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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Hexaxim (DTaP-IPV-HB-Hib) is a vaccine used to protect against infectious diseases.
Hexaxim helps to protect against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, poliomyelitis and serious diseases caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b. Hexaxim is given to children from six weeks of age.
The vaccine works by causing the body to produce its own protection (antibodies) against the bacteria and viruses that cause these different infections:
• Diphtheria is an infectious disease that usually first affects the throat. In the throat, the infection causes pain and swelling which can lead to suffocation. The bacteria that cause the disease also make a toxin (poison) that can damage the heart, kidneys and nerves.
• Tetanus (often called lock jaw) is usually caused by the tetanus bacteria entering a deep wound. The bacteria make a toxin (poison) that causes spasms of the muscles, leading to inability to breathe and the possibility of suffocation.
• Pertussis (often called whooping cough) is a bacterial infection of the airways that can occur at any age but mostly affects infants and young children. Increasingly severe coughing spells that can last for several weeks are a characteristic of the disease. Coughing spells may be followed by a whooping noise.
• Hepatitis B is caused by the hepatitis B virus. It causes the liver to become swollen (inflamed). In some people, the virus can stay in the body for a long time, and can eventually lead to serious liver problems, including liver cancer.
• Poliomyelitis (often just called polio) is caused by viruses that affect the nerves. It can lead to paralysis or muscle weakness most commonly of the legs. Paralysis of the muscles that control breathing and swallowing can be fatal.

• Haemophilus influenzae type b infections (often just called Hib) are serious bacterial infections and can cause meningitis (inflammation of the outer covering of the brain), which can lead to brain damage, deafness, epilepsy, or partial blindness. Infection can also cause inflammation and swelling of the throat, leading to difficulties in swallowing and breathing, and infection can affect other parts of the body such as the blood, lungs, skin, bones, and joints.
Important information about the protection provided
• Hexaxim will only help to prevent these diseases if they are caused by the bacteria or viruses targeted by the vaccine. Your child could get diseases with similar symptoms if they are caused by other bacteria or viruses.
• The vaccine does not contain any live bacteria or viruses and it cannot cause any of the infectious diseases against which it protects.
• This vaccine does not protect against infections caused by other types of Haemophilus influenzae nor against meningitis due to other micro-organisms.
• Hexaxim will not protect against hepatitis infection caused by other agents such as hepatitis A, hepatitis C and hepatitis E.
• Because symptoms of hepatitis B take a long time to develop, it is possible for unrecognised hepatitis B infection to be present at the time of vaccination. The vaccine may not prevent hepatitis B infection in such cases.
• As with any vaccine, Hexaxim may not protect 100% of children who receive the vaccine

To make sure that Hexaxim is suitable for your child, it is important to talk to your doctor or nurse if any of the points below apply to your child. If there is anything you do not understand, ask your doctor, pharmacist or nurse to explain.
Do not use Hexaxim if your child:
• Do not use Hexaxim if your child:
• has had an allergic reaction
• to the active substances,
• to any of the excipients listed in section 6,
• to any pertussis vaccine (any vaccine that protects against whooping cough),
• after previous administration of the vaccine or to any vaccine containing the same components or constituents.
• has a moderate or high temperature or an acute illness (e.g. fever, sore throat, cough, cold or flu). Vaccination with Hexaxim may need to be delayed until your child is better.
• suffered from encephalopathy (cerebral lesions) within 7 days of a previous dose of a pertussis vaccine (acellular or whole cell pertussis).
• has an uncontrolled condition or severe illness affecting the brain (uncontrolled neurologic disorder) and nervous system or uncontrolled epilepsy.
• Warnings and precautions
Talk to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse before vaccination if your child:
• is allergic to glutaraldehyde, formaldehyde, neomycin, streptomycin or polymyxin B, as these substances are used during the manufacturing process.
• if any of the following events are known to have occurred after receiving any vaccine, the decision to give further doses of pertussis-containing vaccine should be carefully considered:

• Fever of 40°C or above within 48 hours not due to another identifiable cause.
• Collapse or shock-like state with hypotonic-hyporesponsive episode (drop in energy) within 48 hours of vaccination.
• Persistent, inconsolable crying lasting 3 hours or more, occurring within 48 hours of vaccination.
• Convulsions with or without fever, occurring within 3 days of vaccination.
• presented Guillain-Barré syndrome (abnormal sensitivity, paralysis) or brachial neuritis (paralysis, diffuse pain in the arm and shoulder) following receipt of a prior vaccine containing tetanus toxoid (vaccine against tetanus), the decision to give any further vaccine containing tetanus toxoid should be evaluated by your doctor.
• follows a treatment that suppresses her/his immune defenses or if your child presents with immunodeficiency: in these cases the immune response to the vaccine may be decreased. It is then recommended to wait until the end of the treatment or disease before vaccinating. Nevertheless, vaccination of subjects with chronic immunodeficiency such as HIV infection is recommended even if the antibody response may be limited.
• suffers from an acute or chronic illness including chronic renal insufficiency (or failure).
• suffers from any undiagnosed illness of the brain or epilepsy which is not controlled. Your doctor will assess the potential benefit offered by vaccination.
• has any problems with the blood that cause easy bruising or bleeding for a long time after minor cuts. Your doctor will advise you whether your child should have Hexaxim.
Other medicines or vaccines and Hexaxim
Tell your doctor or nurse if your child is taking, has recently taken or might take any other medicines or vaccines.
Hexaxim can be given at the same time as other vaccines such as pneumococcal vaccines, measles-mumps-rubella vaccines, rotavirus vaccines or meningococcal vaccines.
When given at the same time with other vaccines, Hexaxim will be given at different injection sites.
Pregnancy, breast-feeding and fertility
Not applicable.
Driving and using machines
Not relevant.

Hexaxim will be given to your child by a doctor or nurse trained in the use of vaccines and who are equipped to deal with any uncommon severe allergic reaction to the injection (see section 4 Possible side effects).
Hexaxim is given as an injection into a muscle (intramuscular route IM) in the upper part of your child’s leg or upper arm. The vaccine will never be given into a blood vessel or into or under the skin.
The recommended dose is as follows:
First course of vaccination (primary vaccination)
Your child will receive either two injections given at an interval of two months or three injections given at an interval of one to two months (at least four weeks apart). This vaccine should be used according to the

local vaccination programme.
Additional injections (booster)
After the first course of injections, your child will receive a booster dose, in accordance with local recommendations, at least 6 months after the last dose of the first course. Your doctor will tell you when this dose should be given.
If you forget one dose of Hexaxim
If your child misses a scheduled injection, it is important that you discuss with your doctor or nurse who will decide when to give the missed dose.
It is important to follow the instructions from the doctor or nurse that your child completes the course of injections. If not, your child may not be fully protected against the diseases.
If you have any further questions on the use of this vaccine, ask your doctor, pharmacist or nurse.

Like all medicines, this vaccine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.
Serious allergic reactions (anaphylactic reaction)
If any of these symptoms occur after leaving the place where your child received his/her injection, you must consult a doctor IMMEDIATELY:
• difficulty in breathing
• blueness of the tongue or lips
• a rash
• swelling of the face or throat
• sudden and serious malaise with drop in blood pressure causing dizziness and loss of consciousness, accelerated heart rate associated with respiratory disorders.
When these signs or symptoms (signs or symptoms of anaphylactic reaction) occur they usually develop quickly after the injection is given and while the child is still in the clinic or doctor’s surgery.
Serious allergic reactions are a rare possibility (may affect up to 1 in 1,000 people) after receiving this vaccine.
Other side effects
If your child experiences any of the following side effects, please tell your doctor, nurse or pharmacist.
• Very common side effects (may affect more than 1 in 10 people) are:
- loss of appetite (anorexia)
- crying
- sleepiness (somnolence)
- vomiting
- pain, redness or swelling at the injection site
- irritability
- fever (temperature 38°C or higher)
• Common side effects (may affect up to 1 in 10 people) are:
- abnormal crying (prolonged crying)

- diarrhoea
- injection site hardness (induration)
• Uncommon side effects (may affect up to 1 in 100 people) are:
- allergic reaction
- lump (nodule) at the injection site
- high fever (temperature 39.6°C or higher)
• Rare side effects (may affect up to 1 in 1,000 people) are:
- rash
- large reactions at the injection site (larger than 5 cm), including extensive limb swelling from the injection site beyond one or both joints. These reactions start within 24-72 hours after vaccination, may be associated with redness, warmth, tenderness or pain at the injection site, and get better within 3-5 days without the need for treatment.
- fits (convulsions) with or without fever
• Very rare side effects (may affect up to 1 in 10,000 people) are:
- episodes when your child goes into a shock-like state or is pale, floppy and unresponsive for a period of time (hypotonic reactions or hypotonic hyporesponsive episodes HHE).
Potential side effects
Other side effects not listed above have been reported occasionally with other diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, poliomyelitis, hepatitis B or Hib containing vaccines and not directly with Hexaxim:
• Temporary inflammation of nerves causing pain, paralysis and sensitivity disorders (Guillain-Barré syndrome) and severe pain and decreased mobility of arm and shoulder (brachial neuritis) have been reported after administration of a tetanus containing vaccine.
• Inflammation of several nerves causing sensory disorders or weakness of limbs (polyradiculoneuritis), facial paralysis, visual disturbances, sudden dimming or loss of vision (optic neuritis), inflammatory disease of brain and spinal cord (central nervous system demyelination, multiple sclerosis) have been reported after administration of a hepatitis B antigen containing vaccine.
• Swelling or inflammation of the brain (encephalopathy/encephalitis).
• In babies born very prematurely (at or before 28 weeks of gestation) longer gaps than normal between breaths may occur for 2 - 3 days after vaccination.
• Swelling of one or both feet and lower limbs which may occur along with bluish discoloration of the skin (cyanosis), redness, small areas of bleeding under the skin (transient purpura) and severe crying following vaccination with Haemophilus influenzae type b containing vaccines. If this reaction occurs, it is mainly after first injections and within the first few hours following vaccination. All symptoms should disappear completely within 24 hours without need for treatment.

Keep this vaccine out of the sight and reach of children.
Do not use this vaccine after the expiry date which is stated on the carton and the label after EXP. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month.
Store in a refrigerator (2°C - 8°C).
Do not freeze.
Keep the vaccine in the outer carton in order to protect from light.

Do not throw away any medicines via wastewater or household waste. Ask your pharmacist how to throw away medicines you no longer use. These measures will help to protect the environment.

What Hexaxim contains
The active substances are per dose (0.5 ml)1:
Diphtheria Toxoid not less than 20 IU2
Tetanus Toxoid not less than 40 IU2
Bordetella pertussis antigens
Pertussis Toxoid 25 micrograms
Filamentous Haemagglutinin 25 micrograms
Poliovirus (Inactivated) 3
Type 1 (Mahoney) 40 D antigen units4
Type 2 (MEF-1) 8 D antigen units4
Type 3 (Saukett) 32 D antigen units4
Hepatitis B surface antigen5 10 micrograms
Haemophilus influenzae type b polysaccharide 12 micrograms
(Polyribosylribitol Phosphate)
conjugated to Tetanus protein 22-36 micrograms
1 Adsorbed on aluminium hydroxide, hydrated (0.6 mg Al3+)
2 IU International Unit
3 Produced on Vero cells
4 Equivalent antigenic quantity in the vaccine
5 Produced in yeast Hansenula polymorpha cells by recombinant DNA technology
The other ingredients are:
Disodium hydrogen phosphate, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, trometamol, saccharose, essential amino acids including L-phenylalanine, and water for injections.
The vaccine may contain traces of glutaraldehyde, formaldehyde, neomycin, streptomycin and polymyxin B.

Hexaxim is provided as a suspension for injection in pre-filled syringe (0.5 ml). Hexaxim is available in pack containing 1 or 10 pre-filled syringes with 2 separate needles. After shaking, the normal appearance of the vaccine is a whitish cloudy suspension.

Marketing Authorisation Holder:
Sanofi Pasteur SA, 2 avenue Pont Pasteur, 69007 Lyon, France


Sanofi Pasteur SA, 1541 avenue Marcel Mérieux, 69280 Marcy l'Etoile, France
Sanofi Pasteur SA, Parc Industriel d'Incarville, 27100 Val de Reuil, France

Secondary Packaging by:
Arab Company for Pharmaceutical Products (ARABIO),
Plot # 6. Makkah Industrial Zone, Al Umrah Dist. Makkah, Saudi Arabia

  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

هیكساكز􀈄م ( DTaP-IPV-HB-Hib ) هو لقاح 􀇽 سُتخدم للحما 􀇽ة من الأم ا رض المعد 􀇽ة.

􀇽ساعد هیكساكز􀈄م على الحما 􀇽ة من الخُ ناق "الدفتیر􀈄ا" والك ا زز والسعال الد 􀇽كي والتهاب الكب د ب ( B)، وشلل
الأطفال والأم ا رض الخطیرة التي تسببها المستدمیة النزلیة من النوع ب. یتم إعطاء هیكساكز􀈄م للأطفال من
عمر ستة أسابیع .
􀇽عمل اللقاح عن طر􀈄ق تحفیز الجسم لإنتاج الحما 􀇽ة (الأجسام المضادة) ضد البكتیر􀈄ا والفیروسات التي
تسبب هذه الأمراض المختلفة:
• الدفتیر􀈄ا "الخُنّاق" هو مرض مُعدٍ ؤیُثر عادة على الحلق. تظهر العدوى في الحلق على شكل ألم وتورم
الذي 􀇽مكن أن یؤدي إلى الاختناق. 􀘗ما تُنتج البكتیر􀈄ا المُ س ببة للمرض الذ 􀇽فان (التو 􀘗سین أو السمّ ) أ 􀇽ضا
الذي 􀇽مكن أن یُؤدي إلى تلف القلب والكلى والأعصاب.
• ینجم عادة التیتا نوس (ال ذي یطلق عل 􀇽ه غال 􀇼 اً الكُ ا زز) عن 􀇼کتیر 􀇽ا ال تیتانوس التي تدخل الجسم عن طر􀈄 ق
الجروح العمیقة. تُنتج البكتیر􀈄ا التو 􀘗سین (السمّ ) الذي 􀇽ُس بب التشنجات في العضلات، مما یؤدي إلى عدم
القدرة على التنفس و􀈂مكانیة الاختناق .
• الشاهوق ( 􀇽طلق علیه غالباً السعال الد 􀇽كي) هو عدوى 􀇼كتیر􀈄ة تُصیب مجرى التنفس، 􀇽مكن أن تحدث
في أي عمر ولكنها تُؤثر في الغالب على ال رضع والأطفال الصغار. تُع د نو 􀈃ات السعال الحادة التي 􀇽مكن
أن تستمر لعدة أسابیع سمة ممیزة للمرض. 􀇽مكن أن یتبع نو 􀈃ات السعال صوت 􀇽ُشبه صیاح الد 􀇽ك .
• 􀇽حدث التهاب الكبد ب 􀇼سبب فیروس التهاب الكبد ب ، الذي یتسبب في تورم الكبد (التها ب ). قد یبقى
الفیروس في الجسم لدى 􀇼عض الأف ا رد لفت ا رت طو 􀈄لة، و 􀈄مكن أن یؤدي في النها 􀇽ة إلى مشاكل خطیرة في
الكبد، 􀇼ما في ذلك سرطان الكبد.

• شلل الأطفال (یطلق عل 􀇽ه في الغالب شلل الأطفال) تسببه الفیرو سات التي ت ؤثر على الأعصاب . 􀇽مكن
أن یؤدي إلى شلل أو ضعف العضلا ت، غالباً في الساقین. 􀇽مكن أن یؤدي شلل العضلات التي تتحكم في
التنفس والبلع إلى المو ت.
• عدوى المستدمیة النزلیة من النوع (ب) (غالباً ما تسمى Hib ) هي عدوى 􀇼كتیر􀈄ة خطیرة 􀇽مكن أن تسب ب
التهاب السحا 􀇽ا (التهاب الغلاف الخارجي للمخ)، والذي 􀇽مكن أن یؤدي إلى تلف في المخ أو الصمم أو
الصرع أو العمى الجزئي. 􀇽مكن أن تسبب العدوى أ 􀇽ضًا التهاً􀇼ا وتورمًا في الحلق، مما یؤدي إلى صعو 􀈃ات
في البلع والتنفس، و 􀈄مكن أن تؤثر العدوى على أج ا زء أخرى من الجسم مثل الدم والرئتین والجلد والعظام
معلومات مهمة حول الحما 􀇻ة التي یُوفّرها اللّقاح
• سوف یساعد هیكساكز􀈄م في الوقا 􀇽ة من هذه الأم ا رض إذا 􀘗انت ناجمة عن البكتیر􀈄ا أو الفیروسات التي
􀇽ستهدفها اللقاح. 􀇽مكن أن 􀇽صاب طفلك 􀇼أم ا رض لها أع ا رض مشابهة إذا 􀘗انت ناجمة عن 􀇼كتیر􀈄ا أو
فیروسات أخرى .
• لا 􀇽حتوي اللقاح على أيّ 􀇼كتیر􀈄ا أو فیروسات حیة ولا 􀇽مكن أن 􀇽سُ بب أً􀇽ا من الأم ا رض المعد 􀇽ة التي
یهدف إلى توفیر الحما 􀇽ة منها.
• لا 􀇽حمي هذا اللقاح من العدوى التي تسببها أنواع أخرى من المستدمیة النزلیة أو ضد التهاب السحا 􀇽ا
الذي 􀇽حدث 􀇼سبب الكائنات الدقیقة الأخرى .
• لن 􀇽حمي هیكساكز􀈄م من عدوى التهاب الكبد الناجم عن عوامل أخرى مثل التهاب الكبد A والتهاب الكبد
C والتهاب الكبد E .

• 􀇼ما أن أعرا ض الالتها ب الکبدي تستغرق وقًتا طو 􀇽 لاً 􀘗ي تظهر، فمن الممکن أن تکون عدوى
الالتها ب الکبدي ب ( B) موجودة في وقت التطعیم، و 􀈃التالي ق د لا 􀇽منع اللقاح من الإصا 􀇼ة 􀇼التهاب الكب د
ب ( B) في مثل هذه الحالات.
• 􀘗ما هو الحال مع أي لقا ح آخر، قد لا یوفر هذا اللقاح حما 􀇽ة ١٠٠ ٪ للأطفال الذین یتلقّونه.

من المهم التحدث إلى طبیبك أو الممرض إذا 􀘗انت أي من النقاط الواردة أدناه تنطبق على طفلك وذلك
للتأكد من أن هیكساكز􀈄م مناسب لطفلك. إذا 􀘗ان هناك أي شيء لا تفهمه، اطلب من طبیبك أو الصیدلي أو
الممرضة شرحه.
موانع الاستخدام
لا تُعط طفلك هیكساكز 􀈂م إذا

• 􀘗ان لد 􀇽ه ر د فعل تحسس ي نحو المواد الفعالة أو نحو أي من المواد الغیر فعالة المُدرجة في الفقرة رقم ٦
• 􀘗ان لد 􀇽ه رد فعل تحسس ي نحو أي لقاح 􀇽حتوي على السعال الد 􀇽كي تلقاه في السابق (أيّ لقاح 􀇽حمي من
السعال الد 􀇽كي)،
• إذا تعرّض لرد فعل تحسّسي نحو هذا اللقاح في السابق أو نحو أي لقاح آخر 􀇽حتوي على نفس
المكونا ت.
• 􀘗ان لد 􀇽ه درجة ح ا ررة معتدلة أو عالیة أو مرض حاد (على سبیل المثال الحمى والتهاب الحلق والسعال
والبرد أو الانفلون ا ز). قد یلزم تأجیل التطعیم بهیكساكزم􀈄 حتى 􀇽صبح طفلك أفضل .

• عانى من اعتلال دماغي (آفات دماغیة) في غضون ٧ أ 􀇽ام من جرعة سا 􀇼قة من لقاح السعال الد 􀇽كي
(الخلوي أو اللاخلوي ).
• لد 􀇽ه حالة غیر منضبطة أو مرض شدید یؤثر على الدماغ (اضط ا رب عصبي غیر مُ نضبط) والجهاز
العصبي أو الصرع غیر المنضبط .
التحذی ا رت والاحتیاطات
تحدث إلى طبیبك أو الممرض قبل إعطاء طفلك هذا اللقاح إذا:
• 􀘗ان لد 􀇽ه حساسیة نحو غلوتا ا رلدهید، الفورمالدیهاید، نیوما 􀇽سین، الستر􀈃تومیسین أو بولیمیكسین ب، حیث
یتم استخدام هذه المواد أثناء عملیة تصنیع هذا اللقاح.
• إذا تعرّض طفلك لأيّ من الأحداث التالیة 􀇼عد تلقي أيّ لقاح، فیجب أخذ الحیطة في ق ا رر إعطائه أي
جرعات إضافیة من أيّ لقاح 􀇽حتوي على السعال الد 􀇽كي:
- حمّ ى تصل إلى ٤٠ درجة مئو 􀈄ة أو أعلى في غضون ٤٨ ساعة من تل قي ال لقاح ولیس لها سبب آخر
- الانهیار الصحي أو حالة شبیهة 􀇼الصدمة مع نو 􀈃ات ارتخاء وانخفاض رد الفعل (تدنّي الطاقة) خلال
٤٨ ساعة من التطعیم .
- البكاء المُستمر بدون انقطاع لمدة ٣ ساعات أو أكثر، خلال ٤٨ ساعة من التطعیم.
- التشنجات مع أو بدون حمى، التي تحدث في غضون ٣ أ 􀇽ام من التطعیم .
- حدوث متلازمة غیلا ن- 􀇼ار􀈄ه (حساسیة غیر طبیعیة، شلل) أو التهاب عصب عضدي (شلل، ألم
منتشر في الذ ا رع والكتف) 􀇼عد تلقي لقاح سابق 􀇽حتوي على ذوفان الك ا زز (لقاح ضد الك ا زز)، فذلك
یتطلّ ب م ا رجعة ق ا رر إعطاء المز􀈄د من اللقاحات التي تحتوي على الك ا زز من قبل الطبیب .

• ذإ ا 􀘗ان طفلك 􀇽خضع لعلاج ث ی بط الدفاعات المناعیة لد 􀇽ه أو إذا 􀘗ان 􀇽عاني من نقص المناعة: في
هذه الحالات قد تنخفض الاستجا 􀇼ة المناعیة للقاح. یوصى حینها الانتظار حتى نها 􀇽ة العلاج أو الشفاء
من المرض قبل التطعیم. ومع ذلك، فمن المستحسن تطعیم الأشخاص الذین 􀇽عانون من نقص المناعة
المزمن مثل العدوى 􀇼فیروس نقص المناعة البشر􀈄ة حتى لو 􀘗انت استجا 􀇼ة الجسم لانتاج الأجسام المضدا ة
• إذا 􀘗ان 􀇽عاني من مرض حاد أو مزمن 􀇼ما في ذلك القصور الكلوي المزمن (أو الفشل).
• إذا 􀘗ان 􀇽عاني من أي مرض غیر مشخّص في الدماغ أو الصرع الغیر مُنضبط. سیقوم طبیبك بتقیی م
المنافع المحتملة التي یوفرها التطعیم .
• إذا 􀘗ان لد 􀇽ه أي مشاكل في الدم تُسبب حدوث الكدمات أو النز􀈄ف 􀇼سهولة لفترة طو 􀈄لة حتى مع الجروح
الطفیفة. سوف ینصحك طبیبك إذا 􀘗ان 􀇽جب أن یتلقّى طفلك هیكساز􀈄م.
لقاحات أخرى وهیكساكز 􀈂م
أخبر طبیبك أو الممرض إذا 􀘗ان طفلك یتناول، تناول مؤخ اً ر أو قد یتناول أيّ أدو 􀈄ة أو لقاحات أخرى .
􀇽مكن إعطاء هیكساكز􀈄م في نفس الوقت مع لقاحات أخرى مثل لقاحات المكو ا رت الرئو 􀈄ة، لقاحات الحصبة
والنكاف والحصبة الألمانیة، لقاحات فیروس الروتا أو لقاحات المكو ا رت السحائیة .
سیتم إعطاء هیكساكز􀈄م في مواضع حقن مختلفة عدن إعطائه في نفس الوقت مع اللقاحات الأخرى .
الحمل والرضاعة الطبیعیة والخصو 􀈁ة
لا ینطبق.

القیادة واستخدام الآلات
غیر ذات صلة.


سیتم إعطاء هیكساكز􀈄م لطفلك من قبل الطبیب أو الممرض المُ د ر􀈃بین على استخدام اللقاحات والمجهز􀈄ن
للتعامل مع أي رد فعل تحسسي حاد غیر مألوف نحو الحقن (انظر الف قرة رقم ٤ "الأع ا رض الجانبیة
المُ حتملة").
یتم إعطاء هیكساكز􀈄م 􀘗حنقة في العضل (حقنة عضلیّة) في الجزء العلوي من الساق أو الذ ا رع العلوي لطفلك.
لن یتم إعطاء اللقاح أبداً في وعاء دموي أو داخل أو تحت الجلد.
الجرعة الموصى بها هي 􀘗ما یلي :
الدورة الأولى للتطعیم (التطعیم الأولي )
سوف یتلقى طفلك إما حقنتین یتم إعطاؤهما على مدى شهر􀈄ن، أو ثلاث حُ قن یتم إعطاؤها في فترة تت ا روح
من شهر إلى شهر􀈄ن ( 􀇽فصل بین حقنة وأخرى مدة أر􀈃عة أسابیع على الأقل). 􀇽جب استخدام هذا اللقاح وفقًا
لبرنامج التطعیم المحلي .
حُ قن إضافیة (مُ عز ة) ز
􀇼عد الدورة الأولى من الحقن، سیتلقى طفلك جرعة معززة، وفقًا للتوصیات المحلیة، 􀇼عد ٦ أشهر على الأقل
من آخر جرعة من الدورة الأولى. سیخبرك طبیبك متى 􀇽جب إعطاء هذه الجرعة .

إذا نسیت إعطاء طفلك جرعة واحدة من هیكساكز 􀈂م
إذا نسیت إعطاء طفلك جرعة مُجدولة من اللقاح، فمن المهم أن تناقش ذلك مع طبیبك أو الممرض الذي
سیقرر موعد إعطاء الجرعة الفائتة.
من المهم اتباع التعلیمات من الطبیب أو الممرض التي تتعلّق 􀇼إكمال دورة التطعیم لطفلك. إذا لم یتحقق ذلك
􀇼شكل تام، قد لا 􀇽كون طفلك محمیًا تمامًا من الأم ا رض .
إذا 􀘗ان لد 􀇽ك أي أسئلة أخرى حول استخدام هذا اللقاح، اسأل طبیبك أو الصیدلي أو الممرض.

كما هو الحال مع سائر الأدو 􀈄ة، 􀇽مكن أن 􀇽سبب هیكس اكز􀈄م أع ا رضًا جانبیّة و􀈂ن 􀘗انت لا تحدث لى جمیع
من یتلقّاه .
تفاعلات حساسیة خطیرة (تفاعل تأقي )
في حالة حدوث أي من هذه الأع ا رض 􀇼عد مغادرة المكان الذي تلقى فیه طفلك الحقن، 􀇽جب استشارة الطبیب
فو ا رً:
• صعو 􀈃ة في التنف س
• زرقة اللسان أو الشفا ه
• طفح جلدي
• تورم في الوجه أو الحل ق
• التوعك المفاجئ والخطیر مع انخفاض في ضغط الدم مما 􀇽سبب الدوخة وفقدان الوعي، وتسارع ضر􀈃ات
القلب المرتبط 􀇼الاضط ا ر 􀇼ات التنفسیة.

عندما تحدث هذه العلامات أو الأع ا رض (علامات أو أع ا رض رد فعل تأقي) فإنها تحدث 􀇼العادة 􀇼سرعة 􀇼عد
إعطاء الحقن، بینما لا ی ا زل الطفل في عیادة التطعیم.
ردود الفعل التحسسیة الخطیرة هي احتمالیة نادرة (قد تصیب ١ من 􀘗ل ١٠٠٠ شخص) 􀇼عد تلقي هذا
الأع ا رض الجانبیّة الأخرى
إذا تعرّض طفلك لأي من الأع ا ر ض الجانبیة التالیة، یرجى إخبار الطبیب أو الممرض أو الصیدلي.
• الأع ا ر ض الجانبیة الشائعة جداً (قد تؤثر على أكثر من ١ من 􀘗ل ١٠ أشخاص) هي :
- فقدان الشهیة (فقدان الشهیة )
- البكا ء
- النعاس
- التقیؤ
- ألم أو احم ا رر أو تورم في مو ضع الحق ن
- الهیجا ن
- الحمى (درجة الح ا ررة ٣٨ درجة مئو 􀈄ة أو أعلى )
• الأع ا ر ض الجانبیة الشائعة (قد تؤثر على ١ من 􀘗ل ١٠ أشخاص) هي :
- البكاء غیر الطبیعي (البكاء لفترة طو 􀈄لة )
- إسها ل
- تیبّس مو ض ع الحقن (الجساوة)
• الأع ا ر ض الجانبیة غیر الشائعة (قد تؤثر على ١ من 􀘗ل ١٠٠ شخص) هي:
- رد فعل تحسس ي

- 􀘗تلة (العقدة) في م وضع الحقن
- ارتفاع درجة الح ا ررة (درجة الح ا ررة ٣٩.٦ درجة مئو 􀈄ة أو أعلى )
• الأع ا ر ض الجانبیة النادرة (قد تؤثر على ١ من 􀘗ل ١٠٠٠ شخص) هي:
- طفح
- ردود أفعال 􀘗بیرة في م وضع الحقن (تمتد لقطر أكثر من ٥ سم)، 􀇼ما في ذلك تورم الأط ا رف الموسّ ع الذي
􀇽متد من م وض ع الحقن إلى أحد المفاصل أو 􀘗لاهما. تبدأ هذه التفاعلات في غضون ٢٤ - ٧٢ ساعة 􀇼عد
التطعیم، وقد تت ا رفق مع الاحم ا رر، والدفء، والإیلام أو الألم في م وضع الحقن، وتتحسن عادة في غضون
٣- ٥ أ 􀇽ام دون الحاجة إلى العلاج.
- النو 􀈃ات (التشنجات) مع أو بدون حم ى
• الأع ا ر ض الجانبیة النادرة جدا (قد تؤثر على ١ من بین 􀘗ل ١٠٠٠٠ شخص) هي:
- الحالا ت عندما یدخل طفلك في حالة تشبه الصدمة أو 􀇽كون شاحبًا ومُ تثاقل مع عدم القدرة على الاستجا 􀇼ة
لفترة من الزمن (ارتخاء أو نو 􀈃ات ارتخاء وانخفاض رد الفعل" HHE .("
الأع ا رض الجانبیة المحتمل ة
تم الإبلاغ عن أعراض جانبیة أخرى غیر تلك المذ 􀘗ورة أعلاه في 􀇼عض الأحیان مع 􀇼عض اللقاحات الأخرى
التي تحتوي على الخُ ناق، الك ا زز، السعال الد 􀇽كي، شلل الأطفال، التهاب الكب د ب أو اللقاحات المحتو 􀈄ة على
HIB ولیس مباشرة مع هیكساكز􀈄م :
• تم الإبلاغ عن حدوث التهاب مؤقت للأعصاب 􀇽سبب الألم والشلل واضط ا ر 􀇼ات الحساسیة (متلازمة غیا ن-
􀇼ار􀈄ه) والألم الحاد وتدني الحر 􀘗ة في الذ ا رع والكتف (التهاب العصب العضدي) 􀇼عد إعطاء اللقاح الذي
􀇽حتوي على الك ا زز .

• تم الإبلاغ عن حدوث التهاب عدة أعصاب مما یؤدي إلى اضط ا ر 􀇼ات حس یة أو ضعف في الأط ا رف
(التهاب الجذور والأعصا ب)، شلل في الوجه، اضط ا ر 􀇼ات 􀇼صر􀈄ة، تعتیم مفاجئ أو فقدان الرؤ 􀈄ة (التهاب
العصب البصري)، مرض التهابي في الدماغ والحبل الشو 􀘗ي (زوال المَ یالین في الجهاز العصبي المر 􀘗زي،
التصلب المتعد د، 􀇼عد إعطاء اللقاح الذي 􀇽حتوي على مستضد التهاب الكبد ب .
• تورم أو التهاب في الدماغ ( اعتلال الدماغ/التهاب الدماغ).
• قد تطول الفت ا رت بین النفَس والآخر لدى الأطفال الذین یولدون قبل الأوان "الخُدّج" (في الأسبوع ٢٨ من
الحمل أو قبله)، أطول من المعتا د لمدة یومین إلى ٣ أ 􀇽ام 􀇼عد التطعیم .
• تورم أحد أو 􀘗لا القدمین والأط ا رف السفلیة التي قد 􀇽حدث إلى جانب تغیر لون البشرة إلى الأزرق
(الازرقاق)، احم ا رر، نزف في مناطق صغیرة تحت الجلد (فرفر􀈄ة عابرة) والبكاء الشدید 􀇼عد التطعیم
􀇼اللقاحات المحتو 􀈄ة على المستدمیة النزلیة من النوع ب. إذا حدث هذا التفاعل، فإنه 􀇽حدث 􀇼شكل
رئیسي 􀇼عد الحقن الأول وخلال الساعات القلیلة الأولى 􀇼عد التطعیم. تختفي جمیع الأع ا رض تمامًا خلال
٢٤ ساعة دون الحاجة إلى العلاج.

􀇽حُفظ هذا اللقاح 􀇼عیدًا عن م أ رى متناول الأطفال .
لا تستخ دم هذا اللقاح 􀇼ع د ات ر 􀈄خ انتهاء الصلاح 􀇽ة المُ درج على العلبة و مُلصق المحقنة مسبقة التعبیة 􀇼ع د
EXP . 􀇽شیر تار􀈄خ انتهاء الصلاحیة إلى آخر یوم في ذلك الشهر.
􀇽ُحفظ داخل الثلاجة ( ٢ درجة مئو 􀈄ة - ٨ درجة مئو 􀈄ة) .
لا تجمد ه.
􀇽ُحفظ اللقاح داخل الكرتون الخارجي من أجل حما یته من الضوء.

لا تتخلص من أي أدو 􀈄ة عن طر􀈄ق میاه الصرف الصحي أو النفا 􀇽ات المنزلیة. اسأل الصیدلي عن 􀘗یفیة
التخلص من الأدو 􀈄ة التي لم تعد تستخدمها. ومن شأن هذه التدابیر أن تساعد على حما 􀇽ة البیئة.

محتو 􀈄ات هیكساكز􀈄م في 􀘗ل جرعة ( ٠.٥ مل) ١:
المواد الفعالة:
ذ 􀇽فان ال خ ناق لا 􀇽قل عن ٢٠ وحدة دولیّة ٢
ذ 􀇽فان الك ا زز لا 􀇽قل عن ٤٠ وحدة دولیة ٢
مُستضدات البوردیتیلا الشاهوقیة
ذ 􀇽فان الشاهوق ٢٥ میكروج ا ر م
هیم أجلوتینین الخیط ي ٢٥ میكروج ا ر م
فیروس شلل الأطفال (المُعطّل)
النوع الأول ( D ٤٠ (Mahoney وحدات مُستض د ٤
النوع الثاني ( D ٨ (MEF-1 وحدات مُستض د ٤
النوع الثالث ( D ٣٢ (Saukett وحدات مُستض د ٤
المُستضد السطحي لالتهاب الكبد ب ٥ ١٠ میكروج ا ر م
المُستدمیة النزلیة نوع ب عدید السكّر􀈄 د ١٢ میكروج ا ر م
(فوسفات بولیر􀈄بوسیلر􀈄بتول)
مُقترن ببروتین الك ا زز ٢٢ - ٣٦ میكروج ا ر م

مُمتزّ (مثمتصّ) على هیدرو 􀘗سید الألمنیوم المُمیّ ه
٢وحدة دولیة
٣ مُنتجة على خلا 􀇽ا فیر و
٤ كمیة مُستضد 􀇽ة مُكافئة في اللقاح
٥ أُنتجت في خلا 􀇽ا خمیرة هانسینولا بولیمورفا بتقنیة الهندسة الو ا رثی ة
المكونات الأخرى هي :
فوسفات الهیدروجین ثنائي الصودیوم، فوسفا ت البوتاسیوم ثنائي الهیدروجین، ترومیتامول، سكاروز،
والأحماض الأمینیة الأساسیة 􀇼ما في ذلك L- فینیلالانین، والماء المُخصّص للحقن.
قد 􀇽حتوي اللقاح على آثار من غلوتا ا رلدهید، فورمالدهید، نیوما 􀇽سین، ستر􀈃تومیسین و 􀈃ولیمیكسین.

یتوفر هیكساك 􀈄ز م على شكل مُ ع لق للحقن في محقنة مسبقة التعبئة ( ٠.٥ مل).
یتوفر في علبة تحتوي على محقنة مسبقة التعبئة أو علبة تحتوي على ١٠ محاقن مسبقة التعبئة مع إبرتین
􀇽ظهر اللقاح 􀇼عد رجّه على شكل مُعلّق عَكِر ضارب إلى البیاض.

مالك رخصة التسو 􀈄 ق
سانوفي 􀇼استور إس إ 􀇽ه، ٢ أفینیو بون 􀇼استور، ٦٩٠٠٧ لیون، فرنس ا

سانوفي 􀇼استور إس إ 􀇽ه، ١٥٤١ أفینیو مارسیل مار􀈄و، ٦٩٢٨٠ مارس لیتوال، فرنسا

سانوفي 􀇼استور إس إ 􀇽ه، 􀇼ارك إنداستر􀈄ال في إنكارفیل، ٢٧١٠٠ فال دو روي، فرنسا

التغلیف الثانوي بواسطة :
الشر 􀘗ة العر􀈃یة للمستحض ا رت الدوائیة (أ ا ربیو )
قطعة ٦، منطقة مكة الصناعیة، حي العمرة، مكة المكرمة، المملكة العر􀈃یة السعود 􀇽ة

مارس/ 2019
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Hexaxim suspension for injection in pre-filled syringe Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (acellular, component), hepatitis B (rDNA), poliomyelitis (inactivated) and Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine (adsorbed).

One dose1 (0.5 ml) contains: Diphtheria Toxoid not less than 20 IU2 Tetanus Toxoid not less than 40 IU2,3 Bordetella pertussis antigens Pertussis Toxoid 25 micrograms Filamentous Haemagglutinin 25 micrograms Poliovirus (Inactivated)4 Type 1 (Mahoney) 40 D antigen units5 Type 2 (MEF-1) 8 D antigen units5 Type 3 (Saukett) 32 D antigen units5 Hepatitis B surface antigen6 10 micrograms Haemophilus influenzae type b polysaccharide 12 micrograms (Polyribosylribitol Phosphate) conjugated to Tetanus protein 22-36 micrograms 1 Adsorbed on aluminium hydroxide, hydrated (0.6 mg Al3+) 2 As lower confidence limit (p= 0.95) 3 Or equivalent activity determined by an immunogenicity evaluation 4 Produced on Vero cells 5 Or equivalent antigenic quantity determined by a suitable immunochemical method 6 Produced in yeast Hansenula polymorpha cells by recombinant DNA technology The vaccine may contain traces of glutaraldehyde, formaldehyde, neomycin, streptomycin and polymyxin B which are used during the manufacturing process (see section 4.3). For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1.

Suspension for injection Hexaxim is a whitish, cloudy suspension.

Hexaxim (DTaP-IPV-HB-Hib) is indicated for primary and booster vaccination of infants and toddlers from six weeks of age against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, poliomyelitis and invasive diseases caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib).
The use of this vaccine should be in accordance with official recommendations.

Primary vaccination:
The primary vaccination consists of two doses (with an interval of at least 8 weeks) or three doses (with an interval of at least 4 weeks) in accordance with the official recommendations.
All vaccination schedules including the WHO Expanded Program on Immunisation (EPI) at 6, 10, 14 weeks of age can be used whether or not a dose of hepatitis B vaccine has been given at birth.
Where a dose of hepatitis B vaccine is given at birth, Hexaxim can be used for supplementary doses of hepatitis B vaccine from the age of six weeks. If a second dose of hepatitis B vaccine is required before this age, monovalent hepatitis B vaccine should be used.
When a dose of hepatitis B vaccine is given at birth, the sequential infant primary vaccination hexavalent/pentavalent/hexavalent schedule with Hexaxim and a pentavalent DTaP-IPV/Hib vaccine can be used in accordance with official recommendations.
Booster vaccination:
After a 2-dose primary vaccination with Hexaxim, a booster dose must be given. After a 3-dose primary vaccination with Hexaxim, a booster dose should be given.
Booster doses should be given at least 6 months after the last priming dose and in accordance with the official recommendations. At the very least, a dose of Hib vaccine must be administered.
In addition:
In the absence of hepatitis B vaccination at birth, it is necessary to give a hepatitis B vaccine booster dose. Hexaxim can be considered for the booster.
After a 3-dose WHO EPI schedule with Hexaxim (6, 10, 14 weeks) and in the absence of hepatitis B vaccination at birth, a hepatitis B vaccine booster must be given. At the very least, a booster dose of polio vaccine should be given. Hexaxim can be considered for the booster.
When a hepatitis B vaccine is given at birth, after a 3-dose primary vaccination, Hexaxim or a pentavalent DTaP-IPV/Hib vaccine can be administered for the booster.
Hexaxim may be used as a booster in individuals who have previously been vaccinated with another hexavalent vaccine or a pentavalent DTaP-IPV/Hib vaccine associated with a monovalent hepatitis B vaccine.
Other paediatric population
The safety and efficacy of Hexaxim in infants less than 6 weeks of age have not been established. No data are available

No data are available in older children (see sections 4.8 and 5.1).

Method of administration
Immunisation must be carried out by intramuscular (IM) injection. The recommended injection site is preferably the antero-lateral area of the upper thigh and the deltoid muscle in older children (possibly from 15 months of age).
For instructions on handling see section 6.6.

History of an anaphylactic reaction after a previous administration of Hexaxim. Hypersensitivity to the active substances, to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1, to trace residuals (glutaraldehyde, formaldehyde, neomycin, streptomycin and polymyxin B), to any pertussis vaccine, or after previous administration of Hexaxim or a vaccine containing the same components or constituents. Vaccination with Hexaxim is contraindicated if the individual has experienced an encephalopathy of unknown aetiology, occurring within 7 days following prior vaccination with a pertussis containing vaccine (whole cell or acellular pertussis vaccines). In these circumstances pertussis vaccination should be discontinued and the vaccination course should be continued with diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis B, poliomyelitis and Hib vaccines. Pertussis vaccine should not be administered to individuals with uncontrolled neurologic disorder or uncontrolled epilepsy until treatment for the condition has been established, the condition has stabilised and the benefit clearly outweighs the risk.

Hexaxim will not prevent disease caused by pathogens other than Corynebacterium diphtheriae,
Clostridium tetani, Bordetella pertussis, hepatitis B virus, poliovirus or Haemophilus influenzae
type b. However, it can be expected that hepatitis D will be prevented by immunisation as hepatitis D (caused by the delta agent) does not occur in the absence of hepatitis B infection.
Hexaxim will not protect against hepatitis infection caused by other agents such as hepatitis A, hepatitis C and hepatitis E or by other liver pathogens.
Because of the long incubation period of hepatitis B, it is possible for unrecognised hepatitis B infection to be present at the time of vaccination. The vaccine may not prevent hepatitis B infection in such cases.
Hexaxim does not protect against infectious diseases caused by other types of Haemophilus influenzae or against meningitis of other origins.
Prior to immunisation
Immunisation should be postponed in individuals suffering from moderate to severe acute febrile illness or infection. The presence of a minor infection and/or low-grade fever should not result in the deferral of vaccination.
Vaccination should be preceded by a review of the person’s medical history (in particular previous vaccinations and possible adverse reactions). The administration of Hexaxim must be carefully

considered in individuals who have a history of serious or severe reactions within 48 hours following administration of a vaccine containing similar components.
Before the injection of any biological, the person responsible for administration must take all precautions known for the prevention of allergic or any other reactions. As with all injectable vaccines, appropriate medical treatment and supervision should always be readily available in case of an anaphylactic reaction following administration of the vaccine.
If any of the following events are known to have occurred after receiving any pertussis containing vaccine, the decision to give further doses of pertussis containing vaccine should be carefully considered:
• Temperature of ≥ 40°C within 48 hours not due to another identifiable cause;
• Collapse or shock-like state (hypotonic-hyporesponsive episode) within 48 hours of vaccination;
• Persistent, inconsolable crying lasting ≥ 3 hours, occurring within 48 hours of vaccination;
• Convulsions with or without fever, occurring within 3 days of vaccination.
There may be some circumstances, such as high incidence of pertussis, when the potential benefits outweigh possible risks.
A history of febrile convulsions, a family history of convulsions or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) do not constitute a contraindication for the use of Hexaxim. Individuals with a history of febrile convulsions should be closely followed up as such adverse events may occur within 2 to 3 days post vaccination.
If Guillain-Barré syndrome or brachial neuritis has occurred following receipt of prior vaccine containing tetanus toxoid, the decision to give any vaccine containing tetanus toxoid should be based on careful consideration of the potential benefits and possible risks, such as whether or not the primary vaccination has been completed. Vaccination is usually justified for individuals whose primary vaccination is incomplete (i.e. fewer than three doses have been received).
The immunogenicity of the vaccine may be reduced by immunosuppressive treatment or immunodeficiency. It is recommended to postpone vaccination until the end of such treatment or disease. Nevertheless, vaccination of individuals with chronic immunodeficiency such as HIV infection is recommended even if the antibody response may be limited.
Special populations
No data are available for premature infants. However, a lower immune response may be observed and the level of clinical protection is unknown.
Immune responses to the vaccine have not been studied in the context of genetic polymorphism.
In individuals with chronic renal failure, an impaired hepatitis B response is observed and administration of additional doses of hepatitis B vaccine should be considered according to the antibody level against hepatitis B virus surface antigen (anti-HBsAg).
Precautions for use
Do not administer by intravascular, intradermal or subcutaneous injection.
As with all injectable vaccines, the vaccine must be administered with caution to individuals with thrombocytopenia or a bleeding disorder since bleeding may occur following an intramuscular administration.

The potential risk of apnoea and the need for respiratory monitoring for 48 to 72 hours should be considered when administering the primary immunisation series to very premature infants (born ≤ 28 weeks of gestation) and particularly for those with a previous history of respiratory immaturity. As the benefit of vaccination is high in this group of infants, vaccination should not be withheld or delayed.
Interference with laboratory testing
Since the Hib capsular polysaccharide antigen is excreted in the urine, a positive urine test can be observed within 1 to 2 weeks following vaccination. Other tests should be performed in order to confirm Hib infection during this period.

Data on concomitant administration of Hexaxim with a pneumococcal polysaccharide conjugate vaccine have shown no clinically relevant interference in the antibody response to each of the antigens.
Data on concomitant administration of a booster dose of Hexaxim with measles-mumps-rubella vaccines have shown no clinically relevant interference in the antibody response to each of the antigens. There may be a clinically relevant interference in the antibody response of Hexaxim and a varicella vaccine and these vaccines should not be administered at the same time.
Data on concomitant administration of rotavirus vaccines have shown no clinically relevant interference in the antibody response to each of the antigens.
Data on concomitant administration of Hexaxim with a meningococcal C conjugate vaccine or a meningococcal group A, C, W-135 and Y conjugate vaccine have shown no clinically relevant interference in the antibody response to each of the antigens.
If co-administration with another vaccine is considered, immunisation should be carried out on separate injections sites.
Hexaxim must not be mixed with any other vaccines or other parenterally administered medicinal products.
No significant clinical interaction with other treatments or biological products has been reported except in the case of immunosuppressive therapy (see section 4.4).
Interference with laboratory testing: see section 4.4.

Not applicable. This vaccine is not intended for administration to women of child-bearing age.

Not applicable.

a- Summary of the safety profile
In clinical studies in individuals who received Hexaxim, the most frequently reported reactions include injection-site pain, irritability, crying, and injection-site erythema.
Slightly higher solicited reactogenicity was observed after the first dose compared to subsequent doses.

The safety of Hexaxim in children over 24 months of age has not been studied in clinical trials.
b- Tabulated list of adverse reactions
The following convention has been used for the classification of adverse reactions; Very common (≥1/10)
Common (≥1/100 to <1/10) Uncommon (≥1/1,000 to <1/100) Rare (≥1/10,000 to <1/1,000) Very rare (<1/10,000)
Not known (cannot be estimated from available data)

Table 1: Adverse Reactions from clinical trials and reported during commercial use

c- Description of selected adverse reactions
Extensive limb swelling: Large injection-site reactions (>50 mm), including extensive limb swelling from the injection site beyond one or both joints, have been reported in children. These reactions start within 24-72 hours after vaccination, may be associated with erythema, warmth, tenderness or pain at the injection site and resolve spontaneously within 3-5 days. The risk appears to be dependent on the number of prior doses of acellular pertussis containing vaccine, with a greater risk following the 4th and 5th doses.
d- Potential adverse events (i.e. adverse events which have been reported with other vaccines containing one or more of the components or constituents of Hexaxim and not directly with Hexaxim)
Nervous system disorders
- Brachial neuritis and Guillain-Barré Syndrome have been reported after administration of a tetanus toxoid containing vaccine

- Peripheral neuropathy (polyradiculoneuritis, facial paralysis), optic neuritis, central nervous system demyelination (multiple sclerosis) have been reported after administration of a hepatitis B antigen containing vaccine
- Encephalopathy/encephalitis
Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders
Apnoea in very premature infants (≤ 28 weeks of gestation) (see section 4.4)
General disorders and administration site conditions
Oedematous reaction affecting one or both lower limbs may occur following vaccination with Haemophilus influenzae type b containing vaccines. If this reaction occurs, it is mainly after primary injections and within the first few hours following vaccination. Associated symptoms may include cyanosis, redness, transient purpura and severe crying. All events should resolve spontaneously without sequel within 24 hours.
Reporting of suspected adverse reactions
Reporting suspected adverse reactions after authorisation of the medicinal product is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product. Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions.
To reports any side effect(s):
• Saudi Arabia:
- The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC)
o Fax: +966-11-205-7662
o Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Exts: 2317-2356-2353-2354-2334-2340.
o Toll free phone: 8002490000
o E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa
o Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc
• Other GCC States:
- Please contact the relevant competent authority.

No cases of overdose have been reported.

Pharmaco-therapeutic group: Vaccines, Bacterial and viral vaccines combined, ATC code: J07CA09
The immunogenicity of Hexaxim in children over 24 months of age has not been studied in clinical trials.
Results obtained for each of the components are summarised in the tables below:

Immune responses to Hib and pertussis antigens after 2 doses at 2 and 4 months of age
The immune responses to Hib (PRP) and pertussis antigens (PT and FHA) were evaluated after 2 doses in a subset of subjects receiving Hexaxim (N=148) at 2, 4, 6 months of age. The immune responses to PRP, PT and FHA antigens one month after 2 doses given at 2 and 4 months of age were similar to those observed one month after a 2-dose priming given at 3 and 5 months of age: anti-PRP titers ≥ 0.15 μg/ml were observed in 73.0% of individuals, anti-PT vaccine response in 97.9% of individuals and anti-FHA vaccine response in 98.6% of individuals.
Persistence of immune response
Studies on long-term persistence of vaccine induced antibodies following varying infant / toddler primary series and following Hepatitis B vaccine given at birth or not have shown maintenance of levels above the recognized protective levels or antibody thresholds for the vaccine antigens
(see Table 3).
In addition, immunity against the hepatitis B component of the vaccine has been shown to persist up to 9 years of age after a primary series consisting of one dose of Hepatitis B vaccine given at birth followed by a 3-dose infant series at 2, 4, and 6 months of age without a toddler booster where 49.3% of vaccinees had antibodies ≥ 10 mIU/ml with geometric mean concentrations at 13.3 (95% CI: 8.82 – 20.0) mIU/ml. Immune memory against Hepatitis B had been demonstrated by the presence of an anamnestic response to a challenge Hepatitis B vaccination at the age of 9 years in 93% of vaccinees with development of geometric mean concentrations at 3692 (95% CI: 1886 – 7225) mIU/ml after vaccination.

Efficacy and effectiveness in protecting against pertussis
Vaccine efficacy of the acellular pertussis (aP) antigens contained in Hexaxim against the most severe WHO-defined typical pertussis (≥ 21 days of paroxysmal cough) is documented in a randomised double-blind study among infants with a 3 dose primary series using a DTaP vaccine in a highly endemic country (Senegal). The need for a toddler booster dose was seen in this study.
The long term capability of the acellular pertussis (aP) antigens contained in Hexaxim to reduce pertussis incidence and control pertussis disease in the childhood has been demonstrated in a 10-year national pertussis surveillance on pertussis disease in Sweden with the pentavalent DTaP-IPV/Hib vaccine using a 3, 5, 12 months schedule. Results of long term follow-up demonstrated a dramatic reduction of the pertussis incidence following the second dose regardless of the vaccine used.

Effectiveness in protecting against Hib invasive disease
The vaccine effectiveness against Hib invasive disease of DTaP and Hib combination vaccines (pentavalent and hexavalent including vaccines containing the Hib antigen from Hexaxim) has been demonstrated in Germany via an extensive (over five years follow-up period) post-marketing surveillance study. The vaccine effectiveness was of 96.7% for the full primary series, and 98.5% for booster dose (irrespective of priming).

No pharmacokinetic studies have been performed.

Non-clinical data reveal no special hazard for humans based on conventional repeat dose toxicity and local tolerance studies.
At the injection sites, chronic histological inflammatory changes were observed, that are expected to have a slow recovery.

Disodium hydrogen phosphate 1.528 mg
Potassium dihydrogen phosphate 1.552 mg
Trometamol 0.1515mg
Saccharose 10.625mg
Essential amino acids including L-phenylalanine 1.115mg
Water for injections. Up to 0.5mL
Sodium hydroxide, acetic acid or hydrochloric acid (for pH adjustment). These components are only present in trace amount.
per Human Dose of 0.5 mL
For adsorbent: see section 2.

In the absence of compatibility studies, this vaccine must not be mixed with other vaccines or medicinal products.

3 years.

Store in a refrigerator (2°C – 8°C). Do not freeze.
Keep the container in the outer carton in order to protect from light.
Stability data indicate that the vaccine components are stable at temperatures up to 25°C for 72 hours. At the end of this period, Hexaxim should be used or discarded. These data are intended to guide healthcare professionals in case of temporary temperature excursion only.

0.5 ml suspension in pre-filled syringe (type I glass) with plunger stopper (halobutyl) and tip cap (halobutyl), with 2 separate needles.
Pack size of 1 or 10.
Not all pack sizes may be marketed.

Hexaxim in pre-filled syringes
Prior to administration, the pre-filled syringe should be shaken in order to obtain a homogeneous, whitish, cloudy suspension.
The suspension should be visually inspected prior to administration. In the event of any foreign particulate matter and/or variation of physical aspect being observed, discard the pre-filled syringe.
Any unused medicinal product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.

Sanofi Pasteur, 14 Espace Henry Vallée, 69007 Lyon, France


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