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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

XIFAXAN contains the active ingredient rifaximin. Rifaximin is an intestinal antibiotic used to treat traveler's diarrhea in adults when diarrhoea is not accompanied by fever or blood in the stools, or 8 or more unformed (soft or liquid) stools in the last 24 hours.

XIFAXAN is not recommended for use in children aged less than 18 years.

Do not take XIFAXAN
• if you are allergic to rifaximin, to other active ingredients that belong to the class of medicines called rifamycins, or any of the other ingredients of this medicinal product (listed in section 6)
• if you have a bowel obstruction, even partial
• if you have diarrhea accompanied by fever or blood in the stool
• if you passed 8 or more unformed stools in the last 24 hours.
Warnings and Precautions
Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking XIFAXAN.
Stop taking XIFAXAN and talk to your doctor:
• if your symptoms get worse during treatment.
This may be due to invasive bacteria which (crossing the intestinal mucosa) typically cause fever, bloody stools and severe diarrhea with a high frequency of evacuation.
Contact your doctor immediately if, during the treatment or after you have finished taking XIFAXAN:
• you start suffering from severe diarrhea, as during treatment with any antibiotic including rifaximin, cases of diarrhea caused by an overgrowth of the bacteria Clostridium difficile (pseudo membranous colitis) have been reported.
Before taking XIFAXAN inform your doctor:
• if you have a severe impairement of liver function
• if you have an impairement of renal function

Rifaximin may cause a red discolouration of urine.
The safety and efficacy of rifaximin in children (aged less than 18 years) have not been established. No recommendation on a posology can be made.
Other medicines and XIFAXAN
Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken or might take any other medicines.
Before taking XIFAXAN inform your doctor if you are taking any of the following medicines:
• warfarin (anticoagulant)
• medicines to treat epilepsy (anti-epileptics)
• medicines to treat abnormal heart beat (antiarrhythmics)
• cyclosporine (medicine used to prevent transplant rejection)
• oral contraceptives containing estrogen
If you are using activated charcoal, take XIFAXAN at least 2 hours after taking charcoal.
XIFAXAN with food
You can take XIFAXAN with or without food.
Pregnancy and breast-feeding
If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, think you may be pregnant or are planning to have a baby, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking this medicine.
As a precautionary measure, XIFAXAN should not be used during pregnancy.
It is unknown whether rifaximin is excreted in human milk. If you are breastfeeding, ask your doctor.
Driving and using machines
Rifaximin has negligible influence on the ability to drive and use machines, however, dizziness and drowsiness have been reported.
Do not drive or operate machines if you feel dizzy or drowsy.

Always take this medicine exactly as your doctor has told you. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.
You can take XIFAXAN with or without food. Take the tablets with a glass of water.
The usual dose is 1 tablet every 8 hours (600 mg/day). You should continue taking Xifaxan 200 mg film-coated tablets for three days even if your symptoms have improved.
Do not use XIFAXAN for more than 3 days, unless otherwise prescribed by the doctor.
If you take more XIFAXAN than you should
If you take more XIFAXAN than you should, please contact your doctor immediately.
If you forget to take XIFAXAN
If you forget to take a dose, take the missed dose as soon as you remember and take your next dose at its regular time. Do not take a double dose.

If you stop taking XIFAXAN
Continue taking XIFAXAN following your doctor’s instructions. You need to complete your XIFAXAN treatment to combat an intestinal infection. If you have any further questions on the use of this medicine, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.
It is possible that many of the side effects listed below, especially those involving stomach and intestines, are due to the intestinal infection and not to the treatment with XIFAXAN.
Common side effects (affecting up to 1 in 10 people)
• Headache, dizziness
• Abdominal pain, abdominal distension, flatulence (gas), diarrhea, constipation, urgency to evacuate, false urge to evacuate
• Nausea, vomiting
• Fever
Uncommon side effects (affecting up to 1 in 100 people)
• candida infections
• nose and throat inflammations or infections
• infections of the upper respiratory tract
• herpes simplex infections
• alterations in blood tests [increased of lymphocytes, increased monocytes, decreased neutrophils, increased levels of liver enzymes (AST)]
• decreased appetite
• reduction of body fluids (dehydration)
• abnormal dreams, insomnia, drowsiness
• depression, nervousness
• headaches localized on the forehead or on only one side of the head
• tingling sensation, decreased sense of touch
• double vision
• ear pain, vertigo
• palpitations, flushing, increased blood pressure
• difficulty breathing, nasal congestion, dry throat, cough, runny nose, sore throat
• stomach pain, difficulty digesting, motility disorders of the intestine
• dry lips
• hard stools, blood in the stool, mucus in the stool
• changes in taste sensitivity
• skin irritation and rashes, sunburn
• muscle cramps, muscle weakness, muscle pain
• neck pain, back pain
• alterations of urine tests (blood in the urine, sugar in the urine, protein in the urine)
• increase in the frequency of urine emission, increased volume of the urine excreted
• polymenorrhea
• feelings of fatigue, chills, cold sweat, sweating
• pain and discomfort of various kinds
• flu-like symptoms
• swelling legs or arms.
Side effects with unknown frequency (frequency cannot be estimated from the available data)
• Clostridium difficile infections
• faint feeling

• alterations in blood tests [reduction in the number of platelets, liver function abnormal tests, abnormal blood coagulation tests (INR)]
• hypersensitivity and allergic reactions, shock in some severe cases
• swelling face, lips, larynx
• pruritus, urticaria, erythema, eczema.
• reddened skin (dermatitis), scaly skin (exfoliative dermatitis)
• presence of small purplish spots on the skin (purpura).

Keep this medicinal product out of the sight and reach of children.
Store below 30°C
Do not use this medicinal product after the expiry date reported on the package. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.
Do not throw away any medicines via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines no longer required. This will help protect the environment.

• The active substance is rifaximin. Each film-coated tablet contains 200 mg of rifaximin.

• The other ingredients are: sodium starch glycolate (type A), glycerol distearate, colloidal anhydrous silica, talc, microcrystalline cellulose, hypromellose, titanium dioxide E171, edetate disodium, propylene glycol, red iron oxide E172.

Each pack contains a blister of 12 tablets.

Alfasigma S.p.A.
Viale Sarca, 223
20126 – Milano

in November 2017
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

يحتوي دواء زيفاكسان على المادة الفعّالة ريفاكسيمين. ريفاكسيمين هي مضاد حيوي معوي فعّال يُستخدم في علاج
إسهال المسافر عند البالغين، عندما يكون الإسهال غير مصحوب بحمّى أو دم في البراز، أو عندما لا تكون عدد مرات
التبرز (البراز غير متشكل )ليّن أو سائل)) 8 أو أكثر مرات خلال ال 24 ساعة السابقة.

لا يُوصى باستخدام زيفاكسان عند الأطفال الذين تقل أعمارهم عن 18 سنة.

يُمنع تناول دواء زيفاكسان في الحالات التالية:
• إذا كنت تعاني من حساسية تجاه ريفاكسيمين، أو تجاه أي مواد أخرى تُصنف ضمن فئة الأدوية المعروفة باسم
ريفاميسين، أو أي مكوّ ن آخر من مكونات هذا المنتج الدوائي (المذكورة في القسم رقم 6 .)
• إذا كنت تعاني من انسداد في الأمعاء حتى وإن كان انسداد اً جزئيا.ً
• إذا كنت تعاني من إسهال مصحوب بحمّى أو نزول دم مع البراز.
• عندما تكون عدد مرات التبرز (البراز غير متشكل )ليّن أو سائل)) 8 أو أكثر مرات خلال ال 24 ساعة

التحذيرات والتدابير الوقائية
قم باستشارة طبيبك أو الصيدلي الذي تتردد عليه قبل استخدام دواء زيفاكسان.
توقف عن استخدام دواء زيفاكسان واستشر طبيبك في الحالات التالية:
• إذا ازدادت أعراضك سوء اً أثناء العلاج.
قد يكون هذا ناتجا عن البكتيريا الغازي ة (العابرة للغشاء المخاطي للأمعاء) والتي تسبب في العادة أعراضا مثل الحمّى،
وظهور الدم في البراز، و إسهال شديد مع تكرارعالي لعملية التبرز.
تواصل مع طبيبك فوراً في حال واجهك ما يلي أثناء فترة العلاج أو بعد الانتهاء من استخدام دواء زيفاكسان:

• إذا بدأت تعاني من إسهال شديد، كما هو الحال أثناء تلقي علاج باستخدام أي مضاد حيوي بما فيه
الريفاكسيمين، فحالات الإسهال التي يتسبب بها فرط نمو البكتيريا المِ طثيَّة العسيرة (التهاب القولون الغشائي
الكاذب) أُبلغ عنها من قبل.
قبل البدء باستخدام دواء زيفاكسان أبلغ طبيبك إن كنت:
• تعاني من ضعف شديد في وظائف الكبد
• تعاني من ضعف في وظائف الكلى.
قد يجعل الريفاكسيمين لون البول أحمر.
ليست هناك أدلة متوفرة تؤكد على أن ريفاكسيمين آمن وفع ال في حال استُخدم مع الأطفال الذين يقل عمرهم عن 18
سنة. و عليه لا يمكن إعطاء أي توصية خاصة بالجرعة للمرضى الذي تقل أعمارهم عن 18 عاما.ً
استخدام أدوية أخرى مع دواء زيفاكسان
قم بإخبار طبيبك أو الصيدلي الذي تتردد عليه في حال كنت تتعاطى، أو تعاطيت مؤخراً أو قد تتعاطى أي أدوية أخرى.
قبل استخدام دواء زيفاكسان قم بإبلاغ طبيبك إن كنت تتعاطى أيّا من الأدوية التالية:
• وارفارين (مضاد تخثر).
• أدوية علاج الصرع (مضادات الصرع).
• أدوية لعلاج ضربات القلب غير المنتظمة (الأدوية المضادة لإضطرابات نظم القلب).
• سيكلوسبورين (الدواء المستخدم من أجل منع رفض الجسم للعضو المزروع).
• موانع الحمل الفموية التي تحتوي على الأستروجين.
إذا كنت تتعاطى دواء الفحم المنشط فيجب أن تأخذ دواء زيفاكسان بعد مرور ساعتين على الأقل من أخذ دواء الفحم
استخدام دواء زيفاكسان مع الطعام
يمكنك أخذ دواء زيفاكسان مع الطعام أو بدونه.
الحمل والرضاعة الطبيعية
إذا كنتِ حاملاً أو تقومين بالإرضاع الطبيعي أو كنت تعتقدين بأنك حامل أو تخططين للحمل قومي باستشارة طبيبك أو
الصيدلي الذي تترددين عليه للحصول على مشورتهم قبل استخدام هذا الدواء.
كإجراء احتياطي يُمنع استخدام دواء زيفاكسان أثناء فترة الحمل.
الرضاعة الطبيعية
ليس معروفا إذا كان ريفاكسيمين يُفرز مع الحليب البشري أم لا. قومي باستشارة طبيبك إذا كنتِ تقومين بالإرضاع
قيادة السيارة واستخدام الآلات
ريفاكسيمين له تأثير ضئيل على قدرتك على قيادة السيارة واستخدام الآلات. مع ذلك أبلغ مرضى سابقون بأنهم شعروا
بالدوار والنعاس بعد أخذ هذا الدواء.
لا تقم بقيادة السيارة أو تشغيل الآلات في حال شعرت بالدوار أو النعاس.



إحرص دوما على استخدام هذا الدواء تماما كما أخبرك طبيبك. استشر طبيبك أو الصيدلي الذي تتردد عليه في حال لم
تكن متأكداً من كيفية تناول الدواء.
يمكنك أخذ دواء زيفاكسان مع الطعام أو بدونه. اشرب الأقراص مع كأس من الماء.
الجرعة المعتادة هي قرص واحدة كل 8 ساعات ( 600 ملغم/يوم). عليك الاستمرار في تناول أقراص زيفاكسان المغلفة
بالفلم عيار 200 ملغم لمدة ثلاثة أيام حتى و إن خفت الأعراض.
لا تتناول زيفاكسان لأكثر من ثلاثة أيام، إلا إذا كان بوصفة من الطبيب.
إذا تناولت جرعة زائدة عن الحاجة من دواء زيفاكسان
إذا تناولت جرعة زائدة عن الحاجة من دواء زيفاكسان قم بالاتصال بطبيبك فوراً.
إذا نسيت تناول دواء زيفاكسان
إذا نسيت تناول جرعة في وقتها، قم بتناولها حال تذكرها ثم تناول الجرعة التالية في وقتها المحدد. لا تأخذ جرعة
إذا توقفت عن تناول دواء زيفاكسان
استمر في تناول دواء زيفاكسان تبع ا لتعليمات طبيبك. يتوجب عليك إتمام العلاج بدواء زيفاكسان الموصوف لك من أجل
مكافحة العدوى المعوية. في حال كانت لديك أية أسئلة أخرى متعلقة باستخدام هذا الدواء قم بسؤال طبيبك أو الصيدلي
الذي تتردد عليه.

كما هو الحال مع أي دواء، قد يُسبب هذا الدواء آثاراً جانبية، مع ذلك فإن هذه الآثار لا تظهر عند الجميع.
هناك احتمال أن يكون العديد من الآثار الجانبية المذكورة أدناه، خاصة تلك المرتبطة بالمعدة والأمعاء، ناتجة عن
العدوى المعوية وليس نتيجة استخدام دواء زيفاكسان.
الآثار الجانبية الشائعة (تصيب شخصا واحداً من كل 10 أشخاص)
• الصداع، الدوار
• آلام في البطن، انتفاخ البطن، غازات، إسهال، إمساك، الشعور بحاجة ملحة للتغوط، والشعور الكاذب بالحاجة
• الغثيان، القيء
• الحمى
الآثار الجانبية غير الشائعة (تصيب شخصا واحداً من كل 100 شخص)
• عدوى المبيضات
• التهابات أو عدوى الأنف والحنجرة
• عدوى الجهاز التنفسي العلوي
• عدوى الهربس البسيط
• تغيرات في اختبارات الدم [ زيادة عدد الخلايا اللمفية، زيادة عدد الخلايا الأحادية، نقص العدلات، ارتفاع
مستويات أنزيمات الكبد]
• ضعف الشهية
• نقص في سوائل الجسم (جفاف)
• أحلام غريبة، أرق، ونعاس
• اكتئاب، عصبية
• صداع متركز في الجبهة أو في جانب واحد فقط من الرأس
• شعور بالتنميل، وضعف حاسة اللمس

• رؤية مزدوجة
• ألم في الأذن، دوار
• خفقان، تورد، ارتفاع ضغط الدم
• صعوبة في التنفس، احتقان الأنف، جفاف الحلق، السعال، سيلان الأنف، التهاب الحلق
• آلام في المعدة، صعوبة في الهضم و اضطرابات في حركة الأمعاء
• جفاف في الشفاه
• البراز الصلب، وجود دم في البراز، وجود مخاط في البراز
• تغيرات في حساسية التذوق
• تجمع السوائل في البطن (استسقاء)
• تهيج الجلد، طفح جلدي، حروق الشمس
• تشنج في العضلات، ضعف العضلات، ألم في العضلات
• ألم في الرقبة، ألم في الظهر
• تغيرات في اختبارات البول (وجود دم في البول، وجود سكر في البول، وجود بروتين في البول)
• زيادة في عدد مرات التبول، زيادة في كمية البول الخارج من الجسم
• تعدد الطمث
• شعور بالإنهاك، قشعريرة، عرق بارد، تعرق
• ألم وشعور بأشكال مختلف من عدم الراحة
• أعراض مشابهة لأعراض الانفلونزا
• تورم الساقين أو الذراعين
آثار جانبية تحدث بتكرار غير معروف (لا يمكن تحديد عدد حالات تكرار ظهور هذه الآثار اعتماداً على البيانات
• عدوى التهاب القولون الغشائي الكاذب
• شعور بالإغماء
• تغيرات في اختبارات الدم [ انخفاض في عدد الصفائح الدموية، نتائج اختبارات وظائف الكبد غير الطبيعية،
اختبارات تخثر الدم غير الطبيعي ]
• فرط الحساسية، ردات فعل تحسسية، وصدمات في بعض الحالات الشديدة
• تورم في الوجه، الشفاه، الحنجرة
• حكة، شرى، حُمامى (التهاب احمراري للجلد)، اكزيما
• احمرار في الجلد (التهاب الجلد). تقشر الجلد (التهاب الجلد التقشري)
• وجود بقع أرجوانية صغيرة على الجلد (فرفرية)

يحفظ هذا المنتج الدوائي بعيداً عن متناول و رؤية الأطفال.
يُخزن في درجة حرارة تقل عن ٣٠ درجة مئوية.
لا تستخدم هذا المنتج الدوائي بعد انتهاء تاريخ صلاحيته المطبوع على العلبة. يُشير تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية إلى آخر يوم
من ذلك الشهر.
لا تقم بالتخلص من أية أدوية عن طريق مياه الصرف الصحي أو نفايات المنزل. إسأل الصيدلي الذي تتردد عليه كيف
تتخلص من الأدوية التي لم تعد في حاجة لها لأن هذا سيساعد على حماية البيئة.

• المادة الفعّالة في دواء زيفاكسان هي ريفاكسيمين. يحتوي كل قرص مغلف بفلم على مقدار 200 ملغم من
• المكونات الأخرى في الدواء هي: غليكولات نشا الصوديم )النوع أ(، ثنائي ستيرات الغليسرول، السيليكا
الغروية اللامائية، تالك، السليلوز البلوري الدقيق، هيدروكسي بروبيل ميثيل سيللوز، ثاني أكسيد التيتانيوم
إي 171 ، إديتات الصوديوم الثنائي، بروبيلين غليكول، أكسيد الحديد الأحمر إي 172

تحتوي كل علبة على شريط يحتوي على 12 قرصا.ً

ألفاسيجما أس. بي. إيه
فيالي ساركا، 223
ميلانو - 20126

في نوفمبر 2017
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

XIFAXAN 200-mg film-coated tablets

Each film-coated tablet contains 200 mg rifaximin.

Film-coated tablets .

- Acute and chronic intestinal infections sustained by Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria; diarrhoeic syndrome.
- Diarrhoea caused by an altered equilibrium in the intestinal microbial flora (summer diarrhoea, traveller’s diarrhoea, enterocolitis).
- Pre- and postoperative prophylaxis of infective complications in gastrointestinal tract surgery.
- Coadjuvant in treatment of hyperammonemia

Anti-diarrhoeic treatment
Recommended dose:
- Adults and children over 12 years: one 200 mg tablets every 6 hours.
Pre- and postoperative treatment
Recommended dose:
- Adults and children over 12 years: two 200 mg tablets  every 12 hours.

Coadjuvant in treatment of hyperammonemia
Recommended dose:
- Adults and children over 12 years: two 200 mg tablets every 8 hours.

This medicine can be administered with or without food.

Depending on the physician’s advice these doses may be modified in quantity and frequency. Unless otherwise prescribed, treatment should not exceed 7 days.
The pharmacokinetic of rifaximin has not been studied in elderly patients, anyway no dosage adjustment is necessary as the safety and efficacy data of XIFAXAN showed no differences between the elderly and the younger patients.
Hepatic impairment
No dosage adjustment is necessary for patients with hepatic insufficiency.
Renal impairment
Although no dosage change is anticipated, caution should be used in patients with impaired renal function.
Pediatric population
The safety and efficacy of Rifaximin in children younger than 12 years of age have not been established.
Currently available data are described in section 5.1, but no recommendation on a posology can be made.
Method of administration
- Film-coated tablets: orally with a glass of water.

Hypersensitivity to the active substance, rifamycins or any of the excipients listed Cases of intestinal obstruction, even partial, or severe ulcerous lesions of the intestine. Rifaximin should not be administered in patients with diarrhoea complicated by fever or blood in the stool.

Clinical data have shown that rifaximin is not effective in the treatment of intestinal infections due to invasive intestinal pathogens such as Campylobacter jejuni species, Salmonella species and Shigella species which typically cause diarrhoea, fever, blood in the stools and high stool frequency.
Treatment should be discontinued if the symptoms get worse or persist for more than 48 hours and an alternative antibiotic therapy should be considered.
Clostridium-difficile associated diarrhoea (CDAD) has been reported with the use of nearly all antibacterial agents, including rifaximin. The potential association of rifaximin treatment with CDAD or pseudomembranous colitis cannot be ruled out.
Hepatic impairment: Although no dosage change is anticipated, caution should be used in patients

with severe hepatic impairment.
Caution should be exercised when concomitant use of rifaximin and a P-glycoprotein inhibitor such as cyclosporine is needed.
Patients should be informed that, despite the negligible absorption of the drug (less than 1%), like all rifamycin derivatives, rifaximin may cause a reddish discoloration of the urine.
Both decreases and increases in international normalized ratio -INR (in some cases with bleeding events) have been reported in patients maintained on warfarin and prescribed rifaximin. If co-administration is necessary, the international normalized ratio should be carefully monitored with the addition or withdrawal of treatment with rifaximin. Adjustments in the dose of oral anticoagulants may be necessary to maintain the desired level of anticoagulation.
Important information on some excipients

There is no experience regarding administration of rifaximin to subjects who are taking another rifamycin antibacterial agent to treat a systemic bacterial infection.
In vitro data show that rifaximin did not inhibit the major cytochrome P-450 (CYP) which are responsible for drug metabolism (CYPs1A2, 2A6, 2B6, 2C8, 2C9, 2C19, 2D6, 2E1 and 3A4). In in vitro induction studies, rifaximin did not induce CYP1A2 and CYP2B6, but was a weak inducer of CYP3A4.
In healthy subjects, clinical drug-drug interaction studies demonstrated that rifaximin did not significantly affect the pharmacokinetics of CYP3A4 substrates. However, in hepatic impaired patients it cannot be excluded that rifaximin may decrease the exposure of concomitant CYP3A4 substrates administered (e.g. warfarin, antiepileptics, antiarrhythmics, oral contraceptives), due to the higher systemic exposure with respect to healthy subjects.
Both decreases and increases in international normalized ratio (INR) have been reported in patients maintained on warfarin and prescribed rifaximin. If co-administration is necessary, the international normalized ratio should be carefully monitored with the addition or withdrawal of rifaximin. Adjustments in the dose of oral anticoagulants may be necessary.
An in vitro study suggested that rifaximin is a moderate substrate of Pglycoprotein (P-gp) and metabolized by CYP3A4. It is unknown whether concomitant drugs which inhibit CYP3A4 can increase the systemic exposure of rifaximin.
In healthy subjects, co-administration of a single dose of cyclosporine (600 mg), a potent P-glycoprotein inhibitor, with a single dose of rifaximin (550mg) resulted in 83-fold and 124-fold increases in rifaximin mean Cmax and AUC∞. The clinical significance of this increase in systemic exposure is unknown.
The potential interaction with other drugs at carrier level has been evaluated in vitro. These studies suggest that a clinical interaction between rifaximin and other compounds which undergo efflux via P-gp and other transport proteins (MRP2, MRP4, BCRP and BSEP) is unlikely.
Patients should take Rifaximin at least 2 hours after the administration of charcoal.

There are no or limited data on the use of Rifaximin in pregnant women.
Animal studies showed transient effects on ossification and skeletal variations in the foetus. The clinical relevance of these findings is not known.
As a precautionary measure, use of rifaximin during pregnancy is not recommended.
It is unknown whether rifaximin and rifaximin metabolites are excreted in human milk.
A risk to the breast-fed child cannot be excluded.
A decision must be made whether to discontinue breast-feeding or to discontinue/abstain from rifaximin therapy taking into account the benefit of breast feeding for the child and the benefit of therapy for the woman.
Animal studies do not indicate direct or indirect harmful effects on male and female fertility.

Dizziness and somnolence have been reported in clinical controlled trials. However rifaximin has negligible influence on the ability to drive or use machines.

Clinical Trials
During double-blind controlled clinical trials or clinical-pharmacology studies, rifaximin effects have been compared to placebo or other antibiotics,. therefore quantitative safety data are available.
Note: Many of the adverse reactions listed (in particular gastrointestinal reactions) may be the same symptoms attributable to the underlying diseases being treated and, during clinical trials, have been reported in the same frequency in placebo-treated patients.
Post-marketing experience
During post-approval use of the product further undesirable effects have been reported, the frequency of these reactions is not known (cannot be estimated from the available data)
Frequency categories are defined using the convention below:
Very common (≥ 1/10); Common (≥ 1/100 < 1/10); Uncommon (≥ 1/1000 < 1/100); Rare (≥ 1/10000 < 1/1000); Very rare (< 1/10000); Not known (frequency cannot be estimated from the available data).

MedDRA System Organ ClassCommonUncommonRareNot known
Infections and infestations Candidiasis, herpes simplex, nasopharyngitis, pharyngitis, upper-respiratory-tract infections Clostridial infection
Blood- and lymphatic-system disorder Lymphocytosis, monocytosis, neutropenia Thrombocytopenia
Immune-system disorders   Anaphylactic responses,
Metabolism and nutrition disorders Decreased appetite, dehydration  
Psychiatric disorders Insomnia, abnormal dreams, depressed mood, nervousness  
Nervous-system disordersDizziness,
Migraine, hypoesthesia, paraesthesia, sinus headache, somnolence Presyncope
Eye disorders Diplopia  
Ear and labyrinth disorders Vertigo, ear pain  
Cardiac disorders Palpitations  
Vascular disorders Blood pressure increased, hot flush  
Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders Dyspnoea, nasal congestion, dry throat, oropharyngeal pain, cough, rhinorrhea  
Gastrointestinal disordersConstipation, abdominal pain,
abdominal distension, diarrhoea, flatulence, nausea, rectal tenesmus , defecation urgency, vomiting symptoms
Ascites, dyspepsia, gastrointestinal-motility disorder, abdominal pain upper, haematochezia, mucous stools, faeces hard, dry lip, taste disorders  
Hepatobiliary disorders Aspartate aminotransferase increased Liver-function-test abnormalities
Skin and subcutaneous-tissue disorders Rashes, eruptions and exanthemas, sunburn1 Angioedema,
dermatitis exfoliative,
Musculoskeletal and connective-tissue disorders Back pain, muscular weakness, muscle spasm, neck pain, myalgia,  
Renal and urinary disorders Blood in urine, glycosuria, pollakiuria,
polyuria, proteinuria


Reproductive-system disorders Polymenorrhoea  
General disorders and administration-site conditionsPyrexiaAsthenic conditions, chills, cold sweat, pain and discomfort, oedema peripheral, influenza-like illness, hyperhidrosis,  
Investigations   International normalised ratio abnormal

1 As the investigator reported “sunburn”, this is considered as actually a “sunburn”, not as referring to photosensitivity reactions.


Reporting of suspected adverse reactions
Reporting of suspected adverse reactions appearing after approval of the medicinal product is important as it permits continuous monitoring of the benefit/risk ratio of the product. Health operators are requested to report any suspected adverse reaction to the Italian Drug Agency, web site: http://www.agenziafarmaco.gov.it/it/responsabili

In clinical trials with patients suffering from traveller’s diarrhoea, doses of up to 1,800 mg/day have been tolerated without any severe clinical symptom. Even in patients/subjects with normal bacterial flora rifaximin at doses of up to 2,400 mg/day for 7 days did not result in any relevant clinical symptoms related to the high dosage.
In case of accidental overdosage, symptomatic treatments and supportive care are suggested. In case of recent administration the gastric emptying could be useful.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: antidiarrhoeals, anti-inflammatories and intestinal anti-infectives, antibiotics
Class ATC A07AA11
Mechanism of action
Rifaximin is an antibacterial drug of the rifamycin class that irreversibly binds the beta subunit of the bacterial enzyme DNA-dependent RNA polymerase and consequently inhibits bacterial-RNA synthesis.
Rifaximin has a broad antibacterial spectrum against most of the Gram-positive and -negative aerobic and anaerobic bacteria.
Due to the very low absorption from the gastro-intestinal tract rifaximin in the polymorph form α is locally acting in the intestinal lumen and is clinically not effective against invasive pathogens, even though these bacteria are susceptible in vitro.

Mechanism of resistance
The development of resistance to rifaximin is primarily a reversible chromosomal one-step alteration in the rpoB gene encoding the bacterial RNA polymerase. The incidence of resistant subpopulations among bacteria isolated from patients with traveller’s diarrhoea was very low.
Clinical studies that investigated changes in the susceptibility of intestinal flora in patients affected by traveller’s diarrhoea failed to detect the emergence of drug-resistant Gram-positive (e.g. enterococci) and Gram-negative (E. coli) organisms during a three-day course of treatment with rifaximin.
Development of resistance in the normal intestinal bacterial flora was investigated with repeated
high doses of rifaximin in healthy volunteers and patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Strains resistant to rifaximin developed, but were unstable and did not colonise the gastrointestinal tract or replace rifaximin-sensitive strains. When treatment was discontinued resistant strains disappeared rapidly.
Experimental and clinical data suggest that treatment with rifaximin of patients harbouring Mycobacterium tuberculosis or Neisseria meningitidis will not select for rifampicin resistance.
Rifaximin is a non-absorbed antibacterial agent. In vitro susceptibility testing cannot be used to reliably establish susceptibility or resistance of bacteria to rifaximin. There are currently insufficient data available to support the setting of a clinical breakpoint for susceptibility testing.
Due to the very low absorption from the gastro-intestinal tract rifaximin is not clinically effective against invasive pathogens, even though these bacteria are susceptible in vitro.
Clinical efficacy
Clinical studies in patients with traveller’s diarrhoea demonstrated clinical effectiveness of rifaximin against ETEC (Enterotoxigenic E. coli) and EAEC (Enteroaggregative E. coli). These bacteria are predominantly responsible for causing traveller’s diarrhoea in subjects travelling to Mediterranean countries or tropical and subtropical regions.
Paediatric population
The efficacy, safety and posology of rifaximin in paediatric patients younger than 12 years of age have not been established.
A review of scientific literature identified 9 efficacy studies in the paediatric population which have included 371 children, 233 having received rifaximin. Most of the enrolled children aged more than 2 years. The characteristic which was present in all studies was diarrhoea of bacterial origin (proven before, during or after treatment).
The data (the studies “per se” and a meta-analysis) show that there is a positive trend to demonstrate efficacy of rifaximin in a special condition (acute diarrhoeas - mainly recurrent or relapsing - which are known or supposed to be caused by non-invasive rifaximin-sensitive bacteria such as Escherichia coli).
The most used dosage in children from 2 to 12 years in these limited studies with few patients was in the range of 20-30 mg/kg/d in 2 to 4 administrations.

Pharmacokinetic studies in rat, dog and humans demonstrated that rifaximin in the polymorphic form α is practically not absorbed (less than 1%) when administered by the oral route. In pharmacokinetic comparative studies, it has been demonstrated that rifaximin in the polymorphicforms different from the α form has absorbance considerably higher.
After repeated therapeutic doses of rifaximin in healthy volunteers and patients with damaged intestinal mucosa (inflammatory bowel disease) the rifaximin plasma levels were negligible (less than 10 ng/ml). A clinically non-relevant increase of the rifaximin systemic absorption was observed when it was administered within 30 minutes of a high-fat meal.
Rifaximin is moderately bound to human plasma proteins. In vivo, the mean protein binding ratio was 67.5% in healthy subjects and 62% in patients with hepatic impairment when rifaximin was administered.
An analysis of faecal extracts demonstrated that rifaximin is found as the intact molecule, implying that it is neither degraded nor metabolised during its passage through the gastrointestinal tract.
A study using radio-labelled rifaximin showed a urinary recovery of rifaximin of 0.025% of the administered dose, while <0.01% of the dose was recovered as 25-desacetylrifaximin, the only rifaximin metabolite that has been identified in humans.
A study with radio-labelled rifaximin suggested that 14C-rifaximin is almost exclusively and completely excreted in faeces (96.9 % of the administered dose). The urinary recovery of 14C-rifaximin does not exceed 0.4% of the administered dose.
The rate and extent of systemic exposure of humans to rifaximin appeared to be characterized by non-linear (dose-dependent) kinetics, which is consistent with the possibility of dissolution-rate-limited absorption of rifaximin.

Preclinical data reveal no special hazards for humans based on conventional studies of safety pharmacology, repeated-dose toxicity, genotoxicity and carcinogenic potential.
In a rat embryofoetal-development study, a slight and transient delay in ossification - that did not affect the normal development of the offspring - was observed at 300 mg/kg/day. In the rabbit, following oral administration of rifaximin during gestation, an increase in the incidence of skeletalvariations was observed. The clinical relevance of these findings is unknown.

Film-coated tablets
Tablet core
Sodium starch glycolate, type A
Glycerol distearate
Colloidal anhydrous silica
Microcrystalline cellulose
Tablet coating
Titanium dioxide E171
Disodium edetate
Propylene glycol
Red iron oxide E172

Not applicable.

Film-coated tablets : 3 years.

Film-coated tablets: this medicinal product does not require any special storage conditions.

Film-coated tablets:
One blister pack constituted by PVC-PE-PVDC/Aluminium containing 12 film-coated tablets.

Any unused medicinal product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.

Alfasigma S.p.A. Viale Sarca, 223 20126 - Milano - Italy

August 2017

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