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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

−        Lovista® contains the active ingredient cabergoline. This medicine belongs to a class of medicines called ‘dopamine agonists’. Dopamine is produced naturally in the body and helps to transmit messages to the brain.

−        Lovista® is used to stop breast milk production (lactation) soon after childbirth, stillbirth, abortion or miscarriage. It can also be used if you do not want to continue to breast-feed your baby once you have started.

−        Lovista® can also be used to treat other conditions caused by hormonal disturbance which can result in high levels of prolactin being produced. This includes lack of periods, infrequent and very light menstruation, periods in which ovulation does not occur and secretion of milk from your breast without breast-feeding. Also in conditions in which high levels of prolactin are due to unknown causes (idiopathic hyperprolactinaemia) or are caused by tumours of the pituitary gland in both men and women.

−        Cabergoline mimics the action of dopamine to reduce the production of prolactin in the blood. Prolactin is the hormone which stimulates the breast to produce milk.

−        Lovista® should only be used in adults. It is not suitable for children under the age of 16 years.

−        You must talk to a doctor or pharmacist if you do not feel better or if you feel worse.



Do not take Lovista®

−        If you are allergic to cabergoline, to other medicines called ergot alkaloids, (e.g. pergolide, bromocriptine, lisuride, ergotamine or ergometrine) or to any of the other ingredients of this medicine (listed in section 6).

−        If you have severe liver disease.

−        If you have high blood pressure in pregnancy associated with swelling and protein in the urine (toxaemia of pregnancy).

−        If you are being treated with anti-psychotics or have a history of mental illness associated with child-birth (puerperal psychosis).

−        If you are pregnant or breast-feeding.

−        If you will be treated with Lovista® for a long period and have stiff and inflamed heart valves (cardiac valvulopathy).

−        If you have had fibrotic reactions (scar tissue) affecting your abdomen, heart or lungs.


Take special care with Lovista®

Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking Lovista® if you have or had any of the following conditions:

−        Disease that involves the heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular disease).

−        Cold hands and feet (Raynaud’s syndrome).

−        Gnawing pain in the abdomen when hungry (peptic ulcer) or bleeding from the stomach and intestines (gastrointestinal bleeding).

−        History of serious mental disease, particularly psychotic disorders.

−        Reduced liver function.

−        Kidney function abnormality or kidney disease.

−        Increased blood pressure after giving birth.

−        Fibrotic reactions (scar tissue) affecting your heart, lungs or abdomen. In case you are treated with Lovista® for a long period, your physician will check before starting treatment whether your heart, lungs and kidneys are in good condition. They will also have an echocardiogram (an ultrasound test of the heart) taken before treatment is started and at regular intervals during treatment. If fibrotic reactions occur treatment will have to be discontinued.

−        Low blood pressure (postural hypotension) or you are taking any medicines to lower your blood pressure.


Tell your doctor if you or your family/carer notices that you are developing urges or cravings to behave in ways that are unusual for you and you cannot resist the impulse, drive or temptation to carry out certain activities that could harm yourself or others. These are called impulse control disorders and can include behaviours such as addictive gambling, excessive eating or spending, an abnormally high sex drive or an increase in sexual thoughts or feelings. Your doctor may need to adjust or stop your dose.

It is recommended that women on long term treatment with Lovista® for hormonal disorders should have regular gynaecological exams including smear tests. Your doctor will continue to monitor your medical condition while you are taking Lovista® tablets.


Taking other medicines, herbal or dietary supplements

Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken or might take any other medicines, including medicines obtained without a prescription.

Some medicines can reduce the effectiveness of cabergoline, these include:

−        Medicines used to treat mental illness (e.g. antipsychotic medicines like chlorpromazine, haloperidol).

−        Medicines for nausea and vomiting (e.g. domperidone, metoclopramide).

Some medicines can increase the amount of cabergoline in your blood and so could increase the side effects, these include:

−        Medicines for Parkinson’s disease.

−        Medicines for severe migraine headaches (e.g. pergolide, bromocriptine, lisuride, ergotamine, dihydroergotamine, ergometrine or methysergide).

−        Antibiotics (e.g. erythromycin).


Taking Lovista® with food and drink

See section 3 ‘How to take Lovista®’.


Pregnancy, breast-feeding and fertility


If you are pregnant, think you may be pregnant or are planning to have a baby, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking this medicine. You should also take care not to become pregnant for at least one month once you have stopped taking this medicine. If you become pregnant during treatment with Lovista®, stop taking Lovista® and inform your doctor who will then monitor your pregnancy as Lovista® can result in congenital abnormalities if you use it during pregnancy.



As Lovista® will stop you producing milk for your baby, you should not take this medicine if you plan to breast-feed. If you need to take Lovista® you should use another method of feeding your baby.


Driving and using machines

Lovista® can cause drowsiness (somnolence) and sudden sleepy episodes, in some cases without any warning signs or awareness. You are advised not to drive or operate machines or engage in activities requiring mental alertness or coordination during treatment with this medicine. Your doctor will decide if you can continue treatment on Lovista® if this occurs.


Important information on certain other ingredients of Lovista® Tablets

Lovista® tablets contain lactose anhydrous, if you have been told by your doctor that you have an intolerance to some sugars, contact your doctor before taking this medicinal product.


Always take this medicine exactly as your doctor or pharmacist has told you. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.

It is recommended you take Lovista® with or after food to help reduce feelings of nausea or vomiting.

·         To prevent milk production (lactation): You should take 1 mg (two 0.5 mg tablets) on the first day after delivery.

·         To stop lactation once you have started to breast-feed: You should take 0.25 mg (one half of Lovista® 0.5 mg tablet) every 12 hours for two days.

·         To reduce prolactin levels in other conditions: You should initially take one 0.5 mg tablet (to be taken in two doses) spread out over a week (e.g. half a tablet on Monday and the other half of the tablet on Thursday). Your dose will be increased up to a maximum dose of 4.5 mg per week or until you have responded fully to treatment. The maximum dose should not exceed 3 mg per day.


When you first start taking the tablet, it is recommended you slowly change position when trying to sit, stand or lie down, this is because this medicine may cause a drop in blood pressure that could make you dizzy when you move from a position. It is also recommended that you avoid alcohol and other medicines that cause drowsiness as this could increase the risk of dizziness.

During treatment your doctor may need to check your blood pressure, particularly in the first few days of treatment. A gynaecological assessment may also be carried out on the cells of your cervix or womb lining.


If you take more Lovista® than you should

If you take too many Lovista® tablets, contact your doctor immediately or go to the nearest hospital casualty department. Symptoms of overdose may include nausea, vomiting, gastric complaints, low blood pressure when standing, confusion/psychosis or hallucinations.


If you forget to take Lovista®

If you forget to take a dose take the next one as normal and tell your doctor if you have trouble remembering to take your tablets. Do not take a double dose to make up for a forgotten dose.


If you stop taking Lovista®

Your doctor will advise you how long to take Lovista®. You should not stop until your doctor tells you.

If you have any further questions on the use of this medicine, ask your doctor or pharmacist.


Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.

Tell your doctor immediately if you experience any of the following symptoms after taking this medicine. These symptoms can be severe:

·         Abnormal or unusual thoughts.

·         Heart valve and related disorders e.g. inflammation (pericarditis) or leaking of fluid in the pericardium (pericardial effusion). This is a very common side effect (may affect more than 1 in 10 people). The early symptoms may be one or more of the following: difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, pounding heart, feeling faint, chest pain, back pain, pelvic pain or swollen legs. These may be the first signs of a condition called pulmonary fibrosis, which can affect the lungs, heart/heart valves or lower back.

·         Development of a widespread itchy rash, difficulty breathing with or without wheezing, feeling faint, unexplained swelling of the body or tongue or any other symptoms which appear to come on rapidly after taking this medication and make you feel unwell. These may be indicative of an allergic reaction.


You may experience the following side effects:

·         Inability to resist the impulse, drive or temptation to perform an action that could be harmful to you or others, which may include:

o   Strong impulse to gamble excessively despite serious personal or family consequences.

o   Aggression and altered or increased sexual interest and behaviour of significant concern to you or to others, for example, an increased sexual drive.

o   Uncontrollable excessive shopping or spending.

o   Binge eating (eating large amounts of food in a short time period) or compulsive eating (eating more food than normal and more than is needed to satisfy your hunger).


Tell your doctor if you experience any of these behaviours; they will discuss ways of managing or reducing the symptoms.

During treatment you may also notice the following effects:

·         Very common: may affect more than 1 in 10 people: drowsiness, nausea, headache, dizziness, vertigo, stomach pain, indigestion, inflamed stomach lining, fatigue, lack of bodily strength, weakness.

·         Common: may affect up to 1 in 10 people: constipation, blurred vision, low blood pressure after childbirth which may not have any symptoms, breast pain, depression, sleep disturbances, excessive daytime drowsiness/sleepiness, vomiting, low blood pressure, hot flushes.

·         Uncommon: may affect up to 1 in 100 people: loss of hair, severe itching, hypersensitivity reaction, shortness of breath, fainting, nosebleed, leg cramps, swelling due to accumulation of fluid in the tissues (oedema), rash, irregular or strong heartbeat (palpitations), pins and needles sensation, decrease in haemoglobin in women whose periods had stopped and then re-started, temporary partial vision loss, cold hands and feet.

·         Rare: may affect up to 1 in 1000 people: pain in the stomach.

·         Not known: frequency cannot be estimated from the available data: abnormal liver and abnormal blood tests of liver function, breathing problems with inadequate intake of oxygen, chest pain, tremor, an increase in the level of some enzymes in the blood, abnormal vision, episodes of sudden sleep onset, seeing or hearing things that are not really there (hallucinations), delusions, psychotic disorder.


−        Keep out of the reach and sight of children.

−        Do not store above 30° C.

−        Do not take Lovista® after the expiry date which is printed on the outside of the pack. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.

−        Medicines should not be disposed of via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines no longer required. These measures will help to protect the environment.


Lovista® Tablets contain the active ingredient Cabergoline.

Each tablet contains 0.5 mg Cabergoline.

Inactive ingredients: Lactose anhydrous and leucine.

Lovista ® 0.5 mg tablets are white capsule shaped tablets with a mid-groove on one side coded (0 0) and plain on the other side. Lovista® 0.5 mg tablets are contained in amber glass jars with a gold aluminum cap. Each jar contains 2 or 8 tablets and is enclosed in an outer carton boxes along with a leaflet. Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

Dar Al Dawa Development & Investment Co. Ltd. (Na’ur − Jordan).

Tel. (+962 6) 57 27 132

Fax. (+962 6) 57 27 776


  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

-        يحتوي لوفيستا على المادة الفعّالة كابرجولين. ينتمي هذا الدواء إلى فئة من الأدوية تسمى "ناهضات الدوبامين". يتم تصنيع الدوبامين بشكل طبيعي في الجسم ويساعد على نقل الرسائل إلى الدماغ.

-        يستخدم لوفيستا لوقف إفراز حليب الثدي (الرضاعة) بعد وقت قصير من الولادة، وبعد ولادة جنين ميت، وبعد طرح الجنين أو الإجهاض. يمكن أيضاً استخدامه في حال كنت لا تريدين الاستمرار في إرضاع طفلك بعدما بدأت بذلك.

-        يمكن أن يستخدم لوفيستا أيضاً لعلاج الحالات الأخرى الناجمة عن الاضطراب الهرموني التي يمكن أن تؤدي إلى إنتاج مستويات عالية من البرولاكتين. هذا يشمل غياب الدورة الشهرية، حيض طفيف جداً ونادر، دورات شهرية لا يحدث فيها إباضة وإفراز حليب من الثدي دون الرضاعة. أيضاً في الحالات التي يكون فيها ارتفاع في مستويات البرولاكتين لأسباب غير معروفة (فرط برولاكتين الدم مجهول السبب) أو بسبب أورام الغدة النخامية في كل من الرجال والنساء.

-        يُماثل كابرجولين عمل الدوبامين لتقليل إنتاج البرولاكتين في الدم. برولاكتين هو الهرمون الذي يحفز الثدي على إنتاج الحليب.

-        يجب استعمال لوفيستا فقط في البالغين. وهو غير مناسب للأطفال الذين تقل أعمارهم عن 16 عاماً.

-        يجب أن تتحدث إلى الطبيب أو الصيدلي إذا لم تشعر بتحسن أو إذا شعرت بأن حالتك تزداد سوءاً.


موانع تناول لوفيستا

−        إذا كان لديك حساسية تجاه كابرجولين، قلويات الإرغوت (مثل: بيرغوليد، بروموكريبتين، ليسوريد، إرغوتامين أو إرغومترين) أو إلى أي من المكونات الأخرى لهذا الدواء (المذكورة في القسم 6).

−        إذا كان لديك مرض شديد في الكبد.

−        إذا كنت تعاني من ارتفاع ضغط الدم أثناء الحمل المصاحب بانتفاخ وبروتين في البول (تسمم الحمل).

−        إذا كنت تُعالج بمضادات الذهان أو لديك تاريخ من الأمراض العقلية المرتبطة بالولادة (الذهان النّفاسي(.

−        إذا كنت حامل أو مرضعة.

−        إذا كنت ستعالج ب لوفيستا لفترة طويلة ولديك صمامات قلبية متيبسة وملتهبة (اعتلال الصمامات القلبية).

−        إذا سبق وكان لديك تفاعل تليّفي (نسيج ندبي) والذي يؤثر على البطن، القلب أو الرئتين.


الاحتياطات عند استعمال لوفيستا

تحدث إلى طبيبك أو الصيدلي قبل استعمال لوفيستا إذا سبق وكان لديك أو لديك أي من الحالات التالية:

−        مرض يتضمن القلب والأوعية الدموية.

−        برودة في اليدين والقدمين (متلازمة رينود).

−        ألم في البطن عند الجوع (قرحة هضمية) أو نزيف من المعدة والأمعاء (نزيف الجهاز الهضمي).

−        تاريخ من مرض عقلي خطير، لا سيما الإضطرابات الذهانية.

−        انخفاض وظائف الكبد.

−        خلل في وظائف الكلى أو مرض في الكلى.

−         زيادة ضغط الدم بعد الولادة.

−        التفاعلات التليّفيّة (نسيج ندبي) التي تؤثر على القلب، أو الرئتين أو البطن. في حال العلاج ب لوفيستا لفترة طويلة، سيتحقق الطبيب قبل بدء العلاج ما إذا كان القلب، والرئتين، والكليتين في حالة جيدة. سيتم أيضاً إجراء تخطيط صدى القلب (فحص الموجات فوق الصوتية للقلب) قبل بدء العلاج وعلى فترات منتظمة خلال فترة العلاج. يتوجب التوقف عن العلاج في حال حدوث تفاعلات تليّفيّة.

−        انخفاض ضغط الدم (انخفاض ضغط الدم الوضعي) أو كنت تتناول أي أدوية لخفض ضغط الدم لديك.


أخبر طبيبك إذا لاحظت أنت أو عائلتك/مقدم الرعاية أنك تتطور لديك الحوافز أو الرغبة الشديدة في التصرف بطرق غير معتادة بالنسبة لك، ولا يمكنك مقاومة الدافع، أو الإستمالة أوالإنقياد للقيام بأنشطة معينة قد تضر نفسك أو الآخرين. تسمى هذه باضطرابات التحكم في الإندفاع ويمكن أن تشمل سلوكيات مثل إدمان القمار، أوفرط في الأكل أو الإنفاق، أو دافع جنسي عالي غير طبيعي أو زيادة في الأفكار أو المشاعر الجنسية. قد يحتاج طبيبك إلى ضبط الجرعة أو إيقافها.

من الموصى أن النساء اللواتي يتعالجن ب لوفيستا على المدى الطويل للإضطرابات الهرمونية أن يقوموا بإجراء فحوصات الأمراض النسائية بشكل منتظم بما في ذلك فحص المسح المهبلي. سيستمر طبيبك في مراقبة حالتك الطبية أثناء تناولك أقراص لوفيستا.


التداخلات الدوائية من أخذ هذا المستحضر مع أي أدوية أخرى أو أعشاب أو مكملات غذائية

أخبر طبيبك أو الصيدلي إذا كنت تتناول، أو تناولت مؤخراً أو قد تتناول أي أدوية أخرى، بما في ذلك الأدوية التي يتم الحصول عليها دون وصفة طبية.

بعض الأدوية يمكن أن تقلل من فعالية كابرجولين، وتشمل هذه:

−        الأدوية المستخدمة لعلاج الأمراض العقلية (مثل: الأدوية المضادة للذهان مثل الكلوربرومازين، هالوبيريدول).

−        أدوية الغثيان والقيء (مثل: دومبيريدون، ميتوكلوبراميد).

بعض الأدوية يمكن أن تزيد من كمية كابرجولين في الدم وبالتالي يمكن أن تزيد من الأعراض الجانبية، وهذه تشمل:

−        الأدوية المستخدمة لعلاج مرض باركنسون.

−        أدوية الصداع النصفي الشديد (مثل: بيرغوليد، بروموكريبتين، ليسوريد، إرغوتامين، ثنائي هيدروإرغوتامين، إرغومترين أو ميثيسيرجيد).

−        المضادات الحيوية (مثل: الإريثروميسين).


تناول لوفيستا مع الطعام والشراب

انظر في القسم 3 "طريقة تناول لوفيستا".


الحمل، الرضاعة والخصوبة


في حال كنت حامل، أو تعتقدين بأنك قد تكونين حامل أو تخططين لإنجاب طفل، اسألي طبيبك أو الصيدلي للحصول على المشورة قبل تناول هذا الدواء. يجب أيضاً أن تحرصي على عدم الحمل لمدة شهر واحد على الأقل بعد التوقف عن تناول هذا الدواء. إذا أصبحت حامل أثناء العلاج ب لوفيستا، توقفي عن تناول لوفيستا وأخبري طبيبك الذي سيقوم بمراقبة الحمل بعد ذلك حيث أن لوفيستا قد يؤدي إلى تشوهات خلقية في حال استعماله أثناء الحمل.



بما أن لوفيستا سيعمل على إيقاف إنتاج الحليب لطفلك، فيجب عليك أن لا تتناولي هذا الدواء إذا كنت تخططين لإرضاع طفلك. في حال كنت بحاجة إلى تناول لوفيستا يجب عليك استخدام طريقة أخرى لتغذية طفلك.


تأثير لوفيستا على القيادة وإستخدام الآلات

من الممكن أن يسبب لوفيستا خمول (نعاس) ونوبات نوم مفاجئة، في بعض الحالات دون أي علامات تحذير أو وعي. ننصحك بعدم القيادة أو تشغيل الآلات أو الإنخراط في الأنشطة التي تتطلب اليقظة العقلية أو التنسيق أثناء العلاج بهذا الدواء. سيقرر طبيبك ما إذا كنت تستطيع متابعة العلاج ب لوفيستا إذا حدث ذلك.


معلومات هامة حول بعض مكونات أقراص لوفيستا

تحتوي أقراص لوفيستا على لاكتوز لا مائي، لذلك في حال قام طبيبك بإعلامك بأنك غير قادر على تحمل بعض أنواع السكر، فإن عليك مراجعة طبيبك قبل تناول هذا الدواء.


احرص دائماً على تناول هذا الدواء تماماً كما أخبرك الطبيب أو الصيدلي. تحقق من طبيبك أو الصيدلي في حال لم تكن متأكداً.
من الموصى أن تتناول لوفيستا مع الطعام أو بعده للمساعدة في التقليل من شعور الغثيان أو القيء.

·         لمنع إنتاج الحليب (الرضاعة): يجب أن تناولي 1 ملغم (قرصان من 0.5 ملغم) في اليوم الأول بعد الولادة.

·         لوقف الإرضاع بمجرد البدء في الرضاعة الطبيعية: يجب أن تتناولي 0.25 ملغم (نصف قرص من لوفيستا 0.5 ملغم) كل 12 ساعة لمدة يومين.

·         لتقليل مستويات البرولاكتين في حالات أخرى: في البداية يجب تناول قرص واحد من 0.5 ملغم (يتم تناوله على جرعتين) موزعة على مدار أسبوع (على سبيل المثال: نصف قرص يوم الإثنين والنصف الآخر من القرص يوم الخميس). ستزداد الجرعة حتى تصل إلى 4.5 ملغم كجرعة قصوى في الأسبوع أو حتى تستجيب بشكل كامل للعلاج. يجب أن لا تتجاوز الجرعة القصوى 3 ملغم في اليوم.


عندما تبدأ بتناول القرص لأول مرة ، يوصى بتغيير وضعيتك ببطء عند محاولة الجلوس، أو الوقوف أو الاستلقاء، لأن هذا الدواء قد يؤدي إلى انخفاض في ضغط الدم وقد يسبب لك دوار عند الإنتقال من موضع ما. من الموصى أيضاً بتجنب الكحول والأدوية الأخرى التي تسبب النعاس لأن ذلك قد يزيد من خطر الدوار.

قد يحتاج طبيبك أثناء العلاج إلى فحص ضغط دمك، خاصة في الأيام القليلة الأولى من العلاج. يمكن أيضاً إجراء فحص للأمراض النسائية على خلايا عنق الرحم أو بطانة الرحم.


الجرعة الزائدة من لوفيستا

إذا تناولت العديد من أقراص لوفيستا، اتصل بطبيبك على الفور أو اذهب إلى أقرب قسم طوارئ في المستشفى. قد تشمل أعراض الجرعة الزائدة الغثيان، والقيء، واضطرابات المعدة، وانخفاض ضغط الدم عند الوقوف، والإرتباك/الذهان أو الهلوسة.


نسيان تناول جرعة من لوفيستا

إذا نسيت تناول جرعة، تناول الجرعة التالية كالمعتاد وأخبر طبيبك في حال كانت لديك مشكلة في تذكر تناول الأقراص. لا تأخذ جرعة مضاعفة للتعويض عن الجرعة الفائتة.


التوقف عن تناول جرعة لوفيستا

سينصحك طبيبك بالمدة التي تحتاجها لتناول لوفيستا. يجب أن لا تتوقف عن استعمال الدواء حتى يخبرك طبيبك.

إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة أخرى حول استخدام هذا الدواء، اسأل طبيبك أو الصيدلي.

شأنه شأن جميع الأدوية، قد يسبب هذا الدواء أعراض جانبية، على الرغم من عدم حصولها لدى الجميع.

أخبر طبيبك على الفور إذا واجهت أي من الأعراض التالية بعد تناول هذا الدواء. هذه الأعراض يمكن أن تكون شديدة:

·         أفكار غير طبيعية أو غير عادية.

·         اضطرابات في صمام القلب و اضطرابات ذات صلة، مثل: الإلتهاب (إلتهاب التامور) أو تسريب السائل من التامور (إنصباب التامور). هذا من أحد الأعراض الجانبية الشائعة جداً (قد تؤثر على أكثر من 1 شخص من كل 10 أشخاص). قد تكون الأعراض المبكرة واحدة أو أكثر من الحالات التالية: صعوبة في التنفس، وضيق في التنفس، وضربات متسارعة ومتتالية في القلب، والشعور بالإغماء، وألم في الصدر، وآلام الظهر، وألم في الحوض أو تورم الساقين. قد تكون هذه هي العلامات الأولى لحالة تسمى التليف الرئوي، والتي يمكن أن تؤثر على الرئتين، القلب/صمامات القلب أو أسفل الظهر.

·         ظهور طفح جلدي منتشر على نطاق واسع مع حكة، وصعوبة في التنفس مع أو بدون صفير، شعور بالإغماء، تورم غير مفسر في الجسم أو اللسان أو أي أعراض أخرى تظهر على الفور بعد تناول هذا الدواء وتجعلك تشعر بتوعك. هذه قد تكون مؤشر على رد فعل تحسسي.

قد تواجه الأعراض الجانبية التالية:

·         عدم القدرة على مقاومة الدافع، أو الإستمالة أوالإنقياد للقيام بنشاط معين قد يكون ضار لك أو للآخرين، والذي قد يشمل:

o       دافع قوي للمقامرة بشكل مفرط على الرغم من العواقب الشخصية أو العائلية الخطيرة.

o       العدائية وتغير أو زيادة في الرغبة الجنسية و التصرف على نحو أنك ذو أهمية كبيرة في نظرك أو في نظر الآخرين، على سبيل المثال، الدافع الجنسي المتزايد.

o        التسوق أو الإنفاق المفرط غير القابل للسيطرة.

o       الشراهة عند تناول الطعام (تناول كميات كبيرة من الطعام في فترة زمنية قصيرة) أو تناول الطعام القهري (تناول المزيد من الطعام أكثر من المعتاد وأكثر مما هو مطلوب لإشباع جوعك).


أخبر طبيبك إذا واجهت أي من هذه السلوكيات؛ سوف يناقش طرق لإدارة أو تقليل الأعراض.

خلال العلاج، قد تلاحظ أيضاً الأعراض التالية:

·         شائعة جداً: قد تؤثر على أكثر من 1 شخص من كل 10 أشخاص: نعاس، غثيان، صداع، دوار، دوخة، آلام المعدة، عسر الهضم، التهاب بطانة المعدة، إرهاق، نقص القوة الجسدية، ضعف.

·         شائعة: قد تؤثر على ما يصل إلى 1 شخص من كل 10 أشخاص: إمساك، عدم وضوح في الرؤية، انخفاض ضغط الدم بعد الولادة التي قد لا يكون لها أي أعراض، ألم في الثدي، إكتئاب، اضطرابات النوم، خمول/نعاس مفرط أثناء اليوم، قيء، انخفاض ضغط الدم، هبات ساخنة.

·         غير شائعة: قد تؤثر على ما يصل إلى 1 شخص من كل 100 شخص: فقدان الشعر، حكة شديدة، رد فعل تحسسي مفرط، ضيق في التنفس، إغماء، نزيف في الأنف، تشنجات في الساق، تورم بسبب تراكم السوائل في الأنسجة (وذمة)، طفح جلدي، ضربات في القلب قوية أو غير منتظمة (خفقان)، وإحساس بإبر ودبابيس، وانخفاض في الهيموجلوبين لدى النساء اللواتي توقفت لديهن الدورة الشهرية ومن ثم عادت من جديد، فقدان الرؤية الجزئية المؤقتة، برودة اليدين والقدمين.

·         نادرة: قد تؤثر على ما يصل إلى 1 من كل 1000 شخص: ألم في المعدة.

·         غير معروف: لا يمكن تقدير التردد من البيانات المتاحة: اختلال في الكبد وفحوصات دم غير طبيعية  لوظائف الكبد، ومشاكل في التنفس مع عدم كفاية كمية الأكسجين، وألم في الصدر، ورعاش، وزيادة في مستوى بعض الإنزيمات في الدم، واختلال في الرؤية، بداية نوبات النوم المفاجئة، رؤية أو سماع أشياء غير موجودة فعلياً (هلوسة)، أوهام ، واضطراب ذهاني.

−        يحفظ بعيداً عن متناول أيدي الأطفال ونظرهم.

−        يحفظ على حرارة لا تزيد عن ٣٠ درجة مئوية.

−        لا تستخدم لوفيستا بعد تاريخ الإنتهاء المذكور على العبوة الخارجية. يدل تاريخ الإنتهاء على آخر يوم في الشهر المذكور.

−        يجب عدم التخلص من الأدوية في المياه العادمة أو النفايات المنزلية. إسأل الصيدلي حول الطريقة السليمة للتخلص من الأدوية التي لم تعد بحاجة إليها. سيساعد هذا في حماية البيئة.

تحتوي أقراص لوفيستا على المادة الفعّالة كابرجولين.

يحتوي كل قرص على 0.5 ملغم كابرجولين.

المواد غير الفعّالة: لاكتوز لا مائي و لوسين.

أقراص لوفيستا 0.5 ملغم لونها أبيض على شكل كبسولة مع قطع عرضي في المنتصف و مرمزة بالرمز (0 0) على جهة واحدة، وغير مرمزة على الجهة الأخرى.


أقراص لوفيستا 0.5 ملغم معبأة في عبوات زجاجية غير شفافة مع غطاء من الألومنيوم لونه ذهبي. تحتوي كل عبوة على 2 قرصين أو 8 أقراص وتوضع في علب كرتونية مع نشرة في كل منها.

قد لا يتم تسويق جميع أحجام العبوات.

شركة دار الدواء للتنمية والإستثمار المساهمة المحدودة (ناعور – الأردن)

هاتف: 132 27 57 (6 962 +)

فاكس: 776 27 57 (6 962 +)

 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Lovista® 0.5 mg Tablets.

Each Lovista® tablet contains 0.5 mg of the active ingredient Cabergoline. Excipients with known effect: Each tablet contains 76.285 mg of lactose anhydrous. For a full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Tablets Lovista® 0.5 mg tablets are white capsule shaped tablet with a mid-groove on one side coded (C29) and plain on the other side.

Inhibition/suppression of physiological lactation

Cabergoline is indicated for the inhibition of physiological lactation soon after delivery and for suppression of already established lactation:

1. After parturition, when the mother elects not to breast feed the infant or when breast feeding is contraindicated due to medical reasons related to the mother or the new-born.

2. After stillbirth or abortion.

Cabergoline prevents/suppresses physiological lactation by inhibiting prolactin secretion.

It was reported that when cabergoline given as a single 1 mg administration during the first day post-partum, it was effective in inhibiting milk secretion, as well as breast engorgement and pain in 70 - 90% of the women. Less than 5% of women experienced rebound breast symptomatology during the third post-partum week (which was usually mild in severity).

Suppression of milk secretion and relief of breast engorgement and pain are obtained in approximately 85% of nursing women treated with a total dose of 1 mg cabergoline given in four divided doses over two days. Rebound breast symptomatology after day 10 is uncommon (approximately 2% of cases).

Treatment of hyperprolactinaemic disorders

Cabergoline is indicated for the treatment of dysfunctions associated with hyperprolactinaemia, including amenorrhoea, oligomenorrhoea, anovulation and galactorrhoea. Cabergoline is indicated in patients with prolactin-secreting pituitary adenomas (micro- and macroprolactinomas), idiopathic hyperprolactinaemia, or empty sella syndrome with associated hyperprolactinaemia, which represent the basic underlying pathologies contributing to the above clinical manifestations.

On chronic therapy, cabergoline at doses ranging between 1 and 2 mg per week, was effective in normalising serum prolactin levels in approximately 84% of hyperprolactinaemic patients. Regular cycles were resumed in 83% of previously amennorhoeic women. Restoration of ovulation was documented in 89% of women with progesterone levels monitored during the luteal phase. Galactorrhoea disappeared in 90% of cases showing this symptom before therapy. Reduction in tumour size was obtained in 50 - 90% of female and male patients with micro- or macroprolactinoma.

Cabergoline is to be administered by the oral route. Since in clinical studies cabergoline has been mainly administered with food and since the tolerability of this class of compounds is improved with food, it is recommended that cabergoline be preferably taken with meals for all the therapeutic indications.

Inhibition/suppression of physiological lactation

For inhibition of lactation cabergoline should be administered during the first day post-partum. The recommended therapeutic dose is 1 mg (two 0.5 mg tablets) given as a single dose.

For suppression of established lactation the recommended therapeutic dosage regimen is 0.25 mg (one-half 0.5 mg tablet) every 12 hours for two days (1 mg total dose). This dosage regimen has been demonstrated to be better tolerated than the single dose regimen in women electing to suppress lactation having a lower incidence of adverse events, in particular of hypotensive symptoms.

Treatment of hyperprolactinaemic disorders

The recommended initial dosage of cabergoline is 0.5 mg per week given in one or two (one-half of one 0.5 mg tablet) doses (e.g. on Monday and Thursday) per week. The weekly dose should be increased gradually, preferably by adding 0.5 mg per week at monthly intervals until an optimal therapeutic response is achieved. The therapeutic dosage is usually 1 mg per week and ranges from 0.25 mg to 2 mg per week. Doses of cabergoline up to 4.5 mg per week have been used in hyperprolactinaemic patients.

The maximum dose should not exceed 3mg per day.

The weekly dose may be given as a single administration or divided into two or more doses per week according to patient tolerability. Division of the weekly dose into multiple administrations is advised when doses higher than 1 mg per week are to be given since the tolerability of doses greater than 1 mg taken as a single weekly dose has been evaluated only in a few patients.

Patients should be evaluated during dose escalation to determine the lowest dosage that produces the therapeutic response. Monitoring of serum prolactin levels at monthly intervals is advised since, once the effective therapeutic dosage regimen has been reached, serum prolactin normalisation is usually observed within two to four weeks.

After cabergoline withdrawal, recurrence of hyperprolactinaemia is usually observed. However, persistent suppression of prolactin levels has been observed for several months in some patients. Of the group of women followed up, 23/29 had ovulatory cycles which continued for greater than 6 months after cabergoline discontinuation.

Paediatric population

The safety and efficacy of cabergoline has not been established in subjects less than 16 years of age.

Use in the elderly

As a consequence of the indications for which cabergoline is presently proposed, the experience in elderly is very limited. Available data do not indicate a special risk


Hypersensitivity to cabergoline, any of the excipients listed in section 6.1 or any ergot alkaloid. History of pulmonary, pericardial and retroperitoneal fibrotic disorders. Cabergoline is contraindicated in patients with hepatic insufficiency and with toxaemia of pregnancy. Cabergoline should not be co-administered with anti-psychotic medications or administered to women with a history of puerperal psychosis. For long-term treatment: Evidence of cardiac valvulopathy as determined by pre-treatment echocardiography. (See section 4.4).


The safety and efficacy of cabergoline have not yet been established in patients with renal and hepatic disease. As with other ergot derivatives, cabergoline should be given with caution to patients with severe cardiovascular disease, Raynaud's syndrome, renal insufficiency, peptic ulcer or gastrointestinal bleeding, or with a history of serious, particularly psychotic, mental disorders. Particular care should be taken when patients are taking concomitant psychoactive medication.

Patients with rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, the Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption should not take this medicine.

Symptomatic hypotension can occur with cabergoline administration for any indication. Care should be exercised when administering cabergoline concomitantly with other drugs known to lower blood pressure.

The effects of alcohol on overall tolerability of cabergoline are currently unknown.

Before cabergoline administration, pregnancy should be excluded and after treatment pregnancy should be prevented for at least one month.

Hepatic Insufficiency:

Lower doses should be considered in patients with severe hepatic insufficiency who receive prolonged treatment with cabergoline. Compared to normal volunteers and those with lesser degrees of hepatic insufficiency, an increase in AUC has been seen in patients with severe hepatic insufficiency (Child-Pugh Class C) who received a single 1 mg dose.

Postural Hypotension:

Postural hypotension can occur following administration of cabergoline. Care should be exercised when administering cabergoline concomitantly with other drugs known to lower blood pressure.

Somnolence/Sudden Sleep Onset:

Cabergoline has been associated with somnolence. Dopamine agonists can be associated with sudden sleep onset episodes in patients with Parkinson's disease. Sudden onset of sleep during daily activities, in some cases without awareness or warning signs, has been reported uncommonly. Patients must be informed of this and advised to exercise caution while driving or operating machines during treatment with cabergoline. Patients who have experienced somnolence and/or an episode of sudden sleep onset must refrain from driving or operating machines. Furthermore, a reduction in dosage or termination of therapy may be considered. (See section 4.7)

Impulse control disorders:

Patients should be regularly monitored for the development of impulse control disorders. Patients and carers should be made aware that behavioural symptoms of impulse control disorders including pathological gambling, increased libido, hypersexuality, compulsive spending or buying, binge eating and compulsive eating can occur in patients treated with dopamine agonists including cabergoline. Dose reduction/tapered discontinuation should be considered if such symptoms develop.

Inhibition/suppression of physiological lactation:

As with other ergot derivatives, cabergoline should not be used in women with pregnancy-induced hypertension, for example, preeclampsia or post-partum hypertension, unless the potential benefit is judged to outweigh the possible risk.

In post-partum studies with cabergoline, blood pressure decreases were mostly asymptomatic and were frequently observed on a single occasion 2 to 4 day after treatment. Since decreases in blood pressure are frequently noted during the puerperium, independently of drug therapy, it is likely that many of the observed decreases in blood pressure after cabergoline administration were not drug-induced. However, periodic monitoring of blood pressure, particularly during the first few days after cabergoline administration, is advised.

A single dose of 0.25 mg of cabergoline should not be exceeded in nursing women treated for suppression of established lactation to avoid potential postural hypotension (see section 4.2). A clinical study exploring the efficacy and tolerability of 0.5 mg of cabergoline given as a single dose for suppression of lactation has shown that the risk of side effects is approximately doubled in this indication if the drug is administered as a single dose of 0.5 mg.

Treatment of hyperprolactinaemic disorders:

Because hyperprolactinaemia accompanied with amenorrhoea/galactorrhoea and infertility may be associated with pituitary tumour, a complete evaluation of the pituitary is indicated before treatment with cabergoline is initiated.

Cabergoline restores ovulation and fertility in women with hyperprolactinaemic hypogonadism.

Because pregnancy might occur prior to reinitiation of menses, a pregnancy test is recommended at least every four weeks during the amenorrhoeic period and, once menses are reinitiated, every time a menstrual period is delayed by more than three days. Women who wish to avoid pregnancy should be advised to use mechanical contraception during treatment with cabergoline and after discontinuation of cabergoline until recurrence of anovulation. As a precautionary measure, women who become pregnant should be monitored to detect signs of pituitary enlargement since expansion of pre-existing pituitary tumours may occur during gestation.

Before administration of cabergoline, pregnancy should be excluded. Because clinical experience is still limited and the product has a long half-life, as a precautionary measure it is recommended that once regular ovulatory cycles have been achieved women seeking pregnancy discontinue cabergoline one month before intended conception. Should pregnancy occur during treatment, cabergoline is to be discontinued. As a precautionary measure, women who become pregnant should be monitored to detect signs of pituitary enlargement since expansion of pre-existing pituitary tumours may occur during gestation.

Regular gynaecological assessment, including cervical and endometrial cytology, is recommended for patients taking cabergoline for extensive periods.

Fibrosis and cardiac valvulopathy and possibly related clinical phenomena:

Fibrotic and serosal inflammatory disorders such as pleuritis, pleural effusion, pleural fibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis, pericarditis, pericardial effusion, cardiac valvulopathy involving one or more valves (aortic, mitral and tricuspid) or retroperitoneal fibrosis have occurred after prolonged usage of ergot derivatives with agonist activity at the serotonin 5HT2B receptor, such as cabergoline. In some cases, symptoms or manifestations of cardiac valvulopathy improved after discontinuation of cabergoline.

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) has been found to be abnormally increased in association with pleural effusion/fibrosis. Chest x-ray examination is recommended in cases of unexplained ESR increases to abnormal values.

Valvulopathy has been associated with cumulative doses, therefore, patients should be treated with the lowest effective dose. At each visit, the risk benefit profile of cabergoline treatment for the patient should be reassessed to determine the suitability of continued treatment with cabergoline.

Before initiating long-term treatment:

All patients must undergo a cardiovascular evaluation, including echocardiogram to assess the potential presence of asymptomatic valvular disease. It is also appropriate to perform baseline investigations of erythrocyte sedimentation rate or other inflammatory markers, lung function/chest X-ray and renal function prior to initiation of therapy. In patients with valvular regurgitation, it is not known whether cabergoline treatment might worsen the underlying disease. If fibrotic valvular disease is detected, the patient should not be treated with cabergoline (see section 4.3).

During long-term treatment:

Fibrotic disorders can have an insidious onset and patients should be regularly monitored for possible manifestations of progressive fibrosis. Therefore, during treatment, attention should be paid to the signs and symptoms of:

• Pleuro-pulmonary disease such as dyspnoea, shortness of breath, persistent cough or chest pain.

• Renal insufficiency or ureteral/abdominal vascular obstruction that may occur with pain in the loin/flank and lower limb oedema as well as any possible abdominal masses or tenderness that may indicate retroperitoneal fibrosis.

• Cardiac failure: cases of valvular and pericardial fibrosis have often manifested as cardiac failure. Therefore, valvular fibrosis (and constrictive pericarditis) should be excluded if such symptoms occur.

Clinical diagnostic monitoring for development of fibrotic disorders, as appropriate, is essential. Following treatment initiation, the first echocardiogram must occur within 3-6 months, thereafter, the frequency of echocardiographic monitoring should be determined by appropriate individual clinical assessment with particular emphasis on the above-mentioned signs and symptoms, but must occur at least every 6 to 12 months.

Cabergoline should be discontinued if an echocardiogram reveals new or worsened valvular regurgitation, valvular restriction or valve leaflet thickening (see section 4.3).

The need for other clinical monitoring (e.g. physical examination including, cardiac auscultation, X-ray, CT scan) should be determined on an individual basis.

Additional appropriate investigations such as erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and serum creatinine measurements should be performed if necessary to support a diagnosis of a fibrotic disorder.

The concomitant use of other drugs during early puerperium, particularly of ergot alkaloids, was not associated with detectable interactions modifying the efficacy and safety of cabergoline.

No information is available about the interaction between cabergoline and other ergot alkaloids; therefore, the concomitant use of these medications during long-term treatment with cabergoline is not recommended.

Since cabergoline exerts its therapeutic effect by direct stimulation of dopamine receptors, it should not be concurrently administered with drugs which have dopamine-antagonist activity (such as phenothiazines, butyrophenones, thioxanthenes, metoclopramide) since these might reduce the prolactin-lowering effect of cabergoline.

As with other ergot derivatives, cabergoline should not be used with macrolide antibiotics (e.g. erythromycin) due to increased systemic bioavailability of cabergoline.


Pregnancy Category: B

There are no adequate and well-controlled studies from the use of cabergoline in pregnant women. Animal studies have not demonstrated teratogenic effects, but reduced fertility and embryo-toxicity were observed in association with pharmacodynamic activity (see section 5.3).

In a 12 year observational study on pregnancy outcomes following cabergoline therapy, information is available on 256 pregnancies. Seventeen of these 256 pregnancies (6.6%) eventuated in major congenital malformations or abortion. Information is available on 23/258 infants who had a total of 27 neonatal abnormalities, both major and minor. Musculoskeletal malformations were the most common neonatal abnormality (10), followed by cardio-pulmonary abnormalities (5). There is no information on perinatal disorders or long-term development of infants exposed to intra-uterine cabergoline. Based on recent published literature, the prevalence of major congenital malformations in the general population has been reported to be 6.9% or greater. Rates of congenital abnormality vary between different populations. It is not possible to accurately determine if there is an increased risk as no control group was included.

Cabergoline should only be used during pregnancy if clearly indicated and after an accurate benefit/risk evaluation. (See section 4.4).

Due to the long half-life of the drug and limited data on in utero exposure, women planning to become pregnant should discontinue cabergoline one month before intended conception. If conception occurs during therapy, treatment should be discontinued as soon as pregnancy is confirmed to limit foetal exposure to the drug.

In rats, cabergoline and/or its metabolites are excreted in milk. No information is available on the excretion in breast milk in humans; however, mothers should be advised not to breast-feed in case of failed lactation inhibition/suppression by cabergoline. Since it prevents lactation, cabergoline should not be administered to mothers with hyperprolactinemic disorders who wish to breast-feed their infants.

Patients should be careful when performing actions which require fast and accurate reaction during treatment initiation.

During the first days of cabergoline administration, patients should be cautioned about re-engaging in activities requiring rapid and precise responses such as driving an automobile or operating machinery.

Patients being treated with cabergoline and presenting with somnolence must be informed to refrain from driving or engaging in activities where impaired alertness may put themselves and others at risk of serious injury or death (e.g. operating machines) until such episodes and somnolence have resolved. (See section 4.4).

Adverse events are generally dose-related. In patients known to be intolerant to dopaminergic drugs, the likelihood of adverse events may be lessened by starting therapy with cabergoline at reduced doses, e.g. 0.25 mg once a week, with subsequent gradual increase until the therapeutic dosage is reached. If persistent or severe adverse events occur, temporary reduction of dosage followed by a more gradual increase, e.g. increments of 0.25 mg/week every two weeks, may increase tolerability.

The following undesirable effects have been observed and reported during treatment with cabergoline with the following frequencies: Very common (≥1/10); common (≥1/100 to <1/10); uncommon (≥1/1,000 to ≤1/100); rare (≥1/10,000 to ≤1/1,000); very rare (≤1/10,000), not known (cannot be estimated from the available data).


System Organ Class


Undesirable Effects

Cardiac disorders

Very Common

Valvulopathy (including regurgitation) and related disorders (pericarditis and pericardial effusion)



Not Known

Angina pectoris

Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders


Dyspnea, pleural effusion, fibrosis, (including pulmonary fibrosis), epistaxis

Very rare

Pleural fibrosis

Not Known

Respiratory disorder, respiratory failure, pleuritis, chest pain

Immune system disorders


Hypersensitivity reaction

Nervous system disorders

Very common

Headache*, dizziness/vertigo*




Transient hemianopsia, syncope, paresthesia

Not Known

Sudden sleep onset, tremor

Eye disorders

Not Known

Visual impairment

Psychiatric disorders




Increased libido

Not Known

Aggression, delusions, hypersexuality, pathological gambling, psychotic disorder, hallucinations

Vascular disorders


Cabergoline generally exerts a hypotensive effect in patients on long-term treatment; Postural hypotension, hot flushes**


Digital vasospasm, fainting

Gastrointestinal disorders

Very common

Nausea*, dyspepsia, gastritis, abdominal pain*


Constipation, vomiting**


Epigastric pain

General disorders and administration site conditions

Very Common

Asthenia***, fatigue


Oedema, peripheral oedema

Hepato-biliary disorders

Not Known

Hepatic function abnormal

Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders


Rash, alopecia

Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders


Leg cramps

Reproductive system and breast disorders


Breast pain



Asymptomatic decreases in blood pressure (≥ 20 mmHg systolic and ≥ 10 mmHg diastolic)


A decrease in haemoglobin values have been observed in amenhorrheic women during the first few months after menses.

Not Known

Blood creatinine phosphokinase increased, liver function tests abnormal

*Very common in patients treated for hyperprolactinaemin disorders; Common in patients treated for inhibition/supression of lactation

** Common in patients treated for hyperprolactinaemin disorders; Uncommon in patients treated for inhibition/supression of lactation

*** Very common in patients treated for hyperprolactinaemin disorders; Uncommon in patients treated for inhibition/supression of lactation

Impulse control disorders

Pathological gambling, increased libido, hypersexuality, compulsive spending or buying, binge eating and compulsive eating can occur in patients treated with dopamine agonists including cabergoline (see section 4.4).

To report any side effects:

  • Saudi Arabia

-        The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC)

−        Fax: +966-11-205-7662

−        Call NPC at: + 966 112038222, Exts: 2317-2356-2353-2354-2334-2340

−        Toll free phone: 8002490000

−        E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa

−        Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc




Symptoms of overdose would likely be those of over-stimulation of dopamine receptors e.g. nausea, vomiting, gastric complaints, postural hypotension, confusion/psychosis or hallucinations.

Supportive measures should be taken to remove any unabsorbed drug and maintain blood pressure, if necessary. In addition, the administration of dopamine antagonist drugs may be advisable.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Prolactine inhibitors, ATC code: G02CB03

Cabergoline is a dopaminergic ergoline derivative endowed with a potent and long-lasting PRL-lowering activity. It acts by direct stimulation of the D2-dopamine receptors on pituitary lactotrophs, thus inhibiting PRL secretion. In rats the compound decreases PRL secretion at oral doses of 3-25 mcg/kg, and in-vitro at a concentration of 45 pg/ml. In addition, cabergoline exerts a central dopaminergic effect via D2 receptor stimulation at oral doses higher than those effective in lowering serum PRL levels. The long lasting PRL-lowering effect of cabergoline is probably due to its long persistence in the target organ as suggested by the slow elimination of total radioactivity from the pituitary after single oral dose in rats (t½ of approximately 60 hours).

The pharmacodynamic effects of cabergoline have been studied in healthy volunteers, puerperal women and hyperprolactinaemic patients. After a single oral administration of cabergoline (0.3 - 1.5 mg), a significant decrease in serum PRL levels was observed in each of the populations studied. The effect is prompt (within 3 hours from administration) and persistent (up to 7 - 28 days in healthy volunteers and hyperprolactinaemic patients, and up to 14 - 21 days in puerperal women). The PRL-lowering effect is dose-related both in terms of degree of effect and duration of action.

With regard to the endocrine effects of cabergoline not related to the antiprolactinaemic effect, available data from humans confirm the experimental findings in animals indicating that the test compound is endowed with a very selective action with no effect on basal secretion of other pituitary hormones or cortisol. The pharmacodynamic actions of cabergoline not correlated with the therapeutic effect only relate to blood pressure decrease. The maximal hypotensive effect of cabergoline as single dose usually occurs during the first 6 hours after drug intake and is dose-dependent both in terms of maximal decrease and frequency.

The pharmacokinetic and metabolic profiles of cabergoline have been studied in healthy volunteers of both sexes and in female hyperprolactinaemic patients.

After oral administration of the labelled compound, radioactivity was rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract as the peak of radioactivity in plasma was between 0.5 and 4 hours.

Ten days after administration about 18% and 72% of the radioactive dose was recovered in urine and faeces, respectively. Unchanged drug in urine accounted for 2-3% of the dose.

In urine, the main metabolite identified was 6-allyl-8β-carboxy-ergoline, which accounted for 4-6% of the dose. Three additional metabolites were identified in urine, which accounted overall for less than 3% of the dose. The metabolites have been found to be much less potent than cabergoline in inhibiting prolactin secretion in vitro. Cabergoline biotransformation was also studied in plasma of healthy male volunteers treated with [14C]-cabergoline: a rapid and extensive biotransformation of cabergoline was shown.

The low urinary excretion of unchanged cabergoline has been confirmed also in studies with non-radioactive product. The elimination half-life of cabergoline, estimated from urinary excretion rates, is long (63-68 hours in healthy volunteers (using a radio-immuno assay), 79-115 hours in hyperprolactinaemic patients (using a HPLC method).

On the basis of the elimination half-life, steady state conditions should be achieved after 4 weeks, as confirmed by the mean peak plasma levels of cabergoline obtained after a single dose (37 ± 8 pg/ml) and after a 4-week multiple regimen (101 ± 43 pg/ml).

In vitro experiments showed that the drug at concentrations of 0.1-10 ng/ml is 41-42% bound to plasma proteins. Food does not appear to affect absorption and disposition of cabergoline.

There were maternotoxic effects but no teratogenic effects in mice given cabergoline at doses up to 8 mg/kg/day (approximately 55 times the maximum recommended human dose) during the period of organogenesis.

A dose of 0.012 mg/kg/day (approximately 1/7 the maximum recommended human dose) during the period of organogenesis in rats caused an increase in post-implantation embryofoetal losses. These losses could be due to the prolactin inhibitory properties of cabergoline in rats. At daily doses of 0.5 mg/kg/day (approximately 19 times the maximum recommended human dose) during the period of organogenesis in the rabbit, cabergoline caused maternotoxicity characterized by a loss of body weight and decreased food consumption. Doses of 4 mg/kg/day (approximately 150 times the maximum recommended human dose) during the period of organogenesis in the rabbit caused an increased occurrence of various malformations. However, in another study in rabbits, no treatment-related malformations or embryofoetotoxicity were observed at doses up to 8 mg/kg/day (approximately 300 times the maximum recommended human dose).


Lactose anhydrous and leucine.

Not applicable.

24 months.

Don’t store above 30°C.

Outer packagingImmediate packaging




Amber Glass Jar

Gold Aluminum Cap with desiccant


Lovista® 0.5 mg tablets are available in packs of 2 and 8 tablets.

Medicines should not be disposed of via wastewater or household waste.

Dar Al Dawa Development & Investment Co. Ltd. P.O.Box 9364 Na’ur - Jordan


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