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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

LEMTRADA contains the active substance alemtuzumab, which is used to treat a form of multiple sclerosis (MS) in adults, called relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). LEMTRADA does not cure MS, but it can reduce the number of MS relapses. It can also help to slow down or reverse some of the signs and symptoms of MS. In clinical studies, patients treated with LEMTRADA had fewer relapses and were less likely to experience worsening of their disability compared to patients treated with a beta-interferon injected multiple times per week.
LEMTRADA is used if your MS is highly active despite that you have been treated with at least one other medicine for MS or if your MS is rapidly evolving.
What is multiple sclerosis?
MS is an autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). In MS your immune system mistakenly attacks the protective layer (myelin) around the nerve fibres, causing inflammation. When the inflammation causes symptoms this is often called an “attack” or a “relapse”. In RRMS patients experience relapses followed by periods of recovery.
The symptoms you experience are determined by which part of your central nervous system is affected. The damage done to your nerves during this inflammation may be reversible, but as your disease progresses the damage may accumulate and become permanent.
How LEMTRADA works
LEMTRADA adjusts your immune system to limit its attacks on your nervous system.

Do not use LEMTRADA:
− if you are allergic to alemtuzumab or any of the other ingredients of this medicine (listed in section 6).

− if you are infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
− if you are suffering from a serious infection
− if you have any of the following conditions:
o other autoimmune disease besides multiple sclerosis
o uncontrolled high blood pressure
o history of tears in blood vessels supplying the brain
o history of stroke
o history of heart attack or chest pain
o history of bleeding disorder
Warnings and precautions
Talk to your doctor before LEMTRADA is given. After having a course of treatment with LEMTRADA you may be at greater risk of developing other autoimmune conditions, or experiencing serious infections. It is important you understand these risks and how to monitor for them. You will be given a Patient Alert Card and a Patient Guide with further information. It is important that you keep the Patient Alert Card with you during treatment and for 4 years after your last infusion with LEMTRADA, because side effects may occur many years after treatment. When you have medical treatment, even if it is not for your MS, show the Patient Alert Card to the doctor.
Your doctor will perform blood tests before you start treatment with LEMTRADA. These tests are done to see whether you may take LEMTRADA. Your doctor will also want to make sure that you do not have certain medical conditions or disorders before you start your treatment with LEMTRADA.
• Autoimmune conditions
Treatment with LEMTRADA may increase the risk for autoimmune conditions. These are conditions in which your immune system mistakenly attacks your body. Information about some specific conditions that have been seen in MS patients who have been treated with LEMTRADA is provided below.
The autoimmune conditions can occur many years after treatment with LEMTRADA. Therefore, regular blood and urine tests are needed until 4 years after your last infusion. Testing is needed even if you are feeling well and your MS symptoms are under control. There are certain signs and symptoms that you should look out for yourself. In addition, these conditions may occur beyond 4 years, therefore, you must continue to look for signs and symptoms, even after you no longer need to do monthly blood and urine tests. Details about the signs and symptoms, testing, and actions you need to take are described in sections 2 and 4 – autoimmune conditions.
More helpful information about these autoimmune conditions (and the testing for them) can be found in the
LEMTRADA Patient Guide.
o Acquired haemophilia A

Uncommonly, patients developed a bleeding disorder caused by antibodies that work against factor VIII (a protein needed for normal clotting of blood), called acquired hemophilia A. This condition must be diagnosed and treated immediately. Symptoms of acquired hemophilia A are described in section 4.
o Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP)
Commonly, patients have developed a bleeding disorder caused by a low level of blood platelets, called immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP). This must be diagnosed and treated early, as otherwise the effects can be serious or even fatal. Signs and symptoms of ITP are described in section 4.
o Kidney disease (such as anti-GBM disease)
Rarely, patients have experienced autoimmune related problems with their kidneys, such as anti- glomerular basement membrane disease (anti-GBM disease). Signs and symptoms of kidney disease are described in section 4. If untreated it can cause kidney failure requiring dialysis or transplantation, and may lead to death.

o Thyroid disorders
Very commonly, patients have experienced an autoimmune disorder of the thyroid gland affecting its ability to make or control hormones that are important for your metabolism. LEMTRADA may cause different types of thyroid disorders, including:
• Over-active thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism) when the thyroid produces too much hormone
• Under-active thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) when the thyroid does not produce enough hormone.
Signs and symptoms of thyroid disorders are described in section 4.
If you develop a thyroid disorder, in most cases you will need to be treated for the rest of your life with medicines to control your thyroid disorder, and in some cases your thyroid gland may have to be removed.
It is very important that you are properly treated for a thyroid disorder, especially if you become pregnant after using LEMTRADA. Having an untreated thyroid disorder could harm your unborn baby, or harm your baby after birth.
o Liver inflammation
Some patients have developed liver inflammation after receiving LEMTRADA. Liver inflammation can be diagnosed from the blood tests that you will be having regularly after LEMTRADA treatment. If you develop one or more of the following symptoms report this to your doctor: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fatigue, loss of appetite, yellow skin or eyes, dark urine, or bleeding or bruising more easily than normal.
o Other autoimmune conditions
Uncommonly, patients have experienced autoimmune conditions involving red blood cells or white blood cells. These can be diagnosed from the blood tests that you will be having regularly after LEMTRADA treatment. If you develop one of these conditions your doctor will tell you, and take appropriate measures to treat it.
• Infusion reactions
Most patients treated with LEMTRADA will experience side-effects at the time of the infusion or within 24 hours after the infusion. To try to reduce infusion reactions, your doctor will give you other medicine(s) (see section 4 – infusion reactions).
• Other serious reactions occurring shortly after LEMTRADA infusion
Some patients have had serious or life-threatening reactions after LEMTRADA infusion, including bleeding in the lung, heart attack, stroke or tears in blood vessels supplying the brain. Reactions may occur following any of the doses during the treatment course. In the majority of cases reactions occurred within 1-3 days of the infusion. Your doctor will monitor vital signs, including blood pressure, before and during the infusion. Get help right away if you have any of the following symptoms of bleeding in the lung: trouble breathing, coughing up blood, chest pain, facial drooping, sudden severe headache, weakness on one side of the body, difficulty with speech or neck pain.
• Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
Treatment with LEMTRADA may increase the risk of excessive activation of white blood cells associated with inflammation (haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis), which can be fatal if not diagnosed and treated early. If you experience multiple symptoms such as fever, swollen glands, bruising, or skin rash, contact your doctor immediately.
• Infections
Patients treated with LEMTRADA are at a higher risk of getting a serious infection (see section 4 –
infections). In general, the infections can be treated with standard medicines.

In order to reduce the chance of getting an infection, your doctor will check if other medicines you are taking might be affecting your immune system. Therefore, it is important to tell your doctor about all medicines you are taking.
Also, tell your doctor if you are suffering from a serious infection before the start of your LEMTRADA treatment as your doctor should delay the treatment until the infection is resolved.
Patients treated with LEMTRADA are at a higher risk of developing herpes infection (e.g. a cold sore). In general, once a patient has had a herpes infection, they have an increased risk of developing another one. It is also possible to develop a herpes infection for the first time. It is recommended that your doctor prescribes a medicine to reduce the chance of developing a herpes infection, which should be taken on the days that you receive LEMTRADA treatment, and for one month following the treatment.
In addition, infections which can result in abnormalities of the cervix (the neck of the womb) are possible. Therefore, it is recommended that all female patients have an annual screening performed, such as a cervical smear. Your doctor will explain to you what tests you will need.
Infections with a virus called cytomegalovirus have been reported in patients treated with LEMTRADA. Most cases occurred within two months of alemtuzumab dosing. Tell your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection such as fever, or swollen glands.
Patients treated with LEMTRADA have had infections due to a virus called Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), including cases with severe liver inflammation. Tell your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection such as fever, swollen glands, or fatigue.
Patients treated with LEMTRADA are also at a higher risk of developing listeria infection (a bacterial infection caused by ingestion of contaminated foods). Listeria infection can cause serious illness, including meningitis, but can be treated with appropriate medicines. To reduce this risk, you should avoid eating uncooked or undercooked meats, soft cheeses and unpasteurized dairy products two weeks before treatment, during the treatment and for at least one month after LEMTRADA treatment.
Pneumonitis (inflammation of lung tissue) has been reported in LEMTRADA treated patients. Most cases occurred within the first month after treatment with LEMTRADA. You should report to your doctor symptoms like shortness of breath, cough, wheezing, chest pain or tightness and coughing up blood, as these could be caused by pneumonitis.
If you live in a region where tuberculosis infections are common, you may be at greater risk of infection with tuberculosis. Screening for tuberculosis will be arranged by your doctor.
If you are a carrier of hepatitis B or hepatitis C infection (these affect the liver), extra caution is needed before you receive LEMTRADA treatment as it is unknown if treatment could lead to activation of the hepatitis infection which could subsequently damage your liver.
• Inflammation of the gallbladder
LEMTRADA may increase your chance of getting inflammation of the gallbladder. This may be a serious medical condition that can be life threatening. You should report to your doctor if you have symptoms such as stomach pain or discomfort, fever, nausea or vomiting.
• Previously diagnosed cancer
If you have been diagnosed with cancer in the past, please inform your doctor about it.
• Vaccines
It is not known if LEMTRADA affects your response to a vaccine. If you have not completed the standard required vaccinations, your doctor will consider whether you should have them before your LEMTRADA treatment. In particular, your doctor will consider vaccinating you against chickenpox if you have never had

it. Any vaccination will need to be given to you at least 6 weeks before starting a LEMTRADA treatment course.
You must NOT receive certain types of vaccines (live viral vaccines) if you have recently received LEMTRADA.
Children and adolescents
LEMTRADA is not intended to be used in children and adolescents below 18 years old as it has not been studied in MS patients below 18 years old.
Other medicines and LEMTRADA
Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken, or might take any other medicines (including any vaccinations or herbal medecines).
Besides LEMTRADA, there are other treatments (including those for MS, or to treat other conditions) which could affect your immune system and so could affect your ability to fight infections. If you are using such a medicine, your doctor may ask you to stop this medicine before starting treatment with LEMTRADA.
If you are pregnant, think you may be pregnant or are planning to have a baby, ask your doctor for advice before being given this medicine.
Women who are able to conceive have to use effective contraception during each treatment course with LEMTRADA and for 4 months after each course of treatment.
If you become pregnant after treatment with LEMTRADA and experience a thyroid dirorder during pregnancy, extra caution is needed. Thyroid disorders could be harmful to the baby (see section 2 Warnings and precautions – autoimmune conditions).
It is unknown if LEMTRADA can be transferred to a baby through breast milk, but there is a possibility that it could be. It is recommended that you do not breast-feed during each course of treatment with LEMTRADA and for 4 months after each treatment course. However, there may be benefits of breast milk (which can help protect a baby from infections), so talk to your doctor if you are planning to breast-feed your baby. He/She will advise you what is right for you and your baby.
During your treatment course and for 4 months afterwards, you may have LEMTRADA in your body. It is not known if LEMTRADA will have an effect on fertility during this period. Talk to your doctor if you are thinking about trying to become pregnant. There is no evidence that LEMTRADA has an impact on male fertility.
Driving and using machines
Many patients experience side effects at the time of the infusion or within 24 hours after the infusion with LEMTRADA, and some of these, for example dizziness, could make it unsafe to drive or use machines. If affected, stop these activities until you feel better.
LEMTRADA contains potassium and sodium
This medicine contains less than 1 mmol potassium (39 mg) per infusion, i.e. it is essentially ‘potassium- free’.
This medicine contains less than 1 mmol sodium (23 mg) per infusion, i.e. it is essentially ‘sodium- free’.

Your doctor will explain to you how LEMTRADA will be given. Ask your doctor if you have any questions.

The initial treatment you will receive will consist of one infusion per day for 5 days (course 1) and one infusion per day for 3 days one year later (course 2).
There is no LEMTRADA treatment between the two courses. Two treatment courses may reduce MS activity for up to 6 years.
Some patients, if they have symptoms or signs of MS disease after the initial two courses, may receive one or two additional treatment courses consisting of one infusion per day for 3 days . These additional treatment courses may be adminisitered twelve months or more after the prior treatments.
The maximum daily dose is one infusion.
LEMTRADA will be given to you as an infusion into a vein. Each infusion will take approximately 4 hours. Monitoring for side effects and regular testing must continue for 4 years after the last infusion.
To help you better understand the duration of the effects of treatment and the length of required follow-up, please refer to the diagram below.

Follow-up after treatment with LEMTRADA
Once you have received LEMTRADA, you will need to undergo regular tests to ensure that any potential side effects can be diagnosed and treated promptly. These tests must continue until 4 years after your last infusion and are described in section 4 most important side-effects.
If you are given more LEMTRADA than you should receive
Patients who were accidentally given too much LEMTRADA in one infusion have experienced serious reactions, such as headache, rash, low blood pressure or increased heart rate. Doses higher than the recommended dose may result in more serious or longer lasting infusion reactions (see section 4) or a stronger effect on the immune system. The treatment consists of stopping LEMTRADA administration and treating the symptoms.
Missed LEMTRADA doses
It is unlikely that your dose would be missed since it is administered by a health care professional. Nevertheless, please note that in case of missed dose, this should not be given on the same day as a scheduled dose.
If you have any further questions on the use of this medicine, ask your doctor.

Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.
The most important side effects are the autoimmune conditions described in section 2 which include:

• Acquired haemophilia A (a type of bleeding disorder), (uncommon - may affect up to 1 in 100 people): may show as spontaneous bruising, nose bleeds, painful or swollen joints, other types of bleeding, or bleeding from a cut that may take longer than usual to stop.
• ITP (bleeding disorders), (common – may affect up to 1 in 10 people): may show as small scattered red, pink or purple spots on your skin; easy bruising; bleeding from a cut that is harder to stop; heavier, longer or more frequent menstrual periods than normal; bleeding between menstrual periods; bleeding from your gums or nose that is new or takes longer than usual to stop; or coughing up blood.
• kidney disorders, (rare – may affect up to 1 in 1,000 people): may show as blood in the urine (your urine may be red or tea-coloured), or as swelling in your legs or feet. It can also lead to damage of your lungs, which can result in coughing up blood.

If you notice any of these signs or symptoms for bleeding or kidney disorders, call your doctor immediately to report the symptoms. If you cannot reach your doctor, you must seek immediate medical attention.

• thyroid disorders (very common – may affect more than 1 in 10 people): may show as excessive sweating; unexplained weight-loss or gain; eye swelling; nervousness; fast heartbeat; feeling cold; worsening tiredness; or newly occurring constipation.
• red and white blood cells disorders (uncommon – may affect up to 1 in 100 people): diagnosed from your blood tests.

All of these serious side effects can start many years after you have received LEMTRADA. If you notice any of these signs or symptoms, call your doctor right away to report them. You will also have regular blood and urine tests to ensure that if you develop any of these conditions, they are treated promptly.


Summary of tests you will have for autoimmune conditions:

TestWhen?For how long?
Blood test
(to diagnose all important serious side
effects listed above)
Before treatment starts and every month after treatmentUntil 4 years after your last LEMTRADA infusion
Urine test (additional test to diagnose kidney
Before treatment starts and every month after treatmentUntil 4 years after your last LEMTRADA infusion


After this time, if you have symptoms of ITP, kidney or thyroid disorders, your doctor will perform more tests. You should also continue looking for signs and symptoms of side effects beyond four years as detailed in your patient guide, and you should continue carrying the Patient Alert Card with you.
Another side effect is an increased risk of infections (see below for information on how often patients experience infections). In most cases, these are mild but serious infections can occur.

Tell your doctor right away if you have any of these signs of infection
• fever and/or chills
• swollen glands


To help reduce the risk of some infections your doctor may consider giving you vaccination against chickenpox and/or other vaccinations that they think are necessary for you (see section 2: What you need to know before you are administered LEMTRADA - Vaccines). Your doctor can also prescribe a medicine for cold sores (see section 2: What you need to know before you are administered LEMTRADA – Infections).


The most frequent side effects are infusion reactions (see below for information on how often patients experience these), which can happen at the time of the infusion or within 24 hours after the infusion. In most cases these are mild but some serious reactions are possible. Occasionally allergic reactions could occur.
To try to reduce infusion reactions, your doctor will give you medicine (corticosteroids) before each of the first 3 infusions of a LEMTRADA course. Other treatments to limit these reactions can also be given before the infusion or when you experience symptoms. In addition, you will be monitored during the infusion and for 2 hours after the infusion has been completed. In case of serious reactions, the infusion may be slowed down or even stopped.
Please refer to the LEMTRADA Patient Guide for more information about these events. These are the side effects that you may experience:
Very common (may affect more than 1 in 10 people)
• Infusion reactions that can happen at the time of the infusion or within 24 hours after the infusion: changes in heart rate, headache, rash, rash over your body, fever, hives, chills, itching, reddening of the face and neck, feeling tired, nausea
• Infections: airway infections such as colds and sinus infections, urinary tract infections, herpes
• Decrease in white blood cell numbers (lymphocytes, leukocytes, neutrophils)
• Thyroid disorders such as over-active or under-active thyroid gland
Common (may affect up to 1 in 10 people)
• Infusion reactions that can happen at the time of the infusion or within 24 hours after the infusion: indigestion, chest discomfort, pain, dizziness, altered taste, difficulty sleeping, difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, low blood pressure, infusion site pain.
• Infections: cough, ear infection, flu-like illness, bronchitis, pneumonia, oral thrush or vaginal thrush,
shingles, cold sore, swollen or enlarged glands, influenza, herpes zoster infection, tooth infection
• Increase in white blood cells counts such as neutrophils, eosinophils (different types of white blood cells) anaemia, decrease in percentage of red blood cells, easy or excessive bruising or bleeding, swelling of lymph nodes
• exaggerated immune response
• pain in the back, the neck, or in arms or legs, muscle pain, muscle spasms, joint pain, painful mouth or throat
• inflammation of the mouth/gums/tongue
• general discomfort, weakness, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, gastric flu, hiccups
• abnormal liver test
• heartburn
• abnormalities that can be found during examinations: blood or protein in urine, decreased heart rate, irregular or abnormal heart beat, high blood pressure, impaired kidney function, white blood cells in urine
• contusion
• MS relapse
• trembling, loss of sensation, burning or prickling sensation
• autoimmune over-active or under-active thyroid gland, thyroid antibodies or goitre (swelling of the thyroid gland in the neck)
• swelling of arms and/or legs
• vision problems, conjunctivitis, eye disease associated with thyroid disease
• sensation of spinning or loss of balance, migraine
• feelings of anxiety, depression
• abnormally heavy, prolonged or irregular menstruation
• acne, redness of the skin, excessive sweating, skin discoloration, skin lesion, dermatitis
• nose bleeds, bruises
• hair loss
• asthma

• muscular and bone pain, chest discomfort
Uncommon (may affect up to 1 in 100 people)
• Infections: stomach flu, inflammation of the gums, nail fungus, tonsil inflammation, acute sinusitis, bacterial skin infection, pneumonitis, cytomegalovirus infection
• athlete’s foot
• abnormal vaginal smear
• increased sensation, sensory disturbance such as numbness, tingling and pain, tension headache
• double vision
• pain in ear
• difficulty swallowing, throat irritation, productive cough
• decreased weight, weight increase, red blood cell decrease, blood glucose increase, increase in red blood cell size
• constipation, acid reflex, dry mouth
• rectal bleeding
• bleeding of gums
• decreased appetite
• blisters, night sweats, face swelling, eczema
• stiffness, arms or legs discomfort
• kidney stones, excretion of ketone bodies in urine, kidney disease
• decreased/weak immune system
• tuberculosis
• inflammation of the gallbladder with or without gallstones
• warts
• autoimmune disorder characterized by bleeding (acquired haemophilia A)
Rare (may affect up to 1 in 1000 people)
• excessive activation of white blood cells associated with inflammation (haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis)
Not known (frequency cannot be estimated from the available data):
• listeriosis/listeria meningitis
• bleeding in lungs
• heart attack
• stroke
• tears in carotid or vertebral arteries (blood vessels supplying the brain)
• infection due to a virus known as Epstein-Barr virus
Show the Patient Alert Card and this package leaflet to any doctor involved with your treatment, not only to your neurologist.
You will also find this information in the Patient Alert Card and Patient Guide that you have been given by your doctor.
To report any side effect(s):
• Saudi Arabia:
- The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC)
o Fax: +966-11-205-7662
o Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Exts: 2317-2356-2340.
o SFDA call center : 19999
o E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa
o Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc
• Sanofi- Pharmacovigilance: KSA_Pharmacovigilance@sanofi.com

Keep this medicine out of the sight and reach of children.
Do not use this medicine after the expiry date which is stated on the outer carton and the vial label after EXP. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.
Store in a refrigerator (2°C-8°C). Do not freeze.
Store in the original package to protect from light.
It is recommended that the product is used immediately after dilution, due to a possible risk for microbial contamination. If it is not used immediately, in-use storage times and conditions prior to use are the responsibility of the user and should not be longer than 8 hours at 2oC to 8oC, under protection from light.

What LEMTRADA contains
The active substance is alemtuzumab.
Each vial contains 12 mg alemtuzumab in 1.2 ml.

The other ingredients are:
• disodium phosphate dihydrate (E339)
• disodium edetate
• potassium chloride (E508)
• potassium dihydrogen phosphate (E340)
• polysorbate 80 (E433)
• sodium chloride
• water for injections

LEMTRADA is a clear, colourless to slightly yellow concentrate for solution for infusion (sterile concentrate) that comes in a glass vial with stopper. There is 1 vial in each carton.

Marketing Authorisation Holder
Sanofi Belgium
Leonardo Da Vincilaan 19 B-1831 Diegem

Genzyme Ltd.
37 Hollands Road Haverhill
Suffolk CB9 8PU United Kingdom

Genzyme Ireland Limited IDA Industrial Park
Old Kilmeaden Road Waterford

JAN 2020
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

􀇽حتوي لیمت ا ردا على المادة الفعالة ألیمتوزوماب، التي تُستخدم لعلاج شكل من أشكال مرض التصلب
العصبي المتعدد ( MS ) لدى البالغین، 􀇽سمى التصلب العصبي المتعدد متكرر الانتكاس والهدوء ( (RRMS .
لیمت ا ردا لا 􀇽شفي مرض التصلب العصبي المتعدد، لكنه 􀇽مكن أن 􀇽قلل من عدد انتكاسات المرض . 􀇽مكن أن

􀇽ساعد أ 􀇽ضًا على إ 􀇼طاء أو عكس 􀇼عض علامات وأع ا رض مرض التصلب العصبي المتعدد. عانى المرضى
الذین عولجوا بلیمت ا ردا في الد ا رسات السر􀈄ر􀈄ة من عدد أقل من الانتكاسات و 􀘗انوا أقل عرضة لتدهور إعاقاتهم
مقارنة 􀇼المرضى الذین عولجوا 􀇼إنترفیرون بیتا والذي یتم حقنه عدة م ا رت في الأسبوع.
􀇽ستخدم لیمت ا ردا إذا 􀘗ان مرض التصلب العصبي المتعدد لد 􀇽ك نشطًا للغا 􀇽ة على الرغم من تلقیك العلاج
بدواء آخر على الأقل لمرض التصلب العصبي المتعدد أو إذا 􀘗ان مرض التصلب العصبي المتعدد لد 􀇽ك
یتطور 􀇼سرعة.
ما هو مرض التصلب المتعدد؟
مرض التصلب العصبي المتعدد هو مرض مناعي ذاتي 􀇽صیب الجهاز العصبي المر 􀘗زي (الدماغ والحبل
الشو 􀘗ي). 􀇽حدث مرض التصلب العصبي المتعدد لد 􀇽ك عندما یهاجم الجهاز المناعي عن طر􀈄ق الخطأ
الطبقة الواقیة (المایلین) حول الألیاف العصبیة، مما 􀇽سبب الالتهاب. عندما یؤدي الالتهاب إلى ظهور
أع ا رض، غالبًا ما 􀇽طلق علیه "الهجوم" أو "الانتكاس". 􀇽عاني المرضى المصابین ب RRMS من انتكاسات
تلیها فت ا رت من الهدوء.
􀇽عتمد نوع الأع ا رض التي تواجهها على الجزء المُتأثر من الجهاز العصبي المر 􀘗زي . قد 􀇽كون الضرر الذي
لحق 􀇼أعصا 􀇼ك أثناء التعرض لهذا الالتهاب قابلاً للعكس، ولكن مع تقدم مرضك، قد یت ا ركم الضرر و 􀈄صبح
كیف 􀇻عمل لیمت ا ردا
􀇽ضبط لیمت ا ردا نظام المناعة لد 􀇽ك و 􀈃ذلك 􀇽حدّ من هجماته على الجهاز العصبي.

لا تستخدم لیمت ا ردا :
- إذا 􀘗نت تعاني من حساسیة تجاه عقار ألیمتوزوماب أو أي من المكونات الأخرى لهذا الدواء (المذ 􀘗ورة في
القف رة رقم ٦).
- إذا 􀘗نت مصا 􀇼ًا 􀇼فیروس نقص المناعة البشر􀈄ة ( HIV .(
- إذا 􀘗نت تعاني من عدوى خطیرة
- إذا 􀘗نت تعاني من أي مما یلي:
o أم ا رض المناعة الذاتیة الأخرى إلى جانب مرض التصلب المتعدد
o ارتفاع ضغط الدم غیر المنضبط
o تار􀈄خ من الإصا 􀇼ة بتمزقات في الأوعیة الدمو 􀈄ة التي تغذي الدماغ
o تار􀈄خ من الإصا 􀇼ة 􀇼السكتة الدماغیة
o تار􀈄خ من الإصا 􀇼ة بنو 􀈃ة قلبیة أو ألم في الصدر
o تار􀈄خ من الإصا 􀇼ة 􀇼اضط 􀇼 را ات النز 􀈄ف
المحاذیر والإحتیاطات
تحدث إلى طبیبك قبل أن یتم إعطاؤك لیمت ا ردا. قد تكون أكثر عرضة للإصا 􀇼ة 􀇼أم ا رض المناعة الذاتیة
الأخرى، أو التعرض لعدوى خطیرة 􀇼عد خضوعك للعلاج بلیمت ا ردا . من المهم أن تفهم هذه المخاطر و 􀘗یفیة
م ا رقبتها. ستحصل على 􀇼طاقة تنبیه المر􀈄ض ودلیل ا لمر 􀈄 ض الذي یتضمن المز􀈄د من المعلومات. من المهم
أن تحافظ على 􀇼طاقة تنبیه المر􀈄ض معك أثناء العلاج ولمدة ٤ سنوات 􀇼عد آخر تسر􀈄ب ور􀈄دي تتلقاه من
لیمت ا ردا، لأن الأع ا رض الجانبیة قد تحدث 􀇼عد عدة سنوات من العلاج. عندما تتلقى علاجًا طبیًا، حتى لو لم
􀇽كن یتعلّق 􀇼مرض التصلب العصبي المتعدد الخاص 􀇼ك، اعرض 􀇼طاقة تنبیه المر􀈄ض على الطبیب.

سیقوم الطبیب 􀇼إج ا رء فحوصات الدم لك قبل بدء العلاج بلیمت ا ردا. تتم هذه الفحوصات لمعرفة ما إذا 􀘗ان
􀇼إمكانك أن تتلقى لیمت ا ردا. سیرغب طبیبك أ 􀇽ضًا في التأكد من عدم وجود حالات أو اضط ا ر 􀇼ات طبیة معینة
قبل بدء علاجك بلیمت ا ردا.
• حالات المناعة الذاتیة
قد یز􀈄د العلاج بلیمت ا ردا من خطر الإصا 􀇼ة 􀇼أم ا رض المناعة الذاتیة. و هي حالات 􀇽قوم فیها الجهاز المناعي
􀇼مهاجمة جسمك عن طر􀈄ق الخطأ. ندرج أدناه معلومات حول 􀇼عض الحالات المحددة التي شوهدت لدى
مرضى التصلب العصبي المتعدد الذین عولجوا بلیمت ا ردا.
􀇽مكن أن تحدث حالات المناعة الذاتیة 􀇼عد عدة سنوات من العلاج بلیمت ا ردا. لذلك، هناك حاجة إلى إجراء
فحوصات منتظمة للدم والبول حتى ٤ سنوات 􀇼عد آخر تسر􀈄ب ور􀈄دي تتلقاه . هناك حاجة إلى إج ا رء الفحص
حتى لو 􀘗نت تشعر 􀇼أنك على ما ی ا رم وأن أع ا رض مرض التصلب العصبي المتعدد لد 􀇽ك تحت السیطرة.
􀇼الإضافة إلى ذلك، هناك علامات وأع ا رض معینة 􀇽جب علیك أن تتقصاها بنفسك . هناك معلومات مفصلة
حول العلامات والأع ا رض والفحوصات والإج ا رءات التي ینبغي أن تتخذها مدرجة في الفقرة ٤ - حالات
المناعة الذاتیة.
􀇽مكن العثور على مز􀈄د من المعلومات المفیدة حول حالات المناعة الذاتیة هذه ( والفحوصات الخاصة بها )
في دلیل لیمت ا ردا للمر 􀈂ض.
o الهیموفیلیا المكتسبة من النوعأ
تعرّض 􀇼عض المرضى 􀇼شكل غیر شائع لاضط ا رب نزف ي ناتج عن تكوّن أجسام مضادة ضد
العامل الثامن (بروتین ضروري للتخثر الطبیعي للدم)، 􀇽سمى الهیموفیلیا المكتسبة من النوع أ .

􀇽جب تشخیص هذه الحالة وعلاجها على الفور. هناك وصف لأع ا رض الهیموفیلیا المكتسبة في
القسم ٤.
o فرفر 􀈂ة نقص الصفیحات المناعي ( (ITP
عانى 􀇼عض المرضى 􀇼شكل شائع من اضط ا رب نزفي ناتج عن انخفاض مستوى الصفائح
الدمو 􀈄ة في الدم، 􀇽 سُمى فرفر􀈄ة نقص الصفیحات المناعي ( ITP ). 􀇽جب تشخیص ذلك وعلاجه مبك ا رً،
و􀈂لا فإن آثاه ر 􀇽مكن أن تكون خطیرة أو حتى قاتلة. هناك توضیح لعلامات وأع ا رض ITP في القف رة ٤.
O أم ا رض الكلى (مثل مرض أضداد الغشاء القاعدي للكُبیبات الكُلو 􀈂ة " ("anti- GBM
عانى 􀇼عض المرضى في حالات نادرة من مشاكل متعلقة 􀇼المناعة الذاتیة في الكلى، مثل مرض
أضداد الغشاء القاعدي الكبیبي (مرض anti- GBM ). هناك توضیح لعلامات وأع ا رض مرض
الكلى في القف رة ٤. إذا لم یتم علاجه، فقد یتسبب في فشل 􀘗لوي یتطلب غسیل الكلى أو الزرع،
وقد یؤدي إلى الوفاة.
o اضط ا ر 􀇺ات الغدة الدرقی ة
عانى 􀇼عض المرضى 􀇼شكل شائع جدا من اضط ا رب المناعة الذاتیة في الغدة الدرقیة مم ا ؤیُثر
على قدرتها في إنتاج أو السیطرة على الهرمونات التي تعتبر مهمة لعملیة الأ 􀇽ض لد 􀇽ك. قد 􀇽سبب
لیمت ا ردا أنواع اً مختلفة من اضط ا ر 􀇼ات الغدة الدرقیة، 􀇼ما في ذلك:
• الغدة الدرقیة المفرطة النشاط (فرط نشاط الغدة الدرقیة) عندما تنتج الغدة الدرقیة الكثیر من

• نقص نشاط الغدة الدرقیة (قصور الغدة الدرقیة) عندما لا تنتج الغدة الدرقیة ما 􀇽كفي من
هناك وصف لعلامات وأع ا رض اضط ا ر 􀇼ات الغدة الدرقیة في الفقرة ٤.
إذا تعرضت لاضط ا رب الغدة الدرقیة، فستحتاج في الغالب إلى العلاج 􀇼الأدو 􀈄ة للتحكم في
اضط ا رب الغدة الدرقیة لد 􀇽ك لبقیة حیاتك ، وفي 􀇼عض الحالات قد یلزم إ ا زلة الغدة الدرقیة.
من المهم جدًا أن تُعالجي 􀇼شكل صحیح من اضط ا رب الغدة الدرقیة، خاصة إذا 􀘗نتِ حاملاً 􀇼عد
استخدام لیمت ا ردا. إن اضط ا رب الغدة الدرقیة غیر المعالج 􀇽مكن أن یؤذي جنینك ، أو یؤذي طفلك
􀇼عد الولادة.
o التهاب الكب د
تعرض 􀇼عض المرضى لالتهاب الكبد 􀇼عد تلقي لیمت ا ردا. 􀇽مكن تشخیص التهاب الكبد من خلال
إج ا رء فحوصات الدم والتي ستخضع لها 􀇼انتظام 􀇼عد علاجك بلیمترادا . إذا تعرضت لواحد أو أكثر
من الأع ا رض التالیة أخبر طبیبك بذلك: غثیان، قيء، ألم في البطن، تعب، فقدان الشهیة، اصفرار
الجلد أو العیون، بول غامق، حدوث نز􀈄ف أو 􀘗دمات 􀇼سهولة أكثر من المعتاد.
o حالات المناعة الذاتیة الأخرى
تعرض 􀇼عض المرضى 􀇼شكل غیر شائع لأم ا رض المناعة الذاتیة التي تتعلق 􀇺خلا 􀇻ا الدم الحم ا رء
أو خلا 􀇻ا الدم البیضاء. 􀇽مكن تشخیص هذه الأم ا رض من خلال فحوصات الدم التي ستجر􀈄ها
􀇼انتظام 􀇼عد العلاج بلیمت ا ردا. إذا تعرضت لأحد هذه الحالات، فسیخبرك طبیبك بذل ك ، و سیتخذ
التدابیر المناسبة لعلاجه.

• ردود الفعل الناجمة عن التسر 􀈂ب
سیواجه معظم المرضى الذین 􀇽عالجون بلیمت ا ردا أع ا رضًا جانبیة أثناء التسر􀈄ب الور􀈄دي أو خلال ٢٤ ساعة
􀇼عد التسر􀈄ب. سیعطیك طبیبك دواء (أدو 􀈄ة) أخرى لمحاولة تقلیل تفاعلات التسر􀈄ب (انظر الفقرة ٤ - ردود
الفعل الناجمة عن التسر􀈄ب).
• ردود الفعل الخطیرة الأخرى التي تحدث 􀇺عد فترة وجیزة من التسر 􀈂ب الور 􀈂دي للیمت ا ردا
عانى 􀇼عض المرضى من ردود فعل خطیرة أو مهددة للحیاة 􀇼عد التسر􀈄ب الور􀈄دي للیمت ا ردا، 􀇼ما في ذلك
نز􀈄ف في الرئة أو نو 􀈃ة قلبیة أو سكتة دماغیة أو تمزق في الأوعیة الدمو 􀈄ة التي تغذي الدماغ. قد تحد ث
ردود الفعل 􀇼عد أي من الجرعات أثناء دورة العلاج، لكن حدثت أغلب ردود الفعل في معظم الحالات خلال
١- ٣ أ 􀇽ام من التسر􀈄ب. سیقوم طبیبك 􀇼م ا رقبة العلامات الحیو 􀈄ة لد 􀇽ك، 􀇼ما في ذلك ضغط الدم، قبل وأثناء
التسر􀈄ب. احصل على المساعدة على الفور إذا تعرضت لأي من الأع ا رض التالیة التي تدل على نز􀈄ف
الرئة: صعو 􀈃ة في التنفس، سعال الدم، ألم في الصدر، تدلي الوجه، صداع شدید مفاجئ، ضعف في جانب
واحد من الجسم، صعو 􀈃ة في النطق أو آلام الرقبة.
• داء البلعمة الدموي
قد یز􀈄د العلاج بلیمت ا ردا من خطر حدوث إف ا رط في تنشیط خلا 􀇽ا الدم البیضاء المرتبطة 􀇼 الالتهاب ( داء
البلعمة الدموي )، والذي 􀇽مكن أن 􀇽كون قاتلا إذا لم یتم تشخیصه وعلاجه في وقت مبكر. إذا واجهت أعراض
متعددة مثل الحمى أو الغدد المتورمة أو ظهور الكدمات أو الطفح الجلدي، فاتصل 􀇼طبیبك على الفور.
• العدوى
المرضى الذین 􀇽عالجون بلیمت ا ردا هم أكثر عرضة للإصا 􀇼ة 􀇺عدوى خطیرة (انظر ال فقرة ٤ - العدوى). 􀇽مكن
علاج العدوى الناجمة 􀇼شكل عام 􀇼الأدو 􀈄ة المعتادة.

و من أجل تقلیل فرصة الإصا 􀇼ة 􀇼العدوى، سیقوم طبیبك 􀇼 التحقق إذا 􀘗انت الأدو 􀈄ة الأخرى التي تتناولها قد
تؤثر على نظام المناعة لد 􀇽ك. لذلك، من المهم أن تخبر طبیبك عن جمیع الأدو 􀈂ة التي تتناولها .
كذلك، أخبر طبیبك إذا 􀘗نت تعاني من عدوى خطیرة قبل بدء علاجك بلیمت ا ردا إذ 􀇻جب على الطبیب تأخیر
العلاج حتى یتم الشفاء من العدوى.
المرضى الذین 􀇽عالجون بلیمت ا ردا هم أكثر عرضة للإصا 􀇼ة 􀇼عدوى الهر􀈃س (مثل قرحة البرد). 􀇼شكل عام،
􀇼مجرد إصا 􀇼ة المر􀈄ض 􀇼الهر􀈃س، فهو معرض لخطر مت ا زید من الإصا 􀇼ة 􀇼ه مرة أخرى . من الممكن أ 􀇽ضًا
الإصا 􀇼ة 􀇼عدوى الهر􀈃س للمرة الأولى أ 􀇽ضًا. یوصى 􀇼أن 􀇽صف لك طبیبك دواء لتقلیل فرصة إصابتك 􀇼عدوى
الهر􀈃س، والذي ینبغي علیك تناوله خلال الأ 􀇽ام التي تتلقى فیها العلاج بلیمت ا ردا، ولمدة شهر واحد 􀇼عد
􀇼الإضافة إلى ذلك، 􀇽مكن حدوث العدوى التي قد تؤدي إلى تغیی ا رت غیر طبیعیة في عنق الرحم (عنق
الرحم). لذلك، یوصى 􀇼إج ا رء فحص سنوي لجمیع المرضى من الإناث، مثل مسحة عنق الرحم. سیشرح لكِ
طبیبكِ الفحوصات التي ستحتاجینها.
تم الإبلاغ عن حالات العدوى 􀇼فیروس 􀇽سمى الفیروس المضخم للخلا 􀇻ا لدى المرضى الذین عولجوا
بلیمت ا ردا. حدثت معظم الحالات في غضون شهر􀈄ن من استخدام ألیمتوزوماب. أخبر طبیبك على الفور إذا
كان لد 􀇽ك أع ا رض عدوى مثل الحمى أو تورم الغدد.
تعرض 􀇼عض المرضى الذین عولجوا بلیمت ا ردا للإصا 􀇼ة 􀇼 عدوى 􀇼سبب فیروس 􀇽سمى إ 􀇼شتاین 􀇼ار( EBV )، 􀇼م ا
في ذلك حالات مصحو 􀈃ة 􀇼التهاب الكبد الحاد. أخبر طبیبك على الفور إذا 􀘗نت تعاني من أع ا رض العدوى
مثل الحمى أو الغدد المنتفخة أو التعب.

المرضى الذین 􀇽عالجون بلیمت ا ردا هم أ 􀇽ضًا أكثر عرضة للإصا 􀇼ة 􀇺عدوى اللیستیر 􀈂ا (عدوى 􀇼كتیر􀈄ة ناجمة عن
تناول الأطعمة الملوثة). 􀇽مكن أن تسبب عدوى اللیستیر􀈄ا مرضًا خطی اً ر، 􀇼ما في ذلك التهاب السحا 􀇽ا، ولكن
􀇽مكن علاجها 􀇼الأدو 􀈄ة المناسبة. لتقلیل هذا الخطر، 􀇽جب تجنب تناول اللحوم غیر المطهیة أو غیر المطهیة
جیدًا والجبن الطري ومنتجات الألبان غیر المبست رة قبل أسبوعین من العلاج وأثناء العلاج ولمدة شهر واحد
على الأقل 􀇼عد العلاج بلیم ترادا.
تم الإبلاغ عن حدوث التهاب رئوي (التهاب أنسجة الرئة) لدى المرضى الذین عولجوا بلیمت ا ردا. حدثت معظم
الحالات في غضون الشهر الأول 􀇼عد العلاج بلیمت ا ردا. 􀇽جب علیك إبلاغ الطبیب إذا واجهت أع ا رضً ا مثل
ضیق التنفس والسعال والصفیر وألم أو ضیق في الصدر و سعال الدم، حیث 􀇽مكن أن تحدث هذه الأع ا رض
􀇼سبب التهاب رئوي.
إذا 􀘗نت تعیش في منطقة تنتشر فیها عدوى السل، فقد تكون أكثر عرضة للإصا 􀇼ة 􀇼السل. سیتم ترتیب
الكشف عن مرض السل لد 􀇽ك من قبل طبیبك.
إذا 􀘗نت حاملًا لعدوى التهاب الكبد (ب) أو التهاب الكبد الو 􀈁ائ ي (سي) (تؤثر على الكبد)، فلا بد من توخي
الحذر الشدید قبل أن تتلقى العلاج بلیمت ا ردا لأنه من غیر المعروف إذا 􀘗ان العلاج 􀇽مكن أن یؤدي إلى
تنشیط عدوى التهاب الكبد والتي قد تلحق الضرر 􀇼الكبد لد 􀇽ك.
• التهاب الم ا رر ة
قد یز􀈄د لیمت ا ردا من فرصة إصابتك 􀇼التهاب الم ا ررة. قد تكون هذه حالة طبیة خطیرة 􀇽مكن أن تهدد الحیاة.
􀇽جب علیك إبلاغ طبیبك إذا 􀘗ان لد 􀇽ك أع ا رض مثل آلام في المعدة أو عدم ال ا رحة، والحمى، والغثیان أو

• سرطان سبق تشخیصه
یُرجى إبلاغ طبیبك إذا سبق تشخیص إصابتك 􀇼السرطان في الماضي .
• اللقاحات
لا 􀇽ُعرف ما إذا 􀘗ان لیمت ا ردا یؤثر على استجابتك للقاح أم لا. إذا لم تكن قد استكملت التطعیمات الأساسیة
المطلو 􀈃ة، فسوف 􀇽قرر طبیبك فیما إذا 􀘗ان 􀇽جب أن تحصل علیها قبل بدء العلاج بلیمت ا ردا. سینظر طبیبك
على الأخص في مسألة تطعیمك ضد جد ري الماء إذا لم 􀇽سبق لك ذلك. 􀇽جب إعطاء أي تطعیم لك قبل ٦
أسابیع على الأقل من بدء العلاج بلیمت ا ردا.
􀇽جب ألا تتلقى أنواعًا معینة من اللقاحات (اللقاحات الفیروسیة الحیة ) إذا 􀘗نت قد تلقیت لیمت ا ردا مؤخ اً ر.
الأطفال والم ا رهقون
لیمت ا ردا غیر مُعد للاستخدام لدى الأطفال والم ا رهقین دون سن ١٨ سنة إذ لم تتم د ا رسته في مرضى التصلب
العصبي المتعدد ممن تقل أعمارهم عن ١٨ سنة.
الأدو 􀈂ة الأخرى ولیمت ا ردا
أخبر طبیبك أو الصیدلي إذا 􀘗نت تتناول أو تناولت مؤخ اً ر أو قد تتناول أي أدو 􀈄ة أخرى ( 􀇼ما في ذلك أي
لقاحات أو أدو 􀈄ة عشبیة).
هناك علاجات أخرى إلى جانب لیمت ا ردا ( 􀇼ما في ذلك الأدو 􀈄ة المستخدمة لعلاج مرض التصلب العصبي
المتعدد، أو لعلاج الحالات الأخرى) 􀇽مكن أن تؤثر على جهاز المناعة الخاص 􀇼ك، و 􀈃التالي 􀇽مكن أن تؤثر
على قدرتك في مكافحة العدوى . إذا 􀘗نت تستخدم مثل هذا الدواء، فقد 􀇽طلب منك طبیبك إ 􀇽قافه قبل البدء في
العلاج بلیمت ا ردا.

إذا 􀘗نتِ حاملاً أو تعتقدین أنكِ قد تكونین حاملًا أو تخططین لإنجاب طفل، استشیري طبیبك قبل إعطائك
هذا الدواء.
یتعین على النساء القاد ا رت على الحمل استخدام وسائل منع الحمل الفعالة خلال 􀘗ل دورة علاجیة بلیمت ا ردا
ولمدة ٤ أشهر 􀇼عد 􀘗ل دورة علاج.
إذا أصبحتِ حاملاً 􀇼عد العلاج بلیمت ا ردا وتعرضت لاضط ا رب الغدة الدرقیة أثناء الحمل، فلا بد من توخي
الحذر الشدید. 􀇽مكن أن تكون اضط ا ر 􀇼ات الغدة الدرقیة لد 􀇽ك ضارة للجنین (انظر ي افل قرة ٢ التحذی ا رت
والاحتیاطات - أم ا رض المناعة الذاتیة).
الرضاعة الطبیعیة
من غیر المعروف ما إذا 􀘗ان لیمت ا ردا ینتقل إلى الطفل من خلال حلیب الأم، ولكن هذا احتما ل وارد
الحدوث. یوصى بتجنب الرضاعة الطبیعیة خلال 􀘗ل دورة علاجیة بلیمت ا ردا ولمدة ٤ أشهر 􀇼عد 􀘗ل دورة
علاج. ومع ذلك، قد تكون هناك فوائد من حلیب الثدي (الذي 􀇽مكن أن 􀇽ساعد في حما 􀇽ة الطفل من
العدوى)، لذلك تحدثي إلى طبیبك إذا 􀘗نتِ تخططین لإرضاع طفل ك من ثد 􀇽ك . سینصحك / ستنصحك 􀇼ما هو
مناسب لك ولطفلك.
الخصو 􀈁ة
قد یبقى لیمت ا ردا في جسمك أثناء دورة العلاج الخاصة 􀇼ك ولمدة ٤ أشهر 􀇼عد ذلك. ومن غیر المعروف ما
إذا 􀘗ان لیمت ا ردا له تأثیر على الخصو 􀈃ة خلال هذه الفترة. تحدثي إلى طبیبك إذا 􀘗نتِ تفكر 􀈄ن في محاولة
الحمل. لا یوجد بینا ات تدل على أنّ لیمت ا ردا له تأثیر على الخصو 􀈃ة لدى الذ 􀘗ور.

القیادة واستخدام الآلات
􀇽عاني العدید من المرضى من أعراض جانبیة في وقت التسر􀈄ب أو في غضون ٢٤ ساعة 􀇼عد التسر􀈄ب
الور􀈄دي للیمت ا ردا، وقد یؤدي 􀇼عض هذه الأع ا رض، مثل الدوخة، إلى جعل القیادة أو استخدام الآلات غیر
آمن. إذا تأثرت 􀇼أي من هذه الأع ا رض ، توقف عن ممارسة هذه الأنشطة حتى تشعر 􀇼التحسن.
لیمت ا ردا 􀇻حتوي على البوتاسیوم والصودیوم
􀇽حتوي هذا الدواء على أقل من ١ ملیمول من البوتاسیوم ( ٣٩ مجم) في 􀘗ل تسر􀈄ب، أي أنه "خالٍ من
البوتاسیوم" 􀇼شكل أساسي.
􀇽حتوي هذا الدواء على أقل من ١ ملیمول من الصودیوم ( ٢٣ مجم) في 􀘗ل تسر􀈄ب ، أي أنه "خالٍ من
الصودیوم" 􀇼شكل أساسي.


سیشرح لك طبیبك 􀘗یف سیتم إعطاؤك لیمت ا ردا. اسأل الطبیب في حال 􀘗ان لد 􀇽ك أي سؤال.
ستتألف المعالجة الأولیة التي ستتلقاها من عملیة تسر􀈄ب ور􀈄دي واحدة یومیًا لمدة ٥ أ 􀇽ام (الدورة الأولى)
و عملیة تسر􀈄ب ور􀈄دي و احدة یومیًا لمدة ٣ أ 􀇽ام 􀇼عد عام واحد (الدورة الثانیة).
لا یوجد علاج بلیمت ا ردا بین الدورتین. قد تقلل هذه الدورتان العلاجیتان من نشاط MS لمدة تصل إلى ٦

􀇽مكن لبعض المرضى، ممن تظهر لدیهم أع ا رض أو علامات مرض التصلب العصبي المتعدد 􀇼عد الدورتین
الأولى والثانیة، أن یتلقوا دورة أو دورتین علاجیتین إضافیتین تتكون من عملیة تسر􀈄ب ور􀈄دي واحد في الیوم
لمدة ٣ أ 􀇽ام . 􀇽مكن إعطاء دو ا رت العلاج الإضافیة هذه 􀇼عد ١٢ شه اً ر أو أكثر من العلاجات السا 􀇼قة.
الجرعة الیومیة القصوى هي تسر􀈄ب ور􀈄دي واحد.
سیتم إعطاء لیمت ا ردا على شكل تسر􀈄ب في الور􀈄د. سیستغرق 􀘗ل تسر􀈄ب حوالي ٤ ساعات. 􀇽جب أن تستمر
م ا رقبة الأع ا رض الجانبیة و􀈂ج ا رء الفحوصات المنتظمة لمدة ٤ سنوات 􀇼عد آخر عملیة تسر􀈄ب.
لمساعدتك على فهم مدة آثار العلاج ومدة المتا 􀇼عة المطلو 􀈃ة 􀇼شكل أفضل، یرجى الرجوع إلى الرسم البیاني


المتا 􀇺عة 􀇺عد العلاج بلیمت ا ردا
􀇼مجرد أن تتلقى لیمت ا ردا، ستحتاج إلى إج ا رء فحوصات منتظمة للتأكد من أنه 􀇽مكن تشخیص أي أعراض
جانبیة محتملة لد 􀇽ك وعلاجها على الفور. 􀇽جب أن تستمر هذه الفحوصات لمدة ٤ سنوات 􀇼عد آخر تسر 􀈄ب
ور􀈄دي تتلقاه و سیرد وصفها في افل قرة ٤ أهم الأعراض الجانبیة.
إذا تم إعطاؤك من لیمت ا ردا أكثر مما 􀇻جب أن تتلقى
واجه المرضى الذین تلقوا عرَضًا الكثیر من لیمت ا ردا في تسر􀈄ب واحد ردود فعل خطیرة، مثل الصداع، الطفح
الجلدي، انخفاض ضغط الدم أو ز􀈄ادة معدل ضر􀈃ات القلب. قد یؤدي تلقي جرعات أعلى من تلك الموصى
بها إلى تفاعلات متعلقة 􀇼التسر􀈄ب أكثر خطورة أو استمرت لمدة أطول (انظر افل قرة ٤) أو قد 􀇽كون لها تأثیر
أقوى على الجهاز الم ناعي. یتضمن العلاج إ 􀇽قاف التسر􀈄ب وعلاج الأع ا رض.
إذا فاتتك إحدى جرعات لیمت ا ردا
من غیر المرجح أن یتم تفو 􀈄ت الجرعة نظ اً ر لأنه ی تم إعطاؤها من قبل أخصائي رعا 􀇽ة صحیة. ومع ذلك،
یرجى ملاحظة أنه في حالة فاتتك إحدى الجرعات، لا ینبغي إعطاؤها في نفس الیوم 􀘗جرعة مجدولة.
إذا 􀘗ان لد 􀇽ك أي أسئلة أخرى حول استخدام هذا الدواء، اسأل طبیبك.

كما هو الحال مع سائر الأدو 􀈄ة، 􀇽مكن أن 􀇽سبب هذا الدواء أع ا رضًا جانبیة و􀈂ن 􀘗انت لا تحدث لدى جمیع
من 􀇽ستخدمه.
الأعراض الجانبیة الأكثر أهمیة هي حالات المناعة الذاتیة الموضحة في افل قرة ٢ والتي تشمل:

• الهیموفیلیا المكتسبة من النوعأ (نوع من الاضط ا ر 􀇺ات النّزفیّة)، (غیر شائعة – قد تؤثّر على ما 􀇽صل
إلى ١ من 􀘗ل ١٠٠ شخص): قد تظهر على شكل 􀘗دمات تلقائیّة ونز􀈄ف في الأنف وألم أو تورّم
المفاصل و أنواع أخرى من النز􀈄ف أو قد 􀇽ستغرق النز􀈄ف من جرح وقتًا أطول من المعتاد للتوقف.
•ITP فرفر 􀈂ة نقص الصفیحات المناعي (اضط ا ر 􀇺ات النزف) ، (شائعة - قد تؤثر على ما 􀇽صل إلى شخص
من 􀘗ل ١٠ أشخاص): قد تظهر على شكل 􀇼قع صغیرة متناثرة حم ا رء أو ورد 􀇽ة أو بنفسجیة على جلدك؛
سهولة حدوث الكدمات، نز􀈄ف الجروح الذي 􀇽صعب إ 􀇽قافه؛ فت ا رت حیض أثقل وأطول أو أكثر من
المعتاد؛ النز􀈄ف بین فت ا رت الحیض؛ نز􀈄ف من اللثة أو الأنف جدید أو 􀇽ستغرق وقتًا أطول من المعتاد
للتوقف؛ أو سعال الدم.
• اضط ا ر 􀇺ات الكلى (نادرة - قد تُؤثّر على ما 􀇽صل إلى شخص واحد من بین 􀘗ل ١٠٠٠ شخص): قد
تظهر على شكل دم في البول (قد 􀇽كون لون البول أحمر أو مثل لون الشاي) أو تورم في ساقیك أو
قدمیك . 􀇽مكن أن یؤدي أ 􀇽ضًا إلى تلف رئتیك، مما قد یؤدي إلى سعال الدم.

إذا لاحظت أً􀇻ا من هذه العلامات أو الأع ا رض الناتجة عن اضط ا ر 􀇺ات النز 􀈂ف أو الكلى، اتصل 􀇺طبیبك
على الفور للإبلاغ عن الأع ا رض. إذا لم تتمكن من الوصول إلى طبیبك، فیجب أن تطلب رعا 􀇻ة طبیة
فور 􀈂ة

• اضط ا ر 􀇺ات الغدة الدرقیة (شائعة جدًا - قد تُؤثر في أكثر من شخص من 􀘗ل ١٠ أشخاص): قد تظهر
على شكل تع رق ا زئد؛ فقدان أو ز􀈄ادة في الوزن مجهولة السبب؛ تورم العین ، العصبیة ، تسارع نبضات
القلب، الشعور 􀇼البرد، تفاقم التعب ، أو الإمساك حدیث العهد.

• اضط ا ر 􀇺ات خلا 􀇻ا الدم الحم ا رء والبیضاء (غیر شائعة - قد تؤثر على ما 􀇽صل إلى ١ من 􀘗ل ١٠٠
شخص): یتم تشخیصها من خلال فحوصات الدم.

􀇽مكن أن تبدأ 􀘗ل هذه الأعراض الجانبیة الخطیرة 􀇼عد سنوات عدیدة من تلقي لیمت ا ردا. إذا لاحظت أً􀇻ا
من هذه العلامات أو الأع ا رض، فاتصل 􀇺طبیبك على الفور للإبلاغ عنها. ستخضع أ 􀇽ضًا لفحوصات
للدمو البول منتظمة للتأكد من أنه في حال ظهور أي من هذه الحالات، فسیتم علاجها على الفور.

ملخص الفحوصات التي ستخضع لها للكشف عن حالات المناعة الذاتیة:

الفحصمتى؟إلى متى؟
فحص الدم
(لتشخیص 􀘗افة الأع ا رض
الجانبیة المهمة والخطیرة المدرجة
قبل بدء العلاج و 􀘕ل شهر 􀇺عد
لمدة ٤ سنوات 􀇺عد آخر تسر 􀈂ب
ور 􀈂دي من لیمت ا ردا
فحص البول
(فحص إضافي لتشخیص
اضط ا ر 􀇼ات الكلى)
قبل بدء العلاج و 􀘕ل شهر 􀇺عد
لمدة ٤ سنوات 􀇺عد آخر تسر 􀈂ب
ور 􀈂دي من لیمت ا ردا

􀇼عد هذا الوقت، إذا ظهرت لد 􀇽ك أع ا رض اضط ا ر 􀇼ات ITP أو اضط ا ر 􀇼ات الكلى أو الغدة الدرقیة، فسیقوم
طبیبك 􀇼إج ا رء مز􀈄د من الفحوصات. 􀇽جب أن تستمر أ 􀇽ضًا في تقصي العلامات التي تدل على الأعراض

الجانبیة حتى 􀇼عد مرور أر􀈃ع سنوات على النحو المفصل في دلیل المر􀈄ض، و 􀈄جب أن تستمر في حمل
􀇼طاقة تنبیه المر􀈄ض معك.
من الأع ا رض الجانبیة الأخرى ز 􀈂ادة خطر الإصا 􀇺ة 􀇺العدوى (انظر أدناه للحصول على معلومات تكرار
حدوث العدوى لدى المرضى ). تكون هذه العدوى في معظم الحالات خفیفة ولكن 􀇽مكن أن تحدث عدوى

أخبر طبیبك على الفور إذا تعرضت لأ ي من علامات العدوى هذه
• حمى و/أو قشعر􀈄رة
• تورم الغدد

للمساعدة في تقلیل مخاطر 􀇼عض العدوى ، قد ینظر طبیبك في إعطائك التطعیم ضد جدري الماء و/أو
اللقاحات الأخرى التي 􀇽عتقد أنها ضرور􀈄ة 􀇼النسبة لك (انظر افل قرة ٢: ما تحتاج إلى معرفته قبل أن یتم
إعطاؤك لیمت ا ردا - اللقاحات). 􀇽مكن لطبیبك أ 􀇽ضًا وصف دواء لعلاج القروح الباردة (انظر القسم ٢: م ا
تحتاج إلى معرفته قبل أن یتم إعطاؤك لیمت ا ردا - العدوى).
الأعراض الجانبیة الأكثر ترددًا هي تفاعلات التسر 􀈂ب (انظر أدناه للحصول على معلومات حول تكرار
حدوثها لدى المرضى)، والتي 􀇽مكن أن تحدث في وقت التسر􀈄ب أو خلال ٢٤ ساعة 􀇼عد التسر􀈄ب. في
معظم الحالات تكون هذه التفاعلات خفیفة ولكن حدوث 􀇼عض ردود الفعل الخطیرة ممكن أ 􀇽ضًا. في 􀇼عض
الأحیان قد تحدث الحساسیة.

لمحاولة تقلیل تفاعلات التسر􀈄ب، سیعطیك طبیبك دواء (الكورتیكوستیرو 􀈄دات) قبل 􀘗ل من الحقن الثلاثة
الأولى من دورة العلاج بلیمت ا ردا. 􀇽مكن أ 􀇽ضًا إعطاء علاجات أخرى للحد من ردود الفعل هذه قبل التسر􀈄ب
أو عندما تواجه الأع ا رض. 􀇼الإضافة إلى ذلك، س تخضع للم ا رقبة أثناء عملیة التسر􀈄ب ولمدة ساعتین 􀇼عد
اكتمال التسر􀈄ب. في حالة حدوث ردود الفعل الخطیرة، 􀇽مكن التقلیل من سرعة التسر􀈄ب أو حتى إ 􀇽قافه.
یرجى الرجوع إلى دلیل لیمت ا ردا للمر 􀈂ض لمز􀈄د من المعلومات حول هذه التفاعلات.
فیما یلي الأعراض الجانبیة التي قد تواجهها:
شائعة جدًا (قد تُؤثر على أكثر من شخص من 􀘗ل ١٠ أشخاص)
ردود فعل التسر 􀈂ب التي 􀇽مكن أن تحدث في وقت التسر􀈄ب أو في غضون ٢٤ ساعة 􀇼عد التسر􀈄ب:
التغی ا رت في معدل ضر􀈃ات القلب والصداع والطفح، والطفح الجلدي المنتشر على الجسم 􀘗له، والحمى،
و الشرى وقشعر􀈄رة، والحكة، احم ا رر الوجه والعنق، والشعور 􀇼التعب، غثیان
• العدوى : عدوى مجرى التنفس مثل نزلات البرد وعدوى الجیوب الأنفیة والمسالك البولیة وعدوى الهر􀈃س.
• انخفاض أعداد خلا 􀇽ا الدم البیضاء (الخلا 􀇽ا اللمفاو 􀈄ة، الكر􀈄ات البیض، العدلات)
• اضط ا ر 􀇼ات الغدة الدرقیة مثل فرط نشاط أو قلة نشاط الغدة الدرقیة
شائعة (قد تُؤثر على ما 􀇽صل إلى شخص واحد من 􀘗ل ١٠ أشخاص)
ردود فعل التسر 􀈂ب التي 􀇽مكن أن تحدث في وقت الحقن أو خلال ٢٤ ساعة 􀇼عد الحقن: عسر الهضم،
ضیق في الصدر، ألم، دوخة، تغیر في حاسة التذوق ، صعو 􀈃ة في النوم، صعو 􀈃ة في التنفس أو ضیق في
التنفس، انخفاض في ضغط الدم، ألم في م وضع الحقن.

• العدوى : السعال، التهاب الأذن، مرض شبیه 􀇼الأنفلون ا ز، التهاب الشعب الهوائیة، التهاب رئوي، مرض
القلاع الفموي أو القلاع المهبلي، القو 􀈃اء المنطقیة، قرحة 􀇼اردة، تضخم الغدد أو تورّمها، أنفلون ا ز، عدوى
الهر􀈃س النطاقي ، عدوى في الأسنان
• ز􀈄ادة عدد خلا 􀇽ا الدم البیضاء مثل العدلات، الحمضات (أنواع مختلفة من خلا 􀇽ا الدم البیضاء)، فقر الدم،
انخفاض في نسبة خلا 􀇽ا الدم الحم ا رء، حدوث الكدمات أو النز􀈄ف 􀇼شكل سهل أو مفرط، تورم في الغدد
اللیمفاو 􀈄ة
• الاستجا 􀇼ة المناعیة المبالغة
• ألم في الظهر أو الرقبة أو في الذ ا رعین أو الساقین أو ألم في العضلات أو تشنجات في العضلات أو ألم
في المفاصل أو الفم أو الحلق
• التهاب الفم / اللثة / اللسان
• الانزعاج العام، الضعف، القيء، الإسهال، آلام البطن، أنفلون ا ز المعدة، الفواق (الحازوقة)
• نتائج غیر طبیعیة لفحوصات الكبد
• حرقة المعدة
• نتائج غیر طبیعیة تظهر أثناء الفحوصات: الدم أو البروتین في البول، انخفاض معدل ضر􀈃ات القلب،
اضط ا رب ضر􀈃ات القلب، ارتفاع ضغط الدم، اضط ا رب وظائف الكلى، ظهور خلا 􀇽ا الدم البیضاء في البول
• رضّ (كدمة)
• إنتكاس مرض التصلب العصبي المتعدد

• الارتعاش أو فقدان الإحساس أو الإحساس 􀇼الحرقان أو الوخز
• فرط نشاط أو قلة نشاط الغدة الدرقیة ذاتي المناعة، أو ظهور الأجسام المضادة للغدة الدرقیة أو تضخم
الغةد الدرقیة (تورم الغدة الدرقیة في الرقبة)
• تورم الذ ا رعین و/أو الساقین
• مشاكل في الرؤ 􀈄ة، التهاب الملتحمة، أم ا رض العین المرتبطة 􀇼مرض الغدة الدرقیة
• الإحساس 􀇼الدو ا رن أو فقدان التوازن والصداع النصفي
• مشاعر القلق والاكتئاب
• حیض شدید النزف، مُ طول أو غیر منتظم على غیر المعتاد
• حب الشباب، احم ا رر الجلد، التعرق ال ا زئد، تغیر لون الجلد، آفة جلد 􀇽ة ، التهاب الجلد
• نز􀈄ف الأنف والكدمات
• تساقط الشعر
• الر􀈃و
• ألم عضلي وعظمي، ألم في الصدر
غیر شائعة (قد ت ؤثر على ما 􀇽صل إلى شخص من 􀘗ل ١٠٠ شخص )
• العدوى : أنفلون ا ز المعدة، التهاب اللثة، عدوى الأظافر الفطر􀈄ة، التهاب اللوزتین، التهاب الجیوب الأنفیة
الحاد، التهاب الجلد الجرثومي، التهاب الرئة، عدوى الفیروس المضخم للخلا 􀇽ا

• القدم الر􀈄اضیة
• نتیجة غیر طبیعیة لفحص لطاخة المهبل
• ز􀈄ادة الإحساس، والاضط ا رب الحسي مثل الخدر، الوخز والألم، وصداع التوتر
• رؤ 􀈄ة مزدوجة
• ألم في الأذن
• صعو 􀈃ة البلع، تهیج الحلق، السعال مع بلغم
• انخفاض الوزن، ز􀈄ادة الوزن، انخفاض عدد خلا 􀇽ا الدم الحم ا رء، ز􀈄ادة نسبة الجلو 􀘗وز في الدم، ز􀈄ادة حجم
خلا 􀇽ا الدم الحم ا رء
• الإمساك، الارتجاع المر􀈄ئي، جفاف الفم
• نز􀈄ف المستقیم
• نز􀈄ف اللثة
• انخفاض الشهیة
• بثور، تعرق لیلي، تورم الوجه، الأكز􀈄ما
• تیبس، انزعاج في الذ ا رعین أو الرجلین
• حصى الكلى، و􀈂ف ا رز أجسام الكیتون في البول، وأم ا رض الكلى
• انخفاض / ضعف الجهاز المناعي

• مرض السل
• التهاب الم ا ررة مع أو بدون حصى في الم ا ررة
• الثآلیل
نادرة (قد تؤثر على ما 􀇽صل إلى شخص واحد من 􀘗ل ١٠٠٠ شخص )
• التنشیط المفرط لخلا 􀇽ا الدم البیضاء المرتبطة 􀇼الالتهاب (داء البلعمة الدموي )
ذات التك ا رر غیر المعروف (لا 􀇽مكن تقدیر التردد من البیانات المتاحة):
• داء اللیستیر􀈄ات / التهاب السحا 􀇽ا اللیستیري
• نز􀈄ف في الرئتین
• نو 􀈃ة قلبیة
• السكتة الدماغیة
• تمزق في الش ا ریین السباتیة أو الفقر􀈄ة (الأوعیة الدمو 􀈄ة التي تغذي الدماغ)
اعرض 􀇼طاقة تنبیه المر􀈄ض وهذه النشرة على أي طبیب 􀇽شارك في علاجك، ولیس فقط لطبیب الأعصاب.
سوف تجد أ 􀇽ضًا هذه المعلومات مُدرجة في 􀇼طاقة تنبیه المر􀈄ض ودلیل المر􀈄ض التي قدمها لك طبیبك

للإبلاغ عن الأع ا رض الجانبیة
• المملكة العر􀈃یة السعود 􀇽ة

- المر 􀘗ز الوطني للتیقظ والسلامة الدوائیة
o فاكس: ٧٦٦٢ - ٢٠٥ - ١١ - ٩٦٦ +
o للاتصال 􀇼المر 􀘗ز الوطني للتیقظ والسلامة الدوائیة
هاتف: ٨٢٢٢ - ٢٠٣ - ١١ - ٩٦٦ + ، تحو 􀈄لة: ٢٣١٧ - ٢٣٥٦ - ٢٣٤٠
o مر 􀘗ز الاتصال 􀇼الهیئة: ١٩٩٩٩
o البر􀈄د الإلكتروني: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa
o الموقع الإلكتروني : www.sfda.gov.sa/npc

• سانوفي للتیقظ: KSA_pharmacovigilance@sanofi.com

احفظ هذا الدواء 􀇼عیدا عن م أ رى ومتناول الأطفال.
لا تستخدم هذا الدواء 􀇼عد تار􀈄خ انتهاء الصلاحیة المذ 􀘗ور عل ى الكرتون الخارجي وملصق القارورة 􀇼عد 􀘗لمة
EXP . 􀇽شیر تار􀈄خ انتهاء الصلاحیة إلى الیوم الأخیر من ذلك الشهر.
􀇽ُحفظ في الثلاجة ( ٢ درجة مئو 􀈄ة - ٨ درجة مئو 􀈄ة).
لا تجمده.

􀇽ُحفظ في العلبة الأصلیة لحمایته منا لضوء.
یوصى 􀇼استخدام المنتج مباشرة 􀇼عد التخفیف، وذلك 􀇼سبب خطر محتمل للتلوث الجرثومي. إذا لم یتم
استخدامه على الفور، فإن أوقات وظروف التخز􀈄ن قید الاستخدام هي مسؤولیة المستخدم و 􀈄جب ألا تز􀈄د عن
٨ ساعات عند درجة ح ا ررة ٢ مئو 􀈄ة إلى ٨ درجة مئو 􀈄ة مع الحما 􀇽ة من الضوء.

محتو 􀈂ات لیمت ا ردا
المادة الفعالة هي ألیمتوزوماب
تحتوي 􀘗ل قارورة على ١٢ مجم ألیمتوزوماب في 􀘗ل ١٬٢ مل.
المكونات الأخرى:
• فوسفات ثنائي الصودیوم ثنائي الهیدرات ( (E339
• إیدیتات ثنائي الصودیوم
• 􀘗لور􀈄د البوتاسیوم ( (E508
• فوسفات البوتاسیوم ثنائي الهیدروجین ( (E340
• بولیسور􀈃ات ٨٠ ( (E433
• 􀘗لور􀈄د الصودیوم
• الماء المخصص للحقن

لیمت ا ردا هو محلول مُرّ􀘗ز صافي عد 􀇽م اللون أو مائل إلى الأصفر قلیلاً لتحضیر محلول للحقن 􀇼التسر􀈄ب
الور􀈄دي ( محلول مر 􀘗ز معقم) ی توفر في قارورة زجاجیة مزودة 􀇼سدادة.

هناك ١ قارورة في 􀘗ل 􀘗رتون.

حامل رخصة التسو 􀈂ق
سانوفي بلجیكا
لیوناردو دافنشیلان ١٩
ب- ١٨٣١ د 􀇽جم
بلجیا ك

ج نا ز􀇽م أیرلندا المحدودة
٣٧ طر􀈄ق هولندز
هوفر هیل
سافولك CB9 8PU
المملكة المتحدة

جین ا ز 􀇽م الإیرلند 􀇽ة المحدودة
أي دي إ 􀇽ه إنداستر􀈄ال 􀇼ارك
طر􀈄ق 􀘗یلمیدین القد 􀇽م
وترفورد - أیرلندا

ینایر ٢٠٢
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

LEMTRADA 12 mg concentrate for solution for infusion

Each vial contains 12 mg alemtuzumab in 1.2 ml (10 mg/ml). Alemtuzumab is a monoclonal antibody produced in mammalian cell (Chinese Hamster Ovary) suspension culture in a nutrient medium by recombinant DNA technology. Excipients with known effect This medicine contains less than 1 mmol potassium (39 mg) per infusion, i.e. it is essentially ‘potassium- free’. This medicine contains less than 1 mmol sodium (23 mg) per infusion, i.e. it is essentially ‘sodium- free’. For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Concentrate for solution for infusion (sterile concentrate). A clear, colourless to slightly yellow concentrate with pH 7.0 – 7.4.

LEMTRADA is indicated as a single disease modifying therapy in adults with highly active relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) for the following patient groups:
• Patients with highly active disease despite a full and adequate course of treatment with at least one disease modifying therapy (DMT) or
• Patients with rapidly evolving severe relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis defined by 2 or more
disabling relapses in one year, and with 1 or more Gadolinium enhancing lesions on brain MRI or a significant increase in T2 lesion load as compared to a previous recent MRI.

LEMTRADA treatment should only be initiated and supervised by a neurologist experienced in the treatment of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) in a hospital with ready access to intensive care. Specialists and equipment required for the timely diagnosis and management of adverse reactions, especially myocardial ischaemia and myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular adverse reactions, autoimmune conditions, and infections, should be available.
Resources for the management of cytokine release syndrome, hypersensitivity and/or anaphylactic reactions should be available.
Patients treated with LEMTRADA must be given the Patient Alert Card and Patient Guide and be informed about the risks of LEMTRADA (see also package leaflet).

The recommended dose of alemtuzumab is 12 mg/day administered by intravenous infusion for 2 initial treatment courses, with up to 2 additional treatment courses if needed.
Initial treatment of 2 courses:
• First treatment course: 12 mg/day on 5 consecutive days (60 mg total dose)
• Second treatment course: 12 mg/day on 3 consecutive days (36 mg total dose) administered 12 months after the first treatment course.
Up to two additional treatment courses, as needed, may be considered (see section 5.1):
• Third or fourth course: 12 mg/day on 3 consecutive days (36 mg total dose) administered at least 12 months after the prior treatment course (see section 4.1, 5.1).
Missed doses should not be given on the same day as a scheduled dose.
Follow-up of patients
The therapy is recommended as an initial treatment of 2 courses with up to 2 additional treatment courses if needed (see posology) with safety follow-up of patients from initiation of the first treatment course and for at least 48 months after the last infusion of the second treatment course. If an additional third or fourth course is administered, continue safety follow-up for at least 48 months after the last infusion (see section 4.4).
Patients should be pre-treated with corticosteroids immediately prior to LEMTRADA administration on each of the first 3 days of any treatment course. In clinical trials, patients were pre-treated with 1,000 mg methylprednisolone for the first 3 days of each LEMTRADA treatment course.
Pretreatment with antihistamines and/or antipyretics prior to LEMTRADA administration may also be considered.
Oral prophylaxis for herpes infection should be administered to all patients starting on the first day of each treatment course and continuing for a minimum of 1 month following treatment with LEMTRADA (see also under ‘Infections’ in section 4.4). In clinical trials, patients were administered aciclovir 200 mg twice a day or equivalent.
Special populations
Clinical studies did not include any patients aged over 61 years old. It has not been determined whether they respond differently than younger patients.
Renal or hepatic impairment
LEMTRADA has not been studied in patients with renal or hepatic impairment.
Paediatric population
The safety and efficacy of LEMTRADA in children with MS aged 0 to 18 years have not yet been established. There is no relevant use of alemtuzumab in children aged from birth to less than 10 years for the treatment of multiple sclerosis. No data are available.
Method of administration
LEMTRADA must be diluted before infusion. The diluted solution should be administered by intravenous infusion over a period of approximately 4 hours.
For instructions on dilution of the medicinal product before administration, see section 6.6.

Hypersensitivity to the active substance, or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection. Patients with severe active infection until complete resolution. Patients with uncontrolled hypertension. Patients with a history of arterial dissection of the cervicocephalic arteries. Patients with a history of stroke. Patients with a history of angina pectoris or myocardial infarction. Patients with known coagulopathy, on anti-platelet or anti-coagulant therapy. Patients with other concomitant autoimmune diseases (besides MS).

LEMTRADA is not recommended for patients with inactive disease or those stable on current therapy.
Patients treated with LEMTRADA must be given the Package Leaflet, the Patient Alert Card and the Patient Guide. Before treatment, patients must be informed about the risks and benefits, and the need to commit to follow-up from treatment initiation until at least 48 months after the last infusion of the second LEMTRADA treatment course. If an additional course is administered, safety-follow up should be continued until at least 48 months after the last infusion.
Treatment may result in the formation of autoantibodies and increase the risk of autoimmune mediated conditions which may be serious and life threatening. Reported autoimmune conditions, include thyroid disorders, immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), nephropathies (e.g. anti-glomerular basement membrane disease), autoimmune hepatitis (AIH), and acquired haemophilia A. In the post-marketing setting, patients developing multiple autoimmune disorders after LEMTRADA treatment have been observed.
Patients who develop autoimmunity should be assessed for other autoimmune mediated conditions (see section 4.3). Patients and physicians should be made aware of the potential later onset of autoimmune disorders after the 48 months monitoring period.
Acquired haemophilia A
Cases of acquired haemophilia A (anti-factor VIII antibodies) have been reported in both clinical trial and post-marketing setting. Patients typically present with spontaneous subcutaneous haematomas and extensive bruising although haematuria, epistaxis, gastrointestinal or other types of bleeding may occur. A coagulopathy panel including aPTT must be obtained in all patients that present with such symptoms. In case of a prolonged aPTT patient should be referred to a haematologist. Educate patients on the signs and symptoms of acquired haemophilia A and to seek immediate medical attention, if any of these symptoms are observed.

Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP)
Serious events of ITP have been observed in 12 (1%) patients treated in controlled clinical trials in MS (corresponding to an annualised rate 4.7 events/1000 patient years). An additional 12 serious events of ITP has been observed through a median of 6.1 years (maximum 12 years) of follow-up (cumulative annualised rate of 2.8 events/1000 patient years). One patient developed ITP that went unrecognised prior to implementation of monthly blood monitoring requirements and died from intracerebral haemorrhage. In 79.5% of cases, ITP onset occurred within 4 years after first exposure. However, in some cases ITP developed years later. Symptoms of ITP could include (but are not limited to) easy bruising, petechiae, spontaneous mucocutaneous bleeding (e.g., epistaxis, haemoptysis), heavier than normal or irregular menstrual bleeding. Haemoptysis may also be indicative of anti-GBM disease (see below), and an appropriate differential diagnosis has to be undertaken. Remind the patient to remain vigilant for symptoms they may experience and to seek immediate medical help if they have any concerns.
Complete blood counts with differential should be obtained prior to initiation of treatment and at monthly intervals thereafter until at least 48 months after the last infusion. After this period of time, testing should be performed based on clinical findings suggestive of ITP. If ITP is suspected a complete blood count should be obtained immediately.
If ITP onset is confirmed, appropriate medical intervention should be promptly initiated, including immediate referral to a specialist. Data from clinical trials in MS has shown that adherence to the blood monitoring requirements and education relative to signs and symptoms of ITP has led to early detection and treatment of ITP with most cases responding to first-line medical therapy.
Nephropathies, including anti-glomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM) disease, have been observed in
6 (0.4%) patients in clinical trials in MS through a median of 6.1 years (maximum 12 years) of follow-up and generally occurred within 39 months following the last administration of LEMTRADA. In clinical trials, there were 2 cases of anti-GBM disease. Both cases were serious, were identified early through clinical and laboratory monitoring, and had a positive outcome after treatment.
Clinical manifestations of nephropathy may include elevation in serum creatinine, haematuria, and/or proteinuria. While not observed in clinical trials, alveolar haemorrhage manifested as haemoptysis may occur with anti-GBM disease. Haemoptysis may also be indicative of ITP or acquired haemophilia A (see above), and an appropriate differential diagnosis has to be undertaken. The patient should be reminded to remain vigilant for symptoms they may experience and to seek immediate medical help if they have any concerns.
Anti-GBM disease may lead to renal failure requiring dialysis and/or transplantation if not treated rapidly and can be life-threatening if left untreated.
Serum creatinine levels should be obtained prior to initiation of treatment and at monthly intervals thereafter until at least 48 months after the last infusion. Urinalysis with microscopy should be obtained prior to initiation and at monthly intervals thereafter until at least 48 months after the last infusion. The observation of clinically significant changes from baseline in serum creatinine, unexplained haematuria, and/or proteinuria, should prompt further evaluation for nephropathies including immediate referral to a specialist. Early detection and treatment of nephropathies may decrease the risk of poor outcomes. After this period of time, testing should be performed based on clinical findings suggestive of nephropathies.
Thyroid disorders
Thyroid endocrine disorders including autoimmune thyroid disorders have been observed in 36.8% of patients treated with LEMTRADA 12 mg in clinical trials in MS with a median of 6.1 years (maximum
12 years) of follow- up from the first LEMTRADA exposure. The incidence of thyroid events was higher in patients with a medical history of thyroid disorders both in the LEMTRADA and interferon beta 1a (IFNB- 1a) treatment groups. Observed autoimmune thyroid disorders included hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. Most events were mild to moderate in severity. Serious endocrine events occurred in 4.4% of patients, with Basedow’s disease (also known as Graves’ disease), hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, autoimmune thyroiditis, and goitre occurring in more than 1 patient. Most thyroid events were managed with conventional

medical therapy however some patients required surgical intervention. In the post-marketing setting several patients who developed biopsy proven AIH had previously developed autoimmune thyroid disorders.
Thyroid function tests, such as thyroid stimulating hormone levels, should be obtained prior to initiation of treatment and every 3 months thereafter until 48 months following the last infusion. After this period of time testing should be performed based on clinical findings suggestive of thyroid dysfunction or in case of pregnancy.
Thyroid disease poses special risks in women who are pregnant (see section 4.6).
In clinical trials, 74% of patients with positive anti-thyroid peroxidase (anti-TPO) antibodies at baseline developed a thyroid event compared with 38% of patients with a baseline negative status. The vast majority (approximately 80%) of patients who presented with a thyroid event after treatment were anti-TPO antibody negative at baseline. Therefore, regardless of pretreatment anti-TPO antibody status patients may develop a thyroid adverse reaction and must have all tests periodically performed as described above.
Suspected autoimmune cytopenias such as neutropenia, haemolytic anaemia and pancytopenia have been infrequently reported in clinical trials in MS. Complete blood count results (see above under ITP) should be used to monitor for cytopenias, including neutropenia. If a cytopenia is confirmed, appropriate medical intervention should be promptly initiated, including referral to a specialist.
Autoimmune hepatitis and hepatic injury
Cases of autoimmune hepatitis (including fatal cases and cases requiring liver transplantation) and hepatic injury related to infections have been reported in patients treated with LEMTRADA (see section 4.3). Liver function tests should beperformed before initial treatment and at monthly intervals until at least 48 months after the last infusion. Patients should be informed about the risk of autoimmune hepatitis, hepatic injury and related symptoms.
Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH)
During post-marketing use, HLH (including fatal cases) has been reported in patients treated with LEMTRADA. HLH is a life-threatening syndrome of pathologic immune activation characterized by clinical signs and symptoms of extreme systemic inflammation. HLH is characterized by fever, hepatomegaly and cytopenias. It is associated with high mortality rates if not recognized early and treated. Symptoms have been reported to occur within a few months to four years following the initiation of treatment. Patients should be informed about symptoms of HLH and time to onset. Patients who develop early manifestations of pathologic immune activation should be evaluated immediately, and a diagnosis of HLH should be considered.
Infusion-associated Reactions (IARs)
In clinical trials, infusion associated reactions (IARs) were defined as any adverse event occurring during or within 24 hours of LEMTRADA infusion. The majority of these may be due to cytokine release during infusion. Most patients treated with LEMTRADA in clinical trials in MS experienced mild to moderate IARs during and/or up to 24 hours after LEMTRADA 12 mg administration. The incidence of IARs was higher in course 1 than in subsequent courses. Through all available follow-up, including patients who received additional treatment courses, the most common IARs included headache, rash, pyrexia, nausea, urticaria, pruritus, insomnia, chills, flushing, fatigue, dyspnoea, dysgeusia, chest discomfort, generalised rash, tachycardia, bradycardia, dyspepsia, dizziness, and pain. Serious reactions occurred in 3% of patients and included cases of headache, pyrexia, urticaria, tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, nausea, chest discomfort, and hypotension. Clinical manifestations of anaphylaxis may appear similar to clinical manifestations of infusion associated reactions, but would tend to be more severe or potentially life-threatening. Reactions attributed to anaphylaxis have been reported rarely in contrast to infusion associated reactions.

It is recommended that patients be premedicated to ameliorate the effects of infusion reactions (see section 4.2).
Most patients in controlled clinical trials received antihistamines and/or antipyretics before at least one LEMTRADA infusion. IARs may occur in patients despite pretreatment. Observation for infusion reactions is recommended during and for at least 2 hours after LEMTRADA infusion. Extended observation time (hospitalization) should be considered, as appropriate. If severe infusion reactions occur, the intravenous infusion should be discontinued immediately. Resources for the management of anaphylaxis or serious reactions (see below) should be available.
Other serious reactions temporally associated with LEMTRADA infusion
During post-marketing use, rare, serious, sometimes fatal and unpredictable adverse events from various organ systems have been reported. In the majority of cases time to onset was within 1-3 days of the LEMTRADA infusion. Reactions have occurred following any of the doses and also after course number 2. Patients should be informed about the signs and symptoms and on the time to onset of the events. Patients should be advised to seek immediate medical attention if any of these symptoms occur and be informed on the potential for delayed onset.
Haemorrhagic stroke
Several of the patient reported were below 50 years of age and had no history of hypertension, bleeding disorders or concomitant anticoagulants or platelet inhibitors. In some patients there was increased blood pressure from baseline before the haemorrhage.
Myocardial ischaemia and myocardial infarction
Several of the patients reported were below 40 years of age and had no risk factors for ischemic heart disease. It was noted that in some of the patients, blood pressure and /or heart rate was temporarily abnormal during the infusion.
Dissection of the cervicocephalic arteries
Cases of cervicocephalic arterial dissections, including multiple dissections, have been reported both within the first days after the LEMTRADA infusion or later on within the first month after the infusion.
Pulmonary alveolar haemorrhage
Reported cases of temporally associated events were not related to anti-GBM disease (Goodpasteurs syndrome).
The reported thrombocytopenia occurred within the first days after the infusion (unlike ITP). It was often self-limiting and relatively mild, although severity and outcome was unknown in many cases.
Rare cases of pericarditis, pericardial effusion and other pericardial events have been reported, both as part of acute infusion reaction and with later onset.
Infusion instructions to reduce serious reactions temporally associated with LEMTRADA infusion
• Pre-infusion evaluations:
o Obtain a baseline ECG and vital signs, including heart rate and blood pressure measurement.
o Perform laboratory tests (complete blood count with differential, serum transaminases, serum creatinine, test of thyroid function and urinanalysis with microscopy).
• During infusion:
o Perform continuous/frequent (at least every hour) monitoring of heart rate, blood pressure and overall clinical status of the patients
 Discontinue the infusion
• In case of a severe adverse event
• If the patient shows clinical symptoms suggesting development of a serious adverse event associated with the infusion (myocardial ischemia,

hemorrhagic stroke, cervico-cephalic arterial dissection or pulmonary alveolar haemorrhage
o Observation for infusion reactions is recommended for a minimum of 2 hours after LEMTRADA infusion. Patients with clinical symptoms suggesting development of a serious adverse event temporarily associated with the infusion (myocardial ischemia, haemorrhagic stroke, cervico-cephalic arterial dissection or pulmonary alveolar haemorrhage) should be closely monitored until complete resolution of the symptoms. The observation time should be extended (hospitalisation) as appropriate. The patients should be educated on the potential for delayed onset of infusion associated reactions and instructed to report symptoms and seek appropriate medical care.
o Platelet count should be obtained immediately after infusion on Days 3 and 5 of the first infusion course, as well as immediately after infusion on Day 3 of any subsequent course. Clinically significant thrombocytopenia needs to be followed until resolution. Referral to a haematologist for management should be considered.
Infections occurred in 71% of patients treated with LEMTRADA 12 mg as compared to 53% of patients treated with subcutaneous interferon beta-1a [IFNB 1a](44mcg 3-times weekly) in controlled clinical trials in MS up to 2 years in duration and were predominantly mild to moderate in severity. Infections that occurred more often in LEMTRADA –treated patients than IFNB 1a patients included nasopharyngitis, urinary tract infection, upper respiratory tract infection, sinusitis, oral herpes, influenza, and bronchitis. Serious infections occurred in 2.7% of patients treated with LEMTRADA as compared to 1% of patients treated with IFNB-1a in controlled clinical trials in MS. Serious infections in the LEMTRADA group included: appendicitis, gastroenteritis, pneumonia, herpes zoster, and tooth infection. Infections were generally of typical duration and resolved following conventional medical treatment.
The cumulative annualised rate of infections was 0.99 through a median of 6.1 years (maximum 12 years) of follow-up from the first LEMTRADA exposure, as compared to 1.27 in controlled clinical trials.
Serious varicella zoster virus infections, including primary varicella and varicella zoster re-activation, have occurred more often in patients treated with LEMTRADA 12 mg (0.4%) in clinical trials as compared to IFNB-1a (0%). Cervical human papilloma virus (HPV) infection, including cervical dysplasia and anogenital warts, has also been reported in patients treated with LEMTRADA 12 mg (2%). It is recommended that HPV screening be completed annually for female patients.
Cytomegalovirus infections (CMV) including cases of CMV reactivation have been reported in LEMTRADA-treated patients. Most cases occurred within 2 months of alemtuzumab dosing. Before initiation of therapy, evaluation of immune serostatus could be considered according to local guidelines.
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection, including reactivation and severe and sometimes fatal EBV hepatitis cases, has been reported in LEMTRADA-treated patients.
Tuberculosis has been reported for patients treated with LEMTRADA and IFNB-1a in controlled clinical trials. Active and latent tuberculosis, including a few cases of disseminated tuberculosis, have been reported in 0.3% of the patients treated with LEMTRADA, most often in endemic regions. Before initiation of therapy, all patients must be evaluated for both active or inactive (“latent”) tuberculosis infection, according to local guidelines.
Listeriosis/Listeria meningitis has been reported in LEMTRADA treated patients, generally within one month of LEMTRADA infusion. To reduce the risk of infection, patients receiving LEMTRADA should avoid ingestion of uncooked or undercooked meats, soft cheeses and unpasteurized dairy products two weeks prior to, during, and for at least one month after LEMTRADA infusion.

Superficial fungal infections, especially oral and vaginal candidiasis, occurred more commonly in LEMTRADA –treated patients (12%) than in patients treated with IFNB-1a (3%) in controlled clinical trials in MS.
Pneumonitis has been reported in patients who received LEMTRADA infusions. Most cases occurred within the first month after treatment with LEMTRADA. Patients should be advised to report symptoms of pneumonitis, which may include shortness of breath, cough, wheezing, chest pain or tightness and hemoptysis.
Initiation of treatment with LEMTRADA should be delayed in patients with severe active infection until resolution. Patients receiving LEMTRADA should be instructed to report symptoms of infections to a physician.
Prophylaxis with an oral anti-herpes agent should be initiated starting on the first day of LEMTRADA treatment and continuing for a minimum of 1 month following each course of treatment. In clinical trials patients were administered cyclovir 200 mg twice a day or equivalent.
LEMTRADA has not been administered for treatment of MS concomitantly with or following antineoplastic or immunosuppressive therapies. As with other immunomodulating therapies, potential combined effects on the patient’s immune system should be taken into account when considering administration of LEMTRADA. Concomitant use of LEMTRADA with any of these therapies could increase the risk of immunosuppression.
No data are available on the association of LEMTRADA with Hepatitis B virus (HBV) or Hepatitis C virus (HCV) reactivation as patients with evidence of active or chronic infections were excluded from clinical trials. Screening patients at high risk of HBV and/or HCV infection before initiation of LEMTRADA should be considered and caution should be exercised in prescribing LEMTRADA to patients identified as carriers of HBV and/or HCV as these patients may be at risk of irreversible liver damage relative to a potential virus reactivation as a consequence of their pre-existing status.
Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (PML)
Rare cases of PML (including fatal), have been reported in MS patients after treatment with alemtuzumab. Patients treated with alemtuzumab must be monitored for any signs that may be suggestive of PML. Risk factors of special importance include previous immunosuppressive treatment, in particular other MS treatments with known risk of causing PML.
MRI findings may be apparent before clinical signs or symptoms. Prior to initiation and readministration of alemtuzumab treatment, MRI scan should be made and evaluated for signs that are consistent with PML. Further evaluation, including cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) testing for JC Viral DNA and repeat neurological assessments should be performed as appropriate. The physician should be particularly alert to symptoms suggestive of PML that the patient may not notice (e.g. cognitive, neurological or psychiatric symptoms). Patients should also be advised to inform their relatives or caregivers about their treatment, since they may notice symptoms that the patient is not aware of. PML should be considered as a differential diagnosis in any MS patient taking alemtuzumab presenting with neurological symptoms and/or new brain lesions in MRI.
If a diagnosis of PML has been made, treatment with alemtuzumab should not be started or restarted. 

Acute acalculous cholecystitis
LEMTRADA may increase the risk of acute acalculous cholecystitis. In controlled clinical studies, 0.2% of LEMTRADA-treated MS patients developed acute acalculous cholecystitis, compared to 0% of patients treated with INFB-1a. During post-marketing use, additional cases of acute acalculous cholecystitis have been reported in LEMTRADA-treated patients. Time to onset of symptoms ranged from less than 24 hours to 2 months after LEMTRADA infusion. Most patients were treated conservatively with antibiotics and recovered without surgical intervention, whereas others underwent cholecystectomy. Symptoms of acute acalculous cholecystitis include abdominal pain, abdominal tenderness, fever, nausea, and vomiting. Acute acalculous cholecystitis is a condition that may be associated with high morbidity and mortality rates if not diagnosed early and treated. If acute acalculous cholecystitis is suspected, evaluate and treat promptly.
As with other immunomodulatory therapies, caution should be exercised in initiating LEMTRADA therapy in patients with pre-existing and/or an on-going malignancy. It is not currently known if LEMTRADA confers a higher risk for developing thyroid malignancies, since thyroid autoimmunity may itself be a risk factor for thyroid malignancies.
Placental transfer and potential pharmacologic activity of LEMTRADA were observed in mice during gestation and following delivery. Women of childbearing potential should use effective contraceptive measures during treatment and for 4 months following a course of LEMTRADA treatment (see section 4.6).

It is recommended that patients have completed local immunisation requirements at least 6 weeks prior to treatment with LEMTRADA. The ability to generate an immune response to any vaccine following LEMTRADA treatment has not been studied.
The safety of immunisation with live viral vaccines following a course of LEMTRADA treatment has not been formally studied in controlled clinical trials in MS and should not be administered to MS patients who have recently received a course of LEMTRADA.
Varicella zoster virus antibody testing/vaccination
As for any immune modulating medicinal product, before initiating a course of LEMTRADA treatment, patients without a history of chickenpox or without vaccination against varicella zoster virus (VZV) should be tested for antibodies to VZV. VZV vaccination of antibody-negative patients should be considered prior to treatment initiation with LEMTRADA. To allow for the full effect of the VZV vaccination to occur, treatment with LEMTRADA should be postponed for 6 weeks following vaccination.
Recommended laboratory tests for monitoring patients
Clinical examination and laboratory tests should be conducted at periodic intervals until at least 48 months following the last treatment course of LEMTRADA in order to monitor for early signs of autoimmune diseases:
• Complete blood count with differential, serum transaminases and serum creatinine levels (prior to treatment initiation and at monthly intervals thereafter).
• Urinalysis with microscopy (prior to treatment initiation and at monthly intervals thereafter)
• A test of thyroid function, such as thyroid stimulating hormone level (prior to treatment initiation and every 3 months thereafter).
Information from use of alemtuzumab prior to the marketing authorisation of LEMTRADA outside of company-sponsored studies
The following adverse reactions were identified prior to registration of LEMTRADA during use of alemtuzumab for the treatment of B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (B-CLL), as well as for the treatment of other disorders, generally at higher and more frequent doses (e.g. 30 mg) than that recommended in the treatment of MS. Because these reactions are reported voluntarily from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequency or establish a causal relationship to alemtuzumab exposure.
Autoimmune disease
Autoimmune events reported in alemtuzumab-treated patients include neutropenia, haemolytic anaemia (including a fatal case), acquired haemophilia, anti-GBM disease, and thyroid disease. Serious and sometimes fatal autoimmune phenomena including autoimmune haemolytic anaemia, autoimmune thrombocytopenia, aplastic anaemia, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy have been reported in alemtuzumab-treated non-MS patients. A positive Coombs test has been reported in an alemtuzumab-treated oncology patient. A fatal event of transfusion associated graft versus host disease has been reported in an alemtuzumab-treated oncology patient.
Infusion-associated reactions
Serious and sometimes fatal IARs including bronchospasm, hypoxia, syncope, pulmonary infiltrates, acute respiratory distress syndrome , respiratory arrest, myocardial infarction, arrhythmias, acute cardiac insufficiency, and cardiac arrest have been observed in non-MS patients treated with alemtuzumab at higher and more frequent doses than used in MS. Severe anaphylaxis and other hypersensitivity reactions, including anaphylactic shock and angioedema have also been reported.

Infections and infestations
Serious and sometimes fatal viral, bacterial, protozoan, and fungal infections, including those due to reactivation of latent infections, have been reported in non-MS patients treated with alemtuzumab at higher and more frequent doses than used in MS.
Blood and lymphatic system disorders
Severe bleeding reactions have been reported in non-MS patients.
Cardiac disorders
Congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy, and decreased ejection fraction have been reported in alemtuzumab-treated non-MS patients previously treated with potentially cardiotoxic agents.
Epstein-Barr Virus-associated lymphoproliferative disorders
Epstein-Barr Virus-associated lymphoproliferative disorders have been observed outside company-sponsored studies.
LEMTRADA contains sodium and potassium
This medicine contains less than 1 mmol potassium (39 mg) per infusion, i.e. it is essentially ‘potassium- free’.
This medicine contains less than 1 mmol sodium (23 mg) per infusion, i.e. it is essentially ‘sodium- free’.

No formal drug interaction studies have been conducted with LEMTRADA using the recommended dose in patients with MS. In a controlled clinical trial in MS patients recently treated with beta interferon and glatiramer acetate were required to discontinue treatment 28 days before initiating treatment with LEMTRADA.

Women of childbearing potential
Serum concentrations were low or undetectable within approximately 30 days following each treatment course. Therefore, women of childbearing potential have to use effective contraception when receiving a course of treatment with LEMTRADA and up to 4 months after each course of treatment.
There is a limited amount of data from the use of alemtuzumab in pregnant women. LEMTRADA should be administered during pregnancy only if the potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the foetus.
Human IgG is known to cross the placental barrier; alemtuzumab may cross the placental barrier as well and thus potentially pose a risk to the foetus. Animal studies have shown reproductive toxicity (see section 5.3). It is not known whether alemtuzumab can cause foetal harm when administered to pregnant women or whether it can affect reproductive capacity.
Thyroid disease (see section 4.4 Thyroid Disorders) poses special risks in women who are pregnant. Without treatment of hypothyroidism during pregnancy, there is an increased risk for miscarriage and foetal effects such as mental retardation and dwarfism. In mothers with Graves’ disease, maternal thyroid stimulating hormone receptor antibodies can be transferred to a developing foetus and can cause transient neonatal Graves’ disease.

Alemtuzumab was detected in the milk and offspring of lactating female mice.
It is unknown whether alemtuzumab is excreted in human milk. A risk to the suckling newborn/infant cannot be excluded. Therefore, breast-feeding should be discontinued during each course of treatment with LEMTRADA and for 4 months following the last infusion of each treatment course. However, benefits of conferred immunity through breast-milk may outweigh the risks of potential exposure to alemtuzumab for the suckling newborn/infant.
There are no adequate clinical safety data on the effect of LEMTRADA on fertility. In a sub-study in 13 male LEMTRADA-treated patients (treated with either 12 mg or 24 mg), there was no evidence of aspermia, azoospermia, consistently depressed sperm count, motility disorders or an increase in sperm morphological abnormalities.
CD52 is known to be present in human and rodent reproductive tissues. Animal data have shown effects on fertility in humanised mice (see section 5.3), however a potential impact on human fertility during the period of exposure is unknown based on the available data.

LEMTRADA has minor influence on the ability to drive and use machines. Most patients experience IARs which occur during or within 24 hours after treatment with LEMTRADA. Some of the IARs (e.g. dizziness) could temporarily impact the patient's ability to drive or use machines and caution should be exercised until these are resolved.

Summary of the safety profile in clinical studies
A total of 1,486 patients treated with LEMTRADA (12 mg or 24 mg) constituted the safety population in a pooled analysis of MS clinical studies with a median follow-up of 6.1 years (maximum 12 years), resulting in 8,635 patient-years of safety follow-up.
The most important adverse reactions are autoimmunity (ITP, thyroid disorders, nephropathies, cytopenias), IARs, and infections. These are described in section 4.4.
The most common adverse reactions with LEMTRADA (in ≥20% of patients) were rash, headache, pyrexia, and respiratory tract infections.
Tabulated list of adverse reactions
The table below is based on the pooled safety data on all LEMTRADA 12 mg-treated patients during all available follow up in clinical trials. Adverse reactions are listed by Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities (MedDRA) System Organ Class (SOC) and Preferred Term (PT). Frequencies are defined according to the following convention: very common (≥ 1/10); common (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10); uncommon (≥ 1/1,000 to < 1/100); rare (≥ 1/10,000 to < 1/1,000); very rare (< 1/10,000); not known (cannot be estimated from the available data). Within each frequency grouping, adverse reactions have been presented in order of decreasing seriousness.

1 Herpes virus infections include PTs: Oral herpes, Herpes simplex, Genital herpes, Herpes virus infection, Genital herpes simplex, Herpes dermatitis, Ophthalmic herpes simplex, Herpes simplex serology positive. 2 Herpes zoster infections include PTs: Herpes zoster, Herpes zoster cutaneous disseminated, Ophthalmic herpes zoster, Herpes ophthalmic, Herpes zoster infection neurological, Herpes zoster meningitis.
Description of selected adverse reactions
Terms marked with asterisk (*) in Table 1 include adverse reactions reported as Infusion Associated Reactions.
Terms marked with two asterisks (**) in Table 1 include adverse reactions observed in the post marketing setting which have occurred in the majority of cases with time to onset within 1-3 days of LEMTRADA infusion, following any of the doses during the treatment course.
Cases of severe (including fatal) neutropenia have been reported within 2 months of LEMTRADA infusion. Safety profile in long-term follow-up
The type of adverse reactions including seriousness and severity observed in LEMTRADA treatment groups through all available follow-up including patients who received additional treatment courses were similar to those in the active-controlled studies. The incidence of IARs was higher in course 1 than in subsequent courses.
In patients continuing from controlled clinical studies and who did not receive any additional LEMTRADA after the initial 2 treatment courses, the rate (events per person-year) of most adverse reactions was comparable to or reduced in years 3-6 as compared to years 1 and 2. The rate of thyroid adverse reactions was highest in year three and declined thereafter.

To report any side effect(s):
• Saudi Arabia:
- The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC)
• SFDA call center : 19999
• E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa
• Website: https://ade.sfda.gov.sa/
• Sanofi- Pharmacovigilance: KSA_Pharmacovigilance@sanofi.com

In controlled clinical trials two MS patients accidentally received up to 60 mg LEMTRADA (i.e. total dose for initial treatment course) in a single infusion and experienced serious reactions (headache, rash, and either hypotension or sinus tachycardia). Doses of LEMTRADA greater than those tested in clinical studies may increase the intensity and/or duration of infusion-associated adverse reactions or its immune effects.
There is no known antidote for alemtuzumab over dosage. Treatment consists of discontinuation of the medicinal product and supportive therapy.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Immunosuppressants, Selective immunosuppressants, ATC code: L04AA34

Mechanism of action
Alemtuzumab, is a recombinant DNA-derived humanised monoclonal antibody directed against the 21-28 kD cell surface glycoprotein CD52. Alemtuzumab is an IgG1 kappa antibody with human variable framework and constant regions, and complementary-determining regions from a murine (rat) monoclonal antibody. The antibody has an approximate molecular weight of 150 kD.
Alemtuzumab binds to CD52, a cell surface antigen present at high levels on T (CD3+) and B (CD19+) lymphocytes, and at lower levels on natural killer cells, monocytes, and macrophages. There is little or no CD52 detected on neutrophils, plasma cells, or bone marrow stem cells. Alemtuzumab acts through antibody-dependent cellular cytolysis and complement-mediated lysis following cell surface binding to T and B lymphocytes.
The mechanism by which LEMTRADA exerts its therapeutic effects in MS is not fully elucidated. However, research suggests immunomodulatory effects through the depletion and repopulation of lymphocytes, including:
- Alterations in the number, proportions, and properties of some lymphocyte subsets post-treatment
- Increased representation of regulatory T cell subsets
- Increased representation of memory T- and B-lymphocytes
- Transient effects on components of innate immunity (i.e., neutrophils, macrophages, NK cells)
The reduction in the level of circulating B and T cells by LEMTRADA and subsequent repopulation, may reduce the potential for relapse, which ultimately delays disease progression.
Pharmacodynamic effects
LEMTRADA depletes circulating T and B lymphocytes after each treatment course with the lowest observed values occurring 1 month after a course of treatment (the earliest post-treatment time point in phase 3 studies). Lymphocytes repopulate over time with B-cell recovery usually completed within 6 months. CD3+ and CD4+ lymphocyte counts rise more slowly towards normal, but generally do not return to baseline by 12- months post-treatment. Approximately 40% of patients had total lymphocyte counts reaching the lower limit

of normal (LLN) by 6 months after each treatment course, and approximately 80% of patients had total lymphocyte counts reaching the LLN by 12 months after each course.
Neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils, and natural killer cells are only transiently affected by LEMTRADA.
Clinical efficacy and safety
The safety and efficacy of alemtuzumab in MS were evaluated in 3 randomised, rater-blinded, active- comparator clinical trials and 1 uncontrolled, rater-blinded extension study in patients with RRMS.
Study design/demographics for Studies 1, 2, 3 and 4 are shown in Table 2

* Defined as patients having experienced at least 1 relapse during treatment with beta interferon or glatiramer acetate after having been on therapy with medicinal product for at least 6 months.
‡ Study primary endpoint was scored at 3 years. Additional follow-up provided data through a median of
4.8 years (maximum 6.7).
Results for Studies 1 and 2 are shown in Table 3.

Relapse severity
In alignment with the effect on relapse rate, supportive analyses from Study 1 (CAMMS323) showed that LEMTRADA 12 mg/day led to significantly fewer LEMTRADA -treated patients experiencing severe relapses (61% reduction, p=0.0056) and signficantly fewer relapses that led to steroid treatment (58% reduction, p<0.0001) compared to IFNB-1a.
Supportive analyses from Study 2 (CAMMS32400507) showed that LEMTRADA 12 mg/day led to significantly fewer LEMTRADA -treated patients experiencing severe relapses (48% reduction, p=0.0121), and significantly fewer relapses that led to steroid treatment (56% reduction, p<0.0001) or to hospitalization (55% reduction, p=0.0045) compared to IFNB-1a.
Confirmed disability improvement (CDI)
Time to onset of CDI was defined as a decrease of at least one point on the EDSS from a baseline EDSS score ≥ 2 that was sustained for at least 6 months. CDI is a measure for sustained disability improvement. 29% of patients treated with LEMTRADA reached CDI in Study 2, while only 13% of subcutaneous IFNB- 1a treated patiets reached this endpoint. The difference was statistically significant (p=0.0002).
Study 3 (phase 2 study CAMMS223) evaluated the safety and efficacy of LEMTRADA in patients with RRMS over the course of 3 years. Patients had an EDSS from 0-3.0, at least 2 clinical episodes of MS in the prior 2 years, and ≥1 gadolinium-enhancing lesion at study entry. Patients had not received prior therapy for MS. Patients were treated with LEMTRADA 12 mg/day (N=108) or 24 mg/day (N=108) administered once per day for 5 days at month 0 and for 3 days at month 12 or subcutaneous IFNB-1a 44 μg (N=107) administered 3 times per week for 3 years. Forty-six patients received a third course of LEMTRADA treatment at 12 mg/day or 24 mg/day for 3 days at month 24.
At 3 years, LEMTRADA reduced the risk of 6-month CDW by 76% (hazard ratio 0.24 [95% CI: 0.110, 0.545], p<0.0006) and reduced the ARR by 67% (rate ratio 0.33 [95% CI: 0.196, 0.552], p<0.0001) as compared to subcutaneous IFNB-1a. LEMTRADA 12 mg/day led to significantly lower EDSS scores (improved compared to baseline) through 2 years of follow up, compared with IFNB-1a (p<0.0001).
In the subgroup of RRMS patients with 2 or more relapses in the prior year and at least 1 Gd-enhanced T1 lesion at baseline, the annualised relapse rate was 0.26 (95% CI: 0.20, 0.34) in the Lemtrada treated group (n
= 205) and 0.51 (95% CI: 0.40, 0.64) in the IFNB-1a group (n = 102) (p<0.0001). This analysis includes data
from Phase 3 studies only (CAMMS324 and CAMMS323) due to differences in the MRI acquisition

algorithms between the Phase 2 and Phase 3 studies. These results were obtained from a post hoc analysis and should be interpreted cautiously.
Long-term efficacy data
Study 4, was a Phase 3, multicenter, open-label, rater-blinded, efficacy and safety extension study for patients with RRMS who participated in Study 1, 2, or 3 (prior phase 3 and 2 studies) to assess long-term efficacy and safety of LEMTRADA. The study provides efficacy and safety through a median of 6 years from entry into Studies 1 and 2. Patients in the extension study (Study 4) were eligible to receive additional as-needed LEMTRADA treatment course(s) upon documentation of resumed disease activity, defined as the occurrence of ≥1 MS relapse and/or ≥2 new or enlarging brain or spinal lesions on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Additional course(s) of LEMTRADA were administered at 12 mg/day for 3 consecutive days (36 mg total dose) at least 12 months after the prior treatment course.
91.8% of the patients treated with LEMTRADA 12 mg in Studies 1 and 2 entered Study 4. 82.7% of these patients completed the study. Approximately half (51.2%) of patients initially treated with LEMTRADA 12 mg/day in Study 1 or 2 who enrolled in Study 4, received only the initial 2 courses of LEMTRADA and no other disease modifying treatment throughout 6 years of follow-up.
46.6% of the patients initially treated with LEMTRADA 12 mg/day in Study 1 or 2 received additional courses upon documented evidence of MS disease activity (relapse and/or MRI) and the treating physician’s decision to retreat. No characteristics at study entry identified patients who would later receive one or more additional courses.
Through 6 years from initial LEMTRADA treatment, patients continuing in follow-up showed rates of MS relapse, brain lesion formation on MRI, and brain volume loss consistent with LEMTRADA’s treatment effects during Studies 1 and 2 as well as predominantly stable or improved disability scores. Including follow-up in Study 4, patients originally treated with LEMTRADA in Studies 1 and 2, respectively, had ARRs 0.17 and 0.23, CDW was seen in 22.3% and 29.7%, while 32.7% and 42.5% achieved CDI. In each year of Study 4, patients from both studies continued to show a low risk of forming new T2 (27.4% to 33.2%) or gadolinium-enhancing lesions (9.4% to 13.5%), and the median annual percent change in brain parenchymal fraction ranged from 0.19% to -0.09%.
Among patients who received one or two additional LEMTRADA treatment courses, improvements were seen in relapse rate, MRI activity and mean disability scores following a first or second LEMTRADA retreatment (Courses 3 and 4) when compared with outcomes in the preceding year. For these patients, the ARR declined from 0.79 in the year prior to Course 3 to 0.18 one year after, and the mean EDSS score from
2.89 to 2.69. The percentage of patients with new or enlarging T2 lesions declined from 50.8% the year prior to Course 3 to 35.9% one year after, and new gadolinium-enhancing lesions from 32.2% to 11.9%. Similar improvements in ARR, mean EDSS score, and T2 and gadolinium-enhancing lesions were seen after Course 4 when compared with the prior year. These improvements were subsequently maintained, but no firm conclusions can be made with regards to the longer-term efficacy (e.g. 3 and 4 years after additional treatment courses) because many patients completed the study before reaching these time points.
The benefits and risks of 5 or more treatment courses have not been established.
As with all therapeutic proteins, there is potential for immunogenicity. Data reflect the percentage of patients whose test results were considered positive for antibodies to alemtuzumab using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and confirmed by a competitive binding assay. Positive samples were further evaluated for evidence of in vitro inhibition using a flow cytometry assay. Patients in clinical trials in MS had serum samples collected 1, 3, and 12 months after each treatment course for determination of anti- alemtuzumab antibodies.Approximately 85% of patients receiving LEMTRADA tested positive for anti- alemtuzumab antibodies during the study, with ≥90% of these patients testing positive also for antibodies that inhibited alemtuzumab binding in vitro. Patients who developed anti-alemtuzumab antibodies did so by 15 months from initial exposure. Through 2 treatment courses, there was no association of the presence of anti-alemtuzumab or inhibitory anti-alemtuzumab antibodies with a reduction in efficacy, change in pharmacodynamics, or the occurrence of adverse reactions, including infusion associated reactions. High titer anti-alemtuzumab antibodies observed in some patients were associated with incomplete lymphocyte depletion following a third or fourth treatment course, but there was no clear impact of anti-alemtuzumab antibodies on the clinical efficacy or safety profile of LEMTRADA.
The incidence of antibodies is highly dependent on the sensitivity and specificity of the assay. Additionally, the observed incidence of antibody (including inhibitory antibody) positivity in an assay may be influenced by several factors including assay methodology, sample handling, timing of sample collection, concomitant medicines, and underlying disease. For these reasons, comparison of the incidence of antibodies to LEMTRADA with the incidence of antibodies to other products may be misleading.
Paediatric population
The European Medicines Agency has waived the obligation to submit the results of studies with alemtuzumab in children from birth to less than 10 years in treatment of multiple sclerosis (see section 4.2 for information on paediatric use).
The European Medicines Agency has deferred the obligation to submit the results of studies with LEMTRADA in one or more subsets of the paediatric population in RRMS (see section 4.2 for information on paediatric use).

The pharmacokinetics of alemtuzumab were evaluated in a total of 216 patients with RRMS who received intravenous infusions of either 12 mg/day or 24 mg/day on 5 consecutive days, followed by 3 consecutive days 12 months following the initial treatment course. Serum concentrations increased with each consecutive dose within a treatment course, with the highest observed concentrations occurring following the last infusion of a treatment course. Administration of 12 mg/day resulted in a mean Cmax of 3014 ng/ml on day 5 of the initial treatment course, and 2276 ng/ml on day 3 of the second treatment course. The alpha half-life approximated 4-5 days and was comparable between courses leading to low or undetectable serum concentrations within approximately 30 days following each treatment course.
Alemtuzumab is a protein for which the expected metabolic pathway is degradation to small peptides and individual amino acids by widely distributed proteolytic enzymes. Classical biotransformation studies have not been conducted.
Conclusions cannot be made with available data on the effect of race and gender on the pharmacokinetics of alemtuzumab. The pharmacokinetics of alemtuzumab in RRMS has not been studied in patients aged 55 years and older.

Carcinogenesis and mutagenesis
There have been no studies to assess the carcinogenic or mutagenic potential of alemtuzumab.

Fertility and reproduction
Treatment with intravenous alemtuzumab at doses up to 10 mg/kg/day, administered for 5 consecutive days (AUC of 7.1 times the human exposure at the recommended daily dose) had no effect on fertility and reproductive performance in male huCD52 transgenic mice. The number of normal sperm was significantly reduced (<10%) relative to controls and the percent abnormal sperm (detached heads or no heads) were significantly increased (up to 3%). However, these changes did not affect fertility and were therefore considered to be non-adverse.
In female mice dosed with intravenous alemtuzumab up to 10 mg/kg/day (AUC of 4.7 times the human exposure at the recommended daily dose) for 5 consecutive days prior to cohabitation with wild-type male mice, the average number of corpora lutea and implantation sites per mouse were significantly reduced as compared to vehicle treated animals. Reduced gestational weight gain relative to the vehicle controls was observed in pregnant mice dosed with 10 mg/kg/day.
A reproductive toxicity study in pregnant mice exposed to intravenous doses of alemtuzumab up to 10 mg/kg/day (AUC 2.4 times the human exposure at the recommended dose of 12 mg/day) for
5 consecutive days during gestation resulted in significant increases in the number of dams with all conceptuses dead or resorbed, along with a concomitant reduction in the number of dams with viable foetuses. There were no external, soft tissue, or skeletal malformations or variations observed at doses up to 10 mg/kg/day.
Placental transfer and potential pharmacologic activity of alemtuzumab were observed during gestation and following delivery in mice. In studies in mice, alterations in lymphocyte counts were observed in pups exposed to alemtuzumab during gestation at doses of 3 mg/kg/day for 5 consecutive days (AUC 0.6 times the human exposure at the recommended dose of 12 mg/day). Cognitive, physical, and sexual development of pups exposed to alemtuzumab during lactation were not affected at doses up to 10 mg/kg/day alemtuzumab.

Disodium phosphate dihydrate (E339) Disodium edetate
Potassium chloride (E508)
Potassium dihydrogen phosphate (E340) Polysorbate 80 (E433)
Sodium chloride Water for injections

In the absence of compatibility studies, this medicinal product must not be mixed with other medicinal products except those mentioned in section 6.6.

Concentrate 3 years Diluted solution Chemical and physical in-use stability has been demonstrated for 8 hours at 2°C - 8°C. From a microbiological point of view, it is recommended that the product should be used immediately. If not used immediately, in-use storage times and conditions prior to use are the responsibility of the user and should not be longer than 8 hours at 2°C - 8°C, under protection from light.

Store in a refrigerator (2°C - 8°C). Do not freeze.
Keep the vial in the outer carton in order to protect from light.
For storage conditions after dilution of the medicinal product, see section 6.3.

LEMTRADA is supplied in a clear, 2 ml glass vial, with a butyl rubber stopper and aluminium seal with a plastic flip-off cap.
Pack size: carton with 1 vial.

The vial contents should be inspected for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration. Do not use if particulate matter is present or the concentrate is discoloured.
Do not shake the vials prior to use.
For intravenous administration, withdraw 1.2 ml of LEMTRADA from the vial into a syringe using aseptic technique. Inject into 100 ml of sodium chloride 9 mg/ml (0.9%) solution for infusion or glucose (5%) solution for infusion. This medicinal product must not be diluted with other solvents. The bag should be inverted gently to mix the solution.
Care should be taken to ensure the sterility of the prepared solution. It is recommended that the diluted product be administered immediately. Each vial is intended for single use only.
Any unused medicinal product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.

Sanofi Belgium Leonardo Da Vincilaan 19 B-1831 Diegem Belgium

June 2021

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