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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

The active ingredient of Metrosol is metronidazole. It is an antimicrobial agent (an agent that kills micro-organisms or suppresses their multiplication and growth).
Your medicine contains metronidazole 500 mg per 100 ml (5 mg per ml). This is a sterile solution for intravenous infusion free from bacterial endotoxin (substances causing fever reactions).
What is it used for?
The Metrosol used when oral medication is not possible, for the prevention and treatment of infections caused by certain species of bacteria. It is used in adults and children for:
• The prevention of postoperative infections due to sensitive bacteria in surgical procedure with a high risk of occurrence of this type of infection
• The treatment of severe established abdominal and gynecological infections where sensitive bacteria have been identified as the cause or are suspected to be the cause
Metrosol 500 mg/100 ml must only be used under medical supervision. If you need any further information on your condition, please ask your doctor.

Do not use Metronidazole 500 mg/100 ml:
If you are allergic to metronidazole or any of the other ingredients of this medicine (listed in section 6)
Warnings and precautions

Cases of severe liver toxicity/acute liver failure, including cases with a fatal outcome, in patients with Cockayne syndrome have been reported with product containing metronidazole.
If you are affected by Cockayne syndrome, your doctor should also monitor your liver function frequently while you are being treated with metronidazole and afterwards.
Tell your doctor immediately and stop taking metronidazole if you develop:
• Stomach pain, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, fever, malaise, fatigue, jaundice, dark urine, putty or mastic colored stools or itching.

Talk to your doctor before using Metrosol 500 mg/100 ml:

• you are suffering from liver disease
• if you are actively suffering from disease of the nervous system. In this case you should inform your doctor, particularly if you experience poor coordination (ataxia), dizziness or confusion during the treatment.
• if you have blood cells disorders
• if you are undergoing kidney dialysis
Your doctor may want to carry out some tests if you receive this medicine for more than 10 days.

Other medicines and Metrosol 500 mg/100 ml

Certain medicines are known to change the normal effect of this infusion. Certain medicines can have their effect changed by this infusion.
These medicines should not be used at the same time as Metrosol 500 mg/100 ml Intravenous Infusion. Please tell your doctor if you are taking, have recently taken or might take any of the following medicines:

• warfarin (medicine to thin the blood) as your blood clotting time will need to be monitored more frequently
• vecuronium (medicine used to relax muscles during surgery)
• disulfiram (to treat alcohol addiction)
• 5-Fluoro-uracile (used to treat some forms of cancer)
• Lithium (used to treat depression) as lithium treatment should be reduced or stopped before you are given Metronidazole

• medicines to treat epilepsy such as phenobarbital, phenytoin and carbamazepine
• cholestyramine (used to lower cholesterol)
• cimetidine (used to treat stomach ulcers)
• medicines used following organ transplants such as ciclosporin and tacrolimus
• medicines used to correct irregular heartbeats such as amiodarone and quinidine
• busulfan (used to treat leukemia which is a cancer of the blood cells)

Please tell your doctor if you are taking or have recently taken any other medicines, including medicines obtained without a prescription.

Metrosol 500 mg/100 ml with food and alcohol

Do not drink any alcohol while receiving your medicine, and for 72 hours afterwards. This might cause unpleasant side effects, such as feeling sick and vomiting, abdominal pain, hot flushes, palpitations, and headache.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding
This medicine should be avoided during pregnancy or breast-feeding unless your doctor considers it essential.
If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, think you may be pregnant or are planning to have a baby, ask your doctor for advice before taking this medicine.

Driving and using machines
You should not drive or use machines while being treated with this medicine.

Metrosol 500 mg/100 ml contains sodium chloride
This medicinal product contains 310 mg sodium per dose. To be taken into consideration by patients on a controlled sodium diet.


Your doctor will decide how much you need and when it will be given to you.
Dosage and Method of Administration
Each bottle is one dose and will be administered through a plastic tube into a vein using a drip. It will be given at a rate of approximately 5 ml/minute (equivalent to the infusion of one bottle over 20 to 60 minutes). As soon as possible after the infusion has been completed, your treatment will be continued using oral medication. Your doctor will decide when you can start to take oral medication instead of the drip.
The amount you will be given depends upon

• your age,
•your weight,
• your clinical condition and the reason it is being prescribed for you.

Prevention of infection after abdominal or gynecological surgery:
The preventive treatment duration will be short and mostly limited to the post-operative period (24 hours but no more than 48 hours).
Adults will usually receive
• a single dose of 1000 to 1500 mg (2 to 3 bottles) up to one hour before surgery or
• 500 mg (1 bottle) immediately before, during or after the operation. A 500 mg dose (1 bottle)

will then usually be repeated every 8 hours as necessary
Children less than 12 years will receive a smaller dose which is calculated from their body weight as a single dose of 20 – 30 mg/kg given one to two hours before surgery.
Newborn infants born prematurely (gestational age less than 40 weeks) will receive one single dose of 10 mg/kg body weight prior to surgery.
Treatment of severe established abdominal or gynecological infection:
This medicine will be used for the treatment of established infections when you are unable to take the medicine by mouth.

will usually receive a single daily dose of 1000 to 1500 mg (2 to 3 Bottles) or 500 mg (1 Bottle) every 8 hours.

Children more than 8 weeks to 12 years of age will receive a smaller dose which is calculated from their body weight as
•either a single daily dose of 20 – 30 mg/kg
•or alternatively 3 doses of 7.5 mg/kg given every 8 hours
•The daily dose may be increased to 40 mg/kg, depending on the severity of the infection. Duration of treatment is usually 7 days.

Newborn infants (less than 8 weeks old) will receive one single daily dose of 15 mg/kg of body weight or 7.5 mg/kg every 12 hours.
Newborn infants born prematurely (gestational age less than 40 weeks) will have their level of metronidazole in blood controlled after a few days of therapy as accumulation of the drug substance in the blood might occur during the first week of life.

Metronidazole will be administered to the Elderly with caution, especially where high doses are required. Your doctor will modify your dose as required.

Patients with renal failure:
There is no need to adjust the dosage if you have problems with your kidneys. Your doctor will most probably not adjust the dosage of your medicine if you are undergoing peritoneal dialysis. Your doctor can however take the decision to reduce the dosage of metronidazole if excessive levels of metabolites are found in your blood.
If you are undergoing hemodialysis your doctor will re-administer your medicine just after hemodialysis.

Patients with advanced liver deficiency:
Your doctor will reduce the dosage. Your doctor will at the same time monitor the level of metronidazole in your blood.

Duration of Treatment
Duration of treatment for ongoing infections is usually 7 to 10 days. Depending upon your clinical condition and results of bacteriological assessment, your doctor may decide to prolong the treatment. This is intended to eradicate infections from parts of your body where the anti-infective metronidazole has difficulties to access or where self-recontamination is possible.

If you received more Metronidazole 500 mg/100 ml than you should
If you have received more infusion than you should, the following symptoms could appear:
• feeling sick (nausea)
• vomiting
• poor coordination (ataxia) and
• slight disorientation.
No symptoms developed where too much of this medicine is given to newborn infant born prematurely.

– Treatment:
Please inform your doctor immediately if any of these symptoms occur.
In the event of accidental over-infusion, your doctor will stop the infusion. Your doctor will take the appropriate measures according to the symptoms you have developed.
If you have any further question on the use of this medicinal product please ask your doctor.


Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.

Severe side effects:
The following severe side effects can occur rarely (may affect up to 1 in 1,000 people):
•severe allergic reaction (which may cause sudden faintness, severe breathlessness, abdominal pain, or swelling of the face and/or of the tongue and throat.)
•severe neurological effects: convulsion or fits, brain disease, disorder of the nerves which can causes loss of vision, brain fever not caused by bacterials (aseptic meningitis) or speech disorder
•inflammation of your pancreas which may cause pain in your belly with radiation through the back (pancreatitis)
•severe skin effects (erythema, serious illness with blistering of the skin, mouth and genitals and skin peeling)
•Unexpected infections, mouth ulcers, bruising, bleeding gums, or severe tiredness. This could be caused by a blood problem.
If you experience any of these severe side effects, please tell your doctor immediately. The doctor will stop the infusion.

Tell your doctor if any of the following side effects occur:

•feeling sick (nausea, malaise), vomiting, sweating, chills, chest pain, diarrhea, constipation, decreased or loss of appetite
•headache, drowsiness, dizziness, confusion or hallucinations
•depressed mood, poor sleep
•itching, inflammation, swelling, eruption/rash of your skin all of which may sometimes be severe
•unpleasant metallic taste, inflammation of mouth and/or tongue, tongue discoloration, dry mouth
•numbness, tingling, pain, or a feeling of weakness in arms or legs
•clumsiness, or poor coordination
•alteration of your blood that can modify results of your blood tests, abnormal liver test results
•yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice)
•darkening of your urine, painful urination
•fast or irregular heartbeat
•pain in in muscles and/or joints
•double vision or nearsightedness

Reporting of side effects
If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor or pharmacist or nurse.

-Keep this medicine out of the sight and reach of children.
-Do not store above 30°C, Protect from Light
-There are no special precautions for storage for product in polyethylene containers.
-The solution should only be used if it is clear and the container is not damaged.

The active substance is Metronidazole
Each 100mL consist of:
Metronidazole 500mg
The other inactive ingredients (excipients) are Sodium chloride, Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate Dodecahydrate, Citric acid monohydrate and water for Injection.

clear, colorless solution. Packaged in sealed polyethylene containers Each 100mL consist of: Metronidazole 500mg The other inactive ingredients (excipients) are Sodium chloride, Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate Dodecahydrate, Citric acid monohydrate and water for Injection.

AL RAZI PHARMA INDUSTRIES 2nd Industrial City – Street No. 67 Cross 110 Building No. 3992 Dammam Kingdom of Saudi Arabia “KSA” .
Tel: +966 13 8281919
Fax: +966 13 8251313

22 -06-2020
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

المادة الفعالة للميتروسول هي الميترونيدازول  , وهي عباره عن عامل مضاد للميكروبات (عامل يقتل الكائنات الحية الدقيقة أو يثبط  من تكاثرها ونموها) .
يحتوي الميتروسول على 500 ملجم من ميترونيدازول لكل 100 مل ( 5 ملجم / مل ) ھذا محلول معقم يستخدم في الحقن الوريدية ويخلو من السموم الداخلية البكتيرية
( مواد تسبب تفاعلات الحمى )
فيما تستخدم :
• يستخدم ميتروسول عندما لایمكن اعطاء ھذا الدواء عن طریق الفم ، للوقایة والعلاج من الالتھابات التي تسببھا أنواع معینة من البكتیریا. یتم استخدامھ مع
البالغین والأطفال من أجل :
• الوقاية من التهابات ما بعد الجراحة بسبب حساسية البكتيريا في العمليات الجراحية مع ارتفاع خطر حدوث هذا النوع من العدوى
• علاج التھابات البطن والأمراض النسائیة الحادة التي تم تحديدها, حيث تم تحديد حساسیة البكتريا كسبب أو يشتبة في أنها السبب

يجب استخدام ميتروسول 500 ملجم / 100 مل فقط تحت إشراف طبي. إذا كنت بحاجة إلى مزيد من المعلومات حول حالتك ، فاستشر طبيبك

لا تستخدم ميتروسول 500 ملجم / 100 مل :
( إذا كان لدیك حساسية من میترونیدازول أو أي من المكونات الأخرى لھذا الدواء (المذكورة في القسم 6

- المحاذير والاحتياطات :
تم الإبلاغ عن حالات سمیة الكبد الحادة / الفش ل الكبدي الحاد ، بما في ذلك الحالات ذات النتائج الممیتة ، في المرضى الذین یعانون من متلازمة كوكایین مع منتج
یحتوي على میترونیدازول.
إذا كنت مصاباً بمتلازمة كوكایین ، فیجب أن یقوم طبیبك أیضًا بمراقبة وظائف الكبد بشكل متكرر أثناء علاجك بالمیترونیدازول وبعد ذلك
أخبر طبیبك على الفور وتوقف عن تناول میترونیدازول في حال تطور :
• آلام في المعدة ، فقدان الشھیة ، الغثیان ، التقیؤ ، الحمى ، التوعك ، التعب ، الیرقان ، البول الداكن ، براز ملون أو داكن أو حكة.

- تحدث إلى طبیبك قبل استخدام میتروسول 500 ملجم / 100 مل :
ان كنت تعاني من أمراض الكبد
• إذا كنت تعاني من أمراض نشطھ في الجھاز العصبي. في ھذه الحالة ، یجب علیك إبلاغ طبیبك ، خاصة إذا كنت تعاني من عدم الإتزان(الترنح)
أو الدوخة أو الارتباك أثناء العلاج.
• إذا كنت تعاني من اضطرابات خلایا الدمز
• إذا كنت تخضع لغسیل الكلى.
قد یرغب طبیبك في إجراء بعض اختبارات الدم إذا تلقیت ھذا الدواء لأكثر من 10 أیام.

أدویة اخرى مع میتروسول 500 ملجم / 100 مل :
من المعروف أن بعض الأدوية تغير التأثير الطبيعي لهذه الحقن. يمكن ان يتغير تأثير بعض الأدوية عن طريق هذه الحقن.
لا يجب استخدام ھذه الأدویة في نفس الوقت مع الحقن الوریدیة للمیتروسول 500 ملجم / 100 مل. یرجى إخبار طبیبك إذا كنت تتناول ، أو
أخذت مؤخرا أو قد تأخذ أي من الأدوية التالية :
• الورفارین (دواء ممیع للدم) لأن زمن تخثر الدم یحتاج إلى كثیر من المراقبة المتتالیة .
• فیكورونیوم (دواء یستخدم لإرخاء العضلات أثناء الجراحة).
• دیسلفیرام (لعلاج إدمان الكحول).
-5 فلورو-یوراسیل (یستخدم لعلاج بعض أشكال السرطان). •
• اللیثیوم (المستخدم لعلاج الاكتئاب) حیث یجب تقلیل أو إیقاف معالجة اللیثیوم قبل أن یتم إعطاؤك میترونیدازول.
• أدویة لعلاج الصرع مثل الفینوباربیتال والفینیتوین والكاربامازیبین.
• كولیسترامین (یستخدم لخفض الكولسترول).
• سیمیتیدین (یستخدم لعلاج قرحة المعدة).
• الأدویة المستخدمة بعد عملیات زرع الأعضاء مثل السیكلوسبورین والتاكرولیما س.
• الأدویة المستخدمة لتصحیح ضربات القلب غیر المنتظمة مثل الأمیودارون والكینیدین.
• بوسولفان (یستخدم لعلاج سرطان الدم وھو سرطان خلایا الدم ).
یرجى إخبار طبیبك إذا كنت تتناول أو تناولت مؤخرًا أي أدویة أخرى ، بما في ذلك الأدویة التي تم الحصول علیھا بدون وصفة طبیة.
میتروسول 500 ملجم / 100 مل مع الطعام والكحول :
لا تشرب الكحول أثناء تعاطي الدواء ، ولمدة 72 ساعة بعد ذلك. قد یتسبب هذا في آثار جانبیة غیر محببه ، مثل الشعور بالغثیان والقيء وآلام
البطن و هبّات السخونة والخفقان والصداع.
الحمل والرضاعة :
یجب تجنب هذا الدواء أثناء الحمل أو الرضاعة الطبیعیة ما لم یعتبر طبیبك أنه ضروري.
إذا كنتِ حاملاً أو مرضعة ، او تفكرین في أنك قد تكونین حاملاً أو تخططین لإنجاب طفل ، اطلبي من طبیبك النصیحة قبل تناول هذا الدواء
القیادة واستخدام الآلات :
یجب علیك عدم القیادة أو استخدام الآلات أثناء العلاج بهذا الدواء.
یحتوي میتروسول 500 ملجم / 100 مل على كلورید الصودیوم.
یحتوي هذا المنتج الطبي على 310 ملجم صودیوم لكل جرعة. یؤخذ في الاعتبار من قبل المرضى على نظام غذائي خاضع للتحكم بالصودیوم.


سیقرر طبیبك مقدار ما تحتاجھ ومتى سیتم إعطاؤه ل ك .
الجرعة وطریقة الإعطاء:
كل عبوة ھي عبارة عن جرعة واحدة وسیتم إعطاؤھا من خلال أنبوب بلاستیكي في الورید باستخدام التسریب. ستعطى بمعدل حوالي 5 مل / دقیقة (ما یعادل ضخ
عبوة واحد على مدى 20 إلى 60 دقیقة). في أقرب وقت ممكن بعد اكتمال التسریب ، سیستمر العلاج باستخدام الأدویة عن طریق الفم. سیقرر طبیبك متى یمكنك البدء
.في تناول الدواء عن طریق الفم بدلا من التنقیط
الكمیة اللتي ستحصل علیھا تعتمد على  :

• عمرك.
• وزنك.
• .حالتك السریریة و سبب وصفه لك.

الوقایة من العدوى بعد جراحة البطن أو أمراض النساء:
ستكون مدة العلاج الوقائي قصیرة ومحدودة في الغالب لفترة ما بعد الجراحة ( 24 ساعة ولكن لیس أكثر من 48 ساعة )
عادة ما یستقبل البالغون:
• جرعة واحدة من 1000 إلى 1500 ملجم ( 2 إلى 3 أكیاس) حتى ساعة واحدة قبل الجراحة أو
• 500 ملجم (عبوة واحدة) مباشرة قبل أو أثناء أو بعد العملیة. جرعة 500 ملجم (عبوة واحدة ) 
ثم یتكرر عادة كل 8 ساعات حسب الضرور ة
سیحصل الأطفال الذین تقل أعمارھم عن 12 عامًا على جرعة أصغر یتم حسابھا من وزن الجسم كجرعة وحیدة من 20 إلى 30 ملجم / كجم قبل ساعة إلى ساعتین قبل
سيتلقى الأطفال حدیثي الولادة الذین یولدون قبل الأوان (عمر الحمل أقل من 40 أسبوعًا) جرعة واحدة من 10 ملجم / كغم من وزن الجسم قبل الجراحة.
علاج عدوى البطن أو أمراض النساء الشدیدة:
سیتم استخدام هذا الدواء لعلاج الالتھابات المثبتة عندما تكون غیر قادر على تناول الدواء عن طریق الفم.

البالغون :
.سیعطى عادة جرعة یومیة واحدة من 1000 إل ى 1500 ملجم ( 2 إلى 3 عبوات) أ و 500 ملجم (عبوة واحدة) كل 8 ساعات
الأطفال الذین تزید أعمارھم عن 8 أسابیع إل ى 12 سنة
سیحصلون عل ى جرعة أصغ ر محسوب ة من وزن الجسم :
30 ملجم / كغم. - • إما جرعة یومیة واحدة من 20
• یمكن زیادة الجرعة الیومیة إل ى 40 ملجم / كغم حسب شدة العدوى. مدة العلاج عادة 7 أیما .

سیحصل الأطفال حدیثو الولادة (أقل من 8 أسابیع) عل ى جرعة یومیة واحدة تبلغ 15 ملجم / كغم من وزن الجسم أ و 7.5 ملجم / كغم كل 12 ساعة.
الأطفال حدیثي الولادة الذین یولدون قبل الأوان (عمر الحمل أقل من 40 أسبوعًا) سیخضعون لمستوى میترونیدازول في الدم بعد بضعة أیام من العلاج حیث قد یحدث
تراك م مادة الدواء في الدم خلال الأسبو ع الأول من الحیاة .
كبار السن :
سیتم إعطاء میترونیدازو ل لكبار السن بحذر ، خاصة عندما تكون الجرعات العالیة مطلوبة . سیقوم طبیبك بتعدیل جرعتك حسب الحاجة .

- مرضى الفشل الكلوي :
لیست ھناك حاجة لضبط الجرعة إذا كان لديك مشاكل في الكلى. من المحتمل ألا یقوم طبیبك بتعدیل جرعة الدواء إذا كنت تخضع لغسیل الكلى البریتوني. ومع ذلك ،
یمكن لطبیبك اتخاذ قرار لتقلیل جرعة المیترونیدازول إذا تم العثور على مستویات مفرطة من المستقلبات في الدم.
إذا كنت تخضع لغسیل الكلى ، فسوف يعيد طبيبك إدارة الدواء بعد غسیل الكلى مباشرة .

- مرضى قصور الكبد المتقدم :
سیقوم طبيبك بتخفيض الجرعة. سيراقب طبيبك في نفس الوقت مستوى المیترونیدازول في دمك .
إذا تلقیت جرعة تسریب أكثر مما یجب ، فقد تظهر الأعراض التالیة :
• الشعور بالغثیان (الغثیان).
• التقیؤ.
• عدم الإتزان (الترنح ).
• الارتباك البسیط.
لم تظهر أي أعراض حیث یتم إعطاء الكثیر من هذا الدواء للأطفال حدیثي الولادة الذین یولدون قبل الأوان .
العلاج :
.یرجى إبلاغ طبیبك على الفور في حالة حدوث أي من هذه الأعراض
.في حالة حدوث إفراط في التسریب العرضي ، سیوقف طبیبك التسریب. سیتخذ طبیبك التدابیر المناسبة وفقًا للأعراض  التي طورتها.
.إذا كان لدیك أي سؤال آخر حول استخدام هذا المنتج الطبي ، یرجى سؤال طبیبك.

مثل جمیع الأدوية ، یمكن أن يسبب هذا الدواء آثارًا جانبیة ، على الرغم من عدم حصول الجمیع علیھا .
الآثار الجانبیة الشدیدة:
یمكن أن تحدث الآثار الجانبیة الشدیدة التالیة نادرًا (قد تؤثر على ما یصل إلى 1 من كل 1000 شخص ) .
•رد فعل تحسسي شدید (قد یسبب إغماء مفاجئ ، ضیق تنفس شدید ، ألم بطني ، أو تورم في الوجهو / أو اللسان والحنجرة) .
•التأثیرات العصبیة الشدیدة: التشنجات أو النوبات ، أمراض الدماغ ، اضطراب الأعصاب الذي یمكن أن یسبب فقدان الرؤیة ، حمى الدماغ التي لا تسببھا البكتیریا
(التھاب السحایا المعقم) أو اضطراب الكلام .
•التھاب البنكریاس الذي قد یسبب ألمًا في بطنك بسبب الإشعاع عبر الظھر (التھاب البنكریاس) .
•آثار جلدیة شدیدة (احمرار الجلد ، مرض خطیر مع تقرحات في الجلد والفم والأعضاء التناسلیة وتقشیر الجلد) .
•التھابات غیر متوقعة أو قرح بالفم أو كدمات أو نزیف في اللثة أو إرهاق شدید. قد یكون ھذا بسبب مشكلة في الدم.
إذا واجھت أي من ھذه الآثار الجانبیة الشدیدة ، فیرجى إخبار طبیبك على الفور. سيوقف طبيبك التسريب.

أخبر طبیبك في حالة حدوث أي من الآثار الجانبیة التالیة:
•الشعور بالغثیان (الغثیان والضیق) والقيء والتعرق والقشعریرة وآلام الصدر والإسھال والإمساك وانخفاض أو فقدان الشھیة.
•حمى .
•الصداع والنعاس والدوخة والارتباك والهلوسة.
•المزاج المكتئب وقلة النوم .
•الحكة والالتھاب والتورم والطفح الجلدي / الطفح الجلدي التي قد تكون شدیدة في بعض الأحیان .
•طعم معدني غیر سار ، التھاب الفم و / أو اللسان ، تغیر لون اللسان ، جفاف الفم .
•خدر أو وخز أو ألم أو شعور بالضعف في الذراعین أو الساقین .
•خرق ، أو عدم إتزان .
•تغییر الدم الذي یمكن أن یعدل نتائج اختبارات الدم ، نتائج اختبار الكبد غیر الطبیعیة .
•اصفرار الجلد والعینین (الیرقان) .
•سواد البول ، التبول المؤلم .
•ضربات قلب سریعة أو غیر منتظمة .
•ألم في العضلات و / أو المفاصل .
• ضعف الرؤیة أو قصر النظر .

الإبلاغ عن الآثار الجانبية:
إذا كان لدیك أي آثار جانبية، فتحدث مع طبیبك أ و الصیدلي أو الممرضة .


یحفظ ھذا الدواء بعیدا عن متناول أیدي الأطفال .
لا تخزن في درجة حرارة تزید عن 30 درجة مئویة , یحمى من الضوء .
لا توجد احتیاطات خاصة لتخزین المنتج في عبوات البولي اثیلین ,المحلول یجب أن یستعمل فقط إذا كان شفاف وغیر معطوب الحاویة.

ھو محلول نقي، عدیم اللون . معبأ في عبوات بول ي إیثیلی ن مغلقة .
متوفر بحجم 100 مل
 حجم الكرتون 50 عبوة  100 مل

یحتوي كل 100 مل على :

میترونیدازول                              500 ملجم

كلورید الصودیوم                       740 ملجم

احادي ھیدروجی ن فوسفیت الصودیوم( 12 جزيء ماء )   150 ملجم

مونوھیدرات حامض ا لستريك  44 ملجم

ماء معد للحقن                          100 مل


ھو محلول نقي، عدیم اللون . معبأ في عبوات بول ي إیثیلی ن مغلقة .

مصنع شركة الرازي للصناعات الدوائیة – المملكة العربیة السعودیة – الدمام – المدینة الصناعیة الثانیة .
6963- ص.ب 3992 – الدمام 34332
+ 966 13 828 ت : 1919
+966 13 828 فاكس: 1313
الموقع : www.alrazi-pharma.com


ابريل 18, 2020
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Metrosol 500 mg / 100 ml Intravenous Infusion

Metronidazole 500 mg/ 100 ml 100 ml of solution for infusion containing 500 mg of Metronidazole. For excipients see 6.1

Solution for infusion A clear, almost colorless to pale yellow solution.

Metronidazole 500mg/100ml Intravenous Infusion is indicated in adults and children when oral medication is not possible for the following indications: -The prophylaxis of postoperative infections due to sensitive anaerobic bacteria particularlyspecies of Bacteroides and anaerobic Streptococci, during abdominal, gynaecologicalgastrointestinal or colorectal surgery which carries a high risk of occurrence of this type ofinfection. The solution may also be used in combination with an antibiotic active against aerobicbacteria.-The treatment of severe intraabdominal and gynaecological infections in which sensitiveanaerobic bacteria particularly Bacteriodes and anaerobic Streptococci have been identified orare suspected to be the cause.Consideration should be given to official guidance on the appropriate use of antibacterial agents.

Method of Administration

Metronidazole 500mg/100ml Intravenous Infusion should be infused intravenously at an approximate rate of 5 ml/minute (or one bag infused over 20 to 60 minutes). Oral medication should be substituted as soon as feasible.

Prophylaxis against postoperative infections caused by anaerobic bacteria:

Primarily in the context of abdominal, (especially colorectal) and gynaecological surgery. Antibiotic prophylaxis duration should be short, mostly limited to the post operative period (24 hours but never more than 48 hours). Various schedules are possible.

Adults: Intra-venous injection of single dose of 1000mg-1500mg, 30-60 minutes preoperatively or alternatively 500mg immediately before, during or after operation, then 500mg 8 hourly. Children < 12 years: 20-30 mg/kg as a single dose given 1-2 hours before surgery. Newborns with a gestation age <40 weeks: 10 mg/kg body weight as a single dose before operation.

Anaerobic infections:Intravenous route is to be used initially if patient symptoms preclude oral therapy. Various schedules are possible. Adults: 1000mg – 1500mg daily as a single dose or alternatively 500mg every 8 hours. Children > 8 weeks to 12 years of age: The usual daily dose is 20-30mg/kg/day as a single dose or divided into 7.5 mg/kg every 8 hours. The daily dose may be increased to 40 mg/kg, depending on the severity of the infection. Duration of treatment is usually 7 days. Children < 8 weeks of age: 15 mg/kg as a single dose daily or divided into 7.5 mg/kg every 12 hours. In newborns with a gestation age < 40 weeks, accumulation of metronidazole can occur during the first week of life, therefore the concentrations of metronidazole in serum should preferably be monitored after a few days of therapy. Oral medication could be given, at the same dose regimen. Oral medication should be substituted as soon as feasible.

Duration of Treatment

Treatment for seven to ten days should be satisfactory for most patients but, depending upon clinical and bacteriological assessments, the physician might decide to prolong treatment e.g.; for the eradication of infection from sites which cannot be drained or are liable to endogenous recontamination by anaerobic pathogens from the gut, oropharynx or genital tract.

Bacterial vaginosis:

Adolescents: 400 mg twice daily for 5-7 days or 2000 mg as a single dose

Urogenital trichomoniasis

Adults and adolescents: 2000 mg as a single dose or 200 mg 3 times daily for 7 days or 400 mg twice daily for 5-7 days Children < 10 years: 40 mg/kg orally as a single dose or 15 – 30 mg/kg/day divided in 2-3 doses for 7 days; not to exceed 2000 mg/dose


>10 years: 2000 mg once daily for 3 days, or 400 mg three times daily for 5 days, or 500 mgtwice daily for 7 to 10 daysChildren 7 to 10 years: 1000 mg once daily for 3 days Children 3 to 7 years: 600 to 800 mg once daily for 3 days Children 1 to 3 years: 500 mg once daily for 3 days

Alternatively, as expressed in mg per kg of body weight: 15-40 mg/kg/day divided in 2-3 doses.


> 10 years: 400 to 800 mg 3 times daily for 5-10 days Children 7 to 10 years: 200 to 400 mg 3 times daily for 5-10 days Children 3 to 7 years: 100 to 200 mg 4 times daily for 5-10 days Children 1 to 3 years: 100 to 200 mg 3 times daily for 5-10 days Alternatively, doses may be expressed by body weight 35 to 50 mg/kg daily in 3 divided doses for 5 to 10 days, not to exceed 2400 mg/day

Eradication of Helicobacter pylori in paediatric patients:

As a part of a combination therapy, 20 mg/kg/day not to exceed 500 mg twice daily for 7-14 days. Official guidelines should be consulted before initiating therapy

Elderly Population

Caution is advised in the elderly, particularly at high doses, although there is limited information available on modification of dosage. Patients with renal failure

Routine adjustments of the dosage of Metronidazole are not considered necessary in the presence of renal failure.

No routine adjustment in the dosage of Metronidazole needs to be made in patients with renal failure undergoing intermittent peritoneal dialysis (IDP) or continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). However dosage reduction may be necessary when excessive concentrations of metabolites are found.

In patients undergoing haemodialysis, Metronidazole should be re-administered immediately after haemodialysis

Patients with advanced hepatic insufficiency

In patients with advanced hepatic insufficiency a dosage reduction with serum level monitoring is necessary.


Hypersensitivity to the active substance, to other imidazole derivatives or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1.

Liver disease: Caution is needed in patients with severe hepatic impairment. The dose of metronidazole should be reduced as necessary. Metronidazole is mainly metabolised by hepatic oxidation. Substantial impairment of Metronidazole clearance may occur in the presence of advanced hepatic insufficiency. The risk/benefit ratio of using Metronidazole to treat trichomoniasis in such patients should be carefully considered (for dosage adjustment see section 4.2). Plasma levels of Metronidazole should be closely monitored. Caution is needed in patients with hepatic encephalopathy. Patients with severe hepatic encephalopathy metabolize metronidazole slowly, with resultant accumulation of metronidazole. This may cause exacerbation of CNS adverse effects. The dose of metronidazole should be reduced as necessary. Cases of severe hepatotoxicity/acute hepatic failure, including cases with a fatal outcome with very rapid onset after treatment initiation in patients with Cockayne syndrome have been reported with products containing metronidazole for systemic use. In this population, metronidazole should therefore be used after careful benefit-risk assessment and only if no alternative treatment is available. Liver function tests must be performed just prior to the start of therapy, throughout and after end of treatment until liver function is within normal ranges, or until the baseline values are reached. If the liver function tests become markedly elevated during treatment, the drug should be discontinued. Patients with Cockayne syndrome should be advised to immediately report any symptoms of potential liver injury to their physician and stop taking metronidazole. Active Central Nervous System disease: Metronidazole should be used with caution in patients with active disease of the Peripheral and Central Nervous System. Severe neurological disturbances (including seizures and peripheral and optic neuropathies) have been reported in patients treated with metronidazole. Stop metronidazole treatment if any abnormal neurologic symptoms occur such as ataxia, dizziness, confusion or any other CNS adverse reaction. The risk of aggravation of the neurological state should be considered in patients with fixed or progressive paraesthesia, epilepsy and active disease of the central nervous system except for brain abscess. Encephalopathy has been reported in association with cerebellar toxicity characterized by ataxia, dizziness, dysarthria, and accompanied by CNS lesions seen on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). CNS symptoms and CNS lesions, are generally reversible within days to weeks upon discontinuation of metronidazole.

Aseptic meningitis can occur with metronidazole. Symptoms can start within hours of dose administration and generally resolve after metronidazole therapy is discontinued (see section 4.8). Blood Dyscrasias Metronidazole should be used with caution in patients with evidence or history of blood dyscrasia as agranulocytosis, leukopenia and neutropenia have been observed following metronidazole administration. Renal Disease: Metronidazole is removed during haemodialysis and should be administered after the procedure is finished. Patients with renal impairment, including patients receiving peritoneal dialysis, should be monitored for signs of toxicity due to the potential accumulation of toxic metronidazole metabolites.

Sodium restricted patients:

This medicinal product contains 13.5 mmol (310 mg) sodium per 100 mL. To be taken into consideration by patients on a controlled sodium diet.


Patients should be advised to discontinue consumption of alcoholic beverages or alcohol-containing products before, during, and up to 72hours after taking metronidazole because of a disulfram-like effect (abdominal cramps, nausea, headaches, flushing, vomiting and tachycardia). See section 4.5.

Intensive or prolonged Metronidazole therapy:
As a rule, the usual duration of therapy with i.v Metronidazole or other imidazole derivatives is usually less than 10 days. This period may only be exceeded in individual cases after a very strict benefit-risk assessment. Only in the rarest possible case should the treatment be repeated. Limiting the duration of treatment is necessary because damage to human germ cells cannot be excluded.

Intensive or prolonged Metronidazole therapy should be conducted only under conditions of close surveillance for clinical and biological effects and under specialist direction. If prolonged therapy is required, the physician should bear in mind the possibility of peripheral neuropathy or leucopenia. Both effects are usually reversible. In case of prolonged treatment, occurrence of undesirable effects such as paraesthesia, ataxia, dizziness and convulsive crises should be checked. High dose regimes have been associated with transient epileptiform seizures.


Due to increased risk for adverse reactions, regular clinical and laboratory monitoring (including blood count) are advised in cases of high-dose, prolonged or repeated treatment, in case of antecedents of blood dyscrasia, in case of severe infection and in severe hepatic insufficiency.


Patients should be warned that Metronidazole may darken urine (due to Metronidazole metabolite).


Not recommended concomitant therapy: Disulfiram: Concurrent use of metronidazole and disulfiram may result in psychotic reactions and confusion. Metronidazole should not be given to patients who have taken disulfiram within the last two weeks. Alcohol: Disulfiram-like effect (warmth, redness, vomiting, tachycardia). Alcohol beverage and drugs containing alcohol should be avoided. Patients should be advised not to take alcohol during Metronidazole therapy and at least 72 hours afterwards because of a disulfram-like (antabuse effect) reaction (flushing, vomiting, tachycardia). Concomitant therapy requiring special precautions:

Oral anticoagulants (warfarin): metronidazole may increase the anticoagulant effects of warfarin and other oral anticoagulants, resulting in a prolongation of the prothrombin time and increased risk of haemorrhage (decrease in its liver catabolism). Patients taking metronidazole and warfarin or other oral coumarins concomitantly should have their prothrombin time and international normalized ratio (INR) monitored more frequently. Patients should be monitored for signs and symptoms of bleeding. A large number of patients have been reported showing an increase in oral anticoagulant activity whilst receiving concomitant antibiotic therapy. The infectious and inflammatory status of the patient, together with their age and general well-being are all risk factors in this context. However, in these circumstances it is not clear as to the part played by the disease itself or its treatment in the occurrence of prothrombin time disorders. Some classes of antibiotics are more likely to result in this interaction, notably fluoroquinolones, macrolides, cyclines, cotrimoxazole and some cephalosporins. Vecuronium (non depolarising curaremimetic): Metronidazole can potentialise the effects of vecuronium. Combinations to be considered: 5 Fluoro-uracile: increase in the toxicity of 5 fluoro-uracile due to a decrease of its clearance. Lithium: lithium retention accompanied by evidence of possible renal damage has been reported in patients treated simultaneously with lithium and Metronidazole. Lithium treatment should be tapered or withdrawn before administering Metronidazole. Plasma concentrations of lithium, creatinine and electrolytes should be monitored in patients under treatment with lithium while they receive Metronidazole. Cholestyramine may delay or reduce the absorption of Metronidazole. Phenytoin, barbiturates (phenobarbital): concomitant administration of drugs that induce microsomal liver enzyme activity, such as phenytoin or phenobarbital, may accelerate the elimination of metronidazole and therefore decrease its efficacy. Cimetidine : concomitant administration of drugs that decrease microsomal liver enzyme activity, such as cimetidine, may cause decreased metabolism and reduced plasma clearance of metronidazole which may result in metronidazole toxicity. Concomitant use of metronidazole and CYP3A4 substrates (e.g., amiodarone, tacrolimus, cyclosporine, carbamazepine, and quinidine) may increase respective CYP3A4-substrate plasma levels. Monitoring of plasma concentrations of CYP3A4 substrates may be necessary. Busulfan: Plasma concentrations of busulfan may increase during concomitant treatment with metronidazole, which can result in serious busulfan toxicity such as sinusoidal obstruction syndrome, gastrointestinal mucositis, and hepatic veno-occlusive disease. Laboratory tests: Metronidazole may immobilise Treponema and thus may lead to falsely positive Nelson's test. Metronidazole may interfere with serum aspartate transaminase (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), triglycerides, and glucose hexokinase determinations. Metronidazole causes an increase in ultraviolet absorbance at 340 nm resulting in falsely decreased values.



Metronidazole crosses the placental barrier. Clinical data on a large number of exposed pregnancies and animal data did not show a teratogenic or foetotoxic effect. However unrestricted administration of nitroimidazolene to the mother may be associated with a carcinogenic or mutagenic risk for the unborn or newborn child. Therefore Metronidazole should not be given during pregnancy unless clearly necessary.


Metronidazole is excreted in breast milk. During lactation either breast-feeding or Metronidazole should be discontinued.


There are no clinical data relating to the effect of metronidazole on fertility. Animal studies demonstrated adverse effects on the male reproductive system that are wholly or partially reversible after treatment withdrawal (see section 5.3).

No studies have been performed following intravenous treatment with Metronidazole on the ability to drive and use machines. Some adverse reactions to metronidazole such as seizure, dizziness, optic neuropathy, may impair the ability to drive or operate machines (see section 4.8).

Therefore it is recommended that patients should not drive or use machines.


There are no data available on adverse reactions from Baxter-sponsored clinical trials conducted with Metronidazole. The following adverse reactions have been reported with Metronidazole, listed by MedDRA System Organ Class (SOC), Preferred Term and frequency. The following frequency groupings are used: very common (≥1/10); common (≥1/100 and <1/10); uncommon (≥1/1,000 and <1/100); rare (≥1/10,000 and <1/1,000); very rare (<1/10,000) and not known (cannot be estimated from the available data).

Frequency, type and severity of adverse reactions in children are the same as in adults.

System Organ Class (SOC)Preferred MedDRA TermFrequency
Blood and Lymphatic System DisordersLeukopenia
not known
Immune System DisorderAnaphylactic shock
Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction
not known
Metabolism and Nutrition DisordersDecreased appetitenot known
Psychiatric DisordersHallucinations
Confusional state
not known
not known
not known
Nervous System DisordersDysgeusia
Meningitis aseptic
Neuropathy peripheral
not known
not known
not known
Eye DisordersOptic neuropathy
Cardiac DisordersTachycardia
not known
not known
Respiratory, Thoracic and Mediastinal DisordersDyspnoeanot known
Gastrointestinal DisordersGlossitis
Dry mouth
Abdominal pain upper
Tongue discoloration
not known
not known
Hepatobiliary disordersJaundice cholestaticrare
Skin and Subcutaneous DisordersStevens-Johnson syndrome
Toxic epidermal necrolysis
Erythema multiforme
Swelling face
not known
not known
not known
not known
not known
Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue DisordersMyalgia
Muscle spasms
not known
 Arthralgianot known
Renal and urinary disordersChromaturia
not known
General and Administration Site ConditionsAsthenia
Mucosal inflammation
Injection site reaction
Face oedema
Oedema peripheral
Chest pain
not known
not known
not known
not known
not known
not known
InvestigationsHepatic enzyme increasednot known

Reporting of suspected adverse reactions

Reporting suspected adverse reactions after authorisation of the medicinal product is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product. Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions via the Yellow Card Scheme.

Note: To report any side effects please contact;

National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC) Fax: +966-11-205-7662 Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Exts: 2317-2356-2353-2354-2334-2340. Toll free Phone: 8002490000 E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.saWebsite: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc


cases of overdose in adults, the clinical symptoms are usually limited to nausea, vomiting and neurotoxic effects, including ataxia, slight disorientation, confusion, seizures and peripheral neurophathy.


There is no specific treatment for Metronidazole overdose, Metronidazole infusion should be discontinued. Patients should be treated symptomatically.


Metronidazole is an anti-infectious drug belonging to the pharmacotherapeutic group of nitroimidazole derivatives, which have effect mainly on strict anaerobes. This effect is probably caused by interaction with DNS and different metabolites. Pharmacotherapeutic group: Antibacterials for systemic use: imidazole derivatives ATC Code: J01XD01

and Pharmacotherapeutic group: Antiprotozoals: nitroimidazole derivatives ATC Code: P01AB01. Metronidazole has antibacterial and antiprotozoal actions and is effective against anaerobic bacteria and against Trichomonas vaginalis and other protozoa including Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblia. Anti-Microbial Spectrum:The MIC breakpoints separating susceptible from intermediately susceptible and intermediately susceptible from resistant organisms are as following: S ≤ 4 mg/l and R > 4 mg/l The prevalence of acquired resistance may vary geographically and with time for selected species and local information is desirable, particularly when treating severe infections. This information gives only approximate guidance on probabilities whether microorganisms will be susceptible to Metronidazole or not.

Gram negative aerobes
Helicobacter pylori
Bacteroides fragilis
Bifidobacterium>>resistant (70%)
Clostridium difficile
Clostridium perfringens
Gram positive aerobes
Propionibacterium acnes

Entamoeba histolytica
Giardia intestinalis
Trichomonas vaginalis

Cross–resistance with tindazol occurs.


Distribution: After administration of a single 500 mg dose, mean Metronidazole peak plasma concentrations of ca. 14 – 18 μg/ml are reached at the end of a 20 minute infusion. 2-hydroxy-metabolite peak plasma concentrations of ca. 3 μg/ml are obtained after a 1 g single i.v. dose. Steady state Metronidazole plasma concentrations of about 17 and 13 μg/ml are reached after administration of Metronidazole every 8 or 12 hours, respectively. Plasma protein binding is less than 10%, and the volume of distribution 1.1 ± 0.4 l/kg. Metabolism: Metronidazole is metabolised in the liver by hydroxylation, oxidation and glucuronidation. The major metabolites are a 2-hydroxy- and an acetic acid metabolite. Elimination: More than 50% of the administered dose is excreted in the urine, as unchanged Metronidazole (ca. 20% of the dose) and its metabolites. About 20% of the dose is excreted with faeces. Clearance is 1.3 ± 0.3 ml/min/kg, while renal clearance is about 0.15 ml/min/kg. The plasma elimination half-life of Metronidazole is ca. 8 hours, and of the 2-hydroxy-metabolite ca. 10 hours. Special patient groups: The plasma elimination half-life of Metronidazole is not influenced by renal impairment, however this may be increased for 2-hydroxy- and an acetic acid metabolite. In the case of haemodialysis, Metronidazole is rapidly excreted and the plasma elimination half-life is decreased to ca. 2.5 h. Peritoneal dialysis does not appear to affect the elimination of Metronidazole or its metabolites compared to patients with renal impairment. In patients with impaired liver function, the metabolism of Metronidazole is expected to decrease, leading to an increase in the plasma elimination half-life. In patients with severe liver impairment, clearance may be decreased up to ca. 65%, resulting in an accumulation of Metronidazole in the body.

Metronidazole has been shown to be non-mutagenic in mammalian cells in vitro and in vivo. Metronidazole and a metabolite have been shown to be mutagenic is some tests with non mammalian cells. Although Metronidazole has been shown to be carcinogenic in certain species of mice, it was not carcinogenic in either rats or guinea pigs. There is no suspicion of carcinogenicity in man. Daily peroral metronidazole at 5-times the maximum human daily dose for greater than 4 weeks caused testicular toxicity and infertility in male rats. Fertility was restored in most subjects by 8 weeks after cessation of treatment, whereas the lower testicular and epididymal weights and sperm counts had improved but were still observed. Daily peroral metronidazole at approximately 6-times the maximum human daily dose for ≥2 weeks caused testicular toxicity in male mice. Most indices of testicular toxicity were restored within 2 months after cessation of treatment, whereas the lower testicular and epididymal weights had improved but were still observed.

These studies demonstrate that the adverse effects of metronidazole on the male reproductive system are wholly or partially reversible after treatment withdrawal (see section 4.6).

Disodium phosphate dodecahydrate

Citric acid monohydrate

Sodium chloride

Water for Injections

Do not use equipment containing aluminum (e.g., needles, cannulae) that would come in contact with the drug solution as precipitates may form.

Metronidazole is incompatible with (includes but is not limited to):


Cefamandole nafate


-Penicillin G

In the absence of compatibility studies, this medicinal product must not be mixed with other medicinal product except for those mentioned in 6.6.


24 Months

Do not store above 30°C.

The bags are composed of polyolefin/polyamide co-extruded plastic (PL 2442) known as Viaflo. The bags are overwrapped with a protective plastic pouch composed of polyamide/polypropylene, which serves only to provide physical protection to the bags. The bag size is 100ml. Outer carton contents: 20 bags of 100ml, 50 bags of 100ml and 60 bags of 100ml.

Use only if the solution is clear, without visible particles and if the container is undamaged. Administer immediately following the insertion of infusion set. Do not remove unit from overpouch until ready for use. The inner bag maintains the sterility of the product. 

Do not use plastic containers in series connections. Such use could result in air embolism due to residual air being drawn from the primary container before the administration of the fluid from the secondary container is completed. Pressurizing intravenous solutions contained in flexible plastic containers to increase flow rates can result in air embolism if the residual air in the container is not fully evacuated prior to administration. Use of a vented intravenous administration set with the vent in the open position could result in air embolism. Vented intravenous administration sets with the vent in the open position should not be used with flexible plastic containers. The solution should be administered with sterile equipment using an aseptic technique. The equipment should be primed with the solution in order to prevent air entering the system. In patients maintained on intravenous fluids, Metronidazole 500mg/100ml Intravenous Infusion may be diluted with appropriate volumes of 0.9% sodium chloride solution, dextrose 5% - 0.9% sodium chloride solution, dextrose 5% w/v or potassium chloride infusions (20 and 40 mmol/litre). Using an incorrect administration technique might cause the appearance of fever reactions due to the possible introduction of pyrogens. In the case of adverse reaction, infusion must be stopped immediately. Additives:Additives known or determined to be incompatible should not be used. Before adding a substance or medication, verify that it is soluble and stable in metronidazole, and that the pH range of metronidazole is appropriate. Additives may be incompatible. When introducing additives, the instructions for use of the medication to be added and other relevant literature must be consulted (see Section 6.2). Mix the solution thoroughly when additives have been introduced. After addition, if there is a color change and/or the appearance of precipitates, insoluble complexes or crystals, do not use. Do not store solutions containing additives. The product should be used immediately after opening. Discard after single use. Discard any unused portion. Do not reconnect partially used bags.


a.Remove the Viaflo container from the overpouch just before use.

b.Check for minute leaks by squeezing inner bag firmly. If leaks are found, discard solution, assterility may be impaired.

c.Check the solution for limpidity and absence of foreign matters. If solution is not clear orcontains foreign matters, discard the solution.

2.Preparation for administration

Use sterile material for preparation and administration.a.Suspend container from eyelet support.b.Remove plastic protector from outlet port at bottom of container:-grip the small wing on the neck of the port with one hand,-grip the large wing on the cap with the other hand and twist,-the cap will pop offc.Use an aseptic method to set up the infusiond.Attach administration set. Refer to complete directions accompanying set for connection,priming of the set and administration of the solution.


AL RAZI PHARMA INDUSTRIES, Building No.3992 Street No 67.Cross 110,2nd Industrial City, Dammam Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – Tel: +966138281919, Fax: +966138251414, Website: www.alrazi-pharma.com

Aug .2019

صورة المنتج على الرف

الصورة الاساسية