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نشرة الممارس الصحي نشرة معلومات المريض بالعربية نشرة معلومات المريض بالانجليزية صور الدواء بيانات الدواء
  SFDA PIL (Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) are under review by Saudi Food and Drug Authority)

Albute in® 20% is a solution for intravenous infusion containing proteins extracted from human plasma, which is the liquid part of the blood. Each bottle contains a solution of human albumin protein.

Albute in® 20% belongs to a group of medicines known as blood substitutes and plasma protein fractions.

Albute in® 20% is used to restore and maintain the circulatin g blood volume where volume deficiency has been demons trated, and use of a plasma substitute is appropriate. The choice of an albumin solution rather than an artificial plasma substitute will depend on the cl inica l situation of the individual patient, based on officia l recommendations.

Albute in® 20% is used for,

• Hypovolemia

• Cardiopulmonary Bypass Procedures (Treatment Adjunct)

• Acute Nephrosis (Treatment Adjunct)

• Hypoa lbuminemia

• Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome

• Neonatal Hyperbilirubinemia

• Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) (Treatment Adjunct)

• Prevention of Central Volume Depletion after Paracentesis due to Cirrhotic Ascites (Treatment Adjunct)

a. Do not use Albutein® 20%

Albute in® 20% is contraindicated in patients with severe anemia or cardiac failure in the presence of normal or increased intravascular volume .

The use of Albutei n® 20% is contraindicated in patients with a history of al lergic reactions to albumin.

b. Take special care with Albutein® 20%

If you think you are suffering from an allergic reaction with breathing difficulties, feeling weak or any other symptoms. the infus ion must be stopped immediately.

Tell your doctor if you are suffering from any of the following conditions:

A weak heart

Technical colors

High blood pressure

Oesophageal varices (enlarged veins in the oesophagus)

Pulmonary oedema (liquid accumulation in the lungs) Bleeding or blood clotting disorders

Severe anaem ia (absence of red blood cells) Problems with urine production

These conditions may rule out the use of Al butein® 20% in your treatment, or cause the doctor to modify the dosage/ infusion rate to avoid complications.

Following reports that there exists a risk of potentially fata l hemolysis and acute renal failure from the inappropriate use of Sterile Water for Injection as a diluent for Albute in® 20%, if dilution is required, acceptable diluents include 0.9% Sodium Chloride or 5% Dextrose in Water. Albute in® 20% is made from pooled human plasma. Based on effective donor screening and product manufacturing processes, it carries an extremely remote risk for transmission of viral diseases,including a theoretica l risk for transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD).

Although no cases of transmission of viral diseases or CJD have ever been identified for albumin, the risk of infectious agents cannot be totally eliminated. The physician should weigh the risks and benefits of the use of this product and should discuss these with the patient.

Albute in® 20% should be administered with caution to patients with low cardiac reserve. Rapid infusion may cause vascular overload with resultant pulmonary edema. Patients should be closely monitored for signs of increased venous pressure.

A rapid rise in blood pressure following infusion necessitates careful observation of injured or postoperative patients to detect and treat severed blood vessels that may not have bled at lower pressure

Patients with marked dehydration require administration of add itional fluids. Albu tein® 20% may be administered with the usual dextrose and saline intravenous solutions. However , solutions containing protein hydrolysates or alcohol must not be infused through the same admin istration set in conjunction with Albutein® 20% since these combina tions may cause proteins to precipitate.

20-25% human albumin solutions are relatively low in electrolytes compared to 4%-5% human albumin solut ions. Your electrolyte status should be monitored regularly and appropriate steps taken to restore or maintain the electrolyte balance when albumin is admin istered.

c. Using other medicines, herbal or dietary supplements

Albute in® 20% must not be mixed with other med icinal products (except the recommended diluenl sl , whole blood and packed red cells.

Do not adm inister protein hydrolysates or alcohol via the same administration set used for Albute in® 20%. It may cause proteins to precipitate.

Albute in® 20% must not be diluted with sterile water for injection as this may cause hemolysis in recipients. The product can be diluted in an isotonic solution (e. g., 5% Dextrose in Water or 0.9% sodium chloride)

d. Taking other medicines, herbal or dietary supplements

No specific interactions of human albumin with other medicinal products are known.

e. Pregnancy and breast feeding

Animal reproduction studies have not been conduc ted with Albu tein ® 20%. It is also not known whether Albute in® 20% can cause fetal harm when administe red to a pregnant woman or can affect reproductive capacity. Albute in® 20% should be given to a pregnant woman only if clearly needed.

If you are pregnant or breast-feeding you must tell your doctor who will decide if Albutein® 20% can be used.

f. Driving and using of machines

Albute in® 20% has not been reported to affect the ability to drive or to operate machines.

g. Important information about some of the ingredients of Albutein® 20%

Please inform your doctor if you are on a low sodium or potassium diet. This medicine contains sodium and potassi um, for this reason you should take into consideration that ,

Sodium may be harmful to you if you are on a low sodium diet.

Potassium is harmful to you if you are on a low potassium diet. It can also cause pain at the site of injection or inflammat ion of veins.


The concentration of the Albutein ® 20% preparation. dosage and the infusion-rate you receive will be adjusted to your individual requ irements. This will be calculated for you by your doctor.

Albute in® 20% is administered intravenously. The tota l dosage will vary with the individual. In adults, an initia l infusion of 100 ml is suggested. Additional amounts may be administered as clinically indicated.

Inspect visually for particulate matter and discoloration prior to administration, whenever solution and container permit.

Directions for Use :

When an Administration Set is Used

Flip off plastic cap on top of the vial and expose rubber stopper. Cleanse exposed rubber with suitable germicida l solut ion, being sure to remove any excess. Observe aseptic technique and prepare sterile intravenous equipment as follows:

I. Close clamp on adm inistration set.

2. With bottle upright, squeeze drip chamber, thrust piercing pin straight through stopper center. Do not twist or angle.

3. Immediately invert bottle, release drip chamber to automatically establish proper fluid level drip chamber (half full).

4. Attach infusion set to administration set, open clamp and allow solution to expel air from tubing and needle, then close clamp.

5. Make venipuncture and adjust flow.

6. Discard all administration equipment after use. Discard any unused contents.

When an Administration Set is Not Used

Flip off plastic cap on top of the vial and expose rubber stopper. Cleanse exposed rubber stopper with suitable germicidal solution, being sure to remove any excess.

Observe aseptic technique and prepare sterile intravenous equipment as follows:

I. Using aseptic technique, attach filter needle to a sterile disposable plastic syringe.

2. Insert filter needle into Albutein® 20%.

3. Aspirate Albutein ® 20% from the vial into the syringe.

4. Remove and discard the filter needle from the syringe.

5. Attach desired size needle to syringe.

6. Discard all administration equipment after use. Discard any unused contents.

If you use more Albutein® 20% than you should

Hypervolemia may occur if the dosage and rate of infusion are too high. At the first clinical signs of cardiovascular overload (headache, dyspnea, jugula r vein congestion), or increased blood pressure, raised central venous pressure and pulmonary edema, the infusion should be stopped immediately and the patient's hemodynamic parameters carefully monitored.

Like all medicines, Al butein® 20% can cause side effects. although not everybody gets them.

The most serious adverse reactions are anaphylactic shock, heart failure and pulmonary edema.

The most common adverse reactions include fever and ch ills, rash, nausea, vomiting, tachycardia and hypotension. Should an adverse reaction occur, slow or stop the infusion for a short period of time which may result in the disappearance of the symptoms. If admin istrat ion has been stopped and the patient requires add itional Al butein ® 20%, material from a different lot should be used.

Albute in® 20%, particularly if adm iniste red rapidly, may result in vascular overload with resultant pulmonary edema.

Because adverse reactions are reported voluntarily post­ approval from a population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their frequency or to establish a causal relationship to product exposure. The following adverse reactions have been identified during post approval use of Albutein ® 20% in decreasing order of significance,

• Anaphylactic shock

• Heart failure

• Pulmonary edema

• Hypotension

• Tachycardia

• Vomiting

• Urticaria

• Rash

• Headache

• Chills

• Fever

• Flushing

• Nausea

If any of the side effects get serious, or if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet, please tell your doctor.

Do not store above 30 °C. Protect from freezing.

Do not begin administration more than 4 hours after the container has been entered. Discard unused portion.

Solutions of Albutein® 20% should not be used if they appear turbid or if there is sediment in the bottle.

Do not use Albutein® 20% after expiry date which is stated on the label and carton. Keep out of the reach of children.

The active substance(s) is: human albumin U.S.P.

Every 1 ml of Alb utein® 20% contains 200 mg of human albumin

Al butein® 20% is a solution for infusion. The solution is clear and slightly viscous; it is almost colorless, yellow. amber or green. Albutein® 20% is supplied in a vial containing 50 ml. Pack size 1 vial.

Grifols Biologicals LLC

5555 Valley Boulevard

Los Angeles, CA 90032, U.S.A.

This leaflet was last approved in 02/2020
  نشرة الدواء تحت مراجعة الهيئة العامة للغذاء والدواء (اقرأ هذه النشرة بعناية قبل البدء في استخدام هذا المنتج لأنه يحتوي على معلومات مهمة لك)

النشرة غير مترجمة للعربية حاليا لأن المستحضر للمستشفيات فقط، سوف يتم اضافة النشرة العربية بعد تقديمها واعتمادها من قبل الهيئة

النشرة غير مترجمة للعربية حاليا لأن المستحضر للمستشفيات فقط، سوف يتم اضافة النشرة العربية بعد تقديمها واعتمادها من قبل الهيئة


النشرة غير مترجمة للعربية حاليا لأن المستحضر للمستشفيات فقط، سوف يتم اضافة النشرة العربية بعد تقديمها واعتمادها من قبل الهيئة

النشرة غير مترجمة للعربية حاليا لأن المستحضر للمستشفيات فقط، سوف يتم اضافة النشرة العربية بعد تقديمها واعتمادها من قبل الهيئة

النشرة غير مترجمة للعربية حاليا لأن المستحضر للمستشفيات فقط، سوف يتم اضافة النشرة العربية بعد تقديمها واعتمادها من قبل الهيئة

النشرة غير مترجمة للعربية حاليا لأن المستحضر للمستشفيات فقط، سوف يتم اضافة النشرة العربية بعد تقديمها واعتمادها من قبل الهيئة

النشرة غير مترجمة للعربية حاليا لأن المستحضر للمستشفيات فقط، سوف يتم اضافة النشرة العربية بعد تقديمها واعتمادها من قبل الهيئة

النشرة غير مترجمة للعربية حاليا لأن المستحضر للمستشفيات فقط، سوف يتم اضافة النشرة العربية بعد تقديمها واعتمادها من قبل الهيئة

النشرة غير مترجمة للعربية حاليا لأن المستحضر للمستشفيات فقط، سوف يتم اضافة النشرة العربية بعد تقديمها واعتمادها من قبل الهيئة
 Read this leaflet carefully before you start using this product as it contains important information for you

Albutein® 20% Solution for Injection

2.1 Qualitative Composition The active ingredient in Albutein® 20% is human albumin. 2.2 Quantitative Composition • Active ingredient: Albutein® 20% 50 mL contains 10 g of human albumin. • Excipients: Sodium Chloride (q.s sodium ion) 0.145 mmol Sodium Caprylate 0.016 mmol Sodium N- Acetyltryptophanate 0.016 mmol Water for injection 1 mL

Albutein® 20% solution is a clear, slightly viscous liquid; it is almost colorless, yellow, amber or green.

4.1.1 Hypovolemia
For restoration and maintenance of circulating blood volume where hypovolemia is
demonstrated and colloid use is appropriate. When hypovolemia is long standing and
hypoalbuminemia exists accompanied by adequate hydration or edema, 20-25% albumin
solutions should be used.
Acute liver failure is a special situation in which both hypovolemia and hypoalbuminemia
can be present. Albutein® 20% can be used in such cases.
Albutein® 20% may be of value in the treatment of shock or hypotension in renal dialysis
4.1.2 Cardiopulmonary Bypass Procedures (Treatment Adjunct)
Preoperative dilution of blood using albumin and crystalloid can be used in
cardiopulmonary bypass procedures. Albumin also may be used in the priming fluid.
4.1.3 Acute Nephrosis (Treatment Adjunct)
Albutein® 20% may be used to treat peripheral edema in patients with acute nephrosis
who are refractory to cyclophosphamide, corticosteroid therapy or diuretics.
4.1.4 Hypoalbuminemia
Abutein® 20% may be indicated for subjects with hypoalbuminemia who are critically ill
and/or actively bleeding. When albumin deficit is the result of excessive protein loss, the
effect of Albutein® 20% administration will be temporary unless the underlying disorder
is reversed. Septic patients and patients undergoing major surgery may lose more than
half of their circulating plasma volume. Treatment with Albutein® 20% may be of value
in such cases, especially when plasma colloid oncotic pressure is abnormally low.
In the first 24 hours after thermal injury, large volumes of crystalloids are infused to
restore the depleted extracellular fluid volume. Beyond 24 hours, Albutein® 20% can be
used to maintain plasma colloid osmotic pressure. Protein loss from the third space due to
infection (acute peritonitis, pancreatitis, mediastinitis or extensive cellulitis) may require
treatment with an infusion of albumin.

4.1.5 Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome
Albutein® 20% may be used as a plasma volume expander in fluid management relating to
severe forms of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.
4.1.6 Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia
Albutein® 20% is indicated for the treatment of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. It may be
used prior to or during an exchange procedure in an attempt to bind free bilirubin and
enhance its excretion.
4.1.7 Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) (Treatment Adjunct)
Albutein® 20% infusions may be indicated in conjunction with diuretics to correct fluid
overload and hypoproteinemia associated with ARDS.
4.1.8 Prevention of Central Volume Depletion after Paracentesis due to Cirrhotic
Ascites (Treatment Adjunct)
Albutein® 20% may be used to maintain cardiovascular function following removal of
large volumes of ascitic fluid after paracentesis due to cirrhotic ascites.

For Intravenous Use Only
4.2.1 Dosage
Adjust the concentration, dosage and infusion rate of the albumin preparation to the
patient’s individual requirements.
The dose required depends on the patient’s body weight, severity of injury/illness and on
continuing fluid and protein losses. Use adequacy of circulating blood volume, not plasma
albumin levels, to determine the dose required.


HypovolemiaAdults: Initial dose of 20 g.
If hemodynamic stability is not achieved within 15
to 30 minutes, an additional dose may be given.
Hemodilution may follow administration of
Albutein® 20%. Anemia resulting from
hemorrhage should be corrected by administration
of compatible red blood cells or compatible whole
For acute liver failure: initial dose of 12 to 25 g.
An infusion rate of 1-2 mL per minute is usually
indicated. For renal dialysis, the initial dose should
not exceed 20 g and patients should be carefully
observed for signs of fluid overload.
Cardiopulmonary bypass
Adults: Initial dose of 25 g. Additional amounts
may be administered as clinically indicated.
Acute nephrosisAdults: 25 g together with diuretic once a day for 7
– 10 days.
HypoalbuminemiaAdults: 50 to 75 g
For pre- and post-operative hypoproteinemia: 50 to
75 g.
In burns, therapy usually starts with administration
of large volumes of crystalloid solution to maintain
plasma volume. After 24 hours: initial dose of 25 g
and dose adjustment to maintain plasma protein
concentration of 2.5 g per 100 mL or a serum
protein concentration of 5.2 g per 100 mL.
Third space protein loss due to infection: initial
dose of 50 to 100 g. An infusion rate of 1-2 mL per
minute is usually indicated in the absence of shock.
Treatment should always be guided by
hemodynamic response.
Ovarian hyperstimulation
Adults: 50 g to 100 g over 4 hours and repeated at
4-12 hour intervals as necessary, when infusion of
normal saline fails to achieve or maintain
hemodynamic stability and urine output.
Neonatal hyperbilirubinemia1 g per kilogram body weight prior to or during
exchange transfusion.
Adult respiratory distress
syndrome (ARDS)
Adults: 25 g over 30 minutes and repeated at 8
hours for 3 days, if necessary.
Prevention of central volume
depletion after paracentesis due to cirrhotic ascites
Adults: 8 g for every 1000 mL of ascitic fluid


Albutein® 20% is contraindicated in patients with severe anemia or cardiac failure in the presence of normal or increased intravascular volume. The use of Albutein® 20% is contraindicated in patients with a history of allergic reactions to albumin.

4.4.1 Hypersensitivity
Suspicion of allergic or anaphylactic reactions requires immediate discontinuation of the
infusion and implementation of appropriate medical treatment.
4.4.2 Hypervolemia/Hemodilution
Albutein® 20% should be administered with caution to patients with low cardiac reserve.
Rapid infusion may cause vascular overload with resultant pulmonary edema. Patients
should be closely monitored for signs of increased venous pressure.
A rapid rise in blood pressure following infusion necessitates careful observation of
injured or postoperative patients to detect and treat severed blood vessels that may not
have bled at a lower pressure.
Hypervolemia may occur if the dosage and rate of infusion are not adjusted to the
patient’s volume status. At the first clinical signs of cardiovascular overload (headache,
dyspnea, jugular venous distention, increased blood pressure), the infusion must be
slowed or stopped immediately.
Use albumin with caution in conditions where hypervolemia and its consequences or
hemodilution could represent a special risk to the patient. Examples of such conditions
• Decompensated heart failure
• Hypertension
• Esophageal varices
• Pulmonary edema

• Hemorrhagic diathesis
• Severe anemia
• Renal and post-renal anuria
4.4.3 Dehydration
Patients with marked dehydration require administration of additional fluids. Albutein®
20% may be administered with the usual dextrose and saline intravenous solutions.
However, solutions containing protein hydrolysates or alcohol must not be infused
through the same administration set in conjunction with Albutein® 20% since these
combinations may cause the proteins to precipitate.
The colloid-osmotic effect of human albumin 20% is approximately four times that of
blood plasma. Therefore, when concentrated albumin is administered, care must be taken
to assure adequate hydration of the patient. Patients should be monitored carefully to
guard against circulatory overload and hyperhydration. Patients with marked dehydration
required administration of additional fluids.
4.4.4 Electrolyte Imbalance
20% - 25% human albumin solutions are relatively low in electrolytes compared to 4% -
5% human albumin solutions. Monitor regularly the electrolyte status of the patient and
take appropriate steps to restore or maintain the electrolyte balance when albumin is
4.4.5 Coagulation Abnormalities
Regular monitoring of coagulation and hematology parameters is necessary if
comparatively large volumes are to be replaced. Care must be taken to ensure adequate
substitution of other blood constituents (coagulation factors, electrolytes, platelets and
4.4.6 Laboratory Monitoring
Monitor regularly hemodynamic parameters during administration of Albutein® 20%; this
may include:
• Arterial blood pressure and pulse rate
• Central venous pressure
• Pulmonary artery occlusion pressure
• Urine output
• Electrolytes

• Hematocrit/hemoglobin
4.4.7 Application Precautions
Albutein® 20% must not be diluted with sterile water for injection as this may cause
hemolysis in recipients. The product can be diluted in an isotonic solution (e.g., 5%
dextrose in water or 0.9% sodium chloride) [see Posology and Method of Administration

4.4.8 Transmissible Infectious Agents
Albumin is a derivative of human blood. Based on effective donor screening and product
manufacturing processes, it carries an extremely remote risk for transmission of viral
diseases. A theoretical risk for transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is also
considered extremely remote. No cases of transmission of viral diseases or CJD have been
identified for Albutein® 20%.
Solutions of Albutein® 20% should not be used if they appear turbid or if there is sediment
in the bottle. Do not begin administration more than 4 hours after the container has been
entered. Discard unused portion.

No specific interactions of human albumin with other medicinal products are known.

Pregnancy Category C: Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with
Albutein® 20%. It is also not known whether Albutein® 20% can cause fetal harm when
administered to a pregnant woman or can affect reproductive capacity. Albutein® 20%
should be given to a pregnant woman only if clearly needed.
Nursing Mothers: There is no human or animal data on the use of Albutein® 20% for
lactating women. Use only if clearly needed.

Albutein® 20% has not been reported to affect the ability to drive or operate machines.

a. Summary of the safety profile

The most serious adverse reactions are anaphylactic shock, heart failure and
pulmonary edema.
The most common adverse reactions are anaphylactoid type reactions.
The most common adverse reactions include fever and chills, rash, nausea,
vomiting, tachycardia and hypotension. Adverse reactions to Albutein® 20%
normally resolve when the infusion rate is slowed or the infusion is stopped.
Should an adverse reaction occur, slow or stop the infusion for a short period of
time which may result in the disappearance of the symptoms. In case of severe
reactions, the infusion is stopped and appropriate treatment initiated.
Albutein® 20%, particularly if administered rapidly, may result in vascular
overload with resultant pulmonary edema.
b. Tabulated summary of adverse reactions
Because adverse reactions are reported voluntarily post-approval from a
population of uncertain size, it is not always possible to reliably estimate their
frequency or to establish a causal relationship to product exposure. The following
adverse reactions have been identified during post approval use of Albutein® 20%,
in decreasing order of significance:
• Anaphylactic shock
• Heart failure
• Pulmonary edema
• Hypotension
• Tachycardia
• Vomiting
• Urticaria
• Rash
• Headache
• Chills
• Fever
• Flushing
• Nausea
c. Description of selected adverse reactions
The most serious adverse reactions are anaphylactic shock, heart failure and
pulmonary edema.
The most common adverse reactions are anaphylactoid type reactions.

Adverse reactions to Albutein® 20% normally resolve when the infusion rate is
slowed or the infusion is stopped.
In the case of severe reactions, the infusion is stopped and appropriate treatment
d. Pediatric population
No human or animal data. Use only if clearly needed.
e. Other special population(s)
No human or animal data. Use only if clearly needed.
To report SUSPECTED REACTIONS, contact Grifols at +1-323-225-2221.
To report any side effect(s):
• Saudi Arabia:
- The National Pharmacovigilance and Drug Safety Centre (NPC)
• Fax: +966-11-205-7662
• Call NPC at +966-11-2038222, Exts: 2317-2356-2353-2354-
• Toll free phone: 8002490000
• E-mail: npc.drug@sfda.gov.sa
• Website: www.sfda.gov.sa/npc

Hypervolemia may occur if the dosage and rate of infusion are too high. At the first
clinical signs of cardiovascular overload (headache, dyspnea, jugular vein congestion),
or increased blood pressure, raised central venous pressure and pulmonary edema, the
infusion should be stopped immediately and the patient’s hemodynamic parameters
carefully monitored.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: Blood substitutes and plasma protein fractions,
Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) code: B05AA01.
Human albumin accounts quantitatively for more than half of the total protein in the
plasma and represents about 10% of the protein synthesis activity of the liver. Physicochemical data: human albumin 4 to 5% is mildly hypooncotic to normal plasma.
Albutein® 20% has a corresponding hyperoncotic effect.
The most important physiological functions of albumin result from its contribution to
oncotic pressure of the blood and transport function. Albumin stabilizes circulation
blood volume and is a carrier of hormones, enzymes, medicinal products and toxins.

Under normal conditions, the total exchangeable albumin pool is 4 - 5 g/kg body
weight, of which 40 - 45% is present intravascularly and 55 - 60% in the extravascular
space. Increased capillary permeability will alter albumin kinetics and abnormal
distribution may occur in conditions such as severe burns or septic shock.
Under normal conditions, the average half-life of albumin is about 19 days. The balance
between synthesis and breakdown is normally achieved by feed-back regulation.
Elimination is predominantly intracellular and due to lysosome proteases.
In healthy subjects, less than 10% of infused albumin leaves the intravascular
compartment during the first 2 hours following infusion. There is considerable
individual variation in the effect on plasma volume.
In some patients the plasma volume can remain increased for some hours. However, in
critically ill patients, albumin can leak out of the vascular space in substantial amounts
at an unpredictable rate.

Human albumin is a normal constituent of human plasma and acts like physiological
In animals, single dose toxicity testing is of little relevance and does not permit the
evaluation of toxic or lethal doses or of a dose-effect relationship.
Repeated dose toxicity testing is impracticable due to the development of antibodies to
heterologous protein in animal models.
To date, Albutein® 20% has not been reported to be associated with embryo-fetal
toxicity, oncogenic or mutagenic potential.
No signs of acute toxicity have been described in animal models.

Name of IngredientsQuantityUnitsFunctionReference
Sodium Chloride (q.s. sodium ion)
Sodium Caprylate
Sodium N-Acetyltryptophanate
Water for Injection q.s.
Isotonic Agent
U.S.P./Ph. Eur.
Ph. Eur.
Ph. Eur.
U.S.P./Ph. Eur.


Albutein® 20% must not be mixed with other medicinal products (except the
recommended diluents), whole blood and packed red cells.
Do not administer protein hydrolysates or alcohol via the same administration set used
for Albutein® 20%. It may cause the proteins to precipitate.
Albutein® 20% must not be diluted with sterile water for injection as this may cause
hemolysis in recipients. The product can be diluted in an isotonic solution (e.g., 5%
Dextrose in Water or 0.9% sodium chloride).

Albutein® 20% is stable for three years provided that storage temperature does not exceed 30 C. Do not begin administration more than 4 hours after the container has been entered. Discard unused portion.

Store Albutein® 20% at temperatures not exceeding 30 C.
Protect from freezing

Albutein® 20% is supplied in: 50 mL, clear, Type II glass vial containing 10 g of albumin

Directions for Use:
When an Administration Set is Used
Flip off plastic cap on top of the vial and expose rubber stopper. Cleanse exposed rubber
stopper with suitable germicidal solution, being sure to remove any excess. Observe
aseptic technique and prepare sterile intravenous equipment as follows:
1. Close clamp on administration set.
2. With bottle upright, squeeze drip chamber, thrust piercing pin straight through
stopper center. Do not twist or angle.
3. Immediately invert bottle, release drip chamber to automatically establish proper
fluid level in drip chamber (half full).
4. Attach infusion set to administration set, open clamp and allow solution to expel air
from tubing and needle, then close clamp.
5. Make venipuncture and adjust flow.
6. Discard all administration equipment after use. Discard any unused contents.
When an Administration Set is Not Used
Flip off plastic cap on top of the vial and expose rubber stopper. Cleanse exposed rubber
stopper with suitable germicidal solution, being sure to remove any excess. Observe
aseptic technique and prepare sterile intravenous equipment as follows:
1. Using aseptic technique, attach filter needle to a sterile disposable plastic syringe.
2. Insert filter needle into Albutein® 20%.
3. Aspirate Albutein®20% from the vial into the syringe.
4. Remove and discard the filter needle from the syringe.
5. Attach desired size needle to syringe.
6. Discard all administration equipment after use. Discard any unused contents.

Grifols Biologicals Inc.

February 2020

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