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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Parsabiv contains the active substance etelcalcetide, which reduces parathyroid hormone known as PTH.


Parsabiv is used to treat secondary hyperparathyroidism in patients with serious kidney disease who need haemodialysis to clear their blood of waste products.


In secondary hyperparathyroidism too much PTH is produced by the parathyroid glands (four small glands in the neck). “Secondary” means that the hyperparathyroidism is caused by another condition, e.g. kidney disease. Secondary hyperparathyroidism can cause the loss of calcium from the bones, which can lead to bone pain and fractures and problems with blood and heart vessels. By controlling the levels of PTH, Parsabiv helps to control calcium and phosphate in your body.



Do not use Parsabiv

·                if you are allergic to etelcalcetide or any of the other ingredients of this medicine (listed in section 6).

·                if you have very low levels of calcium in your blood. Your doctor will monitor your blood calcium levels.


Warnings and precautions


Before you are given Parsabiv, tell your doctor if you have or have ever had:

·                heart problems, such as heart failure or arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythm);

·                seizures (fits or convulsions).


Parsabiv reduces calcium levels. Please tell your doctor if you have spasms, twitches, or cramps in your muscles, or numbness or tingling in your fingers, toes or around your mouth or seizures, confusion or loss of consciousness while being treated with Parsabiv. For additional information see section 4.


Low calcium levels can cause abnormal heart rhythm. Tell your doctor if you experience an unusually fast or pounding heartbeat, if you have heart rhythm problems or heart failure or if you take medicines that can cause heart rhythm problems, while receiving Parsabiv. For additional information see section 4.


Very low levels of PTH over long periods can result in a type of abnormal bone structure known as adynamic bone which can only be diagnosed by biopsy. Your PTH levels will be monitored during treatment with Parsabiv and your dose of Parsabiv may be reduced if your PTH levels become very low.


Children and adolescents


It is not known whether Parsabiv is safe and effective in children less than 18 years of age as it has not been studied in these patients.


Other medicines and Parsabiv


Tell your doctor if you are taking, have recently taken or might take any other medicines, including those medicines obtained without a prescription, or any other medicines that lower serum calcium.


You should not receive Parsabiv together with cinacalcet. Tell your doctor if you are taking cinacalcet or have recently taken cinacalcet.


Pregnancy and breast-feeding


Parsabiv has not been tested in pregnant women. It is not known whether Parsabiv can harm your unborn baby. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant, think you may be pregnant, or plan to get pregnant when taking Parsabiv. You and your doctor should decide if you should use Parsabiv.


It is not known whether Parsabiv can pass into breast milk. Tell your doctor if you are breast-feeding or plan to do so. Your doctor will then help you decide whether to stop breast-feeding, or whether to stop taking Parsabiv, considering the benefit of breast-feeding to the baby and the benefit of Parsabiv to the mother.


Driving and using machines


Parsabiv has no or negligible influence on the ability to drive and use machines. However certain symptoms of low calcium levels (such as fits or convulsions) can affect your ability to drive or operate machinery.


Important information about some of the ingredients of Parsabiv


This medicine contains less than 1 mmol sodium (23 mg) per vial, that is to say essentially ‘sodium‑free’.

The recommended starting dose for Parsabiv is 5 mg. It will be given by a doctor or nurse at the end of your haemodialysis treatment through the tube (bloodline) that connects you to the haemodialysis machine. Parsabiv will be given 3 times per week. The dose may be increased up to 15 mg or lowered down to 2.5 mg depending on your response.


You may need to take calcium and vitamin D supplements while being treated with Parsabiv. Your doctor will discuss this with you.


If you have any further questions on the use of this medicine, ask your doctor or nurse.

Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.


If you start to get numbness or tingling around your mouth or in your extremities, muscle aches or cramps and seizures (fits), you should tell your doctor immediately. These may be signs that your calcium levels are too low (hypocalcaemia).


Very common: may affect more than 1 in 10 people

·                Nausea;

·                Vomiting;

·                Diarrhoea;

·                Muscle spasms;

·                Low calcium levels in blood with no symptoms.


Common: may affect up to 1 in 10 people

·                Low calcium levels in blood with symptoms such as tingling around the mouth or in the extremities, muscle aches or cramps and seizures (fits);

·                High potassium levels in blood;

·                Low phosphate levels in blood;

·                Headache;

·                Numbness or tingling sensation;

·                Worsening heart failure;

·                Disturbances in the heart’s electrical activity seen as QT prolongation on electrocardiogram;

·                Low blood pressure;

·                Muscle pain.


Uncommon: may affect up to 1 in 100 people

·                Seizures (fits or convulsions); for additional information see section 2.


Not known: frequency cannot be estimated from the available data

·                Allergic reactions (including anaphylactic reactions).


Reporting of side effects


If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor or nurse. This includes any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet. By reporting side effects you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine.

Keep this medicine out of the sight and reach of children.


Do not use this medicine after the expiry date which is stated on the carton after EXP. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.


Store in a refrigerator (2°C – 8°C).

Keep the vial in the outer carton in order to protect from light.


Once removed from the refrigerator:

·                Parsabiv is stable for a maximum of 7 cumulative days if stored in the original carton. No special temperature storage requirements are needed.

·                If removed from the original carton Parsabiv is stable for a maximum of 4 hours if protected from direct sunlight.


Do not use this medicine if you notice it has particles or it has changed colour.


For single use only.


Do not throw away any medicines via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to throw away medicines you no longer use. These measures will help protect the environment.

-                 The active substance is etelcalcetide.

-                 Parsabiv 2.5 mg solution for injection: Each vial contains 2.5 mg of etelcalcetide in 0.5 mL solution (5 mg/mL).

The other ingredients are: sodium chloride (4.3 mg), succinic acid (0.6 mg), water for injections (qs to 0.5 mL), hydrochloric acid (qs to pH), and sodium hydroxide (qs to pH).


-                 Parsabiv 5 mg solution for injection: Each vial contains 5 mg of etelcalcetide in 1 mL solution (5 mg/mL).

The other ingredients are: sodium chloride (8.5 mg), succinic acid (1.2 mg), water for injections (qs to 1.0 mL), hydrochloric acid (qs to pH), and sodium hydroxide (qs to pH).


-                 Parsabiv 10 mg solution for injection: Each vial contains 10 mg of etelcalcetide in 2 mL solution (5 mg/mL).

The other ingredients are: sodium chloride (17 mg), succinic acid (2.4 mg), water for injections (qs to 2.0 mL), hydrochloric acid (qs to pH), and sodium hydroxide (qs to pH).

Parsabiv is a clear and colourless liquid. Parsabiv is a solution for injection in a vial. Pack sizes of 1, 6, 12 and 42 vials. Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

Site of Manufacture of the Drug Product

Amgen Manufacturing Ltd (AML)

State Road 31, Km 24.6


Puerto Rico 00777



Marketing Authorisation Holder and Manufacturer

Amgen Europe B.V.

Minervum 7061

4817 ZK Breda

The Netherlands


For any information about this medicine, please contact the local representative of the Marketing Authorisation Holder.

This leaflet was last revised in December 2020.
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

يحتوي بارسابيف على المادة الفعّالة إيتيلكالسيتايد، والذي يقلل من كمية هرمون الغدة الجار درقية ‎ المعروف بـ PTH.


يستخدم بارسابيف لمعالجة فَرْطُ الدُّرَيْقات الثانوي لدى المرضى الذين يعانون من مرض كلوي خطير والذين يحتاجون الغسيل الكلوي لتنقية دمائهم من المواد الفاسدة.


في حالة فَرْطُ الدُّرَيْقات الثانوي، يتم إنتاج كمية كبيرة للغاية من PTH بواسطة الغدد الجار الدُريقية (عبارة عن أربع غدد صغيرة في الرقبة). يعني مصطلح "ثانوي" أن فَرْطُ الدُّرَيْقات يحدث نتيجة حالة مرضية أخرى، مثل مرض كلوي. يمكن أن يتسبب فَرْطُ الدُّرَيْقات الثانوي في فقد الكالسيوم من العظام، والذي بدوره يؤدي إلى آلام وكسور العظام ومشاكل في الأوعية الدموية والقلبية. ومن خلال ضبط مستويات PTH، يساعد بارسابيف على ضبط الكالسيوم والفوسفات في جسمك.

لا تستخدم بارسابيف

·                إذا كان لديك حساسية ضد إيتيلكالسيتايد أو ضد أي مكون آخر من مكونات هذا الدواء (مدرجة في القسم ٦).

·                إذا كان لديك مستويات منخفضة جدًا من الكالسيوم في دمك. سيقوم طبيبك بمراقبة مستويات الكالسيوم في دمك.


تحذيرات واحتياطات


قبل استخدامك لبارسابيف، أخبر طبيبك إذا كنت تعاني أو عانيت من:

·                مشاكل بالقلب، مثل الفشل القلبي أو عدم انتظام ضربات القلب (ضربات قلب غير طبيعية)؛

·                نوبات (نوبات صرع أو اختلاجات).


يقلّل بارسابيف من مستويات الكالسيوم. رجاءً أخبر طبيبك إذا كنت تعاني من تشنجات، أو ارتجافات، أو حالات شدّ في عضلاتك، أو تنميل أو وخز في أصابع يديك، أو أصابع قدميك أو حول فمك أو نوبات، أو ارتباك أو فقدان وعي أثناء فترة علاجك ببارسابيف. لمزيد من المعلومات راجع القسم ٤.


يمكن أن تتسبب مستويات الكالسيوم المنخفضة في حدوث عدم انتظام لضربات القلب. أخبر طبيبك إذا تعرضت لضربات قلب سريعة أو عنيفة ومتتالية على غير المعتاد، إذا كانت لديك مشاكل بنظم القلب أو فشل بالقلب أو إذا كنت تتناول أدوية يمكن أن تتسبب في حدوث مشاكل بنظم القلب، وذلك خلال فترة استخدامك لبارسابيف. لمزيد من المعلومات راجع القسم ٤.


الجدير بالذكر أن مستويات PTH المنخفضة للغاية على مدار فترات زمنية طويلة يمكن أن تؤدي إلى نوع من تركيب العظم غير الطبيعي والذي يُعرف بالعظم الوهنيّ (إنعدام حركة العظام) والذي يمكن تشخيصه فقط من خلال الخزعة. سوف تُراقب مستويات PTH الخاصة بك أثناء المعالجة ببارسابيف وقد تخضع جرعة بارسابيف الخاصة بك للتخفيض إذا أصبحت مستويات PTH لديك منخفضة جدا.


الأطفال والمراهقون


 من غير المعروف ما إذا كان بارسابيف آمنا وفعّالا لدى الأطفال الذين تقل أعمارهم عن ١٨ عاما حيث لم يتم دراسته على تلك الفئة العمرية من المرضى.


الأدوية الأخرى وبارسابيف


أخبر طبيبك إذا كنت تتناول، أو تناولت مؤخرا أو قد تتناول أي أدوية أخرى، بما فيها الأدوية التي تم الحصول عليها دون وصفة طبية، أو أي أدوية أخرى قد تتسبب في تخفيض مستوى الكالسيوم بمصل الدم.


يجب ألا تتناول بارسابيف مع سيناكالست في نفس الوقت. أخبر طبيبك في حال تناولك لسيناكالست أو كنت قد تناولت سيناكالست مؤخرا.


الحمل والرضاعة الطبيعية


لم يُختبر بارسابيف بعد لدى النساء الحوامل. ومن غير المعروف ما إذا كان بارسابيف قد يُلحق الضرر بالطفل الذي لم يُولد بعد. أخبري طبيبك إذا كنتِ حاملا، أو تعتقدين أنك ربما تكونين حاملا، أو تخططين للحمل عند تناولك لبارسابيف. يجب أن تقررا أنت وطبيبك معا ما إذا كان يجب عليك استخدام بارسابيف.


ومن غير المعروف ما إذا كان بارسابيف قد ينتقل إلى حليب الأم. أخبري طبيبك إذا كنتِ ترضعين بصورة طبيعية أو تخططين لذلك. عندئذ سوف يساعدك طبيبك في اتخاذ القرار إما بإيقاف الرضاعة الطبيعية، أو بإيقاف استخدام بارسابيف، مع الأخذ في عين الاعتبار فائدة الرضاعة الطبيعية للطفل وفائدة بارسابيف للأم.


القيادة واستخدام الآلات


بارسابيف له تأثير ضئيل أو منعدم على القدرة على القيادة واستخدام الآلات. ومع ذلك، فإن أعراض مستويات الكالسيوم المنخفضة (مثل نوبات الصرع أو الاختلاجات) يمكن أن تؤثر على قدرتك على القيادة أو تشغيل الآلات.


معلومات هامة بشأن بعض مكونات بارسابيف


يحتوي هذا الدواء على أقل من ١ مليمول من الصوديوم (٢٣ مجم) في كل قنينة، بمعنى أنه أساسا "خال من الصوديوم".




الجرعة الأولية المُوصى بها لبارسابيف هي ٥ مجم. سوف تُعطى لك بواسطة طبيب أو ممرضة في نهاية العلاج بالغسيل الكلوي عبر الأنبوب (الواصل للدم) والذي يمثل الوصلة بينك وبين جهاز الغسيل الكلوي. سوف يتم إعطاء بارسابيف ٣ مرات أسبوعيا. قد تزداد الجرعة حتى تصل لـ ١٥ مجم أو قد يتم تخفيضها لتصل لـ ٢٫٥ مجم وذلك يعتمد على مدى استجابتك.


قد تحتاج لتناول مكملات الكالسيوم والفيتامين د خلال فترة المعالجة ببارسابيف. سيقوم طبيبك بمناقشة هذا الأمر معك.


إذا كان لديك أي أسئلة أخرى بشأن استخدام هذا الدواء، فاسأل طبيبك أو ممرضتك.

كغيره من الأدوية، قد يسبب هذا الدواء آثارا جانبية، إلا أنها قد لا تصيب الجميع.


إذا بدأت في الشعور بتنميل أو وخز حول فمك أو في أطرافك، أو آلام أو شدّ بالعضلات وبنوبات (نوبات صرع)، يجب أن تخبر طبيبك على الفور. قد تكون تلك علامات لانخفاض شديد في مستويات الكالسيوم لديك (نقص الكالسيوم بالدم).


آثار شائعة جدا: قد تؤثر على أكثر من ١ عن كل ١٠ أشخاص

·                غَثَيَان؛

·                تقيؤ؛

·                إسهال؛

·                تشنجات عضلية؛

·                مستويات منخفضة للكالسيوم في الدم بدون أعراض.


آثار شائعة: قد تؤثر إلى حدود شخص عن كل ١٠ أشخاص

·         مستويات منخفضة للكالسيوم في الدم مصحوبة بأعراض مثل الوخز حول الفم أو في الأطراف، آلام أو شدّ في العضلات ونوبات (نوبات صرع)؛

·                مستويات بوتاسيوم مرتفعة في الدم؛

·                مستويات فوسفات منخفضة في الدم؛

·                صداع؛

·                الشعور بتنميل أو وخز؛

·         تدهور في الفشل القلبي؛

·                اضطرابات في النشاط الكهربي للقلب يُلاحظ كإطالة في فترة الـ QT على مخطط كهربية القلب؛

·                ضغط دم منخفض؛

·                ألم عضلي.


آثار غير شائعة: قد تؤثر إلى حدود شخص عن كل ١٠٠ شخص

·                نوبات (نوبات صرع أو اختلاجات)؛ لمزيد من المعلومات راجع القسم ٢.


آثار غير معروفة: لا يمكن تقدير التكرار من البيانات المتاحة

·                تفاعلات تحسسية (بما في ذلك ردود الفعل التأقية).


الإبلاغ عن الآثار الجانبية


إذا تعرضت لأي آثار جانبية، یرجى إبلاغ طبيبك أو الممرض(ة). و يشمل ذلك أي آثار جانبية محتملة وغير مدرجة في هذه النشرة. من خلال الإبلاغ عن الآثار الجانبية فإنك تساعد في توفير المزيد من المعلومات حول سلامة هذا الدواء.

يُحفظ هذا الدواء بعيدا عن مرأى ومتناول الأطفال.


لا تستخدم هذا الدواء بعد تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية المدون على العلبة بعد EXP. و يشير تاريخ انتهاء الصلاحية لآخر يوم من ذلك الشهر.


يُحفظ في الثلاجة (٢°م - ٨°م).

احتفظ بالقنينة في العلبة الخارجية كي تحميها من الضوء.


بمجرد إخراجه من الثلاجة:

·         يكون بارسابيف ثابتا لمدة ٧ أيام متواصلة كحد أقصى إذا تم تخزينه في العلبة الخارجية الأصلية. لا يتطلب التخزين شروطا ذات درجة حرارة خاصة.

·         إذا تم إخراجه من العلبة الخارجية الأصلية، يظل بارسابيف ثابتا لمدة ٤ ساعات كحد أقصى إذا ما كان محميا من ضوء الشمس المباشر.


لا تستخدم هذا الدواء إذا لاحظت وجود جسيمات بالمحلول أو حدث تغير في لونه.


للاستخدام مرة واحدة فقط.


لا تتخلص من أية أدوية عن طريق مياه الصرف أو النفايات المنزلية. اسأل الصيدلي الخاص بك عن كيفية التخلص من الأدوية التي لم تعد تستخدمها. هذه الإجراءات تساعد على حماية البيئة.


-                 المادة الفعالة هي إيتيلكالسيتايد.

-          بارسابيف ٢٫٥ مجم محلول للحقن: كل قنينة تحتوي على ٢٫٥ مجم من ايتيلكالسيتايد في ٠٫٥ مل من المحلول (٥ مجم/مل). 

المكونات الأخرى هي كلوريد الصوديوم  (٤٫٣ مجم)، حمض السكسينيك (٠٫٦ مجم)، ماء للحقن (كمية كافية لـ ٠٫٥ مل)، حمض الهيدروكلوريك (لتعديل الحامض)، وهيدروكسيد الصوديوم (لتعديل الحامض).


-          بارسابيف ٥ مجم محلول للحقن: كل قنينة تحتوي على ٥ مجم من ايتيلكالسيتايد في ١ مل من المحلول (٥ مجم/مل).

المكونات الأخرى هي كلوريد الصوديوم  (٨٫٥ مجم)، حمض السكسينيك (١٫٢ مجم)، ماء للحقن (كمية كافية لـ ١٫٠ مل)، حمض الهيدروكلوريك (لتعديل الحامض)، وهيدروكسيد الصوديوم (لتعديل الحامض).


-          بارسابيف ١٠ مجم محلول للحقن: كل قنينة تحتوي على ١٠ مجم من ايتيلكالسيتايد في ٢ مل من المحلول (٥ مجم/مل).

المكونات الأخرى هي كلوريد الصوديوم (١٧ مجم)، حمض السكسينيك (٢٫٤ مجم)، ماء للحقن (كمية كافية لـ ٢٫٠ مل)، حمض الهيدروكلوريك (لتعديل الحامض)، وهيدروكسيد الصوديوم (لتعديل الحامض).

شكل دواء بارسابيف و محتويات العبوة


يكون بارسابيف عبارة عن سائل نقي وشفاف.


يكون بارسابيف عبارة عن محلول للحقن في قنينة.


أحجام العبوات ١، ٦، ١٢، و ٤٢ قنينة.


لا يتم تسويق كل أحجام العبوات.


موقع التصنیع الأولي

Amgen Manufacturing Ltd (AML)

State Road 31, Km 24.6


Puerto Rico 00777

الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية


صاحب ترخيص التسويق والشركة المُصَنِّعَة

Amgen Europe B.V.

Minervum 7061

4817 ZK Breda


للحصول على أي معلومات عن هذا الدواء، يرجى الاتصال بالممثل المحلي لصاحب ترخيص التسويق.

تم اعتماد هذه النشرة بتاريخ ديسمبر٢٠٢٠ .
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Parsabiv 2.5 mg solution for injection Parsabiv 5 mg solution for injection Parsabiv 10 mg solution for injection

Parsabiv 2.5 mg solution for injection Each vial contains 2.5 mg of etelcalcetide (as hydrochloride) in 0.5 mL of solution. Each mL contains 5 mg etelcalcetide. Parsabiv 5 mg solution for injection Each vial contains 5 mg of etelcalcetide (as hydrochloride) in 1 mL of solution. Each mL contains 5 mg etelcalcetide. Parsabiv 10 mg solution for injection Each vial contains 10 mg of etelcalcetide (as hydrochloride) in 2 mL of solution. Each mL contains 5 mg etelcalcetide. For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Solution for injection. Clear colourless solution.

Parsabiv is indicated for the treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT) in adult patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) on haemodialysis therapy.



The recommended initial dose of etelcalcetide is 5 mg administered by bolus injection 3 times per week. Corrected serum calcium should be at or above the lower limit of the normal range prior to administration of first dose of Parsabiv, a dose increase, or reinitiation after a dose stop (see also dose adjustments based on serum calcium levels). Parsabiv should not be administered more frequently than 3 times per week.


Dose titration


Parsabiv should be titrated so that doses are individualised between 2.5 mg and 15 mg. The dose may be increased in 2.5 mg or 5 mg increments no more frequently than every 4 weeks to a maximum dose of 15 mg 3 times per week to achieve the desired parathyroid hormone (PTH) target.


Dose adjustments based on PTH levels


PTH should be measured after 4 weeks from initiation or dose adjustment of Parsabiv, and approximately every 1-3 months during maintenance. Dose adjustment may be necessary at any time during treatment including the maintenance phase. 


If PTH is below 100 pg/mL (10.6 pmol/L), the dose should be reduced or temporarily stopped. If PTH does not return to > 100 pg/mL following dose reduction, the dose should be stopped. For patients in whom the dose is stopped, Parsabiv should be reinitiated at a lower dose once PTH returns to > 150 pg/mL (15.9 pmol/L) and pre‑dialysis serum corrected calcium (cCa) ≥ 8.3 mg/dL (2.08 mmol/L). If the patient’s last administered dose was 2.5 mg, Parsabiv may be reinitiated at the 2.5 mg dose level if PTH is > 300 pg/mL (31.8 pmol/L), and the most recent pre‑dialysis serum cCa ≥ 8.3 mg/dL (2.08 mmol/L).


Additional recommendations related to the management of low calcium are provided in the table below. 


Parsabiv may be used as part of a therapeutic regimen including phosphate binders and/or vitamin D sterols, as appropriate (see section 5.1).


Missed doses


If a regularly scheduled haemodialysis treatment is missed, do not administer any missed doses. Parsabiv should be administered at the next haemodialysis treatment at the same dose. If doses are missed for more than 2 weeks, then Parsabiv should be administered at 5 mg, (or 2.5 mg if that was the patients last administered dose), and titrated to achieve the desired PTH.


Dose adjustments based on serum calcium levels


Serum calcium should be measured within 1-week of initiation or dose adjustment of Parsabiv. Once the maintenance phase has been established for a patient, corrected serum calcium should be measured approximately every 4 weeks. In the studies total serum calcium was measured using Roche modular analysers. The lower limit of the normal range for corrected serum calcium was 8.3 mg/dL (2.08 mmol/L). Other laboratory assays may have different cut-offs for the lower limit of the normal range.


In the event that clinically meaningful decreases in corrected serum calcium levels below the lower limit of the normal range occur and/or symptoms of hypocalcaemia occur, the following management is recommended:


Corrected serum calcium value or clinical symptoms of hypocalcaemia*:


< 8.3 mg/dL (2.08 mmol/L) and ≥ 7.5 mg/dL (1.88 mmol/L)

1.       If clinically indicated:

1.              start or increase calcium supplements, calcium-containing phosphate binders, and/or vitamin D sterols.

2.              increase dialysate calcium concentration.

3.              consider reducing Parsabiv dose.

< 7.5 mg/dL (1.88 mmol/L) or symptoms of hypocalcaemia

4.       Stop Parsabiv until corrected serum calcium levels are ≥ 8.3 mg/dL (2.08 mmol/L) and symptoms of hypocalcaemia (if present) have resolved.

5.       If clinically indicated:

1.              start or increase calcium supplements, calcium-containing phosphate binders, and/or vitamin D sterols.

2.              increase dialysate calcium concentration.

3.       Reinitiate Parsabiv at a dose 5 mg lower than the last administered dose. If patient’s last administered dose was 2.5 mg or 5 mg, reinitiate at 2.5 mg once corrected serum calcium levels are ≥ 8.3 mg/dL (2.08 mmol/L) and symptoms of hypocalcaemia (if present) have resolved.

* Total calcium was measured using Roche modular analyser. For albumin levels < 4.0 g/dL cCa (mg/dL) = Total Ca (mg/dL) + (4 - albumin[g/dL])*0.8.


Switch from cinacalcet to Parsabiv


Parsabiv should not be initiated in patients until 7 days after the last dose of cinacalcet and the corrected serum calcium is at or above the lower limit of the normal range (see section 5.1).


Paediatric population


The safety and efficacy of etelcalcetide in children and adolescents less than 18 years has not yet been established. No data are available.




Dosing recommendations for elderly patients are the same as for adult patients.


Method of administration


Parsabiv should not be diluted.


Parenteral medicinal products should be inspected visually for particulate matter and change in colour prior to administration.


Parsabiv is administered into the venous line of the dialysis circuit at the end of the haemodialysis treatment during rinse-back or intravenously after rinse-back. When given during rinse-back at least 150 mL of rinse-back volume should be administered after injection. If rinse-back is completed and Parsabiv was not administered, then it may be administered intravenously followed by at least 10 mL saline flush volume.


Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1. Parsabiv should not be initiated if corrected serum calcium is less than the lower limit of the normal range (see sections 4.2 and 4.4).



Parsabiv treatment should not be initiated in patients if the corrected serum calcium is less than the lower limit of the normal range (see section 4.3).


Potential manifestations of hypocalcaemia include paraesthesias, myalgias, muscle spasms and seizures.


Since etelcalcetide lowers serum calcium, patients should be advised to seek medical attention if they experience symptoms of hypocalcaemia and should be monitored for the occurrence of hypocalcaemia (see section 4.2). Serum calcium levels should be measured prior to initiating treatment, within 1-week of initiation or dose adjustment of Parsabiv and every 4 weeks during treatment. If clinically meaningful decreases in corrected serum calcium levels occur, steps should be taken to increase serum calcium levels (see section 4.2).


Ventricular arrhythmia and QT prolongation secondary to hypocalcaemia


Decreases in serum calcium can prolong the QT interval, potentially resulting in ventricular arrhythmia (see section 4.8). Serum calcium levels should be closely monitored in patients with congenital long QT syndrome, previous history of QT prolongation, family history of long QT syndrome or sudden cardiac death and other conditions that predispose to QT prolongation and ventricular arrhythmia while being treated with Parsabiv.




Cases of seizures have been reported in patients treated with Parsabiv (see section 4.8). The threshold for seizures may be lowered by significant reductions in serum calcium levels. Serum calcium levels should be closely monitored in patients with a history of a convulsion disorder while being treated with Parsabiv.


Worsening heart failure


Decreased myocardial performance, hypotension, and congestive heart failure (CHF) may be associated with significant reductions in serum calcium levels. Serum calcium levels should be monitored in patients with a history of CHF while being treated with Parsabiv (see section 4.2), which may be associated with reductions in serum calcium levels.


Co-administration with other medicinal products


Administer Parsabiv with caution in patients receiving any other medicinal products known to lower serum calcium. Closely monitor serum calcium (see section 4.5).


Patients receiving Parsabiv should not be given cinacalcet. Concurrent administration may result in severe hypocalcaemia.


Adynamic bone


Adynamic bone may develop if PTH levels are chronically suppressed below 100 pg/mL. If PTH levels decrease below the recommended target range, the dose of vitamin D sterols and/or Parsabiv should be reduced or therapy discontinued. After discontinuation, therapy can be resumed at a lower dose to maintain PTH in the target range (see section 4.2).




In clinical studies, 7.1% of patients with SHPT treated with Parsabiv for up to 6 months tested positive for binding antibodies, 80.3% of these had pre-existing antibodies. No evidence of altered pharmacokinetic profile, clinical response or safety profile was associated with pre-existing or developing anti-etelcalcetide antibodies.


Other precautions


This medicinal product contains less than 1 mmol sodium (23 mg) per vial, that is to say essentially ‘sodium-free’.


No interaction studies have been performed. There is no known risk of pharmacokinetic interaction with etelcalcetide.


In vitro, etelcalcetide did not inhibit or induce CYP450 enzymes and was itself not a substrate for metabolism by CYP450 enzymes. In vitro, etelcalcetide was not a substrate of efflux and uptake transporter proteins; and etelcalcetide was not an inhibitor of common transporter proteins.


Concurrent administration of other medicinal products known to reduce serum calcium and Parsabiv may result in an increased risk of hypocalcaemia (see section 4.4). Patients receiving Parsabiv should not be given cinacalcet (see section 4.4).



There are no or limited amount of data from the use of etelcalcetide in pregnant women. Animal studies do not indicate direct or indirect harmful effects with respect to reproductive toxicity (see section 5.3). As a precautionary measure, it is preferable to avoid the use of Parsabiv during pregnancy.




It is unknown whether etelcalcetide is present in human milk. Available data in rats have shown that etelcalcetide is excreted in milk (see section 5.3).


A risk to breastfed newborns/infants cannot be excluded. A decision must be made whether to discontinue breast-feeding or discontinue/abstain from Parsabiv therapy taking into account the benefit of breast-feeding for the child and the benefit of therapy for the woman.




No data are available on the effect of etelcalcetide on human fertility. Animal studies do not indicate direct or indirect harmful effects with respect to fertility (see section 5.3).

Parsabiv has no or negligible influence on the ability to drive and use machines. However, certain potential manifestations of hypocalcaemia may affect the ability to drive and use machines (see section 4.4).


Summary of the safety profile


Very common side effects with Parsabiv are blood calcium decreased, muscle spasms, diarrhoea, nausea, and vomiting. They were mild to moderate in severity and transient in nature in the majority of patients. Discontinuation of therapy as a result of undesirable effects was mainly due to low blood calcium, nausea, and vomiting.


Tabulated list of adverse reactions


Adverse reactions are listed below using the following convention: very common (≥ 1/10); common (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10); uncommon (≥ 1/1,000 to < 1/100); rare (≥ 1/10,000 to < 1/1,000); very rare (< 1/10,000); not known (cannot be estimated from the available data).


Table 1 Adverse reactions from controlled clinical studies and post-marketing experience


MedDRA system organ class (SOC)

Frequency category

Adverse reactions

Immune system disorders


Not known

Hypersensitivity reactions1 (including anaphylaxis)

Metabolism and nutrition disorders

Very common

Blood calcium decreased1, 4



Hypocalcaemia1, 5



Nervous system disorders






Cardiac disorders


Worsening heart failure1

QT prolongation1

Vascular disorders



Gastrointestinal disorders

Very common




Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders

Very common

Muscle spasms



1 See section Description of selected adverse reactions.

2 Hyperkalaemia includes preferred terms of hyperkalaemia and blood potassium increased.

3 Paraesthesia includes preferred terms of paraesthesia and hypoaesthesia.

4 Asymptomatic reductions in calcium below 7.5 mg/dL (1.88 mmol/L) or clinically significant asymptomatic reductions in serum cCa between 7.5 and < 8.3 mg/dL (1.88 and < 2.08 mmol/L) (that required medical management).

5 Symptomatic reductions in serum cCa < 8.3 mg/dL (2.08 mmol/L).

6 See section 4.4.


Description of selected adverse reactions




Most events of asymptomatic blood calcium decreased and symptomatic hypocalcaemia were mild or moderate in severity. In the combined placebo-controlled studies, a higher proportion of patients in the Parsabiv group compared with patients in the placebo group developed at least one serum cCa value < 7.0 mg/dL (1.75 mmol/L) (7.6% Parsabiv; 3.1% placebo), < 7.5 mg/dL (1.88 mmol/L) (27.1% Parsabiv; 5.5% placebo), and < 8.3 mg/dL (2.08 mmol/L) (78.6% Parsabiv; 19.4% placebo). In these studies 1% of patients in the Parsabiv group and 0% of patients in the placebo group discontinued treatment due to the adverse event of low serum calcium. For further information regarding potential manifestations of hypocalcaemia and serum calcium monitoring, see sections 4.4 and 4.2 respectively.


QTc prolongation secondary to hypocalcaemia


In the combined placebo-controlled studies, a higher percentage of patients in the Parsabiv group compared with the placebo group had a maximum increase from baseline of > 60 msec in the QTcF interval (1.2% Parsabiv; 0% placebo). The patient incidence of maximum post-baseline pre-dialysis QTcF > 500 msec in the Parsabiv and placebo groups was 4.8% and 1.9%, respectively.


Worsening heart failure


In the combined placebo‑controlled studies, the subject incidence of adjudicated CHF events requiring hospitalisation was 2.2% in the Parsabiv treatment group compared to 1.2% in the placebo group.


Reporting of suspected adverse reactions


Reporting suspected adverse reactions after authorisation of the medicinal product is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product. Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions to their local representative.


To report any side effects:

Saudi Arabia:


·         The National Pharmacovigilance Centre (NPC):


-          SFDA Call Center: 19999

-          E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa

-          Website: https://ade.sfda.gov.sa/



Overdose of etelcalcetide may lead to hypocalcaemia with or without clinical symptoms and may require treatment. In the event of overdose, serum calcium should be checked and patients should be monitored for symptoms of hypocalcaemia (see section 4.4) and appropriate measures should be taken (see section 4.2). Although Parsabiv is cleared by dialysis, haemodialysis has not been studied as a treatment for overdose. Single doses up to 60 mg and multiple doses up to 22.5 mg 3 times a week at the end of dialysis in patients receiving haemodialysis were safely administered in clinical trials.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Calcium homeostasis, anti-parathyroid agents. ATC code: H05BX04


Mechanism of action


The calcium‑sensing receptor on the surface of the chief cell of the parathyroid gland is the principal regulator of PTH secretion. Etelcalcetide is a synthetic peptide calcimimetic agent which reduces PTH secretion through binding and activation of the calcium-sensing receptor. The reduction in PTH is associated with a concomitant decrease in serum calcium and phosphate levels.


Pharmacodynamic effects


Following a single intravenous bolus administration of 5 mg etelcalcetide, PTH levels decreased rapidly within 30 minutes post-dose and were maximally decreased for 1 hour, before returning to baseline. The extent and duration of the reduction in PTH increased with increasing dose. Reduction in PTH levels correlated with plasma etelcalcetide concentrations in haemodialysis patients. The effect of reducing PTH levels was maintained throughout the 6-month dosing period when etelcalcetide was administered by intravenous bolus 3 times a week.


Clinical efficacy and safety


Placebo-controlled studies


Two 6-month, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical studies were conducted in SHPT patients with CKD receiving haemodialysis 3 times per week (n = 1,023). Patients were administered Parsabiv or placebo at a starting dose of 5 mg 3 times per week at the end of haemodialysis and titrated every 4 weeks through week 17 to a maximum dose of 15 mg 3 times per week to achieve target PTH level ≤ 300 pg/mL. The median average weekly dose of Parsabiv during the efficacy assessment period (EAP) was 20.4 mg (6.8 mg per administration). Patients with lower screening PTH levels typically required lower doses (median average weekly doses of 15.0 mg, 21.4 mg, 27.1 mg, respectively, for patients with screening PTH levels < 600 pg/mL, 600 to ≤ 1,000 pg/mL, and > 1,000 pg/mL). Patients were maintained on dialysate calcium concentration ≥ 2.25 meq/L.


The primary endpoint in each study was the proportion of patients with > 30% reduction from baseline in PTH during the EAP (EAP, defined as weeks 20 to 27 inclusive). The secondary endpoints were the proportion of patients with a mean PTH ≤ 300 pg/mL during the EAP, and percent change from baseline during the EAP for PTH, serum cCa, phosphate and calcium phosphate product (Ca x P).


Demographic and baseline characteristics between the two groups in each study were similar. The mean age of patients across the 2 studies was 58.2 (range 21 to 93) years. Mean (SE) baseline PTH concentrations across the 2 studies were 846.9 (21.8) pg/mL, and 835.9 (21.0) pg/mL for the Parsabiv and placebo groups, respectively with approximately 21% of subjects enrolling across both studies having baseline PTH > 1,000 pg/mL. The average duration of haemodialysis prior to study entry was 5.4 years and 68% of patients were receiving vitamin D sterols at study entry, with 83% receiving phosphate binders.


Both studies demonstrated that Parsabiv reduced PTH, while lowering calcium, phosphate and Ca x P. Results of all primary and secondary endpoints were statistically significant and the results were consistent across both studies as shown in table 2.


Table 2 Effects of Parsabiv on PTH, corrected serum calcium, phosphate and Ca x P in 6-month placebo-controlled studies



Study 1

Study 2


(N = 254)

(N = 254)

(N = 255)

(N = 260)






Patients with > 30% reduction in PTH during the EAP, n (%)

188 (74.0)a

21 (8.3)

192 (75.3)a

25 (9.6)

Patients with ≤ 300 pg/mL in PTH during the EAP, n (%)

126 (49.6)a

13 (5.1)

136 (53.3)a

12 (4.6)

Mean percent change during the EAP, % (SE)

-55.11 (1.94)a

13.00 (2.81)

-57.39 (1.91)a

13.72 (2.50)

Corrected serum calcium





Mean percent change during the EAP, % (SE)

-7.29 (0.53)a

1.18 (0.29)

-6.69 (0.55)a

0.58 (0.29)






Mean percent change during the EAP, % (SE)

-7.71 (2.16)b

-1.31 (1.42)

-9.63 (1.61)a

-1.60 (1.42)

Ca x P





Mean percent change during the EAP, % (SE)

-14.34 (2.06)a

-0.19 (1.44)

-15.84 (1.57)a

-1.06 (1.42)

a p < 0.001 versus placebo

b p = 0.003 versus placebo


Parsabiv decreased PTH regardless of baseline PTH, duration of dialysis, and whether or not patients were receiving vitamin D sterols. Patients with lower screening PTH levels were more likely to reach PTH ≤ 300 pg/mL during EAP. 


Parsabiv was associated with reductions in bone metabolism markers (bone specific alkaline phosphatase and type I collagen c-telopeptide) and fibroblast growth factor 23 (exploratory endpoints) at the end of the study (week 27), compared with placebo.


Active‑controlled study


A 6-month, double-blind, active-controlled study compared the efficacy and safety of Parsabiv with cinacalcet in 683 SHPT patients with CKD on haemodialysis. The dosing regimen for Parsabiv was similar to that in the placebo-controlled studies (starting dose of 5 mg titrated every 4 weeks with 2.5 mg to 5 mg increments to a maximum of 15 mg 3 times a week). The starting dose of cinacalcet was 30 mg daily, titrated every 4 weeks in 30 mg increments or 60 mg for the last uptitration to a maximum dose of 180 mg daily following the cinacalcet prescribing information. The median average weekly dose of Parsabiv during the EAP was 15.0 mg (5.0 mg per administration) and of cinacalcet was 360.0 mg (51.4 mg per administration). The primary endpoint was non-inferiority for the proportion of patients who achieved > 30% reduction from baseline in mean PTH during the EAP (weeks 20 to 27). Key secondary endpoints were the proportion of patients who achieved > 50% and > 30% reductions from baseline in mean PTH during the EAP and the mean number of days of vomiting or nausea per week in the first 8 weeks, sequentially tested for superiority. Mean (SE) baseline PTH concentrations were 1,092.12 (33.8) and 1,138.71 (38.2) pg/mL for the Parsabiv and cinacalcet groups respectively. Demographics and other baseline characteristics were similar to the placebo-controlled studies.


Parsabiv was non-inferior to cinacalcet for the primary endpoint, and was superior to cinacalcet for the secondary endpoints of proportion of patients achieving > 30% reduction from baseline in mean PTH during the EAP (68.2% Parsabiv versus 57.7% cinacalcet; p = 0.004); and proportion of patients achieving > 50% reduction from baseline in mean PTH during the EAP (52.4% Parsabiv versus 40.2% cinacalcet; p = 0.001). No statistically significant difference between the two groups was observed for the secondary endpoint evaluating the mean number of days of vomiting or nausea per week in the first 8 weeks.


“Switch study”


Results from a study which evaluated changes in corrected serum calcium levels when switching patients from cinacalcet to Parsabiv showed that treatment with Parsabiv, at a starting dose of 5 mg, could be safely initiated after a 7-day discontinuation of cinacalcet, provided that the corrected serum calcium was ≥ 8.3 mg/dL (2.08 mmol/L).


Open-label extension study


A 52-week, single arm extension study to the placebo-controlled and “switch” studies described above was conducted to characterise the long term safety and efficacy of Parsabiv in 891 SHPT patients with CKD on haemodialysis. All subjects received Parsabiv at a starting dose of 5 mg 3 times a week. The dose of Parsabiv could be titrated at weeks 5, 9, 17, 25, 33, 41, and 49 to a maximum dose of 15 mg to achieve target PTH levels ≤ 300 pg/mL while maintaining serum cCa concentrations.


At the end of 52 weeks, Parsabiv was not associated with any new safety findings and demonstrated maintenance of treatment effect as evidenced by a decrease in pre-dialysis PTH by > 30% from baseline in 2/3rd of patients. In addition, Parsabiv decreased pre-dialysis PTH to ≤ 300 pg/mL in more than 50% of patients and decreased mean PTH, cCa, cCa x P, and phosphate from baseline.


Paediatric population


The European Medicines Agency has deferred the obligation to submit the results of studies with  Parsabiv in one or more subsets of the paediatric population in the treatment of hyperparathyroidism (see section 4.2 for information on paediatric use).



In the population pharmacokinetics model, volume of distribution at steady‑state was approximately 796 L. Etelcalcetide is predominately bound to plasma albumin by reversible covalent binding. Non-covalent binding of etelcalcetide to plasma proteins is low with a fraction unbound ratio of 0.53. The ratio of blood-to-plasma [14C]-etelcalcetide concentrations is approximately 0.6.




Etelcalcetide is not metabolised by CYP450 enzymes. Etelcalcetide is biotransformed in blood by reversible disulphide exchange with endogenous thiols to predominantly form conjugate with serum albumin. The plasma exposure of biotransformation products was approximately 5-fold higher than that of etelcalcetide and their concentration-time course parallels that of etelcalcetide. The predominant biotransformation product (albumin bound) was minimally active in vitro.




Intravenous administration 3 times per week at the end of a haemodialysis session resulted in an effective half-life of 3 to 5 days. Etelcalcetide is rapidly cleared in subjects with normal renal function, whilst in CKD patients requiring haemodialysis, etelcalcetide was predominantly eliminated by haemodialysis. Etelcalcetide was efficiently removed with a haemodialysis clearance value of 7.66 L/hour. Following a single radiolabelled dose of etelcalcetide in CKD patients with secondary HPT receiving haemodialysis, approximately 60% of dosed [14C]-etelcalcetide was recovered in dialysate and approximately 7% recovered in urine and faeces combined over 175 days of collection period. The inter-subject variability of the system clearance in the patient population is approximately 70%.




The pharmacokinetics of etelcalcetide is linear and does not change over time following single (5 to 60 mg) and multiple intravenous doses (2.5 to 20 mg) in CKD patients with secondary HPT receiving haemodialysis. Following 3 times a week intravenous dosing at the end of each 3 to 4 hour haemodialysis session in CKD patients, etelcalcetide plasma levels reached near steady-state 4 weeks after dosing with an observed accumulation ratio of 2- to 3-fold.


Renal impairment


No specific pharmacokinetic studies of etelcalcetide have been conducted in patients with mild to severe kidney impairment. The pharmacokinetics of etelcalcetide was characterised in CKD patients receiving haemodialysis. Etelcalcetide is intended for CKD patients receiving haemodialysis.


Hepatic impairment


No specific study in patients with hepatic impairment was performed.


Body weight, gender, age, race


No body weight, gender, age, or race-related pharmacokinetic differences have been observed in adult patients studied.

The expected pharmacological effect of decreased PTH and calcium in blood were observed in animal studies at clinical exposure levels. Reductions in serum calcium associated with tremoring, convulsions and stress-related findings were observed at clinical exposure levels. All effects were reversible upon cessation of treatment.


Etelcalcetide was mutagenic in some strains of bacteria (Ames), however was not genotoxic in in vitro and in vivo mammalian genotoxicity assays and therefore is considered non-genotoxic in humans. In mouse and rat carcinogenicity studies, there were no etelcalcetide-related tumours up to exposure of 0.4-fold clinical exposure levels.


There was no effect on male or female fertility when etelcalcetide was administered to rats at exposure levels up to 1.8-fold higher than clinical exposures levels achieved in patients receiving etelcalcetide at 15 mg three times per week.


There were no effects on embryo-foetal development in rats and rabbits when exposed to up to 1.8 to 4.3 times clinical exposure levels during organogenesis. In a pre- and post-natal development study in rats there was a minimal increase in perinatal pup mortality, delay in parturition and transient reductions in post-natal growth associated with maternal toxicities of hypocalcaemia, tremoring, and reductions in body weight and food consumption at 1.8 times clinical exposure levels.


Studies in rats showed [14C]-etelcalcetide was excreted in the milk at concentrations similar to plasma.


Parsabiv 2.5 mg

Sodium chloride (4.3 mg)

Succinic acid (0.6 mg)

Water for injections (qs to 0.5 mL)

Hydrochloric acid (for pH adjustment)

Sodium hydroxide (for pH adjustment)


Parsabiv 5 mg

Sodium chloride (8.5 mg)

Succinic acid (1.2 mg)

Water for injections (qs to 1.0 mL)

Hydrochloric acid (for pH adjustment)

Sodium hydroxide (for pH adjustment)


Parsabiv 10 mg

Sodium chloride (17 mg)

Succinic acid (2.4 mg)

Water for injections (qs to 2.0 mL)

Hydrochloric acid (for pH adjustment)

Sodium hydroxide (for pH adjustment)

This medicinal product must not be mixed with other medicinal products.

4 years. Once removed from the refrigerator: 1. Parsabiv is stable for a maximum of 7 cumulative days if stored in the original carton. No special temperature storage requirements are needed. 2. If removed from the original carton Parsabiv is stable for a maximum of 4 hours if protected from direct sunlight.

Store in a refrigerator (2°C – 8°C).

Keep the vial in the outer carton in order to protect from light.

Parsabiv 2.5 mg solution for injection


Single use vial (type I glass) with stopper (fluoropolymer laminated elastomeric) and an aluminium seal with flip-off dust cover. Each vial contains 0.5 mL solution for injection. 


Parsabiv 5 mg solution for injection


Single use vial (type I glass) with stopper (fluoropolymer laminated elastomeric) and an aluminium seal with flip-off dust cover. Each vial contains 1 mL solution for injection. 


Parsabiv 10 mg solution for injection


Single use vial (type I glass) with stopper (fluoropolymer laminated elastomeric) and an aluminium seal with flip-off dust cover. Each vial contains 2 mL solution for injection. 


Pack sizes of 1, 6, 12 and 42 vials.


Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

For single use only.


Any unused medicinal product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.

Amgen Europe B.V. Minervum 7061 4817 ZK Breda The Netherlands

December 2020

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