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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

MAVENCLAD contains the active substance cladribine, a cytotoxic (cell killing) substance that works mostly on lymphocytes, cells of the immune system that are involved in inflammation.


MAVENCLAD is a medicine used to treat multiple sclerosis (MS) in adults. MS is a disease in which inflammation destroys the protective sheath around the nerves.


Treatment with MAVENCLAD has been shown to reduce flare-ups of symptoms and to slow down progression of disability.


Do not take MAVENCLAD


-                 if you are allergic to cladribine or any of the other ingredients of MAVENCLAD (listed in section 6).


-                 if you are HIV positive, meaning you are infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).


-                 if you have active tuberculosis or liver inflammation (hepatitis).


-                 if you have a weakened immune system due to medical conditions or because you are taking other medicines that weaken your immune system or reduce the production of blood cells in your bone marrow. These include:

-        ciclosporin, cyclophosphamide and azathioprine (used to suppress the immune system, for example after organ transplantation);

-        methotrexate (used to treat conditions such as psoriasis or rheumatoid arthritis);

-        long-term corticosteroids (used to reduce inflammation, for example in asthma).

See also 'Other medicines and MAVENCLAD'.


-                 if you have active cancer.


-                 if you have moderate or severe kidney problems.


-                 if you are pregnant or breast-feeding (see also 'Pregnancy and breast-feeding').


Do not take MAVENCLAD and talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you are unsure if any of the above applies to you.


Warnings and precautions


Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking MAVENCLAD.


Blood tests


You will have blood tests before you start treatment to check that you can take MAVENCLAD. The doctor will also do blood tests during and after treatment to check that you can continue to take MAVENCLAD, and that you are not developing any complications from the treatment.




You will be tested to see if you have any infections before you start MAVENCLAD treatment. It is important to talk to your doctor if you think you have an infection. Symptoms of infections can include fever, aching, painful muscles, headache, generally feeling unwell or yellowing of the eyes. Your doctor may delay treatment, or interrupt it, until the infection clears up.




If necessary, you will be vaccinated against shingles before you start treatment. You will need to wait between 4 and 6 weeks for the vaccination to take effect. Tell your doctor immediately if you get symptoms of shingles, a common complication of MAVENCLAD (see section 4), which may need specific treatment.


Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML)


If you believe your MS is getting worse or if you notice any new symptoms, for example changes in mood or behaviour, memory lapses, speech and communication difficulties, talk to your doctor as soon as possible. These may be the symptoms of a rare brain disorder caused by infection and called progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML). PML is a serious condition that may lead to severe disability or death.


Although PML has not been observed with MAVENCLAD, as a precaution, you may have a head MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) before you start treatment.




Single events of cancer have been observed in patients who had received cladribine in clinical studies. Talk to your doctor if you have previously had cancer. Your doctor will decide the best treatment options for you. As a precautionary measure, you should follow standard cancer screening recommendations, as advised by your doctor.




Men and women must use effective contraception during MAVENCLAD treatment and for at least 6 months after the last dose. This is important because MAVENCLAD can seriously harm your baby.


See also 'Pregnancy and breast-feeding'.


Blood transfusions


If you require blood transfusions, tell the doctor that you are taking MAVENCLAD. You may have to have the blood irradiated to prevent complications.


Changing treatments


If you change from other MS treatments to MAVENCLAD, your doctor will check that your blood cell counts (lymphocytes) are normal before you start treatment.


If you change from MAVENCLAD to other MS treatments, talk to your doctor. There can be overlaps in the effect on your immune system.


Liver problems


Talk to your doctor before taking MAVENCLAD if you have liver problems.


Children and adolescents


Use of MAVENCLAD is not recommended in patients below the age of 18 years, because it has not been investigated in this age group.


Other medicines and MAVENCLAD


Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken or might take any other medicines.


Do not start MAVENCLAD together with medicines that weaken your immune system or reduce the production of blood cells by your bone marrow. These include:


-        ciclosporin, cyclophosphamide and azathioprine (used to suppress the immune system, for example after organ transplantation);


-                 methotrexate (used to treat conditions such as psoriasis or rheumatoid arthritis);


-                 long-term corticosteroids (used to reduce inflammation, for example in asthma). Short-term corticosteroids can be used when advised by your doctor.


Do not use MAVENCLAD together with other medicines for MS unless specifically advised by your doctor. Such medicines include alemtuzumab, daclizumab, dimethyl fumarate, fingolimod, glatiramer acetate, interferon beta, natalizumab or teriflunomide.


Do not take MAVENCLAD at the same time as any other medicine. Leave a gap of at least 3 hours between taking MAVENCLAD and other medicines taken by mouth. MAVENCLAD contains hydroxypropylbetadex that may interact with other medicines in your stomach.


Talk to your doctor, if you are or have been treated with:


-                 medicines which may affect your blood cells (for example carbamazepine, used to treat epilepsy). Your doctor may need to supervise you more closely.


-                 certain types of vaccines (live and live attenuated vaccines). If you have been vaccinated within the last 4 to 6 weeks, MAVENCLAD therapy must be delayed. You must not receive such vaccines during MAVENCLAD treatment. Your immune system must have recovered before you can be vaccinated, and blood tests will check this.


-                 dilazep, nifedipine, nimodipine, reserpine, cilostazol or sulindac (used to treat the heart, high blood pressure, vascular conditions or inflammation), or eltrombopag (used to treat conditions associated with bleeding). Your doctor will tell you what to do if you have to take these medicines.


-        rifampicin (used to treat certain types of infection), St. John's wort (used to treat depression) or corticosteroids (used to suppress inflammation). Your doctor will tell you what to do if you have to take these medicines.


Talk to your doctor if you take hormonal contraceptives (e.g. "the pill"). You need a second method of contraception during MAVENCLAD treatment and for at least 4 weeks after the last dose.


Pregnancy and breast-feeding


Do not take MAVENCLAD if you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant. This is important because MAVENCLAD may seriously harm your baby.


You must use effective methods of contraception to avoid becoming pregnant during MAVENCLAD treatment and for 6 months after taking the last dose. Talk to your doctor if you take hormonal contraceptives (e.g. "the pill"). You need a second method of contraception during MAVENCLAD treatment and for at least 4 weeks after the last dose. If you get pregnant more than 6 months after the last dose in year 1, no safety risk is expected but this will mean that you cannot receive treatment with MAVENCLAD while you are pregnant.


If you are male, you must use effective methods of contraception to prevent your partner from getting pregnant, whilst you are treated with MAVENCLAD and for 6 months after the last dose.


Your doctor will give you guidance on appropriate methods of contraception.


Do not take MAVENCLAD, if you are breast-feeding. If your doctor believes that MAVENCLAD is essential for you, your doctor will advise you to stop breast-feeding.


Driving and using machines


MAVENCLAD does not affect your ability to drive or use machines.


MAVENCLAD contains sorbitol


This medicine contains 64 mg sorbitol in each tablet.


Always take this medicine exactly as your doctor has told you. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.


Treatment courses


You will be given MAVENCLAD as two treatment courses over 2 years.

Each treatment course consists of 2 treatment weeks, which are one month apart at the beginning of each treatment year.

A treatment week consists of 4 or 5 days on which you receive 1 or 2 tablets daily (see Table 1).


Example: if you start your treatment mid-April, you take your tablets as shown.


Table 1

Year 1

Year 2

1st treatment week

1 or 2 tablets daily for 4 or 5 days, mid-April

1st treatment week

1 or 2 tablets daily for 4 or 5 days, mid-April

2nd treatment week

1 or 2 tablets daily for 4 or 5 days, mid-May

2nd treatment week

1 or 2 tablets daily for 4 or 5 days, mid-May


Before you start a treatment course, your doctor will do a blood test to check that the levels of lymphocytes (a type of white blood cells) are in an acceptable range. If this is not the case, your treatment will be delayed.


Once you have completed the 2 treatment courses over 2 years, your doctor will continue to monitor your health for another 2 years, in which you do not need to take the medicine.




1.       You will be prescribed the correct number of tablets for each treatment week, based on your body weight as shown in Table 2.

2.         You will need one or more packs to provide the correct number of tablets.

3.       When you receive your supply of medicine, check that you have the correct number of tablets.

4.       In the left column of the table below find the row that fits your body weight (in kg), and then check the number of tablets that should be in the pack(s) for the treatment week you will be starting.

5.       If the number of tablets in your pack(s) is different from the number shown for your weight in the table below, speak to your doctor.

6.       Note that for some weight ranges the number of tablets may vary from one treatment week to the next.


Example: if you weigh 85 kg and are about to start treatment week 1, you will be given 8 tablets.


Table 2

Your weight

Number of tablets to take

Year 1 treatment course

Year 2 treatment course

Treatment week 1

Treatment week 2

Treatment week 1

Treatment week 2

less than 40 kg

Your doctor will tell you the number of tablets to take

40 to less than 50 kg





50 to less than 60 kg





60 to less than 70 kg





70 to less than 80 kg





80 to less than 90 kg





90 to less than 100 kg





100 to less than 110 kg





110 kg and above






How to take your medicine


Take the tablet(s) at about the same time each day. Swallow them without chewing. You do not have to take the tablets at mealtimes. You can take them with meals or between meals.


Read the 'Step-by-Step Guide' at the end of this package leaflet on how to handle the child-resistant package and how to take the tablets included in the pack.




-                 Ensure your hands are dry before picking up your tablet(s).

-                 Push your tablet(s) through the blister and swallow immediately.

-                 Do not leave your tablet(s) exposed on surfaces, for example on a table, or handle the tablet longer than necessary.

-                 If a tablet is left on a surface or if it breaks and fragments fall from the blister, the area must be thoroughly washed.

-                 Thoroughly wash your hands after handling the tablets.

-                 If you lose a tablet, contact your doctor for advice.


Duration of a treatment week


Depending on the total number of tablets you have been prescribed, you have to take them over 4 or 5 days, in each treatment week.

Table 3 shows how many tablets (1 or 2 tablets) you have to take on each day. If your daily dose is 2 tablets, take them at the same time.


Example: if you have to take 8 tablets, you would take 2 tablets on Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, then 1 tablet on Day 4 and Day 5.



Table 3

Total number of tablets
per treatment week

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5













































If you take more MAVENCLAD than you should


If you have taken more tablets than you should, contact your doctor immediately. Your doctor will decide if you need to stop treatment or not.


There is limited experience with overdose of MAVENCLAD. It is known that the more medicine you take the less lymphocytes may be present in your body, resulting in lymphopenia (see section 4).


If you forget to take MAVENCLAD


If you miss a dose and you remember on the same day you were supposed to take it

If you miss a dose and do not remember it until the following day

Take the missed dose on that day.

Do not take the missed dose along with the next scheduled dose.

Take the missed dose on the next day and extend the number of days in that treatment week.


Example: If you forget to take the Day 3 dose and do not remember it until Day 4, take the Day 3 dose on Day 4, and extend the total number of days in the treatment week by 1 day. If you miss 2 consecutive doses (for example both Day 3 and Day 4 doses), take the missed doses for the next 2 days, and then extend the treatment week by 2 days.


If you have any further questions on the use of this medicine, ask your doctor or pharmacist.




Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.


Lymphopenia and shingles


The most important side effect is a reduction in the number of white blood cells called lymphocytes (lymphopenia), which is very common (may affect more than 1 in 10 people) and may be severe. Lymphopenia may increase the risk of getting an infection. An infection commonly seen with MAVENCLAD is shingles.


Tell your doctor immediately if you have symptoms of shingles such as a 'band' of severe pain and blistering rash, typically on one side of the upper body or the face. Other symptoms may be headache, burning, tingling, numbness or itchiness of the skin in the affected area, feeling generally unwell or feverish in the early stages of infection.


Shingles will need to be treated, and MAVENCLAD treatment may need to be stopped until the infection is cleared.


Other common side effects - may affect up to 1 in 10 people

-                 cold sore (oral herpes)

-                 rash

-                 hair loss

-                 reduction in the number of certain white blood cells (neutrophils)


Very rare side effect - may affect up to 1 in 10,000 people

-                 tuberculosis



Do not store above 30 C

Keep this medicine out of the sight and reach of children.


Do not use this medicine after the expiry date which is stated on the label and the carton after EXP. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.


Store in the original package in order to protect from moisture.


Do not throw away any medicines via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to throw away medicines you no longer use. These measures will help protect the environment.

What MAVENCLAD contains


-                 The active substance is cladribine. Each tablet contains 10 mg cladribine.

-                 The other ingredients are hydroxypropylbetadex, sorbitol and magnesium stearate.

MAVENCLAD tablets are white, round, biconvex tablets engraved with 'C' on one side and '10' on the other side. Each pack contains 1, 4, or 6 tablets in a blister, sealed in a cardboard wallet and fixed in a child-resistant carton. Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

Marketing Authorisation Holder


Merck Europe B.V.

Gustav Mahlerplein 102

1082 MA Amsterdam

The Netherlands




NerPharMa S.R.L.

Viale Pasteur, 10

20014 Nerviano (MI)


This leaflet was last revised in {April /2020}.
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

يحتوي مافينكلاد على المادة الفعالة كلادريبين ، وهي مادة سامة للخلايا (قتل الخلايا) تعمل في الغالب على الخلايا الليمفاوية ، وهي خلايا الجهاز المناعي المشاركة في الالتهاب.


مافينكلاد هو دواء يستخدم لعلاج التصلب المتعدد (MS) لدى البالغين. مرض التصلب العصبي المتعدد هو مرض يؤدي فيه الالتهاب إلى تدمير الغلاف الواقي حول الأعصاب.


لقد ثبت أن العلاج باستخدام مافينكلاد يقلل من اندلاع الأعراض ويبطئ تقدم الإعاقة.

لا تتناول مافينكلاد

·                 إذا كان لديك حساسية من عقار كلادربين أو أي من مكونات مافينكلاد الأخرى (المدرجة في القسم 6).   


·                 إذا كانت نتيجة فحص فيروس نقص المناعة البشرية ايجابيه ، فهذا يعني أنك مصاب بفيروس نقص المناعة البشرية (HIV)


·                 اذا كانت مصابا بمرض السل أو التهاب الكبد (التهاب الكبد).


·                 إذا كان لديك جهاز مناعي ضعيف بسبب حالات طبية أو لأنك تتناول أدوية أخرى تضعف جهازك المناعي أو تقلل من إنتاج خلايا الدم في النخاع العظمي. وتشمل هذه:


·  السيكلوسبورين والسيكلوفوسفاميد والأزاثيوبرين (يستخدم لقمع جهاز المناعة ، على سبيل المثال بعد زرع الأعضاء)

·  ميثوتريكسات (يستخدم لعلاج حالات مثل الصدفية أو التهاب المفاصل الروماتويدي) ؛

·  الكورتيكوسيتيرودات طويلة الامد (تستخدم لتقليل الالتهاب ، على سبيل المثال في الربو).انظر أيضًا "أدوية أخرى ومافينكلاد"

·  إذا كان لديك سرطان نشط.

·  إذا كنت تعاني من مشاكل متوسطه أو شديدة في الكلى.

·  إذا كنت حاملاً أو مرضعة (انظر أيضًا "الحمل والرضاعة الطبيعية").



لا تتناول مستحضر مافينكلاد وتحدث إلى طبيبك أو الصيدلي إذا كنت غير متأكد إذا كان أي مما سبق ينطبق عليك.


التحذيرات والاحتياطات 


تحدث إلى طبيبك أو الصيدلي قبل تناول مستحضر مافينكلاد

 اختبارات الدم   

ستخضع لفحوصات الدم قبل بدء العلاج للتأكد من أنه يمكنك تناول مستحضر مافينكلاد. سيقوم الطبيب أيضًا بإجراء فحوصات الدم أثناء وبعد العلاج للتحقق من أنه يمكنك الاستمرار في تناول مافينكلاد ، وأنك لم تصب بأي مضاعفات من العلاج.




سيتم فحصك لمعرفة ما إذا كان لديك أي عدوى قبل بدء مستحضر مافينكلاد من المهم التحدث إلى طبيبك إذا كنت تعتقد أنك مصاب بعدوى. يمكن أن تشمل أعراض العدوى الحمى والألم والعضلات المؤلمة والصداع والشعور العام بالإعياء أو اصفرار العين. قد يؤجل طبيبك العلاج ، أو يوقفه حتى تزول العدوى.. 


الهربس النطاقي

إذا لزم الأمر ، سيتم تطعيمك ضد الهربس النطاقي قبل بدء العلاج. ستحتاج إلى الانتظار بين 4 و 6 أسابيع حتى يصبح التلقيح نافذ المفعول. أخبر طبيبك على الفور إذا ظهرت عليك أعراض الهربس النطاقي، وهي احدى المضاعفات الشائعة لـ مافينكلاد (انظر القسم 4) ، والتي قد تحتاج إلى علاج محدد.



اعتلال بيضاء الدماغ التدريجي متعدد البؤر (PML)


إذا كنت تعتقد أن مرض التصلب العصبي المتعدد الخاص بك يزداد سوءًا أو إذا لاحظت أي أعراض جديدة ، على سبيل المثال التغيرات في المزاج أو السلوك ، وانهيارات الذاكرة ، وصعوبات الكلام والتواصل ، فتحدث إلى طبيبك في أقرب وقت ممكن. قد تكون هذه أعراض اضطراب دماغي نادر ناتج عن العدوى وتسمى اعتلال بيضاء الدماغ التدريجي متعدد البؤر (PML) وهي حالة خطيرة قد تؤدي إلى إعاقة شديدة أو الوفاة.


على الرغم من أن اعتلال بيضاء الدماغ التدريجي متعدد البؤر (PML) لم يتم ملاحظته مع مافينكلاد ، كإجراء وقائي ، قد تخضع لتصوير بالرنين المغناطيسي قبل بدء العلاج.





لوحظ حدوث احداث فرديه من الاصابه بالسرطان في المرضى الذين تلقوا كلادريبين في الدراسات السريرية. تحدث إلى طبيبك إذا كنت قد أصبت سابقًا بالسرطان. سيقرر طبيبك أفضل خيارات العلاج لك. كإجراء وقائي ، يجب عليك اتباع توصيات فحص السرطان القياسية ، كما نصحك طبيبك.










وسائل منع الحمل 


يجب على الرجال والنساء استخدام وسائل منع الحمل الفعالة أثناء العلاج بمافينكلاد ولمدة 6 أشهر على الأقل بعد آخر جرعة. هذا مهم لأن مستحضر مافينكلاد يمكن أن يؤذي طفلك بشكل خطير


انظر أيضًا "الحمل والرضاعة الطبيعية"


عمليات نقل الدم


إذا كنت بحاجة إلى عمليات نقل دم ، أخبر الطبيب بأنك تتناول مستحضر مافينكلاد. قد تحتاج إلى جعل الدم مشع لمنع حدوث اي مضاعفات.


تغيير العلاجات 


إذا قمت بتغير من علاجات لمرض التصلب المتعدد  إلى مافينكلاد ، سيتحقق طبيبك من أن تعداد خلايا الدم (الخلايا الليمفاوية) طبيعي قبل بدء العلاج



إذا قمت بتغير من علاجات لمرض التصلب المتعدد  إلى مافينكلاد ، فتحدث إلى طبيبك. فقد تحدث  تداخلات  في التأثير على جهازك المناعي.



مشاكل في الكبد 


تحدث إلى طبيبك قبل تناول مافينكلاد إذا كان لديك مشاكل في الكبد.


الأطفال والمراهقين   



لا يُنصح باستخدام مافينكلاد في المرضى الذين تقل أعمارهم عن 18 عامًا ، لأنه لم يتم بحثه في هذه الفئة العمرية.



مافينكلاد والأدوية الأخرى 


أخبر طبيبك أو الصيدلي إذا كنت تأخذ، او اخذت مؤخرا أو قد تاخذ أي ادويه أخرى.


لا تبدأ مستحضر مافينكلاد مع الأدوية التي تضعف جهاز المناعة أو تقلل من إنتاج خلايا الدم بواسطة نخاع العظم. وتشمل هذه:


-   السيكلوسبورين والسيكلوفوسفاميد والأزاثيوبرين (يستخدم لقمع جهاز المناعة ، على سبيل المثال بعد زرع الأعضاء).

-   ميثوتريكسات (يستخدم لعلاج حالات مثل الصدفية أو التهاب المفاصل الروماتويدي).

-   الكورتيكوستيرويدات طويلة المدى (تستخدم لتقليل الالتهاب مثل الربو). يمكن استخدام الكورتيكوستيرويدات قصيرة المدى عندما ينصح الطبيب بذلك.



لا تستخدم مستحضر مافينكلاد مع أدوية أخرى لمرض التصلب المتعدد ما لم ينصحك الطبيب على وجه التحديد. تشمل هذه الأدوية alemtuzumab أو daclizumab أو dimethyl fumarate أو fingolimod أو glatiramer acetate أو interferon beta أو natalizumab أو teriflunomide.




لا تتناول مستحضر مافينكلاد في نفس وقت تناول أي دواء آخر. اترك فجوة لا تقل عن 3 ساعات بين تناول مافينكلاد والأدوية الأخرى التي تؤخذ عن طريق الفم. يحتوي مافينكلاد على هيدروكسي بروبيل بيتاديكس الذي قد يتفاعل مع أدوية أخرى في معدتك.



تحدث إلى طبيبك إذا كنت قد تعالج أو عولجت بما يلي:


-    الأدوية التي قد تؤثر على خلايا الدم (على سبيل المثال كاربامازيبين ، المستخدم في علاج الصرع). قد يحتاج طبيبك إلى الإشراف عليك بشكل ادق.

-   أنواع معينة من اللقاحات (اللقاحات الحية والحيه المضعفه). إذا تم تطعيمك خلال 4 إلى 6 أسابيع ، فيجب تأجيل العلاج بمستحضر مافينكلاد. يجب ألا تتلقى مثل هذه اللقاحات أثناء العلاج بمستحضر مافينكلاد.يجب أن يتعافى جهازك المناعي قبل أن يتم تطعيمك ، وستتحقق اختبارات الدم من ذلك.

-   ديلازيب ، نيفيديبين ، نيموديبين ، ريسيربين ، سيلوستازول أو سولينداك (يستخدم لعلاج القلب ، ارتفاع ضغط الدم ، أمراض الأوعية الدموية أو الالتهابات) ، أو الترومبوباج (يستخدم لعلاج الحالات المرتبطة بالنزيف). سيخبرك طبيبك بما يجب عليك فعله إذا كان عليك تناول هذه الأدوية.

-   ريفامبيسين (يستخدم لعلاج أنواع معينة من العدوى) ، نبتة سانت جون (تستخدم لعلاج الاكتئاب) أو لكورتيكوستيرويدات (المستخدمة لقمع الالتهاب). سيخبرك طبيبك بما يجب عليك فعله إذا كان عليك تناول هذه الأدوية.


تحدثي إلى طبيبك إذا كنت تتناول موانع الحمل الهرمونية (مثل "حبوب منع الحمل"). سوف تحتاجين إلى طريقة ثانية لمنع الحمل أثناء علاج مافينكلاد ولمدة 4 أسابيع على الأقل بعد آخر جرعة.



الحمل و الرضاعة الطبيعية 


لا تأخذي مستحضر مافينكلاد إذا كنت حاملاً أو تحاولي الحمل. هذا مهم لأن مافينكلاد قد يؤذي طفلك بشكل خطير.


يجب عليك استخدام طرق فعالة لمنع الحمل لتجنب الحمل أثناء علاج مافينكلاد ولمدة 6 أشهر بعد تناول الجرعة الأخيرة.

تحدث إلى طبيبك إذا كنت تتناول موانع الحمل الهرمونية (مثل "حبوب منع الحمل"). سوف تحتاجي إلى طريقة ثانية لمنع الحمل أثناء علاج مافينكلاد ولمدة 4 أسابيع على الأقل بعد آخر جرعة. إذا أصبحت حاملاً بعد أكثر من 6 أشهر من الجرعة الأخيرة في السنة الأولى ، فلا يُتوقع وجود خطر على السلامة ولكن هذا يعني أنه لا يمكنك تلقي العلاج باستخدام مافينكلاد أثناء الحمل.


إذا كنت ذكرًا ، يجب عليك استخدام طرق فعالة لمنع الحمل لمنع شريكك من الحمل ، بينما يتم علاجك بـ مافينكلاد ولمدة 6 أشهر بعد الجرعة الأخيرة.



سيعطيك طبيبك إرشادات حول الطرق المناسبة لمنع الحمل.


لا تتناولي مافينكلاد إذا كنت ترضعين طفلك رضاعة طبيعية. إذا كان طبيبك يعتقد أن مافينكلاد ضروري لك ، فسوف ينصحك طبيبك بالتوقف عن الرضاعة الطبيعية.


القيادة واستخدام الآلات



لا يؤثر مافينكلاد على قدرتك على القيادة أو استخدام الآلات.


تناول هذا الدواء دائمًا كما أخبرك طبيبك. استشر طبيبك أو الصيدلي إذا لم تكن متأكدا.



دورات العلاج


   سيتم إعطاؤك مافينكلاد في هيئة دورتي علاج على مدار عامين.

تتكون كل دورة علاجية من أسبوعين للعلاج ، يفصل بينهما شهر واحد في بداية كل سنة علاجية.

يتكون أسبوع العلاج من 4 أو 5 أيام تتلقى فيها قرصًا واحدًا أو قرصين يوميًا (انظر الجدول 1).


مثال: إذا بدأت العلاج في منتصف أبريل ، فأنت تأخذ أقراصك كما هو موضح.


الجدول 1 :



السنه الثانيه

السنه الاولى

قرص واحد او قرصان يوميا لمدة 4 او 5 ايام, منتصف شهر ابريل

اسبوع العلاج الاول

قرص واحد او قرصان يوميا لمدة 4 او 5 ايام, منتصف شهر ابريل

اسبوع العلاج الاول

قرص واحد او قرصان يوميا لمدة 4 او 5 ايام, منتصف شهر مايو

اسبوع العلاج الثاني

قرص واحد او قرصان يوميا لمدة 4 او 5 ايام, منتصف شهر مايو

اسبوع العلاج الثاني



قبل أن تبدأ دورة العلاج ، سيقوم طبيبك بإجراء فحص الدم للتحقق من أن مستويات الخلايا الليمفاوية (نوع من خلايا الدم البيضاء) في نطاق مقبول. إذا لم يكن الأمر كذلك ، فسيتم تأجيل العلاج.


بمجرد الانتهاء من دورتين للعلاج على مدار عامين ، سيستمر طبيبك في مراقبة صحتك لمدة عامين آخرين ، حيث لا تحتاج إلى تناول الدواء.





1.       سيتم وصف لك العدد الصحيح من الاقراص لكل أسبوع علاج ، بناءً على وزن جسمك كما هو موضح في الجدول 2.

2.      ستحتاج إلى عبوة واحدة أو أكثر لتوفير العدد الصحيح من الاقراص

3.      عندما تتلقى الدواء الخاص بك ، تأكد من أن لديك العدد الصحيح من الاقراص.

4.       في العمود الأيسر من الجدول أدناه ، تجد الصف الذي يناسب وزن جسمك (بالكيلوغرام) ، ثم تحقق من عدد الاقراص التي يجب أن تكون في العبوة (العبوات) لأسبوع العلاج الذي ستبدأه.

5.      إذا كان عدد الأقراص في العلب (العبوات) الخاصة بك يختلف عن الرقم الموضح لوزنك في الجدول أدناه ، فتحدث إلى طبيبك.

6.      لاحظ أنه بالنسبة لبعض نطاقات الوزن ، قد يختلف عدد الاقراص من أسبوع علاج إلى آخر.













مثال: إذا كنت تزن 85 كجم وكنت على وشك بدء أسبوع العلاج 1 ، فسيتم إعطاؤك 8 أقراص.



عدد أقراص لاتخاذ 

الوزن الخاص بك 

السنة ٢ دورة العلاج   

السنة ١ دورة العلاج   

العلاج أسبوع ٢ 

العلاج أسبوع ١ 

العلاج أسبوع ٢ 

العلاج أسبوع ١ 

طبيبك سوف أقول لكم عدد أقراص لاتخاذ 

أقل من ٤٠ كجم   





٤٠ إلى أقل من ٥٠ كجم 





٥٠ إلى أقل من ٦٠ كجم 





٦٠ إلى أقل من ٧٠ كجم 





٧٠ إلى أقل من ٨٠ كجم 





٨٠ إلى أقل من ٩٠ كجم 





٩٠ إلى أقل من ١٠٠ كجم 





١٠٠ إلى أقل من ١١٠ كجم 





١١٠ كغم وما فوق   




كيف تتناول دوائك



تناول الأقراص في نفس الوقت تقريبًا كل يوم. ابتلعها دون مضغ. لست مضطرًا لتناول الأقراص في أوقات الوجبات. يمكنك تناولها مع الوجبات أو بين الوجبات.


اقرأ "دليل خطوة بخطوة" في نهاية هذه النشرة حول كيفية التعامل مع العبوة المقاومة لعبث الأطفال وكيفية تناول الأقراص الموجودة في العبوة.






- تأكد من جفاف يديك قبل تناول الأقراص الخاصه بك .

- ادفع الأقراص من خلال الشريط وابتلاعها على الفور.

- لا تترك الأقراص مكشوفة على الأسطح ، على سبيل المثال على طاولة ، أو مناولة الاقراص لفترة أطول من اللازم.

- إذا تم تُرك قرص على سطح أو إذا انكسر وسقطت اجزاءه من الشريط ، فيجب غسل المنطقة جيدًا.

- اغسل يديك جيدًا بعد التعامل مع الاقراص.

- إذا فقدت قرصًا ، فاتصل بطبيبك للحصول على المشورة.


مدة أسبوع العلاج



وفقا لإجمالي عدد الأقراص التي تم وصفها لك ، يجب عليك أن تأخذها على مدار  4 أو 5 أيام ، في كل أسبوع علاج.

يوضح الجدول 3 عدد الاقراص (1 أو 2 حبة) التي يجب عليك تناولها كل يوم. إذا كانت جرعتك اليومية قرصين ، فتناولها في نفس الوقت.





مثال: إذا كان عليك تناول 8 أقراص ، فستتناول قرصين في اليوم الأول واليوم الثاني واليوم الثالث ثم قرص واحد في اليوم الرابع واليوم الخامس.


الجدول 3


اليوم الخامس

اليوم الرابع

اليوم الثالث

اليوم الثاني

اليوم الاول

اجمالي عدد الاقراص لكل اسبوع















































إذا كنت تأخذ مستحضر مافينكلاد أكثر مما يجب


إذا كنت قد تناولت أقراصًا أكثر مما يجب ، فاتصل بطبيبك على الفور. سيقرر طبيبك ما إذا كنت بحاجة إلى التوقف عن العلاج أم لا.


هناك خبرة محدودة مع جرعة زائدة من مستحضر مافينكلاد . من المعروف أنه كلما تناولت كمية اكبر من الأدواء قلت احتمالية  وجود الخلايا الليمفاوية في جسمك ، مما يؤدي إلى قلة اللمفاويات (انظر القسم 4).


إذا نسيت تناول مستحضر مافينكلاد


إذا نسيت تناول الجرعة ولم تتذكرها الا اليوم التالي

اذا نسيت تناول احد الجرعات وتذكرت ذلك في نفس اليوم الذي كان من المفترض ان تتناولها فيه

لا تأخذ الجرعة الفائتة مع الجرعة المجدولة التالية.

خذ الجرعة الفائتة في اليوم التالي وقم بتمديد عدد الأيام في أسبوع العلاج هذا.

تناول الجرعه التي نسيتها.




مثال: إذا نسيت أخذ جرعة اليوم الثالث ولم تتذكرها الا في اليوم الرابع ، خذ جرعة اليوم الثالث في اليوم الرابع ، وقم بتمديد العدد الإجمالي للأيام في أسبوع العلاج ليوم واحد. إذا فاتتك جرعتان متتاليتان (على سبيل المثال جرعتا اليوم 3 واليوم 4) ، خذي الجرعات الفائتة في اليومين التاليين ، ثم مدد أسبوع العلاج لمدة يومين.


إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة أخرى حول استخدام هذا الدواء ، اسأل طبيبك أو الصيدلي.

مثل جميع الأدوية ، يمكن أن يسبب هذا الدواء آثارًا جانبية ، على الرغم من عدم حصول الجميع عليها.


قلة اللمفاويات والهربس النطاقي



التأثير الجانبي الأكثر أهمية هو انخفاض عدد خلايا الدم البيضاء التي تسمى الخلايا الليمفاوية (قلة اللمفاويات) ، وهو أمر شائع جدًا (قد يؤثر على أكثر من 1 من كل 10 أشخاص) وقد يكون شديدًا. قلة اللمفاويات قد تزيد من خطر الإصابة بالعدوى. عدوى تظهر بشكل شائع مع مستحضر مافينكلاد هي الهربس النطاقي.


أخبر طبيبك على الفور إذا كان لديك أعراض الهربس النطاقيمثل حزام من الألم الشديد والطفح الجلدي مصحوب ببثور ، عادة على احد جانبي الجزء العلوي من الجسم أو الوجه. قد تكون الأعراض الأخرى الصداع أو الحرق أو الوخز أو التنميل أو الحكة في الجلد في المنطقة المصابة ، والشعور بالإعياء أو الحمى بشكل عام في المراحل المبكرة من الإصابة.




يجب معالجة الهربس النطاقي، وقد يلزم إيقاف العلاج بمستحضر مافينكلاد حتى يتم إزالة العدوى.



أعراض جانبية شائعة أخرى - قد تؤثر على ما يصل إلى 1 من كل 10 أشخاص



-          القرحة الباردة (الهربس الفموي)

-          طفح جلدي

-          تساقط الشعر

-          انخفاض في عدد خلايا الدم البيضاء (خلايا العدلات)



أعراض جانبية نادرة جدًا - قد تصيب ما يصل إلى 1 من بين 10000 شخص


-          مرض السل

لا تخزن فوق 30 درجة مئوية

احفظ هذا الدواء بعيدًا عن أنظار ومتناول الأطفال.


لا تستخدم هذا الدواء بعد تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية المذكور على الملصق والكرتون بعد EXP. يشير تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية إلى اليوم الأخير من ذلك الشهر.


يجب التخزين في العلبة الأصلية للحماية من الرطوبة.


لا تتخلص من أي أدوية عن طريق مياه الصرف الصحي أو النفايات المنزلية. اسأل الصيدلي عن كيفية التخلص من الأدوية التي لم تعد تستخدمها. ستساعد هذه الإجراءات على حماية البيئة.


ما يحتويه مستحضر مافينكلاد



-          المادة الفعالة هي كلادربين. يحتوي كل قرص على 10 ملغ كلادريبين.

-          المكونات الأخرى هي هيدروكسي بروبيل بيتاديكس ، سوربيتول وستيرات المغنيسيوم.

أقراص مافينكلاد هي أقراص بيضاء ، مستديرة ، ثنائية الوجه منقوشة بعلامة "C" على جانب واحد و "10" على الجانب الآخر. تحتوي كل عبوة على 1 أو 4 أو 6 أقراص في شريط واحد مغلق في حافظة من الورق المقوى ومثبتة في عبوه كرتونيه مقاومه للأطفال. قد لا يتم تسويق جميع أحجام العبوات.

مالك حق التسويق


ميرك أوروبا B.V.

غوستاف ماهلر، 102

1082 MA أمستردام




الشركه الصانعه



نيرفارما S.R.L.

فيالي باستور ، 10

20014 نيرفيانو (MI)





تم تحديث النشره في ابريل 2020
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

MAVENCLAD 10 mg tablets

Each tablet contains 10 mg of cladribine. Excipients with known effect Each tablet contains 64 mg sorbitol. For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Tablet. White, round, biconvex tablets of 8.5 mm diameter, engraved with 'C' on one side and '10' on the other side.

MAVENCLAD is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with highly active relapsing multiple sclerosis (MS) as defined by clinical or imaging features (see section 5.1).

Treatment with MAVENCLAD must be initiated and supervised by a physician experienced in the treatment of MS.




The recommended cumulative dose of MAVENCLAD is 3.5 mg/kg body weight over 2 years, administered as 1 treatment course of 1.75 mg/kg per year. Each treatment course consists of 2 treatment weeks, one at the beginning of the first month and one at the beginning of the second month of the respective treatment year. Each treatment week consists of 4 or 5 days on which a patient receives 10 mg or 20 mg (one or two tablets) as a single daily dose, depending on body weight. For details, see Tables 1 and 2 below.


Following completion of the 2 treatment courses, no further cladribine treatment is required in years 3 and 4 (see section 5.1). Re-initiation of therapy after year 4 has not been studied.


Criteria for initiating and continuing therapy


Lymphocyte counts must be

·                normal before initiating MAVENCLAD in year 1,

·                at least 800 cells/mm³ before initiating MAVENCLAD in year 2.


If necessary, the treatment course in year 2 can be delayed for up to 6 months to allow for recovery of lymphocytes. If this recovery takes more than 6 months, the patient should not receive MAVENCLAD anymore.


Distribution of dose


The distribution of the total dose over the 2 years of treatment is provided in Table 1. For some weight ranges the number of tablets may vary from one treatment week to the next. Use of oral cladribine in patients weighing less than 40 kg has not been investigated.


Table 1 Dose of MAVENCLAD per treatment week by patient weight in each treatment year

Weight range

Dose in mg (number of 10 mg tablets) per treatment week


Treatment week 1

Treatment week 2

40 to <50

40 mg (4 tablets)

40 mg (4 tablets)

50 to <60

50 mg (5 tablets)

50 mg (5 tablets)

60 to <70

60 mg (6 tablets)

60 mg (6 tablets)

70 to <80

70 mg (7 tablets)

70 mg (7 tablets)

80 to <90

80 mg (8 tablets)

70 mg (7 tablets)

90 to <100

90 mg (9 tablets)

80 mg (8 tablets)

100 to <110

100 mg (10 tablets)

90 mg (9 tablets)

110 and above

100 mg (10 tablets)

100 mg (10 tablets)


Table 2 shows how the total number of tablets per treatment week is distributed over the individual days. It is recommended that the daily cladribine doses in each treatment week be taken at intervals of 24 hours at approximately the same time each day. If a daily dose consists of two tablets, both tablets are taken together as a single dose.


Table 2 MAVENCLAD 10 mg tablets per week day

Total number of tablets
per week

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5












































A missed dose must be taken as soon as remembered on the same day according to the treatment schedule.


A missed dose must not be taken together with the next scheduled dose on the following day. In the case of a missed dose, the patient must take the missed dose on the following day, and extend the number of days in that treatment week. If two consecutive doses are missed, the same rule applies, and the number of days in the treatment week is extended by two days.


Concomitant use of other oral medicinal products


It is recommended that administration of any other oral medicinal product be separated from that of MAVENCLAD by at least 3 hours during the limited number of days of cladribine administration (see section 4.5).


Special populations


Renal impairment


No dedicated studies have been conducted in patients with renal impairment.


In patients with mild renal impairment (creatinine clearance 60 to 89 mL/min), no dosage adjustment is considered necessary (see section 5.2).


Safety and efficacy in patients with moderate or severe renal impairment have not been established. Therefore, MAVENCLAD is contraindicated in these patients (see section 4.3).


Hepatic impairment


No studies have been conducted in patients with hepatic impairment.


Although the importance of hepatic function for the elimination of cladribine is considered negligible (see section 5.2), in the absence of data, use of MAVENCLAD is not recommended in patients with moderate or severe hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh score >6).




Clinical studies with oral cladribine in MS did not include patients over 65 years of age; therefore, it is not known whether they respond differently from younger patients.


Caution is recommended when MAVENCLAD is used in elderly patients, taking into account the potential greater frequency of decreased hepatic or renal function, concomitant diseases and other medicinal therapies.


Paediatric population


The safety and efficacy of MAVENCLAD in patients below the age of 18 years have not been established. No data are available.


Method of administration


MAVENCLAD is for oral use. The tablets must be taken with water, and swallowed without chewing. The tablets can be taken independent of food intake.


As the tablets are uncoated, they must be swallowed immediately once removed from the blister and not be left exposed on surfaces or handled for any period of time greater than that required for dosing. If a tablet is left on a surface, or if a broken or fragmented tablet is released from the blister, the area must be thoroughly washed.


The patient's hands must be dry when handling the tablets and washed thoroughly afterwards.


Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1. Infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Active chronic infection (tuberculosis or hepatitis). Initiation of cladribine treatment in immunocompromised patients, including patients currently receiving immunosuppressive or myelosuppressive therapy (see section 4.5). Active malignancy. Moderate or severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance <60 mL/min) (see section 5.2). Pregnancy and breast-feeding (see section 4.6).

Haematological monitoring


Cladribine's mode of action is closely linked to a reduction in lymphocyte count. The effect on lymphocyte count is dose dependent. Decreases in neutrophil count, red blood cell count, haematocrit, haemoglobin or platelet count compared to baseline values have also been observed in clinical studies, although these parameters usually remain within normal limits.


Additive haematological adverse reactions may be expected if cladribine is administered prior to or concomitantly with other substances that affect the haematological profile (see section 4.5).


Lymphocyte counts must be determined

·                before initiating MAVENCLAD in year 1,

·                before initiating MAVENCLAD in year 2,

·                2 and 6 months after start of treatment in each treatment year. If the lymphocyte count is below 500 cells/mm³, it should be actively monitored until values increase again.


For treatment decisions based on the patient's lymphocyte counts, see section 4.2 and subsection 'Infections' below.




Cladribine can reduce the body's immune defence and may increase the likelihood of infections. HIV infection, active tuberculosis and active hepatitis must be excluded before initiation of cladribine (see section 4.3).


Latent infections may be activated, including tuberculosis or hepatitis. Therefore, screening for latent infections, in particular tuberculosis and hepatitis B and C, must be performed prior to initiation of therapy in year 1 and year 2. Initiation of MAVENCLAD should be delayed until the infection has been adequately treated.


A delay in initiation of cladribine should also be considered in patients with an acute infection until the infection is fully controlled.


Particular attention is recommended for patients who have no history of exposure to varicella zoster virus. Vaccination of antibody-negative patients is recommended prior to initiation of cladribine therapy. Initiation of treatment with MAVENCLAD should be postponed for 4 to 6 weeks to allow for the full effect of vaccination to occur.


The incidence of herpes zoster was increased in patients on cladribine. If lymphocyte counts drop below 200 cells/mm³, anti-herpes prophylaxis according to local standard practice should be considered during the time of grade 4 lymphopenia (see section 4.8).


Patients with lymphocyte counts below 500 cells/mm³ should be actively monitored for signs and symptoms suggestive of infections, in particular herpes zoster. If such signs and symptoms occur, anti-infective treatment should be initiated as clinically indicated. Interruption or delay of MAVENCLAD may be considered until proper resolution of the infection.


Cases of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) have been reported for parenteral cladribine in patients treated for hairy cell leukaemia with a different treatment regimen.


In the clinical study data base of cladribine in MS (1,976 patients, 8,650 patient years) no case of PML has been reported. However, a baseline magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) should be performed before initiating MAVENCLAD (usually within 3 months).




In clinical studies, events of malignancies were observed more frequently in cladribine-treated patients compared to patients who received placebo (see section 4.8).


MAVENCLAD is contraindicated in MS patients with active malignancies (see section 4.3). An individual benefit-risk evaluation should be performed before initiating MAVENCLAD in patients with prior malignancy. Patients treated with MAVENCLAD should be advised to follow standard cancer screening guidelines.




Before initiation of treatment both in year 1 and year 2, women of childbearing potential and males who could potentially father a child should be counselled regarding the potential for serious risk to the foetus and the need for effective contraception (see section 4.6).


Women of childbearing potential must prevent pregnancy by use of effective contraception during cladribine treatment and for at least 6 months after the last dose (see section 4.5).


Male patients must take precautions to prevent pregnancy of their female partner during cladribine treatment and for at least 6 months after the last dose.


Blood transfusions


In patients who require blood transfusion, irradiation of cellular blood components is recommended prior to administration to prevent transfusion-related graft-versus-host disease. Consultation with a haematologist is advised.


Switching to and from cladribine treatment


In patients who have previously been treated with immunomodulatory or immunosuppressive medicinal products the mode of action and duration of effect of the other medicinal product should be considered prior to initiation of MAVENCLAD. A potential additive effect on the immune system should also be considered when such medicinal products are used after treatment with MAVENCLAD (see section 4.5).


When switching from another MS medicinal product, a baseline MRI should be performed (see subsection 'Infections' above).


Hepatic impairment


Although the importance of hepatic function for the elimination of cladribine is considered negligible (see section 5.2), in the absence of data, use of MAVENCLAD is not recommended in patients with moderate or severe hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh score >6) (see section 4.2).


MAVENCLAD contains hydroxypropylbetadex, which may be available for complex formation with other medicinal products, potentially leading to an increase in bioavailability of such a product (especially medicinal products with low solubility). Therefore, it is recommended that administration of any other oral medicinal product be separated from that of MAVENCLAD by at least 3 hours during the limited number of days of cladribine administration.


Immunosuppressive medicinal products


Initiation of cladribine treatment is contraindicated in immunocompromised patients, including patients currently receiving immunosuppressive or myelosuppressive therapy with, e.g., methotrexate, cyclophosphamide, cyclosporine or azathioprine, or chronic use of corticosteroids because of a risk of additive effects on the immune system (see section 4.3).


Acute short-term therapy with systemic corticosteroids can be administered during cladribine treatment.


Other disease-modifying medicinal products


The use of MAVENCLAD with interferon beta results in an increased risk of lymphopenia. Safety and efficacy of MAVENCLAD in combination with other disease-modifying treatments for MS have not been established. Concomitant treatment is not recommended.


Haematotoxin medicinal products


Because of the cladribine-induced reduction in lymphocyte count, additive haematological adverse reactions may be expected if cladribine is administered prior to or concomitantly with other substances that affect the haematological profile (e.g. carbamazepine). Careful monitoring of haematological parameters is recommended in such cases.


Live or live attenuated vaccines


Treatment with MAVENCLAD should not be initiated within 4 to 6 weeks after vaccination with live or attenuated live vaccines because of a risk of active vaccine infection. Vaccination with live or attenuated live vaccines should be avoided during and after cladribine treatment as long as the patient's white blood cell counts are not within normal limits.


Potent ENT1, CNT3 and BCRP transporter inhibitors


At the level of cladribine absorption, the only conceivable interaction pathway of clinical relevance appears to be the breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP or ABCG2). Inhibition of BCRP in the gastrointestinal tract may increase the oral bioavailability and systemic exposure of cladribine. Known BCRP inhibitors, which may alter the pharmacokinetics of BCRP substrates by 20% in vivo, include eltrombopag.


In vitro studies indicate that cladribine is a substrate of the equilibrative nucleoside (ENT1) and concentrative nucleoside (CNT3) transport proteins. Accordingly, the bioavailability, intracellular distribution and renal elimination of cladribine may theoretically be altered by potent ENT1 and CNT3 transporter inhibitors such as dilazep, nifedipine, nimodipine, cilostazol, sulindac or reserpine. However, net effects in terms of potential cladribine exposure alterations are difficult to predict.


Although the clinical relevance of such interactions is unknown, it is recommended that co-administration of potent ENT1, CNT3 or BCRP inhibitors be avoided during the 4‑ to 5‑day cladribine treatment. If this is not possible, selection of alternative concomitant medicinal products with no, or minimal ENT1, CNT3 or BCRP transporter inhibiting properties should be considered. If this is not possible, dose reduction to the minimum mandatory dose of medicinal products containing these compounds, separation in the timing of administration and careful patient monitoring is recommended.


Potent BCRP and P‑gp transporter inducers


The effects of potent inducers of the efflux transporters BCRP and P‑glycoprotein (P‑gp) on the bioavailability and disposition of cladribine have not been formally studied. A possible decrease in cladribine exposure should be considered if potent BCRP (e.g. corticosteroids) or P‑gp (e.g. rifampicin, St. John's Wort) transporter inducers are co-administered.


Hormonal contraceptives


It is currently unknown whether cladribine may reduce the effectiveness of systemically acting hormonal contraceptives. Therefore, women using systemically acting hormonal contraceptives should add a barrier method during cladribine treatment and for at least 4 weeks after the last dose in each treatment year (see section 4.6).

Contraception in males and females


Before initiation of treatment both in year 1 and year 2, women of childbearing potential and males who could potentially father a child should be counselled regarding the potential for serious risk to the foetus and the need for effective contraception.


In women of childbearing potential, pregnancy must be excluded before the initiation of MAVENCLAD in year 1 and year 2 and prevented by use of effective contraception during cladribine treatment and for at least 6 months after the last dose. Women using systemically acting hormonal contraceptives should add a barrier method during cladribine treatment and for at least 4 weeks after the last dose in each treatment year (see section 4.5). Women who become pregnant under therapy with MAVENCLAD should discontinue treatment.


As cladribine interferes with DNA synthesis, adverse effects on human gametogenesis could be expected (see section 5.3). Therefore, male patients must take precautions to prevent pregnancy of their partner during cladribine treatment and for at least 6 months after the last dose.




Based on human experience with other substances inhibiting DNA synthesis, cladribine could cause congenital malformations when administered during pregnancy. Studies in animals have shown reproductive toxicity (see section 5.3).


MAVENCLAD is contraindicated in pregnant women (see section 4.3).




It is not known whether cladribine is excreted in human milk. Because of the potential for serious adverse reactions in breast-fed infants, breast-feeding is contraindicated during treatment with MAVENCLAD and for 1 week after the last dose (see section 4.3).




In mice, there were no effects on fertility or the reproductive function of offspring. However, testicular effects were observed in mice and monkeys (see section 5.3).


As cladribine interferes with DNA synthesis, adverse effects on human gametogenesis could be expected. Therefore, male patients must take precautions to prevent pregnancy of their partner during cladribine treatment and for at least 6 months after the last dose (see above).


MAVENCLAD has no or negligible influence on the ability to drive and use machines.


Summary of the safety profile


The most clinically relevant adverse reactions reported in MS patients who received cladribine at the recommended cumulative dose of 3.5 mg/kg over 2 years in clinical studies were lymphopenia and herpes zoster. The incidence of herpes zoster was higher during the period of grade 3 or 4 lymphopenia (<500 to 200 cells/mm³ or <200 cells/mm³) compared to the time when the patients were not experiencing grade 3 or 4 lymphopenia (see section 4.4).


List of adverse reactions


Adverse reactions described in the list below are derived from pooled data from clinical studies in MS in which oral cladribine was used as monotherapy at a cumulative dose of 3.5 mg/kg. The safety database from these studies comprises 923 patients.


The following definitions apply to the frequency terminology used hereafter:


Very common (≥1/10)

Common (≥1/100 to <1/10)

Uncommon (≥1/1,000 to <1/100)

Rare (≥1/10,000 to <1/1,000)

Very rare (<1/10,000)

Frequency not known (cannot be estimated from the available data)


Infections and infestations


Common:           Oral herpes, dermatomal herpes zoster.

Very rare:          Tuberculosis (see section 4.4).


Blood and lymphatic system disorders


Very common:   Lymphopenia.

Common:           Decrease in neutrophil count.


Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders


Common:           Rash, alopecia.


Description of selected adverse reactions




In clinical studies, 20% to 25% of the patients treated with a cumulative dose of cladribine 3.5 mg/kg over 2 years as monotherapy developed transient grade 3 or 4 lymphopenia. Grade 4 lymphopenia was seen in less than 1% of the patients. The largest proportion of patients with grade 3 or 4 lymphopenia was seen 2 months after the first cladribine dose in each year (4.0% and 11.3% of patients with grade 3 lymphopenia in year 1 and year 2, 0% and 0.4% of patients with grade 4 lymphopenia in year 1 and year 2). It is expected that most patients recover to either normal lymphocyte counts or grade 1 lymphopenia within 9 months.


To decrease the risk for severe lymphopenia, lymphocyte counts must be determined before, during and after cladribine treatment (see section 4.4) and strict criteria for initiating and continuing cladribine treatment must be followed (see section 4.2).




In clinical studies and long-term follow-up of patients treated with a cumulative dose of 3.5 mg/kg oral cladribine, events of malignancies were observed more frequently in cladribine-treated patients (10 events in 3,414 patient-years [0.29 events per 100 patient-years]) compared to patients who received placebo (3 events in 2,022 patient-years [0.15 events per 100 patient-years]) (see section 4.4).


There is limited experience with overdose of oral cladribine. Lymphopenia is known to be dose-dependent (see sections 4.4 and 4.8).


Particularly close monitoring of haematological parameters is recommended in patients who have been exposed to an overdose of cladribine.


There is no known specific antidote to an overdose of cladribine. Treatment consists of careful observation and initiation of appropriate supportive measures. Discontinuation of MAVENCLAD may need to be considered. Because of the rapid and extensive intracellular and tissue distribution, haemodialysis is unlikely to eliminate cladribine to a significant extent

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Selective Immunosuppressants, ATC code: L04AA40


Mechanism of action


Cladribine is a nucleoside analogue of deoxyadenosine. A chlorine substitution in the purine ring protects cladribine from degradation by adenosine deaminase, increasing the intracellular residence time of the cladribine prodrug. Subsequent phosphorylation of cladribine to its active triphosphate form, 2‑chlorodeoxyadenosine triphosphate (Cd‑ATP), is particularly efficiently achieved in lymphocytes, due to their constitutively high deoxycytidine kinase (DCK) and relatively low 5'‑nucleotidase (5'‑NTase) levels. A high DCK to 5'‑NTase ratio favours the accumulation of Cd‑ATP, making lymphocytes particularly susceptible to cell death. As a result of a lower DCK/5'‑NTase ratio other bone marrow derived cells are less affected than lymphocytes. DCK is the rate limiting enzyme for conversion of the cladribine prodrug into its active triphosphate form, leading to selective depletion of dividing and non-dividing T and B cells.


The primary apoptosis-inducing mechanism of action of Cd‑ATP has direct and indirect actions on DNA synthesis and mitochondrial function. In dividing cells, Cd‑ATP interferes with DNA synthesis via inhibition of ribonucleotide reductase and competes with deoxyadenosine triphosphate for incorporation into DNA by DNA polymerases. In resting cells cladribine causes DNA single-strand breaks, rapid nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide consumption, ATP depletion and cell death. There is evidence that cladribine can also cause direct caspase-dependent and ‑independent apoptosis via the release of cytochrome c and apoptosis-inducing factor into the cytosol of non-dividing cells.


MS pathology involves a complex chain of events in which different immune cell types, including autoreactive T and B cells play a key role. The mechanism by which cladribine exerts its therapeutic effects in MS is not fully elucidated but its predominant effect on B and T lymphocytes is thought to interrupt the cascade of immune events central to MS.


Variations in the expression levels of DCK and 5'‑NTases between immune cell subtypes may explain differences in immune cell sensitivity to cladribine. Because of these expression levels, cells of the innate immune system are less affected than cells of the adaptive immune system.


Pharmacodynamic effects


Cladribine has been shown to exert long-lasting effects by preferentially targeting lymphocytes and the autoimmune processes involved in the pathophysiology of MS.


Across studies, the largest proportion of patients with grade 3 or 4 lymphopenia (<500 to 200 cells/mm³ or <200 cells/mm³) was seen 2 months after the first cladribine dose in each year, indicating a time gap between cladribine plasma concentrations and the maximum haematological effect.


Across clinical studies, data with the proposed cumulative dose of 3.5 mg/kg body weight show a gradual improvement in the median lymphocyte counts back to the normal range at week 84 from the first dose of cladribine (approximately 30 weeks after the last dose of cladribine). The lymphocyte counts of more than 75% of patients returned to the normal range by week 144 from the first dose of cladribine (approximately 90 weeks after the last dose of cladribine).


Treatment with oral cladribine leads to rapid reductions in circulating CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. CD8+ T cells have a less pronounced decrease and a faster recovery than CD4+ T cells, resulting in a temporarily decreased CD4 to CD8 ratio. Cladribine reduces CD19+ B cells and CD16+/CD56+ natural killer cells, which also recover faster than CD4+ T cells.


Clinical efficacy and safety


Relapsing-remitting MS


Efficacy and safety of oral cladribine were evaluated in a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study (CLARITY) in 1,326 patients with relapsing-remitting MS. Study objectives were to evaluate the efficacy of cladribine versus placebo in reducing the annualised relapse rate (ARR) (primary endpoint), slowing disability progression and decreasing active lesions as measured by MRI.


Patients received either placebo (n = 437), or a cumulative dose of cladribine of 3.5 mg/kg (n = 433) or 5.25 mg/kg body weight (n = 456) over the 96‑week (2‑year) study period in 2 treatment courses. Patients randomised to the 3.5 mg/kg cumulative dose received a first treatment course at weeks 1 and 5 of the first year and a second treatment course at weeks 1 and 5 of the second year. Patients randomised to the 5.25 mg/kg cumulative dose received additional treatment at weeks 9 and 13 of the first year. The majority of patients in the placebo (87.0%) and the cladribine 3.5 mg/kg (91.9%) and 5.25 mg/kg (89.0%) treatment groups completed the full 96 weeks of the study.


Patients were required to have at least 1 relapse in the previous 12 months. In the overall study population, the median age was 39 years (range 18 to 65), and the female to male ratio was approximately 2:1. The mean duration of MS prior to study enrolment was 8.7 years, and the median baseline neurological disability based on Kurtzke Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) score across all treatment groups was 3.0 (range 0 to 6.0). Over two thirds of the study patients were treatment-naive for MS disease-modifying drugs (DMDs). The remaining patients were pre-treated with either interferon beta‑1a, interferon beta‑1b, glatiramer acetate or natalizumab.


Patients with relapsing-remitting MS receiving cladribine 3.5 mg/kg showed statistically significantly improvements in the annualised relapse rate, proportion of patients relapse-free over 96 weeks, proportion of patients free of sustained disability over 96 weeks and time to 3‑month EDSS progression compared to patients on placebo (see Table 3).


Table 3 Clinical outcomes in the CLARITY study (96 weeks)


(n = 437)

Cladribine cumulative dose

3.5 mg/kg
(n = 433)

5.25 mg/kg
(n = 456)

Annualised relapse rate (95% CI)

0.33 (0.29, 0.38)

0.14* (0.12, 0.17)

0.15* (0.12, 0.17)

Relative reduction (cladribine vs. placebo)




Proportion of patients relapse-free over 96 weeks




Time to 3‑month EDSS progression, 10th percentile (months)




Hazard ratio (95% CI)


0.67 (0.48, 0.93)

p = 0.018

0.69 (0.49, 0.96)

p = 0.026

*   p <0.001 compared to placebo


In addition, the cladribine 3.5 mg/kg treatment group was statistically significantly superior to placebo with regard to number and relative reduction of T1 Gd+ lesions, active T2 lesions and combined unique lesions as demonstrated in brain MRI over the entire 96 weeks of the study. Patients taking cladribine compared to the placebo treatment group had 86% relative reduction in the mean number of T1 Gd+ lesions (adjusted mean number for cladribine 3.5 mg/kg, and placebo groups were 0.12 and 0.91, respectively), 73% relative reduction in the mean number of active T2 lesions (adjusted mean number for cladribine 3.5 mg/kg, and placebo groups were 0.38 and 1.43, respectively) and 74% relative reduction in the mean number of combined unique lesions per patient per scan (adjusted mean number for cladribine 3.5 mg/kg, and placebo groups were 0.43 and 1.72, respectively) (p <0.001 across all 3 MRI outcomes).


Post-hoc analysis of time to 6‑month confirmed EDSS progression resulted in a 47% reduction of the risk of disability progression in the cladribine 3.5 mg/kg compared to placebo (hazard ratio = 0.53, 95% CI [0.36, 0.79], p <0.05); in the placebo group the 10th percentile was reached at 245 days, and not reached at all during the study period in the cladribine 3.5 mg/kg group.


As shown in Table 3 above, higher cumulative doses did not add any clinically meaningful benefit but were associated with a higher incidence in ≥grade 3 lymphopenia (44.9% in the 5.25 mg/kg group vs. 25.6% in the 3.5 mg/kg group).


Patients who had completed the CLARITY study could be enrolled in CLARITY Extension. In this extension study, 806 patients received either placebo or a cumulative dose of cladribine 3.5 mg/kg (in a regimen similar to that used in CLARITY) over the 96‑week study period. The primary objective of this study was safety, while efficacy endpoints were exploratory.


The magnitude of the effect in reducing the frequency of relapses and slowing disability progression in patients receiving the 3.5 mg/kg dose over 2 years was maintained in years 3 and 4 (see section 4.2).


Efficacy in patients with high disease activity


Post-hoc subgroup efficacy analyses have been conducted in patients with high disease activity treated with oral cladribine at the recommended 3.5 mg/kg cumulative dose. These included

·                patients with 1 relapse in the previous year and at least 1 T1 Gd+ lesion or 9 or more T2 lesions, while on therapy with other DMDs,

·                patients with 2 or more relapses in the previous year, whether on DMD treatment or not.


In the analyses of the CLARITY data, a consistent treatment effect on relapses was observed with the annualised relapse rate ranging from 0.16 to 0.18 in the cladribine groups and 0.47 to 0.50 in the placebo group (p <0.0001). Compared to the overall population, a greater effect was observed in time to 6‑month sustained disability where cladribine reduced the risk of disability progression by 82% (hazard ratio = 0.18, 95% CI [0.07, 0.47]). For placebo the 10th percentile for disability progression was reached between 16 and 23 weeks, while for the cladribine groups it was not reached during the entire study.


Secondary progressive MS with relapses


A supportive study in patients treated with cladribine as an add-on to interferon beta vs. placebo + interferon beta also included a limited number of patients with secondary progressive MS (26 patients). In these patients, treatment with cladribine 3.5 mg/kg resulted in a reduction of the annualised relapse rate compared to placebo (0.03 versus 0.30, risk ratio: 0.11, p <0.05). There was no difference in annualised relapse rate between patients with relapsing-remitting MS and patients with secondary progressive MS with relapses. An effect on disability progression could not be shown in either subgroup.


Patients with secondary progressive MS were excluded in the CLARITY study. However, a post-hoc analysis of a mixed cohort including CLARITY and ONWARD patients, defined by a baseline EDSS score of ≥3.5 as a proxy for secondary progressive MS, showed a similar reduction in annualised relapse rate compared to patients with an EDSS score below 3.


Paediatric population


The European Medicines Agency has waived the obligation to submit the results of studies with MAVENCLAD in all subsets of the paediatric population in multiple sclerosis (see section 4.2 for information on paediatric use).

Cladribine is a prodrug that has to be phosphorylated intracellularly to become biologically active. Cladribine pharmacokinetics were studied following oral and intravenous administration in MS patients and patients with malignancies, and in in vitro systems.




Following oral administration, cladribine is rapidly absorbed. Administration of 10 mg cladribine resulted in a cladribine mean Cmax in the range of 22 to 29 ng/mL and corresponding mean AUC in the range of 80 to 101 ng·h/mL (arithmetic means from various studies).


When oral cladribine was given in fasted state, median Tmax was 0.5 h (range 0.5 to 1.5 h). When administered with a high-fat meal, cladribine absorption was delayed (median Tmax 1.5 h, range 1 to 3 h) and Cmax was reduced by 29% (based on geometric mean), while AUC was unchanged. The bioavailability of 10 mg oral cladribine was approximately 40%.




The volume of distribution is large, indicating extensive tissue distribution and intracellular uptake. Studies revealed a mean volume of distribution of cladribine in the range of 480 to 490 L. The plasma protein binding of cladribine is 20%, and independent of plasma concentration.


The distribution of cladribine across biological membranes is facilitated by various transport proteins, including ENT1, CNT3 and BCRP.


In vitro studies indicate that cladribine efflux is only minimally P‑gp related. Clinically relevant interactions with inhibitors of P‑gp are not expected. The potential consequences of P‑gp induction on the bioavailability of cladribine have not been formally studied.


In vitro studies showed negligible transporter-mediated uptake of cladribine into human hepatocytes.


Cladribine has the potential to penetrate the blood brain barrier. A small study in cancer patients has shown a cerebrospinal fluid/plasma concentration ratio of approximately 0.25.


Cladribine and/or its phosphorylated metabolites are substantially accumulated and retained in human lymphocytes. In vitro, intra- versus extracellular accumulation ratios were found to be around 30 to 40 already 1 hour after cladribine exposure.




The metabolism of cladribine was studied in MS patients following the administration of a single 10‑mg tablet and a single 3‑mg intravenous dose. Following both oral and intravenous administration, the parent compound cladribine was the main component present in plasma and urine. The metabolite 2‑chloroadenine was a minor metabolite both in plasma and in urine, e.g. accounting only for ≤3% of plasma parent drug exposure after oral administration. Only traces of other metabolites could be found in plasma and in urine.


In hepatic in vitro systems, negligible metabolism of cladribine was observed (at least 90% was unchanged cladribine).


Cladribine is not a relevant substrate to cytochrome P450 enzymes and does not show significant potential to act as inhibitor of CYP1A2, CYP2B6, CYP2C8, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP2D6, CYP2E1 and CYP3A4. Inhibition of these enzymes or genetic polymorphisms (e.g. CYP2D6, CYP2C9 or CYP2C19) are not expected to result in clinically significant effects on cladribine pharmacokinetics or exposure. Cladribine has no clinically meaningful inductive effect on CYP1A2, CYP2B6 and CYP3A4 enzymes.


After entering the target cells, cladribine is phosphorylated to cladribine monophosphate (Cd‑AMP) by DCK (and also by deoxy guanosine kinase in the mitochondria). Cd‑AMP is further phosphorylated to cladribine diphosphate (Cd‑ADP) and cladribine triphosphate (Cd‑ATP). The dephosphorylation and deactivation of Cd‑AMP is catalysed by cytoplasmic 5'‑NTase. In a study of the intracellular pharmacokinetics of Cd‑AMP and Cd‑ATP in patients with chronic myelogenous leukaemia, the levels of Cd‑ATP were approximately half of the Cd‑AMP levels.


Intracellular half-life of Cd‑AMP was 15 h. Intracellular half-life of Cd‑ATP was 10 h.




Based on pooled population pharmacokinetic data from various studies, the median values for elimination were 22.2 L/h for renal clearance and 23.4 L/h for non-renal clearance. Renal clearance exceeded the glomerular filtration rate, indicating active renal tubular secretion of cladribine.


The non-renal part of the elimination of cladribine (approximately 50%) consists of negligible hepatic metabolism and of extensive intracellular distribution and trapping of the active cladribine principle (Cd‑ATP) within the targeted intracellular compartment (i.e. the lymphocytes) and subsequent elimination of intracellular Cd‑ATP according to the life-cycle and elimination pathways of these cells.


The estimated terminal half-life for a typical patient from the population pharmacokinetic analysis is approximately 1 day. This however does not result in any drug accumulation after once daily dosing as this half-life only accounts for a small portion of the AUC.


Dose and time dependence


After oral administration of cladribine across a dose range from 3 to 20 mg, Cmax and AUC increased in a dose-proportional fashion, suggesting that absorption is not affected by rate- or capacity-limited processes up to a 20 mg oral dose.


No significant accumulation of cladribine concentration in plasma has been observed after repeated dosing. There is no indication that cladribine pharmacokinetics might change in a time-dependent fashion after repeated administration.


Special populations


No studies have been conducted to evaluate the pharmacokinetics of cladribine in elderly or in paediatric MS patients, or in subjects with renal or hepatic impairment.


A population kinetic analysis did not show any effect of age (range 18 to 65 years) or gender on cladribine pharmacokinetics.


Renal impairment


Renal clearance of cladribine was shown to be dependent on creatinine clearance. Based on a population pharmacokinetic analysis including patients with normal renal function and with mild renal impairment, total clearance in patients with mild renal impairment (CLCR = 60 mL/min) is expected to decrease moderately, leading to an increase in exposure of 25%.


Hepatic impairment


The role of hepatic function for the elimination of cladribine is considered negligible.


Pharmacokinetic interactions


A drug interaction study in MS patients showed that the bioavailability of 10 mg oral cladribine was not altered when co-administered with pantoprazole.


Non-clinical safety pharmacological and toxicological assessment of cladribine in animal models relevant for the safety assessment of cladribine did not yield significant findings other than those predicted by the pharmacologic mechanism of cladribine. The primary target organs identified in the repeat-dose toxicology studies by parenteral routes (intravenous or subcutaneous) up to 1‑year duration in mice and monkeys were the lymphoid and haematopoietic system. Other target organs after longer administration (14 cycles) of cladribine to monkeys by subcutaneous route were the kidneys (karyomegaly of renal tubular epithelium), adrenals (cortex atrophy and decreased vacuolation), gastrointestinal tract (mucosa atrophy) and testes. Effects on the kidneys were also seen in mice.




Cladribine is incorporated into DNA strands and inhibits DNA synthesis and repair. Cladribine did not induce gene mutation in bacteria or mammalian cells, but it was clastogenic causing chromosomal damage in mammalian cells in vitro at a concentration which was 17‑fold above the expected clinical Cmax. In vivo clastogenicity in mice was detected at 10 mg/kg, which was the lowest dose tested.




The carcinogenic potential of cladribine was assessed in a long-term 22‑month study with subcutaneous administration in mice and in a short-term 26‑week study by oral route in transgenic mice.


·                In the long-term carcinogenicity study in mice, the highest dose used was 10 mg/kg, which was seen to be genotoxic in the mouse micronucleus study (equivalent to approximately 16‑fold the expected human exposure in AUC in patients taking the maximum daily dose of 20 mg cladribine). No increased incidence of lymphoproliferative disorders or other tumour types (apart from Harderian gland tumours, predominantly adenomas) was seen in mice. Harderian gland tumours are not considered to be of clinical relevance, as humans do not have comparable anatomical structures.


·                In the short-term carcinogenicity study in Tg rasH2 mice, no cladribine-related increase in incidence of lymphoproliferative disorders or other tumour types was seen at any dose tested up to 30 mg/kg per day (equivalent to approximately 25‑fold the expected human exposure in AUC in patients taking the maximum daily dose of 20 mg cladribine).


Cladribine was also assessed in a 1-year monkey study by the subcutaneous route. No increased incidence in lymphoproliferative disorders and no tumours were seen in this study.


Although cladribine may have a potential for genotoxicity, long-term data in mice and monkeys did not provide any evidence of a relevant increased carcinogenicity risk in humans.


Reproduction toxicity


While there were no effects on female fertility, reproductive function or general performance of offspring, cladribine was shown to be embryo lethal when administered to pregnant mice, and the compound was teratogenic in mice (also following treatment of the males only) and rabbits. The observed embryo lethal and teratogenic effects are consistent with the pharmacologic mechanisms of cladribine. In a male mouse fertility study, malformed foetuses with agenesis of portions of appendage(s) distal the humours and/or femur were seen. The incidence of affected mouse foetuses in this study was in the same range of spontaneous incidence of Amelia and phocomelia in this strain of mice. However, considering cladribine genotoxicity, male-mediated effects related to potential genetic alteration of differentiating sperm cells cannot be excluded.


Cladribine did not affect the fertility of male mice, but observed testicular effects were reduced testicular weights and increased numbers of non-motile sperm. Testicular degeneration and reversible decrease in spermatozoa with rapid progressive motility were also seen in the monkey. Histologically, testicular degeneration was only seen in one male monkey in a 1‑year subcutaneous toxicity study.


Hydroxypropylbetadex (2‑hydroxypropyl-ß‑cyclodextrin) 143.76 mg

Sorbitol 64.04 mg

Magnesium stearate 2.20 mg

Not applicable.

48 Months

Do not store above 30 C

Store in the original package in order to protect from moisture.

Oriented polyamide (OPA)/aluminium (Al)/polyvinyl chloride (PVC) – aluminium (Al) blister sealed in a cardboard wallet and fixed in a child-resistant outer carton.

Pack sizes of 1, 4 or 6 tablets.


Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

Any unused medicinal product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.


Merck Europe B.V. Gustav Mahlerplein 102 1082 MA Amsterdam The Netherlands


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