an open-label, non- comparative, single-arm study. All children received three 0.15 mg/kg doses of intravenous ondansetron, administered 30 minutes before the start of chemotherapy and then at four and eight hours after the first dose. Complete control of emesis was achieved in 56% of patients.


Another open-label, non-comparative, single-arm study investigated the efficacy of one intravenous dose of 0.15 mg/kg ondansetron followed by two oral ondansetron doses of 4 mg for children aged < 12 years and 8 mg for children aged ≥ 12 years (total no. of children n= 28). Complete control of emesis was achieved in 42% of patients.

Prevention of post-operative nausea and vomiting

The efficacy of a single dose of ondansetron in the prevention of post-operative nausea and vomiting was investigated in a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study in 670 children aged 1 to 24 months (post-conceptual age ≥ 44 weeks, weight ≥ 3 kg). Included subjects were scheduled to undergo elective surgery under general anaesthesia and had an ASA status ≤ III. A single dose of ondansetron 0.1 mg/kg was administered within five minutes following induction of anaesthesia. The proportion of subjects who experienced at least one emetic episode during the 24-hour assessment period (ITT) was greater for patients on placebo than those receiving ondansetron (28% vs. 11%, p <0.0001).



Following oral administration, ondansetron is passively and completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and undergoes first pass metabolism (bioavailability is about 60%). Peak plasma concentrations of about 30 ng/mL are attained approximately 1.5 hours after an 8 mg dose. For doses above 8 mg the increase in ondansetron systemic exposure with dose is greater than proportional; this may reflect some reduction in first pass metabolism at higher oral doses. Bioavailability, following oral administration, is slightly enhanced by the presence of food but unaffected by antacids. Studies in healthy elderly volunteers have shown slight, but clinically insignificant, age-related increases in both oral bioavailability (65%) and half- life (5 hours) of ondansetron. Gender differences were shown in the disposition of ondansetron, with females having a greater rate and extent of absorption following an oral dose and reduced systemic clearance and volume of distribution (adjusted for weight).


The disposition of ondansetron following oral, intramuscular(IM) and intravenous(IV) dosing is similar with a terminal half-life of about 3 hours and steady state volume of distribution of about 140 L. Equivalent systemic exposure is achieved after IM and IV administration of ondansetron.

Biotransformation and elimination

The protein binding of ondansetron is 70-76%. A direct effect of plasma concentration and anti-emetic effect has not been established. Ondansetron is cleared from the systemic circulation predominantly by hepatic metabolism through multiple enzymatic pathways. Less than 5% of the absorbed dose is excreted unchanged in the urine. The absence of the enzyme CYP2D6 has no effect on ondansetron’s pharmacokinetics. The pharmacokinetic properties of ondansetron are unchanged on repeat dosing.

Special populations

Paediatric population

Children and Adolescents (aged 1 month to 17 years)

In paediatric patients aged 1 to 4 months (n=19) undergoing surgery, weight-normalised clearance was approximately 30% slower than in patients aged 5 to 24 months (n=22) but comparable to the patients aged 3 to 12 years. The half-life in the patient population aged 1 to 4 month was reported to average 6.7 hours compared to 2.9 hours for patients in the 5 to 24 month and 3 to 12 year age range. The differences in pharmacokinetic parameters in the 1 to 4 month patient population can be explained in part by the higher percentage of total body water in neonates and infants and a higher volume of distribution for water soluble medicinal products like ondansetron.


In paediatric patients aged 3 to 12 years undergoing elective surgery with general anaesthesia, the absolute values for both the clearance and volume of distribution of ondansetron were reduced in comparison to values with adult patients. Both parameters increased in a linear fashion with weight

and by 12 years of age, the values were approaching those of young adults. When clearance and volume of distribution values were normalized by body weight, the values for these parameters were similar between the different age group populations. Use of weight-based dosing compensates for age-related changes and is effective in normalizing systemic exposure in paediatric patients.

Population pharmacokinetic analysis was performed on 74 paediatric cancer patients aged 6 to 48 months and 41 surgery patients aged 1 to 24 months following intravenous administration of ondansetron. Based on the population pharmacokinetic parameters for patients aged 1 month to 48 months, administration of the adult weight based dose (0.15 mg/kg intravenously every 4 hours for 3 doses) would result in a systemic exposure (AUC) comparable to that observed in paediatric surgery patients (aged 5 to 24 months), paediatric cancer patients (aged 4 to 18 years), and surgical patients (aged 3 to 12 years), at similar doses, as shown in Table 3. This exposure (AUC) is consistent with the exposure-efficacy relationship described previously in paediatric cancer subjects, which showed a 50% to 90% response rate with AUC values ranging from 170 to 250 ng.h/mL.

Table 3. Pharmacokinetics in Paediatric Patients 1 Month to 18 Years of Age



Patient Population (Intravenous
















Geometric Mean






(0.1 or 0.2mg/kg)

1 to 4 months














Surgery (0.1 or


5 to 24 months












&    S3A40319


Pop PK

Cancer/ Surgery (0.15mg/kg q4h/

0.1 or 0.2mg/kg)



1 to 48 months



















(2 mg or 4 mg)

3 to 12









Cancer (0.15 mg/kg q


4 to 18 years











1 Ondansetron single intravenous dose: 0.1 or 0.2 mg/kg

2 Population PK Patients: 64% cancer patients and 36% surgery patients.

3 Population estimates shown; AUC based on dose of 0.15 mg/kg.

4 Ondansetron single intravenous dose: 2 mg (3 to 7 years) or 4 mg (8 to 12 years)

Patients with hepatic impairment

Following oral, intravenous or intramuscular dosing in patients with severe hepatic impairment, ondansetron’s systemic clearance is markedly reduced with prolonged elimination half-lives (15-32 h) and an oral bioavailability approaching 100% due to reduced pre-systemic metabolism.

Non-clinical data reveal no special hazard for humans based on conventional studies of safety pharmacology, repeated dose toxicity, genotoxicity and carcinogenic potential.

Ondansetron and its metabolites accumulate in the milk of rats, milk/plasma-ratio was 5.2.1.

A study in cloned human cardiac ion channels has shown that ondansetron has the potential to affect cardiac repolarisation via blockade of HERG potassium channels. The clinical relevance of this finding is uncertain.

Sodium chloride

Citric acid monohydrate

Sodium citrate

Water for injections

Ondansetron injection should not be administered in the same syringe or infusion as any other medicinal product.

This medicinal product must not be mixed with other medicinal products except those mentioned in section 6.6

Before opening: 3 years. After opening/dilution: 24 hours stored in a refrigerator (2 °C – 8 °C).

Do not store above 30°C

Chemical and physical in-use stability has been demonstrated for 24 hours at 2-8°C.

From a microbiological point of view, unless the method of opening/dilution precludes the risk of microbial contamination, the product should be used immediately.

If not used immediately, in-use storage times and conditions are the responsibility of the user. For storage conditions after opening/dilution of the medicinal product, see section 6.3.

Amber glass ampoules, Type I, containing 2 mL or 4 mL solution.

Packs of 5 and 25 (5 packs of 5) ampoules.

Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

For single use only. Any unused solution should be discarded.

The solution is to be visually inspected prior to use (also after dilution).

Only clear solutions practically free from particles should be used.

May be diluted with solution for infusion containing:


•  sodium chloride 9 mg/mL (0.9 %)

•  glucose 50 mg/mL (5 %)

•  mannitol 100 mg/mL (10 %)

•  potassium chloride 3 mg/mL (0.3%) + sodium chloride 9 mg/mL (0.9 %)

•  potassium chloride 3 mg/mL (0.3 %) + glucose 50 mg/mL (5 %)

•  Ringer’s solution for infusion.

Must not be mixed with other medicinal products.

AJA Pharmaceutical Industries Co. Ltd G Floor, Zone C2, The Business Gate, Cordoba Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Tel: +966 11 268 7900 Manufactured by: Pharmathen S.A. Dervenakion 6 Pallini 15351 Attikis Greece


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