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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

ALLBLOC contains the active substance clofarabine. Clofarabine is one of a family of medicines called anticancer medicines. It works by hindering the growth of abnormal white blood and eventually kills them. It works best against cells which are multiplying quickly- such as cancer cells.

ALLBLOC is used to treat children (≥1 year old), teenagers and young adults up to 21 years old with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) when previous treatments have not worked or have stopped working. Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia is caused by abnormal growth of some types of white blood cells.

Do not use ALLBLOC

-       if you are allergic to clofarabine or any of the other ingredients of this medicine (listed in section 6);

-       if you are breast-feeding (please read the section “Pregnancy and breast—feeding” below); - -        if you have severe kidney or liver problems.


Tell your doctor if any of these conditions apply to you. If you are the parent of a child who is being treated with ALLBLOC, tell the doctor if any of them apply to your child.



Warnings and precautions

Tell your doctor if any of these conditions apply to you. ALLBLOC may not be suitable for you:

-       if you have suffered a severe reaction after previously using this medicine;

-       if you have kidney disease or used to have it;

-       if you have liver disease, or used to have it;

-       if you have heart disease or used to have it.


Tell your doctor or carer immediately if you experience any of the following as you may need to stop treatment:

-       if you get a fever or high temperature - because clofarabine reduces the number of blood cells made in the bone marrow, you may be more likely to catch infections;

-       if you have breathing difficulties, rapid breathing, or breathlessness;

-       if you feel a change in your heart rate;

-       if you suffer from dizziness (light—headedness) or fainting- it may be a symptom of low blood pressure;

-       if you feel sick or have diarrhoea (loose bowels);

-       if your urine is darker than usual- it is important to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration;

-       if you get a rash with blisters or mouth ulcers;

-       if you lose your appetite, have nausea (feeling sick), vomiting, diarrhoea, dark—coloured urine and light—coloured stools, stomach pain, jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes), or if you feel generally unwell, these could be symptoms of an inflammation of the liver (hepatitis), or liver damage (hepatic failure);

-       if you pass little or no urine, or experience drowsiness, nausea. vomiting, breathlessness, loss of appetite and / or weakness (these may be signs of acute kidney failure / kidney failure). 


If you are the parent of a child who is being treated with ALLBLOC, tell the doctor if any of the above conditions apply to your child.


During treatment with ALLBLOC, your doctor will carry out regular blood tests and other tests to monitor your health. Because of the way this medicine works, it will affect your blood and other organs.

Talk to your doctor about contraception. Young men and women must use effective contraception during and after treatment. See the section ‘Pregnancy and breast-feeding’ below. ALLBLOC may harm both male and female reproductive organs. Ask your doctor to explain what can be done to protect you or allow you to have a family.


Other medicines and ALLBLOC

Tell your doctor if you are using or have recently used:

-       medicines for heart disease;

-       any medicine that changes your blood pressure;

-       medicines that affect your liver or kidneys;

-      any other medicines including those obtained without a prescription.


Pregnancy and breast-feeding

Clofarabine should not be used during pregnancy unless clearly necessary.

Women who are able to get pregnant: you must use effective contraception during treatment with clofarabine. Clofarabine may cause harm to unborn babies when used by pregnant women. If you are pregnant or you become pregnant during treatment with clofarabine, get medical advice immediately.

Men must also use effective contraception while they or their partner are treated with clofarabine.

If you are breast-feeding, you must stop breast—feeding before starting the treatment and must not breast-feed during your treatment and within 3 months after completion of your treatment.


Driving and using machines

Do not drive or use any tools or machines if you feel dizzy, light—headed or faint.


ALLBLOC contains salt

Each vial contains 180 mg of salt (sodium chloride). This is equivalent to 3.08 mmol (or 70.77 mg) of sodium. You need to allow for this if you are on a controlled sodium diet.

Your treatment with ALLBLOC has been prescribed by a qualified doctor experienced in treating leukaemia.

Your doctor will work out the dose that is right for you depending on your height, weight and how well you are.

Before ALLBLOC is given to you, it will be diluted in a sodium chloride solution (salt and water). Tell your doctor if you are on a controlled sodium diet as it could affect how you will be given your medicine.


Your doctor will give you ALLBLOC once every day for 5 days. It will be given to you as an infusion through a long thin tube which goes into a vein (a drip), or into a small medical appliance that is inserted under the skin (port-a-cath) if you (or your child) have one implanted. The infusion will be given over 2 hours. If you (or your child) weigh less than 20 kg, the infusion time may be longer

Your doctor will monitor your health and may change your dose depending on your response to the treatment. It is important to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.


If you use more ALLBLOC than you should 

If you think you may have been given too much medicine, tell your doctor straight away.

If you forget to use ALLBLOC

Your doctor will tell you when you need to be given this medicine. If you think that you have missed a dose, tell your doctor straight away.


If you have any further questions on the use of this medicine, ask your doctor.

Like all medicine this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.


Very common (may affect more than 1 in 10 people):

-       anxiety, headache, fever, tiredness;

-       feeling and being sick, diarrhoea (loose bowels);  

-       flushing, itching and inflamed skin, inflammation of mucus (moist) linings such as the mouth and other areas;

-       you may have more infections than normal because ALLBLOC can lower the number of certain types of blood cells in your body;

-       skin rashes which may be itchy, red, painful or peeling skin including palms of the hands and soles of the feet, or small reddish or purple spots underneath the skin.


Common (may affect up to 1 in 10 people):

-       infections of the blood, pneumonia, shingles, implant infections, infections of the mouth such as thrush and cold sores;

-       changes in blood chemistry, changes in white blood cells;

-       allergic reactions;

-       feeling thirsty and producing darker or less urine than normal, decreased or loss of appetite, weight loss;

-       agitation, irratibility or restlessness;

-       feeling numb or weak in the arms and legs, numbness of the skin, sleepiness, dizziness, tremor;

-       hearing problems;

-       water collecting around the heart, fast heartbeat;

-       low blood pressure, lump due to bad bruising;

-       leaking from tiny blood vessels, rapid breathing, nosebleeds, breathing difficulties, breathlessness, cough;

-       vomiting blood, stomach ache, pain in the bottom;

-       bleeding inside the head, stomach, intestine or lungs, mouth or gums, mouth ulcers, inflamed mouth lining;

-       yellowing of the skin and eyes (also called jaundice), or other liver disorders;

-       bruising, hair loss, changes to skin colour, increased sweating, dry skin, or other skin problems;

-       pain in the chest wall or bones, neck or back pain, pain in limbs, muscles, or joints;

-       blood in urine;

-       failure of organs, pain, increased muscle tension, water retention and swelling in parts of the body, including the arms and legs, changes in mental state, feeling hot, cold or abnormal;

-       clofarabine may affect the levels of certain substances in the blood. Your doctor will carry out regular blood tests to check whether your body is working properly; - liver damage (liver failure).

-       little or no urine, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, breathlessness, loss of appetite and /or weakness (possible signs of acute kidney failure or kidney failure).


Uncommon side effects (may affect up to 1 in 100 people):

- inflammation of the liver (hepatitis).

Keep this medicine out of the sight and reach of children.

Do not use this medicine after the expiry date which is stated on the vial label and box after EXP. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.

Do not freeze.

Once prepared and diluted, ALLBLOC should be used straight away or within 24 hours if stored in a refrigerator (at 2 °C to 8°C). The diluted concentrate is chemically and physically stable for 3 days at 2°C to 8°C and at room temperature (up to 25°C).

Do not throw away any medicines via wastewater. Ask your pharmacist how to throw away medicines you no longer use. These measures will help protect the environment.

The active substance is clofarabine. Each ml contains 1 mg of clofarabine. Each 20 ml vial contains 20 mg of clofarabine.

The other ingredients are sodium chloride and water for injections.

ALLBLOC is a clear colourless solution packed in 20 mL Ph.Eur Type-I clear tubular glass vial stoppered with 20 mm grey bromo butyl rubber stopper and sealed with 20mm aluminium flip off seals and such vial is packed in a preprinted carton.

MAH and Secondary packaging:

Boston Oncology Arabia

Sudair Industrial City,

Sudair, Saudi Arabia


Full Manufacturing and Primary Packaging:

MSN Laboratories Private Limited

  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

يحتوي اولبلوك على المادة الفعالة كلوفارابين. وهي واحدة من عائلة الأدوية التي تسُمى الأدوية المضادة للسرطان. وهي تعمل عن طريق إعاقة نمو الدم الأبيض غير الطبيعي وقتله في النهاية. وتعمل بشكل أفضل ضد الخلايا التي تتكاثر بسرعة، مثل الخلايا السرطانية. 

يستخدم اولبلوك لمعالجة الأطفال (من عمر سنة أو أقل)، والمراهقين والشباب حتى عمر 21 سنة ممّن يعانون من سرطان الدم الليمفاوي الحاد( ALL) عندما لا تعمل العلاجات السابقة أو توقفت عن العمل.

يتسبب سرطان الدم الليمفاوي الحاد في نمو غير طبيعي لبعض أنواع خلايا الدم البيضاء. 


لا تستخدم اولبلوك: 

إذا كنت تتحسس من كلوفارابين أو أي من المكونات الأخرى لهذا الدواء (المدرجة في القسم 6)، 

إذا كنتِ مُرضعة ً (رجاء قراءة قسم "الحمل والرضاعة" أدناه)، 

-  إذا كان لديك مشاكل شديدة في الكلى أو الكبد. 

أخبر طبيبك إذا كان أي من هذه الحالات تنطبق عليك. 

إذا كنت أباً لطفلٍ تتم معالجته باستخدام اولبلوك، أخبر الطبيب إذا كان أي منها ينطبق على طفلك.  المحاذير والإحتياطات 

أخبر طبيبك إذا كان أي من هذه الحالات تنطبق عليك. قد لا يكون اولبلوك مناسباً لك: 

إذا كنت قد عانيت من رد فعل شديد بعد استخدام هذا الدواء سابقًا، 

إذا كان لديك مرض كلوي، أو سبق لك ذلك، 

إذا كان لديك مرض كبدي، أو سبق لك ذلك، 

إذا كان لديك مرض قـلبي، أو سبق لك ذلك. 

أخبر طبيبك أو المُعتني بك على الفور إذا واجهت أياًّ مما يلي فقد تحتاج إلى إيقاف المعالجة: 

-  إذا حصل معك حمى أو ارتفاع درجات الحرارة -  لأن كلوفارابين يقلل من عدد خلايا الدم المُصنعة في نخاع العظام، فقد تكون أكثر عرضة للإصابة بالتهابات، 

-  إذا كنت تعاني من صعوبات في التنفس، تنفس سريع، أو ضيق في التنفس، 

-  إذا شعرت بتغير في معدل ضربات القلب، 

-  إذا عانيت من دوخة( دوار خفيف) أو إغماء - فقد يكون ذلك أحد أعراض انخفاض ضغط الدم، 

-  إذا شعرت بأنك مريض أو حصل لديك إسهال (أمعاء رخوة)، 

-  إذا كان بولك أغمق من المعتاد - من المهم أن تشرب الكثير من الماء لتتجنب الجفاف، 

-  إذا حصل معك طفح جلدي مع بثور أو تقرحات في الفم، 

-  إذا فقدت شهيتك، أصبت بغثيان( شعرت بالمرض)، قيء، إسهال، بول داكن اللون وبراز فاتح اللون، ألم في المعدة، يرقان (اصفرار الجلد والعينين)، أو إذا شعرت بتوعك بشكل عام، قد تكون هذه أعراض التهاب الكبد (التهاب كبدي)، أو تلف الكبد (فشل كبدي)، 

-  إذا كان بولك قليلاً أو معدوماً، أو عانيت من نعاس، غثيان، قيء، ضيق التنفس، فقدان الشهية و/أو ضعف (قد تكون هذه علامات على فشل كلوي حاد / الفشل الكلوي.) 

إذا كنت أباً لطفلٍ تتم معالجته باستخدام اولبلوك، أخبر الطبيب إذا كانت أي من الحالات المذكورة أعلاه تنطبق على طفلك. 

أثناء المعالجة بدواء اولبلوك، سيقوم طبيبك بإجراء فحوصات دم منتظمة وفحوصات أخرى لمراقبة صحتك. ذلك لأنه بسبب الطريقة التي يعمل بها هذا الدواء، فإنه سيؤثر على دمك وعلى أعضاء أخرى. 

تحدث إلى طبيبك حول وسائل منع الحمل. يجب على الشباب والشابات استخدام وسائل منع الحمل الفعالة أثناء وبعد المعالجة. انظر القسم "الحمل والرضاعة الطبيعية" أدناه .اولبلوك قد يضر كل من الأعضاء التناسلية عند الذكور والإناث. اسأل طبيبك ليشرح لك ما الذي يمكن عمله لحمايتك أو أن يسمح لك بأن يكون عندك عائلة. 

الأدوية الأخرى و اولبلوك 

أخبر طبيبك إذا كنت تستخدم أو قد استخدمت مؤخراً: 

-  أدوية لمرض القلب، 

-  أي دواء يغيِّر من ضغط دمك، 

-  أدوية تؤثر على كبدك أو كليتيك، 

-  أية أدوية أخرى بما فيها تلك التي تحصل عليها بدون وصفة طبية. 

الحمل والرضاعة الطبيعية 

لا ينبغي استخدام كلوفارابين أثناء الحمل ما لم يكن ذلك ضرورياً بشكلٍ واضحٍ، 

النساء المؤهلات للحمل: يجب عليهن استخدام وسائل منع الحمل الفعالة أثناء المعالجة بدواء كلوفارابين .

إن كلوفارابين قد يسبب أذيةً للأجنة عند استخدامه من قبل النساء الحوامل. إذا كنتِ حاملاً أو أصبحت حاملاً أثناء المعالجة بدواء كلوفارابين ،اطلبي المشورة الطبية فوراً. 

يجب على الرجال أيضاً استخدام وسائل منع الحمل الفعالة أثناء معالجتهم أو معالجة شريكاتهم بدواء كلوفارابين. 

إذا كنتِ مُرضعةً، يجب عليكِ وقف الرضاعة الطبيعية  قبل البدء بالمعالجة وعدم الإرضاع من الثدي أثناء المعالجة وخلال 3 أشهر بعد إتمام معالجتك. 

القيادة واستخدام الآلات 

لا تقود السيارة أو تستخدم أية أدواتٍ أو آلاتٍ إذا كنت تشعر بدوار ،دوخة خفيفة أو إغماء. 

يحتوي اولبلوك على الملح 

كل قارورة تحتوي على 180 ملغ من الملح (كلورايد الصوديوم). وهذا يعادل 08،3 مليمول (أو 77،70 ملغ) من الصوديوم. فأنت بحاجة للسماح لك إذا كنت تتبع نظاماً غذائياً محكماً للصوديوم. 


تم وصف معالجتك باستخدام اولبلوك من قبل طبيب مؤهل خبير في معالجة سرطان الدم. 

سيقوم طبيبك بإعداد الجرعة المناسبة لك اعتماداً على طولك، وزنك وصحتك. 

قبل إعطائك اولبلوك، سيتم تخفيفه بمحلول كلورايد الصوديوم (ملح وماء). أخبر طبيبك إذا كنت تتبع نظاماً غذائياً محكماً للصوديوم لأنه قد يؤثر على كيفية إعطائك الدواء. 

سيعطيك طبيبك اولبلوك مرة واحدة كل يوم لمدة 5 أيام. سيتم إعطاؤه لك بالتسريب عبر أنبوب رفيع طويل يدخل في الوريد (بالتنقيط) ،أو بداخل جهاز طبي صغير يتم إدخاله تحت الجلد (منفذ القسطرة) إذا كنت (أو طفلك) قد زرعتَ واحداً. سيتم إعطاء التسريب خلال مدة ساعتين. إذا كنت (أو طفلك) تزن أقل من 20 كغ، فقد يكون زمن الحقن أطول. 

سيقوم طبيبك بمراقبة صحتك وقد يغيِّر جرعتك اعتماداً على استجابتك للمعالجة. من المهم أن تشرب الكثير من الماء لتتجنب الجفاف. 

إذا استخدمت اولبلوك أكثر مما يجب 

إذا كنت تعتقد أنك قد أعُطيتَ كثيراً من الدواء، أخبر طبيبك على الفور. 

إذا نسيت استخدام اولبلوك 

سيخبرك طبيبك متى تحتاج لإعطائك هذا الدواء. إذا اعتقدت أن جرعةً ما قد فاتتك، أخبر طبيبك فورا ً. 

إذا كان لديك أية أسئلة أخرى حول استخدام هذا الدواء، اسأل طبيبك. 

مثل جميع الأدوية، يمكن أن يسبب هذا الدواء تأثيرات جانبية، ولو أنها لا تحصل لدى كل شخص. 


شائعة جداً (قد تؤثر في أكثر من 1  من كل 10 أشخاص:) 

-         قلق، صداع، حمى، تعب، 

-         شعور بكونك مريض، إسهال (أمعاء رخوة)، 

-         ُّ توهج، حكة وجلد ملتهب، التهاب البطانات المخاطية (        َّ الرطبة) مثل الفم ومناطق أخرى، 

-         قد يحصل لديك عدوى أكثر من المعتاد لأن اولبلوك يمكن أن يقلل عدد أنواع معينة من خلايا الدم في جسمك، 

-         طفح جلدي قد يستدعي الحكّ، جلد أحمر، مؤلم أو متقشريشمل راحتي اليدين وباطن القدمين، أو بقع صغيرة حمراء أو أرجوانية تحت الجلد، 


شائعة (قد تؤثر حتى في 1 من كل 10 أشخاص:) 

-         التهابات الدم، التهاب رئوي، قوباء منطقية، التهابات الزرع، التهابات الفم مثل القلاع والقروح الباردة، 

-         تغيرات في كيمياء الدم، تغيرات في خلايا الدم البيضاء، 

-         ردود فعل تحسسية، 

-         شعور بالعطش وخروج بول أغمق أو بول أقل من المعتاد، قلة أو فقدان شهية، فقدان الوزن، 

-         هيجَان، عدم ارتياح أو أرق، 

-         شعور بخدر أو ضعف في الذراعين والساقين، تنميل الجلد، نعاس، دوخة،    َّ هزة، 

-         مشاكل في السمع، 

-         ُّ تجمع مياه حول القلب، نبضات سريعة، 

-         ضغط دم منخفض، كُتلَ بسبب كدمات سيئة، 

-         تسرب من أوعية دموية صغيرة، تنفس سريع، نزيف أنف، صعوبات في التنفس، ضيق تنفس، سعال، 

-         اقياء دم، ألم معدي، ألم في الأسفل، 

-         نزيف داخل الرأس، المعدة، الأمعاء أو الرئتين، الفم أو اللثة، تقرحات الفم، التهاب بطانة الفم، 

-         اصفرار الجلد والعينين (تسمى أيضاً اليرقان)، أو اضطرابات كبدية أخرى، 

-         كدمات، تساقط الشعر، تغير لون الجلد، زيادة تعرق، جلد جاف، أو مشاكل جلدية أخرى، 

-         ألم في جدار الصدر أو العظام، آلم في الرقبة أو الظهر، ألم في الأطراف، العضلات، أو المفاصل، 

-         دم في البول، 

-         فشل الأعضاء، ألم، زيادة التوتر العضلي، احتباس الماء ُّ وتورم في أجزاء من الجسم، بما في ذلك الذراعين والساقين تغيرات في الحالة العقلية، شعور بالحرارة، البرودة أو غير طبيعي، 

-         قد يؤثر كلوفارابين على مستويات بعض المواد في الدم. سيقوم طبيبك بإجراء فحوصات دم منتظمة لمعرفة ما إذا كان جسمك يعمل بشكل صحيح، 

-         تلف كبد (فشل الكبد)، 

-         بول قليل أو معدوم، نعاس، غثيان، اقياء، ضيق تنفس، فقدان شهية و/أو ضعف (علامات محتملة لفشل كلوي حاد أو فشل كلوي.) 


التأثيرات الجانبية غير الشائعة (قد تؤثر حتى في 1 من كل 100 شخص:) 

-         التهاب كبد (التهاب الكبد.) 

احفظ هذا الدواء بعيداً عن رؤية ومتناول الأطفال. 

لا تستخدم هذا الدواء بعد تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية المذكور على لصاقة القارورة  والعلبة بعد EXP.

ويشير تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية إلى اليوم الأخير من ذلك الشهر. 

لا تجمده. 

بمجرد إعداد وتخفيف اولبلوك، يجب استخدامه على الفور أو في غضون 24 ساعة إذا تم تخزينه في البراد (بدرجة حرارة 2º مئوية إلى 8° مئوية.) إن المركز المخفف من وجهة النظر الكيميائية والفيزيائية هو ثابت لمدة 3 أيام بدرجة حرارة 2 إلى 8 مئوية وبدرجة حرارة الغرفة (حتى 25 درجة مئوية).

لا تتخلص من أية أدوية عن طريق مياه الصرف الصحي أو النفايات المنزلية. اسأل الصيدلي عن كيفية التخلص من الأدوية التي لم تعد تستخدمها. هذه التدابير سوف تسُاعد على حماية البيئة. 

المادة الفعالة هي كلوفارابين. كل 1 مل يحتوي على 1 ملغ من كلوفارابين. كل قارورة من 20 مل تحتوي على 20 ملغ من كلوفارابين. 

المكونات الأخرى هي كلورايد الصوديوم وماء للحقن. 

اولبلوك هو محلول صافي عديم اللون معبأ في قارورة زجاجية أنبوبية صافية من نوع- 1 وفق دستور الأدوية الأوروبي سعة 20 مل مغلقة بسدادة مطاطية رمادية من برومو بوتيل قطر 20 ملم ومختومة بغطاء ألمنيوم قطر 20 ملم وهذه القارورة معبأة في كرتونة مسبقة الطبع. 

أ‌-        مالك حقوق التسويق والتغليف الثانوي:

شركة بوستن اونكولجي العربية

منطقة سدير الصناعية، سدير، المملكة العربية السعودية

ب‌-      التصنيع الكامل والتغليف الأولي:

مختبرات إم إس إن الخاصة المحدودة

 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

ALLBLOC Clofarabine Injection 20 mg/20 mL

Each ml of concentrate contains 1 mg of clofarabine. Each 20 ml vial contains 20 mg of clofarabine. Excipient with known effect Each 20 ml vial contains 180 mg of sodium chloride. For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Concentrate for solution for infusion. Clear colourless solution free from visible particulate matter.

Treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) in paediatric patients who have relapsed or are refractory after receiving at least two prior regimens and where there is no other treatment option anticipated to result in a durable response. Safety and efficacy have been assessed in studies of patients ≤ 21 years old at initial diagnosis (see section 5.1).

Therapy must be initiated and supervised by a physician experienced in the management of patients with acute leukaemia.


Adult population (including elderly)

There are currently insufficient data to establish the safety and efficacy of clofarabine in adult patients (see section 5.2).

Paediatric population

Children and adolescents (≥ 1 year old)

The recommended dose in monotherapy is 52 mg/m2 of body surface area administered by intravenous infusion over 2 hours daily for 5 consecutive days. Body surface area must


be calculated using the actual height and weight of the patient before the start of each cycle. Treatment cycles should be repeated every 2 to 6 weeks (from the starting day of the previous cycle) following recovery of normal haematopoiesis (i.e. ANC ≥ 0.75 × 109/l) and return to baseline organ function. A 25% dose reduction may be warranted in patients experiencing significant toxicities (see below). There is currently limited experience of patients receiving more than 3 treatment cycles (see section 4.4).

The majority of patients who respond to clofarabine achieve a response after 1 or 2 treatment cycles (see section 5.1). Therefore, the potential benefit and risks associated with continued therapy in patients who do not show haematological and/or clinical improvement after 2 treatment cycles should be assessed by the treating physician (see section 4.4).

Children weighing < 20 kg

An infusion time of > 2 hours should be considered to help reduce symptoms of anxiety and irritability, and to avoid unduly high maximum concentrations of clofarabine (see section 5.2).

Children < 1 year old

There are no data on the pharmacokinetics, safety or efficacy of clofarabine in infants. Therefore, a safe and effective dosage recommendation for patients < 1 year old has yet to be established.

Dose reduction for patients experiencing haematological toxicities

If the ANC does not recover by 6 weeks from the start of a treatment cycle, a bone marrow aspirate / biopsy should be performed to determine possible refractory disease. If persistent leukaemia is not evident, it is recommended that the dose for the next cycle be reduced by 25% of the previous dose following recovery of ANC to ≥ 0.75 × 109/l. Should patients experience an ANC < 0.5 × 109/l for more than 4 weeks from the start of the last cycle, it is recommended that the dose for the next cycle be reduced by 25%.

Dose reduction for patients experiencing non-haematological toxicities Infectious events

If a patient develops a clinically significant infection, clofarabine treatment may be withheld until the infection is clinically controlled. At this time, treatment may be reinitiated at the full dose. In the event of a second clinically significant infection,


clofarabine treatment should be withheld until the infection is clinically controlled and may be reinitiated at a 25% dose reduction.

Non-infectious events

If a patient experiences one or more severe toxicities (US National Cancer Institute (NCI) Common Toxicity Criteria (CTC) Grade 3 toxicities excluding nausea and vomiting), treatment should be delayed until the toxicities resolve to baseline parameters or to the point where they are no longer severe and the potential benefit of continued treatment with clofarabine outweighs the risk of such continuation. It is then recommended that clofarabine be administered at a 25% dose reduction.

Should a patient experience the same severe toxicity on a second occasion, treatment should be delayed until the toxicity resolves to baseline parameters or to the point where it is no longer severe and the potential benefit of continued treatment with clofarabine outweighs the risk of such continuation. It is then recommended that clofarabine be administered at a further 25% dose reduction.

Any patient who experiences a severe toxicity on a third occasion, a severe toxicity that does not recover within 14 days (see above for exclusions), or a life-threatening or disabling toxicity (US NCI CTC Grade 4 toxicity) should be withdrawn from treatment with clofarabine (see section 4.4).


Special populations Renal impairment

The limited data available indicate that clofarabine may accumulate in patients with decreased creatinine clearance (see sections 4.4 and 5.2). Clofarabine is contraindicated in patients with severe renal insufficiency (see section 4.3) and should be used with caution in patients with mild to moderate renal insufficiency (see section 4.4).

Patients with moderate renal impairment (creatinine clearance 30 – < 60 ml/min) require a 50% dose reduction (see section 5.2).

Hepatic impairment

There is no experience in patients with hepatic impairment (serum bilirubin > 1.5 x ULN plus AST and ALT > 5 x ULN) and the liver is a potential target organ for toxicity. Therefore, clofarabine is contraindicated in patients with severe hepatic impairment (see section 4.3) and should be used with caution in patients with mild to moderate hepatic impairment (see section 4.4).



Method of administration

The recommended dosage should be administered by intravenous infusion although it has been administered via a central venous catheter in ongoing clinical trials. ALLBLOC must not be mixed with or concomitantly administered using the same intravenous line as other medicinal products (see section 6.2). For instructions on dilution of the medicinal product before administration (see section 6.6).

Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1. Use in patients with severe renal insufficiency or severe hepatic impairment. Breast-feeding (see section 4.6).

Clofarabine is a potent antineoplastic agent with potentially significant haematological and non-haematological adverse reactions (see section 4.8).

The following parameters should be closely monitored in patients undergoing treatment with clofarabine:

•     Complete blood and platelet counts should be obtained at regular intervals, more frequently in patients who develop cytopaenias.

•     Renal and hepatic function prior to, during active treatment and following therapy. Clofarabine should be discontinued immediately if substantial increases in creatinine, liver enzymes and/or bilirubin are observed.

•     Respiratory status, blood pressure, fluid balance and weight throughout and immediately after the 5 day clofarabine administration period.

Blood and lymphatic disorders

Suppression of bone marrow should be anticipated. This is usually reversible and appears to be dose-dependent. Severe bone marrow suppression, including neutropaenia, anaemia and thrombocytopaenia have been observed in patients treated with clofarabine. Haemorrhage, including cerebral, gastrointestinal and pulmonary haemorrhage, has been reported and may be fatal. The majority of the cases were associated with thrombocytopaenia (see section 4.8).

In addition, at initiation of treatment, most patients in the clinical studies had haematological impairment as a manifestation of leukaemia. Because of the pre-existing immuno-compromised condition of these patients and prolonged neutropaenia that can


result from treatment with clofarabine, patients are at increased risk for severe opportunistic infections, including severe sepsis, with potentially fatal outcomes. Patients should be monitored for signs and symptoms of infection and treated promptly.

Occurrences of enterocolitis, including neutropaenic colitis, caecitis, and C. difficile colitis, have been reported during treatment with clofarabine. This has occurred more frequently within 30 days of treatment, and in the setting of combination chemotherapy. Enterocolitis may lead to necrosis, perforation or sepsis complications and may be associated with fatal outcome (see section 4.8). Patients should be monitored for signs and symptoms of enterocolitis.

Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders

Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), including fatal cases, have been reported (see section 4.8). Clofarabine must be discontinued for exfoliative or bullous rash, or if SJS or TEN is suspected.

Neoplasms benign and malignant (including cysts and polyps) and Immune systems disorders

Administration of clofarabine results in a rapid reduction in peripheral leukaemia cells. Patients undergoing treatment with clofarabine should be evaluated and monitored for signs and symptoms of tumour lysis syndrome and cytokine release (e.g. tachypnoea, tachycardia, hypotension, pulmonary oedema) that could develop into Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS), capillary leak syndrome and/or organ dysfunction (see section 4.8).

•       Prophylactic administration of allopurinol should be considered if hyperuricemia (tumour lysis) is expected.

•       Patients should receive intravenous fluids throughout the 5 day clofarabine administration period to reduce the effects of tumour lysis and other events.

•       The use of prophylactic steroids (e.g., 100 mg/m2 hydrocortisone on Days 1 through 3) may be of benefit in preventing signs or symptoms of SIRS or capillary leak.

Clofarabine should be discontinued immediately if patients show early signs or symptoms of SIRS, capillary leak syndrome or substantial organ dysfunction and appropriate supportive measures instituted. In addition, clofarabine treatment should be discontinued if the patient develops hypotension for any reason during the 5 days of administration. Further treatment with clofarabine, generally at a lower dose, can be considered when patients are stabilised and organ function has returned to baseline.


The majority of patients who respond to clofarabine achieve a response after 1 or 2 treatment cycles (see section 5.1). Therefore, the potential benefit and risks associated with continued therapy in patients who do not show haematological and/or clinical improvement after 2 treatment cycles should be assessed by the treating physician.

Cardiac disorders

Patients with cardiac disease and those taking medicinal products known to affect blood pressure or cardiac function should be closely monitored during treatment with clofarabine (see sections 4.5 and 4.8).

Renal and urinary disorders

There is no clinical study experience in paediatric patients with renal insufficiency (defined in clinical studies as serum creatinine ≥ 2 x ULN for age) and clofarabine is predominately excreted via the kidneys. Pharmacokinetic data indicate that clofarabine may accumulate in patients with decreased creatinine clearance (see section 5.2). Therefore, clofarabine should be used with caution in patients with mild to moderate renal insufficiency (see section 4.2 for dose adjustments). The safety profile of clofarabine has not been established in patients with severe renal impairment or patients receiving renal replacement therapy (see section 4.3). The concomitant use of medicinal products that have been associated with renal toxicity and those eliminated by tubular secretion such as NSAIDs, amphotericin B, methotrexate, aminosides, organoplatines, foscarnet, pentamidine, cyclosporin, tacrolimus, acyclovir and valganciclovir, should be avoided particularly during the 5 day clofarabine administration period; preference should be given to those medicinal products that are not known to be nephrotoxic (see sections 4.5 and 4.8). Renal failure or acute renal failure have been observed as a consequence of infections, sepsis and tumour lysis syndrome (see section 4.8). Patients should be monitored for renal toxicity and clofarabine should be discontinued as necessary.

It was observed that the frequency and severity of adverse reactions, in particular infection, myelosuppression (neutropenia) and hepatotoxicity, are increased when clofarabine is used in combination. In this regard, patients should be closely monitored when clofarabine is used in combined regimens. At initiation of treatment, most patients in the clinical studies had hematological impairment as a manifestation of leukemia. Myelosuppression is usually reversible with interruption of CLOFARABINE treatment and appears to be dose-dependent. Monitor complete blood counts closely. 

Patients receiving clofarabine may experience vomiting and diarrhoea; they should, therefore, be advised regarding appropriate measures to avoid dehydration. Patients should be instructed to seek medical advice if they experience symptoms of dizziness,


fainting spells, or decreased urine output. Prophylactic anti-emetic medicinal products should be considered.

Hepato-biliary disorders

There is no experience in patients with hepatic impairment (serum bilirubin > 1.5 x ULN plus AST and ALT > 5 x ULN) and the liver is a potential target organ for toxicity. Therefore, clofarabine should be used with caution in patients with mild to moderate hepatic impairment (see sections 4.2 and 4.3). The concomitant use of medicinal products that have been associated with hepatic toxicity should be avoided wherever possible (see sections 4.5 and 4.8).

If a patient experiences a hematologic toxicity of Grade 4 neutropaenia (ANC < 0.5 x 109/l) lasting ≥ 4 weeks, then the dose should be reduced by 25% for the next cycle.

Any patient who experiences a severe non-hematologic toxicity (US NCI CTC Grade 3 toxicity) on a third occasion, a severe toxicity that does not recover within 14 days (excluding nausea/vomiting) or a life-threatening or disabling non- infectious non-hematologic toxicity (US NCI CTC Grade 4 toxicity) should be withdrawn from treatment with clofarabine (see section 4.2).

Patients who have previously received a hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) may be at higher risk for hepatotoxicity suggestive of veno-occlusive disease (VOD) following treatment with clofarabine (40 mg/m2) when used in combination with etoposide (100 mg/m2) and cyclophosphamide (440 mg/m2). In the post-marketing period, following treatment with clofarabine, serious hepatotoxic adverse reactions of VOD in paediatric and adult patients have been associated with a fatal outcome. Cases of hepatitis and hepatic failure, including fatal outcomes, have been reported with clofarabine treatment (see section 4.8).

Most patients received conditioning regimens that included busulfan, melphalan, and/or the combination of cyclophosphamide and total body irradiation. Severe hepatotoxic events have been reported in a Phase 1/2 combination study of clofarabine in paediatric patients with relapsed or refractory acute leukaemia.

There are currently limited data on the safety and efficacy of clofarabine when administered for more than 3 treatment cycles.

Each vial of ALLBLOC contains 180 mg of sodium chloride. This is equivalent to 3.08 mmol (or 70.77 mg) of sodium and should be taken into consideration for patients on a controlled sodium diet’.

No interaction studies have been performed. However, there are no known clinically significant interactions with other medicinal products or laboratory tests.

Clofarabine is not detectably metabolised by the cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzyme system. Therefore, it is unlikely to interact with active substances which inhibit or induce cytochrome P450 enzymes. In addition, clofarabine is unlikely to inhibit any of the major 5 human CYP isoforms (1A2, 2C9, 2C19, 2D6 and 3A4) or to induce 2 of these isoforms (1A2 and 3A4) at the plasma concentrations achieved following intravenous infusion of 52 mg/m2/day. As a result, it is not expected to affect the metabolism of active substances which are known substrates for these enzymes.

Clofarabine is predominately excreted via the kidneys. Thus, the concomitant use of medicinal products that have been associated with renal toxicity and those eliminated by tubular secretion such as NSAIDs, amphotericin B, methotrexate, aminosides, organoplatines, foscarnet, pentamidine, cyclosporin, tacrolimus, acyclovir and valganciclovir, should be avoided particularly during the 5 day clofarabine administration period (see sections 4.4, 4.8 and 5.2).

The liver is a potential target organ for toxicity. Thus, the concomitant use of medicinal products that have been associated with hepatic toxicity should be avoided wherever possible (see sections 4.4 and 4.8).

Patients taking medicinal products known to affect blood pressure or cardiac function should be closely monitored during treatment with clofarabine (see sections 4.4 and 4.8).


Contraception in males and females

Females of childbearing potential and sexually active males must use effective methods of contraception during treatment.



There are no data on the use of clofarabine in pregnant women. Studies in animals have shown reproductive toxicity including teratogenicity (see section 5.3). Clofarabine may cause serious birth defects when administered during pregnancy. Therefore, ALLBLOC should not be used during pregnancy, especially not during the first trimester, unless


clearly necessary (i.e. only if the potential benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the foetus). If a patient becomes pregnant during treatment with clofarabine, they should be informed of the possible hazard to the foetus.


It is unknown whether clofarabine or its metabolites are excreted in human breast milk. The excretion of clofarabine in milk has not been studied in animals. However, because of the potential for serious adverse reactions in nursing infants, breastfeeding should be discontinued prior to, during and following treatment with ALLBLOC (see section 4.3).


Dose related toxicities on male reproductive organs have been observed in mice, rats and dogs, and toxicities on female reproductive organs have been observed in mice (see section 5.3). As the effect of clofarabine treatment on human fertility is unknown, reproductive planning should be discussed with patients as appropriate.

No studies on the effects of clofarabine on the ability to drive and use machines have been performed. However, patients should be advised that they may experience undesirable effects such as dizziness, light-headedness or fainting spells during treatment and told not to drive or operate machines in such circumstances.

Summary of the safety profile

Nearly all patients (98%) experienced at least one adverse event considered by the study investigator to be related to clofarabine. Those most frequently reported were nausea (61% of patients), vomiting (59%), febrile neutropaenia (35%), headache (24%), rash

(21%),  diarrhoea  (20%),  pruritus  (20%),  pyrexia  (19%),  palmar-plantar

erythrodysaesthesia syndrome (15%), fatigue (14%), anxiety (12%), mucosal inflammation (11%), and flushing (11%). Sixty-eight patients (59%) experienced at least one serious clofarabine-related adverse event. One patient discontinued treatment due to grade 4 hyperbilirubinaemia considered as related to clofarabine after receiving 52 mg/m2/day clofarabine. Three patients died of adverse events considered by the study investigator to be related to treatment with clofarabine: one patient died from respiratory


distress, hepatocellular damage, and capillary leak syndrome; one patient from VRE sepsis and multi-organ failure; and one patient from septic shock and multi-organ failure.

Tabulated list of adverse reactions

The information provided is based on data generated from clinical trials in which 115 patients (> 1 and ≤ 21 years old) with either ALL or acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) received at least one dose of clofarabine at the recommended dose of 52 mg/m2 daily x 5. Adverse reactions are listed by system organ class and frequency (very common (≥ 1/10); common (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10), uncommon (≥ 1/1,000 to < 1/100; rare (≥ 1/10,000 to

< 1/1,000) and very rare (< 1/10,000)) in the table below. Adverse reactions reported during the post-marketing period are also included in the table under the frequency category “not known” (cannot be estimated from the available data). Within each frequency grouping, adverse reactions are presented in order of decreasing seriousness.

Patients with advanced stages of ALL or AML may have confounding medical conditions that make causality of adverse events difficult to assess due to the variety of symptoms related to the underlying disease, its progression and the co- administration of numerous medicinal products.

Adverse reactions considered to be related to clofarabine reported at frequencies

≥ 1/1,000 (i.e. in > 1/115 patients) in clinical trials and post-marketing

Infections and infestations

Common: Septic shock*, sepsis, bacteraemia, pneumonia, herpes zoster, herpes simplex, oral candidiasis Frequency not known: C. Difficile colitis

Neoplasms benign and malignant

(including cysts and polyps)

Common: Tumour lysis syndrome*

Blood and lymphatic system disorders

Very common: Febrile neutropaenia

Common: Neutropaenia

Immune system disorders

Common: Hypersensitivity

Metabolism and nutrition disorders

Common: Anorexia, decreased appetite, dehydration

Frequency not known: hyponatremia

Psychiatric disorders

Very common: Anxiety

Common: Agitation, restlessness, mental

status change



Nervous system disorders

Very common: Headache Common: Somnolence, peripheral neuropathy,

paraesthesia, dizziness, tremor

Ear and labyrinth disorders

Common: Hypoacusis

Cardiac disorders

Common: Pericardial effusion*,


Vascular disorders

Very common: Flushing*

Common: Hypotension*, capillary leak syndrome, haematoma

Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders

Common: Respiratory distress, epistaxis, dyspnoea,

tachypnoea, cough

Gastrointestinal disorders

Very common: Vomiting, nausea, diarrhoea Common: Mouth haemorrhage, gingival bleeding, haematemesis, abdominal pain, stomatitis, upper abdominal pain, proctalgia, mouth ulceration

Frequency not known: Pancreatitis elevations in serum amylase and lipase,

enterocolitis, neutropaenic colitis, caecitis

Hepato-biliary disorders

Common: Hyperbilirubinaemia, jaundice, veno- occlusive disease, increases in alanine (ALT)* and aspartate (AST)* aminotransferases, hepatic failure

Uncommon: Hepatitis

General disorders and administration site conditions

Very common: Fatigue, pyrexia, mucosal inflammation

Common: Multi-organ failure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome*, pain, chills, irritability, oedema, peripheral

oedema, feeling hot, feeling abnormal

Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders

Very common: Palmar-plantar erythrodysaesthesia syndrome, pruritus Common: Maculo-papular rash, petechiae, erythema, pruritic rash, skin exfoliation, generalised rash, alopecia, skin hyperpigmentation, generalised erythema, erythematous rash, dry skin, hyperhidrosis Frequency not known: Stevens Johnson Syndrome (SJS), toxic epidermal

necrolysis (TEN)



Musculoskeletal, connective tissue and bone disorders

Common: Pain in extremity, myalgia, bone

pain, chest wall pain, arthralgia, neck and back pain

Renal and urinary disorders

Common: Haematuria*

Common: Renal failure, acute renal failure


Common: Weight decreased

Injury, poisoning and procedural


Common: Contusion

* = see below

**All adverse reactions occurring at least twice (i.e., 2 or more reactions (1.7%)) are included in this table


Description of selected adverse reactions

Blood and lymphatic system disorders

The most frequent haematological laboratory abnormalities observed in patients treated with clofarabine were anaemia (83.3%; 95/114); leucopaenia (87.7%; 100/114); lymphopaenia (82.3%; 93/113), neutropaenia (63.7%; 72/113), and thrombocytopaenia (80.7%; 92/114). The majority of these events were of grade ≥ 3.

During the post-marketing period prolonged cytopaenias (thrombocytopaenia, anaemia, neutropaenia and leukopaenia) and bone marrow failure have been reported. Bleeding events have been observed in the setting of thrombocytopaenia. Haemorrhage, including cerebral, gastrointestinal and pulmonary haemorrhage, has been reported and may be associated with a fatal outcome (see section 4.4).

Vascular disorders

Sixty-four patients of 115 (55.7%) experienced at least one vascular disorders adverse event. Twenty-three patients out of 115 experienced a vascular disorder considered to be related to clofarabine, the most frequently reported being flushing (13 events; not serious) and hypotension (5 events; all of which were considered to be serious; see section 4.4). However, the majority of these hypotensive events were reported in patients who had confounding severe infections.

Cardiac disorders

Fifty percent of patients experienced at least one cardiac disorders adverse event. Eleven events in 115 patients were considered to be related to clofarabine, none of which were serious and the most frequently reported cardiac disorder was tachycardia (35%) (see section 4.4); 6.1% (7/115) patient's tachycardia were considered to be related to


clofarabine. Most of the cardiac adverse events were reported in the first 2 cycles. Pericardial effusion and pericarditis were reported as an adverse event in 9% (10/115) of patients. Three of these events were subsequently assessed as being related to clofarabine: pericardial effusion (2 events; 1 of which was serious) and pericarditis (1 event; not serious). In the majority of patients (8/10), the pericardial effusion and pericarditis were deemed to be asymptomatic and of little or no clinical significance on echocardiographic    assessment.    However,   the   pericardial    effusion   was clinically significant in 2 patients with some associated haemodynamic compromise.

Infections and infestations

Forty-eight percent of patients had one or more ongoing infections prior to receiving treatment with clofarabine. A total of 83% of patients experienced at least 1 infection after clofarabine treatment, including fungal, viral and bacterial infections (see section 4.4). Twenty-one (18.3%) events were considered to be related to clofarabine of which catheter related infection (1 event), sepsis (2 events) and septic shock (2 events; 1 patient died (see above)) were considered to be serious.

During the post-marketing period, bacterial, fungal and viral infections have been reported and may be fatal. These infections may lead to septic shock, respiratory failure, renal failure, and/or multi-organ failure.

Renal and urinarydisorders

Forty-one patients of 115 (35.7%) experienced at least one renal and urinary disorders adverse event. The most prevalent renal toxicity in paediatric patients was elevated creatinine. Grade 3 or 4 elevated creatinine occurred in 8% of patients. Nephrotoxic medicinal products, tumour lysis, and tumour lysis with hyperuricemia may contribute to renal toxicity (see sections 4.3 and 4.4). Haematuria was observed in 13% of patients overall. Four renal adverse events in 115 patients were considered to be related to clofarabine, none of which were serious; haematuria (3 events) and acute renal failure (1 event) (see sections 4.3 and 4.4).

Hepato-biliary disorders

The liver is a potential target organ for clofarabine toxicity and 25.2% of patients experienced at least one hepato-biliary disorders adverse event (see sections 4.3 and 4.4). Six events were considered to be related to clofarabine of which acute cholecystitis (1 event), cholelithiasis (1 event), hepatocellular damage (1 event; patient died (see


above)) and hyperbilirubinaemia (1 event; the patient discontinued therapy (see above)) were considered to be serious. Two paediatric reports (1.7%) of veno-occlusive disease (VOD) were considered related to study drug.

VOD cases reported during the post-marketing period in paediatric and adult patients have been associated with a fatal outcome (see section 4.4).

In addition, 50/113 patients receiving clofarabine had at least severely (at least US NCI CTC Grade 3) elevated ALT, 36/100 elevated AST and 15/114 elevated bilirubin levels. The majority of elevations in ALT and AST occurred within 10 days of clofarabine administration and returned to ≤ grade 2 within 15 days. Where follow-up data are available, the majority of bilirubin elevations returned to ≤ grade 2 within 10 days.

Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) or capillary leak syndrome

SIRS, capillary leak syndrome (signs and symptoms of cytokine release, e.g., tachypnea, tachycardia, hypotension, pulmonary oedema) were reported as an adverse event in 5% (6/115) of paediatric patients (5 ALL, 1 AML) (see section 4.4). Thirteen events of tumour lysis syndrome, capillary leak syndrome or SIRS have been reported; SIRS (2 events; both were considered to be serious), capillary leak syndrome (4 events; 3 of which were considered serious and related) and tumour lysis syndrome (7 events; 6 of which were considered related and 3 of which were serious).

Capillary leak syndrome cases reported during the post-marketing period have been associated with a fatal outcome (See section 4.4).

Gastrointestinal disorders

Occurrences of enterocolitis, including neutropaenic colitis, caecitis, and C. difficile colitis have been reported during treatment with clofarabine. Enterocolitis may lead to necrosis, perforation or sepsis complications and may be associated with fatal outcome (see section 4.4).

Skin and subcutaneous disorders

Stevens - Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN), including fatal cases, have been reported in patients who were receiving or had recently been treated with clofarabine. Other exfoliative conditions have also been reported.

To reports any side effect(s):

Reporting suspected adverse reactions after authorisation of the medicinal product is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal


product. Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions to the competent authority in Saudi Arabia as per details below:

To report any side effect(s):

•       Saudi Arabia


The National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC):

Fax: +966-11-205-7662

SFDA Call Center: 19999

E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa

Website: https://ade.sfda.gov.sa

•       Other GCC States:

•          Please contact the relevant competent authority.


No case of overdose has been reported. However, possible symptoms of overdose are expected to include nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and severe bone marrow suppression. To date, the highest daily dose administered to human beings is 70 mg/m2 for 5 consecutive days (2 paediatric ALL patients). The toxicities observed in these patients included vomiting, hyperbilirubinaemia, elevated transaminase levels and maculo-papular rash.


No specific antidotal therapy exists. Immediate discontinuation of therapy, careful observation and initiation of appropriate supportive measures are recommended.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Antineoplastic agents, antimetabolites; ATC code: L01BB06

Mechanism of action

Clofarabine is a purine nucleoside anti-metabolite. Its antitumour activity is believed to be due to 3 mechanisms:

•       DNA polymerase α inhibition resulting in termination of DNA chain elongation and/or DNA synthesis / repair.


•       Ribonucleotide reductase inhibition with reduction of cellular deoxynucleotide triphosphate (dNTP) pools.

•       Disruption of mitochondrial membrane integrity with the release of cytochrome C and other proapoptotic factors leading to programmed cell death even in non-dividing lymphocytes.

Clofarabine must first diffuse or be transported into target cells where it is sequentially phosphorylated to the mono- and bi-phosphate by intracellular kinases, and then finally to the active conjugate, clofarabine 5'-triphosphate. Clofarabine has high affinity for one of the activating phosphorylating enzymes, deoxycytidine kinase, which exceeds that of the natural substrate, deoxycytidine.

In addition, clofarabine possesses greater resistance to cellular degradation by adenosine deaminase and decreased susceptibility to phosphorolytic cleavage than other active substances in its class whilst the affinity of clofarabine triphosphate for DNA polymerase α and ribonucleotide reductase is similar to or greater than that of deoxyadenosine triphosphate.

Pharmacodynamic effects

In vitro studies have demonstrated that clofarabine inhibits cell growth in and is cytotoxic to a variety of rapidly proliferating haematological and solid tumour cell lines. It was also active against quiescent lymphocytes and macrophages. In addition, clofarabine delayed tumour growth and, in some cases, caused tumour regression in an assortment of human and murine tumour xenografts implanted in mice.

Clinical efficacy and safety

Clinical efficacy: To enable systematic evaluation of the responses seen in patients, an unblinded Independent Response Review Panel (IRRP) determined the following response rates based on definitions produced by the Children's Oncology Group:

CR = Complete Remission

Patients who met each of the following criteria:

•       No    evidence    of    circulating blasts                  or extramedullary disease

•       An M1 bone marrow (≤ 5% blasts)

•       Recovery  of  peripheral  counts  (platelets

≥ 100 x 109/l and ANC ≥ 1.0 x 109/l)

CRp = Complete Remission in the Absence of Total Platelet Recovery

•       Patients who met all of the criteria for a CR except for recovery of platelet counts to

> 100 x 109/l



PR = Partial Remission

Patients who met each of the following criteria:

•       Complete disappearance of circulating blasts

•       An M2 bone marrow (≥ 5% and ≤ 25% blasts) and appearance of normal progenitor cells

•       An M1 marrow that did not qualify for CR

or CRp

Overall Remission (OR) Rate

•       (Number of patients with a CR + Number of

patients with a CRp) ÷ Number of eligible patients who received clofarabine

The safety and efficacy of clofarabine were evaluated in a phase I, open-label, non-comparative, dose-escalation study in 25 paediatric patients with relapsed or refractory leukaemia (17 ALL; 8 AML) who had failed standard therapy or for whom no other therapy existed. Dosing commenced at 11.25 with escalation to 15, 30, 40, 52 and 70 mg/m2/day by intravenous infusion for 5 days every 2 to 6 weeks depending on toxicity and response. Nine of 17 ALL patients were treated with clofarabine 52 mg/m2/day. Of the 17 ALL patients, 2 achieved a complete remission (12%; CR) and 2 a partial remission (12%; PR) at varying doses. Dose-limiting toxicities in this study were hyperbilirubinaemia, elevated transaminase levels and maculo-papular rash experienced at 70 mg/m2/day (2 ALL patients; see section 4.9).

A multi-centre, phase II, open-label, non-comparative study of clofarabine was conducted to determine the overall remission (OR) rate in heavily pretreated patients (≤ 21 years old at initial diagnosis) with relapsed or refractory ALL defined using the French-American-British classification. The maximum tolerated dose identified in the phase I study described above of 52 mg/m2/day clofarabine was administered by intravenous infusion for 5 consecutive days every 2 to 6 weeks. The table below summarises the key efficacy results for this study.

Patients with ALL must not have been eligible for therapy of higher curative potential and must have been in second or subsequent relapse and/or refractory i.e. failed to achieve remission after at least two prior regimens. Before enrolling in the trial, 58 of the 61 patients (95%) had received 2 to 4 different induction regimens and 18/61 (30%) of these patients had undergone at least 1 prior haematological stem cell transplant (HSCT). The median age of treated patients (37 males, 24 females) was 12 years old.

Administration of clofarabine resulted in a dramatic and rapid reduction in peripheral leukaemia cells in 31 of the 33 patients (94%) who had a measurable absolute blast count


at baseline. The 12 patients who achieved an overall remission (CR + CRp) had a median survival time of 66.6 weeks as of the data collection cut-off date. Responses were seen in different immunophenotypes of ALL, including pre-B cell and T-cell. Although transplantation rate was not a study endpoint, 10/61 patients (16%) went on to receive a HSCT after treatment with clofarabine (3 after achieving a CR, 2 after a CRp, 3 after a PR, 1 patient that was considered a treatment failure by the IRRP and 1 that was considered not evaluable by the IRRP). Response durations are confounded in patients who received a HSCT.

Efficacy results from the pivotal study in patients (≤ 21 years old at initial diagnosis) with

relapsed or refractory ALL after at least two prior regimens.

Response category


patients (n = 61)

Median duration of remission (weeks)

(95% CI)

Median time to progression (weeks)**

(95% CI)

Median overall survival (weeks) (95% CI)


remission (CR + CRp)




(9.7 to 47.9)


(15.4 to 56.1)


(58.6 to -)







(6.1 to -)

(13.7 to -)

(66.6 to -)







(4.6 to 38.3)

(9.1 to 42)

(9.1 to -)







(5.0 to -)

(7.0 to -)

(18.1 to -)







(7.6 to 47.9)

(13.7 to 56.1)

(42.0 to -)










Not evaluable



(3.4 to 5.1)

(6.7 to 12.6)




All patients






(4.0 to 6.1)

(7.9 to 18.1)

*ITT = intention to treat.

**Patients alive and in remission at the time of last follow up were censored at that time point for the analysis.


Individual duration remission and survival data for patients who achieved CR or CRp

Best Response

Time to OR


Duration of

Remission (weeks)

Overall Survival


Patients who did not undergo transplant



























Patients who underwent transplant while in continued remission*

















Patients who underwent transplant after alternative therapy or relapse*









* Duration of remission censored at the time of transplant

** Patient received a transplant following alternate therapy

*** Patient received a transplant following relaps

Adsorption and distribution

The pharmacokinetics of clofarabine were studied in 40 patients aged between 2 to 19 years old with relapsed or refractory ALL or AML. The patients were enrolled into a single phase I (n = 12) or two phase II (n = 14 / n = 14) safety and efficacy studies and received multiple doses of clofarabine by intravenous infusion (see section 5.1).

Pharmacokinetics in patients aged between 2 to 19 years old with relapsed or refractory ALL or AML following administration of multiple doses of

clofarabine by intravenous infusion



Estimates based on non-compartmental analysis

(n = 14 / n = 14)

Estimates based on other analysis


Volume of

distribution (steady state)


172 l/m2


Plasma protein




Serum albumin




β half-life of


5.2 hours


Half-life of

clofarabine triphosphate



> 24 hours





28.8 l/h/m2


Renal clearance

10.8 l/h/m2


Dose excreted in





Multivariate analysis showed that the pharmacokinetics of clofarabine are weight dependent and although white blood cell (WBC) count was identified as having an impact on clofarabine pharmacokinetics, this did not appear sufficient to individualise a patient's dosage regimen based on their WBC count. Intravenous infusion of 52 mg/m2 clofarabine produced equivalent exposure across a wide range of weights. However, Cmax is inversely proportional to patient weight and, therefore, small children may have a higher Cmax at the end of infusion than a typical 40 kg child given the same dose of clofarabine per m2. Accordingly, longer infusion times should be considered in children weighing < 20 kg (see section 4.2).


Biotransformation and elimination

Clofarabine is eliminated by a combination of renal and non-renal excretion. After 24 hours, about 60% of the dose is excreted unchanged in the urine. Clofarabine clearance rates appear to be much higher than glomerular filtration rates suggesting filtration and tubular secretion as kidney elimination mechanisms. However, as clofarabine is not detectably metabolised by the cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzyme system, pathways of non-renal elimination currently remain unknown.

No apparent difference in pharmacokinetics was observed between patients with ALL or AML, or between males and females.

No relationship between clofarabine or clofarabine triphosphate exposure and either efficacy or toxicity has been established in this population.


Special populations

Adults (> 21 and < 65 years old)

There are currently insufficient data to establish the safety and efficacy of clofarabine in adult patients. However, the pharmacokinetics of clofarabine in adults with relapsed or refractory AML following administration of a single dose of 40 mg/m2 clofarabine by intravenous infusion over 1 hour were comparable to those described above in patients aged between 2 to 19 years old with relapsed or refractory ALL or AML following


administration of 52 mg/m2 clofarabine by intravenous infusion over 2 hours for 5 consecutive days.

Elderly (≥ 65 years old)

There are currently insufficient data to establish the safety and efficacy of clofarabine in patients 65 years of age or older.


Renal impairment

To date, there are limited data on the pharmacokinetics of clofarabine in paediatric patients with decreased creatinine clearance. However, these data indicate that clofarabine may accumulate in such patients (see figure below).

Population pharmacokinetic data from adult and paediatric patients suggest that patients with stable moderate renal impairment (creatinine clearance 30 – < 60 ml/min) receiving a 50% dose reduction achieve similar clofarabine exposure to those with normal renal function receiving a standard dose.


Clofarabine AUC0-24 hours by baseline estimated creatinine clearance in patients aged between 2 to 19 years old with relapsed or refractory ALL or AML (n = 11 / n = 12) following administration of multiple doses of clofarabine by intravenous infusion (creatinine clearance estimated using Schwartz formula)



Hepatic impairment

There is no experience in patients with hepatic impairment (serum bilirubin > 1.5 x ULN plus AST and ALT > 5 x ULN) and the liver is a potential target organ for toxicity (see sections 4.3 and 4.4).

Toxicology studies of clofarabine in mice, rats and dogs showed that rapidly proliferating tissues were the primary target organs of toxicity.

Cardiac effects were observed in rats consistent with cardiomyopathy and contributed to signs of cardiac failure after repeated cycles of treatment. The incidence of these toxicities was dependent on both the dose of clofarabine administered and the duration of treatment. They were reported at exposure levels (Cmax) approximately 7 to 13 fold (after 3 or more dosing cycles) or 16 to 35 fold (after one or more dosing cycles) higher than clinical exposures. The minimal effects seen at lower doses suggest that there is a threshold for toxicities on the heart and nonlinear plasma pharmacokinetics in the rat may play a role in the observed effects. The potential risk for humans is unknown.

Glomerulonephropathy was reported in rats at exposure levels 3 to 5 fold higher than the clinical AUC after 6 dosing cycles of clofarabine. It was characterised by minor thickening of the glomerular basement membrane with only slight tubular damage and was not associated with changes in serum chemistry.

Hepatic effects were observed in rats following chronic administration of clofarabine. These likely represent the superimposition of degenerative and regenerative changes as a result of treatment cycles, and were not associated with changes in serum chemistry. Histological evidence of hepatic effects was seen in dogs following acute administration of high doses, but was also not accompanied by changes in serum chemistry.

Dose related toxicities on male reproductive organs were observed in mice, rats and dogs. These effects included bilateral degeneration of the seminiferous epithelium with retained spermatids and atrophy of interstitial cells in rats at exaggerated exposure levels (150 mg/m2/day), and cell degeneration of the epididymis and degeneration of the seminiferous epithelium in dogs at clinically relevant exposure levels (> 7.5 mg/m2/day clofarabine).

Delayed ovarian atrophy or degeneration and uterine mucosal apoptosis were observed in female mice at the only dose used of 225 mg/m2/day clofarabine.

Clofarabine was teratogenic in rats and rabbits. Increases in postimplantation loss, reduced foetal body weights and decreased litter sizes together with increases in the number of malformations (gross external, soft tissue) and skeletal alterations (including retarded ossification) were reported in rats receiving doses which produced approximately 2 to 3 fold the clinical exposure (54 mg/m2/day) and in rabbits receiving 12 mg/m2/day clofarabine. (There are no exposure data in rabbits.) The threshold for developmental


toxicity was considered to be 6 mg/m2/day in rats and 1.2 mg/m2/day in rabbits. The no-observable effect level for maternal toxicity in rats was 18 mg/m2/day and in rabbits was more than 12 mg/m2/day. No fertility studies have been conducted.

Genotoxicity studies demonstrated that clofarabine was not mutagenic in the bacterial reverse mutation assay, but did induce clastogenic effects in the non-activated chromosomal aberration assay in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells and in the in vivo rat micronucleus assay.

No carcinogenicity studies have been performed.

Sodium chloride

Water for injections

This medicinal product must not be mixed with other medicinal products except those mentioned in section 6.6.


2 years. The diluted concentrate is chemically and physically stable for 3 days at 2°C to 8°C and at room temperature (up to 25°C). From a microbiological point of view, it should be used immediately. If not used immediately, in-use storage times and conditions prior to use are the responsibility of the user and would normally not be longer than 24 hours at 2°C to 8°C unless dilution has taken place under controlled and validated aseptic conditions.

Do not store above 30°C. Protect from light. Do not freeze.

For storage conditions after dilution of the medicinal product, see section 6.3.


ALLBLOC is a clear colourless solution packed in 20 mL Ph.Eur Type-I clear tubular glass vial stoppered with 20 mm grey bromo butyl rubber stopper and sealed with 20mm aluminium flip off seals and such vial is packed in a preprinted carton.

Special precautions for administration

ALLBLOC 1 mg/ml concentrate for solution for infusion must be diluted prior to administration. It should be filtered through a sterile 0.2 micrometre syringe filter and then diluted with sodium chloride 9 mg/ml (0.9%) intravenous infusion to produce a total volume according to the examples given in the table below. However, the final dilution volume may vary depending on the patient's clinical status and physician discretion. (If the use of a 0.2 micrometre syringe filter is not feasible, the concentrate should be pre-filtered with a 5 micrometre filter, diluted and then administered through a 0.22 micrometre in-line filter.)

Suggested dilution schedule based on the recommended dosage of 52 mg/m2/day


Body surface area (m2)

Concentrate (ml)*

Total diluted volume

≤ 1.44

≤ 74.9

100 ml

1.45 to 2.40

75.4 to 124.8

150 ml

2.41 to 2.50

125.3 to 130.0

200 ml

*Each ml of concentrate contains 1 mg of clofarabine. Each 20 ml vial contains 20 mg of clofarabine. Therefore, for patients with a body surface area ≤ 0.38 m2, the partial contents of a single vial will be required to produce the recommended daily dosage of clofarabine. However, for patients with a body surface area > 0.38 m2, the contents of between 1 to 7 vials will be

required to produce the recommended daily dosage of clofarabine.


The diluted concentrate should be a clear, colourless solution. It should be visually inspected for particulate matter and discolouration prior to administration.


Instructions for handling

Procedures for proper handling of antineoplastic agents should be observed. Cytotoxic medicinal products should be handled with caution.

The use of disposable gloves and protective garments is recommended when handling ALLBLOC. If the product comes into contact with eyes, skin or mucous membranes, rinse immediately with copious amounts of water.

ALLBLOC should not be handled by pregnant women.




ALLBLOC is for single use only. Any unused medicinal product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.

MAH and Secondary packaging: Boston Oncology Arabia Sudair Industrial City, Sudair, Saudi Arabia Full Manufacturing and Primary Packaging: MSN Laboratories Private Limited


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