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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

COUFATEX is an anticoagulant drug. ”Anti” means against, and ”coagulant” refers to blood clotting. An anticoagulant helps reduce clots from forming in the blood.

COUFATEX is a narrow therapeutic index drug, which means that there is a narrow margin between too much and too little of the drug. Too much drug may cause you to bleed more. Too little drug may let a harmful clot form.

COUFATEX (warfarin sodium) is indicated for the prophylaxis and/or treatment of venous thrombosis and its extension, pulmonary embolism, and atrial fibrillation with embolization.

a- Do not take COUFATEX
Do not take COUFATEX during pregnancy.


b- Take special care with COUFATEX

  • Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before using COUFATEX if you:
    • Have bleeding problems
    • Fall often
    • Have liver or kidney problems
    • Have high blood pressure
    • Have a heart problem called congestive heart failure
    • Have diabetes
    • Drink alcohol or have problems with alcohol abuse. Alcohol can affect your APOWARFARIN dose and should be avoided.
    • Are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. 
    • Are breastfeeding. COUFATEX may increase bleeding in your baby. Talk to your doctor about the best way to feed your baby. If you choose to breastfeed while taking COUFATEX, both you and your baby should be carefully monitored for bleeding problems.
  • Do not make drastic changes in your diet, such as eating large amounts of green, leafy vegetables. The amount of vitamin K in your daily diet may affect therapy with COUFATEX.
  • Avoid intake of cranberry juice or any other cranberry products. Notify your healthcare provider if any of these products are part of your normal diet.
  • Do not attempt to change your weight by dieting, without first checking with your health care provider.
  • Avoid alcohol consumption.


c- Pregnancy & breast-feeding 
Spontaneous abortion and still birth are known to occur and a higher risk of fetal mortality is associated with the use of warfarin. Low birth weight and growth retardation have also been reported. Women of childbearing potential who are candidates for anticoagulant therapy should be carefully evaluated and the indications critically reviewed with the patient. If the patient becomes pregnant while taking this drug, she should be apprised of the potential risks to the fetus, and the possibility of termination of the pregnancy should be discussed in the light of those risks. 

Women who are breast-feeding and anticoagulated with warfarin should be very carefully monitored so that recommended International Normalized Ratio (INR) values are not exceeded. It is prudent to perform coagulation tests on infants at risk for bleeding before advising women taking warfarin to breastfeed.


d- Interactions with this medication
Do not start, stop, or change any medicine except on advice of your health care provider. COUFATEX interacts with many different drugs, including aspirin and aspirin-containing ointments and skin creams as well as natural medicines (e.g., bromelains, coenzyme Q10, danshen (Colocasia antiquorum), dong quai (Angelica sinensia), garlic, ginkgo biloba, ginseng and St. John’s wort). Tell your health care provider about any prescription and non-prescription (over-thecounter) drugs that you are taking including occasional use of headache medications.

Take COUFATEX exactly the way your health care provider tells you and take it at the same time every day. You can take COUFATEX either with food or on an empty stomach. Your dosage may change from time to time depending on your response to COUFATEX. 


a- If you take more COUFATEX then you should 
Use of a large loading dose may increase the incidence of haemorrhagic and other complications, does not offer more rapid protection against thrombi formation, and is not recommended. 


b- If you forget to take COUFATEX
If you miss a dose of COUFATEX, notify your health care provider right away. Take the dose as soon as possible on the same day, but do not take a double dose of COUFATEX the next day to make up for a missed dose.

Your health care provider can tell you about possible side effects of COUFATEX, which include bleeding and allergic reactions. To lower the risk of bleeding, your PT/INR should be kept within a range that is right for you.


Please contact your health care provider right away if you experience any of the following signs or symptoms of bleeding problems.

• Headache, dizziness, or weakness
• Bleeding from shaving or other cuts that does not stop
• Nosebleeds
• Bleeding of gums when brushing your teeth
• Coughing up blood
• Vomiting blood or material that looks like coffee grounds
• Unusual bruising (black-and-blue marks on your skin) for unknown reasons
• Pink or dark brown urine
• Red or black color in your stool
• More bleeding than usual when you get your menstrual period or unexpected bleeding from the vagina
• Unusual pain or swelling 


Serious, but rare, side effects of COUFATEX include skin necrosis (death of skin tissue) and “purple toe syndrome”, either of which may require removal of unhealthy tissue and/or amputation of the affected area. Call your healthcare provider right away if you have pain, color, or temperature change to any area of your body or if you have pain in your toes and they look purple or dark in color. You may need medical care right away. Talk with your health care provider for further information on these side effects.


Hypersensitivity/allergic reactions are reported infrequently. Signs or symptoms of these reactions may range from mild reactions (rash, itching, hives) to more severe reactions (trouble breathing, throat tightening or constriction, facial swelling, swollen lips or tongue, sudden low blood pressure).


These are not all of the side effects of COUFATEX. For more information, ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist

 - Do not store above 25°C 
- Protect from light, dispense in a tight, light-resistant container as defined in the USP.

The active substance is Warfarin Sodium.

Each COUFATEX 1 mg tablet contains 1 mg Warfarin Sodium (crystalline).

In addition to warfarin sodium, each tablet contains the non-medicinal ingredients corn starch, magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose and colour dyes which vary in each tablet strength.

1.0 mg: D & C Red # 30 Aluminum Lake 30% and Sunset Yellow Aluminum Lake 40%

COUFATEX 1 mg tablets are round, pink, biconvex, scored tablet engraved “WAR” over “1” on one side and “APO” on the other.

Marketing Authorization Holder
Apotex Inc., Toronto, Ontario, M9L 1T9 Canada.

Apotex Inc. 285 Garyray Drive Weston, Ontario M9L 1P3 Canada.

  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

كوفاتكس عقار مضاد للتجلط، "مضاد" كلمة تعني معاكس، و"تجلط" يشير إلى تخثر الدم، ويقوم العقار المضاد للتجلط بتقليل تكوّن التخثرات بالدم.

كوفاتكس عقار ذو نطاق علاجي ضيق، بمعنى أن هناك فرق صغير بين الجرعة بالغة الإفراط والجرعة بالغة النقص منه، الجرعة بالغة الإفراط تسبب الإفراط في تخثر الدم، والجرعة بالغة النقص قد تسمح بتكوّن تخثر ضار.

يُستخدم كوفاتكس (وارفارين صوديوم) في الوقاية و/أو علاج التجلط الوريدي وامتداده، التجلط الرئوي، والرجفان الأذيني مع تكون جلطات.

أ- لا تستخدم كوفاتكس
لا يُستخدم كوفاتكس أثناء الحمل.


ب- الاحتياطات عند استعمال كوفاتكس

  • تحدث مع طبيبك أو الصيدلي قبل استخدم كوفاتكس إذا كنت تعاني من:
    • مشكلات بالدم
    • سقطات متكررة
    • مشكلات بالكبد أو الكلى
    • ارتفاع ضغط الدم
    • -مشكلة بالقلب تدعى فشل القلب الاحتقاني
    • داء السكريّ
    • إذا كنت تتناول الكحوليات أو لديك مشكلات مع إدمان الكحول، يمكن للكحول أن يؤثر على جرعة كوفاتكس ويجب تفاديه.
    • في حالة الحمل أو التخطيط للحمل
    • في حالة الرضاعة: يمكن أن يزيد كوفاتكس من النزيف في طفلك، تحدثي مع طبيبك بخصوص الطريقة المثلى لتغذية طفلك. إذا اخترتِ الرضاعة الطبيعية أثناء استخدام كوفاتكس، يجب مراقبتك ومراقبة طفلك بدقة اتقاءً لمشكلات النزف.


  • لا تقوم بتغييرات عنيفة في نظامك الغذائي، كتناول كميات كبيرة من الخضروات الليفية، فقد تؤثر كمية فيتامين ك في نظامك الغذائي اليومي على العلاج باستخدام كوفاتكس.
  • تجنب استخدام عصير التوت البرّي أو أي من منتجات التوت البرّي، وإعلمي موفر الرعاية الصحية إذا كان أحد هذه المنتجات يشكل جزءاً من نظامك الغذائي الطبيعي.
  • لا تحاول تغيير وزنك باللجوء إلى حِمية دون مراجعة موفر الرعاية الصحية أولاً.
  • تجنب استهلاك الكحول.


ت- الحمل والرضاعة
من المعروف حدوث حالات إجهاض تلقائي وولادة أجنة ميتة ونسبة مخاطرة أعلى بوفاة الجنين مع استخدام وارفارين. وردت تقارير كذلك بخصوص انخفاض الوزن عند الولادة وتراجع النمو. النساء المحتمل حملهن المرشحات للعلاج مضاد التجلط يجب تقييمهن بدقة، ومناقشة دواعي الاستخدام مع المريضة. ويجب أن تكون على علم بالمخاطر المحتملة على الجنين، كما يجب مناقشة احتمالية إنهاء الحمل في ضوء هذه المخاطر.

يجب مراقبة النساء المرضعات من الخاضعين للعلاج مضاد التجلط باستخدام وارفارين بدقة حتى لا يتم تخطي قيم المعدل الدولي المطبوع الموصى بها، ومن الحكمة عمل اختبارات للتجلط لحديثي الولادة المعرضين للنزف قبل نصح مستخدمات وارفارين بالرضاعة الطبيعية.


ث- التفاعلات مع هذا الدواء
بلغ موفر الرعاية الصحية لك بكل الأدوية التي تستخدمها، بما في ذلك الأدوية المستخدمة دون وصفة طبية والفيتامينات والمستحضرات العشبية. لا تبدأ أو توقف أو تغير استخدام أي عقار قبل نصيحة موفر الرعاية الصحية لك، فكوفاتكس يتفاعل مع العديد من الأدوية المختلفة، بما في ذلك الأسبرين والمراهم المحتوية على الأسبرين وكريمات الجلد، وكذلك الأدوية الطبيعية (مثل: بروميلين، الإنزيم المساعد كيو 10، دانشين (عشبة كولوكيزيا أنتيكورام)، دونج كواي (عشبة أنجليكا سينينسيا)، الثوم، جينكو بيلوبا، جنسنج، ونبتة سانت جون)، بلغ موفر الرعاية الصحية لك بخصوص أي أدوية بوصفة طبية أو بدونها (الأدوية دون وصفة طبية) تستخدمها، بما في ذلك الاستخدام العرَضي لأدوية الصداع. لا تستخدم أدوية أخرى تحتوي على الوارفارين، فالوارفارين هو المكون النشط في عقار كوفاتكس.


استخدم كوفاتكس بالضبط بحسب الطريقة التي أبلغك بها موفر الرعاية الصحية، واستخدمه في نفس الموعد يومياً، يمكنك استخدام كوفاتكس إما مع الطعام أو على معدة فارغة، يمكن أن تتغير جرعتك من وقت إلى آخر بحسب استجابتك ل كوفاتكس.


ا- الجرعة الزائدة
استخدام جرعات كبيرة قد يزيد من معدلات حدوث النزيف وغيرها من المضاعفات الأخرى، ولا يقدم حماية أسرع ضد تكوّن الجلطات، ولا يوصى به.


ب- الجرعة الفائتة
إذا نسيت إحدى جرعات كوفاتكس، بلغي موفر الرعاية الصحية لك فوراً، واستخدمي الجرعة بأسرع ما يمكن في نفس اليوم، ولكن لا تستخدم جرعة مضاعَفة من كوفاتكس في اليوم التالي لتعويض الجرعة المنسيّة.

يمكن لموفر الرعاية الصحية لك أن يخبرك بخصوص الأعراض الجانبية المحتملة مع كوفاتكس، وهي تتضمن النزيف وتفاعلات الحساسية، ولتقليل مخاطرة النزيف يجب الحفاظ على نتيجة اختبارات زمن البروثرومبين/ المعدل الدولي المطبوع ضمن الحدود الصحيحة بالنسبة لك.
برجاء الاتصال بموفر الرعاية الصحية لك فوراً إذا مررت بأي من العلامات أو الأعراض التالية أو مشكلات النزف.

  • الصداع، الدوخة، الضعف
  • النزف من الحلاقة أو أي جرح آخر دون توقف
  • النزيف الأنفي
  • نزيف اللّثة عند غسيل الأسنان بالفرشاة
  • السعال المدمم
  • القيء المدمم أو القيء المحتوى على مادة شبيهة بالقهوة.
  • الكدمات غير المعتادة (علامات سوداء وزرقاء بجلدك) لأسباب غير معروفة.
  • تلون البول باللون الوردي أو البني الداكن.
  • تلون البراز باللون الأحمر أو الأسود.
  • النزيف الأكثر من المعتاد مع الدورة الشهرية، أو النزيف المهبلي غير المتوقع
  • الألم أو التورم غير المعتاد

هناك أعراض جانبية خطيرة وإن كانت نادرة مع كوفاتكس تتضمن: التنخر الجلدي (موت النسيج الجلدي)، و"متلازمة إصبع القدم الوردي"، وكل منهما قد يتطلب إزالة الأنسجة غير السليمة صحياً و/أو بتر المنطقة المصابة، اتصل بموفر الرعاية الصحية فوراً إذا شعرت بألم أو تغيرات باللون أو الحرارة بأي من مناطق جسمك، أو إذا شعرت بالألم بأصابع القدم وكانت تبدو بلون وردي أو أسود، فقد تحتاج للرعاية الطبية فوراً. تحدث مع موفر الرعاية الصحية لمزيد من المعلومات بخصوص هذه الأعراض الجانبية.

وردت تقارير بخصوص تفاعلات فرط الحساسية/الحساسية النادرة. قد تتراوح أعراض وعلامات هذه التفاعلات بين التفاعلات البسيطة (الطفح الجلدي، الهرش، الشريّ) إلى التفاعلات العنيفة (صعوبة التنفس، شد الحلق أو ضيقه، تورم الوجه، تورم الشفتين أو اللسان، الانخفاض المفاجئ لضغط الدم).

هذه ليست جمع الأعراض الجانبية مع كوفاتكس، لمزيد من المعلومات قم بسؤال موفر الرعاية الصحية لك أو الصيدلي.



- لا يُحفظ في درجة حرارة أعلى من 25 درجة مئوية.
- يُحفظ بعيداً عن الضوء في علبة محكمة الغلق ومقاومة للضوء.

المادة النشطة هي وارفارين صوديوم.

يحتوي كل قرص كوفاتكس ۱ ملجم على ۱ ملجم من وارفارين صوديوم (كريستالي).

بالإضافة إلى وارفارين صوديوم، فإن كل قرص يحتوى على مكونات غير دوائية مثل نشا القمح، ماغنسيوم سيتريت، لاكتوز أحادي الهيدرات، الكريستالين الدقيق، السليولوز، والصبغات اللونية التي تتفاوت بتفاوت قوة القرص.


۱ ملجم: صبغة دوائية لونية حمراء رقم 30، صبغة ألومونيوم 30%، صبغة ألومونيوم بلون شروق الشمس الأصفر 40%.

1 ملجم: مدورة، وردية، ثنائية التقعر، قرص مخدوش محفور عليه "WAR" على "1" في أحد الجانبين و "APO" على الجانب الآخر.

مالك رخصة التسويق
شركة أبوتكس، في مدينة تورنتو، مقاطعة أونتاريو، M9L 1T9 كندا.

أبوتكس ليمتد، 285 جاريراي درايف، ويستون،
 أونتاريو M9L 1P3، كندا

 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Trade Name in GCC: Coufatex tablets Trade Name in Country of Origin: Apo-Warfarin tablets Generic Name: Warfarin Sodium Tablets, USP

See section 6.1

Tablets 1 mg Pink, round, biconvex tablet. Scored & engraved WAR over 1 on one side, APO other side. Tablets 2 mg Lavender, round, biconvex tablet. Scored & engraved WAR over 2 on one side, APO other side. Tablets 2.5 mg Green, round, biconvex tablet. Scored & engraved WAR over 2.5 on one side, APO other side. Tablets 3 mg Tan, round, biconvex tablet. Scored & engraved WAR over 3 on one side, APO other side. Tablets 4 mg Blue, round, biconvex tablet. Scored & engraved WAR over 4 on one side, APO other side. Tablets 5 mg Peach, round, biconvex tablet. Scored & engraved WAR over 5 on one side, APO other side. Tablets 10 mg White, round, biconvex tablet. Scored & engraved WAR over 10 on one side, APO other side.

APO-WARFARIN (warfarin sodium) is indicated for the prophylaxis and/or treatment of venous thrombosis and its extension, pulmonary embolism, atrial fibrillation with embolization, and as an adjunct in the prophylaxis of systemic embolism after myocardial infarction, including stroke and reinfarction.

The following are some of the more common clinical disorders which may be associated with or predispose patients to the above indications:

  1. Thrombophlebitis
  2. Congestive heart failure
  3. Surgical procedure or trauma associated with a high risk of thromboembolism
  4. Myocardial infarction
  5. Cerebral embolism

It may also be useful as an adjunct in the treatment of transient cerebral ischemic attacks due to intravascular clotting.

The administration and dosage of APO-WARFARIN (warfarin sodium) must be individualized according to the patient’s responsiveness to the drug.  The dosage should be adjusted according to results of the patient’s PT ratio/INR.  Measurement of warfarin induced effects on PT can vary substantially due to the sensitivity of different thromboplastin reagents.


Early clinical studies of oral anticoagulants, which formed the basis for recommended therapeutic ranges of 1.5 to 2.5 times control PT, used sensitive human brain thromboplastin.  When using the less sensitive rabbit brain thromboplastins commonly employed in PT assays today, adjustments must be made to the targeted PT range that reflect this decrease in sensitivity.

The best available information supports the following recommendations for dosing of APO-WARFARIN.


Venous Thromboembolism (including deep venous thrombosis [DVT] and pulmonary embolism [PE])

For patients with a first episode of DVT or PE secondary to a transient (reversible) risk factor, treatment with warfarin for 3 months is generally recommended. For patients with a first episode of idiopathic DVT or PE, warfarin is generally recommended for at least 6 to 12 months. For patients with two or more episodes of documented DVT or PE, indefinite treatment with warfarin is suggested. For patients with specific risk factors (e.g. documented antiphospholipid antibodies), please refer to current treatment guidelines for recommended duration of treatment.

The dose of warfarin should be adjusted to maintain a target INR of 2.5 (INR range, 2.0 to 3.0) for all treatment durations.


Atrial Fibrillation

Five recent clinical trials evaluated the effects of warfarin in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (AF). Findings of these studies revealed that the effects of warfarin in reducing thromboembolic events including stroke were similar at either moderately high INR (2.0-4.5) or low INR (1.4-3.0). There was a significant reduction in minor bleeds at the low INR. There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in populations with atrial fibrillation and valvular heart disease. Although clinical studies have used a wide range of warfarin dosing, a more recent study suggests that in patients with atrial fibrillation, anticoagulant prophylaxis is effective at INRs of 2.0 to 3.0. The study also shows that the risk of thromboembolic stroke may increase substantially at INR's less than 2.0. INR value should not exceed 4.0, to reduce the risk of anticoagulant-related bleeding.


Similar data from clinical studies in valvular atrial fibrillation patients are not available. The trials in non-valvular atrial fibrillation support the recommendation that an INR of 2.0-3.0 be used for long term warfarin therapy in appropriate AF patients. In cases where the risk of thromboembolism is great, such as in patients with recurrent systemic embolism, a higher INR may be required. An INR ratio of greater than 4.0 appears to provide no additional therapeutic benefit in most patients and is associated with a higher risk of bleeding. In AF patients undergoing elective cardioversion, anticoagulant therapy should be given for three weeks before cardioversion and continued until normal sinus rhythm has been maintained for four weeks.

Oral anticoagulation is recommended in patients with persistent or paroxysmal atrial fibrillation withour valvular disease but at high risk of embolic stroke, i.e., having any of the following features: prior ischemic stroke, transient ischemic attack, or systemic embolism; age >75 years; moderately or severely impaired left ventricular systolic function or congestive heart failure, history of hypertension, or diabetes mellitus. For patients at lower risk, individualized treatment is required. For patients with atrial fibrillation and valvular heart disease, especially mitral valve stenosis, anticoagulation is recommended. For patients with atrial fibrillation and prosthetic heart valves, anticoagulation is required, with the target INR generally increased, with or without aspirin added, depending of risk factors related to the replaced valve or inherent to the patient.


Post-Myocardial Infarction

For most patients following myocardial infarction and not at high risk, antithrombotic treatment should consist of aspirin alone. In patients with acute coronary syndrome that were revascularised by percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), clopidogrel is usually added. For high-risk patients with myocardial infarction (MI), including those with a large anterior MI, significant heart failure, intracardiac thrombus visible on echocardiography, or those with a history of a thromboembolic event, therapy with combined moderate-intensity warfarin (INR 2.0 to 3.0) plus low-dose aspirin (100 mg/day) for 3 months following myocardial infarction should be considered.


Laboratory Control

The Prothrombin Time (PT) should be determined daily after the administration of the initial dose until International Normalized Ratio (INR) results stabilize in the therapeutic range. Intervals between subsequent INR determinations should be based upon the physician's judgment of the patient's reliability and response to warfarin sodium in order to maintain the individual within the therapeutic range. Acceptable intervals for INR determinations are normally within the range of one to four weeks after a stable dosage has been determined.


To ensure adequate control, it is recommended that additional PT tests be done when other warfarin products are interchanged with warfarin sodium tablets, as well as whenever other medications are initiated, discontinued, or taken irregularly (see 4.4). Safety and efficacy of warfarin therapy can be improved by increasing the quality of laboratory control. Reports suggest that in usual care monitoring, patients are in therapeutic range only 33%-64% of the time. Time in therapeutic range is significantly greater (56%-93%) in patients managed by anticoagulation clinics.


In switching to another warfarin product, particular emphasis needs to be placed on INR control. INR outside of the therapeutic range may result in serious clinical consequences: lack of efficacy leading to thromboembolic stroke or myocardial infarction, if INR values are low, and intracranial bleeding if they are high.


Initial Dosage

The dosing of APO-WARFARIN must be individualized according to the patient’s sensitivity to the drug as indicated by the PT/INR. Use of a large loading dose may increase the incidence of hemorrhagic and other complications, does not offer more rapid protection against thrombi formation, and is not recommended. It is recommended that APO-WARFARIN therapy be initiated with a dose of 2 to 5 mg per day with dosage adjustments based on the results of PT/INR determinations. The lower initiation doses should be considered for patients with certain genetic variations in CYP2C9 and VKORC1 enzymes as well as for elderly and/or debilitated patients and patients with potential to exhibit greater than expected PT/INR responses to warfarin sodium.

Elderly and Asian patients may require lower initiation and maintenance doses of warfarin sodium (see 4.4).



Most patients are satisfactorily maintained at a dose of 2 to 10 mg daily.  Flexibility of dosage is provided by breaking scored tablets in half.  The individual dose and interval should be gauged by the patient’s prothrombin response.


Duration of Therapy

The duration of therapy in each patient should be individualized.  In general, anticoagulant therapy should be continued until the danger of thrombosis and embolism has passed.


Missed Dose

The anticoagulant effect of warfarin sodium persists beyond 24 hours.  If the patient forgets to take the prescribed dose of APO-WARFARIN at the scheduled time, the dose should be taken as soon as possible on the same day.  The patient should not take the missed dose by doubling the daily dose to make up for missed doses, but should refer back to his or her physician.


Treatment During Dentistry and Surgery

The management of patients who undergo dental and surgical procedures requires close liaison between attending physicians, surgeons and dentists. PT ratio/INR determination is recommended just prior to any dental or surgical procedure.  In patients undergoing minimal invasive procedures who must be anticoagulated prior to, during, or immediately following these procedures, adjusting the dosage of APO-WARFARIN to maintain the PT ratio/INR at the low end of the therapeutic range, may safely allow for continued anticoagulation.  The operative site should be sufficiently limited and accessible to permit the effective use of local procedures for haemostasis. Under these conditions, dental and surgical procedures may be performed without undue risk of haemorrhage. Some dental or surgical procedures may necessitate the interruption of APO-WARFARIN therapy.  When discontinuing APO-WARFARIN even for a short period of time, the benefits and risks should be strongly considered.



Since the anticoagulant effect of warfarin sodium is delayed, heparin is preferred initially for rapid anticoagulation.  Conversion to APO-WARFARIN may begin concomitantly with heparin therapy or may be delayed 3 to 6 days.  To ensure continuous anticoagulation, it is advisable to continue full dose heparin therapy and that APO-WARFARIN therapy be overlapped with heparin for 4 to 5 days, until APO-WARFARIN has produced the desired therapeutic response as determined by PT ratio/INR.  When APO-WARFARIN has produced the desired PT ratio/INR or prothrombin activity, heparin may be discontinued.


APO-WARFARIN may increase the aPTT test, even in the absence of heparin. During initial therapy with APO-WARFARIN, the interference with heparin anticoagulation is of minimal clinical significance.


As heparin may affect the PT, patients receiving both heparin and APO-WARFARIN should have blood drawn for PT ratio/INR determination, at least:

  • 5 hours after the last IV bolus dose of heparin, or
  • 4 hours after cessation of a continuous IV infusion of heparin, or
  • 24 hours after last subcutaneous heparin injection.

Anticoagulation is contraindicated in any localized or general physical condition or personal circumstances in which the hazard of haemorrhage might be greater than the potential clinical benefits of anticoagulation such as: Pregnancy: APO-WARFARIN (warfarin sodium) is contraindicated in pregnancy because the drug passes through the placental barrier and may cause fatal haemorrhage to the fetus in utero. Women of childbearing potential must take precautions not to become pregnant while on APO- WARFARIN therapy. Furthermore, there have been reports of birth malformations in children born to mothers who have been treated with warfarin during pregnancy. Embryopathy characterized by nasal hypoplasia with or without stippled epiphyses (chondrodysplasia punctata) has been reported in pregnant women exposed to warfarin during the first trimester. Central nervous system abnormalities also have been reported, including dorsal midline dysplasia characterized by agenesis of the corpus callosum, Dandy-Walker malformation, and midline cerebellar atrophy. Ventral midline dysplasia, characterized by optic atrophy, and eye abnormalities have been observed. Mental retardation, blindness, and other central nervous system abnormalities have been reported in association with second and third trimester exposure. Although rare, teratogenic reports following in utero exposure to warfarin include urinary tract anomalies such as single kidney, asplenia, anencephaly, spina bifida, cranial nerve palsy, hydrocephalus, cardiac defects and congenital heart disease, polydactyly, deformities of toes, diaphragmatic hernia, corneal leukoma, cleft palate, cleft lip, schizencephaly, and microcephaly. Spontaneous abortion and still birth are known to occur and a higher risk of fetal mortality is associated with the use of warfarin. Low birth weight and growth retardation have also been reported. Women of childbearing potential who are candidates for anticoagulant therapy should be carefully evaluated and the indications critically reviewed with the patient. If the patient becomes pregnant while taking this drug, she should be apprised of the potential risks to the fetus, and the possibility of termination of the pregnancy should be discussed in the light of those risks. Haemorrhagic tendencies or blood dyscrasias Recent or contemplated surgery of: 1. central nervous system 2. eye 3. traumatic surgery resulting in large open surfaces Bleeding tendencies associated with active ulceration or overt bleeding of: 1. gastrointestinal, genitourinary or respiratory tracts 2. cerebrovascular haemorrhage 3. aneurysms – cerebral, dissecting aorta 4. pericarditis and pericardial effusions 5. bacterial endocarditis Threatened abortion, eclampsia and preeclampsia. Inadequate laboratory facilities. Unsupervised patients with senility, alcoholism, or psychosis or other lack of patient cooperation. Spinal puncture and other diagnostic or therapeutic procedures with potential for uncontrollable bleeding. Miscellaneous: major regional, lumbar block anesthesia, malignant hypertension and known hypersensitivity to warfarin sodium or to any other components of APO-WARFARIN.





Warfarin sodium can cause major or fatal bleeding. Bleeding is more likely to occur during the starting period and with a higher dose (resulting in a higher INR). Risk factors for bleeding include high intensity of anticoagulation (INR >4.0), age ≥65, highly variable INRs, history of gastrointestinal bleeding, hypertension, cerebrovascular disease, serious heart disease, anemia, malignancy, trauma, renal insufficiency, concomitant drugs (see PRECAUTIONS), and long duration of warfarin therapy. Regular monitoring of INR should be performed on all treated patients. Those at high risk of bleeding may benefit from more frequent INR monitoring, careful dose adjustment to desired INR, and a shorter duration of therapy. Patients should be instructed about prevention measures to minimize risk of bleeding and to report immediately to physicians signs and symptoms of bleeding. (See PRECAUTIONS: Information for Patients)



The most serious risks associated with anticoagulant therapy with warfarin sodium are haemorrhage in any tissue or organ (see WARNING BOX) and, less frequently (<0.1%), necrosis and/or gangrene of skin and other tissues.  The risk of haemorrhage is related to the level of intensity and the duration of anticoagulant therapy.  Haemorrhage and necrosis have in some cases been reported to result in death or permanent disability. Necrosis appears to be associated with local thrombosis and usually appears within a few days of the start of anticoagulant therapy.  In severe cases of necrosis, treatment through debridement or amputation of the affected tissue, limb, breast or penis has been reported. Careful diagnosis is required to determine whether necrosis is caused by an underlying disease.  Warfarin therapy should be discontinued when warfarin is suspected to be the cause of developing necrosis and heparin therapy may be considered for anticoagulation.  Although various treatments have been attempted, no treatment for necrosis has been considered uniformly effective. See below for information on predisposing conditions.

These and other risks associated with anticoagulant therapy must be weighed against the risk of thrombosis or embolization in untreated cases.


It cannot be emphasized too strongly that treatment of each patient is a highly individualized matter.  APO-WARFARIN, a narrow therapeutic range (index) drug, may be affected by factors such as other drugs and dietary Vitamin K. Dosage should be controlled by periodic determinations of prothrombin times (PT) ratio/ International Normalized Ratio (INR) or other suitable coagulation tests.  Determinations of whole blood clotting and bleeding times are not effective measures for control of therapy. Heparin prolongs the one-stage PT.  When heparin and warfarin sodium are administered concomitantly, refer below to CONVERSION FROM HEPARIN THERAPY for recommendations.

Caution should be observed when APO-WARFARIN is administered in any situation or in the presence of any predisposing condition where added risk of haemorrhage necrosis and/or gangrene is present.

Anticoagulation therapy with warfarin sodium may enhance the release of atheromatous plaque emboli, thereby increasing the risk of complications from systemic cholesterol microembolization, including the ”purple toe syndrome”. Discontinuation of APO-WARFARIN therapy is recommended when such phenomena are observed.  While the ”purple toe syndrome” is reported to be reversible, other complications of microembolization may not be reversible.

Systemic atheroemboli and cholesterol microemboli can present with a variety of signs and symptoms including purple toe syndrome, livedo reticularis, rash, gangrene, abrupt and intense pain in the leg, foot, or toes, foot ulcers, myalgia, penile gangrene, abdominal pain, flank or back pain, hematuria, renal insufficiency, hypertension, cerebral ischemia, spinal cord infarction, pancreatitis, symptoms simulating polyarteritis, or any other sequelae of vascular compromise due to embolic occlusion.  The most commonly involved visceral organs are the kidneys followed by the pancreas, spleen, and liver. Some cases have progressed to necrosis or death.

Purple toe syndrome is a complication of oral anticoagulation characterized by a dark, purplish or mottled color of the toe, usually occurring between 3-10 weeks, or later, after the initiation of therapy with warfarin or related compounds. Major features of this syndrome include purple color of plantar surfaces and sides of the toes that blanches on moderate pressure and fades with elevation of the legs; pain and tenderness of the toes; waxing and waning of the color over time. While the purple toe syndrome is reported to be reversible, some cases progress to gangrene or necrosis which may require debridement of the affected area, or may lead to amputation.

A severe elevation (>50 seconds) in activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) with a PT ratio/INR in the desired range has been identified as an indication of increased risk of postoperative haemorrhage.  This has been noted in patients undergoing elective hip surgery receiving warfarin alone.

Administration of anticoagulants in the following conditions will be based upon clinical judgement in which the risks of anticoagulant therapy are weighed against the risk of thrombosis or embolization in untreated cases.  The following may be associated with these increased risks:


  • Severe to moderate hepatic or renal insufficiency
  • Infectious diseases or disturbances of intestinal flora, such as sprue or as seen with antibiotic use.
  • Trauma which may result in internal bleeding.
  • Surgery or trauma resulting in large exposed raw surfaces.
  • Indwelling catheters.
  • Severe to moderate hypertension.
  • Hereditary or acquired deficiencies of protein C or its cofactor, protein S, have been associated with tissue necrosis following warfarin administration. Not all patients with these conditions develop necrosis, and tissue necrosis occurs in patients without these deficiencies. Inherited resistance to activated protein C has been described in many patients with venous thromboembolic disorders but has not yet been evaluated as a risk factor for tissue necrosis. The risk associated with these conditions, both for recurrent thrombosis and for adverse reactions, is difficult to evaluate since it does not appear to be the same for everyone. Decisions about testing and therapy must be made on an individual basis. It has been reported that concomitant anticoagulation therapy with heparin for 5 to 7 days during initiation of therapy with warfarin may minimize the incidence of tissue necrosis. Warfarin therapy should be discontinued when warfarin is suspected to be the cause of developing necrosis and heparin therapy may be considered for anticoagulation.
  • Diseases affecting the microvasculature or microcirculation, such as polycythemia vera, vasculitis, and severe diabetes.


Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia

APO-WARFARIN should be used with caution in patients with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia and deep vein thrombosis. Cases of venous limb ischemia, necrosis, and gangrene have occurred in patients when heparin treatment was discontinued and warfarin therapy was started or continued especially when large initiation doses were used. In some patients sequelae have included amputation of the involved area and/or death. The use of alternative anticoagulant therapy should be considered in patients with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia and deep vein thrombosis.


Use in Nursing Mothers

Based on very limited published data, warfarin has not been detected in the breast milk of mothers treated with warfarin. The same limited published data reports that breast-fed infants, whose mothers were treated with warfarin, had prolonged prothrombin times. The decision to breast-feed should be undertaken only after careful consideration of the available alternatives. Women who are breast-feeding and anticoagulated with warfarin should be very carefully monitored so that recommended INR values are not exceeded. It is prudent to perform coagulation tests on infants at risk for bleeding before advising women taking warfarin to breast-feed. Effects in premature infants have not been evaluated.



Minor and severe allergic/hypersensitivity reactions and anaphylactic reactions have been reported.

In patients with acquired or inherited warfarin resistance, decreased therapeutic responses to warfarin sodium have been reported.  Exaggerated therapeutic responses have been reported in other patients.

Patients with congestive heart failure may become more responsive to APO-WARFARIN, thereby requiring more frequent laboratory monitoring, and reduced doses of APO-WARFARIN.

Concomitant use of anticoagulants with streptokinase or urokinase is not recommended and may be hazardous.  (Please note recommendations accompanying these preparations).





Periodic determination of PT ratio/INR or other suitable coagulation test is essential (see 4.2: Laboratory Control).

Numerous factors, alone or in combination, including travel, changes in diet, environment, physical state or medication, or the use of natural medicines, may influence response of the patient to anticoagulants.  It is generally good practice to monitor the patient’s response with additional PT ratio/INR determinations in the period immediately after discharge from the hospital, and whenever other medications, including natural medicines, are initiated, discontinued or taken irregularly.  The following tables provide a listing of factors, alone or in combination, which may affect the PT.  However, other factors may also affect the anticoagulant response and the tables are provided for your reference only.

Drugs may interact with APO-WARFARIN (warfarin sodium) through pharmacodynamic or pharmacokinetic mechanisms.  Pharmacodynamic mechanisms for drug interactions with APO-WARFARIN are synergism (impaired hemostasis, reduced clotting factor synthesis), competitive antagonism (vitamin K), and altered physiologic control loop for vitamin K metabolism (hereditary resistance).  Pharmacokinetic mechanisms for drug interactions with APO-WARFARIN are mainly enzyme induction, enzyme inhibition, and reduced plasma protein binding. It is important to note that some drugs may interact by more than one mechanism.

Because a patient may be exposed to a combination of listed factors, the net effect of APO- WARFARIN on PT ratio/lNR responses may be unpredictable. More frequent PT /INR monitoring is therefore advisable.

Intramuscular injections of concomitant medications should be confined to the upper extremities which permits easy access for manual compression, inspections for bleeding and use of pressure bandages.

The complete in vivo inhibition of the CYP 2C9 isozyme, may be expected to result in lower maintenance dose requirement of warfarin. Individuals with allelic polymorphisms of CYP 2C9 have been identified and have been shown to have lower maintenance dose requirements of warfarin and increased risk of overanticoagulation. Acquired or inherited warfarin resistance should be suspected if large daily doses of APO-WARFARIN are required to maintain a patient's PT ratio/INR within a normal therapeutic range.

Medications of unknown interaction with coumarins are best regarded with caution.  When these medications are started or stopped, more frequent PT ratio/INR monitoring is advisable.

Coumarins may also affect the action of other drugs.  Hypoglycaemic agents (chlorpropamide and tolbutamide) and anticonvulsants (phenytoin and phenobarbital) may accumulate in the body as a result of interference with either their metabolism or excretion.

It has been reported that concomitant administration of warfarin and ticlopidine may be associated with cholestatic hepatitis.

Close monitoring of patients receiving nonsteroidaI anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs) is recommended to be certain that no change in anticoagulation dosage is required.  In addition to specific drug interactions that might affect prothrombin time, NSAIDs can inhibit platelet aggregation, and can cause gastrointestinal bleeding, peptic ulceration and/or perforation.

The following factors, alone or in combination, may be responsible for INCREASED PT ratio or INR, or INCREASED risk of bleeding:



blood dyscrasias cancer

collagen vascular disease

congestive heart failure


elevated temperature

hepatic disorders (infectious hepatitis, jaundice)


poor nutritional state steatorrhea

vitamin K deficiency


Potential drug interactions with APO-WARFARIN are listed below by drug class and by specific drugs.

Classes of Drugs

5-Lipoxygenase Inhibitors

Adrenergic Stimulants, Central Alcohol Abuse Reduction Preparations


Anaesthetics, Inhalation




Aminoglycosides (oral) Cephalosporins, parenteral Macrolides

Penicillins, intravenous, high dose

Quinolones (fluoroquinolones)

Sulfonamides, long acting Tetracyclines




Anti-fungal Medications, Intravaginal, Systemic†

Antimalarial Agents



Antiplatelet Drugs/Effects

Antithyroid Drugs†

Beta-Adrenergic Blockers

Cholelitholytic Agents Diabetes Agents, Oral Diuretics†

Gastric Acidity and Peptic Ulcer Agents†

Gastrointestinal, Ulcerative Colitis Agents

Gastrointestinal, Prokinetic Agents

Gout Treatment Agents

Hemorrheologic Agents

Hepatotoxic Drugs

Hyperglycemic Agents

Hypertensive Emergency Agents


Leukotriene Receptor Antagonists

Lipid Lowering Agents†

Bile Acid-Binding Resins† Fibrates

HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors†

Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors

Narcotics, prolonged

Natural medicines

Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents Cox-2 Inhibitors Nonselective NSAIDS




Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors

Steroids, Adrenocortical†

Steroids, Anabolic (17-Alkyl Testosterone Derivatives)


Thyroid Drugs

Tuberculosis Agents†

Uricosuric Agents




Specific Drugs Reported




Aminosalicylic acid

Amiodarone HCI















Chloral hydrate†










Danshen (Chinese herb)











Ethacrynic acid



















Influenza virus vaccine











Mefenamic acid




Methylsalicylate ointment (topical)


Miconazole (intravaginal, oral, systemic†)

Moricizine hydrochloride†


Nalidixic acid











Penicillin G, intravenous






























Tissue plasminogen activator (t- PA)






Vitamin E

Warfarin overdose


also:  other medications affecting blood elements which may modify hemostasis dietary deficiencies; prolonged hot weather; unreliable PT determinations

† Increased and decreased PT ratio/INR responses have been reported

The following factors, alone or in combination, may be responsible for DECREASED PT ratio or INR, or increased potential risk of thromboembolic events:



hereditary coumarin resistance



nephrotic syndrome


Potential drug interactions with APO-WARFARIN are listed below by drug class and by specific drugs.

Classes of Drugs

Adrenal Cortical Steroid Inhibitors


Antianxiety Agents





Anti-fungal Medications, Systemic†



Antipsychotic Medications

Antithyroid Drugs†



Enteral Nutritional Supplements

Gastric Acidity and Peptic Ulcer Agents†



Lipid Lowering Agents Bile Acid-Binding Resins* HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors†

Natural Medicines

Oral Contraceptives, Estrogen Containing

Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators

Steroids, Adrenocortical†

Tuberculosis Agents†


Specific Drugs Reported









Chloral hydrate†































Vitamin C (High Dose)

Vitamin K

Warfarin Underdosage

also:  diet high in vitamin K; unreliable PT determinations

† Increased and decreased PT ratio/INR responses have been reported.


Natural Medicines (Including Herbals and Botanicals)

Caution should be exercised when natural medicines are taken concomitantly with APO- WARFARIN. Few, adequate, well-controlled studies exist evaluating the potential for metabolic and/or pharmacologic interactions between natural medicines and warfarin sodium. Due to a lack of manufacturing standardization with natural medicines, the amount of active ingredients may vary.  This could further confound the ability to assess potential interactions and effects on anticoagulants. It is good practice to monitor the patient’s response with additional PT/INR determinations when initiating or discontinuing natural medicines.


Specific natural medicines reported to affect warfarin sodium therapy include the following:

  • Bromelains, danshen, dong quai (Angelica sinensis), garlic, and Ginkgo biloba, ginseng, and cranberry products are associated most often with an INCREASE in the effects of warfarin sodium. However, the effects of ginseng can be variable (increased or decreased effect of warfarin sodium and the combination should be avoided or more careful monitoring is warranted.
  • Coenzyme Q10 (ubidecarenome) and St. John’s wort are associated most often with a DECREASE in the effects of warfarin sodium.


Some natural medicines may cause bleeding events when taken alone (e.g., garlic and Ginkgo biloba) and may have anticoagulant, antiplatelet, and/or fibrinolytic properties. These effects would be expected to be additive to the anticoagulant effects of warfarin sodium. Conversely, other natural medicines may have coagulant properties when taken alone or may decrease the effects of warfarin sodium.


Some natural medicines that may affect coagulation are listed below in table 3 for reference; however, this list should not be considered all-inclusive. Many natural medicines have several common names and scientific names.

Table 3

Natural medicines that contain coumarins with potential anticoagulant effects:

Agrimony (c) (Argimonia eupatoria)

Alfalfa (Medicago sativa)

Aniseed (Pimpinella anisum)


Asa Foetida (Asafetida)

Bogbean (a) (Menyanthis folium)

Peumus Boldo

Buchu (Barosmae boldo)

Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum)

Horseradish (Cochleria armoracia)

Licorice (c) (Glycyrrhiza globra)

Meadowsweeta (Spiraea ulmaria)

Nettle (Urtica dioica)

Parsley (Carum petroselinum)

Passion Flower (Passiflora edulis)

Prickley Ash - Northern (Zanthoxylum americanum)

Paprika (Capsicum)

Cassia (c)

Celery (Apium graveolens)

Chamomile - German and Roman (Anthemis nobilis)

Dandelion (c) (Taraxacum officinale)

Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis)

Fenugreek (Trigonella foenumgraecum)

Quassia (Amara)

Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)

Sweet Clover (Melilotus officinalis)

Sweet Woodruff (Galii odorati herba)

Tonka Beans (Dipteryx odorata)

Wild Carrot (Daucus carota)

Wild Lettuce (Lactuca virosa)

Miscellaneous natural medicines with anticoagulant properties:

Bladder Wrack (Fucus vesiculosus)

Pau d'arco (Tabebuia avellanedae)

Natural medicines that contain salicylate and/or have antiplatelet properties:

Agrimony (c) 

Aloe Gel

Aspen (Populus tremuloides)

Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa)

Black Haw (Viburnum prunifolium)

Bogbean (a)

Cassia (c)

Clove (Eugenia caryophyllus)

Dandelion (c)

Feverfew (Chrysanthenum parthenum)

Garlic (d) (Tremuloides)

German Sarsaparilla (Corex arenaria)


Ginko Biloba

Ginseng (Panax) (d)

Licorice (c)

Meadowsweet (a)

Onion (d) (Allium cepa)


Poplar (Populi gemma)

Senega (Polygala)

Tamarind (Tamarindus Indica)

Willow (Salix nigra)

Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens)

Natural medicines with fibrinolytic properties:

Bromelains (Bromelainum)

Capsicum (b)

Garlic (d)

Ginseng (Panax) (d)

Inositol Nicotinate

Onion (d)

Natural medicines with coagulant properties:

Goldenseal (Chrysanthenum)

Mistletoe (Viscum album)

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)

(a) Contains coumarins and salicyclate.

(b) Contains coumarins and has fibrinolytic properties.

(c) Contains coumarins and has antiplatelet properties.

(d) Has antiplatelet and fibrinolytic properties.


Considerations for Increased Bleeding Risk

Warfarin sodium is a narrow therapeutic range (index) drug, and additional caution should be observed when warfarin sodium is administered to certain patients. Reported risk factors for bleeding include high intensity of anticoagulation (INR >4.0), age ≥65, highly variable INRs, history of gastrointestinal bleeding, hypertension, cerebrovascular disease, serious heart disease, anemia, malignancy, trauma, renal insufficiency, concomitant drugs (see PRECAUTIONS) and long duration of warfarin therapy. Identification of risk factors for bleeding and certain genetic variations in CYP2CP and VKORC1 in a patient may increase the need for more frequent INR monitoring and the use of lower warfarin doses (see 5.2: Metabolism and 4.2). Bleeding is more likely to occur during the starting period and with a higher dose of warfarin sodium (resulting in a higher INR).

Intramuscular (I.M.) injections of concomitant medications should be confined to the upper extremities which permits easy access for manual compression, inspections for bleeding and use of pressure bandages.

Caution should be observed when warfarin sodium is administered concomitantly with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including aspirin, to be certain that no change in anticoagulation dosage is required. In addition to specific drug interactions that might affect PT/INR, NSAIDs, including aspirin, can inhibit platelet aggregation, and can cause gastrointestinal bleeding, peptic ulceration and/or perforation.


Use in Elderly and/or Debilitated Patients

Patients 60 years or older appear to exhibit greater than expected PT/INR response to the anticoagulant effects of warfarin (see 5.1, In the Elderly).  Warfarin sodium is contraindicated in any unsupervised patient with senility. Caution should be exercised with administration of warfarin sodium to elderly and/or debilitated patients in any situation or physical condition where added risk of hemorrhage is present. Low initiation and maintenance doses of warfarin sodium are recommended in the elderly (see 4.2).


Use in Children

Safety and effectiveness in children below 18 years of age have not been established in randomized, controlled clinical trials. However, the use of warfarin sodium in pediatric patients has been documented for the prevention and treatment of thromboembolic events. Difficulty achieving and maintaining therapeutic PT ratio/INR ranges in the pediatric patient has been reported. More frequent PT ratio/INR determinations are recommended because of possible changing warfarin requirements.

Apo-Warfarin is contraindicated in pregnant women, see 4.3. For effects on lactation, see 4.4 – Use in Nursing Mothers.

Carcinogenicity and mutagenicity studies have not been performed with warfarin sodium. The reproductive effects of warfarin have not been evaluated.

Apo-Warfarin has not been observed to have an effect on the ability to drive or use machinery.


However, patients should see how this medicine affects them and then judge if they are safe to drive or operate machinery.

  • Potential adverse reactions to APO-WARFARIN (warfarin sodium) may include:
  • Fatal or nonfatal haemorrhage from any tissue or organ.  This is a consequence of the anticoagulant effect.  The signs, symptoms, and severity will vary according to the location and degree or extent of the bleeding.  Haemorrhagic complications may present as paralysis; paresthesia; headache, chest, abdomen, joint, muscle or other pain; dizziness; shortness of breath, difficult breathing or swallowing; unexplained swelling; weakness; hypotension; or unexplained shock.  Therefore, the possibility of haemorrhage should be considered in evaluating the condition of any anticoagulated patient with complaints which do not indicate an obvious diagnosis.  Bleeding during anticoagulant therapy does not always correlate with PT ratio/INR (see 4.9).
  • Bleeding which occurs when the PT ratio/INR is within the therapeutic range warrants diagnostic investigation, since it may unmask a previously unsuspected lesion, e.g. tumour, ulcer, etc.
  • Necrosis of skin and other tissues (see 4.4).


Adverse reactions reported infrequently include:

Body As A Whole: hypersensitivity/allergic reactions, pain, edema, asthenia, fever, headache, fatigue, lethargy, malaise, anemia, pallor

Central and Peripheral Nervous System:  dizziness, cold intolerance, coma, loss of consciousness, syncope  and paresthesia, including feeling cold and chills

Gastrointestinal: nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, including cramping, flatulence/bloating, vomiting

Liver and Biliary: elevated liver enzymes, hepatitis, jaundice, cholestatic hepatic injury

Skin and Appendages:  alopecia, rash, pruritus, urticaria, dermatitis, including bullous eruptions

Vascular, Extracardiac:  angina syndrome, chest pain, systemic cholesterol microembolization, purple toe syndrome, vasculitis

Special Senses: taste perversion

Rare events of tracheal or tracheobronchial calcification have been reported in association with long-term warfarin therapy. The clinical significance of this event is unknown.

Priapism has been associated with anticoagulant administration; however, a causal relationship has not been established.


- To report any side effects:

Saudi Arabia:

The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC)

Fax: +966‐11‐205‐7662

Call NPC at +966‐11‐2038222, Exts: 2317‐2356‐2353‐2354‐2334‐2340.

Toll free phone: 8002490000

E‐mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa

Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc

Other GCC States:

Please contact the relevant competent authority.

For management of a suspected drug overdose, contact your regional Poison Control Centre immediately.

Signs and Symptoms: Suspected or overt abnormal bleeding (e.g., appearance of blood in stools or urine, haematuria, excessive menstrual bleeding, melena, petechiae, excessive bruising or persistent oozing from superficial injuries) are early manifestations of anticoagulation beyond a safe and satisfactory level.

Treatment:  Excessive anticoagulation, with or without bleeding, may be controlled by discontinuing APO-WARFARIN (warfarin sodium) therapy and if necessary, by administration of oral or parenteral vitamin K1 (please see recommendations accompanying vitamin K1 preparations prior to use).

Such use of vitamin K1 reduces responses to subsequent warfarin sodium therapy.  Patients may return to a pretreatment thrombotic status following the rapid reversal of a prolonged PT. Resumption of warfarin administration reverses the effect of vitamin K1, and a therapeutic PT can again be obtained by careful dosage adjustment.  If rapid anticoagulation is indicated, heparin may be preferable for initial therapy.

If minor bleeding progresses to major bleeding, give 5 to 25 mg (rarely up to 50 mg) parenteral vitamin K1.  In emergency situations of severe haemorrhage, clotting factors can be returned to normal by administering 200 to 500 mL of whole blood or fresh frozen plasma, or by giving commercial Factor IX complex.

A risk of hepatitis and other viral diseases is associated with the use of these blood products; Factor IX complex is also associated with an increased risk of thrombosis.  Therefore, these preparations should be used only in exceptional or life-threatening bleeding episodes secondary to warfarin sodium overdosage.

Purified Factor IX preparations should not be used because they cannot increase the levels of prothrombin, Factor VII and Factor X, which are also depressed along with the levels of Factor IX as a result of warfarin sodium treatment.  Packed red blood cells may also be given if significant blood loss has occurred.  Infusions of blood or plasma should be monitored carefully to avoid precipitating pulmonary edema in elderly patients or patients with heart disease.

Warfarin sodium and other coumarin anticoagulants act by inhibiting the synthesis of Vitamin K dependent clotting factors, which include Factors II, VII, IX and X, and the anticoagulant proteins C and S. Half-lives of these clotting factors are as follows: Factor II: 60 hours, VII: 4-6 hours, IX: 24 hours, and X: 48-72 hours. The half-lives of proteins C and S are approximately 8 hours and 30 hours, respectively. The resultant in vivo effect is a sequential depression of Factors VII, IX, X and II.  Vitamin K is an essential cofactor for the post ribosomal synthesis of the vitamin K dependent clotting factors. The vitamin promotes the biosynthesis of g- carboxyglutamic acid residues in the proteins which are essential for biological activity.

Warfarin is thought to interfere with clotting factor synthesis by inhibition of the regeneration of vitamin K1 epoxide. The degree of depression is dependent upon the dosage administered.

Therapeutic doses of warfarin decrease the total amount of the active form of each vitamin K dependent clotting factor made by the liver by approximately 30% to 50%.

An anticoagulation effect generally occurs within 24 hours after drug administration.  However, peak anticoagulant effect may be delayed 72 to 96 hours. The duration of action of a single dose of racemic warfarin is 2 to 5 days.  The effects of warfarin sodium may become more pronounced as effects of daily maintenance doses overlap. Anticoagulants have no direct effect on an established thrombus, nor do they reverse ischemic tissue damage.  However, once a thrombus has occurred, the goal of anticoagulant treatment is to prevent further extension of the formed clot and prevent secondary thromboembolic complications which may result in serious and possibly fatal sequelae.

APO-WARFARIN (warfarin sodium) is a racemic mix of the R- and S- enantiomers. The S- enantiomer exhibits 2-5 times more anticoagulant activity than the R-enantiomer in humans, but generally has a more rapid clearance.  It is important that all warfarin sodium products provide the same ratio of enantiomers as that which is present in APO-WARFARIN.


Absorption:  Warfarin sodium is essentially completely absorbed after oral administration with peak concentration generally attained within the first 4 hours.  Studies using warfarin sodium indicate the rate but not the extent of absorption of the drug is decreased by the presence of food in the GI tract.  Warfarin is also absorbed percutaneously.  Individuals differ in the rate at which they absorb warfarin.


Distribution:  There are no differences in the apparent volumes of distribution after intravenous and oral administration of single doses of warfarin solution.  Warfarin distributes into a relatively small apparent volume of distribution of about 0.14 L/kg. A distribution phase lasting 6 to 12 hours is distinguishable after rapid intravenous or oral administration of an aqueous solution.

Using a one compartment model, and assuming complete bioavailability, estimates of the volumes of distribution of R- and S-warfarin are similar to each other and to that of the racemate. Warfarin is distributed to the liver, lungs, spleen, kidney, and crosses the placenta.

Concentrations in fetal plasma approach the maternal values, but warfarin has not been found in human milk (see WARNINGS – Use in Nursing Mothers).  Approximately 99% of the drug is bound to plasma proteins.


Metabolism:  Individual patients vary greatly in the rate at which they metabolize warfarin. The elimination of warfarin is almost entirely by metabolism.  Warfarin sodium is stereoselectively metabolized by hepatic microsomal enzymes (cytochrome P-450) to inactive hydroxylated metabolites (predominant route) and by reductases to reduced metabolites (warfarin alcohols).

The warfarin alcohols have minimal anticoagulant activity. The metabolites are principally excreted into the urine; and to a lesser extent into the bile.  The metabolites of warfarin that have been identified include dehydrowarfarin, two diastereoisomer alcohols, 4'-, 6-, 7-, 8- and 10- hydroxywarfarin.  Numerous cytochrome p-450 isozymes may be involved in the metabolism of warfarin, including CYP 2C9, 2C19, 2C8, 2C18, 1A2 and 3A4. CYP 2C9 is likely to be the principal isozyme modulating anticoagulant activity in clinical use. This enzyme constitutes the primary pathway for the metabolism of S-warfarin, the more potent enantiomer found in racemic mixtures of warfarin.  Its complete inhibition in vivo may be expected to result in lower maintenance dose requirement of warfarin.  Individuals with allelic polymorphisms of CYP 2C9 have been identified and have been shown to have lower maintenance dose requirements of warfarin and increased risk of overanticoagulation.

The S-enantiomer of warfarin is mainly metabolized to 7-hydroxywarfarin by CYP2C9, a polymorphic enzyme. The variant alleles CYP2C9*2 and CYP2C9*3 result in decreased in vitro CYP2C9 enzymatic 7-hydroxylation of S-warfarin. The frequencies of these allelles in Caucasians are approximately 11% and 7% for CYP2C9*2 and CYP2C9*3, respectively.

Patients with one or more of these variant CYP2C9 alleles have decreased S-warfarin clearance (Table 1).


Table 1. Relationship Between S-Warfarin Clearance and CYP2C9 Genotype in Caucasian Patients




CYP2C9 Genotype




S-Warfarin Clearance/Lean Body Weight (mL/min/kg)

Mean (SD) (a)



0.065 (0.025) (b)

*1/*2 or *1/*3


0.041 (0.021) (b)

*2/*2, *2/*3 or *3/*3


0.020 (0.011) (b)




(a) SD=Standard deviation

(b) p<0.001. Pairwise comparisons indicated significant differences among all 3 genotypes.


Other CYP2C9 alleles associated with reduced enzymatic activity occur at lower frequencies, including *5, *6, and *11 alleles in populations of African ancestry and *5, *9 and *11 alleles in Caucasians.


Pharmacogenomics: A meta-analysis of 9 qualified studies including 2775 patients (99% Caucasian) was performed to examine the clinical outcomes associated with CYP2C9 gene variants in warfarin-treated patients. In this meta-analysis, 3 studies assessed bleeding risks and 8 studies assessed daily dose requirements. The analysis suggested an increased bleeding risk for patients carrying either the CYP2C9*2 or CYP2C9*3 alleles. Patients carrying at least one copy of the CYP2C9*2 allele required a mean daily warfarin dose that was 17% less than the mean daily dose for patients homozygous for the CYP2C9*1 allele. For patients carrying at least one copy of the CYP2C9*3 allele, the mean daily warfarin dose was 37% less than the mean daily dose for patients homozygous for the CYP2C9*1 allele.

In an observational study, the risk of achieving INR >3 during the first 3 weeks of warfarin therapy was determined in 219 Swedish patients retrospectively grouped by CYP2C9 genotype. The relative risk of over anticoagulation as measured by INR >3 during the first 2 weeks of therapy was approximately doubled for those patients classified as *2 or *3 compared to patients who were homozygous for the *1 allele.

Warfarin reduces the regeneration of vitamin K from vitamin K epoxide in the vitamin K cycle, through inhibition of vitamin K epoxide reductase (VKOR), a multiprotein enzyme complex.

Certain single nucleotide polymorphisms in the VKORC1 gene (especially the -1639G>A allele) have been associated with lower dose requirements for warfarin. In 201 Caucasian patients treated with stable warfarin doses, genetic variations in the VKORC1 gene were associated with lower warfarin doses. In this study, about 30% of the variance in warfarin dose could be attributed to variations in the VKORC1 gene alone; about 40% of the variance in warfarin dose could be attributed to variations in VKORC1 and CYP2C9 genes combined. About 55% of the variability in warfarin dose could be explained by the combination of VKORC1 and CYP2C9 genotypes, age, height, body weight, interacting drugs, and indication for warfarin therapy in Caucasian patients. Similar observations have been reported in Asian patients.


Elimination: The terminal half-life of warfarin after a single dose is approximately one week; however, the effective half-life ranges from 20 to 60 hours, with a mean of about 40 hours.  The clearance of R-warfarin is generally half that of S-warfarin, thus as the volumes of distribution are similar, the half-life of R-warfarin is longer than that of S-warfarin.  The half-life of R- warfarin ranges from 37 to 89 hours, while that of S-warfarin ranges from 21 to 43 hours.

Studies with radiolabelled drug have demonstrated that up to 92% of the orally administered dose is recovered in urine.  Very little warfarin is excreted unchanged in urine.  Urinary excretion is in the form of metabolites.


In the Elderly: Patients 60 years or older appear to exhibit greater than expected PT/INR response to the anticoagulation effects of warfarin. The cause of this increased sensitivity in this age group is not known. This increased anticoagulant effect of warfarin may be due to a combination of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic factors. Racemic warfarin clearance may be unchanged or reduced with increasing age. Limited information suggest that there is no difference in the clearance of S-warfarin in the elderly, compared to that seen in young subjects. However, there may be a slight decrease in the clearance of R-warfarin in the elderly, compared to the young. Therefore, as patient age increases, a lower dose of warfarin is usually required to produce a therapeutic level of anticoagulation.


Renal Impairment: Renal clearance is considered to be a minor determinant of anticoagulant response to warfarin.  No dosage adjustment is necessary for patients with renal failure.


Hepatic Impairment:  Hepatic dysfunction can potentiate the response to warfarin through impaired synthesis of clotting factors and decreased metabolism of warfarin.

Carcinogenicity and mutagenicity studies have not been performed with warfarin sodium.  The reproductive effects of warfarin have not been evaluated.

Warfarin is contraindicated in women who are or who may become pregnant because the drug passes through the placental barrier and may cause fatal haemorrhage to the fetus in utero.

Furthermore, there have been reports of birth malformations in children born to mothers who have been treated with warfarin during pregnancy (see 4.3).


Component and Quality Standard (and Grade, if applicable)

Function of Component


Quantity per unit (mg/tablet)

1 mg

Warfarin Sodium USP 92 %




Starch NF (Corn)




Magnesium Stearate NF




D & C Red# 30 Aluminum Lake 30% IH




Sunset Yellow Aluminum Lake 40% IH




Lactose Monohydrate  NF (Spray-Dried)




Microcrystalline Cellulose  NF (PH 102)

Binder/Diluent/ Disintegrant








2 mg

Warfarin Sodium USP 92 %




Starch NF (Corn)




Magnesium Stearate NF




D & C Red# 7 Toner Calcium Lake 50% IH




Ferric-Ferrous Oxide IH




Lactose Monohydrate  NF (Spray-Dried)




Microcrystalline Cellulose  NF (PH 102)


Binder/Diluent/ Disintegrant










 Component and Quality Standard (and Grade, if applicable)

Function of Component


Quantity per unit (mg/tablet)

2.5 mg

Warfarin Sodium USP 92 %




Starch NF (Corn)




Magnesium Stearate NF




D & C Yellow #10 Aluminum Lake 14- 18%




Brilliant Blue FCF AL Lake 12% IH




Lactose Monohydrate  NF (Spray-Dried)




Microcrystalline Cellulose  NF (PH 102)

Binder/Diluent/ Disintegrant






3 mg

Warfarin Sodium USP 92 %




Starch NF (Corn)




Magnesium Stearate NF




Sunset Yellow Aluminum Lake 40% IH




Brilliant Blue FCF AI Lake 12% IH




Lactose Monohydrate  NF (Spray-Dried)




Microcrystalline Cellulose  NF (PH 102)

Binder/Diluent/ Disintegrant






4 mg

Warfarin Sodium USP 92 %




Starch NF (Corn)




Magnesium Stearate NF




Brilliant Blue FCF AI Lake 12% IH




Lactose Monohydrate  NF (Spray-Dried)




Microcrystalline Cellulose  NF (PH 102)

Binder/Diluent/ Disintegrant







 Component and Quality Standard (and Grade, if applicable)

Function of Component


Quantity per unit (mg/tablet)

5 mg

Warfarin Sodium USP 92 %




Starch NF (Corn)




Magnesium Stearate NF




D & C Yellow# 10 Aluminum Lake 14- 18% IH




Sunset Yellow Aluminum Lake 40% IH




Lactose Monohydrate  NF (Spray-Dried)




Microcrystalline Cellulose  NF (PH 102)

Binder/Diluent/ Disintegrant






10 mg

Warfarin Sodium USP 92 %




Starch NF (Corn)




Magnesium Stearate NF




Lactose Monohydrate  NF (Spray-Dried)




Microcrystalline Cellulose  NF (PH 102)

Binder/Diluent/ Disintegrant







*Contains 3% overage to compensate for loss of active during the manufacturing process.

None applicable

24 months

Store below 25°C. Protect from light. Dispense in a tight, light-resistant container as defined in the USP.


Unit Count or Fill Size

Container Size(s)


1 mg







100 cc square, white, opaque plastic bottle.



Blue, plastic CR cap. Silver foil on  foam  liner and "Lift 'N' Peel" tab with half-circle attached onto foam liner.  Tri-sealliner  underneath.

2 mg

2.5 mg





10 mg

None applicable

Apotex Incorporated 150 Signet Drive Toronto, Ontario Canada, M9L 1T9


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