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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Lidocaine Injection is a local anaesthetic and is used to produce local anaesthesia (numb a specific area) and stop pain being felt in the area of the body where it is administered.

You should not be given Solyo:

·         If you are allergic to lidocaine or other anesthetics of the amide type, or any of the other ingredients of this medicine (listed in section 6). Tell your doctor if you ever had an allergic or bad reaction, for example, skin rash or breathlessness or to any local anaesthetic medicines.

·         If you have certain heart disorders. Tell your doctor if you have any heart problems particularly where your heart may pump blood less efficiently, may beat irregularly, or may beat more slowly.


Warnings and precautions

Talk to your doctor or nurse before you are given Solyo if:

·         if you suffer from Porphyria - a disorder of the blood. Tell your doctor if you have any blood disorders.

·         if you suffer from a heart or a breathing disorder.

·         if you have kidney or liver disease.

·         if you are feeling unwell or run down for any reason.

·         if you suffer from epilepsy or have fits.

·         if you have myasthenia gravis (a condition causing weakness of your muscles).

·         if you are in shock.

·         if you have a blood disorder or an imbalance in the constituents of your blood.

·         if you have inflammation or infection in the area to be injected.


Other medicines and Solyo

Tell your doctor and the anesthetist before the injection of lidocaine if you are using, have recently used or might use any other medicines.

This is especially important with the following medicines as they may interact with your Lidocaine Injection:

·         Acetazolamide (used to reduce pressure within the eye).

·         Cimetidine (for stomach ulcer or heartburn).

·         Dolasetron (used to prevent / treat nausea and vomiting).

·         Quinupristin and dalfopristin (antibiotics).

·         Beta-blockers e.g. propranolol, (for angina, high blood pressure or other heart problems).

·         Diuretics (water tablets).

·         Anti-virals - medicines used to treat infections caused by viruses (e.g. HIV).

·         Anti-arrhythmics - medicines used to regulate the rhythm of your heart. (e.g. Amiodarone, mexiletine).

·         Anti-psychotics - medicines used to treat certain psychiatric conditions (e.g. Pimozide, sertindole).

·         Muscle relaxants, (e.g. Suxamethonium).


Pregnancy, breast-feeding and fertility

If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, think you may be pregnant or are planning to have a baby, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking this medicine.


Driving and using machines

Depending on where and how Lidocaine Injection is used, it may affect your ability to drive or operate machinery. Ask your doctor about when it would be safe to drive or operate machines.

You should not drive or use machinery if you are affected by the administration of Lidocaine Injection.


Solyo contains sodium

This medicinal product contains less than 1 mmol sodium per ml.

Your nurse or doctor will give you the injection.

Your doctor will decide the correct dosage for you and how and when the injection will be given.


If you use more Lidocaine Injection than you should

Since the injection will be given to you by a doctor or nurse, it is unlikely that you will be given too much. If you think you have been given too much, or you begin to experience lightheadedness, numbness of your tongue or a ringing in your ears you must tell the person giving you the injection immediately.

Lidocaine Injection is only intended to be given by injection under your skin (subcutaneously or SC).

Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.

Allergic reactions:

Allergic reactions to lidocaine hydrochloride are rare, but tell your doctor immediately if you get any difficulty with your breathing, a rash or itchy skin.


Nervous and psychiatric disorders:

Dizziness or lightheadedness, drowsiness, tremor, confusion, your tongue going numb - sometimes these symptoms may indicate that you have been given too much lidocaine.

Convulsions (seizures).


Eye disorders:

Blurred or double vision.


Ear disorders:

Tinnitus (a ringing in your ears).

Hyperacusis (you are more sensitive to everyday sounds).


Heart disorders:

Increased or decreased blood pressure.

Slowing and stopping of your heart.

Changes in the rhythm of your heart.


Breathing disorders:

You may find it more difficult to breathe or your breathing may stop.


Gastrointestinal disorders:

Nausea (feeling sick) and vomiting (being sick).


Skin disorders:

Rash, itching and swelling of the face.

Pain, inflammation or numbness at the site of injection after the effects of the injection should have worn off.


Blood disorders

You may experience a blueish discolouration to your skin, a headache, breathlessness and fatigue as a result of abnormal amounts of methaemoglobin (a form of haemoglobin) in your blood.


For patients going home before the numbness or loss of feeling caused by a local anaesthetic wears off:

During the time that the injected area feels numb, serious injury can occur without your knowing about it. Be especially careful to avoid injury until the anaesthetic wears off or feeling returns to the area.


If you think this injection is causing you any problems, or you are at all worried, talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist.


Reporting of side effects:

If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor or pharmacist or nurse. This includes any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet. You can also report side effects directly via the national reporting system. By reporting side effects you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine.

Keep this medicine out of the sight and reach of children.

Do not use this medicine after the expiry date which is stated on the label after EXP. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.

Store below 30°C in the original package.

Do not use this medicine if you notice visible signs of deterioration

Do not throw away any medicines via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to throw away medicines you no longer use. These measures will help protect the environment.

-The active substance is: Lidocaine hydrochloride 10.66 mg

-The other excipients are: Sodium chloride, Water for injections

Clear and colourless solution. Lidocaine Hydrochloride 1% w/v Solution for injection, 2ml fill volume, is primarily packed in a Type I 2ml filling capacity clear glass ampoule. Lidocaine Hydrochloride 1% w/v Solution for injection, 3.5ml fill volume, is primarily packed in a Type I 5ml filling capacity clear glass ampoule. Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

MEDOCHEMIE LTD, 1-10 Constantinoupoleos street, 3011 Limassol, Cyprus


For any information about this medicinal product, please contact the local representative of the Marketing Authorization Holder:


United Corporation for Pharmaceuticals & Medical Services Ltd, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Phone: 0114767000 Ext: 2269

E-mail: salesmanager@unicorp-sa.com

This leaflet was last revised in March 2020
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

سوليو محلول للحقن هو مخدر موضعي يستعمل لإحداث تخدير موضعي (خدر في منطفة معينة) ولإيقاف الشعور بالألم في المنطقة من الجسم حيث يتم إعطاؤه.

  يجب ألا يتم إعطاؤك سوليو

·         إذا كانت لديك حساسية تجاه ليدوكائين أو المخدرات الأخرى من زمرة الأميد أو أي من المكونات الأخرى لهذا الدواء (الواردة في القسم 6). أخبر طبيبك إذا سبقت لك الإصابة بتفاعل تحسسي أو سيء، على سبيل المثال طفح جلدي أو ضيق التنفس أو رد فعل لأية أدوية تخدير موضعي.

·         إذا كنت مصابا بأمراض قلب معينة. أخبر طبيبك إذا كنت تعاني من أية مشكلة في القلب خاصة إذا كان القلب يضخ الدم بكفاءة أقل، أو ينبض بشكل غير منتظم، أو ينبض بشكل أبطأ.

تحذيرات واحتياطات

تحدث إلى طبيبك أو الممرضة قبل أن يتم إعطاؤك سوليو إذا:

·         كنت تعاني من البرفيرية – اضطراب في الدم. أخبر طبيبك إذا كنت مصابا بأية اضطرابات في الدم

·         كنت تعاني من اضطراب في القلب أو التنفس

·         كنت مصابا بمرض في الكلى أو الكبد

·         كنت تشعر بالتوعك أو الإنهاك لأي سبب

·         كنت تعاني من الصرع أو تصاب بالنوبات

·         كنت مصابا بالوهن العضلي الوبيل (حالة تسبب ضعف العضلات)

·         كنت بحالة صدمة

·         كنت مصابا باضطراب في الدم أو عدم توازن في مكونات الدم

·         كنت مصابا بالتهاب أو عدوى في المنطقة المراد حقنها.




سوليو والأدوية الأخرى

أبلغ طبيبك وطبيب التخدير قبل أخذ حقنة الليدوكائين إذا كنت تستعمل حاليا، أو استعملت مؤخرا، أو يمكن أن تستعمل أية أدوية أخرى.


هذا مهم على نحو خاص مع الأدوية التالية لأنها يمكن أن تتداخل مع محلول ليدوكائين للحقن:

·         أسيتازولاميد (يستعمل لخفض الضغط في العين) سيميتيدين (لقرحة المعدة أو حرقة الفؤاد)

·         دولاسيترون (يستعمل للوقاية من/ لعلاج الغثيان والتقيؤ)

·         كينوبريستين و دالفوبريستين (مضادات حيوية)

·         حاصرات بيتا مثل بروبانولول (للذبحة، ارتفاع ضغط الدم أو مشكلات قلبية أخرى)

·         مدرات البول (أقراص الماء)

·         مضادات الفيروسات – أدوية تستعمل لعلاج حالات العدوى التي تسببها الفيروسات (مثل فيروس العوز المناعي البشري)

·         مضادات اضطراب نظم القلب – أدوي تستعمل لضبط نظم القلب (مثل أميودارون، ميكسيليتين)

·         مضادات الذهان – أدوية تستعمل لعلاج حالات نفسية معينة (مثل بيموزيد، سيرتيندول)

·         مرخيات العضلات (مثل سوكسميثونيوم)



الحمل، الرضاعة الطبيعية والخصوبة

إذا كنتِ حاملا أو مرضعا، إذا كنتِ تعتقدين أنكِ قد تكونين حاملا أو كنتِ تخططين للإنجاب، استشيري طبيبكِ أو الصيدلي قبل أخذ هذا الدواء.


قيادة المركبات واستعمال الآلات

 اعتمادا على كيفية وموضع استعمال محلول ليدوكائين للحقن، يمكن أن يؤثر على قدرتك على قيادة المركبات أو تشغيل الآلات. استشر طبيبك حول متى تكون القيادة أو تشغيل الآلات آمنة.

يتوجب ألا تقوم بقيادة المركبات أو استعمال الآلات إذ تأثرت بمحلول ليدوكائين للحقن الذي أعطي لك.


إن سوليو يحتوي على الصوديوم

يحتوي هذا المستحضر الدوائي على أقل من 1 ميلي مول من الصوديوم في كل مل.


ستقوم الممرضة أو الطبيب بإعطائك الحقنة

سيقرر طبيبك الجرعة الصحيحة ومتى وأين سيتم الحقن


إذا استعملت كمية من محلول ليدوكائين للحقن أكبر مما ينبغي

نظرا لكون الطبيب أو الممرضة سيقومان بإعطائك الحقنة، فمن غير المرجح أن يتم إعطاؤك كمية كبيرة. إذا كنت تعتقد أنه قد تم إعطاؤك كمية كبيرة، أو بدأت تشعر بالدوار أو تنمل في اللسان أو طنين في الأذنين فيجب أن تخبر الشخص الذي يعطيك الحقنة فورا.

إن محلول ليدوكائين مخصص للحقن تحت الجلد. 

كما هو الحال مع جميع الأدوية، يمكن أن يسبب هذا الدواء تأثيرات جانبية، غير أنها قد لا تصيب جميع المرضى.

تفاعلات تحسسية:

إن التفاعلات التحسسية لليدوكائين نادرة، لكن أخبر طبيبك فورا إذا شعرت بأية صعوبة في التنفس أو طفح جلدي أو حكة جلدية


الاضطرابات العصبية والنفسية:

دوخة أو دوار، نعاس، رعاش، تشوش، تنمل في اللسان – يمكن أن تشير هذه الأعراض أحيانا إلى أنه قد تم إعطاؤك كمية كبيرة من ليدوكائين

اختلاجات (نوبات صرعية)


اضطرابات في العين:

تشوش الرؤية أو ازدواجية الرؤية


اضطرابات في الأذن:

طنين في الأذنين

احتداد السمع (تكون أكثر حساسية للأصوات اليومية)


اضطرابات في القلب:

ارتفاع أو انخفاض ضغط الدم

بطء أو توقف القلب

تغيرات في نظم القلب


اضطرابات في التنفس:

يمكن أن تجد صعوبة في التنفس أو أن يتوقف تنفسك


اضطرابات هضمية:

غثيان وتقيؤ


اضطرابات جلدية:

طفح، حكة وتورم في الوجه

ألم، التهاب أو خدر في موضع الحقن بعد زوال تأثير الحقن


اضطرابات في الدم:

يمكن أن يحدث ازرقاق في لون البشرة مع الشعور بالصداع وضيق التنفس والإرهاق نتيجة كميات غير طبيعية من ميتهيموغلوبين (شكل من الهيموغلوبين) في الدم


للمرضى الذين يغادرون إلى منازلهم فيل زوال الخدر أو فقدان الحس الذي يسببه التخدير الموضعي:

خلال فترة الإحساس بالخدر في مكان الحقن، يمكن أن تحدث إصابات خطيرة دون أن تشعر بذلك. توخَ المزيد من الحذر لتجنب الإصابة حتى يزول تأثير التخدير أو يعود الإحساس إلى المنطقة.


إذا كنت تعتقد أن هذه الحقنة تسبب لك أية مشكلات، أو إذا كنت قلقا بهذا الشأن، تحدث إلى طبيبك أو الممرضة أو الصيدلي.    


الإبلاغ عن التأثيرات الجانبية:

إذا ظهرت لديك أية تأثيرات جانبية، تحدث إلى طبيبك أو الصيدلي أو الممرضة. هذا يتضمن أية تأثيرات جانبية محتملة غير واردة في هذه النشرة. يمكنك الإبلاغ عن التأثيرات الجانبية من خلال نظام الإبلاغ الوطني. بإبلاغك عن التأثيرات الجانبية يمكنك المساعدة في توفير المزيد من المعلومات حول مأمونية هذا الدواء.

5. كيفية تخزين سوليو

احفظ هذا الدواء بعيدا عن أنظار ومتناول الأطفال.

لا تستعمل هذا الدواء بعد تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية المدون على اللصاقة بعد كلمة EXP.  يشير تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية إلى آخر يوم من ذلك الشهر.

احفظه في درجة حرارة أقل من 30 درجة مئوية، في العبوة الأصلية.

لا تستعمل هذا الدواء إذا لاحظت علامات تلف واضحة

لا تقم بالتخلص من أية أدوية برميها مع مياه الصرف الصحي أو النفايات المنزلية. استشر الصيدلي حول كيفية التخلص من الأدوية التي لم تعد تستعملها. ستساعد هذه التدابير في حماية البيئة.

المادة الفعالة هي: ليدوكائين هيدروكلوريد 10.66 ملغ

- السواغات الأخرى هي: كلوريد الصوديوم، ماء للحقن

كيف يبدو سوليو ومحتويات العبوة

محلول صافٍ عديم اللون.

ليدوكائين هيدروكلوريد 1% وزن/حجم محلول للحقن، 2 مل حجم الملء، معبأ في أمبول من الزجاج الشفاف من النوع الأول سعة ملء 2 مل.

ليدوكائين هيدروكلوريد 1% وزن/حجم محلول للحقن، 3.5 مل حجم الملء، معبأ في أمبول من الزجاج الشفاف من النوع الأول سعة ملء 5 مل.

قد لا يتم تسويق جميع أحجام العبوات.

شركة ميدوكيمي المحدودة، 1-10 شارع قسطنطينوبوليوس، 3011 ليماسول، قبرص

MEDOCHEMIE LTD, 1-10 Constantinoupoleos street, 3011 Limassol, Cyprus


لأية معلومات عن هذا المستحضر الدوائي، الرجاء الاتصال بالممثل المحلي لحامل رخصة التسويق:

الشركة المتحدة للأدوية والخدمات الطبية المحدودة، الرياض، المملكة العربية السعودية

الهاتف:  0114767000  فرعي:  2269

البريد الالكتروني: salesmanager@unicorp-sa.com

تمت المراجعة الأخيرة لهذه النشرة في آذار/ مارس 2020
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Solyo 10 mg/ml solution for injection

Each ml of Solyo solution for injection contains 10 mg of lidocaine hydrochloride. For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1

Solution for injection. Clear and colourless solution.

Lidocaine Injection is used as a local anaesthetic.

Lidocaine Injection is used as a local anaesthetic when injected subcutaneously.

This solution is not intended for use intravenously.

The dosage should be adjusted according to the response of the patient and the site of administration. The lowest concentration and the smallest dose producing the required effect should be given. The maximum single dose for healthy adults should not exceed 200 mg corresponding to 20 mls.

Children and elderly or debilitated patients require smaller doses, commensurate with age and physical status.

• Hypersensitivity to the active substance, local anaesthetics of the amide type, or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1. • Complete heart block • Hypovolaemia

As with other local anaesthetics, lidocaine should be used with caution in patients with epilepsy, cardiac conduction disturbances, (see also section 4.3) congestive cardiac failure, bradycardia, severe shock, impaired respiratory function or impaired renal function with a creatinine clearance of less than 10mL/minute. Lidocaine is metabolised in the liver and it should be used with caution in patients with impaired hepatic function. Lidocaine should not be used in cases of acute porphyrias.

Patients with myasthenia gravis are particularly susceptible to the effects of local anaesthetics.

Facilities for resuscitation should be available when administering local anaesthetics.

The effect of local anaesthetics may be reduced if the injection is made into an inflamed or infected area.

Certain local anaesthetic procedures may be associated with serious adverse reactions, regardless of the local anaesthetic drug used.

·         Retrobulbar injections may rarely reach the cranial subarachnoid space, causing serious/severe reactions, including cardiovascular collapse, apnoea, convulsions and temporary blindness

·         Retro- and peribulbar injections of local anaesthetics carry a low risk of persistent ocular motor dysfunction. The primary causes include trauma and/or local toxic effects on muscles and/or nerves.

The severity of such tissue reactions is related to the degree of trauma, the concentration of the local anaesthetic and the duration of exposure of the tissue to the local anaesthetic. For this reason, as with all local anaesthetics, the lowest effective concentration and dose of local anaesthetic should be used.

Lidocaine Injection is not recommended for use in neonates. The optimum serum concentration of lidocaine required to avoid toxicity, such as convulsions and cardiac arrhythmias, in this age group is not known.

This medicinal product contains 4nmol sodium per maximum dose.

Effects of Lidocaine on other medicinal products

Lidocaine should be used with caution in patients receiving other local anaesthetics or agents structurally related to amide-type local anaesthetics (e.g. anti-arrhythmics, such as mexiletine), since the systemic toxic effects are additive.

Specific interaction studies with lidocaine and class III anti-arrhythmic drugs (e.g. amiodarone) have not been performed, but caution is advised.

There may be an increased risk of enhanced and prolonged neuromuscular blockade in patients treated concurrently with muscle relaxants (e.g. suxamethonium).

Effects of other medicinal products on Lidocaine

There may be an increased risk of ventricular arrhythmia in patients treated concurrently with antipsychotics which prolong or may prolong the QT interval (e.g. pimozide, sertindole, olanzapine, quetiapine, zotepine), or 5HT3 antagonists (e.g. tropisetron, dolasetron).

Concomitant use of quinupristin/dalfopristin should be avoided.

Hypokalaemia produced by acetazolamide, loop diuretics and thiazides antagonises the effect of lidocaine.

The clearance of lidocaine may be reduced by beta-adrenoceptor blocking agents (e.g. propranolol) and by cimetidine, requiring a reduction in the dosage of lidocaine. Increase in serum levels of lidocaine may also occur with anti-viral agents (e.g. amprenavir, atazanavir, darunavir, lopinavir).

Cardiovascular collapse has been reported following the use of bupivacaine in patients on treatment with verapamil and timolol; lidocaine is closely related to bupivacaine.

While adrenaline (epinephrine) when used in conjunction with lidocaine might decrease vascular absorption, it greatly increases the danger of ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation if accidentally injected intravenously.


Although animal studies have revealed no evidence of harm to the foetus, lidocaine crosses the placenta and should not be administered during early pregnancy unless the benefits are considered to outweigh the risks.

Lidocaine given by local perineal infiltration prior to delivery crosses rapidly into the foetal circulation. Elevated lidocaine levels may persist in the newborn for at least 48 hours after delivery. Foetal bradycardia or neonatal bradycardia, hypotonia or respiratory depression may occur.


Small amounts of lidocaine are secreted into breast milk and the possibility of an allergic reaction in the infant, albeit remote, should be borne in mind when using lidocaine in nursing mothers

Where outpatient anaesthesia affects areas of the body involved in driving or operating machinery, patients should be advised to avoid these activities until normal function is fully restored.

In common with other local anaesthetics, adverse reactions to lidocaine are rare and are usually the result of raised plasma concentrations due to accidental intravascular injection, excessive dosage or rapid absorption from highly vascular areas, or may result from a hypersensitivity, idiosyncrasy or diminished tolerance on the part of the patient.

Systemic toxicity mainly involves the central nervous system and/or the cardiovascular system (see also 4.9).

Adverse effects reported following unpreserved lidocaine solutions administered by spinal, epidural or caudal anaesthesia include hypotension and isolated cases of bradycardia and cardiac arrest.


Immune system disorders

Hypersensitivity reactions (allergic or anaphylactoid reactions, anaphylactic shock) – see also Skin & subcutaneous tissue disorders). Skin testing for allergy to Lidocaine is not considered to be reliable.


Nervous & Psychiatric disorders

Neurological signs of systemic toxicity include dizziness or light-headedness, nervousness, tremor, circumoral paraesthesia, tongue numbness, drowsiness, convulsions, coma.

Nervous system reactions may be excitatory and or depressant. Signs of CNS stimulation may be brief, or may not occur at all, so that the first signs of toxicity may be confusion and drowsiness, followed by coma and respiratory failure.

Neurological complications of spinal anaesthesia include transient neurological symptoms such as pain of the lower back, buttock and legs. These symptoms usually develop within twenty-four hours of anaesthesia and resolve within a few days. Isolated cases of arachnoiditis or cauda equina syndrome, with persistent paraesthesia, bowel and urinary dysfunction, or lower limb paralysis have been reported following spinal anaesthesia with lidocaine and other similar agents. The majority of cases have been associated with hyperbaric concentrations of lidocaine or prolonged spinal infusion.


Eye disorders

Blurred vision, diplopia and transient amaurosis may be signs of lidocaine toxicity.

Bilateral amaurosis may also be a consequence of accidental injection of the optic nerve sheath during ocular procedures. Orbital inflammation and diplopia have been reported following retro- or peribulbar anaesthesia (see section 4.4)


Ear and labyrinth disorders

Tinnitus, hyperacusis


Cardiac and vascular disorders

Cardiovascular reactions are depressant and may manifest as hypotension, bradycardia, myocardial depression, cardiac arrhythmias and possibly cardiac arrest or circulatory collapse.


Respiratory, thoracic or mediastinal disorders

Dyspnoea, bronchospasm, respiratory depression, respiratory arrest


Gastrointestinal disorders

Nausea, vomiting


Skin & subcutaneous tissue disorders

Rash, urticaria, oedema (including angioedema, face oedema)


Blood and the lymphatic system disorders



Reporting of suspected adverse reactions:

Reporting suspected adverse reactions is an important way to gather more information to continuously monitor the benefit / risk balance of the medicinal product. Any suspected adverse reactions should be reported via the national reporting system.

Symptoms of acute systemic toxicity

Central nervous system toxicity presents with symptoms of increasing severity. Patients may present initially with circumoral paraesthesia, numbness of the tongue, light-headedness, hyperacusis and tinnitus. Visual disturbance and muscular tremors or muscle twitching are more serious and precede the onset of generalised convulsions. These signs must not be mistaken for neurotic behaviour. Unconsciousness and grand mal convulsions may follow, which may last from a few seconds to several minutes. Hypoxia and hypercapnia occur rapidly following convulsions due to increased muscular activity, together with the interference with normal respiration and loss of the airway. In severe cases, apnoea may occur. Acidosis increases the toxic effects of local anaesthetics.

Effects on the cardiovascular system may be seen in severe cases. Hypotension, bradycardia, arrhythmia and cardiac arrest may occur as a result of high systemic concentrations, with potentially fatal outcome.

Recovery occurs as a consequence of redistribution of the local anaesthetic drug from the central nervous system and metabolism and may be rapid unless large amounts of the drug have been injected.


Treatment of acute toxicity

If signs of acute systemic toxicity appear, injection of the anaesthetic should be stopped immediately.

Treatment will be required if convulsions and CNS depression occurs. The objectives of treatment are to maintain oxygenation, stop the convulsions and support the circulation. A patent airway should be established and oxygen should be administered, together with assisted ventilation (mask and bag) if necessary. The circulation should be maintained with infusions of plasma or intravenous fluids. Where further supportive treatment of circulatory depression is required, use of a vasopressor agent may be considered although this involves a risk of central nervous system excitation.

If the convulsions do not stop spontaneously in 15-20 seconds, they may be controlled by the intravenous administration of diazepam or thiopentone sodium, bearing in mind that anti-convulsant drugs may also depress respiration and the circulation. Prolonged convulsions may jeopardise the patient's ventilation and oxygenation and early endotracheal intubation should be considered. If cardiac arrest should occur, standard cardiopulmonary resuscitation procedures should be instituted. Continual optimal oxygenation and ventilation and circulatory support as well as treatment of acidosis are of vital importance.

Dialysis is of negligible value in the treatment of acute overdosage with lidocaine.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Amides, Anaesthetics local, ATC code: N01BB02.

Lidocaine is a local anaesthetic of the amide group. It is used to provide local anaesthesia at various sites in the body and it acts by inhibiting the ionic refluxes required for the initiation and conduction of impulses, thereby stabilising the neuronal membrane. In addition to blocking conduction in nerve axons in the peripheral nervous system, lidocaine has important effects on the central nervous system and cardiovascular system. After absorption, lidocaine may cause stimulation of the CNS followed by depression. In the cardiovascular system, it acts primarily on the myocardium where it may produce decreases in electrical excitability, conduction rate and force of contraction.

Lidocaine is absorbed from injection sites including muscle and its rate of absorption is determined by factors such as the site of administration and the tissue vascularity. Except for intravascular administration, the highest blood levels occur following intercostal nerve block and the lowest after subcutaneous administration. Lidocaine is bound to plasma proteins, including alpha-1-acid-glycoprotein. The drug crosses the blood-brain and placental barriers.

Lidocaine is metabolised in the liver and about 90% of a given dose undergoes N-dealkylation to form monoethylglycinexylidide and glycinexylidide, both of which may contribute to the therapeutic and toxic effects of lidocaine. Further metabolism occurs and metabolites are excreted in the urine with less than 10% of unchanged lidocaine. The elimination half-life of lidocaine following an intravenous bolus injection is one to two hours, but this may be prolonged in patients with hepatic dysfunction.

No further information other than that which is included in the Summary of Product Characteristics.

Sodium chloride

Water for injections

Lidocaine causes precipitation of amphotericin, methohexitone sodium and sulfadiazine sodium in glucose injection. It is recommended that admixtures of lidocaine and glyceryl trinitrate should be avoided

36 months,

Store below 30°C in the original package.

Lidocaine Hydrochloride 1% w/v Solution for injection, 2ml fill volume, is primarily packed in a Type I 2ml filling capacity clear glass ampoule in pack sizes of 5 and 10 ampoules.

Lidocaine Hydrochloride 1% w/v Solution for injection, 3.5ml fill volume, is primarily packed in a Type I 5ml filling capacity clear glass ampoule in pack sizes of 5 and 10 ampoules.


Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

Reconstitution of the powder for solution for injection

The information in the Summary of Product Characteristics of the medicinal product to be reconstituted with lidocaine should be considered.


No special requirements for disposal.

Any unused medicinal product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.

MEDOCHEMIE LTD, 1-10 Constantinoupoleos street, 3011 Limassol, Cyprus For any information about this medicinal product, please contact the local representative of the Marketing Authorization Holder: United Corporation for Pharmaceuticals & Medical Services Ltd, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Phone: 0114767000 Ext: 2269 E-mail: salesmanager@unicorp-sa.com To report any side effect(s): • Saudi Arabia The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC) • Fax: +966-11-205-7662 • Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Exts: 2317-2356-2353-2354-2334-2340. • Toll free phone: 8002490000 • E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa • Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc

March 2020

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